Sociology - EXAM 1 - Study Guide

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informed consent

-An ethical principle requiring that research participants be told enough to enable them to choose whether they wish to participate.

What is true about surveys?

-are administered to a group of people known as respondents -allow researchers to collect basic information from a lot of people very quickly

Standpoint Theory

-theory emerges in the aftermath of the 1960s; expanding on conflict theory, this viewpoint is attuned to the power of social


any measurable phenomenon that varies

The theory of mind argues that...

humans develop the recognition that other minds exist; followed by the realization that we can try to imagine other's mental states

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are...

panels of professionals at colleges that evaluate research proposals before researchers engage in the study. Design complies with the moral principles outlined in codes of ethics

specific others

unique individuals in our lives

Social Conflict Paradigm (school of thought)

views society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and social change

Harriet Martineau published "How to Observe Morals and Manners" in 1838. Which of the following is true?

-argues that to observe the morals and manners of societies, people should engage in sociological sympathy -though she often referred to the observer as the "traveler", it explains a method for observing data -wrote the book almost 50 years before Emile Durkheim published his

Some examples of vulnerable groups are...

-children -undocumented immigrants -imprisoned people

What are the 10 steps of sociological research in the proper order?

-choose topic to investigate -conduct a review of existing academic literature -write research question -design a methodology -operationalize the variables -ensure the research design is ethical -collect data -evaluate data for quality -analyze data -write report for publication

What is true about in-depth interviews?

-conversations between interviewer and subject -designed to capture the responses of a few people in great depth -questions are semi-structured, meaning that questions are decided ahead of time, but researchers can ask different questions depending on the flow of the conversation

Sociologists primary goals are to...

-describe human life -depict human life's objective truths as accurately as possible -theorize (explain) what we see and predict what we might see next

The term "product of human interactions" refers to factors that...

-exist externally to any individual -result from people acting collectively, together in groups

What are examples of social facts?

-greeting someone with handshake -style of clothing that's in fashion -wheat covers 870,000 square miles of the earth -people engaging in post mortem death photos -freeways, bridges, and borders channel movement of the earth's inhabitants

What is associated with Harriet Martineau's method of sociological sympathy?

-observer must avoid judging based on the observer's own values -observer must make an honest attempt to understand the point of view of those they are observing -refers to understanding the observed as the observed understand themselves -notion of sympathy can bring opposing groups of people together, promoting a mutual understanding

A paradigm means what?

-point of view -perspective -school of thought

What is true about W.E.B. DuBois?

-recognized the value of quantitative methods because he was trying to communicate facts about black people to a racist audience -born to African american parents in 1868 -used statistics to ensure his research would be taken seriously

What is true about sociological inquiry?

-scholars pose research questions about society that can be answered empirically -scholars answer research questions by applying scientific strategies for collecting data about social facts -scholars can engage in both qualitative and quantitative research methods to investigate social facts

Nichole Gonazalez Van Cleve's Study...

-study that researched people of color and law enforcement -prosecutors were enabling police misconduct -prosecutors would make fun of the defendants of color when they though no other person of color was in the room

Standpoint theorists point out that the biography of the sociological researcher can influence...

-the type of research questions they ask about society -the type of research methods they choose to use -their interpretation of the data

What is true about research and theory?

-theories are created based on data collected by sociological research methods -theories are revised based on data collected by sociological research methods -by using different research methods, sociologists can collect data in unique ways that can help us to understand different ways

Lisa wade defines Sociological theory as...

-theories provide predictions; explanations that describe probabilistic events, likely to occur but not inevitable -to study social facts, theories look for social patterns in society -there are a set of ethical guidelines sociologists must follow when they engage in research

Emile Durkheim defines social facts as...

-with persuasive or coercive power -exist externally to the individual

Jane Addams

1860-1935. Founder of Settlement House Movement. First American Woman to earn Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 as president of Women's Intenational League for Peace and Freedom.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

A feminist who published "Women + economics." ; called upon women to abandon their dependent status and contribute to the larger life of the community through productive involvement in the economy; wrote "The Yellow Wallpaper"

Harriet Martineau

English social theorist often seen as the first female sociologist, focusing on race relations within much of her published material

Max Weber

Father of sociology. Argued that in a capitalist society inequalities would lead to conflict, but that there would be more than one source of conflict. Argued that there were several factors that moderated people's reaction to inequality.

Emile Durkheim

French sociologist. Durkheim formally established the academic discipline of sociology and is commonly cited as one of the principal architects of modern social science

George H. Mead suggested that ourselves have a(n) ___ that does the thinking as well as a(n) ___ that is thought about.

I; me

How funding for school districts penalizes children in poor districts while benefitting children attending schools in wealthier districts is an example of what school of thought?

Social Conflict

The way that local governments, school boards, and organizations work together to create an educated, ethical work force for the society's labor market is an example of ....

Structural Functionalist

What school of thought is represented by going out and experimenting by violating a social norm?

Symbolic Interaction


The extent to which findings from a study can be applied to a larger population or different circumstance

Anna Julia Cooper

This African American scholar was known for covering issues of race and gender in the America south in the late 1800s. She also argued men should not fear women attaining more education. (voice of the south)

Martineau's book "How to observe morals and manners" is explaining how to observe what Emile Durkheim would identify 50 years later as "social facts"...


Sociologists study the way individuals both influence and are influenced by their communities...


Studies show that our self-concepts have more in common with what we think other people think of us than what they actually think.


Empirical inquiry is...

a form of investigation that involves looking to the world for evidence

Confidentiality involves...

a guarantee that a subjects participation in and contributions to a research study will be known only to the researchers.

self-fulfilling prophecy

a phenomenon in which what people believe is true becomes true, even if it wasn't originally true


a process in which segments of text are identified as belonging to relevant categories

labratory experiment

a research method that involves a test of a hypothesis under carefully controlled conditions

in-depth interview

a research method that involves an intimate conversation between the researcher and a research subject

A self-narrative is different that a self-fulfilling prophecy because a self-narrative is...

a story we tell about the origin of ourselves, whereas a self-fulfilling prophecy is a phenomenon in which what people believe is partly built from false memories

Ida Wells-Barnett

an early leader in the civil rights movement. She documented the extent of lynching in the United States, and was also active in the women's rights movement and the women's suffrage movement.

What characterizes content analysis?

analyzing cultural artifacts such as movies, social media, magazines, books, and newspapers

Marianne Weber

argued that the division of labor (and wealth) within the family had broad implications for the structure of the surrounding society

correlational claims

assertions that changes in an independent variable correspond to changes in a dependent variable but not in a way that can be proven causal

Herbert Blumer

coined the term "symbolic interactionism"

Structural Functionalist Paradigm (school of thought)

describes the elements in society that create social stability FOR THE GREATEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE

After longer periods of time, why are memories likely to become more innaccurate?

each time we recall a memory, we add the recollection to the memory itself that distorts it over time


embedding ourselves as researchers within specific social settings for a prolonged period of time, in order to develop a richer understanding of the dynamics and complexities of social life, social relations, and the workings of society

sociological theory

empirically based explanations and predictions about relationships between social facts

peer review

evaluation of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field.

Lisa Wade writes that standpoint theorists argue that "if we want sociology to explain the full breadth of social life, _____ has to be involved in [it's] production [of knowledge] (p.A10).


social patterns

explainable and foreseeable similarities and differences among people influenced by the social conditions in which they live

Karl Marx

formed by his economic analysis of ruling class structures within capitalist societies. Sociology is the academic study of social behavior and societies. In Marx's sociological theory, society is determined and structured by economic systems

W.E.B. Du Bois

fought for African American rights. Helped to found Niagra Movement in 1905 to fight for and establish equal rights. This movement later led to the establishment of the NAACP

Arturo is an aspiring artist. As they take the stage for their first time to perform for a live audience, they tap into their ideas of how other performance artists will evaluate them. In doing so, Arturo is taking the perspective of the...

generalized other

empirical inquiry

involves looking to the world for evidence with which scientists can test their hunches

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the number of fire trucks that show up to a fire and the amount of damage done to the building on fire?

it is a spurious correlation; a third variable, the size of the fire (larger fires) causes both more fire trucks to come to put out the fire and the increased damage to the building

Empirical inquiry requires sociologists to...

look to the world for evidence which scientists call data

According to George H. Mead, what is the part of our self that is the object of thought?


qualitative methods

methods that attempt to collect information about the social world that cannot be readily converted to numeric form

Arielle sees Ty smiling. Arielle's brain smiles with them. Arielle doesn't just understand that Ty is happy; she actually feels happy. What is directly responsible for this?

mirror neurons

Research has observed that the more fire trucks that show up to put out a fire, the more damage there is to the building that was on fire. There is a _____ correlation between the # of fire trucks that show up to a fire and the amount of damage that is done to a building.


We pick and choose the version of our self that we want to embrace. Consequently, we avoid people who we think dislike us. According to Charles Horton Cooley, this is because...

other people are mirrors reflecting a vision from which we form our self-concepts

What describes the main idea of the looking-glass self?

other people are mirrors reflecting a vision from which we form our self-concepts


points of view grounded in lived reality

Research has observed that the more fire trucks that show up to put out a fire, the more damage there is to the building that was on fire. There is a ___ correlation between the number of fire trucks that show up to a fire and the amount of damage that is done to a building.


Studies have found that on average the more college students study the higher their grades. These studies have observed a ___ correlation.


looking-glass self

process by which the self emerges from imagining what other people think about us

Social facts

products of human interaction with persuasive or coercive power that exist externally to any individual

The way Harriet Martineau's work was using sociological theory to make society a better place displays that Martineau engaging in...

public sociology

What does it mean when sociologists are committed to doing ethical research?

pursuing projects that will benefit society ensuring that those benefits outweigh the risks of harm to the subjects

research questions

queries about the world that can be answered empirically

quantitative research

research that collects and reports data primarily in numerical form

A positive relationship means that the variables both move in the ___ direction, where a negative correlation means the variables are moving in the ___ direction.


A study tested to see whether good smelling cologne could produce a change in the level of a man's confidence. The independent variable in this study is...

scent of the cologne

sociological research methods

scientific strategies for collecting empirical data about social facts

The mirror test examines whether a person or animal is able to recognize that the image they are looking at in the mirror is a reflection of their own body. Recognizing that the image in the mirror is a reflection of the self is an indication that the animal or person is...

self aware

Symbolic Interactionist Paradigm (school of thought)

small groups of individuals interacting based on the various ways that people interpret their various cultural symbols such as spoken, written, and non-verbal language

Empirically based explanations and predictions about relationships between social facts defines...

sociological theory

field experiements

studies using experimental design that occur in a natural setting

What kind of research method can be used to collect quantitative data?


A field experiment is defined as...

testing a hypothesis controlled but naturally occurring conditions

the sociological imagination

the capacity to consider how people's lives—including our own—are shaped by the social facts that surround us

experimental group

the group in an experiment that receives the variable being tested

In a lab study, what is the experimental group?

the group that does go through the experience that the researcher believes might influence the dependent variable

control group

the group that does not receive the experimental treatment.


the process by which a researcher specifies the terms and methods he or she will use in a particular study

Theory of mind

the recognition that other minds exist, followed by the realization that we can try to imagine others' mental states

In the experiment on cologne and confidence, the researchers found evidence that supports...

the self-fulfilling prophecy

sociological sympathy

the skill of understanding others as they understand themselves

2 kids identify as Asian Americans. When they were young, their parents praised their math abilities and teachers consistently recognized their skills. In high school, they performed well on the AP exam. What theory does this demonstrate?

theory of mind

According to the self-fulfilling prophecy, if enough people consistently reflect us in a certain way, their impressions will shape our impression of ourselves, and we will act accordingly. This will bring into existence the self that they originally saw.


2 people were married for more than 10 years. The woman was described as shy and quiet. After therapy, she decided to adopt a new identity and acted outgoing and optimistic. How would her partner feel about these changes?


George H. Mead conceptualized the dual nature of the self by noting the way humans are able to see themselves as both the "I" and the "me". For example, in the phrase "I hit the ball", the subject is "I" and the object is "the ball".

~I see you - the subject ~They see me - the object ~I see myself - both the subject and the object

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