SOC 303: Marriage & Family Exam 3

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Reasons for remarriage:

- it was time - convenience - social pressure - love - help with children - legal reasons - pregnancy - not sure - other LOOK AT GRAPH ON PAGE 338!

Symbolic Interactionist Theory applied to marital disagreements:

- it's vexing when we define our own expectations as legitimate and those of our partner as not legitimate when they crash with our own

_________ has highest life expectancy.


people are more likely to be assaulted, beaten, raped, or killed in their ______ at the hands of a _________ ______ than in any other place.

home / loved one - nearly 1 out of 4 murder victims in US are killed by a member of their own family

male ______________ is much less common but still occurs to many men

infertility males can be infertile from: - having low sperm count - sperm do not swim as fast as they should - injury infection (having mumps after childhood) - exposure to radiation - birth defects - alcohol and drug use (some prescription drugs as well) - environmental pollutants - variety of other disorders

parents and children are in social communities are these communities are heavily _________________.


families that are warm and generally supportive will:

keep conflict and minimal or moderate levels

In some Asian and Hispanic cultures, young adults are expected to _______ with their parents until they marry.


John Stuart Miller called marriage a _____________.


even innate sex differences tend to be _________.


Emerging adults tend to have more sexual and dating experiences, grow closer again to their parents, and talk more openly and comfortably with ___________ about sexual matters.


Many parents report financial stress with having and raising children. By adolescents, the expenses are at a _________ for many families.



The release of an egg from the ovary

Violence is more likely to occur toward children at or below the ___________ line.

poverty - violence is more likely to be severe -58% of abusers are women, however, majority of sexual abusers are males

the effects of in-law relationships may vary by _______.

race - more info on pages 186 and 187.

There is a larger ____ difference for Non-Hispanic Whites

sex - 62.9% of males vs. 58.9% of females - For African Americans, there is 45.5% of males and 38.1% of females

To be in a social class means to enmesh in a network of others who are mostly _________ to you.


sex roles

social expectations associated with biological sex.

males and females are not exactly the same, however, what is perceived as masculine / feminine is impacted by _________ ____________.

social processes

about 1/3of caregivers admit that caregiving is highly ____________.


Life Course:

studies the changes that occur throughout life - birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, etc... - shows that transitions vary over time and between cultures Example: Transition to adulthood- graduation and adult circumcision (some cultures have female circumcisions to prevent pleasures of sex and some African Tribes have a public circumcision for males between ages of 18-25.

Samuel Johnson called remarriage the:

"Triumph of hope over experience" if this is true, millions of Americans are living in the disillusionment of a second marriage

a child born and raised in California in 2016 was estimated to be how much a year?

$28,675 a year


the gradual loss of emotional attachment, including a decline in caring about the partner, an emotional estrangement, and an increasing sense of apathy and indifference toward one's spouse - dissolution may follow disaffection

Benefits of Marriage:

(benefits do not extend to all groups) - happier - less stressed - fewer emotional & health problems - less risk taking behavior

Fertility rates around world:

- 26.4 years in the US - 28.9 in Norway - 18.9 in Malawi the fertility rates of US are decreasing, it used to be 3.65 in 1960 but is now 1.84 in the US

proportion of those who agree that a divorce is usually the best solution when a couple cannot seem to work out their differences decreased from:

- 45% in 2002 to a little over 38% in 2013.

The 4 stages of the Post-Parental Period:

- Families launching youngest children (parents ages 45-54) - Families of preretirement (parents ages 55-64): still working but approaching retirement - "Young/Old" Retired Families (parents ages 64 to 74): This is a crucial age of filling of void of children being grown and independent and completion of job. - "Old/Old" Families in the later years (parents ages 75 and older)

Eric Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial development

- Infancy-trust vs. mistrust (trust caregivers) - Toddlerhood-autonomy vs. shame and doubt - Preschool-Initiative vs. guilt - Elementary School- Industry vs. inferiority (am i capable or not) - Adolescence-Identity vs. role confusion (as we age, we are still developing and explore new interest) - Young Adulthood- Intimacy vs. Isolation - Adulthood / Middle age-Generativity vs. Stagnation - Late Adulthood- Integrity vs. Despair (life review)

Gross' 4 ways of defining family

- LOOK ON PAGE 345!! Retention: adolescents (1/3) named both biological parents as family but not step parents Substitution: children/adolescents exclude missing biological parent and include stepparent as family Reduction: children/adolescents define the family in terms of the biological parents with whom they were living Augmentation: identifying both biological parents and any stepparent as family members. They see step parents as additions to family

prenuptial agreement

- formal, legal document that normally specifies matters of a marriage prior to the wedding that is drawn up by a lawyer

Twins and multiples:

- in 1980s, twins accounted for about 1 in 105 births among whites, now it is 1 in 70 births. - cost of having twins is not just financial, but is also psychological - twins and multiples can be seen as a cultural issue as they can be seen as evil or good - mom is at greater risk for postpartum depression

the gov has measured the divorce rate in two ways:

- number of divorces per 1,000 population - the number of divorces per 1,000 married women 15 years and older

Systems Theory Applied to Family Traditions and Pressures:

- one of your tasks is to develop your individuality while remaining a part of your family origin. If your family opposes your individual choice of a life partner, you'll be caught in a Romeo and Juliet dilemma. This can lead to rejection of possible life partners before a relationship gets started because you know that your parents would strongly disapprove. Family traditions and pressures are one reason that matters such as religion, race, and ethnicity are still important.

A final caution (page 167):

- our knowledge of another person is always limited - everyone changes over time - our needs and interests change overtime

debate since 1980s: daycare depends on

- quality - quantity (time spend in daycare) - in-home vs. out-of home (in-home daycares have less positive reviews)

The number of unmarried couples has increased since:


By what decade were the majority of women in the US in the labor force?


___% of high school girls in US have been physically or sexually abused by the boys they were dating


the majority of couples who are unhappy can work through their problems and have a happy union within ____ years.


The book states that in 2013, only __% of Americans said they did not want children.

5% - women are more likely to have positive attitudes about childlessness than men. - women in this category place little importance on motherhood. - there are demographic variables associated with childlessness percentages of various racial/ethnic groups: top of page 262

children born in the US around 2001's life expectancy is _____.

78.1 years

_________ Americans are more likely to be married

Asian Americans (65%) - Non-Hispanic White (61%) - Hispanic Americans (57.3%) - African Americans (41.4%)

_____________ has significant consequences for the qualities of out lives.


There are higher issues of HIV/AIDS in what countries?

Developing countries

Chicken or egg scenario:

Does marriage actually provoke these benefits or are people in the groups likely to get married.

True or False: Family violence is more common in societies in which men control women's lives and mothers bear the major responsibility for childrearing


True or False: As your book notes, the majority of adopted children in the US are white or Caucasian:

True! Look at page 267!!

Corporal Punishment is common in the _____.

US - 90% of parents have used physical punishment on their preschoolers.


Marriage between two people who are dissimilar in some social and demographic characteristics.


Marriage with someone who is from a higher socioeconomic background - particularly a kind of heterogamy

In US, arranged marriages occur among some:

Muslim Immigrant families - parents can take the initiative and directly negotiate the union OR - parents can use some form of help such as a matchmaker or the placement of marriage advertisements

Crude Marriage Rate

Number of marriages per 1000 people - this includes everyone and is not restrictive - 7.3 as of 2007 # is lower than it actually is

Family Boundary

a concept from family systems theory that refers to rules about who is a member of the family and how much each member participates in family life


a disease in which the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus begins to grow outside as well. Growth may prevent sperm from meeting egg in fallopian tubes - causes of endometriosis are unknown and tends to affect women in their 20s and 30s who haven't had children yet

Conflict Theory applied for interracial / interethnic marriage

a good deal of competition for valued resources takes place along racial lines in the US. Consequently, we would not expect racial boundaries to be often crossed in marriage, because people of different races tend to unfortunately approach each other as competitors than potential mates.

covenant marriage

a legal contract that couple will not seek to divorce except when abuse or adultery is committed (main demographic is conservative Christians) - if they want to divorce for any other reason, they agree to first have counseling and wait TWO years before finalizing the decision. Arizona, Arkansas, and Louisiana have passed covenant marriage bills.

Pros and Cons of Disciplining children:

Pros and Cons of Disciplining children on page 268

not inevitable, different __________ have shown vastly different rates of family violence.


marriage rate

defined by census bureau as the proportion of unmarried women aged 15 and over who get married in a year, has fluctuated overtime - rate has generally declined since early 1980s although it's still higher than that of most other nations. - in 1970, 65.4% of men and 59.7% of women are currently married. - by 2015, the figures were 51.8% and 48.8% of women - in 2015, the proportion of those married was 55.0% of whites, 49.1% of Hispanics, 37.4% of African Americans, and 61.2% of Asian Americans

You can be imprisoned for striking a child in ___________.


True or False: There is no one thing that makes a good parent


a stressor event can arise from within or outside of the ________.

family - can be an unexpected or predictable event - can be freely chosen (volitional category)

Gender Roles and Equity:

The division of labor is changing - the majority of women working and working women are married - fewer women are staying home (more likely to when children are young) - female household labor has declined steeply - men (not entirely) pick up slack - service economy, technological advances, and changing housekeeping standards remove some of the domestic workload - slack is picked up in other ways (cleaners/maids/rumbas) - perception of equity is extremely important in marital stability (exchange theory, reciprocal exchange, and reference groups and ideology matters here)

low levels of involvement for father and children can do ______ to the relationship.

harm - fathers of preschoolers only spend an average of 2-4 hours per week of direct childcare tasks - low levels of involvement increase risks of behavioral problems, even going to jail

There is not as much research on the roles of fathers and the importance of fathers is underestimated _________________.


Since the 1920s, the number of Protestant-Catholics marriages have ___________ dramatically.

increased - religion remains a strong homogamous factor Religion, page 159

couples and individuals coping with fertility may experience:

- lowered self-esteem - anxiety - depression - sexual problems - questions about identity and meaning of their lives Stages of coping with infertility: (page 264-265) - surprise - denial - anger - guilt - depression - resolution

Tools for effective coping:

- take responsibility - affirm your own and your family's worth - balance self-concern with other-concern - learn the art of reframing - find and use available resources

_______ is the most prominent factor along which we sort people out in the life partner selection

age - men's age on average is usually two years older than women's age - similarity in age is especially common among younger couples

Short-term and long term effects of divorce on children:

look at pages 325 - 327

__________ has both short-term and long-term effects on children


sexual abuse for females is more likely to occur at the hands of a:

family member

____________as just as capable of nurturing as mothers.

fathers - a nurturing father benefits mother and kids - there is a decreased risk of depression for moms and increased levels of happiness for kids

people unfortunately tend to stay in abusive relationships for ______ periods of time.


What men and women expect in life partners:

look at page 154-156 in book!

If a relationship breaks up, ___ experience a moderate decline in their economic status and _______ experience a dramatic decline.

men / women - the book says that the decline for women is particularly high among African Americans and Hispanics

more _________ than ________ wanted to remarry some day

men / women but fewer wanted to date

_____________ is also a time where people become increasingly concerned about their own aging.

midlife - people face issues of appearance, physical competence, and health. - they begin to view life in terms of how much time they have left than how much time has already occurred

not everyone has a ____________ __________, but everyone faces such challenges and concerns at mid-life

midlife crisis - women tend to reach it sooner than men, usually around the age of 35 - she is likely to focus more on her own needs and development as her children are going to school and she is done with her child bearing years - both men and women face new challenges and concerns that may alter the course of their lives

large malaria rates are leading to an increase in _____________ rates.


resilient family

one that can resist disruption in the face of change and cope effectively with crises

Factors that are at work in assortative mating:

- Propinquity - Attraction: (we tend to be attracted to those who are like us) - Family Traditions and Pressures

risk factors of elder abuse:

- frail state - mentally or physically disabled - living with an abusive caregiver

When the couple finally does have any empty nest, there may be:

- mixed emotions of grief, happiness, and married couples can get a boost of passionate love as they are alone again for the first time in years - it's a time of increased marital satisfaction and renewal of their marriage - the empty nest is likely to be a stage that is gratifying and filled with a new zest for living

serial cohabitators

- those who use cohabitation to fulfill their intimacy needs but have no intention to marry

"___________ ___________" disappears from women who are separated extensively from their babies immediately after childbirth.

Maternal Instinct


legal dissolution of a marriage after the marriage has occured


marriage between two people who are similar in social and demographic characteristics, such as age, race, ethnicity, and religion

Five levels of Endogomy:

- IQ - Class = SES (essentially) - Race - Religion - Attractiveness

two kinds of crisis that are widespread:

- alcohol and drug abuse and violence

US Divorce Rates Graph

- look at the graph on page 311and look at page 310 for more info on divorce!!

the most frequent reason why people got married:

- love - 93% of married people and 84% of unmarried people named love as a very important reason

Positive outcomes of divorce:

- personal growth - optimism - safety - Spiritual comfort - improved communication and conflict skills

age homogamy increased during the ____ century


Race and Hispanic Origins of adopted children

Race and Hispanic Origins of adopted children graph is on page 267 - couples who adopt are are generally in higher socioeconomic classes and invest more resources into children's lives

exchange theory applied in marriage:

a relationship based on equity and consensus seems to come rather easily to some couples. -do benefits outweigh the costs or do the costs outweigh the benefits?

Individuals are bad judges of their own ________________

attractiveness - men especially like to overestimate their looks - dilation of pupils can either show attraction or some other things - spouses as well as engaged couples overestimate the attractiveness of their partner (association of marital satisfaction)


born male female (2% are born intersexual)


public ceremony that validates and celebrates a couple's marriage

Physical abuse is approx. ________ as likely among cohabiting couples compared to married couples.

twice - women are more likely to be recipients of violence, but men can be victims too

triangulation by system theorists

when there is intense stress as the marriage itself is troubled and one parent enlists a child into a coalition against the other parent - there is an increase of problems and therapy may be required to help both the child and the marriage

many elderly adults live:

with someone: a grandchild, child, and/or partner. * elderly usually life close to family members/friends - in the mid 19th century, nearly 70% of elderly lived with adult children

People are far more likely to marry _______ racial and ethnic lines rather than _________.

within / outside

Based on standard of living and values:

- spanking, preschool, designer children's clothing and expensive gifts, and extracurricular activities may or may not be present

it was reported in 2014 that ___% of children live with a grandparent(s) in the home

10% - some people become grandparents as early as their 40s. - among those 65 and older, 3/4 of them are grandparents

Parenting Styles by Baumrind and Beyond:

* other factors are involved as well - Authoritative: high expectations, high warmth, reasoning and positive reinforcement to achieve conformity (obey) - Authoritarian: high expectations/ low warmth. Punishment rather than reasoning to achieve conformity (obey) - Permissive/Indulgent: low expectations/high warmth. Focus of friendship, strong bonding but insufficient guidance of control. - Indifferent/uninvolved (least successful): low expectations/low warmth. There is neither support, responsiveness, reassurance, nor control/guidance.

Ineffective Coping Patterns

- "ineffective" does not mean that a coping pattern does not work for an individual or family. Rather it means that it's NOT a pattern that typically will yield long-term, constructive outcomes - denial - avoidance - scapegoating (blaming someone to bear the brunt of the responsibility for a problem)

surrogate mother

A woman who agrees to bear a child for another couple. The husband's (or former partner of the woman's) sperm is implanted into the woman's uterus.

Types of Grandparents:

***LOOK ON PAGE 365 - Formal: may occasionally indulge in grandkids and do some babysitting, but let the parents be the main ones in charge of the childcare. They show constant interest in grandchildren but do not offer advice of parenting - Fun Seeker: establishes an informal, playful relationship with grandchild, joining the child in play, almost like a playmate. - Surrogate Parent: assumes the responsibilities of childcare (roughly 2.7 million grandparents have primary responsibility for grandchildren under 18 years who are living with them) They have more stressors of having to continue to work for income to provide for grandchild/grandchildren - Reservoir of family wisdom: grandparent who acts as a source of special skills and resources for the grandchild/both parents and grandchildren are subordinate to the grandparent/everyone looks up to them and defers their judgment. This role seems to be rare - Distant Figure: grandparent(s) who has kindly but rare contact with children. Grandparents may be separated by distance of by choice, contact is infrequent and brief

percentages of women and men that experienced sexual assault as children:

- 27% of women - 16% of men

Pros and Cons of Opposites attracting

- bottom of page 165 in book

working moms:

- started in the 1980s as mom's started going back to work - mothers in the labor force has led to major changes in parenting - there is a higher need for childcare and daycare while either just mom or both parents work - dual-income homes are becoming more common - mothers have better mental health - mother experience increased parenting satisfaction - however, there is higher levels of stress (tied to economic strain and husband's household contributions) *** Working moms do report higher stress (more stress than working dads) but they are very happy

People with adverse childhood experiences have higher incidents of:

- substance abuse - depression - suicide - cardiovascular disease - diabetes - stroke - bronchitis and emphysema Participants with secure attachment: - 70% after 6 months of therapy - 15% initial assessment

myths of family violence

1) Family is a nonviolent / very good thing. Truth: There are dysfunctional families and family is not always good. 2)Abusers are mentally disturbed and victims are innocent. Truth: There are some rare cases where both abuser and accuser are not innocent. 3) Abuse is confined to poor, minority families Truth: All families can experience some form of abuse 4) Alcohol and drugs are real causes of violence in the home. Truth: They can influence more aggression, but there are other factors involved. Removing alcohol and drugs does not mean completely removing abusive behaviors 5) Children who are abused grow up to be abusers Truth: Some children of childhood abuse will vow not to hurt their children but show them the love they wish they had received 6) Battered women like being hit. Truth: This is definitely false.... some women have been so verbally abused that they think they are not good enough to leave their situation and that they cannot do any better, this is horrible! 7) Violence and love are incompatible Truth: They can be in some rare cases, some people look past others violence and love them regardless.

Common Expectations in Remarriage, those who remarry tend to assume and expect that the new spouse will

1. be loyal, devoted, and faithful, providing a kind of romantic love and intimacy that occurred when the first marriage was at its best 2. help nurture and discipline the children 3. provide companionship and relief from the loneliness of being single 4. help deal with problems and stresses and gain, or regain, the order and stability of a two-parent family 5. be committed to making this marriage last

differing outcomes of family crisis

1. higher maturity; member has grown 2. same level as before; member has coped 3. lower level; member has long-term negative reaction

a study in 1988 found that the great majority of children they studied were functioning well academically, personally, and socially after ____ years in a step family.


an estimated _____ million parents have custody of 22.1 million children under 21 years old while the other parent lives somewhere else.

13.4 million

The desire for children is so strong in many couples that both husband and wife may grieve for ___ or more years following a pregnancy loss.

2 - however, the wife's grief tends to be stronger and lasts longer.

people used to have __ to __ generations of families.

2 to 3 - todays elderly are likely to be members of 4-5 generations - about 1/2 of people over age 65 in US are great-grandparents - 1 in 5 women older than 80 are great-great grandmas

___________ ________________ extended families in US are more likely to be supportive of each other

African American - positive effects on psychological welfare for black males - African American grandmas are more likely to care for grandkids than white grandmas - daughters are more likely to keep contact with parents and care for them than their sons - problems of fewer siblings available to help with their care. - abuse and neglect can be problematic in elderly care, especially when a person is suffering from dementia, has lost ability to speak, etc...

The book states that these that this race group and this ethnic group are more likely than whites to affirm their marital plans, but are less likely to make the transition to marriage

African Americans and Hispanics

Page for stepmothering and stepfathering!!

Page for stepmothering and stepfathering is on page 346!

Is Divorce bad for kids?

Some evidence that divorce is bad for children: - increased risk of behavioral problems, dropping out of school, teen pregnancy, early alcohol and drug use, smoking, etc... - this risk is typically small Also, children of divorce tend to do much better than kids who stay in conflict-heavy-two-parent homes. Gender Effects: - boys tend to have more obvious behavioral effects from divorce - girls have more emotional effects (just because a girl does not have behavioral problems does not mean that she is properly adjusting) - boys without a father in the home are more likely to be aggressive, disobedient, and hyper-masculine

The idea that women come home from a full day's work to another full-time job cleaning, cooking, and caring for children is called:

The Second Shift

True or False: As your textbook notes, having a college degree typically increases the likelihood that you will get married


True or False: The Kitzmann et al. 2003 reading supports the statement that children who witness family violence are more likely to have poor life outcomes than children who do not witness such violence


True or False: The Supreme Court ruling in the Loving v. Virginia case was unanimous


True or false: Recent demographic indicators suggest that more young adults reside with their parents than they did 10 years ago


Assortative mating

a broader concept that refers to marriage between two people who are similar on one or more characteristics. - may be used on personality traits, values, and various other factors

postnuptial agreement

a legal document that specifies how the couple's assets will be divided if they divorce, but is entered into after the couple is married - usually drawn up by couples who were not wealthy when they married but accumulated a good deal of wealth thereafter.


a remarriage involving children - diversity exists along the remarried

family life cycle

a series of stages determined by a combination of age, marital status, and the presence or absence of children - in some cases, a self-perpetuating cycle can be set up: work stress is brought home, creating marital problems that make effective work problematic and cause further difficulty at work, aggravating individual's stress and so forth

in the middle east, wife abuse is not only pervasive but is widely _____________.

accepted - nearly 90% of ever-married women accept at least one reason that justifies wife beating - a United Nations report on violence against children around the world found that "physical violence against children in the home is widespread in all regions"

our intimacy needs are fundamental, but we also have needs for:

achievement and security


adult children living in the same household as their parents - has been on the rise for the past few years - both parents and grown children in US admit that they truly do not want to live together (in terms of privacy and feelings of independence) - but when children live with parents, they are quite supportive - about 40% of adult children have face-to-face contact with their parents once a week or more - marriage deters the likelihood of coresidence

joint custody

an arrangement in which both parents share the responsibility for the care and raising of a child/children

General Marriage Rate

based on the number of people in the population who are eligible to get married in a given year and corrects for the fact that two people are involved in every marriage - 40.6 as of 2005 - about 58.2% of 222.6 billion people over 18 were married in the US as of 2007 (can include widows) - 129.7 million

There has been a general ____________ in birth rates.

decline - by 2014, the rate 12.5 per 1,000 population - birth rates are higher among the poor and minorities than among nonpoor whites **Hispanics have HIGHEST birthrate(and also those who are married, and those in higher socioeconomic strata), followed by Asian American, African Americans, and white Americans - there was a dramatic decline in the 1950s for all of these groups.

if there is an opposing need of stressors and/or resulting conflicts, it is more likely for _____________________ and less ____________.

disagreements / closeness

when a married individual first retires, marital quality tends to go __________ because of the adjustments required.

down - if both spouses have been working and one is suddenly retired, it can lead to conflicts ** High levels of joint satisfaction are less likely if one spouse remains employed when the other has retired

the book states that men tend to marry women who are either at or somewhat below their own ____________ level.

educational Educational homogamy is fairly strong and decreased from 1940 - 1960, but has increased since that time

there is debate over ________________ and death with __________.

euthanasia / dignity - cost of funeral and burial expenses - wills and post-death allocations (not everyone has a will)

men can lactate but it is extremely _________.


replacement level

rate necessary to keep the population stable - this assumes that there would be no increase because of immigration or a declining death rate.


redefining the meaning of something, it's a way of changing your perspective on a situation - it is not the situation that is changed, but the way you look at it

Emerging Adulthood

refers to the period from the late teens through the mid to late 20s. - a time of several challenges, transitions, and explorations,. It's not a time of all fun and games, but more of responsibility it is called "emerging" because the younger person is not married, has not become a parent, and have not taken on the full responsibilities of adulthood.


sexual and/or emotional unfaithfulness to one's partner - it is one of the most severe marital stressors and greatly increases the chances of divorce ex: Internet Fidelity (page 319)

one thing that affects birthrate is the preferred ______ of one's family and ideal ________ of children.

size / number - Gallop Organization: since 1930's the organization has asked people about ideal size of family. In the first year of the survey, 1936, 2/3 of Americans said three or more children is ideal (mean was 3.6). By 2013, the mean was 2.5 - religion and sex of children are important factors of birthrates.


special form of child abuse, any type of exploitive sexual contact between relatives in which the victim is under 18 years of age victims are likely to suffer from: - low self-esteem - conduct problems in school - feelings of being powerless and unsupported by others - relating to romantic partners in a meaningful way after abuse

The greater degree of equality in household division does not come without:

stress and effort

adolescent children adjust better to the separation/divorce of parents when they are able to _________ with them about their feelings and the stress they are experiencing.


_______ years are the most difficult years of raising children.


artificial insemination

the injection of sperm into a women's reproductive tract - to result in conception the procedure must be carried out at the time when the women is ovulating (releasing an egg) - insemination uses either husband's sperm (AIH) or a donor's sperm (AID) Page 265 - AIH is useful when husband's sperm count is low - if husband is sterile or sperm is low, AID is a better option (this is also used for single women and lesbian couples) AID is less acceptable to society than AIH because some religions view this as morally wrong

today in most societies, ___________ outlive _____.

women / men

more than ____ million Americans provide care for a child or parent


domestic violence victims lose nearly ______________ days of paid work per year in the US alone.

8 million

estimated economic costs of family violence globally is ________________.

8 trillion dollars, this is 9% of global GDP.

Chances of growing up in a stable and healthy environment are somewhat less in a ________ family than an ___________ family.

step / family

Type of stressor events

- internal vs. external - normative vs. nonnormative - ambiguous vs. nonambiguous - volitional vs. nonvolitional - chronic vs. acute - cumulative vs isolated - GO TO PAGE 288 for more details!!!

Children can be spanked in some schools in ______.


gender / gender identity

what you are treated as by or behave as

4 stages of cognitive development:

(Jean Piaget) (Childhood Socialization) - Sensorimotor (birth to 18 months): based on physical understanding of self and the world. It's important for babies to crawl and roll around. - Preoperational (18 months to 7 years): language acquisition and treatment of objects as symbolic ~ kids starting to understand words and recognize symbols (think that cartoons come out of tv), and understands object permanence - Concrete Operational (7 to 12 years): learns cause and effect, can manipulate tools and classify objects, understand conservation (glasses experiment), considers others views (knowing that standing in front of tv is blocking view for others. - Formal Operational (12 years and up): develops ability to think abstractly, develop alternative solutions to problems, think creatively, and use knowledge of cause and effect and human interactions. * talking about the future with a young child is difficult * frontal lobe is not developed until 25 - children can also have cognitive deficits.

Four points about the relationship between children and marital satisfaction:

- 1. a decline in satisfaction does not mean a dissatisfaction - 2. level of satisfaction tends to decline for those who do not have children as well as for those who do - 3. at least some of the couples who experienced a decline were already having serious problems before the bay came. - 4. a decline is not inevitable in the long run, children are likely to contribute to the stability and satisfaction that a couple experiences

2010 census recorder the largest elderly cohort in the history of census recording:

- 40.3 million people (13% of population) - this will be 20% of the population by 2050

types of discipline:

- Aversive Discipline: includes yelling and spanking - Non-Aversive Discipline: involves taking away of toys, requiring child to take a "time out" and offering explanations for why a behavior is unacceptable

Assets in the quest for marital satisfaction:

- Context: coming from an intact, nurturing family; marrying at a later age; being supported by family and friends in your marital choice; and having a good educational background and career preparation - Individual: possessing physical and emotional health, having good interpersonal skills, and being flexible - Couple: being similar, knowing each other for a long time before marrying, communicating well with each other, and solving problems

What makes a good parent?

- it all depends - a good parent is high contingent on social groups and parent/child communication - American parenting ideals tend to permeate culture and are often based on white, middle-class, Western European norms

Liabilities and aspects for marital satisfaction:

- Context: marrying at a younger age, coming home from dysfunctional family or broken home, marrying with parental disapproval, lower levels of education, and inadequate preparation for a career - Individual: having some kind of mental disorder, such as neurosis, chronic depression, having a hostile personality, and dealing inadequately with stress. - Couple: being dissimilar, knowing each other a short time before marrying, cohabitating, and possessing poor communication and conflict-resolution skills

Three ways divorce is commonly calculated:

- Crude Divorce Rate: # of divorces per 1,000 people in the population (3.6 divorces = 7.2 people divorced per 1,000 in 2007) - Refined Divorce Rate: # of divorces per 1,000 married females or males - Divorce Ratio: # of divorces granted in a year compared to # of marriages contracted in that same year. .49 divorce rates in 2007

life expectancies for various countries:

- High-income nations: 78.1 years - Latin America: 70.3 years - East Asia in the Pacific: 69.5 years - Middle East & North Africa: 66.0 years South Asia: 62.8 years - Sub-Sarahan Africa: 46.5 years

According to the book, who is more likely to conceive a child while cohabiting?

- Hispanic and Black Women / They are also more likely to remain with cohabiting partner after child is born. - Apparently, whites are least likely

Findings from research of married couples vs. cohabiting couples:

- Married sex is reported to be more satisfying - Married-Couples have better qualities of their relationship than cohabiting couples - rates of violence are higher among cohabiting couples (a woman is 9 times more likely to be killed by a partner in a cohabiting than in a married relationship) - cohabitors have more health problems and poorer health behaviors than married couples. Cohabiter's children are also more likely to have more health problems than children of married couples. - Married couples report greater happiness, less depression, higher levels of commitment, better relationships with parents - Marital unions are more stable and durable than cohabiting unions - Children born from cohabitating parents are 5 times more likely to experience parental separation - cohabiting couples drink more than married couples

Four types of cohabitators

- Precursor to marriage: have definite plans to marry and express a high degree of satisfaction and commitment to the relationship (MOST COMMON TYPE) - coresidential daters: disliked living single life and opt to move in with someone even though they were uncertain about how long term the relationship might be. - trial cohabitators: intend to marry at some point in their lives, but are not sufficiently committed to their current partner to expect cohabitation to result in marriage - alternative to marriage: have more of a commitment of partners than commitment to marriage. They are interested in long-term relationship with partner, but not interested in getting married.

Four types of attachment:

- Secure Attachment: comfort with a mix of proximity and distance, little exposure to risk - Insecure-Resistant Attachment: parents distance themselves from children, exposing children to risk - Insecure-Avoidant Attachment: Parents are overly close to their children and the child is angry when separation occurs. - Disorganized or Ambivalent: Children do not desire closeness and are not distressed by the distance

Family size:

- There is no perfect family size but: - small families tend to have more money -children with higher IQ levels, less corporal punishment, higher levels of academic and occupational performance, better health outcomes - only children do not struggle socially, they fare better on many measures than children of larger families on average

Myths of Remarriage:

- Things must work out - Consider Other people first - Be an individual first and a couple second - focus on the positive and forget criticism - avoid mistakes of the past - marriage makes people happier -

Young Parenthood

- US has highest teen birthrate in the industrialized world - teen birthrate in US was highest in 1950s and is now declining - most teen births are unplanned - approx. 26% have abortions, 22% marry, and 52% have out of wedlock births - increased birth-control access and comprehensive sex ed both have been shown to decrease unplanned pregnancy rate and abortion rate COSTS OF YOUNG PARENTHOOD: - billions of taxpayer dollars - reduce educational and occupational outcomes - child's chances of teen pregnancy and jail are higher

Principle of Circularity in systems theory

- a causing b, which causes more a, which causes more b, and so on. - a partner's emotional problems can lead to a deterioration of the marriage, as the marriage grows more troubled, emotional problems intensify, causing the marriage to deteriorate even more


- instrument developed to assess the relationships of people who are already married. 9 dimensions of a couple's relationship measured by ENRICH: - extent of satisfaction with the partner's personality traits and habits - the amount and kind of communication the couple has - the way conflict is handled - how the finances are managed - the amount and kind of leisure activities - sex - children and parenting issues - relationships with family and friends - role of religion in couple's life 7 types of couples from analysis: Pages 179-180 - Devitalized Couples - Financially Focused Couples - Conflicted Couples - Traditional Couples - Balanced Couples - Harmonious Couples - Vitalized Couples

The Marriage Squeeze:

- a shortage of acceptable mates for one sex or the other imbalance in Sex ratio, either too many males or too many females - describes the effects of an imbalance in sex ratio or the number of males in population relative to number of females - fewer males = low sex ratio - fewer females = high sex ratio - over 40% of African Americans have not been married - over 20% of non-Hispanic whites have not been married Consequences: - overall marriage drops - marriage rates decline - age at marriage for less available gender declines - Women with low SES = higher chance of marriage - Women with high SES = more competition ** According to the census bureau projections, the number of men relative to the number of women will continue to increase, meaning that there will be more men than females

spouse abuse

- abuse can be emotional or both physical and emotional - equal rates of abusing one's partner must be interpreted in light of two facts: 1. women are more likely to suffer injury from physical abuse and suffer more emotionally 2. women who assault their husbands are likely to have been abused by their husbands

Three important challenges that that face the family at midlife:

- adolescent children - aging parents - midlife concerns - by 2013, 43.3 million Americans (13.9%) of population were age 65 and older

what is one of the most common psychiatric disorders among adolescents:

- alcohol abuse and dependence - many adolescent children have a drinking problem - when one or both parents are drug abusers, the consequences can include frequent arguments, inadequate parenting, physical and emotional abuse, health problems, problem behavior by the children, and marital and family disruption

Family violence:

- any act carried with the intention of causing physical harm to legally related individuals or those in close proximity relations

Married people report that by the end of their first year, their spouses less frequently engaged in such things as:

- approving and complimenting the partner - doing or saying something to make the partner laugh - telling the partner "i love you" - taking the initiative in sex - doing something nice for the partner - showing physical affection and having sexual relations - discussing their feelings and problems - talking over things that happened during the day

a lot of things can impact attachment levels besides early parent-child interaction:

- autism spectrum - psychiatric disorders - genetics - infants with short alleles on serotonin transporter gene are more sensitive to responses from parents..... even the children that do not cry when mother leaves are very aware/ aroused that mother/caregiver is leaving.

US Divorce Compared to the World: Some variability in estimates, however, US not consistently at the top:

- based on refined divorce rates, we are higher than all-high income countries and most others - based on ratios, we are #10, behind France, Cuba, Estonia, Luxembourg, Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, and Belgium

Costs of Marriage:

- benefits depend on certain characteristics - restrictive gender roles - women receive fewer benefits, especially in re-marriages - marital quality and stability decline - young children decrease levels of happiness and sexual activity - conflict ridden marriages are worse than being unmarried - can be socially isolating, which undermines benefits


- birthrate has been high for most of human history (children often died young, so people had more children to account for high mortality rates) - drop in infant mortality, decreased farming, and an increase in female power led to decrease birthrate - women now wait longer for having children - in US, we are now near zero population growth, meaning that the amount of children cannot replace parents in terms of population

John Bowlby

- british psychoanalyst - studied attachment and types of attachment - wrote childcare & the growth for love (1953) - he argued that a small child needs continuous, unbroken, and intimate relationship with mom or someone substituting for her to avoid psychological disorders ~ why don't we subsidize children?

Being childless/childfree:

- can be by chance or by choice *** better to use the term childfree - by choice, there is high marital satisfaction that can be present - by chance (15% of couples), there is high stress and a poor overall well-being of couple *** Children are highly expensive, this is why people delay or do not have children

elder abuse

- can be physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, neglection, exploitation, abandonment, or self-neglect - 1 in 10 older adults experience some form of abuse - 90% of abusers are in the family - financial exploitation is the fastest growing type of abuse (younger members trying to convince elderly member to add them to their will or change the will with or without their knowledge)

Aging and Social Problems

- care - income - death

Three patterns of grief that spouses experiences when their spouse dies:

- common: elevated levels of grief and depression that diminished overtime - resilient: low levels of grief and depression - chronic: highest levels of grief and depression and both short-term/long-term negative health consequences ** Grief is associated with: - increased levels of death - higher levels of depression - anxiety disorders - cancer - cardiovascular disease - increased health problems

Challenges of remarriage:

- complex kin relationship and ambiguous roles - unresolved emotional issues related to the first marriage - adjustment of children - financial issues (equity and exchange theory) - legal issues -

Family violence is less likely in societies characterized by what?

- cooperation, commitment, sharing of equality family violence is more common in societies where men control women's lives, violent conflict resolutions are normative, and mother's bear the major responsibility for child rearing. ----> We see that this is slowly changing

Corporal Punishment Debate

- corporal punishment leads to behavior problems (higher levels of aggression and drug abuse) and lower levels of mental health - college students who had experienced highest level of physical punishment while growing up reported more negative relationships with parents, more family worries, depressive symptoms, and more negative social relationships - college students who experienced corporal punishment are more likely to use physical and sexual aggression against a partner - spanking on 3 years olds is associated with higher levels of aggression when children are 5.

Loving v. Virginia (1967)

- court case was April 10, 1967 - decision was June 12, 1967 Facts of the Case: In 1958, two residents of Virginia, Mildred Jeter, a black woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, were married in the District of Columbia. The Lovings returned to Virginia shortly thereafter. The couple was then charged with violating the state's antimiscegenation statute, which banned inter-racial marriages. The Lovings were found guilty and sentenced to a year in jail (the trial judge agreed to suspend the sentence if the Lovings would leave Virginia and not return for 25 years). - lawyers wanted to get a resolution of the statutes - federal court sent the Lovings back to state court - civil right case --> 14th ammendment --> due-process - Chief Justice was Earl Warren - case overturned 16 states - SC was in 1998 - Alabama was last state to hold out in 2000. - Richard loving was unfortunately killed by a drunk driver 8 years after they won their case

PREPARE: Multifactor Approach

- created by David Olson and colleagues - instrument used to predict marital satisfaction and success among those contemplating marriage - developed in 1977 and validated in 1978, second version in 1979 Has 11 different areas: - extent to which couple has realistic expectations - personality issues - communication - conflict resolution - management of finances - leisure activities - sexual relationship - children and marriage - family and friends - equalitarian roles - religious orientation

Benefits of a working mom:

- daughters develop a stronger sense of competence (mom is their role model) - boys and girls are more likely to accept women having careers and men doing family work - boys and girls are less likely to hold rigid stereotypes in general - financial independence for working moms - contribution increases - self-esteem for moms increases - ***children of working moms have no negative effects of psychological development from to mother's absence. children are just as capable of bonding with mom that works HOWEVER, THE QUALITY OF CHILD CARE MATTERS

ABCX Model

- developed by Reuben Hill while studying stress in families - purpose of model was to account for differential success in coping - an important aspect of the impact of stress is the way in which the stressful situation is defined A - the stressor event and hardships it produces B - management of stress through coping resources that the family has C - family's perception and definition of the situation/event X - adaptation to the event

in vitro fertilization (IVF)

- eggs are removed from women's body - fertility drugs may be used to facilitate the development of healthy eggs and to control the timing of ovulation first procedure was in 1978, Louise Brown was born as a result of IVF

Reasons why people want to have children:

- experience of happiness in a family - personal fulfillment - personal and family legacy - personal status - religious beliefs - social expectations

How we evaluate attractiveness:

- facial symmetry is important in assessing attractiveness - asymmetries can indicate genetic disorders, illnesses, old age, etc - facial attractiveness matters most to men, weight is a distant second - not being fat (especially no potbelly) matters most to women, face is a distant second - men prioritize youth in general while women prioritize status

Satisfaction of raising children conclusions drawn by Ann Goetting in 1986:

- generally, satisfaction with the parental role is really high - women report more fulfillment as parents than do men, but they also see parenthood as more burdensome and restrictive - women are more satisfied with parenthood when they also are able to fulfill whatever aspirations for work or career they have - maternal satisfaction is higher to the extent that the women has the social support of friends.

the relationship with adult children enhances the quality of life and is one marked by:

- genuine affection and respect - a kind of harmonious relationship that exists between friends

how men grieve with divorce:

- grieve later - mourn loss of home and children more than loss of wife - they express their grief through words rather than behavior - men are more likely to partake in excessive drinking - women are more likely to exhibit depression and hostility

battered woman syndrome

- has been used in defense of women who eventually kill their abusers - after being repeatedly abused, a women may believe she is unable to control the abuse and thinks she is helpless, has no way to support herself, and if she left, she is afraid her husband would track her down and kill her - another component is the violence continues and the woman becomes aware of any cues that b=violence might occur. She lives in terror of violence and takes advantage of abuser being caring and tries her best to please him to avoid violence

most people marry others who:

- have same IQ/social class -> SES (Women are more likely to "marry up" than men - we meet through work, school, etc... - IQ is tied to cultural capital - same race/ethnicity - share religion - have similar levels of attractiveness (Marriage is less stable when the attractiveness of partners is not similar --> this is a very powerful affect)

However long a relationship is, the quality of the relationship depends on:

- how equitable each partner believes the marriage to be

Three references of timing:

- how long a couple has known and dated each other (strongest predictor) - age at marriage - general readiness for marriage: sense that one is prepared to commit to marriage Second strongest predictor of stability and satisfaction is age at marriage

When are the births of multiple children most common?

- in teens years and 37-42 years of age - artificial reproductive technology also increases probability of multiples

child maltreatment

- includes a range of behavior from depriving children of some of the necessities of life to serve physical injury - physical abuse - sexual abuse - neglect - psychological abuse - medical neglect - other abuse

Ways to potentially decrease child abuse:

- increase age at marriage and first birth - smaller family size - intentional pregnancies - lower rates of unemployment and inflation, legal sanctions - therapy and social services can help decrease abuse that has already occured

Issues of fertility:

- increase in multiple births (stressors for families) - assisted fertility and cryopreservation (freezing sperm, eggs, or embryos) - sex control: customize sex of embryo, easy process but there are some ethical issues with customization

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

- mandates 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a new baby or seriously ill family member - only applies to companies with 50 or more employees - this excludes 50% of employees and 95% of employers - this act is of little assistance to part-time, seasonal, or temporary employees - excludes same-sex couples, in-laws, and extended fam - not an option for those who need the money

The predictors of infertility/ childlessness:

- marital status - age (people waiting later to have kids)(women only have a certain age window to become pregnant and give birth) - labor force participation - education - race/ethnicity (different rates and cultural rates) *** people that experience higher stress in marriage, do not desire to have kids to prevent further stressors

conflict theory applied in marriage:

- men and women have different interests and must to some extent view with each other to successfully pursue those interests

Married and cohabiting couples face the same kinds of problems:

- money, sex, division of labor in home, etc. - However, there are differences between their experiences Book states that married couples have the advantage

when children leave the home, the parent-child relationship changes, it typically becomes

- more supportive - less conflicted - closer

Do half of marriages end in divorce? Ratio method overestimates divorce prevalence a bit for following reasons:

- most people divorcing in a given year were married earlier. - 45% of marriages are remarriages. If those people DO divorce and marry in the same year, they are pushing the ratio closer to 1:1. If they redivorce that same year it would produce more divorces than marriages in that year, technically an impossibility - number of marriages may be smaller than number of divorces


- mothering is not the same thing as childbearing or breastfeeding. - motherhood is caring for a child physically and emotionally - certain theories (Parental Investment Theory and Ethological Perspective) tie in with biology or unique bonding capacities innate to women - men can bond too and animals do not always replicate this gender specific behavior - both men and women react similarly to infant cries and smiles

Family Inventory of Life Events (FILE)

- one effort to identify severity of people responding to stressors - researchers who developed the FILE also worked on context of double ABCX model of stress - the instrument is an effort to measure up the pile-ups of a family in the course of a year - it measures the number and severity of stressors that accumulate and can bring a family to the point of crisis Nine important types of stressors in family life (Intrafamily strains) include: 1. tensions between family members and strains of parent/child relationships 2. marital strains 3. pregnancy and childbearing strains 4. finance and business strains 5. work-family transitions and strains 6. illness and family care strains 7. family losses (loss of member or friend or break-down in relationships) 8. family transitions in and out (members of family moving out or back into the home or engaging in serious involvement of some kind outside of the family 9. family legal strains

egalitarian marriage approach

- one in which husband and wife can both be employed and have an equal voice in making decisions

sandwich generation

- parents who have responsibilities for adolescent children and aging parents at the same time The care can take the form of: - co-residence (parent(s) live(s) with child) - financial help and/or time given to various caretaking tasks ** about 60% of caretakers are women and an average are 49 years old and spend 4 years in their caregiving role - about 1/4 of them spend 4 to 5 years in that caregiving role LOOK AT PAGE 361 on Proportion of 45-56 year old women caring for parents and children

Reasons why people remain child-free in cohabiting/marital relationships:

- personal fulfillment - focus on career (particularly for dual-career couple) - economic costs of children (social exchange theory) - focus on the marriage - doubts about parenting skills

abuse can be:

- physical - verbal/emotional - sexual - economic - psychological * can occur in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships

Preschool and daycare:

- preschools have form of organized instruction targeted towards 3-4 year olds (offer half-day programming) - daycare centers operate as childcare where people watch the children of working parents and often accept infants and toddlers

for americans, commitment in marriage seems to mean three things:

- promise - dedication - attachment

Seven major fears and concerns that fathers have:

- queasiness from fear of maintaining their composure and being helpful during the birth process - increases responsibility - medical procedures, help that medical personnel regarded them as out of place - more than half of men were concerned about whether they were truly the child's father - possibility of damage/death to child/children/wife - marital relationship: men feared that child/children would replace them as focus of wife's attention and less intimate marriage - fragile nature of life and importance of not dying and leaving child without their support

when people do divorce, four phases tend to mark the process:

- recognition - discussion - action - postdissolution

we are more likely to marry someone who:

- shares similar values, humor, leisure interests, same love style, same attachment style, personal qualities, other qualities, and characteristics as ourselves There are some instances where we can even be drawn to people who share some kind of negative characteristic(s) with us


- sharing of daily events, interesting small talk, and positive conversation with spouse, about spouse

difference between intimate terrorism and situational violence:

- situational violence may occur infrequently

all societies have institutions of marriage, these are:

- societal ways of regulating heterosexual relationships. - to say that marriage is a social institution is to point out that there are norms and expectations that govern it. - it prevents heterosexual marriages from deteriorating into chaos (married person is usually off-limits for other partners) - marriage as an institution is important for the well-being of the group

Conflict Theory applied for becoming a new parent:

- the baby brings typical male-female differences into focus (men and women have a certain number of diverse and contradictory ways of feeling and thinking) - some of the mechanisms that parents previously used to deal with their differences are no longer available to them

Social Factors and conditions in addition to the marriage squeeze:

- the norm that a man should be older than a women he marries limits the choices of both men and women - the lingering belief among some people that wives should be homemakers leads to lower rates of marriage among those women who hold this belief but also aspire a college degree. - men who expect to be the breadwinner or at least the primary provider of income for the family are likely to marry only when they believe their income is at a sufficiently high level to fulfill their responsibility - for both men and women, marriage rates are higher among the well-educated than those who are poorly educated

attachment theory:

- theory argues that early childhood experiences impact emotional security later in life

Life Expectancy in the US:

- there are 2 males for every 3 females over age 65. - over 2 women for every man over age 85. - 51% of elderly women are widows compared with 14% of elderly men - men tend to bottle in more stress than women and men are more likely to cope with stress through exercise

working dads:

- there is a growing body of scholarship on men's work-family experiences - children function better with the presence of their dad in their lives - fathers who expressed traditional gender ideology are more likely to increase the amounts of time spent at work after becoming a father AS COMPARED TO..... - fathers with egalitarian gender ideologies who spend less time - the effects are much stronger between African American and white families as African American dads are more likely to spend more time with family after children are grown up regardless of ideology vs. white fathers.

Exchange Theory applied in terms of exchange and equity:

- there is a sense in which we can talk about mate selection as a process of exchange in which people seek equity. - in an exchange relationship, people seek to maximize their rewards and minimize their costs. (Doesn't mean that people seek to take advantage of others)

in the 1970s, California and NY began the trend toward no-fault divorce, which is now practiced in all states. What is no-fault divorce?

- there is no proof for divorce needed - neither spouse accuses the other of impropriety or immorality. - Rather, the marriage is deemed unworkable and therefore is dissolved - some states allow either spouse to initiate the divorce unilaterally, while others require mutual consent. - PURPOSE: to remove some of the acrimony and pain from the process This can lead to a more equitable process (EXCHANGE THEORY APPLIED on page 312)

marital sex

- thought to be normative, which is why there is less research than pre-marital - "sex is a gauge of marital well-being" - marital sex frequently declines with age - frequency of sex is also impacted by marital happiness and stress - former cohabitors and people in remarriage have more sex - contraception matters --> birth control for the first few years of newlyweds. Social class also matters!!! - people in higher social class tend to be more restrictive about sexuality and supported gendered sex roles (taboos of sex/ male initiating sex and female not initiating)

Reasons why we get married:

- to have children: structural support and marital union is important and helpful with raising and having children - enhance personal happiness and well-being - social groups and norms - establish property relations between kin: rights to property - economic stability and benefits

Remarriage (Blended Families):

- we may have a fairly high divorce rate, but we still believe in love! - 4 out of 5 people who divorce in the US remarry, most within about 5 years - males are more likely to remarry than women - younger people are more likely to remarry than older people - the more children, the less likely someone will remarry - the more income a man has, the more likely he is to marry. The opposite is true for women - nearly half of all marriages are remarriages - families are blending!!

on-site childcare

- when businesses provide childcare for their employees - increases worker productivity - reduces absenteeism - minimizes turnover (replacing employees) and subsequent training costs - only about 3% of medium-large sized businesses and less than 1% of small businesses provide onsite childcare (still pretty uncommon) - some companies also provide childcare subsidies but only about 10% of large companies do this


- work by sir Thomas More - utopians severely punished anyone engaging in pre-marital sex because they believed that in anyone had sex out of marriage, they would not get married

Although tolerance of divorce has increased considerably since the 1950s, _____% of Americans still believe that divorce is morally wrong


Cohabiter's reports of instability are about ___% higher than those of married couples.


Family violence affects an estimated _______ million children per month globally, and nearly as many women per year.

290 million

_____ rape victims knew their attacker.


The Six Stations of Divorce:

1. Emotional Divorce: involves a loss of trust, respect, and affection for each other. Spouses act in ways to hurt, frustrate, and lower self-esteem, they grate on each other 2. Legal Divorce: a court officially brings the marriage to an end. This is the ONLY station that provides a tangible benefit to partners: relief from the legal responsibilities of marriage and right to remarry. This can help partners feel free of other kinds of obligations. This station can follow a period of separation, but it's been increasing that many couples opt for divorce than traditional separation 3. Economic Divorce: involves settlement of property Economic Divorce is painful for three reasons. (1) never enough assets for partners to feel that they are getting all that they need to continue to live at a comfortable level. (2) There can be considerable acrimony over who gets what. (3) There is likely to be a sense of loss as each partner realizes that he or she must live in the future without some familiar and cherished possessions 4. Co-Parental Divorce: Experienced by those with children (about 2/3 of all couples) and decide who will have custody, visitation rights, and continuing parental responsibilities of children 5. Community Divorce: Each partner leaves one community of friends and relations and enters another 6. Psychic Divorce: central separation that occurs- the individual must accept the disruption of the relationship and regain a sense of being an individual feeling lonely and isolated for a period of time

at the time of remarriage, a man and woman can be in one of five different conditions:

1. single 2. divorced 3. widowed with no children 4. divorced or widowed without custody of children 5. divorced or widowed with custody of children but not others There are 24 different types of remarriages with these qualities (not 25 because two single people do not constitute a marriage)

every ____ seconds in the US, a women is physically assaulted or beaten by the hands of a partner or family member

9 - 1/3 of women have been victims of domestic, family, or partner violence in their lifetimes.

Causes of Divorce: A selective List:

A LOT of factors contribute to divorce, here's a few significant ones sociologically speaking: - infidelity - individualism - myth of romantic love ( ~ Romantic partner is not necessarily the idea of a soulmate. The whole "there is only one person out there for you" can add lots of pressure to find THAT person ) - relationships are very hard work - stress (breaking effect: having young children prevents couples from immediate divorce) - independent women (Ireland did not have legal divorce until the 90s) - norms and ease of divorce - some of the other risk factors include gender, young age at marriage, pregnancy before marriage, substance abuse problems, having parents who divorce SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS: - Socioeconomic Status (SES) - Age at marriage - race - social integration - changing norms and roles INTERPERSONAL FACTORS: (page 319) - complaints - conflict - Changed feelings and perspectives - emotional problems

intimate terrorism

A violent and demeaning form of abuse in a romantic relationship, in which the victim (usually female) is frightened to fight back, seek help, or withdraw. In this case, the victim is in danger of physical as well as psychological harm. - suffering of frequent, long-term episodes of violence - injuries - emotional problems - painkillers - miss work or important events to recover

True or False: The concern of global overpopulation is tied to the increasing fertility rates around the globe:


True or False: Richard and Mildred Loving were from South Carolina.

False, They were from Virginia!

Divorce Tends over time:

In 2004, 4/1000 people divorced and 7/1000 people married - There was a spike in both marriage and divorce mid 1940s due to war - declines during baby boom and clines back up post 1960s. The chart of lecture 14 of prezzi helps provide how marriage and divorce have changed throughout the years in the US

in the 19th century, ______ (__________ ___________) did not allow divorce at all

SC South Carolina - New York allowed divorce only on the grounds of adultery - North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Nevada among other states made it easy for people to establish residence and obtain a divorce. BUT *** only middle and upper-class people could typically afford to pursue a divorce under such conditions

Stepfamily Life Cycle

Three phases in first 10 years: 1. turbulent first two years of turmoil and conflict 2. 3-5th year, golden period as problems from years 1 and 2 have been resolved. There is more intimacy being established in family 3. Year 6 and on consists of both progress and conflicts


a promise of dedication to a relationship in which there is an emotional attachment to another person who has made the same promise - it is not enough to merely feel affectionate, that affection must be expressed

Social Integration

a state of relative harmony and cohesion in a group. - people in this have an important source of support and a buffer against stress

15 most severe family stressors:

all on page 290!!

The book states that _____________ raises the chances that your marriage will be one of lower quality and stability


historically, children are often raised __________________.

communally - moms still spend as much time with kids as women who stayed home

one of the most important factors in marriage is the pattern of ______________________.

communication ( to discuss problems, and include self-disclosure)

drug use and sex are less likely to be issues of ______________.


the notion of childhood as exclusively a time of innocence and joy is a recent _____________.

construction - kids were viewed as assets to families that would add contributions - historically, children also valued for their economic labor: this was the transition to "economically worthless emotionally priceless" children that occurred in US between 1870 and 1930. - parents still love their kids, but delayed attachment common

Marriages in old age are more likely to be ___________________ as the husband increases his share of the housework, particularly once he is retired


Children between 6 and 17 living with cohabiting parents had lower levels of ______________ and ____________ well-being than children living with both biological, married parents.

emotional and behavioral

boomerang kids

grown children who return to their parents' home to live - could be to save money, breakup/divorce, loss of job, etc... - 40% of adult children in 2015 were reported as boomerang children Children can move back in with their families due to: - health issues - financial problems - drug/alcohol problems - parental health struggles - boomerang kids are in ways some what similar to delayed launching children

_______________ families with coercive atmospheres may have intense conflicts that worsen over adolescents.


an unintended pregnancy raises the chances of ____________ parenting and diminishes the parent's well-being.


____________ has resulted in a number of adverse effects on physical health, including high rates of hearing loss and blood disorders.


Marital Separation

included people who are legally separated, those living apart with intentions of obtaining a divorce, or people who are otherwise permanently OR temporarily separated because of marital discord, without the intentions of divorce - require several remediations

Proportion of all married couples that are interracial or interethnic has ____________ considerably.

increased 3.1% in 1980 to 7.5% in 2015

age at first birth is ______________.


Proportion of Children Living with Step and Adoptive Parents

look at graph on page 336!

rites of passage

marks a significant time in an individual's life, such as the transition from childhood to adulthood Ex: attaining the age of getting your drivers license and obtaining it - when families do have conflict, it can be related to rites of passage


marriage contract is rendered void by a court due to causes existing prior to the marriage, establishing that essentially there was no marriage at all Ex: Brittany Spears and that one guy she got married to

Choices of mate selection for women are even fewer than those for ___ because of sex composition.

men - there is less than one male for each female in the US. Sex ratio also varies by race, Hispanics have more males than females. African Americans have lowest number of males per 100 females because of unfortunate death rates among young black men

_____ are slightly more likely to be married than _________.

men / women - 59.9% of men - 56.7% of women

the ______________ is particularly important in the child's adjustment, even if she does not have sole custody.


The nature of any individual's experience depends on such things as the _________ and ___________ of the two partners, the length of time the two have been together, and whether the relationship is heterosexual or homosexual.

motives and purposes

It is ______ true that older people lack sexual desire or that they are physically ____________ of having sexual relations.

not / incapable ** Sexuality is actually one of the last functions to decline Many couples have higher satisfaction at this age than when they were first married

emotional abuse

occurs and accompanies physical abuse - includes such things as the threat of physical abuse and ridicule - some victims find emotional abuse to be more detrimental than physical abuse to their well-being, including their marital satisfaction

sole custody

one of the parents is given the responsibility for the care and raising of a child/children

men also get a ___________ release when they see their newborn babies

oxytocin - this is the attachment hormone


pairings that are similar in some respect - IQ may not measure intelligence that well but can measure areas of IQ

adolescents tend to perceive much greater stress from their ______________ than from their peers.

parents - adolescents think that they cope with any stress better with their peers than with their parents

life partner

person whom you potentially plan to spend the rest of your life with - could be cohabitational relationship, but mainly in context of marriage - those who stressed spending time together tended to have greater communication, commitment, and less conflict

elderly sizable segment of US is _______.

poor - about 9.6% live below poverty line) - better than it used to be though

many other ____________ are more likely to coreside and be even more supportive/familial with their families than most US families.

societies - Ex: Hispanic and Chinese cultures/families - Positive Psychological effects of social ties on elderly - children will take care of their parents in their old age

The beliefs about biological differences between men and women provide ideological justification for a system of ________________ by sex

stratification - males are only 10% taller, 20% heavier, and 30% stronger than women on a global perspective There are NOT big differences in intelligence of adult males/females

what causes infertility?

sustained exposure to environmental factors, such as: - toxic chemicals can render and individual sterile - STD's can damage a woman's fallopian tubes - infections from intrauterine contraceptive devices - endometriosis - various other conditions can cause blockage of fallopian tubes, preventing conception scar tissues from inflammation - improper ovulation - women's body may hinder or kill sperm

drug abuse (page 291)

the improper use of alcohol or other drugs to the degree that the consequences are defined as detrimental to the user and the family - national survey shows that a little more than half of Americans 18 years and older are regular drinkers and 1/4 admit to binge-drinking - although proportion of users has gone down considerably since 1980, the rates are still disturbing for use of the past 30 days


the inability to conceive after a year of unprotected sex. - infertility does NOT mean that people do not have children; sometimes people have children, desire another, but are unable to get pregnant - infertility affects many Americans: 6.0% (1.5 million)married women are infertile and another 12% have impaired fertility

loyalty conflicts

the internal stress that results when contradictory commitments are expected from different family members . -these are particularly likely in step families


the need for each family member to be an autonomous individual as well as an integral part of an intimate group - family therapists stress the need for this!! - the family MUST be aware of the danger of fusion (a blurring of the boundaries between people in which they are so involved with and depend upon each other that they have difficulty making their own decisions and having their own opinions.


the time of important physical, intellectual, and role changes - physically, adolescents change in size and appearance for sexual relations and preproduction - intellectually, adolescents develop the capacity to think more logically and more abstractly - role changes involve the transition out of childhood and moving towards adulthood *** Adolescents NEED increasing autonomy and independence as well as they strive to find out who they are (their identity)


the willful abandonment without legal justification of one's spouse, children, or both - you cannot serve a legal divorce because there is no one to serve it to


this is for many women who wait to have kids until after their fertility levels have dropped - cancer patients use this technique to store their gamates to potentially have a child - use assisted reproduction(freezing of embryos/sperm(semen)/eggs

serial marriage

three or more marriages as a result of repeated divorces or widowhood - unstable and involves an individual(s) who is in a serial-marriage pattern

________________ of abuse is a big issue for men because of social stigma towards masculinity



we're more likely to marry someone that is close proximity to us - does reflect social class differences

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