SOC test 1

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Which would be an example of a subculture?

A sorority/faternity

The idea of surplus food production, and being able to produce food on a massive scale for a large number of people, is most closely associated with:

Agricultural society

The term "sociology" was coined in 1838 by

Auguste Comte

Which of these products or brands are signs that there is such a thing as a "global culture"?

Coke McDonalds Nike All the options

In a country where companies have developed the technology for fuel efficient cars, but have not developed roads to run those cars, this would be an example of:

Cultural lag

When you go to a foreign country, and you don't judge their food to be "weird" or "bad", but you try and appreciate their food in the same way locals do, you are practicing:

Cultural relativism

The pioneering sociologist who studied patterns of suicide in Europe was

Emile Durkheim.

A person who thinks that their culture is better than everyone elses', is best described as:


T/F A street sign, like a stop sign, is a universal symbol that is understood by every single person in the whole world.


Which of the following statements is an accurate criticism of the structural-functional approach?

It ignores inequality that can generate tension and conflict.

In a country where girls are normally married off at the age of 13, and typically have children at age 14, having sex with a teenage girl is considered a violation of:

It is not a violation of any of the other options

What does it mean that "culture is a social heritage"?

It is shared It is passed down from one generation to another It is something all humans inherit based on where they are born

Which pioneering sociologist founded Chicago's Hull House to assist immigrants and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

Jane Addams

Which early sociologist claimed that his goal was not to simply understand society but to change it?

Karl Marx

The sociologist who called on his colleagues to be value-free was

Max Weber.

Which founding sociologist emphasized the importance of understanding a social setting from the point of view of the people in it?

Max Weber.

In the US context, rape would be considered a violation of:


In the United States of America, there are laws that ensure companies do not discriminate people based on their race. This is a policy reflects:


The idea that it is impolite to fart in the presence of your friends is an example of:

Non-material culture

The movie series "Twilight" would be an example of:

Popular culture

Things like the iPhone, the internet, and Wikileaks are most closely associated with:

Postindustrial society

Which theoretical perspective on culture would look at classical music as an example of the elite holding on to their privilege and differentiating themselves from the masses by their cultural tastes?


Which theoretical perspective sees that culture is an outcome of a long process of evolution, and as a way that humans adapt to their environment?


According to Macionis, which area of the United States is the most multicultural judging by the language that people speak?


The theoretical approach in sociology that views society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability is the

Structural-functional approach.

Which theoretical perspective on culture is most likely to argue that prostitution is not necessarily a bad thing in society, and that it does contribute positively to certain peoples' lives?


Which theoretical perspective says that there are certain cultural practices, like eating and sexual taboos, that are characteristic of ALL cultures in the world?


A general standard of right or wrong, of desirability, or what is good, attractive, positive or negative, that is agreed upon with in a culture, and guides people in how they should live, is defined as:


Critical sociology can best be described as

an activist approach.

According to Comte, during the Middle Ages most people in Europe thought of society as

an expression of God's will.

Interpretive sociology is sociology that

focuses on the meaning people attach to behavior.

Which of the following is the best example of a latent function of going to college?

keeping young people out of the job force, which may not have jobs for them

Unrecognized and unintended consequences of the social structure are called

latent functions.

The recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern are referred to as

manifest functions.

A criticism of the symbolic-interaction approach is that it

overlooks the wide spread influence of culture and structural factors.

The social-conflict approach draws attention to

patterns of social inequality.

C. Wright Mills claimed that the "sociological imagination" transformed

personal problems into public issues.

__________ is a way of understanding the world based on a scientific approach to knowledge.


By stating that the sociological perspective shows us "the strange in the familiar" the text argues that sociologists:

reject the familiar idea that people simply decide how to act in favor of the initially strange idea that society shapes our lives.

Which of the following concepts refers to relatively stable patterns of social behavior?

social structures

Which research method asks subjects to respond to a series of items in a questionnaire or an interview?


The basic idea of the symbolic-interaction approach is that society is

the reality people construct as they interact with one another

By linking specific facts together to give us meaning, we create a


Studying the meaning people attach to their everyday lives is the search for


In the process of measurement, reliability refers to

whether repeating the measurement yields consistent results.

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