Social Research Methods Quiz Questions

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Choosing people using a routine, special, or unanticipated focus is called

topics studied at a distance

Content analysis is useful for

easy and fast but of limitied use

Convenience sampling is

statistical independence

Covariance means to vary together. What is the opposite of covariance in a bivariate relationship?


Covariation and statistical independence are the same concept


Cultural knowledge has two parts, explicit and

full filter

Dr. Adams asks respondents if they have an opinion about gas prices, and if they answer yes, she asks them to give their opinion in the second part of the question. What is the name used for this type of question?

a controlled laboratory

Dr. King is conducting a field experiment. One setting that should not be used is

standardizing information

Dr. Mottle is comparing data across two cities. If she adjusts the measures by a common base, she is


Dr. Mottle is concerned that the information that was collected by one of the government agencies might have systematic errors in it limiting the ________of the information.

principal investigator

Dr. Mottle is listed as the lead researcher of a study and of the grant that funds the research. She is the PI of the study, what does that mean?

she is inserting new ideas

Dr. Mottle is revising her research report, meaning that

methodology and why the methods are appropriate

Dr. Mottle's research proposal contains a description of the research problem and its importance. What is she missing?

tips earned

Dr. Smith wants to study whether servers' dress affects amount of tips earned. The dependent variable is

very small

Dr. Van Offer has a very large sample with little diversity in the cases, so his sampling error will be

people who are smokers and have lung cancer

Dr. Van Offer is considering a research study of lung cancer caused by smoking. What population parameter would he most likely look for in the entire population?


Dr. Van Offer is measuring all possibilities in his research. His technique is most likely

screen potential candidates to ensure that no one is at high risk for heat attack, mental breakdowns, etc.

Dr. VanOffer is conducting a research study that will expose the subjects to a great deal of stress. What might be one way to protect his subjects from harm?

is cleaning and tightening up the mechanical aspects of writing

Editing a report

is an ongoing process of accumulating information

Empirical social research

when researchers use deception

Ethics can be an issue in research


Evaluation at the ______________stage can be used to assess motivations for the existence of a program


Evaluation can happen at any stage of the life of a program


Evaluation findings are always published.


Evaluation helps to assess the value of a program at the ______________stage

role conflicts

Evaluators may have ___________because they are often part of the program being evaluated


Evaluators often have role conflicts

identifies sources of behaviors and beliefs

Explanatory research


If Mr. Marsh traces research participants back to their identity using information they provided, he did not do a good job in protecting subjects'

that the subject does not know what she/he is getting-treatment or control

If a double-blind study means that the subject (participant) and the person administering the treatment do not know whether the treatment is the control or placebo, then what does a single-blind study mean?

information professional

If a researcher contemplates conduct of an existing statistics research study, it would be a good idea for him/her to talk with a(n) _____________first.

include everyone in the sample

If a researcher wants to sample a very small target population he might as well

the birth rate in Phoenix

If a researcher's question is about reasons for an increase in the birthrate in Phoenix, AZ, then the dependent variable is

mutually exclusive

If a unit fits into one category only, it is

the author and the date of the publication

If you are paraphrasing someone else's work, what should go in the in-text citation?


If you have more than one citation in a parenthetical in-text citation, how should the citations be organzied?

a colon

If you have more than one citation in an in text parenthetical citation, what punctuation should separate the citations?

wording effect

In a survey, when a particular word in itself evokes a strong feeling, this is called

numbering each element in the frame

In all random samples the researcher starts by

experiential group

In an experiment, the group that receives the experimental intervention is the


In evaluations, questions are derived from ____________

making comparisons

In grounded theory, a researcher builds the explanation by

encourage the respondent to elaborate on an answer

In one on one interviews, a probing question is used to


In organizing survey questions, the demographic questions should be at the beginning of the survey.

A. increasing funding B. enhancing skills C. strengthening accountability D. all of the above Answer: D. all of the above

In program evaluations, building capacity refers to


In sampling a hidden population, a research would use what type of sampling?

eliminating alternative explanations is the most difficult condition to satisfy.

In showing cause-effect relations,

the effect of mood and environment on whether we find someone attractive

In the film "Experimental Research Methods In Psychology" the researchers were focusing on


In verifying data quality of existing statistics Mr. Marsh discovers that the definition of "work injury" varies across different agencies and time. This is an example of

are two approaches to reasoning in a study method

Inductive and Deductive

probability theory

Inferential statistics uses ____________to allow a researcher to test hypotheses, permit inferences from sample to populatino and to evaluate the strength of relationships among variables.

a guarantee of anonymity and the confidentiality of data records

Informed consent statements contain

artificial treatment

Mr. March conducts an experiment that he can't translate to real life. The treatment is not realistic. This threat to external validity is called


Mr. Marsh asks his colleagues if they believe that his conceputal definition and measurement fit. They agree that they do. What type of validity is this?

scientific misconduct

Mr. Marsh changed some of the data in a study because he thought that it didn't fit with the rest of the data. He didn't mean any harm, but there is a problem. If he doesn't disclose the fact that he changed the data he could be guilty of

be patient, the true "relevance" of what he is seeing may not be apparent until later when reviewing the information

Mr. Marsh is "concerned" that nothing seems to be happening in his field research. What should he do?

sampling frame

Mr. Marsh is creating a list of sample elements using a phone directory. The list is called a(n)

refined the topic

Mr. Marsh is starting his literature review on the topic of children and tooth decay. He has found lots and lots of information and now he is really confused as to his next step.What do you think that he should have done first?


Mr. Marsh is using systematic sampling and his sample frame has 2000 names from directory. If he is sampling 400 what is his sample interval?


Mr. Marsh uses a special measure combining information from separate indicators into one score. He is most likely using a(n):


No evaluation is good unless findings are used to make a difference

A. gender B. religion C. political party D. IQ score Answer: D. IQ score

Nominal measures indicate a difference among categories. Which of the folllowing would NOT be a nominal measure?


One limitation of this type of sampling is that the researcher only captures the diversity of a few predetermined population characteristics.

the researcher analyzes data that someone else collected

Secondary analysis is similar to existing statistics research in that

a threat to internal validity

Selection bias is an example of

can be used in policy decisions

Social indicator is a measure of social conditions and

physical harm or bodily injury

Social research can cause harm by causing

an illusionary relationship resulting from an unacknowledged other variable that is a cause of both the independent and dependent variable.

Spuriousness is

"dont know" choice

Standard format questions in a closed-ended survey do not offer which of the following?

the probability of finding a relationship in sample data when there is none in the population

Statistical significance indicates

are never used in field research

Structural questions


The citation format that we use in the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences is:

introduction and entry

The first stage of a person to person interview involves

engage stakeholders

The first step in program evaluation is:

attitudes about the BBC

The focus group example shown in class focused on

the smaller the sampling error

The larger the sample size

should be 5% or smaller by rule of thumb

The level of statistical significance

web based

The lowest cost format for surveys is


The most representative samples do not use a random selection process.

that participation in a study must be voluntary at all times

The principle of voluntary consent means


The purpose of assessing a ____________program is to evaluate/show program successes as well as areas in need of improvement

to provide a description of a way of life from the standpoint of the insiders

The purpose of ethnography is

what he discovered

The purpose of the research report is to tell others what the researcher did, how he did it, and

restates the research question and summarizes major findings

The report conclusion

a type of contract between the researcher and the funding source

The research proposal is


The simplest one of these is visual rating. These are used to create measures of variables. What are they?

is the unit on which a researcher measures variables and gathers data

The unit of analysis

never causing unnecessary or irreversible harm to research participants

There are some very clear prohibitions in regard to human subject research, including

standard deviation

This measure is the most comprehensive measure of variability, giving an "average" difference between all scores and the mean. It is called what?


This term is used to address how well a researcher's measure of reality matches the ideas she uses to understand that aspect of reality. What is this term?


This type of validity is the easiest to achieve and is the most basic form of validity. It is a judgment by knowledgeable people that the indicator really measures the concept it claims to measure.

A. selection bias B. quasi experimental conditions C. testing D. history Answer: B. quasi experimental conditions

Threats to validity include all of the following EXCEPT


Three major issues to consider when entering the field include: presentation of self, social role, and what?


Three steps in the writing process include prewriting, rewriting and what?

have the coders code the same text independent of one another and check for consistency

To make sure that assistant coders are consistent, a researcher should

the researcher may get a lot of data that may lead to false interpretation.

Topic knowledge can limit research because


Traditionally, most evaluations have occurred at the _____________ of a program


Two major ways of organizing field research reports are by chronological natural history and by

the fact that they are social and political products

Use of official existing statistics raises ethical issues regarding

standard deviation

Variation can be measured in three ways: range, percentile, and

have continued in modern times and all over the world

Violations of the ethical code

it's faster and easier to collect data

What are the advantages of quantitative nonreactive research?

you could be expelled from school

What can happen if you plagiarize

being creative in thinking about how to turn the data into variables that can answer research questions

What challenge(s) does a researcher face in doing existing statistics research?

A. time order B. spuriousness C. association D. ruling out of alternative causal factors Answer: B. spuriousness

What is NOT needed for a causal explanation?

A two-part question in which a first question screens who gets the second question.

What is a contingency question?

start up

What is the first stage in conducting a survey?

formulate a research question

What is the first step in conducting content analysis research?


What is the mean of the following set of numbers: 6, 3, 9


What is the median in the following set of numbers? 1, 16, 35, 14, 7


What is the mode in this group of numbers? 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 6, 16, 33, 1


What is the most common ethical issue in field research?

Does it come earlier in time?

What question will help identify the independent variable?

what is the study's basic design

What questions should you ask when taking notes while reading material for your literature review?

weighting and missing data

What two items complicate index construction?

leading questions

When a researcher leads a respondent to pick one response over another, the researcher is asking what type of questions?

form a mental image of the article's topic

When a researcher reads a scholarly journal, s/he should


When a researcher uses another person's ideas or thoughts, but uses his own wording, this is called

social desirability bias

When a respondent distorts answers to look good or conform to social norms, this is called


When all the items in a scale or index fit together and measure a single concept, this is called


When coding categories of variables it is essential to keep written records of coding rules in a


When creating this measure, two or more items are combined into a single numerical score. What is it called

early in the process

When does a researcher focus the research question when his/her research uses quantitative data?

measures the size, volume, and amount of time or physical space.

When measuring space in content analysis, a researcher

the researcher becomes the data collection instrument

When observing and collecting data

give the original author credit by referencing

When paraphrasing a researcher must

experimental mortality

When participants don't finish a study it is called

the people in the groups will be equal

When using a true random process, over the long run the odds are

can look at 2 variables together simultaneously and evaluate the statistical relationships between variables

When using bivariate statistics, the researcher

write while you are reading

When writing a literature review it is important to

provide concrete examples that can't be misinterpreted

When writing for the public an author should

A. identify a physical evidence measure of a behavior of interest B. compare the two variables of the hypothesis using quantitative data analysis C. systematically record the physical evidence D. all of the above Answer: D. all of the above

Which of the following are things a researcher would do to conduct a study with physical evidence?

suggested notes

Which of the following is NOT a level of field notes?

timelines of the input

Which of the following is NOT a limitation when using existing statistics?

A. scattergram B. cross tabulation C. bell curve D. measures of association Answer: C. bell curve

Which of the following is NOT a technique to help decide if there is a relationship between two variables?

A. refine the topic B. read books C. design your study D. organize notes, synthesize and write the review Answer: B. read books

Which of the following is NOT one of the six steps discussed for Literature Reviews?

A. are commonly found in university libraries B. have a reference section that lists sources in detail C. have peer reviewed articles in them D. are not part of an index location system Answer: D. are not part of an index location system

Which of the following is NOT true? Scholarly journals

gain insight

Which of the following is a reason to evaluate a program?

A. copying someone else's paper B. directly quoting a passage from a text without putting quotations around the passage and/or providing the author, date and page number C. quoting every passage of a text D. all of the above Answer: D. all of the above

Which of the following is an example of plagiarism?

A. property records B. birth announcements C. telephone directory D. school registration Answer: D. school registration

Which of the following might be an appropriate sample frame for a population aged 16-18?

peer reviewed scholarly journals

Which of the following might be considered a type of periodical that a researcher might consider in a literature search?

an issue or event that was not significant

Which of the following might interfere with a respondent's recall in a survey asking about past events?

what types of research are funded

Which of the following questions would be appropriate to ask of a funding source?


Which type of sample is most applicable for capturing an existing network?

it depends on your research topic and what type of data you are collecting

Which type of sample is the best sample to shoot for when doing research?

with a series of steps that result in a final product

Writing is a process

the author's name, date of publication and page number

You have directly quoted a passage from a text. What should go in the in-text citation?

A. you have already cited all of the authors in the text at least one time B. never C. if there are six or more authors on the publication D. both a and c Answer: Both A. and C.

You should automatically use the first author's last name of an article and the phrase et. al if

It depends on the type of research

You should never deceive a research participant in any way.


____________ are conducted to generate findings intended for use by a specific program.


________________ is conducted to produce knowledge that is generalizable across different programs

is a convenient way to determine how close people feel toward a social group to which they belong

A social distance scale

focus group

A specialized qualitative research technique that involves informal group interviews about a topic is a(n)

refers to the type of words, length and form of sentences, and pattern of paragraphs

Research report style

using double blind experiments

Researchers control experimenter expectancy by

works with variables that have 2-5 categories and data at nominal or ordinal levels of measurement

A bivariate table

specifies how variables are connected

A causal hypothesis


A continuous variable has an infinite number of values that flow along a continuum, while a __________ variable has a fixed set of separate values or categories.

a literature review

A critical look at existing research is


A double-barreled question joins 2 or more questions together and makes a respondent's answer ambiguous.


A field site or setting is a fixed physical location

can limit access to a field site

A gatekeeper


A graph that allows a researcher to see bivariate relationships and usually has independent variables on the horizontal axis and dependent variables on the vertical axis is called a

lack of photos

A limitation to use of the General Social Survey is

a bell

A random sampling distribution curve is in the shape of


A researcher faces three survey question sequence issues: how to organize, how to reduce question order effects, and how to control researcher bias.

selecting cases from a specific, difficult to reach population.

A researcher might use purposive sampling by


A researcher shouldn't think about coding until halfway through the research process

a Likert scale

A scale that typically measures opinions or ratings at the ordinal level is probably

is called a questionnaire

A set of questions used in a social survey

has many cases of extremes of the curve

A skewed distribution has

artificial setting

A threat that might weaken external validity is

expert professionals and scholars audience

A writer's audience that is interested in a detailed description of the research process is the

convenience sampling

Accidental sampling occurs when a researcher selects cases that are easy and convenient. It lacks and depth and is also called

help identify service needs of clients

According to "Making the case for program evaluation", one of the reasons why social workers should complete program evaluations is to

5-6 people

According to Dr. Bemiller, the best size for a focus group is


According to Patton, research seeks to __________, evaluation seeks to improve


According to the film viewed in class, experiments are often criticized for being

confounding variables

According to the film viewed in class, variables that get in the way of one's research findings are referred to as

field experiment

According to the film viewed in class, which experiment tends to be the most "true to life"

operationalization, conceptualization

All measurement builds on these two processes


An IQ score is an example of what type of measurement?

that they can be anonymous

An advantage of mailed questionnaires is

research report

An essential part of the research report where the researcher communicates the results of her study is the


An example of a continuous variable would be

is a member in the field site with whom the researcher develops a relationship and who tells the researcher details about life in the field site.

An informant in field research

often affect interviews and respondent's answers

An interviewer's visible characteristics


As a researcher learns how to fit in by learning rules, customs, etc., he does what?


Because standard deviation is not easy to interpret, Dr. Smith uses another standard measure that expresses scores on a frequency distribution in terms of number of standard deviations from the mean. What is Dr. Smith using?

being an earnest novice

Field researchers have strategies that they tailor to the field site and their background. Which of those strategies is listed below?

being mutually exclusive

Good answer choices in closed format should have 3 features, including which of the following

awareness of being in a study

Hawthorne effect is

interpreting the content's significance

Identify one limitation of content analysis


If Dr. Mottle gives items in an index more or less of a value her index is probably


If Dr. Mottle's measurements of her data are consistent and do not vary because of the characteristics of how she measured, the measurement is


It is not possible to plagiarize yourself.

semantic differential

Marketing researchers often use this scale to measure subjective feelings

that a biological or emotional process within the participants that is not part of the independent variable induces a change in the dependent variable

Maturation is a threat to internal validity and means

prestige bias

Mr. Adams changes his title to Dr. in order to influence survey respondents. He may be guilty of using

It means that there is statistical independence. The variables do not covary

Mr. Adams discovers that the measure of association is zero in his data relationship. What does this mean?

jot a few notes while in the field, but sit down immediately after he leaves the field and write down all his memories using whatever format is most comfortable for him

Mr. Adams is a poor notetaker. What suggestion might be most helpful for him while doing his field research?

social desirability bias

Mr. Johnson responded that he always completed employee evaluations on time when he was a manager, when in fact, he rarely conducted the task. As a respondent in a survey he exaggerated to look good. This is an example of

engagement in illegal behavior

People tend to underreport certain things in a survey. Which of the following might be underreported?

measure a behavior or viewpoint of interest

Physical evidence measures

ethical concerns

Practical limitations on study design include

begins with a file folder full of notes, outlines and lists

Prewriting means that a researcher


Professional writers suggest that one should know his audience when writing.


Program evaluations are judgmental


Program evaluations are used to monitor program progress at the ______________stage

usually number-related

Qualitative research is NOT

A. historical comparative B. surveys C. experiments D. content analysis Answer: A. historical comparative

Quantitative data collection techniques include all but the following:


Quota sampling is better than convenience sampling because with it a researcher ensures that major differences in the population also appear in the researchers sample.

is most likely to produce a sample that truly represents the population

Random sampling

information is reduced to its basic components

Reductionism happens when

unspoken cultural norms

Tacit knowledge includes

A. books B. speeches C. films D. all of the above Answer: D. all of the above

Text appears in all communication media, including

field experiment

The Minneapolis Domestic Violence experiment looked at police methods used in domestic violence incidents. The research question was, what police intervention works best to reduce violence? In the experiment, officers were asked to use one of three interventions when encountering an accused abuser: 1) Send the abuser away for eight hours; 2) Provide advice and mediate disputes 3) Make an arrest. Because the experiment happened in society it is considered a:

stage of program development

The ___________________ influences the reason for program evaluation.


The arithmetic average is the most widely used measure of central tendency. It is also referred to as

sampling element

The case or unit of analysis in a population is

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