Sociology Exam 2

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Which term is used to refer to crimes committed in the course of business activities? A. Professional crime B. Organized crime C. Index crimes D. White-collar crimes


Which term is used to refer to the techniques and strategies for regulating human behavior in any society? A. Social control B. Social promotion C. Socialization D. Techniques of neutralization


Which term refers to expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females? A. Expressiveness B. Gender roles C. Gender schema D. Instrumentality


Which theory was used by Edwin Sutherland to emphasize that criminal behavior is learned through social interactions with others? A. Labeling B. Cultural transmission C. Societal-reaction approach D. Techniques of neutralization


William Chambliss concluded that a key factor in the varying fortunes of the Saints and the Roughnecks was their differing: A. ages B. social class standing C. political views D. characteristics in all of the above areas


A young boy in a child care facility already realizes that some people are females and some people are males, and he plays only with other little boys. In addition, he likes to wear the same kinds of clothes that they wear. He is in the process of developing a (an): A. gender role B. gender differentiation C. gender understanding D. instrumental role


According to Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales, the instrumental role is performed by: A. men B. women C. children D. whichever adult has a career


In which occupation are women overrepresented with a 98% rate out of all workers in the occupation? A. high school teachers B. firefighters C. pilots D. dental hygienists


Max Weber uses the term "class" to refer to people who share a similar level of: A. culture B. wealth and income C. power D. esteem


Which group has a role in maintaining social control? A. The family B. The government C. The peer group D. All of these


Which group is currently the largest racial minority in the United States? A. African Americans B. Native Americans C. Asian Americans D. Chinese Americans


Which of the following did Max Weber suggest were analytically distinct components of stratification? A. Conformity, deviance, and social control B. Class, status, and power C. Class, caste, and age D. Class, prestige, and esteem


Which of the following illustrates Arlie Hochschild's concept of the "second shift"? A. A woman works from 9 to 5 as a nurse and then has a second job as a waitress at a local diner. B. A man has a career as an accountant for a business and also does taxes during tax season. C. A woman has a career as a stockbroker, and she is also responsible for maintaining the apartment, doing the shopping, and cooking for herself and her husband. D. all of these


Which of the following is an example of achieved status? A. A Native American athlete spends months preparing for a big track meet, which she wins. B. A young lawyer loses his first three cases and comes to work late and unprepared regularly; the law firm fires him. C. A female umpire earns a spot in the major leagues during spring training, but after several serious judgment mistakes she is demoted to the minor leagues. D. All of these


Which of the following play an important role in gender-role socialization in the United States? A. Mass media B. Religious institutions C. Educational institutions D. All of these


Which of the following refers to a floating standard of deprivation by which people at the bottom of a society, are judged to be disadvantaged in comparison to the nation as a whole? A. Absolute poverty B. Elementary poverty C. Relative poverty D. Dramatic poverty


Which of the following refers to the movement of individuals or groups from one position of society's stratification system to another? A. Social mobility B. Life chances C. Relative poverty D. Social distribution


Which of the following statements about crime rates in the United States is correct? A. Reported crime in the United States is high, and the public continues to regard crime as a major social problem. B. There has been a significant decline in violent crime in the United States in recent years. C. Crimes committed by women have increased D. All of these


Which of the following statements about racial groups in the United States is true? A. Throughout United States history, many southern states defined a person as black, regardless of how s/he looked, even if s/he had only a single drop of 'black blood.' B. Over 9 million people in the U.S. are multiracial. C. The largest group of multiracial residents is of white and Native American (American Indian) ancestry. D. All of these


Which of the following statements about the status of women throughout the world is true? A. Women grow half the world's food, but they rarely own land. B. Women constitute one-third of the world's paid labor force, but are generally found in the lowest paying jobs. C. Single-parent households headed by women are typically found in the poorest sections of the population. D. All of these


Which of the following terms refers to positive efforts to recruit minority members or women for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities? A. Segregation B. Institutional prejudice C. Affirmative action D. Institutional expulsion


Which of the following theories contend increases in crime and deviance can be attributed to the absence or breakdown of communal relationships and social institutions? A. Cultural transmission B. Differential association C. Social Disorganization D. Labeling


Which perspective is criticized because it does not convincingly explain why men should be categorically assigned to the instrumental role and women to the expressive role? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D.Feminist perspective


Which perspective suggests that men may have become powerful in preindustrial times because their size, physical strength, and freedom from childbearing duties allowed them to dominate women physically? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Global perspective


Which perspective would most likely suggest that multinational corporations help create social stability within a society by creating jobs and global enterprise? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Feminist perspective


Which roles in the United States receive higher amounts of rewards in terms of prestige and money? A. Expressive roles B. Instrumental roles C. Identification roles D. Each receives the same amount.


Which sociological perspective emphasizes that societies literally could not survive if massive numbers of people defied standards of appropriate conduct? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Labeling perspective


Which sociological perspective emphasizes that the relationship between women and men has been one of unequal power, with men in a dominant position over women? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Global perspective


Which sociological perspective has influenced the creation of the feminist perspective the most? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Global perspective


Which sociological perspective sees the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Global perspective


Which sociological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that gender roles are learned by identifying with adult role models of the same sex? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D.Anomie perspective


Which sociological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that stereotypes contribute to prejudice and thereby assist the subordination of disadvantaged racial and ethnic groups? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Dramaturgical perspective


Which sociological perspective would look at patterns of male dominance in cross-sex conversations as a battleground in the struggle for sexual equality? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Global perspective


Which sociological perspective would most likely compare the relationship between a colonial nation and the colonized people to the relationship between the dominant capitalist class and the proletariats? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Global perspective


A belief that one race is supreme and all others are innately inferior is called: A. discrimination B. racism C. sexism D. Issei


A class system is a social ranking based primarily on: A. age B. caste C. economic position D. religious and ethnic background


A condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power is called: A. socialization B. status C. social structure D. social inequality


A high school student pierces her tongue and her belly button because three of her best friends have done the same thing. This is an example of: A. stress management B. a sanction C. conformity D. Obedience


A hospital has a policy of not hiring men as nurses, even if the applicants have earned high grades in their courses and on their board exams, because the hospital administration thinks that "patients will be uncomfortable with a male nurse." This is an example of: A. instrumentality B. institutional discrimination C. expressiveness D. segregation


A man who is a bank president is found guilty of tax evasion. In addition to paying the government all the money he owes with substantial interest, he is sentenced to three years' probation and a $50,000 fine. At the same time, a female teller at the same bank is found guilty of stealing $500. The teller is sentenced to a prison term of no less than four years. This differential treatment would be a particular concern of the: A. functionalist perspective B. conflict perspective C. interactionist perspective D. global perspective


A sociologist studies how a teacher's attitudes toward students affect their performance. Students of similar abilities who are "teacher's pets" perform at a high level, and students who are viewed as "troublemakers" perform poorly. This would illustrate which explanation of deviance? A. Anomie theory B. Labeling theory C. Cultural transmission D. Differential association


A woman who was born and raised in a poor family begins her career as a postal clerk and later becomes a regional supervisor for the U.S. Postal Service. She has experienced: A. structural mobility B. horizontal mobility C. upward intergenerational mobility D. downward intragenerational mobility


Capitalism is an economic system in which: A. the means of production are largely in private hands, and the main incentive for economic activity is the accumulation of profit B. all property is communally owned and no social distinctions are made on the basis of people's ability to produce C. the means of production and distribution are collectively owned D. none of these


Characteristics of national origin or distinctive cultural patterns are used primarily by a society to set apart: A. minority groups B. ethnic groups C. racial groups D. polarization groups


Fear of and prejudice against homosexuality is called: A. homophobia B. gay fright C. ebonics D. heterophobia


Feminist sociologists: A. would find little to disagree with in the functionalist perspective B. would argue that the very discussion of women and society, however well meaning, has been distorted by the exclusion of women from academic thought, including sociology C. argue that sociologists have exploited women by using them as the subject for more than half the studies conducted during the last 50 years D. All of these


Karl Marx used the concept of "class consciousness" to refer to: A. an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect its objective position B. the reputation that a particular individual has within an occupation C. a subjective awareness held by members of a class regarding their common vested interests and the need for collective political action to bring about social change D. the respect and admiration with which an occupation is regarded by society


Social control carried out by authorized agents--such as police officers, judges, school administrators, and employers--is called: A. neutralization B. conformity C. informal social control D. formal social control


Social control carried out by people casually, through such means as laughter, smiles, and ridicule is known as: A. neutralization B. conformity C. informal social control D. formal social control


The process of denying opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons is known as: A. stereotyping B. ethnocentrism C. discrimination D. prejudice


Unreliable generalizations about all members of a group that do not recognize individual differences within the group is referred to as a(an): A. differential association B. exploitation C. stereotype D. institutional discrimination


W. I. Thomas observed that people respond not only to the objective features of a situation or person but also to the meaning that situation or person has for them. This observation reflects which sociological perspective? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Global perspective


What percentage of wealth does the richest 1 percent of people in the United States hold? A. 19.8 percent B. 33.8 percent C. 10.7 percent D. -0.7 percent


According to the study by Stanley Milgram, individuals will: A. conform to the attitudes and behavior of their peers even if such attitudes and behavior are racist B. obey the commands of people viewed as legitimate authority figures, even if the behavior may harm another individual C. in most instances, disobey the commands of people viewed as legitimate authority figures, if the behavior may harm another individual D. not conform to the attitudes and behavior of their peers if racism is expected


According to the text, we are likely to assume either consciously or unconsciously that parental duties are: A. babysitter duties B. paternal duties C. maternal duties D. family responsibilities


According to the world systems analysis, a "core" nation is a nation that: A. is socially, economically, and politically dominant over all other nations on the periphery (e.g., the U.S. and Germany) B. has a marginal economic status (e.g., Israel and South Korea) C. is a poor, developing nation exploited by more powerful nations and corporations (e.g., Honduras and Ethiopia) D. none of these


Although it does not endorse traditional gender roles, which sociological perspective implies that dividing tasks between spouses is beneficial for the family unit? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict perspective C. Interactionist perspective D. Global perspective


An ascribed status is a social position: A. attained by a person largely through his or her own effort B. 'assigned' to a person without regard to the person's unique characteristics or talents C. based solely on income and wealth D. based solely on lifestyle


An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity is known as: A. pluralism B. a glass ceiling C. institutional discrimination D. exploitation theory


Arnold gets an "A" on his organic chemistry final examination because he copies most of his answers from Stanley, the "class brain," who is sitting next to him. According to Merton's anomie theory of deviance, Arnold would be classified as a (an): A. ritualist B. retreatist C. rebel D. innovator


Behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society is known as: A. Deviance B. sanctions C. laws D. folkways


Bob and Steve are brothers who have different friends. Bob's friends are the "academic type," and Bob follows in their footsteps and goes to college. Steve's friends engage in crime, and Steve follows in their footsteps and goes to prison. Which explanation of deviant behavior is illustrated by this example? A. Labeling B. Anomie C. Differential association D. Dramaturgy


Dave, the president of a small corporation, has a wild weekend. He spends a night with a prostitute, illegally gambles, drinks, and uses drugs. Some would suggest he has committed various: A. organized crimes B. victimless crimes C. white-collar crimes D. corporate crimes


Ethnocentrism refers to: A. a negative attitude toward an entire category of people, such as a racial or ethnic minority B. the process of denying opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice C. the process by which a person forsakes his or her own cultural tradition to become part of a different culture D. the tendency to assume that one's culture and way of life are superior to all others


One of the most crucial aspects of the relationship between dominant and subordinate groups is the ability of the dominant or majority group to: A. define a society's images of a group-'the definition of the situation'-which leads to stereotyping B. limit the access of the minority group to quality housing and jobs C. limit the access of the minority group to quality educational facilities D. all of these


Patterns of income across race and gender groups suggest that __________ bear an especially heavy burden of discrimination. A. Black men B. Black women C. White women D. White men


Prejudice is to discrimination as: A. norm is to value B. attitude is to behavior C. behavior is to attitude D. good is to bad


The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals or groups that results from the normal operations of society is called: A. institutional prejudice B. institutional discrimination C. institutional racism D. institutional ethnicity


The functionalist perspective would most likely: A. view the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups B. suggest that racist beliefs discourage the subordinate minority from attempting to question its lowly status, and thus question the very foundations of society C. focus on the relationship between two members of different ethnic groups who work together in an office D. all of these


The ideology that one sex is superior to the other is known as: A. Sexual harassment B. Sexism C. Sex stratification D. Gender identity


The process by which a society moves from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristic of more developed societies is called: A. world systems analysis B. developmental theory C. reconstructionism D. modernization


The process by which people come to define a group as a race based, in part, on physical characteristics, but also on historical, cultural, and economic factors, is called: A. definition of the situation B. discrimination C. scapegoating D. the social construction of race


The world systems analysis is: A. Karl Marx's view that the bourgeoisie nations, such as England, would dominate the proletariat nations, such as India B. Erving Goffman's view that world peace would result from many types of nations interacting with one another C. Talcott Parsons's view that the inequality that exists between nations is necessary for world stability D. Immanuel Wallerstein's view of the global economic system as divided between certain industrialized nations that control wealth and developing countries that are controlled and exploited


The worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas is known as: A. globalization B. dependency C. colonialism D. neocolonialism


Which sociological perspective(s) would most likely be concerned with the stigmatizing nature of formal social controls that require convicted sex-offenders to register with police agencies and have their pictures published in newspapers to make their identity publicly known? A. Functionalist perspective B. Conflict and feminist perspectives C. Interactionist perspective D. Global Perspective


Which sociologist(s) argue(s) that stratification is universal and that social inequality is necessary so that people will be motivated to fill functionally important positions? A. Ralf Dahrendorf B. Karl Marx C. Pitirim Sorokin and William Ryan D. Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore


Which term is used by Karl Marx to refer to an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect the class's objective position? A. False consciousness B. Bourgeoisie consciousness C. Class consciousness D. Proletariat consciousness


Which term is used by sociologists to describe a group that is set apart from others because of obvious physical differences? A. Ethnic group B. Racial group C. Social group D. Reference group


Which term is used to refer to a negative attitude toward an entire category of people? A. Exploitation B. Prejudice C. Discrimination D. Pluralism


Which term is used to refer to compliance with higher authorities in a hierarchical structure? A. Norms B. Folkways C. Obedience D. Sanctions

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