Social Psych Final

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Difficulty of predicting actual behavior from reported attitudes.

LaPiere's research with the Chinese couple pointed out the:

The attribution process

The process by which we seek to understand the causes of behaviors of others and ourselves.


A stereotype is best characterized as a type of __________.

Distractions can increase the persuasiveness of a speech.

A campaign manager has advised the candidate he represents to make sure there is a "spontaneous" demonstration of support for him during the candidates next major speech. Given that the candidate relies on his audience's peripheral processing of his emotion-laden persuasive messages, the demonstration is useful because ____________.

Identifiable victim

A reason why ads for donations to save the children-oriented charities show photos of suffering children is to make those ads more persuasive. The technique being used is:


According the textbook, __________ are mental shortcuts that provide serviceable but often inexact answers to common judgmental problems.

As a means of increasing self esteem

According to social identity theory, people display in-group favoritism:

High, low, low.

According to the covariation principle, a personal attribution is most likely to result when consistency is ______, consensus is ______, and distinctiveness is ______.

LOW in consensus, HIGH in consistency, and LOW in distinctiveness

Among your group of friends, Chandler is the only one who is ever late for your weekly game of Chess. You've noticed that he is late every week and that he is also late for class, parties, movies, weddings, sporting events, and dental appointments. According to Kelley's covariation model of attribution, Chandlers behavior would be described as _____ in consensus, ____ in consistency, and _____ in distinctiveness.

Insufficient justification (less-leads-to-more) effect

Arlene was always averse to physical contact with pigs because she thought pigs were essentially dirty animals. Despite her concerns, she was induced to kiss a clean-looking pig on the snout for $2.00 while appearing on a television game show. As a result, Arlene has become a staunch advocate of pigs, and she soon plans to have one as a pet. The most probable explanation for this change in attitude is the ______________.

Downward; increase; Closer to Vera

Betty and Vera are best friends who are both being treated for depression. Betty has come to believe that Vera's case of depression is such worse than her own case. Consequently, Betty is making a _______ comparison that will likely ________ her self esteem, and cause her to feel __________.


Bill's wife informs him that they will be attending the opera. Bill has never been to the opera, but he immediately has a mental image of he and his wife sitting in an ornate theater and wearing formal evening wear. Bill is drawing up a(n) ______________.

Social learning

Candy is washing the dishes and asks her brother to help by drying the. Her brother says that dishes are women's work, which makes their father smile. Her brother sees the smile and walks away. This scenario is an example of prejudice as a result of ________ __________.

Using self-affirmation, whereby we restore positive self-evaluations by focusing our attention on positive self-attributes.

Cognitive dissonance arises when we notice a discrepancy between our attitudes and our behaviors. One way we can reduce the dissonance is by _____________.

Facial expression

Deception is most likely to be detected by attending to which channel of communication?

Ingroups; outgroups

Groups to which the self belongs are called ________, and groups to which the self does not belong are called:

An illusory correlation

Gunner thinks that Jews are particularly funny. He overestimates the association between being a stand-up comedian and being Jewish because both characteristics are very distinctive from the normal population. This demonstrates:

It works- behaving as if she is happy can actually make her feel happier.

Jackies parents taught her that she should "put a happy face" and smile, even when she is not happy. According to research on facial feedback, what effect does this behavior have on her corresponding internal state?

Strong, convincing arguments

Jason has been listening to a talk show concerning animal rights. This is an issue that he cares deeply about and he is very knowledgeable about the topic. Jason is most likely to be persuaded by _____________.


Lola visits Trish in Weston, CT. At some point, Lola asks Trish whether there is a lot of crime in Weston. Although crime rarely occurs there, Trish recalls a recent news story about a Weston drug store robbery. On the basis of this memory, she then tells Lola that there is a lot of crime in Weston. This scenario illustrates reliance on the _____________ heuristic.

He was able to repeatedly express his own attitude about the policy.

Marcus felt clearer about his attitude regarding a school policy after meeting with other students about it. The change came about because:

The self-schema is the most well-developed schema and we process and recall schema-consistent information most effectively

One study technique that can facilitate learning and recall is to relate the new information to ones own observations and experiences. This is because

Representativeness; someone resembles a category prototype.

People sometimes have to assess whether someone is a member of a particular group. In assessing whether someone is gay or a republican, for example, we often rely on the _______ heuristic, which entails figuring out the degree to which _________.

Intergroup hostility arises from competition among groups for scarce but valued resources

Realistic conflict theory proposes that:

Scientifically tested.

Sandra thinks that smiling a lot during a job interview increases a persons chances of getting a job offer. The main difference between Sandra's common sense theory and social Psych theories is that social psychological theories are:

Move closer to the in-group

Social Identity theory suggests that we will ________ others who outperform us on an important task, when our group identity is salient.


Spectators at a sporting event recognize the winning team as a whole rather an individual star player for the success of the team. This would most likely occur in an ______ culture


Suppose a breaking news story has occurred involving an incident of terrorism. A certain news station invites a well-respected terrorism scholar to discuss the event. His views will likely be persuasive because he will be seem as ____________.

Outgroup homogeneity effect

The belief "they're all the same" best expresses which of the following concepts?

Personality and situations

The equation, B=f(PxE), describes the idea that behavior is a result of the interaction between

Participants in the $1 condition experienced insufficient justification for lying and as a result, came to believe that the task was fun

The findings of the classic Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) experiment indicates that

Another person's behavior to personal factors rather than to the situation.

The fundamental attribution error is the tendency to attribute:

Manipulated and is hypothesized to be the cause of a particular outcome

The independent variable in an experiment is the variable that is:

Members of our reference group.

We hold values similar to, and identify with, _______.

The actor-observer effect.

When the saleswoman doesn't reply to his "hello", Mario concludes that she is simply a cold person. Yet the next day when Mario doesn't reply to the saleswoman who greets him, he realizes that he is just having a bad day. These differing attributional tendencies illustrate:


Which attitudinal factor describes the extent of how strongly an individual feels about an issue?

Instrumental conditioning

Which form of conditioning causes many children and young teens to hold political, religious, and social views very similar to those of their parents?

Alex thinks tat all Asians are good at math

Which of the following is an example of a stereotype?

Availability heuristic

You are asked what percentage of psychology majors at your school are female. If you answer this question by thinking of how many psychology majors come to mind quickly, you are relying on the:

Look for examples of introverted behaviors in Jan

You think of your friend Jan as a very introverted person. Confirmation bias would predict that you will

His disposition.

Your waiter seems to be doing everything wrong. He has forgotten to take your drink order. He delivers someone else food to your table. He does not come out and say it, but his facial expressions seem to say he'd rather be someplace else. If you assume his behavior is caused primarily by _________________, your assumption is consistent with the fundamental attribution error.

Stereotype threat

Zoe, an attractive blond, is concerned that she might say something foolish in her college algebra class, thereby confirming the stereotype of the "dumb blond". As a result, Zoe rarely volunteers to solve problems on the board during class. This behavior cam best be explained by __________ ________.

Capacity to process information and level of motivation

According to the elaboration-likelihood and the heuristic-systematic models of persuasion, the two key factors that will determine whether we engage in effortful or effortless processing of information are one's _____________________.

Point out shared group memberships with disliked others (Ex: we are all human)

Alice's friend, Zoe, is very concerned and troubled about many of Alice's prejudices. Although she has pointed this out to her many times, Alice's views have not been altered. Another possible effective strategy that Zoe might use to convince Alice (who has two children) to change her views would be to:

Modifying either the attitude or the behavior to become more consistent with each other.

Cognitive dissonance arises when we notice a discrepancy between our attitudes and our behaviors. Oneway we can reduce the dissonance is by ______________.

Situational; personal

Colin and Erin are waiting to meet wit their caterer so that they can discuss the menu for their wedding. The caterer is 30 minutes late and still has not arrived. Colin suggests that the caterer is probably delayed because of traffic. Erin suggests that the caterer is probably disorganized and unreliable. Colin is making a _________ attribution, whereas Erin is making a ______ attribution

18 to 24 months of age

Developmental psychologists have shown that children begin to recognize their own image in a mirror around __ to __ months of age.


During her social psychology course this morning, Leticia learned about the situational obstacles that often prevent people from offering assistance to others in emergency situations. As she is eating lunch with her friends after class, one of them begins coughing and Leticia immediately stars to consider whether her friend is choking and how she will best be able to help her is she is in need of assistance. Leticia's behavior is most likely the result of:

The person expressing the attitude is someone you dislike and see as dissimilar to yourself

Having not met any members of a new social group you hear a personal expressing negative views of that group. Your attitude toward the new group would not be likely influenced by hearing this negative message if:

She divided her class by eye color, then announced that one group was "better" than the other and would get a special treatment

In Iowa in the late 1960's, a third grade teacher, Jane Elliot, created prejudice in her classroom as a lesson for her students. What did she do to create an environment of prejudice?

Status quo

Jonathan continues to buy Orange computers even though his colleagues and friends have informed him that there are newer, better, and cheaper types of computers on the market. Which heuristic is affecting Jonathan?

He finds out that most of his coworkers share the same attitude.

Juan feels unsure about the correctness of his attitude about a new rule at his job. He may feel more correct in his attitude if:

Situational factors can strongly influence our behavior, and we may underestimate their effect

Our classroom "What would you do?" activities on the first day of class illustrated the central concept of social psychology, which is that:


Rebecca fills out a survey in which she asserts complete agreement with the statement, "I enjoy being unique and different from others." With which cultural orientation does she most likely identify with?


Recently, AnnaBelle got a short story published in an online literary magazine. She was very excited because this was her first publication. However, 2 weeks later, she read a masterful story by Toni Morrison, one fo the most famous writers in America. Annabelle then didn't feel so great about her own story or the fact that it was accepted for publication. This is an example of _______ social comparison.

People are only slightly better than chance when it comes to distinguishing between truth and lies.

Research on detecting deception has constantly shown that

Increased contact between members of different social groups can help to reduce prejudice between the groups

The contact hypothesis is based on the idea that ____________

Be unrealistically optimistic about how quickly you can complete a project.

The planning fallacy refers to the tendency to

Selective avoidance.

Tony disagrees with a certain political commercial. When the commercial comes on, he immediately switches the television channel. This is an example of __________ __________.

The true quality of her work, the self-serving bias.

Trista's teacher just returned student essays to the class. Trista's teacher has written several positive comments throughout her paper and give Trista an A+ on the assignment. Trista is likely to believe her grade reflects __________ because of _______.

Classical conditioning

Upon learning that soda sales are in decline, a soda manufacturer, ABC Fizz, decides upon a new advertising tactic. Using demographic data, ABC Fizz discovers that 30-40 year olds show a strong affiliation with apple products. In the new advertising campaign, the company repeatedly pairs images of its soda with 30-40 year olds using apple products. Before long, they find that the sales of their soda increase with this demographic. This is an example of ______________ conditioning.

A self fulfilling prophecy.

Vernell is being interviewed for a job. Though it isn't really true, the interviewer suspects that Vernell is incompetent. Because the interviewer doesn't expect much from Vernell, he sits far away from her during the interview, interrupts her frequently, and seems distracted with she speaks. As a result, Vernell becomes nervous, starts to stutter, and loses her train of thought several times. The interviewer's final impression is that Vernell is, as suspected, incompetent. This impression is most likely the result of


Which of the following research methods is the best way to identify a causal relationship between two variables?

Mental shortcuts, such as heuristics

One way to manage information is to make use of _________


A social psychologist finds a relationship between lower socioeconomic status and the likelihood of being divorced. This study likely describes which type of research method?

Heuristic processing

Arnold is a politician who is campaigning to be the next president of the United States. He knows that most of the people listening to his speeches do not have much knowledge of the intricacies of defense budgets, economic surpluses and deficits, and tax allocation for nationalized health care spending. Therefore, to change the populace's attitudes on such topics, he attempts to get potential voters to use which type of processing?

Counterfactual thinking

Ashley looks back on her marriage and thinks, "if only I had put more effort into the relationship, Lew and I would still be together." This self-reflection exemplifies

When they think these policies will negatively affect White Americans' chances to obtain jobs and promotions

In general, when do whites oppose affirmative action policies?

Actor-observer effect

Mary sees Greta trip while walking down an outside flight of steps, and she thinks to herself, "what a clumsy person!" Five minutes later, though, Mary trips on the same flight of steps, and says to an onlooker, "It's very icy today!" This is an illustration of the __________.


Memories are:

Less obvious than "old-fashioned" racism

Modern racism can be distinguished from what has been termed "old-fashioned" racism in that modern racism is

Mere exposure

Steve met Matilda in psychology class and initially felt ambivalent about her- neither positive nor negative. However, as the semester progressed he discovered that he liked her. This can be explained by the effects of _____ _________

Self-fulfilling prophecies

Student academic performance dramatically improved when teachers were led to believe that the students were intellectually gifted, regardless of the true ability level of the students. This illustrates the influence of:

The amount of stuttering that occurs

Sue is conducting an experiment in which she is trying to determine the influence of staring at a speaker on how much different speakers stutter. Sue sends people to a speech class with instructions to stare for varied amounts of time at the speaker. The dependent variable is

Cooperation among members of different groups

Superordinate goals are goals that require _____________________ in order to achieve

Representativeness, a nurse.

Suppose you are telling your friend about a woman you just met. You tell your friend that this person seemed very compassionate and interested in helping others; however, you could not recall whether she said she was a nurse or a business woman. On the basis of the ________ heuristic, your friend would probably think that she is a _________.

Prejudice involves negative emotional responses based on group membership, whereas discrimination involves usually negative behaviors based on group membership

Which of the following distinguishes prejudice and discrimination?

Roz tells her new boyfriend that she is extremely excited to see the new James Bond movie, even though she truly dreads seeing the film.

Which of the following examples BEST illustrates a situation where there is a gap between our attitudes and behavior?

Consensus, consistency, and distinctiveness

Which three major types of information related to the causes of others behaviors inform Kelley's covariation theory?

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