Social quiz questions

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After learning that another participant had refused to work with them, participants are more likely to complete the letter sequence "R _ P E" with what letter?


People may employ two strategies when resisting persuasive attempts. Which of the following accurately lists these two strategies?

Bolstering one's own view and counter-arguing.

Very brief exposures to faces of people from different ethnic backgrounds (about whom one has a negative attitude) frequently causes people to respond faster to words with negative meanings than to words with positive meanings. This technique or type of research is known as

Bona fide pipeline

One approach to reducing prejudice and bias is to encourage individuals to re-categorize out-group members and in-group members as both being part of a larger single social entity. This approach is known as the

Common in-group identity model

Differential actions taken toward members of specific social groups are known as


Imagine that you are at the park with a friend one day when you and your friend see someone casually toss a sandwich wrapper on the ground. Your friend comments, "How crude! People should not litter," and picks the trash up to drop it in a nearby trash receptacle. Your friend's words represent

Injunctive norm

James and Wanda just bought a house, and moved into a new, upscale neighborhood. One of their friends, who lives down the street from them, has installed a hot tub in her rock garden and has pointed out all the advantages of having one. James and Wanda are debating whether to install a rock garden with a hot tub in their new home. Their decision may be strongly influenced by the

Normative social influence?

Injunctive norm:

Norms specifying what ought to be done; what is approved or disapproved behavior in a given situation (cheating on a test)

Tony disagrees with a certain political commercial. When the commercial comes on, he immediately switches the television channel. This is an example of

Selective avoidance

Exposing a person to some stimulus or event will make related information held in memory more available to him or her. This is known as


After seeing a commercial for sneakers supposedly designed by the basketball star Michael Jordan, Dave decides to rush out and buy a pair. Dave has been influenced as a result of the compliance principle of

Social validation?

A reason for any gender differences in conformity involves a difference in ________ between men and women


Janice tends to become aggressive whenever anyone slights her or insults her. Her friend Joline, however, never seems to become upset or angry at the same kinds of provocations and is generally not an aggressive person. The ways in which these two people might react to the same provocation is best explained by

TASS model?

TASS model:

Traits as situational sensitivities model; suggests that many personality traits function in a threshold like manner; influencing behavior only when situations evoke them (different for everyone, even when they are receiving same level of provocation)

One of the factors associated with compliance is authority. This is because we

are more willing to comply with requests from those who hold or appear to hold legitimate authority over us

One difference between bullies and their victims is that bullies ________, while victims ________

believe that others act the way they do intentionally or because of lasting characteristics; perceive others as behaving the way they do due to external stimuli

Prejudice can be

blatant or subtle

Programs that are intended to reduce bullying in schools or in prisons

can be effective if bullying is recognized as a serious problem and organizations take strong and appropriate steps to correct it

One result of tokenism is that it

can damage the self-esteem and confidence of tokenized individuals

According to the elaboration-likelihood and the heuristic-systematic models of persuasion, the two key factors that will determine whether we engage in effortful or effortless processing of information are one's

capacity to process information and level of motivation

Even though there is a sign that clearly says "Park closes after 9 P.M." Mary says to herself, "What a silly sign! I just want to walk around here; I'm not a 'bad guy'" and proceeds to walk in the park. Mary's behavior is _______ with normative focus theory since _______.

consistent; she is disobeying an injunctive norm that she does not see as related to her own actions

Instrumental aggression

performed primarily to attain other goals aside from harming the victim (control of valued resources, praise from others for being "tough")

Efforts to change our attitudes by using different kinds of messages is (are) known as


A campaign manager has advised the candidate he represents to make sure there is a "spontaneous" demonstration of support for him during the candidate's next major speech. Given that the candidate relies on his audience's peripheral processing of his emotion-laden persuasive messages, the demonstration is useful because

distractions can increase the persuasiveness of a speech

Miller has been watching a very exciting adventure movie at the theater. His heart rate is still a little elevated as he leaves the cinema. Just as he reaches his car in the parking lot, he sees someone accidentally bump his car as they back out of another parking space. Miller becomes extremely agitated and excitedly begins yelling and pounding on the other person's car fender. This extreme reaction to a relatively minor annoyance can best be explained by

excitation transfer theory


hiring based on group membership.

Among children, girls who bully others are motivated by their desire to

hold power, be part of a group that is "tough" or high in status and their feelings of depression or way of making themselves feel better

Descriptive norms

indicate what most people do in a particular situation

A social group that is perceived to be a threat to the high-status group is frequently characterized as

low in warmth and high in competence

One technique for gaining compliance is to offer a very favorable deal to someone, then change the terms of the deal to make it less attractive after the target person has accepted the initial deal. This is known as

lowball procedure

Samantha is frustrated after waiting in a long line for an hour and ultimately shouts at the person in front of her. According to the frustration-aggression hypothesis, Samantha is showing aggression due to

maybe she viewed the situation as illegitimate or unjustified or someone or something was preventing her from getting what she wanted

Cognitive frameworks for organizing, interpreting, and recalling information are known as


descriptive norm:

norms simply indicating what most people do in a given situation (what is generally seen to be done)

According to the theory of planned behavior, our behavioral intentions are determined in part by our perceptions of whether others will approve or disapprove of the behavior, our attitudes toward a particular behavior, and

our perceptions of our ability to perform the behavior

When our membership in a group is salient, a stereotype (about an out-group) that our in-group endorses is more likely to

overcome our personal beliefs about that group

The social learning perspective on aggression suggests that

people acquire their aggressive behaviors from direct experiences or from observing aggressive models

Fazio's attitude-to-behavior process model suggests that an event may activate an attitude, which influences our

perception of the attitude object

In contrast to older models of aggression, modern theories tend to

provide a more accurate understanding of human aggression

Gender differences in aggression tend to shrink or disappear in situations where

provocation is present

Mate-retention behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT

refusing to care for offspring

Individuals primed to think about times they had power over others

resist social pressure to conform in at least some instances

According to the general aggression model, there are two broad categories of variables that influence aggressive behavior: ________ and ________.

situational and personal factors

informational social influence

social influence based on desire to be correct

Normative social influence:

social influence based on the desire to be like or accepted by other people

After watching wrestling on TV for an hour, five-year-old Samuel went outside to play. When five-year-old Jamie, who lives next door, came outside, Samuel shoved him and tried to get him in a head-lock. This situation can best be explained by

social learning perspective

Jason has been listening to a talk show concerning animal rights. This is an issue that he cares deeply about and he is very knowledgeable about the topic. Jason is most likely to be persuaded by

systematic processing/

Cognitive dissonance arises when we notice a discrepancy between our attitudes and our behaviors. One way we can reduce the dissonance is by

using self-affirmation, whereby we restore positive self-evaluations by focusing our attention on positive self-attributes

Recent research indicates that there is a relationship between temperature and aggression. As temperatures increase

violent crimes, such as aggravated assault and homicide, also increase

The stereotype for women shows them as being relatively high on

warmth; and low on competence

Pressures toward conformity have a stronger effect on our behavior when

we like and admire a particular group of people

Cultural norms that support aggressive responses to insults to one's honor developed in response to

wealth being concentrated in forms that could easily be stolen

One study found that we perceive people with certain width-to-height face ratios to be aggressive, and further research shows that

width to height ratios were significantly related to actual aggression; characteristics possessed by individuals are related to the occurence of dangerous form of behavior

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