SOC 2320 UTC

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South Africa was ruled by the white minority, ______ of the population until recently.


In U.S. immigration law, quotas for each sending nation were established in what year?


______ people were murdered during the Rwandan conflict.


Which of the following situations illustrates a double bind?

A woman is labeled as irrational when she cries in public and labeled as cold when she doesn't

Which minority group is the most acculturated?

African Americans

Private property and the passing of wealth emerged during which period?


A major point in Gunnar Myrdal's An American Dilemma is that:

Americans learn norms of fairness and justice along with norms that condone or demand unequal treatment based on group membership

Which of the following represent the two types of stereotypes?

An African American is described as being lazy, irresponsible, and not intelligent A Chinese American is described as being very crafty, too sly, or too ambitious

The two largest racial groups on the island of Hawaii are:

Asians and Japanese Americans

Which of the following is thought to be an important cause of authoritarian personalities?

Childhood experiences in excessively strict home situations

Which two conditions of the Noel hypothesis were not present in the initial contact situation between Europeans and Hawaiian Islanders?

Competition and power differential

What factor(s) affected the pathways of entry for different groups of immigrants from Europe?

Culture Class Country of origin Time of arrival

Which statement accurately reflects the role of diversity in U.S. society?

Diversity is a fundamental and essential characteristic of U.S. society and can be a strength to be cherished and encouraged.

______ establish their own neighborhood and rely on a set of interconnected businesses, each of which is usually small in scope, for economic survival.

Enclave minorities

Horrors in Rwanda were magnified by:

European colonialism

What are two general stereotypes of minority groups?

Extreme inferiority and power and status differences

According to sociologist Judith Lorber, which type of feminists fought for rape crisis centers and battered women's shelters?

Gender resistance

______ put the ______ in a position to govern the ______ in a classic case of divide and conquer, largely setting the stage for the massacre in Rwanda.

Germany; Tutsis; Hutus

Which of the following informal networks promotes homosocial reproduction?

Golf courses

Which of the following theories argues that status attainment is a direct result of educational levels, personal values, and skills?

Human capital theory

The Afrikaans created apartheid, which resembled:

Jim Crow in U.S.

"The most important source of inequality arises from a person's relationship to the means of production." This statement might be heard from a:


The most complex problems in the world might be found in:

Middle East

In Sherif's Robber's Cave experiment:

NONE cooperation increased prejudice all intergroup contact reduced prejudice competition was isolated to games only prejudice caused rejection, attacks, and competition

Apartheid was established by the ______ Party of ______.

National; South Africa

A study of Princeton University undergraduates provided the following perspectives on the content of American stereotypes:

Negative and positive stereotypes can be applied to the same group. Willingness to stereotype seems to decline over the years. The attribution of some traits actually increased in the years between 1933 and 1967.

______ was elected as the first black President of South Africa.

Nelson Mandela

Which hypothesis can be literally and directly applied to LGBTs?


Rosa was an Italian woman who immigrated to the United States in 1900 with her parents and sister. Which member of Rosa's family would most likely be completely assimilated?

Rosa's GGD

Germany lost World War I and experienced severe problems with economic recession, unemployment, and horrific inflation during the 1920s. Which theory/theories best explains the rise of the Na

Scapegoat theories

Germany lost World War I and experienced severe problems with economic recession, unemployment, and horrific inflation during the 1920s. Which theory/theories best explains the rise of the Nazi party in Germany in the 1930s?

Scapegoat theories

Which of the following is an example of selective perception?

Seeing a Native American who is drinking in a bar but not noticing the Native American who is neatly dressed in a three-piece Armani suit Seeing the old man who pulls out on a freeway at 35 miles an hour while ignoring the good driver who happens to be elderly Not presuming that an NFL football player could be gay Assuming that the female doctor is really a nurse

According to your textbook, what factor(s) play a role in the origins of prejudice?

Socialization Competition

Which of the following is not an example of the affective dimension of prejudice?

Stereotyping and over-generalizations

Which book sparked the women's liberation movement?

The Feminine Mystique

What was one expression of anti-immigrant prejudice and racism?

The National Origins Act of 1924

"History generally has been written from the standpoint of the winners." This statement can be reflected in which of the following?

The history of slavery was written by slave owners, while slaves were kept illiterate by law. The history of poor workers establishing the labor movement has often been ignored or trivialized in history books. The experiences of minority-group males are often treated as if they were the experiences of the entire group. Women's history is often completely invisible or treated as a joke.

Which shift in subsistence technology resulted in the mass movement of people from Europe to the United States between 1820 and 1920?

The industrial revolution

Apartheid was ended due to all but which of the following factors?

The white minority left South Africa.

Which statement best explains the reasons for peace in Switzerland?

There is no history of conquest or coercion among groups.

Emory Bogardus specified a total of seven degrees of social distance. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

To close kinship by marriage Correct: To my church as fellow parishioners To employment in my occupation To citizenship in my country Would exclude from my country

The Malcom and Maria story clearly illustrates:

a combination of factors, including sex, may contribute to the differences in the lives of men and women

Germany faces new challenges largely from:

a new wave of immigration

The population of the United States is currently:

affected by long-standing unresolved minority issues affected by rising immigration rates increasingly diverse increasingly multilingual

Separate spheres refers to:

an ideology of men's place versus women's place

Compared to Switzerland, Yugoslavia's contact situation was:


In An American Dilemma, Dr. Gunnar Myrdal suggests that there is a basic conflict (or dissonance) between:

basically egalitarian values and the discriminatory behaviors simultaneously found in U.S. culture

Compared to separatists, minority groups who promote revolution seek to:

become the ruling elite

Minority-group status affects access to different "life chances" including:

better health care access to wealth and income access to decent housing access to higher education

Sex refers to:

biological characteristics

Jobs, welfare reform, and health care are examples of issues that are also objects of:


The Robber's Cave experiment supports the idea that prejudice can be caused by:

conflict situations between groups

The change in values and norms associated with the positive view of masculine traits and the negative view of feminine traits is called:

cultural feminism

Explanations for the persistence of prejudice through time stress:

culture socialization

A criticism of the authoritarian personality theory of prejudice is that it:

does not consider the social settings in which an individual is acting

The primary cause of strife in Rwanda was:

economic problems

Human capital theorists believe that the greater investment in ______, the higher the person's chances of success.

education, personal values, and skills

According to Lenski's theory, inequality in a postindustrial society would center on control of:

educational opportunities and technologies

Germany has atoned for the Nazi's attempted genocide of Jews in all of the following ways except:

eliminating anti-Semitism

Marxism also explains group competition and prejudice by suggesting:

elites control the means of production and also the ideas and intellectual activity in a society

In split labor market theory, there are three actors in the economic sector of an industrial society. These actors are:

elites, higher-priced labor, and cheaper labor

Many years ago, a European American storeowner in a racist town succumbed to pressures from others and agreed to ban African Americans from his shop, even though he himself was not prejudiced at all. This merchant was an example of Merton's:

fair weather liberal

Equal treatment of women best describes the philosophy of:

gender reform feminism

Attempt to change traditional views on what constitutes positive societal norms describes the philosophy of

gender resistant feminism

Survival and success in America for all minority groups has had more to do with ______ than with ______.

group processes; individual motivation

According to Weber, a princess who was rich but "fell on hard times" and lost all of her wealth would be:

high on prestige, low on class

The social or physical characteristics that mark the boundaries between groups are usually:

highly visible

Marxism is a theory of history and social change in which ______ is a central concept.


When entire groups are treated unfairly and unequally in the institutions of the larger society, this is called:

institutional discrimination

The creation of slavery is best understood by the concept(s) of:

institutional discrimination power inequality

According to Milton Gordon, integration in the secondary sector will lead to:

integration in the primary sector

Industrial shifts include all but which of the following:

larger families

Following the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Cherokee Nation changed from a ______ system of land ownership to a ______ system.

matrilineal; patrilineal

Tiered wages and unionization favored:

men in the workplace

There is a greater stigma for:

men who engage in traditional female activities

Stratification is an important concept in the study of minority groups because:

minority groups are often created by struggles over control of valued goods and services

he minority groups in the textbook are presented in order from ______ to ______.

most colonized; most immigrant

Stereotypes vary by:

race gender class

The former Yugoslavia has a complex mix of:

religious and ethnic backgrounds

People classified as Asian and Pacific Islander:

represent many different national and linguistic backgrounds should never be mistaken for unchanging or "natural" divisions between people vary by social class, religion, gender, and in thousands of other ways

A small-town experiences a wave of anti-minority group violence in the weeks following the announcement of massive layoffs at the local factory. These incidents would be consistent with the predictions of:

scapegoat hypothesis

Gender refers to:

social characteristics

The one common factor that seems to account for the origin of all prejudice is:


You hear someone say that "all women are bad drivers," "all Asians are smart," and "all Latinos drive low-riders." These are examples of:


______ are exaggerated generalizations about groups of people and tend to be overly simplistic and difficult to prove.


A person sees a Mexican American male and assumes he is an illegal immigrant. This is an example of:


Friends are to the primary sector as ______ are to the secondary sector.

task-oriented groups

The Boer War was a fight between:

the British and the Dutch

The revival of white ethnicity in the 1960s was primarily fueled by:

the competition for resources and opportunities

Gender socialization is:

the process by which kids are taught expectations for appropriate gender behaviors

Suffragists initially advocated for:

the right to vote and the right to own property

Marx believed that conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat was inevitable and that the ultimate result of this class struggle would be:

the victory of the working class the creation of a utopian society without exploitation, coercion, or inequality a classless society

Women can be viewed as a minority group because:

they are physically identifiable as different from men they have less property, prestige, and power in our society

Prejudice is to discrimination as:

thinking is to doing

Switzerland has a largely peaceful history, primarily due to:

three ethnic groups working voluntarily together

You work at the local bank as a loan processor. Although you believe that whites and African Americans should be treated equally, your boss demands that you turn down any loans requested by African Americans. According to your text, you are a (n):

unprejudiced discriminator

Skin color is an important marker of group membership in our society because it:

was selected during a complex and lengthy historical process became important because we attributed significance to it

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