SOCE210 Sociology: Your Social Life 20-21 [FINAL TEST] /// Unit 1 - 8

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In order to keep the population of a country from fluctuating, how many children would the average woman have to have?


Which statement is an example of how the profane can become sacred?

A bench when placed in a church becomes a pew and a place for prayer.

What features make a cult different from a sect?

A cult is often not connected with an organized religion.

Is a flash mob BEST classified as a collective behavior or a group and why?

A group because there is a common expectation for behavior.

Which statement is MOST likely an example of the norms of a crowd changing?

A group that has been observing a fight decides to join in.

Like most aspects of cities, sprawl has both positive and negative impacts. What concerns would a human ecologist have about an expansive suburban network like the one in Phoenix?

A lot of natural resources are being turned into urban spaces.

Why is the issue of racially-based mascots so difficult to resolve?

A lot of people do not think that it is a serious problem.

What makes a moral panic different from mass hysteria?

A moral panic requires targeting a specific group.

What does the example of the Deepwater Horizon illustrate about environmental issues?

A single event can have long-lasing implications for the environment.

Which of these points is a key difference between sports and activities?

Activities do not generally attract the same mass audience that sports do.

Some societies, like Canada and the United States, have changed rapidly while other places, like some African nations, have seen far less change. Why are these African nations MOST likely slower to change?

African nations often do not have access to the resources of industrial nations.

Which statement explains why many countries are especially interested in limiting mass media from the United States while accepting media from other countries?

America dominates film and television in ways that other nations do not.

Which society would produce more trash, an agrarian society or a highly urban one?

An urban one because it is more dependent upon convenience.

What conclusion does demographic transition theory MOST likely support?

As nations industrialize, the cost of child care rises.

In news, there is a saying, "if it bleeds, it leads." This references the fact that stories about violent events attract more attention. Therefore, these stories tend to be the headlines of newspapers or the lead story on the evening news. What does this show about priorities in mass media?

Attracting an audience is the leading concern.

Those with vested interests are often opposed to change. For instance, some argue that many fast-food workers could be replaced by technology, such as touch screens, that let people place orders. Therefore, fast food workers have a vested interest in rejecting automated ordering. What is the MOST likely argument against the idea that automation eliminates jobs?

Automation can create new jobs for those who design and maintain machines.

The subject of mascots cannot be effectively discussed without including the role of mass media. Why is this the case?

Because of the popularity of sports, the imagery in mascots reaches many people.

Socialism means that the government can control or heavily regulate some industries or businesses in society. What relationship does this create between government and private businesses?

Both government-owned and private businesses compete with one another.

Which historical example illustrates the cyclical theory of social change?

Both the Roman and Ottoman empires collapsed due to over-extension and poor administration.

During the Industrial Revolution, many workers sought to limit capitalism by striking to demand fair wages and better working conditions. As a result, there are now laws in place to ensure that workplaces are safe and meet the needs of workers. However, many industrialists objected to these laws. How could they argue that these laws limited capitalism?

By definition, a free market does not have regulation.

Sports play an important role in the social development of many young people in the United States. Why is it a problem if the focus on competitive sports is too intense or all-consuming in a young person's life?

Careers in sports are very competitive and can end abruptly.

If we were to ask the gatekeepers why people with disabilities, who are overweight, or who represent smaller minority groups are rarely portrayed in entertainment, what would be the MOST likely response?

Casting conventionally attractive people makes more money.

For some sociologists, the rise of cities can be viewed as a negative development in society. The growth of cities has resulted in many issues, particularly since their development has led to indifference towards human suffering. Not all changes due to the rise of cities are bad, however. What is one social benefit that cities have provided?

Cities have also created a lot of outreach and improved social services.

How has modernity changed life in rural areas, even in small communities?

Communication and technology have kept rural areas connected to the rest of society.

What is a significant disadvantage of individualization?

Community ties are weakened or reduced.

By the Middle Ages, cities had walls. What problem of preindustrial cities did these walls solve?

Concentrated populations were vulnerable to raids or attacks.

Why are demographics such an important tool for social scientists?

Demographics reveal much about the overall health of a population.

Industrial cities were built on the social organization of the relationships among workers. Which statement MOST accurately explains what this means?

Distinct classes and social hierarchy define this complex society.

Newspapers are one of the oldest forms of mass media. What does this suggest about the original purpose of mass media?

Distribution of information was its primary purpose.

The Industrial Revolution caused people to move into cities in unprecedented numbers due to the rise of factories. Why are cities are still continuing to grow even in areas where industry no longer dominates?

Due to new and emerging industries, cities still have the best prospects for employment.

Which statement BEST explains why riots, even though they are usually spontaneous, tend to have identifiable consistent behavior?

Even when social norms are violated, there are identifiable trends.

Which statement BEST explains why environmental issues are crucial to society?

Every society depends on the environment for survival.

Collective behavior is rarely spontaneous, making it easy to study.


Contagion theory suggests that the general action of a crowd has rational and predictable ways, much like that of a virus.


Contingency workers are generally unskilled workers.


Greater opportunity for women leads to them marrying at a younger age.


Nations with the most resources often have the highest birth rates.


New religious movements often find acceptance quickly in society.


North America is one of the only regions where the stigma against divorce is declining.


Once a religion is created, it rarely changes or adopt new principles.


Postmodernity is characterized by a firm belief in progress.


Social movements go through stages in the same order.


Some societies do not experience social change.


Someone who lives in the city is automatically more tolerant than a person who lives in a rural area.


The problems of urban life tend to impact all social groups equally.


Part of a school's function is to build a common culture. What aspect of student's experience can make this a challenge for schools?

Family, faith, media, etc. expose students to many different ideas about culture.

Why would China be less strict on those who have multiple children in the countryside than families that live in cities?

Farming communities often depend on the labor children provide.

In the pre-industrial era, families were responsible for education. Now, public or private schools generally fill that role. How has this changed the structure of the family?

Fewer family members are needed in the home as society takes on some of the roles that were previously assigned to them

Social change often has unplanned effects. Which response illustrates an unplanned effect of the "gig" economy?

Fewer people have jobs with benefits like health insurance.

Which statement is an example of a way in which the hidden curriculum can be harmful to society?

Focusing on the actions of one group can suggest that other groups do not matter.

Why is information more important in the postmodern age than it was in the modern era?

Globalization has increased connection and the speed at which information spreads.

Why did Karl Marx think that communism would be the final stage of evolution for societies?

He thought that ongoing inequality would be intolerable for society.

Studies show that 25 percent of people who get downsized are unable to find work afterwards. Why are these people often unable to get new jobs?

If positions are not needed in one industry, they are likely to be eliminated in others.

Media covers far more men's sports than women's sports. One of the arguments for this is that women's sports are not as popular as men's sports. What is the BEST counter argument to this point?

If they had more media coverage, women's sports would be more popular.

Tyrone is on the debate team and is preparing an argument against evolutionary theory. Which point should he include in his argument?

Industrialization brought unprecedented destruction in the 20th century.

Why is multilinear evolutionary theory more flexible than linear evolutionary theory?

It accounts for differences in social development.

While tracking students in the classroom based on abilities has some clear disadvantages, what do those who support it argue?

It allows different students to work more comfortably at their skill level.

While many people marry outside their cultures, endogamy can be particularly beneficial to minority communities. Why is this the case?

It can ensure that they can survive and thrive despite their low numbers.

What is the advantage of a sport that has a strong subculture, like surfing?

It can form strong social bonds among its members.

Ahmed is a father who is raising his three young sons on his own after the death of his wife. As the only adult in the household, he is struggling to balance working full time to pay the bills while taking care of this children. His mother, who is also widowed, suggests that she could move in with him. Why would this arrangement be helpful to his family?

It could help with both finances and childcare.

Why would similar socialization be important when searching for a marriage partner?

It creates similar expectations for managing daily life and setting goals.

There are numerous examples of people experiencing distress in public and receiving little assistance from bystanders. Why are urban sociologists so interested in this phenomenon?

It has implications for how urban societies treat strangers.

When children break the rules of a sport, other children do not want to play with them. Why is this an important lesson for children to learn?

It helps them understand the social consequences of breaking the rules.

Why is exploring how much dissent citizens are allowed to express a good way to measure the type of government in a society?

It is a good way to define the balance between freedom and authority.

Why is it important that schools teach young people rules?

It is a good way to learn to follow the rules of society, like laws.

In Great Britain and some schools in the United States, ethics education is part of the curriculum. What argument supports the idea of ethics education as part of formal education?

It is a logical extension of their purpose to socialize young people.

Why is Notre Dame's mascot, the Fighting Irish, a problem?

It is based on a stereotype of Irish persons being violent.

Juanita is living in the United States. Most of her mother's family lives in her area, so she sees the extended family on her mother's side regularly. Her father's family, however, is very small and lives quite far away. Because visiting them is time consuming and expensive, Juanita and her family only see them about once a year. What family structure is represented in this scenario?

It is bilateral, but Juanita probably feels closer to her mother's family.

What is the MOST common way for a sect to transition to an established sect?

It lasts for multiple generations and gains some permanence.

Why did China believe that imposing taxes on families with more than one child would address a larger social problem?

It limits the resources families use by imposing penalties on larger families.

While laissez-faire capitalism is good for business, many argue that it is not good for society. What is a potential problem associated with unrestricted capitalism?

It means that employers can exploit employees.

In the mid-twentieth century, divorce was often only granted in cases where one spouse could prove that the other had done something very wrong. What priorities did this kind law establish?

It prioritized the institution of marriage over the happiness of the individuals involved.

How does religion help connect people with a larger society?

It puts them in a group that often interacts with the community.

Over 50 percent of children are growing up in single-parent households in the United States. What does this information indicate about how single parenting is likely to be viewed by future generations?

It will be viewed as a normal family unit.

What can happen if fertility rates drop too low?

It will cause the overall population to decline over time.

Significant changes in the economic landscape often have a ripple effect, so a change in one industry will dramatically impact another. What change will an increasing dependence on e-commerce create?

It will increase business for delivery industries.

Imagine that Country X suddenly sees a significant increase in emigration. How would that change impact the population of the country?

It would lower the population.

Under what circumstances does a country usually have very few denominations?

Its population is largely one culture, and it has few immigrants.

Which of these areas is an example of a consolidated metropolitan statistical area?

Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim

In most democratic societies, individuals believe that they have a lot of freedom. Nevertheless, the government plays a significant role in people's daily lives. What role does regulation play in typical democracies?

Many aspects of daily activities, like school and work, are heavily regulated.

There are significantly more men than women in China due to the one child policy. What social change will this create?

Many men will not be able to marry and have children.

The overall divorce rate has been in decline since the 1980s; however, more and more of today's children are being raised in single parent households. When considering these two seemingly contradictory statistics, what additional factor may account for this discrepancy?

Many people create families without marriage, so their break-ups are not counted in the divorce rate.

When tragic events happen, members of the community often come together for events like candlelight vigils that have their origins in religious practices, even if they are not done in according to the tradition of a specific religion. Why do people of differing faiths (or no faith at all) choose to participate in these kinds of events?

Many people find comfort in rituals, whether they're religious or not.

If the social stigma of divorce is declining and causing more people to feel comfortable getting divorced, what does this suggest about earlier eras?

Many people stayed in marriages because of social pressure.

Given what you know about tracking and the digital divide, which statement is MOST likely true?

Many students who are disadvantaged by tracking are also disadvantaged by the digital divide.

In July of 2019, the US women's soccer team won the World Cup. That same summer, the team jersey became the best-selling soccer jersey of all time that Nike had ever produced. What does this indicate about women's sports?

Media attention and impressive athleticism can make women's sports very popular.

Cults make their belief systems dominate within their groups. How do they usually accomplish this goal?

Members are taught how to behave and then constantly monitored by other members.

Social status is often passed on to children by their families in the United States. Which answer is an example of how this occurs?

Middle-class parents often ensure that their children get a college education.

Which statement BEST illustrates the difference between modernity and postmodernity?

Modernity was more confident in human ability to solve social problems.

Why was living with extended families more common in the pre-industrial era than it is today?

More family members helped divide up the large amounts of labor that it took to maintain a household during that time period.

In 2015, 17 percent of marriages were interracial, and that number has been steadily increasing. In 1967, only 3 percent of marriages were interracial. What caused this social change?

More racial tolerance has allowed these relationships to form and be accepted.

Why do religious groups often get involved in issues of social justice?

Most religious groups believe in treating others well and fairly.

Which response is an example of the lack of socioeconomic diversity in mass media?

Most shows focus on middle0 and upper-class characters.

Social movements, like the civil rights movement or the women's movement, tend to die down after significant gains are made, even if these gains do not meet all of the goals of the movement. According to relative deprivation theory, why is this the case?

Movements are strongest when traditional methods of change do not work.

Research has shown that there are negative consequences for Native Americans when they are portrayed as cartoonish mascots. Why is this a bigger problem for Native Americans than other minority groups, like the Irish?

Native Americans already face a lot of discrimination in American society.

Many cities in the developing world are experiencing industrialization. Will they likely experience a significant rise in immigration as well?

No, these cities tend to be in countries with large populations.

A group of lobbyists working for the automobile industry is trying to prevent laws that would require more fuel-efficient engines. Many automobile manufacturers are working together on this action. Is it a social movement?

No, they are working for change within the system.

The demand for beef in the United States has increased as population has increased; however, the birth rate in the United States is declining. Does this mean that the demand for beef will decline as well?

Not necessarily as the US population continues to increase due to immigration.

Carrie and Michael dated in high school. They both got jobs after graduation and decided that they wanted to get their own place, get married, and begin their lives together. Unfortunately, about a year into the marriage, Carrie and Michael realized that they wanted very different things in life and decided to divorce. How unusual is this?

Not very—many couples split within the first two years.

There are many experts on city planning and social behavior. Nevertheless, cities often grow rapidly which results social issues like slums. Why does this happen despite the efforts of professionals to avoid them?

Often growth is too fast in order to be properly controlled.

There is a high energy concert and attendees are packed in tightly, pushing their way to the stage. The lead singer notices and amps up the crowd even more. Then a few attendees start to climb on the stage and mob the band. How would emergent-norm theory BEST explain this behavior?

Once one person moved forward, the entire rest of the crowd was destined to follow.

Today, the number of people in the world who are not part of an organized religion has been growing steadily. How have larger social changes altered the role of religion in society?

Other knowledge, like science, can explain why events occur.

Though it's one of the largest cities in the world, Tokyo is projected to have a decline in population due to the low birth rate in Japan. What will MOST likely be a consequence if this occurs?

Other world financial capitals will become more important than Tokyo.

Which answer summarizes divorce trends over the past 40 years?

Overall, divorce rates are declining.

Which characteristic of collective behavior has the potential to make it a social problem?

People in groups will participate in negative behavior they otherwise would not.

In the 1960s, 72 percent of people over the age of 18 were married. What does this fact suggest about employment in this era?

People with a high school education could get jobs that supported a family.

If a largely democratic government shifted to become more authoritarian, in which aspect of daily life would citizens be MOST likely to notice a change first?

Personal freedoms would start to be reduced.

Studies have shown that young children who attend preschool do significantly better in kindergarten than those who are just at home with parents before attending school. What aspect of preschool sets these young students up for success in the more structured environment of school?

Preschool introduces much of the socialization that school requires.

Emilio and Antoinette have been fighting a lot lately. They have been married for almost 10 years and have two young children. Even though they are either fighting or not speaking most of the time, they are staying together for the children. Are their children benefitting from this decision?

Probably not since there is a lot of tension in the household.

In many African societies, polygyny was a common way to build alliances and networks among local communities. Which of the following structures would facilitate using marriage as a tool for making political connections?

Prominent men would marry women of status from different communities.

East and West German citizens began protesting so that their countries, which had once been one country, could re-unify. Ultimately, these crowds started dismantling the Berlin Wall that separated East and West Germany. What would make a group suddenly reject the social norms that had allowed for the wall to remain standing for decades?

Protest built a sense of community, emboldening the group to act uncharacteristically.

Which statement BEST describes a consequence of America's fascination with the automobile?

Public transportation is not as thoroughly developed in the United States as it is in other Western nations.

People tend to marry those from similar backgrounds, including race, religion, social class, educational background, etc. At the same time, interracial marriage in the United States has been steadily increasing since it became legal in 1967. How can people marry those outside of their race yet be of similar social status at the same time?

Race is independent of social class, education levels, and chosen religion.

Else's parents signed her up for junior soccer league. She is only six, so the games are not very competitive. In fact, at that age they do not even keep score. Else is not a particularly skilled athlete. How will playing a sport at this age be of benefit to her?

She will learn rules and teamwork, regardless of her skill set.

Internationally known environmentalist Greta Thunberg has been an inspiration to many. At the same time, others have criticized or belittled her efforts to draw attention to environmental issues. What is the basis for this criticism?

Social movements are often subject to criticism by those who do not want change.

Which statement explains why it is so difficult to determine the role of violence in the media on social behavior?

Socialization comes from many sources, so it is hard to pinpoint the impact of a specific influence.

Which statement BEST explains why sociologists are particularly interested in social changes that came with industrialization?

Societies that have not industrialized tend to change more slowly.

Why does the cyclical theory of social change suggest that it is important to study history?

Societies will continue to have different versions of similar problems.

Which explanation BEST describes why sociologists use the term new religious movement instead of cult?

Sociologists want to be neutral, and cult has negative implications.

Which factor undermines the statistic that one in two marriages end in divorce?

Some people get married and divorced more than once.

Most of those who participate in sports will not become professional athletes, regardless of the sport. Why is it important to make sure that women have equal access to sports even if it is unlikely to turn into a career?

Sports build a lot of skills and life-long habits that benefit men and women.

What does the term "consolidated metropolitan statistical area" imply?

Statistical similarities justify examining an area as a single entity.

While the number of children being raised by stepparents has increased, having a stepparent often does not provide the same benefits as living with married parents. Why does remarriage NOT bring the same benefits as nuclear families?

Stepparenting brings a lot of challenges and issues that can erode its benefits.

In 2005, the American Psychological Association declared that all mascots based on Native Americans should be retired because of their harmful effects on Native Americans. They argued that these mascots promote stereotypes. Why is promoting stereotypes harmful to all those exposed to them?

Stereotypes reduce identity to a few traits that do not represent the group.

Suki is very excited about her new church group. She had never been religious before, but she became curious about a new group that she heard about and decided to learn more. One of the leaders at the church has been spending a lot of time with her explaining the teachings, but he has warned her that a lot of people judge their beliefs unfairly, so she should definitely not discuss them with friends and family. In fact, it is best if she does not say anything at all. What behavior may be a warni

Suki needs to be secretive.

Based on convergence theory, if an individual is caught looting during a riot, which of these statements is probably true?

That person has a prior criminal record.

People have strong opinions about whether or not religious ideas belong in American public schools. Most of those who favor religious education want to see Christian principles taught in schools. Why is this idea problematic for public schools in the United States?

The United States does not have an official religion, so it is inappropriate to favor one.

The United States does not have one of the top five largest cities in the world, or even one in the top 10. What best explains this?

The United States has a lot of room to create suburbs and other communities nearby.

Most Western societies depend on bilateral descent. If the mother comes from a wealthy family and the father hails from a less prosperous one, what does this mean for their children?

The child's social status will be determined by the combined resources of both parents.

Durkheim argued that religion can bring people together and act as a kind of glue to create a society. While this has many positive benefits, including a feeling of community and belonging, what is a potential disadvantage of this connection?

The close connection can make people intolerant of outsiders.

The overall world population growth rate is 1.3 percent. However, the rate is higher in some countries, like some African nations, and lower in places such as Japan and Canada. What does this fact suggest about the consequences of population growth?

The consequences of population growth will be more apparent in poorer countries.

Both marriage and divorce rates are dropping in the United States. What does this suggest this suggest about American families?

The definition of family is shifting to adapt to contemporary society.

In European history, most monarchies follow patrilineal descent patterns when it comes to choosing who inherits the throne. What does this mean?

The father, rather than the mother, determines the right to the throne.

Deindustrialization generally occurs because a company has found a cheaper way to manufacture products or parts. How does this kind of change impact local communities that were the original home to these industries?

The loss of jobs can be economically devastating to the community.

How does the patriotic message of the media vary from similar messages in educational institutions?

The media message is much more varied.

The movement to legalize marijuana has been largely successful in recent years. Now that there are numerous states where the goal of legalization has been reached, what is MOST likely to be the next phase of this social movement?

The movement will fade as participants lose interest.

Based on the past and current state of women as world leaders, what is the MOST likely future of women's participation in higher political offices?

The number of women in powerful positions will increase, but slowly.

How does dominant ideology shape the kinds of television shows that are made?

The shows tend to reflect the values of the gatekeepers.

China's one child policy reflects the nature of the Chinese government. What does this policy imply about the government?

The state has the power to shape all aspects of society, including family life.

Which statement BEST describes the conclusion of the world systems approach?

The system favors core nations at the expense of peripheral nations.

Armando has joined his high school football team. He is spending a lot of time in the weight room trying to bulk up and has committed to fitting in with the team. Unfortunately, he is spending less time on homework because he is often exhausted when he gets home from school, and it is starting to show in his grades. His family is concerned that he is taking it too far and pushing himself too hard. Why would Armando be willing to sacrifice personal success in order to be a better team member?

The team has a subculture that values pushing one's self.

Why was the New York Draft Riot defined as a riot and not just considered a mob incident?

The violence was neither organized nor directed.

Around the world, researchers are focused on monitoring population growth. Why do so many people feel that this is an important issue to examine?

There is a growing concern over of lack of resources.

Which is an example of the limits of personal expression, even in democratic societies?

There is free speech, but you cannot threaten a politician.

When looking at patterns of European immigration to the United States, there are distinct peaks in immigration for certain groups. For example, German immigration picks up dramatically in 1830 and continues to be significant throughout remainder of the 1800s. What does this information MOST likely suggest about Germany during in this era?

There was a lot of unrest in Germany in the 19th century.

History curriculums across cultures tend to focus on important leaders and social movements. Why are these elements of history consistently emphasized?

These are often key to building a common culture.

Industrialization has created larger communities in urban areas. What advantage do these large populations have?

They allow for the expression of diverse views.

If an individual was raised in a middle-class household and became a single parent, what would MOST likely happen to their social status?

They are more likely to become lower class due to shouldering the costs of child- rearing on their own.

Imagine that there is a city council member in your local government that makes a lot of unpopular decisions. They are then found to have been stealing money. In a democratic society, what is the likely outcome?

They can be removed from office through the appropriate procedures.

Religious groups often take on projects that are not specifically prescribed in their faith, like sponsoring daycare centers, food banks, or homeless shelters that benefit the community. How do these actions benefit the faith communities that perform them?

They can build community and strengthen the faith.

In Jamar's preschool, they recognize a lot of special occasions. They let parents bring in treats for birthdays, draw pictures for Grandparents' Day, and have lessons related to Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza. They also talk about common experiences, like going to the doctor or dentist. What social function do these activities serve?

They create a common society.

Why don't fads count as a social change?

They do not alter social institutions.

People in poverty are generally deprived of resources, yet they do not often create social movements to resolve the inequities they face in society. Why this is MOST likely the case?

They feel entitled to some kinds of change but not others.

Although cities are scheduled to increase in numbers, there are still many places in the world that do not have major cities. What conclusion can you draw about these places?

They have not yet attracted major industries.

The United States receives more immigrants than any other nation in the world. However, many countries, like Saudi Arabia and Australia, have a greater percentage of their population made up of immigrants. What does this information reveal about these countries?

They have smaller populations than that of the United States.

In the United States, we have the idea that people succeed based on talent; however, gatekeepers largely determine what is presented to an audience and becomes successful. What does this suggest about commercially popular musicians?

They may be the most profitable rather than the most talented.

American demand for beef has led to the destruction of rain forests in Central and South America. What does this unfortunate statistic indicate about environmental issues and our planet?

They need to be approached globally.

Why do leaders in cults spend so much time teaching rules to new members?

They need to indoctrinate individuals so that they fully embrace beliefs.

Why are smaller communities becoming less common in the United States?

They often do not have the same opportunities for jobs as larger cities.

Why are cults often perceived as dangerous or negative?

They often remove people from established communities.

Some countries ban monopolies. How do these bans serve consumers in these countries?

They prevent a company from controlling the industry and exploiting consumers.

In order to avoid paying him benefits, Armando's boss will not give him more than 20 hours of work a week at his job. Even though he has asked for more hours, the company has chosen to hire more workers over offering Armando full-time work. Armando is very upset by this and wants to bring together other employees to start a social movement aimed at changing the company's policy. According to relative deprivation theory, what does Armando need to say in order to convince his coworkers to join him

They should have more hours and that the company will not willingly change.

How do edge cities fit into consolidated metropolitan statistical areas?

They would be included in them.

There have always been societies whose lifestyle depends on moving around often so that herd animals, like sheep or cattle, can graze. How would this lifestyle shape the way these societies develop?

They would not build cities, which require settled agriculture.

The definition of a nuclear family is changing in the United States as more people are choosing alternatives to marriage. How does this changing definition reflect American society at large?

This broader definition includes a greater variety in the ways in which people live.

Why is it a problem that some sports encourage players to "play hurt"?

This practice can change minor injuries into life-altering ones.

Why would living in a city rather than a rural area make people less likely to help out a stranger?

Those in rural areas are more likely to know each other and feel obligated step in.

Some of the world's biggest cities are financial hubs. Others are in the developing world and do not have the same industries to support them. How will the cities with financial centers differ from those without them?

Those with financial centers have a higher standard of living than those of cities in the developing world.

Which kind of state has fewer personal freedoms, totalitarian or authoritarian, and why?

Totalitarian because it allows no personal freedoms.

An increasingly global society ensures that environmental issues are everyone's problem.


Convergence theory does not take into account that individuals often behave differently when in a crowd.


Education can be a factor in creating inequality among social classes.


Emergent norm theory suggests that crowds basically create standards for behavior on the spot.


Fads are often supported and promoted by social media.


Families are very influential in shaping one's political views.


Highly developed nations can do the most to eliminate pollution.


In the upcoming decades, more people around the world will move to urban areas.


Justice movements, such as Black Lives Matter, are social movements.


Minorites are more likely to be raised in single-parent households than other groups.


More women than men are raising children in single-parent households.


Much of the socialization that comes with sports is positive.


Narcotizing dysfunction can make people less empathetic during a crisis.


Peripheral nations are often exploited by core nations.


Socialization happens in schools, the workplace, and with our family and friends.


Those who favor cyclical change theory look to history for patterns in society.


Sociologists do not try to prove or disprove the existence of God or the truth of religion. Why do sociologists avoid this question?

What people believe is more important to sociologists than whether or not they should believe it

How did the women's movement in the late twentieth century help to balance the family structure in the United States?

Women had more access to education and better careers, thus equalizing family dynamics.

Imagine that there was a sudden spike in the death rates of women in their 40s. What conclusion would a social scientist MOST likely draw from this information?

Women in their 40s are facing a new, serious health risk.

Divorce tends to be more likely when the woman in the couple earns more than the man. What conclusion can you draw from this information?

Women who can support themselves are more comfortable leaving marriages.

Under socialism, the government often controls or heavily regulates industries. How do these regulations tend to benefit citizens?

Workers generally receive higher wages and better benefits.

Does C. Wright Mills's theory of power structure apply to democratic societies?

Yes, even democracies can have great differences in power.

Imagine that there is a small society in an isolated location. They are primarily independent hunter-gathers, but they occasionally trade with neighboring groups in the region. Are they part of an economic system?

Yes, if there is any kind of exchange, it is an economic system.

Will nations that have not experienced the Industrial Revolution still deal with issues of modernity?

Yes, modernity will still influence many aspects of culture.

A group of environmental extremists decides to protest a logging company by destroying logging equipment that belongs to a large corporation. They view themselves as part of the environmental social movement. Can the corporation still press criminal charges against the activists?

Yes, their behavior is still criminal even if it is for a cause.

Alison often babysits her cousin while her aunt works at night. While her aunt does not pay her, she will often take Alison shopping on weekends or pay for her school supplies. Does this exchange count as participation in the economic system?

Yes, there are goods and services being exchanged.

A group of housekeepers and other hotel workers feel that their wages are unfair and decide to protest in front of the hotel where they work. Is this a social movement?

Yes, they are seeking change outside of traditional avenues.

Yu Yan lives on the east coast and her aunt lives on the west coast. They do not see each other very often, maybe only once every other year. However, they text or speak on the phone weekly and always make time to hang out when the family gets together in person. Is Yu Yan's aunt part of her kinship group?

Yes, they clearly have a strong relationship,

Which item can be considered a sacred object?

a book used in a religious ceremony

Which of the following could cause a sudden increase in the death rate?

a brutal war

The economy depends on the exchange of goods and services. Which of the following choices is an example of a service?

a car inspection

Which media performance is the clearest example of agenda setting?

a conservative news outlet constantly criticizing liberal positions

Which example BEST illustrates collective behavior?

a crowd that gathers when a fight breaks out

Cars did not change much from year to year until the 1950s. As part of the post-war economic boom, manufacturers discovered if they changed the design of cars annually, newer cars would stand out and be more effective status symbols. Thanks to television, they could share these changes with the nation through commercials. This is an example of which elements of society?

advertising and consumerism

Which example BEST illustrates product placement in mass media?

all the cars in a film being made by the same manufacturer

By definition, what part of business CANNOT be present in any truly communist society?

any private business

From a sociological perspective, what do sports have in common with education?

both help teach the importance of rules and structure

Imagine that a city is considering taking several blocks of largely abandoned property and turning it into a park. How might an urban ecologist help them decided how to shape this space MOST effectively?

by explaining how parks change public behavior

Adolf Hitler was known for his powerful speeches and ability to move crowds. He was able to convince Germany that he had innovative solutions to long-standing economic problems. Based on this description, what kind of leader was he?


In the 1960s, Cesar Chavez began organizing farm workers to create better working conditions. Laborers were forced to work all day in fields without basic necessities like access to bathrooms and drinking water. They were able to get public support when they started getting publicity for their cause on the evening news. Which stage of social movements were they in when they got this support?


Imagine that there is a crowd. A car backfires, but one individual believes that it is a gunshot and starts to panic, telling others to run and flee the scene. Which theory BEST fits this situation?

contagion theor

Miguel is a musician who has recently gotten a job with a major symphony orchestra in a large city. His family is not thrilled to have him leave, but there is very little work for Miguel in his rural hometown. What kind of city-dweller is he?


It is the day before the New Year's Eve holiday, and there are many people in the local grocery store. While it is busy, everyone is generally well behaved and orderly. What term MOST likely describes this group?


At what point in a person's life is someone most likely to join a family of procreation?

early adulthood

Did you know that Vatican City in Italy is its own country? It is the home of the Pope, the leader of the Catholic Church and the ruler of Vatican City. Only about a thousand people live there, and they are mostly officials in the Catholic Church. This is an example of what kind of religious organization?


Eliza has discovered that most of the food in her school is processed. She thinks it would be better for the students if they had access to more fresh fruits and vegetables. She wants to begin a movement in her school to make this happen. What does she need to do in the first stage of this movement?

get support from other students and define goals

Which is an example of a sport than can perpetuate social inequality because of the cost involved in playing it?


Imparting subject matter knowledge is a manifest purpose of school. What is an example of a latent function?

helping children build social relationships with peers

In ancient societies, cities were most often built next to rivers or other key waterways to facilitate agriculture, trade, and transportation. A scholar looking to study this relationship between humans and the land would MOST likely be in which field?

human ecology

Under what circumstances would having a stepparent MOST likely benefit the children involved in the marriage?

if the remarrying couple could easily blend their kinship networks

How can media outlets combat narcotizing dysfunction?

limit coverage of key events so audiences are not overwhelmed

Economics are at the core of which theory?


Which of the following industries is MOST dependent upon natural resources?


When Karl Marx first wrote The Communist Manifesto to explain why he thought the working class would revolt and overthrow capitalist system, his theory was not initially popular. One reason is that the labor movements were making significant gains in their struggle for worker's rights through laws requiring better working conditions. What do those gains BEST illustrate?

opposition granting concessions

In some parts of Tibet, it is acceptable for a woman to be married to a man and his brother(s). In this culture, paternity is not important because they believe that a child can have more than one father. This is an example of which family structure?


One of the critiques of Native American mascots is that fans often use pieces of Native American culture out of context and in ways that go against the cultural principles that they represent. For example, headdresses, which hold a specific and honored role in Native American culture, are indiscriminately used without any attention to their cultural meaning. Which idea does this example BEST illustrate?

popular culture turning something sacred into something profane

No economic system is entirely capitalist or socialist. Which response below is an example of a socialist institution present in the United States?

public education

Sophia used to attend her parent's church but now she started to questions some of the values that it promotes. It seems old-fashioned to Sophia, and she is not sure that she has the same values as this faith. Her friend tells her that she should try a new church that someone from her denomination started because of many of the concerns that Sophia has raised. Which term describes this new church?


In the 8th century, the religion of Islam was starting to spread from the Middle East to North and East Africa. Many of those who came to these regions did so because they had different beliefs from mainstream Islamic faiths and wanted to practice their religion freely. What term describes these groups?


Jemma works at a hotel reception desk. She is responsible for checking people in and out of the hotel and letting them know about the various amenities of the hotel. Which term BEST describes the type of work Jemma is performing?


Before going to high school, students are expected to be able to complete basic math equations, read at their grade level, and write a properly structured paragraph. These are examples of what functions of education?

sharing knowledge

Michael has a two-year-old son named Nicholas. Currently, Nicholas is going through a developmental phase where he loves to throw food. Every time he sits in the highchair, he throws the food that Michael gives him on the floor (much to the delight of the family dog). Michael is working with Nicholas to eliminate this behavior using a system of positive discipline. What function of family is Michael providing during these lessons?


Like goods, services can illustrate social divides and define social status. Which of these services is the BEST example of an indication of status?

spa services

Many nations in the developing world have not yet industrialized. In what stage are they in according to demographic transition theory?

stage 1

What stage of demographic transition theory best describes the current stage of the United States?

stage 4

Which response is an example of a postmodern theme in popular culture?

stories in which robots take over the world

Demographic transition theory depends on which element of society as the basis of charting population growth?


Imagine that there is a long line for the women's bathroom at a concert. One woman decides to use the men's bathroom, which has no line. Soon other women are going into the men's room to use it as well. What does this behavior illustrate?

the ability of groups to redefine social norms

Which topic would a sociologist of sports study?

the attachments that fans form to certain players

Monika grew up in an inner-city neighborhood. While there were many visible social problems in her community, she did well in school and was able to get a scholarship to go to a small state-run college. She really likes living in this rural area and is hoping that she can talk her parents into moving there. However, Monika's parents have stable jobs and have lived in the same house for much of their lives, paying very little rent. They are afraid that they won't find employment and affordable ho

the deprived and trapped

Which gatekeeper in the film industry has the most power?

the studio head who decides which films to make

Which number will tell you how many children the average woman has?

the total fertility rate

There are a variety of forms of government throughout the world, and they all have power over those that they serve. How does an individual representing the government get authority over another person?

through a socially recognized role or position

What purpose do all political systems have in common?

to define and enact authority

What is the primary goal of all mass media?

to generate profits

Social movements often work along established channels, like pushing for changes in laws or regulations, as well as protests or marches. Which response describes the role of protests in this circumstance?

to put more pressure on those making the laws

Which response is the BEST example of how the overpopulation of a species creates a problem in the environment?

too many white-tailed deer destroying forest vegetation at a high rate

Many owners of large companies pass significant roles in the business onto their children, who then inherit a lot of wealth and power. There are many companies in the United States where this has happened over several generations. What kind of authority do these family members have?

traditional authority

Which type of social movement seeks the most dramatic social change?


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