Social Media Final Exam (Exam 2)

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Your social identity is made up of which of the following?

****All of the above.***** Answers: a. Your Facebook and Twitter accounts. b. Your social footprint and lifestream. c. Your handle and RSS feed. d. Your digital brand name and digital primacy. e. All of the above.

Which of the following is not true of a brand experience?

***All of these are true.*** a. The experience should inspire the audience to participate and share. b. The ideal experience can be thought of as one that captures the sweet spot at which the audience's passions and needs intersect with the brand's identity. c. It should be authentic and conversational to fit the culture of social media. d. It should be discoverable so that the brand appears during relevant searches. e. All of these are true.

What practical steps should be taken in making a tactical plan?

***All of these.*** a. Selecting the right channels and type of content. b. Define rules of engagement. c. Create a schedule. d. A & B only. e. All of these.

What are the three components of a social media policy?

***All of these.*** Answers: a. That standards of conduct be put in place which require that all online statements about the business must be honest and transparent. b. Each employee must disclose that they are affiliated with the organization when posting in online communities. c. Organizations keep all intellectual property and private financial information confidential. d. Poster uses hashtags to disclose the nature of relationships reflected in the posts. e. All of these.

Social music promotions include which of the following?

***All of these.*** Answers: a. Audio ads. b. Display ads. c. Homepage takeovers. d. Branded playlists. e. All of these.

Word-of-mouth communication is critical for brands. A study of the impact of word-of-mouth communication and FGC for 60 brands found that WOM influences which of the following?

***All of these.*** Answers: a. Brand equity. b. Brand attitudes. c. Purchase intent. d. A & B Only. e. All of these.

The specific objectives we might identify can vary dramatically from brand to brand but it's likely they will include which of the following overarching issues?

***All of these.*** Answers: a. Motivating some behavior from the target audience. b. Influencing brand knowledge and attitudes. c. Accomplishing the first two objectives with fewer resources than might be required with other methods. d. Influence brand knowledge particularly among those who are likely to spread the message to their own networks. e. All of these.

The social media audit typically assessed which of the following?

***All of these.*** Answers: a. Past social media activity. b. Frequency and type of activity. c. Responsiveness. d. Engagement. e. All of these.

Which of the following represent(s) hedonic motives for social shopping?

***All of these.*** Answers: a. The sense of importance we experience when others wait on us. b. The thrill of the hunt. c. The opportunities to share common interests with like-minded others. d. A & B only. e. All of these.

Why should marketers consider social music sites as possible ad vehicles?

***All of these.*** Answers: a. These social sites offer targeting and reach capabilities. b. Advertisers can target using age, gender, preferred music genre, and location. c. Ad impressions are charged on a CPM basis. d. Production may be provided by the site. e. All of these.

How do brands earn value in social media?

***All of these.*** Answers: a. They engage customers over time. b. They encourage customers to interact with the brand. c. They encourage customers to share brand interactions with others. d. B & C Only. e. All of these.

Which of the following completes the sentence, '______ follow the game but do not actively participate, whereas ______ participate in forums but do not actively play'?

***B then C*** Answers: a. Casual gamers b. Lurkers c. Rubberneckers d. B then A e. B then C

Which of the following exists within the social media policy and ensures that readers/consumers can still find postings credible and trustworthy?

***None of these.*** a. Social media guidelines. b. Social media policy. c. Standards of conduct. d. Disclosure requirements. e. None of these.

Which of the following people will propagate a brand's message and invite others to the experience?

?? NOT: Influencers

In Scandal some fans may feel that they relate to one or more of the characters. This is most likely an example of which fandom characteristic?

??? NOT: Self-identification.

Which of the following best describes what Web 2.0 is?

A communication device for users and senders.

Michelle posts a picture of her engagement ring on Facebook this past weekend and her brother, best friend, intramural volleyball teammates and many more post comments and like the picture to congratulate her. In social network terms, this exchange of pictures and comments on Facebook represents which of the following?

A flow.

Which of the following is not included in the LARA framework that is used as part of a company's service recovery?

Act on the company's needs.

Which of the following types of metrics is exemplified by tracking the number and timing of blog posts, white papers, tweets, videos, comment responses, and status updates?

Activity metrics.

Which of the following represents the value of the brand-specific mention through a paid advertising placement rather than a volunteered comment?

Ad equivalency value.

What is a game that delivers a branded message?


Which of the following completes the sentence 'Social sites use complex mathematical formulas called ______ to personalize the content you see in your newsfeed, recommend friend connections, and more.'?


Why do people share content via social media channels?

All of these.

Which of the five steps to consumer decision making includes shoppers comparing prices, checking for deals, and considering the opinions of others?

Alternative evaluation.

Which of the following completes the sentence, 'Even devices that aren't "smart" on their own can become so by using ______'?

An IoT gateway.

Which of the following best completes the statement, '______ divides consumers into groups based on their actions.'?

Behavioral segmentation.

Which of the following completes the sentence, 'A ______ places keywords in hidden text by making the font color of keywords the same color as the page background'?

Black hat.

What is the main difference between a blog and a microblog?

Blogs share stories and microblogs share headlines NOT: Blogs are made of short bursts of text and microblogs are made of long entries.

Which of the following only uses residual data?

Both coincident tracking and reverse tracking.

In which of the following social shopping tools is the influence tactic of social proof not used?

Brand butler services.

Which of the following must be able to attract attention, break through a clutter, deliver the intended message, and aid comprehension and recall, while positively influencing brand attitudes and purchase intent?

Brand experience.

Which of the following terms is defined as 'imbuing trademarked or otherwise proprietary-named products and services with a human form and/or human attributes, including a generally distinctive physical appearance and personality'?

Brand personification.

Why don't all E-Retailers offer reviews and ratings on their sites?

Brands fear that dissatisfied customers will use review features to flame the brand.

Which of the following is not true of content marketing?

Brands may only use original content when publishing in social media channels.

Which of the following refers to, 'The value we get from others who provide access to places, people, or ideas we might not be able to get to on our own.'?

Bridging social capital.

Which of the following microblog user types defined by Pew Research Center is characterized by many people repeating prominent news items?

Broadcast Networks

Based on figure 5.2 Channel Characteristics for Major SNSs, which of the following describes the marketer's best objective on LinkedIn?

Business development.

Which of the following terms refers to when a piece of information triggers a sequence of interactions?


Which of the following refers to 'an artificial intelligence computer software program that stimulates intelligent conversation via written or spoken text using a chat interface'?


Social media marketing is built on the community, content, and technology inherent to social media. To make it successful, the brand must be active in the space. Which of the following is necessary to achieve this goal?

Committing staff time to posting, responding, and developing content.

Apple increases their budget for social media marketing so that its respective social media marketing budget outweighs Samsung's social media marketing budget. This is an example of which of the following?

Competitive parity method.

Which of the following is a term used to describe an information asset whose attributes distinguish it from all other kinds of content?

Content type.

Which of the following best completes the sentence, 'Most commonly, tactics rely upon ______ as the social object with which the audience can engage.'?


Which of the following encompasses the three tiers of strategic planning, from beginning to end?

Corporate level, business level, and functional areas.

Which of the following best completes the sentence, 'There is the potential for ______ error in social media research due to the ______ effect'?

Coverage, participation.

Which of the following is not included in the steps to creating a social media workflow?

Create a content calendar and assign an owner for each time period.

Which of the following is used to drive a brand's paid and owned media, extend a brand's story, and foster social experiences?

Creative assets.

Figure 5.3 A Channel Plan Example illustrates a typical channel plan. Which of the following is not one of the four major categories given in the example?


Which of the following is one way to seed content using the network and refers to newsfeed stories of brand interactions?

Derivative branded content.

Which of the following is not an example of social capital?

Disconnected employee.

Which of the following are generated from scripts and change over time, making it difficult for people to return to your content later?

Dynamic URLs.

Marketers can choose from among four general methods for around and in-game advertising. Which type of ads are variable and change based on specified criteria?

Dynamic ads.

Which of the following best describes what an 'Ask Your Network' tool does?

Enables one to post product information and ask friends for advice prior to purchase.

Which of the following are characterized by a low level of both creation and consumption, and are considered passive users with short attention spans?

Entertainment chasers.

Frito-Lay used the Minneapolis-St. Louis area as a test market for their multigrain snack, Sunchips, as a way to gather experiential data. Frito-Lay's use of a test market is an example of which of the following types of research?

Ethnographic research.

When a company purchases background information on the market, industry, etc., to help aid in the decision-making process, they are engaging in which of the following types of research?

Ethnographic research.

Content can also be categorized according to functional orientation, topic breadth, and topic temporality. Content that has a long expiration date is referred to as what?


According to Forrester's Social Technographics Model a ______ score gauges whether social media can be used to create purchase intent. This number measures how actively your audience consumes social content when they're considering products and making purchase decisions.


Which of the following social login tools has become more widely adopted than the OpenID authentication protocol?

Facebook Connect.

Channel plans will include any owned media options and paid media purchased on social media sites as well. According to the State of Social Media Marketing Industry Report for 2016 (Fig. 5.5) which type of paid social media was the most commonly used for marketers?

Facebook ads.

The lowest step of the value ladder is also known as which of the following?


Which online community characteristic are you engaged in WHEN YOUR POST CONTAINS ALL CAPITAL LETTERS TO EXPRESS YOUR ANGER?


Which of the following completes the statement, '_______ are exchanges of resources, information, or influence among members of the network.'?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a vertical network?

Focused on a wide range of topics.

Which of the following represents shared content that others can view and pass on to their respective networks?


Marketers can choose from among four general methods for around and in-game advertising. Which type of ad launches a branded mini-game within a game?

Game ads.

North Face can expect to sell more parkas to people who live in winter climates, whereas Roxy will move more bikinis in sunny vacation spots. This is an example of which of the following?

Geographic segmentation.

Which of the following completes the statement, 'When it comes to channel choice in a showdown between the most popular SNSs featuring photos and video shorts, social media marketing managers seem to agree Instagram Stories achieve ______ reach than Snapchat, and have ______ resource efficiency.'?

Greater, higher.

Which of the following refers to 'the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of education, social status, and beliefs'?


Google's The YouTube Creator Playbook for Brands recommends developing a content strategy that includes three levels of content. What are the three levels?

Hygiene, hero, hub.

Which of the following is the goal of OpenID, an authentication protocol that works across participating sites and helps minimize the switching cost problem?

Identity portability.

Which of the following completes the sentence, 'Research suggests that ______ brand knowledge and emotion ______ the perceived value of the brand in the mind of the consumer'.

Increasing, increases.

Which of the following best completes the statement, 'A(n) ______ is an exposure to a brand via another person or social sharing.'?

Influence impression.

Which of the following best completes the sentence, 'The distinction between the zones of social publishing and social entertainment is the orientation: ______-sharing versus ______-sharing.'?

Knowledge, entertainment.

Media costs are often lower for a social media marketing campaign compared traditional ad programs (that include television and/or print media). However, it has been said that 'Social media trades media costs for ______ costs." Which of the following completes the statement?


Which of the following is essentially a diary that you keep through your social media activities?


Which of the following refers to the careful crafting of a title that markets the content?


Which of the following use web properties (i.e., links pages) to send one link to the home site and another link to the next property?


Which of the following refers to, 'The value we get from maintaining relationships with latent ties.'?

Maintained social capital.

As organizations begin to shift more marketing dollars from traditional advertising to social media marketing, managers will seek out comparisons on metrics such as ROI (Return On Investment) between social media and other media options. Which of the following is necessary to make these comparisons?

Measuring outcomes.

Which of the following best completes the statement, 'A ______ is a group of consumers once considered too small and inaccessible for marketers to pursue. Marketers are now able to offer ______ products that appeal to small, specialized groups or people.' ?

Micromarket, niche.

Which of the following completes the sentence, 'A ______ could include a sentence, sentence fragment, embedded video, or link to content residing on another site.'?


Which of the following best completes the statement, 'The ______ explains that the relative value a community offers its members is tied to its membership'?

Network effect.

Vertical networks are sites designed around object sociality. They are most comparable to ______ in the physical world.


When brands create brand profiles within selected social networking communities, what does the brand act as in the network's social graph?


Which of the following ties the site relationships to a specific object, such as photos of people's dogs or bookmarked websites that provide details about the history of alternative music?

Object sociality.

Which of the following research techniques would not be considered primary research?


Which of the following best describes a social publishing site, such as a blog?

Operates like an online new source for which readers can share information, create discussions, and learn about a wide range of topics.

Which part of the SWOT analysis refers to the external environment of the organization?

Opportunities and threats.

Which of the following is content that a person feels intrinsically motivated to prepare and share?


Which of the following is considered to be in the realm of social music?


Which of the following is referred to as the 'fifth P' of marketing?


Which type of advertising brands invites content, sets mandatory guidelines and specifications, and possibly also provides participants with selected brand assets such as footage from prior commercials that ran on TV?

Participatory advertising.

Which of the following best completes the sentence, 'Without ______ messages, brands minimize the amplification effects they could generate if their audiences found the FGC worth sharing with others.'?


Based on figure 5.2 Channel Characteristics for Major SNSs, which channel's typical uses includes 'Online scrapbooking'?


Which of the following enables shoppers to show products by most popular, most viewed, most favorite, or most commented?

Popularity filters.

Social media research can include which of the following?

Primary research.

Which of the following completes the statement, 'The extent to which one worries about privacy and the risks related to the collection, unauthorized secondary use, errors in, and improper access of personal data is known as ______.'?

Privacy salience.

Which of the following terms describes the extent to which worries about sharing too much information impact our online behavior is known?

Privacy salience.

Which of the five steps to consumer decision making 'may be triggered by discovering information about a product on social media, whether by user comments, influencer content, or advertising'?

Problem recognition.

Which type of power refers to authority through the motivation to identify with or please a person?


Which of the following is not true of the term 'Echoverse'?

Results solely from one-to-one communications.

Which of the following best completes the sentence, '______ metrics focus on the outcomes (financial or otherwise) that directly or indirectly support the success of the brand'?


Which of the following models relies upon survey data to assess the effectiveness of social media marketing?

Return on Target Influence Model.

Which of the following conceptually assesses the extent to which a brand has delivered a value in exchange for the attachment fans have awarded it?

Return on emotion.

People who influence others with their natural persuasive power are referred by Malcolm Gladwell as which of the following?


When a consumer expends just enough effort to make a decision that is acceptable but not necessarily optimal, this is called what?


Which of the following terms is best described as words or other cues used to denote positive or negative sentiment?

Sentiment crawlers.

A SWOT analysis is often performed during which section of the strategic plan?

Situational analysis

Which of the following completes the sentence, '______ embraces software and processes that include the collective intelligence of a firm's customers to more finely tune the offer and build intimacy between an organization and its customers.'?

Social CRM.

______ expect social interactions with your company. Social media is still a part of their everyday lives and they frequently use social media to connect with companies, brands, and products.

Social Savvies.

Which of the following represent resources accumulated via community relationships and access to others which are 'traded' for other things?

Social capital.

Which social media space zone primarily assists in the online buying and selling of products and services?

Social commerce.

______ describe channels of social media that focus upon relationships and the common activities people participate in with others who share the same interest or identification.?

Social communities.

Which of the following completes the statement, 'The zone of ______ encompasses events, performances, and activities designed to provide the audience with pleasure and enjoyment, experienced and shared using social media.'?

Social entertainment.

Which of the following terms refers to a multiplayer, competitive, goal-oriented activity with defined rules of engagement and online connectivity enabling conversation among a community?

Social game.

Which of the following is considered the most advanced channel in the social entertainment zone?

Social games.

The portrait that marketers paint of you when they assess the image and perception you portray of yourself on social media is known as which of the following?

Social identity

Rachel has decided to quit social media due to increasing privacy concerns and social media fatigue. She deletes all of her social media posts and profiles including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. What term best describes her actions?

Social identity suicide.

The social intelligence system consists of four layers. Which of the following sources data and is considered the foundation of social intelligence?

Social listening.

Which process makes it more likely for content on a specific social media platform to be more visible and linkable in online communities?

Social media optimization.

Which of the following terms refers to 'the actions taken to execute the social media strategy'?

Social media tactics.

Which of the following best completes the sentence 'The size of the ______ and the ______ available for social media marketing will influence the number of channels, the types of content, the sources of content, and the volume and frequency of distribution and promotion of content.?

Social media team, budget.

What is a sequence of connected steps that enables the organization to act efficiently with minimal overlapping tasks and resources in order to implement the social media marketing plan effectively?

Social media workflow.

Which of the following terms refers to the process of identifying, collecting, and analyzing information shared on social media sites in order to inform strategic marketing decisions?

Social monitoring.

______ are online hosts that enable site members to construct and maintain profiles, identify other members with whom they are connected, and participate by consuming, producing, and/or interacting with content provided by their connections.

Social networking sites (SNS).

Which of the following completes the sentence, 'Christine maintains her ______ by updating her status, indicating her availability, and adding a friend on Facebook'?

Social presence.

Which of the following completes the sentence, 'The target audience's ________ will include the market's social activities and styles, such as their level of social media participation, the channels they utilize and the communities in which they are active, and their behavior in social communities'?

Social profile.

What type of influence tactic are you engaging in when you buy a particular brand of shoes because the majority of your peers have done the same?

Social proof.

Which of the following completes the phrase, '______ is the active participation and influence of others on a consumer's decision-making process, typically in the form of opinions, recommendations, and experiences shared via social media.'?

Social shopping.

Which of the following may explain Gartner's claim that half of all social media campaigns fail?

Social strategy is not matched to the target audience.

What does each letter stand for in the SMART framework of objectives?

Specific, measurable, appropriate, realistic and time-oriented.

The tactic of hiding messages within another medium, such that the message is undetectable for those who do not know to look for it, is known as which of the following?


Which phase of social media marketing maturity does the following sentence describe? 'During this phase, an organization utilizes a formal process to plan social media marketing activities with clear objectives and metrics.'

Strategic phase.

Which part of the SWOT analysis refers to the internal environment of the organization?

Strengths and weaknesses

Which of the following are the two most important microblogs for marketers?

Support networks and brand clusters.

Which of the follow categorizes social media user types according to their degree of social media consumption and creation?

The Social Consumption/Creation Matrix.

Which of the following best defines the term 'frequency'?

The average number of times someone is exposed.

Which of the following refers to the potential that those units that were not included in the final sample in a study are significantly different from those that were included?

The echo effect.

Which of the following is true of reviews?

The majority of large retailers find that reviews positively affect sales.

Which of the following best defines the term 'reach'?

The number of people exposed to the message.

Which model is exemplified if we estimate that Dunkin' Donuts earns $500,000 in gross revenue due to its Twitter presence, at a cost of $100,000 in time investment, the ROI for the microblogging activity is 400%?

The return on impressions model.

Sales are also tracked at the same intervals, and then statistical analysis is used to determine how sales trends shifted according to the timing of the social media marketing in which of the following?

The return on social media impact model.

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

The situation analysis.

Which of the following best completes the statement,'______ proposed that a small group of influencers are responsible for dissemination of information because they can modify the opinions of a large number of other people.'?

The two-step flow model of influence.

Which of the following proposes that a small group of influencers are responsible for dissemination of information because they can modify the opinions of a large number of other people?

The two-step flow model of influence.

Which of the following are examples of vehicles for each zone of social media?

Twitter, Groupon, YouTube, Second Life.

According to Forrester's Social Technographics Model a ______ score measures how common it is for a target segment to share product and service experiences, such as sharing what songs they're listening to on Spotify or comparing their workouts to that of other Fitbit users.


When you attempt to use social media to earn worldwide fame, which impulse are you responding to?


Which of the following is used by researchers when it is financially or logistically impossible to study all members in a population?

Viral spread.

What version of the internet do we use as an interactive social system in which users are able to interact with senders?

Web 2.0.

Which of the following questions does not create answers that would form the basis for a propagation brief?

What are our competitors doing in terms of social marketing?

Which of the following questions is not useful when developing a persona focused on guiding social media tactics?

What kinds of products have they purchased in the past?

Based on figure 5.2 Channel Characteristics for Major SNSs, which channel's demographic overview suggests users of 'All Ages' can be targeted there?


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