Social Psychology Exam 3,4&5

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number 38 is

the influence of group pressure to conform

The type of learning that is based on association of two or more stimuli is called ______.

Classical Conditioning

Classical conditioning suggests that people can learn to ____.

Dislike stimuli to which they are initially neutral

Wendy, greta, Tom, and Bill have all made New Year's resolutions to lose weight.Based on the information below, which of them is MOST likely to lose weight.

Greta, who intends to dramatically reduce her fat intake and tells others that she is greatly committed to her diet.

In LaPiere's classic study, a young Chinese couple travel across the U.S.A and reported being treated courteously at virtually every restart and hotel. A follow-up survey asking for attitudes toward Chinese travelers found that ______

Most restaurant and hotel managers responded that they would refuse services to Chinese travelers.

Subliminal conditioning _________.

Occurs below the threshold of conscious awareness of its content

which of the following examples BEST illustrates a situation where there is a gap between our attitudes and behaviors?

Rob tells her new boyfriend that she is extremely excited to see the new James Bond movie, even though she truly dreads seeing that film.

The mechanism by which we compare ourselves to other people to determine theater or not our perception of social reality is correct is known as _______.

Social comparison

Attitudes influence

Social thought and behavior

a message intended to reduce cheating among high school students is more likely to be effective if it is delivered by _____.

an attractive and popular students

the central route to persuasion involves ________.

careful consideration of the ideas contained by a message

the type of social influence that involves direct requests from one individual to anther is known as


the type of social influence in which individuals change either their attitudes or behavior to adhere to existing social norms is known as


the earliest research involving persuasion, by Holland and others, focused on what three key elements?

credibility; syntax; audience

The source of a message influences its effectiveness. To increase the effectiveness of a message, the communicator should be attractive and _______.


LaPiere's research with the Chinese couple pointed out that

difficulty of predicting actual behavior from reported attitudes.

The strongest attitudes for an individual are usually acquired through

direct experience

a campaign manager has advised the candidate he represents to make sure there is a spontaneous demonstration of support for him during the candidate's next major speech. Given that the candidate relies on his audience's peripheral processing of his emotion-laden persuasive messages,the demonstration is useful because

distractions can increase the persuasiveness of a speech.

public conformity is ___; private acceptance is _____.

doing or saying what others around us do or say; coming to feel or think as others around us do

A CEO of a mid-western company gave a press briefing and espoused some fairly restrictive regulations aimed to reduce carbon emissions and water pollution. His excellent credibility was probably due to the fact that

he is CEO of chemical company

An involuntary negative reaction to a member of a stigmatized group is more likely to be the result of an ___________ attitude.


suppose you are taking a friend to a party. The invitation specified that the party would begin at 6:00. when you arrive at your fiend's apartment at 5:45 to pick her up, she tells you she won't be ready to leave before about 6:30 and comments that "nobody arrives on time, anyway." your friend is following an

implicit social norm

n anti-smoking advertisement that features photographs of diseased lungs, people using oxygen tanks to offsets the effects of lung disease, and funerals, but does not include information about quitting smoking, is likely to be ineffective because it will probably

induce too much fear

messages that arrows strong levels of fear are

ineffective at changing behavior

three college friends went swimming in a local creek, ignoring both a No-Trespassing sign, no swimming sign. These friends were violating ________.

injunctive norms

number 40 is

it becomes easier to resist conformity pressure once unanimity of the group is broken

Messages that provide a preliminary announcement that the message is intended to change our opinion are ______.

less effective than those that do not forewarn us of this attempt.

People tend to prefer situations that allow them to ____.

maintain a match between their attitudes and behavior

We hold values similar to, and identify with, ______.

members of our reference groups

number 39 is

more than 60%

suppose a braking news story has occurred involving an incident of terrorism. A certain news station invited a well-respected terrorism scholar to discus the event. His view will likely be persuasive because he will be seen as

not trying to change other's attitudes.

the type of social influence that occurs when one person orders another to perform some action and the other person then complies is known as


if we form an attitude by watching television, that is called _______ learning.


efforts to change our attitudes by using different kinds of messages is (are) known as


Assume you have a negative stereotype of fraternity/sorority members as " stuck up." Given an IAT with photos labeled "fraternity member" or "independent," and paired with the word "bad" or "good," your responses to the "fraternity member"/"bad" combination would likely be _____ than to "independent"/bad combinations


fishbein and Ajzen's theory of planned behavior suggest that the choice of whether or not to engage in a specific behavior is determined_____


______ are rules that indicate how people are expected to behave in particular situations.

social norms

efforts by one or more individuals to change another's attitudes, beliefs, perceptions or behaviors are known as

social norms

injunctive norms _____

specify what ought to be done in a particular situation

an attitude is more likely to influence a person's behavior if

the object of the attitude has important consequences for the individual.

an advertising company has been hired by the Center for Disease Control to produce TV commercials to increase awareness of breast cancer in males. Advertising executives are considering the disease. The second focuses on medical doctors discussing early detection strategies and treatment options. options. the third shows grieving family members surrounding a grave. Which is likely to be more effective at changing men's behavior.

the second, focusing on specific on specific information that will reduce fear.

the first step we take in making a decision about pursuing a particular behavior is to consider________, according to the theory of planned behavior.

various behavioral options

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