SOC 170 quizzes

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According to David Harvey, how is scarcity created? Correct Answer

By human activity and social organization

Why is age 75 the "new 65" in the United States?

Today's 75 year olds have the same mortality rates as 65 year olds in 1952

Which of the following statements about life expectancy is false?

The biologically maximum life expectancy has been reached.

Which of the following is not a reason for low fertility mentioned by Gietel-Basten?

Devaluation of children

What issue is the largest environmental challenge identified by Hans Rosling in "The magic washing machine"?

Economic growth

Why does David Harvey see overpopulation arguments as a tool of elites?

Elites use overpopulation arguments to maintain the political and economic status quo

Why did Caroline Sten Hartnett describe US fertility rates as "unusually high"?

Since 1990, US fertility rates have been higher than the rates in most comparable European countries

Which of the following is NOT consistent with the technological critique of Malthus?

Social inequality interferes with the implementation of technological innovations

True or False: Between one-fifth and one-third of married women with unmet need in lower income countries say that they aren't using contraception because they have sex infrequently. Correct!


True or False: Excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic includes both deaths attributable to COVID-19 and deaths from other causes.


True or False: Recent increases in life expectancy have depended on increased survival among the older adult population.


Which of the following is not an official use of Census data?

Determination of tax rates

Why are lower dependency ratios desirable?

A large dependency ratio can have negative impacts on labor productivity, capital formation, and savings rates

What is the demographic explanation for why mobility rates in the United States are lower today than they were in the 1960s?

A larger share of Americans are in older age groups that are less likely to move

What is the demographic transition?

A sequence of population change: mortality declines first, followed by fertility decline

What is an error of closure?

An imbalance in the estimation of the balancing equation of population

True or False: Thomas Malthus believed that poverty was the greatest threat to the environment.


True or false: Noneconomic costs do not affect access to contraception.


Assumptions about what components of population change shape projections of future population size?

Fertility, mortality, and migration

Why do Ritchie and Roser say that we are at a turning point in global population history?

Global population size will increase even as the number of children will begin to shrink

What does the narrowing above the base of a population pyramid usually indicate?

High child mortality

Which of the following is not a potential consequence of sustained low fertility in the United States?

Imbalanced population sex ratios

What is morbidity?

Poor health, including the processes of disease onset, loss of function, and frailty

Which of the following refers to how old someone feels?

Subjective age

What is the p-score of excess mortality?

The percentage difference between the number of deaths observed in a period and the average number of deaths in the same period over the previous five years

What is a cohort?

The population sub-unit that experiences a demographic event during a specific time interval.

Which of the following is a ratio?

The relation of one population subgroup to the total population or to another subgroup.

What was the primary concern about adding a citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. Census?

There were concerns that immigrant families--with and without documentation--would avoid the Census or respond inaccurately.

What is an undercount?

When certain sub-populations are more likely to be left out of the Census count than other groups

Unmet need for contraception occurs when...

the demand for contraception is higher than the use of contraception

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