Social media marketing (SMM)
Two criteria for an influencer:
"the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience. a following in a distinct niche, with whom he or she actively engages. The size of the following depends on the size of his/her topic of the niche."
A potential customer journey includes:
- Becoming aware of a problem or need - Looking for products or brands to consider as a solution for this problem or need - Making a purchase, which, in some models, may be called conversion or decision.
Observing social media etiquette helps achieve your personal branding goals
- Lesson #1. Use different accounts for your professional and personal communications. - Lesson #2. Provide context when seeking connections. - Lesson #3. Don't post pictures and videos of people without their permission. - Lesson #4. Don't play the game of the Internet trolls .- Lesson #5. Don't react too quickly. - Lesson #6. At all costs, avoid the drunken post. - Lesson #7. Don't post anything anywhere on the Internet that you would not want a potential employer, your boss, a current customer, or a potential client to read.
What is targeting in SMM?
- The right person to get - The right content - At the right place - In the right format - In the right language - On the right device
Targeting Starts with Persona Development
-Define with target audience and segments -Create personas for each segment -Develop media plan for each targeted segment -Optimize media schedule with posts
Best Practices for SMM
1. Begin with a strategy backed by an SMM plan. 2. Be honest and transparent in all your social media efforts. 3. Identify your target audience and understand its media behavior before you begin. 4. Welcome participation and feedback from your audience. 5. Remember that what you know today may not be valid tomorrow. SMM changes with the evolution of technologies and of audiences.
1. Categorize 2. Comprehend 3. Converse 4. Collaborate 5. Contribute 6. Connect 7. Community 8. Convert
processes of gaining attention
1. Creating buzz 2. Building ways that enable fans of a brand or company to promote a message themselves in multiple online social media venues.
Best Practices for Social Media Platform Marketing
1. Develop Clear Objectives 2. Understand and Monitor Metrics 3. Know the Audience 4. Communicate with the Audience in the Most Appropriate Way 5. Keep Search in Mind
The Seven Myths of SMM
1. Social Media Is Just A Fad 2. Social Media is Just for the Young 3. There is No Return on SMM 4. SMM isn't Right for this Business 5. SMM is New 6. Social Media is too Time-consuming 7. Social Media is Free
Micro-influencers have
10,000 to 100,000
Listen and Observe: Five Stages
1: Listen to conversations about a brand or company. 2: Listen to what people say about the competitors. 3: Listening to what people say about the industry or category. 4: Listening for the tone of the community. 5: Listening to different social media platforms and channels.
:100,000 and 1 million
:1000-10,000 followers
HubSpot Inbound Marketing Methodology
Attract, engage, delight
Which of the 8 C's of strategy development refers to engaging with influencers so that they help you shape opinions about your product?
Several aspects distinguish SMM from traditional marketing
Control (traditional) versus contributions (SMM) Trust building; be earnest- Trust is slow to earn, but easy to lose.
Owned media
Corporate websites, campaign microsite, blog, brand community, facebook fan page
Which element of global perspective relates to varying standards of contact and familiarity with others met through SM?
Cultural differences in engagement
Which of these is NOT part of the social media marketing planning cycle?
Facebook comments and review sites are?
Earned Media
The generic concepts (valid metrics framework) of SMM are
Exposure Engagement Influence Impact Advocacy
According to the text, SMM is based around face-to-face conversations
Chatbots, lenses, and collections are just a few examples of interactive ads used in stories
Interrupting marketing
Firms purchase the right to interrupt people and demand their attention
Call to action
In order to measure success, you need to clearly define what someone's desired action would be—your
Traditional marketing relies heavily on
Interruption marketing
Which type of influencers have 10,000 to 100,000 followers and are usually specialists in their fields?
Which action is NOT recommended to limit the time investment in SMM?
Monitor competitor posts hourly for trends
Permission Marketing Alone is
Not sufficient: Need For Holistic Approach
Key objectives of SMM include
Provide customer service Build brand awareness Build brand preference Drive direct leads or sales Increase customer loyalty
What is SM?
Social media is an interactive platform where firms can share information about their brand and products, and where customers can communicate and share content with people within their network"
demographics, geographics, and lifestyles or psychographics
The most common characteristics marketers use to identify and profile target markets are
Why are messaging objectives important?
They assist in the persona conversion process
Listening to what people are saying about a brand enables a firm to establish social media goals and strategies
Networking theory explains how traditional word-of-mouth marketing evolved into electronic communications
The key difference of a white label social network is that it is privately run by corporation or nonprofit organization
When creating personas for each segment, it is important to identify all relevant personas by role
According to the text, which is NOT recommended as a best practice of social media platform marketing?
Use keywords independent of search engine strategy
Effective SMM requires
a strategic approach based on the overall objectives of the firm and the resources available
According to Big Commerce, "Influencer marketing is
a way brands can promote their products through endorsements or recommendations from influencers and content creators on the Internet.
A white label social network is
an online service that shares many, if not most, of the characteristics of a public social network like Facebook, with the key difference being the white label is privately run by a corporation or nonprofit organization
Smm is based
around online conversations
Permission-based marketing relies on
attention being earned
Facebook Customer Journey Model
awareness, consideration, conversion (upside down pyramid shape)
For online marketing, most campaigns will fall into one of two categories:
business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) marketing
by acknowledging and responding to other users of the platform, always remembering to be a contributor, not a promoter.
content to build reputation and become a valued member, helping to improve the community
According to the Digital Marketing Institute, the five most critical KPIs for influencers are
conversions, referral traffic, reach and awareness, audience growth, and engagement.
Inbound marketing is a methodology that is
customer-centric and seeks to help customers on this journey rather than using a hard-sell outbound marketing approach
What Is an SMM Plan?
details an organization's social media goals and the actions necessary to achieve them
The best marketing with social networks comes not from the company but
from the customer or fan base
Interest in social networks has
grown at a constantly increasing pace since 2005, with no indication of tapering off
According to the HubSpot, inbound marketing engages customers by
helping them solve their problems
Scope refers to
how social media is used as a communications tool
Networking theory explains
how traditional word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing became eWOM marketing and therefore allowed for information to be transmitted rapidly on the Internet
Social media is part of a
larger media ecosystem
Social Media Planning Cycle
listen, goals, strategies, target audience, tools, implement, monitor, tune
SMM is a unique combination of
marketing creativity and technology
Permission based marketing
may add value to consumers' lives, causing them to welcome and request certain marketing messages
The Persona Development Cycle does NOT include
messaging all audiences using the same content
According to the Digital Marketing Institute, which of these is NOT one of the five most critical KPIs for influencers?
monetary payment
more than 1 million
Social networking is based on
network theory, which can be used to show how telecommunications networks, networks of friends, and even nodes on the Internet can be connected
of adults in the United States have a profile on a social network
participation (and creation) can elicit valuable consumer suggestions for improving products and services
Social media marketing (SMM)
refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites
relationships built in social media to the behaviors specified in the objectives
The Valid Metrics Framework
represents a strong framework for understanding SMM objectives and the metrics associated with them
To properly use the tool of influencers
set objectives for the influencer campaign and select key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring success
social media platforms by target market relevancy
SMM culture is directly related to
the overall firm culture and whether management is conservative or modern and willing to take risks
Governance in SMM refers to
the policies that cover employee use of social media, whether it is for official use or on their personal account
the rules of the road on the platform by listening and learning how to behave, successfully spark conversation, and engage the participants
People spend time online for three basic reasons
to connect with people, to get information, or to be entertained A successful social media strategy must associate itself with at least one of these three reasons
Influencer relationship management software
tracks KPIs and campaign performance
Paid media
traditional advertising: print, radio, television, display, direct mail, paid research, retail
Structure refers to
whether decisions regarding the use of social media tools is based on a highly centralized hierarchy or a network of contributors with decentralized decision-making authority
with platform members as a means of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with the platform participants
with the influencers so that you can enlist them to help shape opinions about your product or service.
Earned media
word of mouth, facebook comments, review sites
The advantages of marketing with social networks
§ Find talent § Build brand awareness § Find new customers § Help conduct brand intelligence and market research