Social Psychology Quiz 11

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According to a study performed by Clark and Hatfield (1989), ________ of male participants approached by an opposite-sex stranger agreed to casual sex, while _________ of females agreed to this proposition.

75%; 0%

_______ refers to a judgment or an evaluation about complex things, like if one is achieving a goal, or simple things, like if one is experiencing physiological arousal.

An emotion

When involved in a completely different visual task, such as determining whether a letter is presented upright or upside down, our performance is disrupted and slowed by the presence of an attractive face. This demonstrates:

Attentional adhesion

Which of the following is true of men and women's mate preferences in a short-term mating context?

Both men and women tend to prioritize traits related to physical attractiveness and youth

After puberty, which of the following secondary-sex characteristics develops which is important in determining a woman's attractiveness as a potential mate?

Fat deposits increase in the hips

What is important regarding Fisher's Three Phases of Romantic Love in the context of the debate as to whether love is an emotion or a drive?

Fisher's work demonstrates overwhelming neurological evidence that love is part of a complex system that involves both emotion and drive(s)

___________ refers to ideas, theories, language, and concepts that treat heterosexuality as ubiquitous, morally right, and "normal."


Which of the following is likely a key to achieving long-lasting love and commitment in a romantic relationship?

Mutual trust

Which of the following is a consequence of the phenomenon wherein couples which idealize one another?

Partners begin to see themselves the way their partner sees them

________ are chemical signals often secreted through the skin, which can affect the behavior of other members of the same species.


Finding that inducements to feel love for one's romantic partner, but no sexual desire and attraction for one's romantic partner, facilitates the suppression of thoughts of attractive potential mates suggests that:

The focusing of our attentional resources on our partner depends on feelings of love

Robert Zajonc (1968) found that participants increased their positive attitudes, or liking, of nonsense syllables after being simply exposed to these syllables with an increased frequency. This is an example of:

The mere exposure effect

How similar or dissimilar the attributes are that men and women prioritize in a potential romantic partner seems to depend on:

Whether the man or woman is looking for a short-term or long-term relationship

Which of the following is a theory which might describe the finding that couples tend to display similar personalities and values?

according to positive assortment, our similarity to our potential mate attracts us to them according to convergence, the process of being together causes individuals in a relationship to become more like one another according to the exposure-attitude hypothesis, we adopt attitudes as a reaction to experiences in our early environment (Both a and b)

Across cultures, females tend to prioritize ________ in a potential mate, while males tend to prioritize ________ in a potential mate.

ambitiousness; physical attractiveness

The "t-shirt" study (Wedekind, Seebeck, Bettens, & PKaepke, 1995) finds that naturally-cycling women tend to prefer the odor of t-shirts worn by men whom were more genetically ________; women taking hormonal contraceptives tend to prefer the odor of t-shirts worn by men whom were more genetically _________.

dissimilar, similar

The Klein Sexual Orientation Grid offers a complex and inclusive view of sexual orientation, assessing both _____________, which refers to the sex or sexes to which one prefers to develop close emotional relationships (both sexual and nonsexual), and ____________, which refers to the sex or sexes that are the object of one's sexual fantasies, behaviors, and physical desires.

emotional attraction, sexual attraction

Pheromones are used by many species, with very simple social systems, to determine:

if another organism is a potential mate if another organism is a member of the same species if another organism is a high-quality mate (all of the above)

Some evidence reveals which adage, "birds of a feather flock together" or "opposites attract," is true of romantic relationships. According to this research, couples that tend to have ______________ levels of openness to experience, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, tend to also report _________ relationship satisfaction.

similar; higher

Which of the following is associated with being "in love?"

you feel as if the person you love has acquired special meaning to you you experience high levels of empathy you tend to idealize the object of their affection, by inflating their positive traits, and underrating their negative traits or flaws (all of the above)

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