Sociology exam 1

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Says a little about the influence of structural factors such as culture, class, gender, and race

A criticism of the symbolic interaction approach is that it

Focuses on stability at the expense of conflict

A limitation of the structural functional approach is that it

A stereotype

A simple far description and Bailey applied to every person in the same category is called

How sports reflect social inequality

A social conflict approach to sports would be an analysis of

Winning at sports means different things to different people

A symbolic interaction analysis of spores would conclude that

The world's nations are increasingly interconnected

About 1.25 million immigrants into the United States each year in the meeting including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gloria Estefan have become well-known. these facts support the conclusion that

Lower levels of social integration

According to Emile Durkheim, categories of people with a higher suicide rate typically have___

Middle income nations

Almost all of Latin America excluding Mexico and almost all of Asia falls into the category of

How in rural areas

Because there's more social isolation in rural areas of the United States then an urban areas we would expect suicide rates to be

Reject the familiar idea that people simply decide how to act in favor of the initially strange idea that society shapes our lives

By stating that the sociological perspective shows us the strange and familiar the text argues that sociologist

Theological stage

Comte describe the earliest human societies of being at which stage of historical development

During times of social crisis

Following the thinking of C Write Mills we would expect that the sociological imagination to be more wide spread in a population

Important for college students because most the new United States jobs involve international trade

Gaining a global understanding is

Karl Marx

Had an important influence on the development of social conflict approach

August Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim

Identify three sociologist who played a part in the development of sociology structural functional approach

Disabled persons or people who are a racial minority

If social marginality encourages sociological thinking we would expect people in which category listed below to make the most use of the sociological perspective


If we state that children raised in single-parent families are at high risk of being single parent themselves we have constructed a__ of family life

One or more theoretical approaches

In deciding what kind of questions to ask in the research sociologist are guided by

One or more theoretical approaches

In deciding what kinds of questions to ask in the research sociologist are guided by

White males

In the United States today the suicide rate is higer for which of the categories of people

Worked very hard but never made enough money to pay for her basic needs

In the feature about Barbra Ehrenreich working at low-wage jobs, we learned that she __

Bring about greater social equality

Karl Marx, speaking for the social conflict approach, argued that the point of studying society was

Live spread apart in broad areas

Looking at the United States have suicide rates are typically in areas in which people

Science has an important place in sociology

Most of today sociologist agree with Auguste Comte claims

Max Weber

One of the founding sociologist urged sociologist to understand a social setting from the point of view of the people in it

Emile Durkheim

Pioneering sociologist to study patterns of suicide in Europe was

The positions typically played but white and black players

Racial discrimination in professional sports is evident today in

End up with a greater understanding of both a new way of life in her own way of life

Sara is spending a summer living in another country bar people have a way of life that differs from her own. A sociologist might expect that this experience with lead her to

Human behavior maybe patterned but it is also spontaneous

Sociologist cannot identify laws of society that allow us to precisely predict behavior of an individual because

People who are defined by others as an outsider

Sociologists use the term social marginality to refer to

In teaching, criminal justice, business, and in many other careers

Sociology provides an advantage to students repairing for later careers by preparing them for work in


Statement that explains how and why specific facts are related

Whether she lives in a poor or rich society

The chapter sociological analysis of childbearing around the world suggest that the number of children born to a woman reflects

Social conflict approach

The framework for building theory that say society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change is the

To discover how society actually operates

The major goal of sociology is panniers including August Comte today in Emily Durkheim was

Her income nations

The nations of Western Europe, Israel, Japan, and Australia fall into which category of countries

Patterns of social inequality

The social conflict approach draws attention to

Structural functional approach

The theoretical approach in sociology that it seems society is a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability is the

Structural function and social conflict

They blank approaches or macro level describing societies in broad structural terms

Metaphysical stage

Thomas Hobbes idea that society reflects a selfish human nature illustrates the thinking common at which of Comte's historical stages

Age, class, and our place in history because of these are always in which society guides college attendance

Three campus roommates are talking about why they are in college. A sociological view of going to college highlights the effect of

Increasing her understanding of both our own laws in the lives of others

Understanding the difference between countries encourages

Are based on all available facts

Unlike simple stereotypes of sociological generalizations

Are based on all available facts

Unlike simple stereotypes sociological generalizations

African-Americans or American citizens who have a second identity based on skin color

W.E.B Du Bios described African Americans as having a "double conscious" because __

A police officer understands which categories of people at high risk of a coming victims of crime

Which of the following statements best illustrates the career vantage a person gains by studying sociology

Jane Addams

Which pioneer sociologist founded Chicago's whole house to assist immigrants and was awarded the Nobel peace prize

The race conflict approach

Which the radical approach would highlight the fact that an average African-American families have less income than white families

Harriet Martineau

Who helped launch the discipline of sociology bus studying the evils of slavery and also by translating the writings of Augusts Comte

Robert K. Mertin

Who is the United States sociologist to distinguish between the manifest functions in the latent functions of social patterns

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