Sociology Exam 2

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refers to a violation of norms enacted into law

"Crime" differs from "deviance" in that crime


"crimes against the person" includes all but _____________

low status consistency

A college professor with advanced degrees, moderate salary, and little power to shape national events can be described as having ________

people tend to socialize with others of about the same social position.

A common micro-level pattern involving social interaction is that

shock probation

A judge orders that an offender be sentenced to prison for a short time, with most of the sentence served on probation. This sentence reflects a policy called ________

is impersonal and engages in some specific activity

A secondary group is a social group that

an out-group

A social group toward which a person feels competition or opposition

1.9 percent; 1.3 percent

About ______ of men and _____ of women in the United States claim to have a homosexual identity.

Women place greater emphasis on communication

According to Deborah Tannen, what traits make up a "female advantage?"

the idea that responding to deviance promotes social unity

According to Durkheim, functions of deviance include


According to Robert Merton's strain theory, how would you classify a low-paid, yet compulsively conforming bank teller who never seems to want to get ahead but never seems to do anything wrong?

there are striking differences in sexual experience within the U.S. population.

According to the Laumann study of sexual patterns among U.S. adults, ________

many people are willing to compromise their own judgment to avoid being seen as different by others

According to the findings of Solomon Asch, in which subjects were asked to match lines, _____________

a family that has gathered to celebrate a religious holiday

An example of a primary group is

theft being redefined as a "compulsive stealing"

An example of the "medicalization of deviance" is ________

a normative organization

Assume you are a parent of a child in school. From your point of view, what type of organization is a school's parent-teacher association (PTA)?

social norms regarding sexuality become more permissive

Based on what you know about the history of human sexuality, once a society gains birth-control technology ________

use discretion in deciding which situations warrant their attention.

Because there are several hundred people in the United States for every police officer, police ________

birth; achievement

Being in the upper-upper class is usually the result of _____; being in the lower-upper class is more a matter of _____.

low-income youths

Both Albert Cohen and Walter Miller argue that delinquency is most likely to arise among ________

reflects both limited legitimate opportunity as well as accessible illegitimate opportunity.

Cloward and Ohlin extended Merton's theory of deviance, stating that crime ________

more economic inequality

Compared to other high-income nations, the United States has ________

has become weaker

If you were to study the changing meaning of virginity over the last century in our society, you would discover that the norm stating that people remain virgins until marriage ________


In Robert Mertons strain theory of deviance _____________ refers to the process of seeking conventional goals but rejecting the conventional means to achieve them (for example, wanting material goods but selling illegal drugs instead of going to college and getting a good job)

parents pass their social position on to their children.

In all societies, kinship plays a part in social stratification because

Live in less safe and more stressful environments

In general, people of low social class position

secondary group; primary group

In general, we see a(n) _____ as a means to an end; we see a(n) ______ as an end in itself.

the act and criminal intent

In legal terms, a crime is composed of which two components?

children under the age of eighteen

In the United States, which age category has the highest poverty rate?

79 percent; 88 percent

Research on extramarital sex shows that about _____ of married men and about _____ of married women remain faithful to their spouse throughout their married lives.

whatever their situation in absolute terms, people evaluate themselves and make comparisons to others in specific reference groups

Samuel Stouffers study of solider moral during WWII led to what conclusion?


Sarah feels little or no sexual attraction to people of either sex. Her sexual orientation is called ________

mostly middle class

Since the United States lacks a history of nobility, as in Europe, many people in this country think of it as ________

people are surprisingly likely to follow the orders of not only real authority figures but also groups of ordinary individuals

Stanley Milgram's research, in which subjects used a "shock generator," showed


T/F: about 20% of US families have negative wealth, which means that they are actually in debt


T/F: albert cohen suggested that lower-class youths form a delinquent subculture to gain the self-respect that society denies them


T/F: although some people think rape simply reflects a desire for sex, it is an expression of power


T/F: although there is a human "sex drive", our biology does not dictate any specific ways of being sexual


T/F: as large organizations have expanded in the US privacy as increased


T/F: biological factors, including genetics, explain most criminal behavior


T/F: bureaucracy places more importance on personal ties than on technical competence


T/F: china stands out as a country without any social classes


T/F: class systems assign social position based on both birth and individual achievement


T/F: despite the widespread image of "swinging singles" married people have sex with a partner more often than singles do


T/F: during the last century, US societies experienced almost no changes in sexual attitudes and practices


T/F: expressive leaders are more likely than instrumental leaders to enjoy more personal affection from group members


T/F: federick taylor, the creator of "scientific management", argued in favor of a flatter organizational flexibility


T/F: feminist theory considers sex and sexuality to be an important dimension of social inequality


T/F: heterosexist refers to rejecting or stigmatizing anyone who is not heterosexual


T/F: historically, public attitudes towards sexuality in the US have been an inconsistent mix of cultural repression and support for individual choice


T/F: historically, us culture encouraged open discussion of sexuality, so researchers did not begin to study sexuality until the middle of the twentieth century


T/F: homosexuality and heterosexuality are mutually exclusive, meaning that all people fall into one category or the other


T/F: in the process of anticipatory socialization, people use social groups they wish to join as reference groups


T/F: in todays information age, more and more competitive organizations have a very hierarchical, pyramid shape


T/F: individuals in class systems typically exhibit more status inconsistency than people in caste systems


T/F: max weber believed the spread of bureaucracy would greatly improve the quality of life for modern people


T/F: on US campuses, researchers have found, the majority of women express satisfaction with the culture of "hooking up"


T/F: one persons in-group can be another persons out-group


T/F: pornography is a moral issue for some people and a power issue for others


T/F: prostitution is most widespread in high-income nations, where women have more economic opportunities


T/F: psychiatrist thomas szasz states that the label of "insanity" is widely applied to behavior that is actually only "different"


T/F: research shows that most married adults in the US are sexually unfaithful to their spouses at some point in their marriages


T/F: rosabeth moss kanters research shows that making promotion and financial advancement widely available actually discourages people from working harder


T/F: sociologists point out that human sexual attitudes and behavior vary from one culture to another


T/F: survey research shows that, even though the public remains divided on the issue, US society is less accepting of premarital sex today than it was a generation ago


T/F: teenage pregnancy raises the risk of girls not finishing school and being poor


T/F: the "McDonaldization" of society thesis echoes webers belief that rational systems are efficient, but also dehumanizing


T/F: the US is the only Western, high-income nation that routinely imposed the death penalty on convicted offenders


T/F: the US rate of teenage pregnancy was actually higher in the 1950s than it is today


T/F: the abortion debate is about nothing more than the question of when life begins


T/F: the fact that many people are bisexual demonstrates that sexual orientation is not clear cut


T/F: the former soviet union was a classless society without social inequality


T/F: the leadership style that allows group members the most autonomy is "laissez-faire"


T/F: the more a society is a meritocracy, the greater the society's level of social mobility


T/F: the number of people in a group has no effect on how the members interact with one another


T/F: the old saying "an eye for an eye" expresses the idea underlying the policy of rehabilitation


T/F: the publication of Alfred Kinsey's first book in 1948 received considerable attention because scientists were actually studying sex


T/F: the sexual revolution raised the level of teenage pregnancy in the US


T/F: the social-conflict approach highlights the ways sexual attitudes and practices are a benefit to some people and a disadvantage to others


T/F: the stigma of deviance can encourage an individual to engage in further deviance


T/F: the symbolic-interaction approach highlights the various meanings people attach to sexuality


T/F: the wealth of rich people is not only greater, but more of it is in the form of investments that typically increase in value and generate income


T/F: transgender is a concept that refers to appearance or behavior that challenges conventional gender norms


T/F: transgender is a simple matter of sexual orientation


T/F: what is considered deviant behavior varies all around the world


T/F: while the sexual revolution increased sexual activity overall, it changed behavior among men more than among women

a lower-class culture of poverty

The anthropologist Oscar Lewis suggested the cause of poverty lies in ______

applying scientific principles can make a business more efficient

The basic idea behind scientific management is that

teenage women with low incomes and weak families

The category of teenagers with the highest probability of pregnancy is ________

an organizational model rationally designed to perform tasks efficiently

The concept "bureaucracy" refers to

women make up an increasing percentage of the poor

The concept "feminization of poverty" refers to the fact that, in the United States

based entirely on personal merit

The concept "meritocracy" refers to social stratification ________

fear of close personal interaction with people thought to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual

The concept of "homophobia" refers to ________

change in social position of many people due to changes in society itself

The concept of structural social mobility refers to ________

social-conflict approach

The idea that social inequality is harmful and divides society is associated with the ________

structural-functional approach

The idea that society needs to regulate human sexuality is highlighted by

todays organizations use more competitive work teams

U.S. business organizations differ from those a century ago because ________

a. gives some people more privileges and opportunities than others.

Using the sociological perspective, we see that social stratification ________

bureaucratic ritualism

What is Robert Merton's term for a preoccupation with rules and regulations to the point of keeping an organization from accomplishing its goals?

the family

What is societies most important primary group?

instrumental leadership

What is the term for group leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks?

It began in the 1940s and then grew quickly in the late 1960s.

When did the sexual revolution truly come of age?

whether the person is subject to punishment or treatment

Whether people respond to deviance as a moral issue or a medical matter affects

horizontal social mobility

Which concept describes a person who moves from one occupation to another that provides about the same level of rewards?

Marrying and staying married

Which of the following factors tends to raise your social standing?


Which sociological concept refers to a number of weak social ties among people who have little common identity and little interaction?

democratic leader

Which type of leader encourages everyone in a group to have a say in what happens?

Laissez-faire leaders

Which type of leaders downplay their own power, letting group members function more or less on their own?

authoritarian leadership

Which type of leadership style takes charge of making decisions and makes sure people do what they are told?

an in-group

Which type of social group commands a member's esteem and loyalty?

because a pure meritocracy would eliminate families and other social loyalties that tie a society together

Why do societies with class systems retain some elements of caste (such as inheritance of wealth) rather than trying to become complete meritocracies?

expressive leadership

__________ refers to group leadership that emphasizes collective well-being

a criminal act motivated by race or other bias

a hate crime is defined as

a coercive organization

a prisoner would consider a maximum-security prison

reference group

a social group that serves as a point of reference in making evaluations and decisions

social stratification

a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy

women who are raped must have encouraged their attackers

a widespread-but-false-idea about rape is that ____________

our emphasis on individual economic success, which weakens the social fabric

according to Elliot Currie, factors that explain the high crime rate in the US by world standards include

social mobility is lowest for people at the top and the bottom of the wealth hierarchy

according to Lisa Keister's research, __________

class conflict

according to karl marx, social stratification in a capitalist society always involves ___________

powerless people are at the highest risk of being defined as deviant

alexander liazos speaks for the social conflict approach when he states that


an individual who is born with a combination of male and female sexual characteristics


based on what you have learned, what percentage of all US families have little or no wealth?

white collar crime

crime committed by people of high social position in the course of their occupations

offenses known to the police

criminal statistics gathered by the federal bureau of investigation reflect

has done little to reduce poverty is the US

critics of the 1996 welfare reforms claim the new system __________

the highest-paid 20%

during the last twenty years, which category of the US population has experienced the largest gains in average income?

social control

every society uses various strategies to regulate the behavior of individuals; this general process is called ____________

every society in the world applies stronger normative controls to females than to males

feminist theory states that gender figures into the study of deviance because

large secondary groups with a goal orientation

formal organizations are

poor nations, where women have fewer economic opportunities

from a global perspective, prostitution is most common in

both caste and class systems

ideology, or beliefs that support social stratification, is found in __________

non-hispanic whites

in terms of absolute numbers, most poor people in the US are __________


in terms of racial categories , most of the people in the US arrested for FBI Index crimes are ____________

the few rule the many

in the "iron law of oligarchy," Robert Michels stated that bureaucracy always means

80 percent

in the US, men account for about ___________ of all arrests for violent crime


in the US, wealth is distributed more unequally than income


justin reports the theft of his dirt bike from the front yard of his house. the police would record this event as which type of crime?

According to the Davis-Moore thesis

more important jobs must provide enough rewards to attract the talent necessary to perform them

through plea bargaining

most criminal cases handled by the criminal justice system in the US are resolved


of all the property crimes discussed in the chapter, one crime occurs far more than all the others, what is it

deviance exists only in relation to cultural norms

one of the social foundations of deviance is that

living standards for the majority have gone up

one reason Marx's predicted socialist revolution never took place in industrial-capitalist societies is that _________

entire families

one-third of all homeless people are __________

in jail or worse

participating n the subculture that Elijah Anderson describes as "the code of the streets" raises the risk that young people will end up

encouraged welfare dependency

people who supported the 1996 welfare reform claim that the earlier system ____________

victimless crime

prostitution is regarded by many people in the US as a ___________

victimless crime

prostitution is widely regarded as a ____________

community-based corrections

reducing prison overcrowding, the costs of dealing with offender, and helping offenders avoid the stigma of incarceration are all advantages of

"fuzzy" groups made up of people we "know of" rather than those we know well

social networks are typically ___________

caste system

social stratification based on ascription, or birth


the biological distinction between females and males

later offenses by people previously convicted of crimes

the concept criminal recidivism refers to

the criminal justice system operating within the bounds of the law

the concept of due process refers to ____________

Greater in caste systems than in class systems

the degree of status consistency is ___________

in the computer age, typical social networks now link more people

the development of social media means that

the criminal justice system

the formal system that responds to alleged violations of the law using police, courts, and prison officials is called ____________


the richest 5% of US families own about what percentage of privately owned property


the sexual counterrevolution had begun in the US by ___________

US culture often depicts sexuality in terms of sport and violence, such as when we speak of men "scoring" with women and men "hitting on" women

the social conflict approach emphasizes that


the text suggests that the most widely contested issue involving sexuality in the US in recent decades has been ___________


the total value of everything someone owns, minus the debts


the wealthiest 1% of IS families (the "super rich") controls about _____________ of the nations privately held wealth

mental illness is a myth so that "insanity" is only "differences" that bother other people

thomas szasz made the controversial assertion that ____________

rich, highly-educated people

those most likely to be liberal on social issues (say, by supporting feminism) are ___________


today, the wealth of the average US family is about _________

more than twice as high as

victimization surveys show that the actual amount of crime in the US is about _____ what official reports indicate.

containment theory

walter reckless and simon dinitz claimed that "good boys" have the ability to rein in deviant impulses. They called their analysis


what concept did erving goffman use to refer to a powerful and negative label that greatly changes a persons self-concept and social identity

hunting and gathering

what type of society comes closest to being egalitarian?

Utilitarianism organization

which type of formal organization do people join in order to obtain money and other material benefits

a far smaller share of crimes than men

women commit ____________

could exist, but only if people are willing to allow anyone to perform any job.

Davis and Moore point out that an egalitarian society ________

more collective in their orientation

During the last 50 years, Japanese formal organizations have differed from those in the United States by being

group members quickly settle on a position and then they treat other possibilities as oppositional

During the process of groupthink

a passing episode of deviance that has little effect on the person's self-concept.

Edwin Lemert described "primary deviance" as

is usually resolved in a civil rather than a criminal court

Edwin Sutherland stated that white-collar crime

call girls or escorts

Elite prostitutes - young, attractive, and well educated women - are widely referred to as ____.

they believe that adults should be able to do as they please as long as no one is harmed

Many people call prostitution a victimless crime because ________

organizations create alienation

Max Weber argued that formal organizations were efficient, but he cautioned that they can have harmful effects on people. As he saw it, what is the danger?

economic class, degree of social status, and amount of power

Max Weber claimed that social position was based on a person's ________

62 percent

Men, who represent about half the US population, account for about ____________ of all arrests for property crime

weak emotional ties between members

One characteristic of secondary groups is _________

sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives

One norm found everywhere is the incest taboo, which refers to norms forbidding:

provides workers with highly specialized jobs.

One of the traits Max Weber noted about bureaucracy was that it

any business that supplies illegal goods or services

Organized crime refers to ________

making sexuality a focus of scientific study.

The importance of Alfred Kinsey's research on sexuality in the United States was ________

during the late teenage years.

The likelihood a person will be arrested for a street crime rises sharply ________

human biology, although social experience plays some role.

The majority of evidence indicates that sexual orientation is rooted in ________

the more variety we see in the meanings people attach to sexuality

The more global our view of sexuality ________

some organizations have evolved toward flatter, more flexible forms, but others remain rigid organizations patterned by McDonalds

The text speaks of "opposing trends" in today's world of formal organizations because ________

the social-conflict approach

The ways in which sexuality is linked to social inequality is highlighted by ________

youngsters who "hang out" waiting for something to happen

Travis Hirschi's control theory suggests which of the following categories of people would be most likely to engage in deviance?

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