Social Studies, Study of Greece - 133 Terms

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What were some ways the Farmers met these Challenges?

- Built wide earth steps. - Grew plants that didn't need flat land. - Raised animals such as goats and sheep.

What were some of the Challenges for Greek Farmers?

- Little flat land (land was rocky, even in plains and valleys).

Identify two or more challenges merchant ships faced.

- Navigating was difficult ; they could only rely on the stars. - The ship traveled slowly, so the journey was quite long.

List three of more reasons why travel was challenging in Ancient Greece.

- People walked because only the wealthy were able to afford horses. - They had to bring lots of stuff (like food), making it slower travel because they had to go in groups. - They could be attacked by pirates, bandits, robbed, etc.

Describe the actions that the Ancient Greeks were likely to take when starting a new colony.

1. They consulted the Orcale. 2. Gathered food and supplies. 3. Find a good place for the colony. 4. Establish colony and work hard to survive.

What's the definition of a Monarchy?

A form of government with a Monarch at the head. the Monarch is usually the King.

How old did a man have to be to live with his family, and how old did they have to be to retire from the army?

A man could not live at home with his wife and family until he was 30 years old. At the age of 60, Spartan men could retire from the army.

What's the definition of a Oligarchy?

A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.

What's the definition of a Democracy?

A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Who was the greatest Greek Warrior?


What sea lies along the eastern coast of Greece?

Aegean Sea.

Who commanded the Greek Army?

Agamemnon of Mycenae.

How old did a Spartan child have to be to start military training?

All Spartan children trained for battle from the age of 7. Even girls were given some military training.

How did Achilles die?

An arrow had hit his heel.

On which Continents did the Ancient Greeks establish settlements?

Asia, Europe, and Africa.

How were boys and girls taught in Athens?

Athenian boys and girls were taught very differently.

What were the currencies of Athens and Sparta, and why did they choose this type of currency?

Athenians used coins as their currency to make trade easier. The Spartans used iron bars as their currency to discourage stealing.

What were the name of the councils Athens and Sparta had?

Athens had the Council of 500 and Sparta had the Council of Elders.

Was Athens farther North or was Sparta?

Athens was farther North.

How old did boys have to be to start military training?

Boys started military training at 18. They had private tutors.

How did Achilles kill Hector?

By driving his spearpoint into Hector's throat.

What's the definition of a Tyranny?

Cruel and oppressive government or rule. A Tyrant is basically the ruler who started to rule by taking force.

On what continent is Ancient Greece located?


How did the Minoans and the Mycenaean's trade?

Expert seafarers from the Minoans culture set up trade routes with Spain, Egypt, Canaan, and Asia Minor. Mycenaean's only set up sea-trade with Egypt and Asia Minor. They grew grains, grapes, and olives.

What were girls taught and how old were they when they got married?

Girls were taught household duties from their mother and got married at 15.

Who was Hephaestus?

God of Fire and the Forge.

Who was Apollo?

God of Music, Wisdom, and Poetry.

Who was Ares?

God of War.

Who was Poseidon?

God of Water.

Who was Zeus?

God of Wind, Rain, Thunder, and Lightning.

Who was Hades?

God of the Underworld.

Who was Aphrodite?

Goddess of Love and Beauty.

Who was Hera?

Goddess of Marriage.

Who was Athena?

Goddess of Wisdom.

Who was Hestia?

Goddess of the Hearth.

Who was Artemis?

Goddess of the Hunt, the Moon, Archery, Hills, and Forests.

Who thought up the idea of the Trojan Horse?

Greek Warrior Odysseus.

What did Hector do to Patroclus?

He killed him and took his armor.

Thetis told Achilles something bad will happen if he killed Hector. What was it?

He would die himself.

Who was the bravest Trojan Warrior?


Who was the most beautiful women in Sparta?


What rights did helots have in Sparta?

Helots could marry anyone, name their children, sell surplus from crops, and could buy their own freedom.

Who were the three rival Goddess for the Beauty contest?

Hera, Athena , and Aphrodite.

If a baby was born unhealthy, what would happen to it?

If a baby was born unhealthy, they were left to die on a hillside.

When did Athens become a Democracy?

In 500 B.C.E.

When were Sparta and it's government developed?

In 800 B.C.E.

For what reason did people go to school in Athens and Sparta?

In Athens, people went to school to become a well-prepared citizen who could made knowledgeable decisions in government. Spartans educated people just to produce men and woman who were capable of fighting for their city.

How were boys and girls taught in Sparta?

In Sparta, both boys and girls were taught equally.

What was the status of woman compared to men in Sparta?

In Sparta, men and women lived a more equal life than in Athens. Like Spartan men, women were expected to be strong and healthy, and ready to fight when needed.

What were some advantages of this government? (Democracy)

In a Democracy, the government had the exact same power as the people, so you can't actually have any advantage system at all in a Democracy. Plus, the government are the people in this case.

Under this type of government, what rights did the people of Greece have? (Democracy)

In a Democracy, the people of Greece did have a lot of power because in a Democracy, basically everyone ruled everyone and themselves, so they can't just let one person have more power than another. Because, everyone had the exact same power.

Who had the power to rule for this type of government? (Democracy)

In a Democracy, the ruling power goes to everyone, so basically, everyone rules one another, and everyone has the same ruling rights.

What were some advantages of this government? (Monarchy)

In a Monarchy, the government had a lot of advantages because they were wealthy, and a lot of rich people were on their side.

Under this type of government, what rights did the people of Greece have? (Monarchy)

In a Monarchy, the people of Greece didn't have many rights because it seems like they punished a lot of people just because they disobeyed the law or didn't pay their taxes.

Who had the power to rule for this type of government? (Monarchy)

In a Monarchy, the ruling power is in the hands of one person, usually a king.

Who had the power to rule for this type of government? (Oligarchy)

In a Oligarchy, a few wealthy men, have the power to rule Greece, they were mostly aristocrats or wealthy merchants.

What were some advantages of this government? (Oligarcy)

In a Oligarchy, the government had a lot of advantages because they enforced laws that made them richer, and the poor, became much more poorer.

Under this type of government, what rights did the people of Greece have? (Oligarcy)

In a Oligarchy, the people of Greece did not have much rights either. The wealthy made laws so they became wealthier, which left the poor, to become poorer. They came to dislike the wealthier people and eventually threw them out of power.

What were some advantages of this government? (Tyranny)

In a Tyranny, the government had a lot of advantages, yet they did not take that as a advantage and they still helped the poorer people.

Under this type of government, what rights did the people of Greece have? (Tyranny)

In a Tyranny, the people of Greece did have a lot of rights because the people who ruled them promised what they will change, and actually did it. Yet some people who ruled them, did not act that nice to the people who were poorer than them.

Who had the power to rule for this type of government? (Tyranny)

In a Tyranny, the ruling power goes to the men, who says that he will change the government or make it powerful in a good way.

How did the sea's surrounding Ancient Greece influence it's development? (For Example, Adriatic and Ionian Sea's)

It helped because people could travel easily by sea.

What's the sea that is south of Ancient Greece.

Mediterraean Sea.

Who was Helen's husband?

Menelaus of Mycenae.

Who was Hermes?

Messenger God.

Who taught Athenian boys until they went to school and how old were they when they went to school? How old were boys when they left school?

Mothers or male slave taught the boys until the age of 6 or 7. Then, boys went to school until about they were about 14.

Why and when did the Mycenaean's conquer the Minoans?

Mycenaean's conquered the Minoans on the island of Crete in 1450 B.C.E. because of three theories. 1) They needed more copper and ores. 2) They had violent land disputes. 3) They could no longer fight of hostility from neighboring cultures.

What military equipment did the Mycenaean's have?

Mycenaean's had decorated uniforms, elaborate helmets, chariots, daggers, and axes.

Why did the Mycenaean's value horses?

Mycenaean's valued horses very much because they were their vehicles of war.

What goods from the Greek mainland were traded? What goods did the Greeks get in exchange?

Olive oil, Pottery, and Wine were traded for Grain, Timber, and Metal.

What did only boys learn in Sparta?

Only boys were taught to read and write, but they were not valuable skills in Sparta.

Who judged the Beauty Contest?


How old did people have to be to be part of the Council of 500 and the Council of Elders?

People had to be at least 30 years to be part of the Council of 500. People had to be at least 60 years to be part of the Council of Elders.

What were the names of free non-citizens and what did they do?

Periolkoi were free non-citizens who served in the army, made craft goods and traded for goods not native to Sparta.

What natural disaster occurred in Crete?

Severe earthquakes destroyed Cretan palaces in 1700 B.C.E. but were quickly rebuilt.

How did the Spartan currency discourage trading?

Since one iron bar did not have much value, only a wagon load of bars would have some value. Other city-states did not like receiving iron as payment for goods.

What could women not do in Athens?

Since they had less rights than men, they could not vote. They could not choose their husbands.

What were soldiers in Sparta expected to endure?

Soldiers were expected to be able to suffer physical pain without complaint.

What were some disadvantages of this government? (Democracy)

Some of the disadvantages the government had were not many because in this case, the people are actually the government.

What were some disadvantages of this government? (Monarchy)

Some of the disadvantages the government had were not many because they had absolute control.

What were some disadvantages of this government? (Oligarcy)

Some of the disadvantages the government had were not many because they had absolute control.

What were some disadvantages of this government? (Tyranny)

Some of the disadvantages the government, were some, but not a lot, because they were actually nice to the people.

Where did Spartan boys live and train?

Spartan boys lived and trained in buildings called barracks. They continued to live in barracks after they became citizens.

How and what did boys learn in Athens?

Teachers taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and literature. Boys had to readout loud and memorize texts because books were rare and very expensive. Boys wrote of tablets. Boys grew up to be active in Athenian government.

How were people chosen to be part of the Council of 500 and the Council of Elders?

The 500 candidates were chosen out of the people who were of age to be in the Council of 500. The candidate who got the loudest support was chosen for the Council of Elders.

What did the Assembly of Athens do? What did the Assembly in Sparta do?

The Assembly of Athens debated issues, and approved or disapproved the laws proposed by the Council of 500. The Assembly in Sparta voted yes or no on the laws passed by the Council of Elders. They did not debate issues.

How many people were in the Assembly of Athens?

The Assembly of Athens had 6,000 males.

What are the names of the Assemblies of Athens and Sparta and how large were they compared to their corresponding Council?

The Assembly of Athens was larger than the Council of 500. The Assembly in Sparta was much smaller than the Council of Elders.

Where were the Assembly of Athens and the Assembly of Sparta located?

The Assembly of Athens was located on a hill. The Assembly in Sparta was located in a large spacious area away from the center of the city.

What did the economy of Athens and Sparta rely on?

The Athenian's economy depended on trade because they didn't have enough land to feed everyone. Athens was close to the sea and so they had a good harbor to trade. Their economy relied on farming and conquests of neighboring lands. This was because Sparta had fertile soil but didn't have enough land to feed all their citizens forcing them to take land from their neighbors.

What type of government did Athens and Sparta have?

The Athenians were a democracy. The Spartans were an oligarchy.

Who did the Council of 500 consist of? What was their status? What did they do?

The Council of 500 consisted of 500 citizens and debated on issues and suggested new laws.

Who did the Council of Elders consist of? What was their status? What did they do?

The Council of Elders consisted of 2 kings and 28 men. They made all the important decisions.

Who invaded the Mycenaean's, and when did they do it?

The Dorian Greeks invaded the Mycenaean's around 1100 B.C.E. and took over the surrounding settlements. The Dorian's integrated both Minoan and Mycenaean influences into their culture.

What the artwork of the Minoans and the Mycenaean's depict?

The Minoan palace murals and pottery depicted a bountiful maritime fueled by culture, fishing, farming, and local arts. Mycenaean artwork depicted religious festivals, musical performances, and military related events.

Where did the Minoans create settlements?

The Minoans create settlements in neighboring islands of Thera, Kythera, Melos, and Rhodes.

Did the Minoans have any military equipment?

The Minoans did not have fortresses or war equipment.

When and where did the Minoans and the Mycenaean's settle?

The Minoans settled on the island of Crete in about 3000 B.C.E. The Mycenaean's settled on the Peloponnesus on the Greek mainland in about 2700 B.C.E.

What did the Minoans and the Mycenaean's spend most of their time on?

The Minoans spent a lot of time on recreational activities such as dancing to music and song, bull-leaping, and boxing. Mycenaean's spent most of their time developing a strong military instead of recreational activities like the Minoans.

What type of civilizations were the Minoans and the Mycenaean's?

The Minoans were an egalitarian civilization because both men and women held respected positions. The Mycenaean's were hierarchical because kings and soldiers had the positions of power.

Who were considered the earliest developed culture of mainland Greece?

The Minoans were considered the earliest developed culture of mainland Greece.

Who gave us most of the myths about the ancient Greek heroes and their battles?

The Mycenaean's gave us most of the myths about the ancient Greek heroes and their battles.

What language did the Mycenaean's speak?

The Mycenaean's spoke and early form of the Greek language.

How do you think the Physical Geography of Greece influenced where people settled and how they lived?

The Physical Geography probably affected the way they lived by affecting their food source. Also, it probably gave them natural boundaries, but also made it harder for them to get out of their country. However, the islands were a good resource for them.

Explain in a brief paragraph how the horse "Won the War".

The horse had been given as an offering to Athena, and it had been made big so that the Trojan's would find it hard to take it into the city. But they brought the horse in to win Athena's favor, and eventually, people burst out of the horse and attacked Troy, and the Greeks won the War.

What are two legends related to the Minoans and the Mycenaean's?

The legend of the Minoans stated that Crete was the birthplace of Zeus. The legend of the the Mycenaean's stated that Perseus founded Mycenae after killing Medusa.

What did Aphrodite offer Paris?

The most beautiful women in the world.

What are helots, and what did they do?

The non-citizens or 'helots' made shoes, red cloaks for the soldiers, iron tools like knives and spears, and pottery.

Why were slaves treated harshly in Sparta?

The slaves were treated harshly because people were afraid that the helots would rebel.

Who were helots and how many helots were there compared to citizens in Sparta?

The slaves, or helots, were people that the Spartan conquered. There were more slaves than citizens in Sparta.

What were the Athenian coins made of and how were they decorated?

Their coins made of gold, silver, and bronze were decorated on their flat sides. One of these coins had a picture of Athena on one side, and a picture of Athena's favorite bird, an owl, on the other side.

Who made Achilles new armor?


What did boys and girls both learn in Sparta?

They both were taught wrestling, boxing, foot racing, and gymnastics.

When did the Greeks establish colonies? Where were the colonies located?

They established colonies near 1000 to 650 BCE. They were located near Ionia, Spain, France, Italy, Africa, and the coast of the Black Sea.

Why did some Greek settlements fight each other?

They fought each other for better farming land.

What rights did Spartan women have?

They had to look over their husbands property during times of war. They were allowed to talk to their husbands friends. They could control and own their own property and they could marry again.

What instruments did boys learn how to play?

They learned to sing and to play the lyre, a stringed instrument like a harp.

How often did the Assembly of Athens meet?

They met every 10 days.

Where did the Ancient Greeks mostly settle?

They mostly settled near one of the seas, near the South.

In Athens, what was sold and bought at the small stands controlled by merchants?

They sold items like pottery, furniture, and clay oil lamps. They also sold leather sandals and jewelry even though they could be made at home. Here they also sold and bought slaves.

When did kids start school in Athens?

They started school when they were 7.

Why did some Ancient Greek settlements trade?

They traded because they had too little farm land to get everything they needed.

What did the Athenians trade and what did they import?

They traded honey, olive oil, silver, and beautifully painted pottery. They imported wood from Italy, and grains from Egypt.

What did slaves do in Athens?

They were either housekeepers, tutors, craftsmen, farmers, factory workers, clerks, and miners.

Who were Athenian priestesses?

They were female priests.

Why were Ancient Greek communities isolated from each other?

They were isolated because of the High Mountains.

What was the primary reason why the Ancient Greeks started colonies?

This was because some Greek communities didn't have enough farmland to feed their people.

How could Spartan men become citizens?

To become a citizen, Spartan men were given a difficult test of fitness, military ability, and leadership skills when they were 20.

What did boys learn to build their strength?

To build boys' strength, coaches taught sports such as wrestling and gymnastics.

What was the status of woman and slaves in Athens?

Woman and slaves were not allowed to be citizens, and they had fewer rights than men.

What were the duties of women in Athens?

Woman were expected to stay at home, cook clean, and other household duties.

Were slaves born into slavery in Athens?


In what direction would you travel to get from Ancient Greece to Egypt?

You would travel from North to South.

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