Social Work Chapter 3

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1. There must be some definable parental behavior directed toward the child. This may be an act of commission (abuse) or omission (neglect), and it can be either physical or mental. 2. There must be some demonstrated harm to the child. This may be a physical injury or condition, or it may be evidence of psychological damage, or both. 3. A casual link needs to be established between parental behavior and the harm to the child. 4. The social worker needs to feel that the maltreatment is sufficiently serious to warrant intervention.

% Americans- Mental Illness

25% of Americans will suffer from a mental illness once they're 18-years-old or older. About a quarter of the population in the U.S. suffer from a mental illness.

Male/Female Criminal Activity

75.4% of all persons arrested were male. There are a few areas of crime in which females' role of arrest come close to or exceed those of males. Female crime activity is increasing in the United states.

Mental Retardation - I.Q.

A person with mental retardation can be characterized as having an IQ score that is more than two standard deviations below the mean.

Group Work- Popular

A team approach to helping with mental illness. Social workers really started working on this after WWII. You can help a larger number of people, it lends more emotional support, and it is cheaper.

Classic Study on Social Class and Mental Illness

African Americans and Latinos tend to exhibit more hallucinations, hostility, and delusions than whites, whereas whites show more depression and guilt. Asian Americans often express mental illness through physical problems.

First Child Protection Agencies

American Humane Association was incorporated, by 1900 its membership was composed of 150 anti-cruelty or humane societies throughout the country, most dealing with both child and animal protection.

Richard Cabot

An American physician who advanced clinical hematology, was an innovator in teaching methods, and was a pioneer in social work.

Social Class and Child Abuse

Child maltreatment occurs in all social classes, the data indicates that it is most common among families in lower socioeconomic levels. More than half the children removed from their homes because of abuse or neglect come from families receiving public assistance.

Conservative Approach- Criminal Justice

Conservatives believe that individuals are fully responsible for their own actions and that this includes the breaking of laws. The individual is not a passive pawn in external forces but has free will and can make choices between right and wrong. Conservatives believe in tradition and authority.


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, gives a detailed classification of mental problems.

DRG- Health Care

Diagnostically Related Group. Was a procedure created by Medicare to help with costs. Before you have the procedure, you ask them what they will pay for the procedure. A set payment that Medicare will cover.


Health insurance for those who can't afford it. Will cover for nursing home care, but only if they qualify for it.

Poverty & Illness

Highly Correlated

Group Work- G Model

Human beings go through development. We break development into stages. Groups are also broken into stages. Grope- a forming stage, gripe-people start to test their boundaries, grasp- people start to understand the purpose of the group, group- rely on each other to help each other, and graduation stage- see the group facilitate with each other without the help of the group leader.

Cornerstone Liberal Perspective of Criminal Justice

Liberals firmly believe that people who have been corrupted by a bad environment can be reshaped and that once this is done, they will follow their natural inclination to believe properly.

Lombroso Theory in Criminal Justice

Lombroso believed that criminals were physically different from non-criminals and he set out to test his hypothesis by performing an extensive series of physical measurements on convicts and comparing these measurements with those of a non-criminal. Criminals are born law-breakers who are subhuman throwbacks to an earlier, more primitive stage of human evolution.

First Hospital Based Social Services

Massachusetts hospital, created by Richard Cabot. He noticed that in the hospital people could use psychological help. So he hire social workers in his hospital.

National Health Insurance in U.S.

Medicare and Medicaid came to be in the 1960's.

Boston School of Social Work (Medical)

One of the first schools to have a formal training in medical social work. 1912

Role functions - child welfare

Parental Role Unoccupied, Parental Incapacity, Role Rejection, Intrarole Conflict, Interrole Conflict, Child Incapacity/Disability, and Deficiency of Community resources.

Utilitarian Theory-Crime

People commit crime for basically practical reasons, they do so because they can get away with it and because they know that if they do get caught, the price they pay will not be sever. Cost benefit.

Social Work in Criminal Justice

Prison treatment, probation, parole, diversion, victim assistance, victim-offender mediation, and police work as social work. Treatment inside and outside the criminal justice system.

Foster Care-person who popularized the idea

Reverend Charles Loring Brace, who founded the New York Children's Aid Society in 1853. He took homeless children from New York, and sent them to farm families in the West so they could work and be taken care of.

D.L. Rosenhan Study- Mental Illnesses

Scientific experiment which test the validity and reliability of a psychiatric diagnosis. He hired people to pretend that they were mentally ill to see how easy it was to be admitted to a mental hospital. Done in 1973, classic example of labeling theory.

Hollingshead and Redlich Study

The main conclusion of this study was that there was a significant relationship between social class and mental illness both in type and severity of mental illness suffered as well as in the nature and quality of treatment that is provided. A high correlation between social class and mental illness.

Parental Incapacity

The parent is present and may want to fulfill his or her role requirements but is prevented from doing so by physical, mental, or emotional inadequacy or by a lack of knowledge or training.

Social Workers-Health Care Mediators

They can operate as case managers, in this role they assess clients' needs, refer clients to services and programs to meet these needs, and follow up to make sure that clients receive appropriate resources or other help. They are in between the patient, doctor, hospital. It is usually a short term intervention.

Americans Without Health Care

We don't know because Obama Care is in flux. There was at one point about 15%, 45 million of Americans without health insurance. 22-25%

Men v. Women - Common Mental Illnesses

Women experience depression and anxiety disorders more often than men, men have a higher prevalence of substance abuse. Women are significantly more likely than men to encounter serious mental illness.

Cerebral Palsy

a disability caused by brain damage before or during birth that results in a loss of muscular coordination and control.

Mary Ellen Wilson

an eight-year-old girl who was being abused and neglected by her step-parents. Bergh successfully prosecuted the parents. This resulted in the passage in New York 1875 of an "Act of the incorporation of societies for the prevention of the cruelty to children."

Permanency Planning

an emphasis on family based services, and a tendency by the courts to order states to upgrade services to children in need of protection. Have a child in a permanent home rather than foster care.

Child Incapacity and/or Disability

an exceptional child places exceptional demands on parent.


characterized by an individual's inability to relate to and perceive the environment in a realistic way.

Behavioral/Learning Theories

concentrate on behavior and view it as a set of learned responses resulting from a combination of rewards and punishments.

Parental Role Unoccupied

one or both parents are not present in a child's life.

Deficiency of Community Resources

parents are sometimes unable to adequately implement their roles because of a lack of community resources.

Control Theory

proceed from the conservative, could be psychological or biological. Human nature is bad, the natural man, people can't control their impulses.

Developmental Disability

refers not only to retardation but also to a variety of conditions occurring before the age of 22 that hinder development, such as autism and cerebral palsy.

Cultural Theory-Crime

reject the assumption of control theories that human nature is inherently antisocial and that control mechanisms are necessary to prevent people from committing crimes.

Physiological/Genetic/Biochemical Explanations

researchers have been exploring the possibilities of genetic and chemical causes of mental illness as well as the effects of physical abnormalities in the brain.

Interrole Conflict

situation in which a person is unable to adequately discharge parental responsibilities because of the interference of other social roles.


the failure of a parent, guardian, or other caregiver to provide for a child's basic needs. Most common in child abuse.

Family Based Services

the goal is intensive family treatment without the child having to go to foster care, so they can stay with their family.

Labeling Theories

the idea that society labels certain people as different from the norm, is an approach used by a number of sociologists in examining deviance.

Deinstitutionalization- mentally ill

the lack of sufficient resources for comprehensive community services, and the rise in private hospital treatment of those with acute mental illness have left a gap in care for an increasingly important group-the mental ill. Mental hospitals and the people who attended hospitals were reduced tremendously, and were able to go home. One reason that led to this was human rights. Led to the community mental health movement. Conflict within the social work community, traditional social workers deal with the poor and helping them. People left mental hospitals and asylums to rejoin their communities. Starting using prescription drugs in the 1950's.

Role Rejection

the parent, often because he or she did not want a child in the first place, either consciously or unconsciously rejects the parental role, resulting in varying degrees of failure in role performances.

Intrarole Conflict

the parents are in conflict regarding role definition, they fail to reach agreement about who is suppose to do what for and with the child.

Psychological Development Theories

view mental disorders as an outgrowth of an individual's personality development.

Employment Opportunities-Child Welfare

workers in all agencies will fill the following general roles, intake and assessment, supervision of families with children at home, family preservation services, recruitment and supervision of foster homes, and adoption services.

Role of S.W. in Child Protection

workers in all agencies will fill the following general roles, intake and assessment, supervision of families with children at home, family preservation services, recruitment and supervision of foster homes, and adoption services.

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