Social Science Senior Project: Equal Pay

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E.P pp 6 Miller

Compared with salary information for white male workers, Asian women's salaries show the smallest gender pay gap, at 87 percent of white men's earnings. The gap was largest for Hispanic women, who were paid only 54 percent of what white men were paid in 2016 (below).

E.P pp 2 Pierce

In two of every three Pennsylvania households, women with children are primary or co-breadwinners. Despite the crucial role women play in ensuring household livelihoods, Pennsylvania boasts a 76% gender wage gap, with women making an annual average of $38,000 and men making $50,000 (approximately $0.76 to every $1.00).

E.P pp 5 Holmes and Corely

Indeed, in each country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD—a group of 35 advanced and emerging economies—women experience a wage gap.

E.P pp 5 Kottasova

Italy and Israel made it to the top of the heap in terms of countries that offer the most equal opportunities for women. But a woman earned only 48% of a man's salary in Italy and 47% in Israel.

E.P . pp 3 Women's Law Project

Nearly one-fifth of Pennsylvania's female tipped workers live in poverty, more than double the rate for working women overall. Almost one-quarter of female servers and bartenders in Pennsylvania live in poverty

E.P . pp 4 Holmes and Corely

North America—defined as Canada and the United States in the report—is at the far end of that continuum: It is not projected to close its gap for another 158 years.

E.P pp 1 Blau and Kahn

Our effort to assess the quantitative evidence on the importance of these factors suggests that they account for a small to moderate portion of the gender pay gap, considerably smaller than say occupation and industry effects, though they appear to modestly contribute to these differences.

E.P pp 3 Women's Law Project

Pennsylvania's $2.83 hourly minimum wage for tipped workers is unchanged since 1998 and just 70 cents higher than the federal minimum of $2.13 per hour.

E.P pp 4 Patten and Brown

Roughly four-in-ten mothers said that at some point in their work life they had taken a significant amount of time off (39%) or reduced their work hours (42%) to care for a child or other family member. Roughly a quarter (27%) said they had quit work altogether to take care of these familial responsibilities.

E.P pp 5 Kottasova

Rwanda is the only country with more female parliamentarians -- women hold 64 seats in its 100-seat parliament.

E.P pp 4 Patten and Brown

In the 2013 survey, women were about twice as likely as men to say they had been discriminated against at work because of their gender (18% vs. 10%).

E.P pp 1 Jones, Wilson, Blado, and Gould

In the last 37 years, gender wage gaps have unquestionably narrowed—due in part to men's wages decreasing—while racial wage gaps have gotten worse.

E.P pp 1 or 6 Salyer

In the past 35 years, the gap between the wages of black and Hispanic American workers and those of white ones has not significantly changed

E.P pp 6 Salyer

21% of black adults and 16% of Hispanics say that their race or ethnicity has caused them to be treated unfairly in hiring, pay or promotion in the past year, compared to 4% of whites.

E.P pp 3 Women's Law Project

A Pennsylvania woman working full time at minimum wage earns just $14,500 annually, almost $4,600 below the official U.S. poverty line for a mother with two children.

E.P pp 1 Blau and Kahn

Although human capital factors are now relatively unimportant in the aggregate, women's work force interruptions and shorter hours remain significant in high skilled occupations, possibly due to compensating differentials

E.P pp 3 Women's Law Project

American women, on average, will not achieve equal pay until 2058. Pennsylvania women, however, are not on track to earn equal pay until the year 2072. Pay discrimination, penalizing workers for pregnancy, occupational gender segregation, nursing and caretaker responsibilities, wage theft and an inadequate minimum wage all contribute to pay gap

E.P pp 6 Miller

Among full-time workers in 2016, Hispanic or Latina, black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native (AIAN), and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (NHPI) women had lower median annual earnings compared with non-Hispanic white and Asian women. But within racial/ethnic groups, black, Hispanic, AIAN, and NHPI women experienced a smaller gender pay gap compared with men in the same group than did non-Hispanic white and Asian women.

E.P pp 6 Jones, Wilson, Blado, and Gould

An increase of the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2024 would affect more than one in four black women workers.

E.P pp 6 Miller

At every level of academic achievement, women's median earnings are less than men's median earnings, and in some cases, the gender pay gap is larger at higher levels of education. Education improves earnings for women of all races and ethnicities, but earnings are affected by race and ethnicity as well as gender. White women are paid more than black and Hispanic women at all education levels.

E.P pp 6 Jones, Wilson, Blado, and Gould

Black women work more hours than white women. They have increased work hours 18.4 percent since 1979, yet the wage gap relative to white men has grown.

E.P pp 5 Kim

But doing so means that instead of attempting to pass federal legislation, advocates should target states to pass legislation and undertake pro-active remedies that can improve women's pay.

E.P pp 1 Blau and Kahn

By 2010, conventional human capital variables taken together explained little of the gender wage gap, while gender differences in occupation and industry continued to be important.

E.P pp 2 Pierce

By removing prior wages from the hiring process, the Philadelphia law enables women to be paid based on objective criteria, like education and experience, and to avoid being penalized by lower earnings from a previous job.

E.P pp 6 Jones, Wilson, Blado, and Gould

In fact, on average, black women workers are paid only 67 cents on the dollar relative to white non-Hispanic men, even after controlling for education, years of experience, and location.

E.P pp 1 Pierce

Eliminating the gender pay gap is smart economics: as caregivers, breadwinners, and civic organizers, women are more likely to invest their earnings back into their families and communities.

E.P pp 4 Patten and Brown

Even though women have increased their presence in higher-paying jobs traditionally dominated by men, such as professional and managerial positions, women as a whole continue to be overrepresented in lower-paying occupations, and this may also contribute to gender differences in pay.

E.P pp 4 Patten and Brown

For young women, the gap has narrowed even more over time. Back in 1980, they earned 67% of their male counterparts, compared with 90% in 2015.

E.P pp 5 Holmes and Corely

Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn, who have done extensive research on the gender wage gap both within the United States and internationally, explain that the United States' relatively weak wage-setting mechanisms result in a higher level of income inequality, which leads to a higher wage gap.

E.P pp 6 Jones, Wilson, Blado, and Gould

However in 2016, white women's wages grew to 76 percent of white men's, compared to 67 percent for black women relative to white men—a racial difference of 9 percentage points. The trend is going the wrong way—progress is slowing for black women.

E.P pp 4 Miller

In 2016 the pay gap was smallest in New York, where women working full time year-round were paid 89 percent of what men were paid. The largest gap was in Louisiana, where women were paid 70 percent of what men were paid.

E.P. pp 4 Holmes and Corely

In American households, more than two-thirds of mothers are the primary or co-breadwinners for their families, meaning that the gender wage gap hits working families particularly hard

E.P pp 5 Kottasova

Some of the world's poorest countries lead the equality ranking. Burundi, where four out of five people live below the poverty line, is the top country in women's pay. Women in the tiny African country earn 83% of salaries of the men in the same jobs.

E.P pp 4 Kottasova

The U.S., for instance, narrowed its wage gap by one percentage point to 66% in one year "meaning that women earn about two-thirds of what men earn for similar work according to the perception of business leaders,

E.P pp 6 Jones, Wilson, Blado, and Gould

The data make it clear that there has been no lack of effort on the part of black women workers. Even in the face of persistent racial wage gaps, labor market discrimination, occupational segregation, and other labor market obstacles, black women continue to increase their annual hours and weeks worked per year.

E.P pp 6 Miller

The gender pay gap also grows with age, and differences among older workers are considerably larger than gaps among younger workers. In 2016 women ages 20-24 were paid 96 percent of what men were paid, decreasing to 78-89 percent from age 25 to age 54. By the time workers reach 55-64 years old, women are paid only 74 percent of what men are paid.

E.P pp 6 Jones, Wilson, Blado, and Gould

The ongoing gender and racial discrimination faced by black women means that seven months into 2017, black women finally have equal pay with what white men earned last year.

E.P pp 6 Salyer

The only people out-earning white men are Asian men, who earned 117% as much as white men in 2015.

E.P pp 3 Pierce

The state legislature has so far refused to raise the minimum wage above the federal minimum ($7.25 an hour) or to fix the state's current equal pay law, which has proven ineffective. Without corrective policy interventions, Pennsylvania women are not on track to earn equal pay until 2072.

E.P pp 6 Jones, Wilson, Blado, and Gould

The truth: In almost every occupation—both female-dominated and male-dominated—black women earn less than white men.

E.P . pp1 Holmes and Corely

This means that because women across countries are generally more concentrated at the bottom of the wage distribution—that is, women disproportionately work in lower-income jobs, and female-dominated occupations often have lower average wages—a country with higher overall income inequality likely has a larger gender wage gap.

E.P pp 6 Jones, Wilson, Blado, and Gould

Two-thirds of black women in the workforce have some postsecondary education, 29.4 percent have a bachelor's degree or higher. Black women are paid less than white men at every level of education.

last journal in annotated bibliography was taken off of website online

Understanding the Sources of Ethnic and Racial Wage Gaps and Their Implications for Policy.

E.P pp 5 Kim

Unionizing women, comparable worth, pay secrecy legislation, affirmative action, stronger non-discrimination legislation, and family-friendly policies can improve the gender wage gap.

E.P pp 6 Salyer

White men also continue to out-earn all women, and in 2015, Hispanic women earned the lowest average hourly wages at $12, compared to $13 for black women, $17 for white women and $18 for Asian women.

E.P pp 5 Kottasova

Women's wages come closest to men's in Norway and Singapore, but even there it's still at 80%.

E.P pp 6 Salyer

Yet even among those with a bachelor's degree or higher, disparity is clear. College-educated black and Hispanic men earn about 80% of the hourly wages of college-educated white men, and college-educated black and Hispanic women earn only about 70% of the hourly wages of college-educated white men.

E.P pp 2 Pierce

basing salary offers on a previous earnings, rather than an applicant's qualifications and the job's responsibilities, is one way pay discrimination is perpetuated throughout a woman's working life.

E.P pp 4 Patten and Brown

both men and women see inequalities in the workplace - 77% of women and 63% of men said "this country needs to continue making changes to give men and women equality in the workplace

E.P pp 6 Jones, Wilson, Blado, and Gould

half of all African American female workers are moms, as are 55.3 percent of Hispanic working women and 44.5 percent of white female workers - although women often face a wage penalty when taking time out of the workforce to care for children.

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