SOCI 3338: TEST 2

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Food Deserts

-Food Deserts are areas in which a significant number of residents are over a mile (urban) or 10 miles(rural) from a grocery store. -USDA's Economic Research Service estimates that 23.5 million people live in food deserts; 13.5 million are low-income.

Food Swamps

-Food Swamps—places where food market is saturated with fast food, convenience stores, etc. -Culture of quantity over quality -One-fifth of teens drink 3 or more sugar-sweetened beverages every day—the equivalent of an extra meal

Government's effect on childhood obesity.

-Marion Nestle and Food Politics -Less than 3% of US Farmland is planted with fruits and vegetables. --Not enough to meet recommended nutritional standards for all Americans. -Corn Subsidies --Government subsidizes cheap food products that contribute to epidemic. -Public School Lunches --USDA: 94% of schools served lunch that failed to meet USDA standards for healthy school meals. -The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 --Updated the National School Lunch Program's meal pattern and nutrition

Prior to the 1940s:

-Medical care occurred primarily at home -Hospitals were used for extreme care only (emergencies) -Births were at home -Elderly died at home -Funeral viewings took place at home in a room known as the "Parlor".

Misconception about Child Sexual Abuse

-Only girls and women are sexually abused -Sexual abuse is rare -All sex offenders are mean, forceful strangers -Children make up stories about abuse -People who sexually abuse are pedophiles

Results of Class Struggle

-Struggle between proletariat and bourgeoisie -Members of proletariat become aware of conflicting interests of the bourgeoisie and their place in the system -Consumers are becoming aware of issues with cheap and fast food culture and findings way to fight back.

Historical Perspective of Child Sexual Abuse

1800s: ASPCA 1960s: "Battered Child Syndrome" Focus was mainly on physical abuse 1970s: Mandatory Reporting laws 1980s: "Talk show" generation and Sexual Abuse laws and response 1990s: Child Advocacy Center (CAC) movement Present Day: law changes, community response

History of Hospice in the U.S

1974-Hospice services and program funding is denied. 1980-AIDS is discovered. 1984-Hospice gains permanent status as a Medicare benefit. RECENTLY, HOSPICE HAS BEEN RECOGNIZED AS A SERVICE INSTEAD OF A PLACE.

When did the first hospice open?

1974. and now there are approx. 5,800 hospice programs today.

Statistical Information on Longevity

1990s people lived to 47 years; now the average life expectancy is 74 for men and 79 for women. The elder population is increasing twice as fast is the population as a whole. First time U.S can see 4 generations alive at once.

What percentage of patients die in their own home?


What are the percentages of male and female patients in hospice care?

56%: Female 44%: Male

What percentage of patients die in nursing homes, residential facilities, etc.?


What are the ages of the patients in hospice care?

84% of all hospice patients are 65 years of age (or older). --50% of those hospice patients were 85 years of age (or older). Less than 1% of all hospice patients are younger than 34 years of age.

Continuity Theory on Aging

Aging is just another phase of development. Symbolic interactionism: personality patterns are the key to adaptation. Adaptation can go in any direction.

Childhood obesity and overweight

Approximately 17% of (or 12.5 million) children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese. Since 1980, obesity prevalence among children and adolescents has almost tripled, 1 in 3 children born in 2000 will have diabetes in their lifetime. 1 in 2 African-American and Hispanic children Bogalusa Heart Study: Began in 1973, the research provides evidence of heart disease beginning in childhood.

Sex Ed

Between the ages of 15-19 75% of students in this class had lost their virginity. DRAMATIZATION!

Children as Victims

CHILDRENS DEFENSE FUND: Marian Wright Edelman. Started with non government funds, and started it for ALL children. A leader in child advocacy. Poverty: 25% of Texas children live in poverty. Poverty thresholds *MURDER: 2ND LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH (15-24 YOA)* -ABUSE & NEGLECT *SOCIAL FACT: Juveniles & young adults make up a large percent of offenders, but this age group is also at highest risk for victimization*

Which ethnicity has the highest percentage of patients in hospice care?

Caucasian 80.9%

Implications of high obesity/overweight

Causes of death, rising healthcare cost, worker productivity, lack of health recruitment for armed forces, first generation of kids with a shorter life expectancy than their parents.

Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse occurs when a child is exploited for the sexual gratification of an adult, or an older child is seeking to "master" his or her own abuse experience.

Understanding Child Sexual Abuse

Contact can take many forms: -Fondling of the genitals or breasts -Oral, vaginal or anal intercourse (penetration by genitals or by an object) -Or exposing sexual parts of the body -Using a child as a model to make pornographic materials -Showing pornographic or "dirty" pictures or other media to a child -When these acts occur within a family, the abuse is called Incest. -When a child is sexually abused, most often it is by someone they know. It may be a single occurrence. However, more than likely, the abuse will continue over a period of time.

Children's Advocacy Center Role

Core Components of CAC: -Facility -Nonprofit with Board of -Directors -MDT approach -Forensic Interview -Case tracking -Therapy -Medical -Volunteers

Hospice Philosophy

Death is a natural part of the cycle of life. Support of patients who desire to die with dignity and have as much control as possible. Focused on management of pain and family needs.

Activity Theory on Aging

Direct contrast to the theory of disengagement. Successful aging means role performance and involvement continues like it did in middle age (or close substitution found) Sustain social & mental activities. (positive relation to life satisfaction)

Theoretical Perspectives on Aging

Disengagement, Activity, Continuity, Age Stratification. Each offers a neutral objective view of the social phenomenon of aging. A product of the 1960's

State of Early Childhood

ECI- Early Childhood Intervention: birth to three years old. ECE- Early Childhood Education: three to five years old. In Curacao the kids there can, speak, write and read 4 languages. These three things lead to educational success: Creativity, critical thinking, and motivation.

Elizabeth Kubler Ross

Early 70's 5 Stages of Grief wrote " On Death and Dying" Book becomes international best seller Although very influential, her works are later questioned. Grieving is individualized and not everyone experiences those exact stages.

Developmental Lags

Early brain formation and the labeling theory. Physical, emotional trauma can affect early brain formation.

Children as Consumers

Marketers know children are a major force of spending power within the household. -Experts estimate that two- to fourteen-year-olds have sway over $500 billon a year in household purchasing. -Pester power and nag factor -Cradle to Grave Marketing --Brand loyalty for a lifetime -Children's exposure to TV ads for unhealthy food products are a significant risk factor for obesity. -Food ads on television make up 50% of all the ad time on children's shows.

Philosophy of Care Focus Shifts

From trying to cure the patient to trying to comfort the patient. What is Palliative Care? A return of some control to people during a passage in life that is uncontrollable.

Disengagement Theory on Aging

Gradual, beneficial, and mutual withdrawal of the aged and society from one another. Functional: they disengage from previous roles & give their work responsibility to a younger generation. (role loss)

What is Hospice?

Hospitium - meaning hospitality, inn or lodging Hospes - meaning host or guest The concept of Hospice dates back to the Middle Ages. In that time, a hospice was a place where weary travelers could stop and rest. Many of these resting places were located at churches or monasteries. Over time, hospices turned their attention to treating only those with medical needs. Eventually, they became focused solely on caring for people with terminal illnesses.

Media around food.

How foods are marketed and advertised: Misrepresentation of foods -"Better-for-you" foods -"Fat-Free" "Sugar-Free" Focus on single nutrients -Yogurt: digestive health, active cultures -Cereal: whole grains --Both have LOTS of added sweeteners -Focus on Individual Responsibility --Calories in-Calories Out --Ex: Biggest Loser emphasizes exercise as main path to weight loss -Weight as an obsession --Weight-loss and Diet Industry --Over 60 billion dollars a year spent each year on diet and weight loss products in the US Hungry for Change, market data report

Children as Perpetrators

IMPORTANT: System was designed for the protection and guidance of children. Children risk factors: -Low self-esteem -School problems -Impairment of thinking and feelings -Use of drugs and alcohol. -Differential Association: --Family involvement in abuse, drugs, violence, and crime is the biggest risk factor!

Dame Cicely Saunders

In the late 60's realized that people needed @ home care. St. Christopher's Hospice in London.

Age Stratification Theory on Aging

Old age is a distinct status group within a society. Conflict: age tends to qualify or disqualify people for desired roles and privileged position. Benefits are that it allows researchers to look at any age group as a separate entity.

Food Supply

Processed Foods Salt, Sugar and Fat "A mere half cup of Prego Traditional...has more than two teaspoons of sugar, as much as three Oreos..." -Salt Sugar Fat p.37 Bliss Point Calculation The optimal level of sensory pleasure caused by an ingredient in a food. Restaurants and Fast Foods: extreme portion size.

Causes of Obesity

Societal changes that affect children's diet and activity patterns: -More families with working parents -Neighborhoods and parks perceived as increasingly unsafe -Increased demand for convenience food -Reduced tax revenues for schools -Greater consumption of food prepared outside of the home -Business and television deregulation

Social facts on illness and medical problems

The U.S industrial revolution brought better nutrition, safer housing. Alzheimer's cases are rapidly increasing.

Hospice Eligibility

The active and total care of a patient whose disease or illness cannot be cured and have been evaluated by a physician who believes a patient has a prognosis of SIX MONTHS OR LESS. They are re-evaluated every 90 days, after six months, to ensure they're still eligible for hospice services.

Why did funeral homes used to be referred to as funeral parlors?

The parlor is the room directly next to the front door; used specifically for special events, holidays, weddings and funerals. Body might be viewed for a couple of days with people arriving at all times Flowers were used to cover the odor Body was washed, clothed and laid out in the parlor (hence the first funeral homes were later referred to as a "funeral parlors").

Mass Media and The Family

Violence does NOT lead directly to judicial delinquency. Still could be damaging to kids under the age of 8. 11 year olds have seen about 8000 murders on television and video games under the age of 8 they haven't developed the sense of what's real vs. what's fake.

Advocating for children and adolescents.

What have we done in America? We have never had an organized, unified, formal, straight to the child rights movement. We have a lot of good agencies but not a good movement. CASA- court appointed special advocate.

Understanding Child Sexual Abuse Cont.

When repeated abuse occurs, the child: -Is often promised special favors and has been "groomed" -Sometimes threatened -Told that it is "education" -Given special attention -Sometimes are confused by the "touching feeling good" Mostly issues on power and control. Children who are sexually abused are: Usually not violently abused but are coerced and manipulated Usually molested by someone they know and may even trust Usually afraid to tell because of fear they will be blamed, punished, or not believed. Not responsible for their abuse

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