Sociology Exam One

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Gini index

A measure of inequality in which 0 represents complete equality and 1 represents complete inequality

Breadwinner-homemaker family

An employed father, a nonemployed mother, and their children

Racial ethnicity

An ethnic group perceived to share physical characteristics

The most common family income for children in a married couple family is __________, while it is __________ for children with a single mother.

$50,000-$100,000; under $25,000

Division of labor

The social process of determining who does what work and for what rewards


The social realization of biological sex

Amy and sarah are married and work hard to prioritize their relationship and support each other's goals (Companionship family or patriarchal family?)

companionship family

The pattern of high educational achievement and intergenerational living among Asian Americans may be explained by cultural traditions, but also by ______.

highly educated professional parents who provide models and opportunities for their children

Beth and Kathryn were married in Massachusetts. If we wish to distinguish the characteristics of different types of married couples, we could refer to this marriage between two people of the same gender as


Jesus and Maria live together (as intimate partners) but are not married. For census purposes, they are defined as


The Chinese exclusion act, the immigration act, the war brides act, the homeland security act, and the international marriage broker regulation act are all examples of:

immigration laws that have affected both the separation and the unification of families

We can argue that elevating to the status of a true love relationship, instead of a relationship based on tradition and economic necessity, might contribute to a(n) ____ acceptance of divorce


Since the 1950s, family income inequality in the United States has

increased dramatically

According to your textbook, which pattern would show a society with a big division between social classes?

many family ties within each class and few ties between classes

Recently, some governments have begun to legally recognize that ____.

people identify with more than two genders

Lisa has a White mother and a Black father, but when asked to self-identify her race she chooses Black, not White or mixed. This may be because ______.

people tend to apply the same identities to themselves as others apply to them

Rosa thinks of her mother's best friend, Maria, as her aunt, and Maria treats Rosa as her niece. According to your textbook, Rosa and Maria could be labeled a

personal family

In her research on social class and parenting, Annette Lareau found that poor and working-class parents engaged in a style of parenting she called the accomplishment of natural growth. These parents believed their children's success would be the natural outcome of a childhood spent

playing informally and hanging out in mixed-age groups of friends and family

According to Cohen, what is the strongest predictor of a person growing up to be poor?

poverty and family structure in childhood are related and equally strong predictors

What kind of identities and categories reflect perceptions about physical similarities that are assumed to be innate?


One reason we know race is socially constructed and not a biological given is ______.

racial categories have changed over time

Rose is often told she "looks Latina," and in fact her grandparents came to the United States from Mexico. This is an example of ______.

racial ethnicity

The scholarly view that Black families are resilient and adaptive understands Black family structure as a _______.

reaction to persistent poverty

Unrelated individuals

12.4 million

In part because of the different occupations we encourage women and men to pursue, there is a difference in earnings between women and men. What is the percentage of men's median weekly earnings compared to women's when we look at full-time workers?

123 percent

married-couple families

13.9 million

unmarried female-headed families

16.5 million

The baby boom refers to births in the United States in which years?


Sarah, a U.S. citizen, was working in Argentina when she met and married Marcos. When Sarah's job transferred her back to the United States, Marcos was able to immigrate because of the ______.

1965 amendments to the immigration and nationality act

Marriage between whites and people of other races has been legal in all US states since


According to the text, when did progress toward gender integration of fields of study stall?


unmarried male-headed families

2.8 million

In 1980, the richest 1 percent of individuals earned 11 percent of all income. How much of the total income did the richest 1 percent of individuals earn by 2014?

20 percent

When did the U.S. Census begin identifying multiple-race identities?


What is the median age at first marriage for women and for men?


Big data

Data collections large enough to require special computing resources, and complex enough to require customized computer applications

Social distance

The level of acceptance that members of one group have toward members of another group

Poverty line

The level of income below which the federal government defines a family or individual as poor

Social mobility

The movement, up or down, between social classes

Personal family

The people to whom we feel related and who we expect to define us as members of their family as well

Life chances

The practical opportunity to achieve desired material conditions and personal experiences


The process by which individuals internalize elements of the social structure in their own personalities


The process by which individuals internalize elements of the social structure in their own personalities


The process by which the labor of some produces wealth that is controlled by others

sexual identity

The recognition, or internalization, of a biological sex category

What is the legal definition of of family used by the Census Bureau?

a family lives together in one household

Elaine and alex both work outside the home and share the housework and child care as equally as they can (Companionship family or patriarchal family?)

companionship family

Jorge and Sandra enjoy many similar interest and their children make every effort to return to the family home to enjoy large gatherings and celebrations (Companionship family or patriarchal family?)

companionship family

Lorna and martin are married and live with their biological and adopted children (Companionship family or patriarchal family?)

companionship family

Sylvia and leonard had quite different childhoods, but they fall in love and marry without consulting their parents (Companionship family or patriarchal family?)

companionship family

Elizabeth takes piano lessons, plays on a travel soccer team, attends after-school tutoring sessions, goes to science camp, and is encouraged by her parents to question teachers, doctors, and others in positions of authority. Elizabeth's college-educated professional parents engage in a style of parenting called

concerted cultivation

Since 2009, trends in illegal immigration have ______.


Since the 1900s, the trend in age at first marriage ____

decreased until the 1950s and then significantly increased

What contributed to the Black "retreat from marriage"?


José and Maria came to the United States from Mexico with their parents. They quickly learned English, but their parents struggle and also want to continue to speak Spanish at home in order to maintain their culture. This is an example of ______.

dissonant acculturation

Kai and his family live in a small town in Minnesota, and Amelia and her family live in Boston. According to the federal poverty line, both families are poor. However, the poverty line __________, making things even more difficult for Amelia's family in such an expensive city.

does not consider geographical differences in cost of living

Patterns in contemporary African American family structure (low marriage rates, high rates of single parenthood) can be explained by

economic oppression and lack of oppurtunity

The occupation with the highest percentage of men is _____, while the occupation with the highest percentage of women is _____.

electricians; prekindergarten and kindergarten teachers

Lin marries someone from inside his cultural group. Which term best applies to this situation?


Most people who have cosmetic surgery choose procedures that do what?

enhance the differences between the sexes

Jews share a common cultural identification that includes a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, and traditional practices. According to your textbook, Jews are most accurately described as a(n) ______.

ethnic group

How frequently have the race and ethnicity categories on the US census changed since 1880?

every 10 years

It is possible to learn a child's gender from an ultrasound prior to birth.


Maria, a Latina immigrant, set aside her dreams of continuing her education in order to work to send money to her family in her country of origin. This is an example of the cultural trait of ______.


According to Daniel Patrick Moynihan's 1965 report, what was the main cause of poverty for the Black population?

family structure

According to recent feminist family theorists, which statement is true?

family types are socially constructed and changing

Describe three disruptions in American Indian Family life that have occured in the last century

foster families, tribal lands, poverty line

Michelle likes to do the same "girl-typical" activities as her big sister. Michelle's wanting to be like her sister, whom she considers a peer, is an example of ____.

gender conformity

Transgender people are people whose ____.

gender identity does not match their assigned sex

Jos was born female and raised as a girl but identifies as a man. His ____ does not match his assigned sex and is described as ____.

gender identity; transgender

André and Latisha have a son and a daughter. Their son is expected to mow the lawn, take out the garbage, and wash the cars. Their daughter is expected to cook meals, vacuum, and pull weeds in the garden. This arrangement is an example of ____.

gender socialization

For as long as she can remember, Nilay has liked to play with dolls while her brother prefers trucks and tools. These were the toys they were given by their parents and their books contained illustrations of these same preferences. This is an example of ____.

gender socialization

When Anna was pregnant the ultrasound showed a female baby, so she (and her family and friends) bought pink clothes, dolls, and toys. They all assumed the baby's ______ based on the

gender; sex

In 2020, the U.S. Census plans to add a new category, "Middle Eastern or North African." According to your textbook, this is what type of designation?

geographic designation

Which of the following demonstrates the increased likelihood that adults will spend more of their lives unmarried than in the past?

higher percentage of adults living with no relatives

Contemporary American Indians who live on reservations or other tribal lands are often socially isolated and poor. These social conditions may contribute to ______.

higher rates of suicide, diabetes, and alcoholism

In occupations that require similar levels of job training, education, and risk, those dominated by men tend to have _____ wages and ____ status than those dominated by women.

higher; higher

According to the textbook, the decline of the name Mary in the United States represents the rising trend of what attitude?


Andi's sex chromosomes don't match her sexual anatomy. Her condition is known as ____.


Shawn was born with ambiguous genitalia and XX chromosomes. Shawn's parents decided to label her female and raise her as a girl. What is Shawn's condition called?


Socialization ____.

is a lifelong process by which people learn to act and think in light of what they believe others expect of them

The association of the color pink with girls and blue with boys ____.

is a relatively new gender rule

The official poverty line (threshold) __________.

is based on the cost of a government-determined "economy food plan" times three

An androgynous gender approach to parenting is one that __

is gender neutral

Although there is not a single definition, one common trait of big data is

it is complex enough to require customized computer applications

Why is intermarriage the "litmus test" of racial and ethnic difference?

its frequency allows the measurement of the integration of two groups

When a neighborhood includes just a few poor families, those families can rely on friends and neighbors for support. Which of the following happened as a result of the deindustrialization of northern cities and the concentration of urban poverty?

local institutions, such as churches and schools, lost funding

Alyssa was born to a young single mother and grew up in a poor rural area with low-quality schools. According to the sociological concept of life chances, she has a __________ of becoming rich because __________.

low chance; the practical chance of doing so is small

Children growing up with a single parent face particular challenges to social mobility. These include

lower incomes, less time with parents, and less access to social capital

Which pair of terms refers to biological sex?

male and female

Which statement is true about male and female death rates?

males are more likely to die at every age

Children who live with __________ are concentrated in higher-income families, while children who live with __________ are concentrated in lower-income families

married parents; a single parent

According to your textbook, what's the biggest reason women's median earnings were just 81 percent of men's earnings in 2015?

men and women work in different jobs

According to research, males and females are _____.

more alike than different

A society's Gini index has shifted from 0.57 to 0.34. This means that

more families share a larger proportion of the income

Compared to the U.S. population, how likely are American Indian families to be living in poverty?

more likely

In 2016, women ages 25 to 34 were ___________ than men to _____________

more likely; finish a BA degree

Poor families in the private rental market on average spend __________ of their income on housing expenses.

more than 50%

Children whose parents are college educated are __________ likely to have Internet access at home and to spend __________ time watching television than those whose parents have a high school diploma or less.

more; less

Zoe was born male and later transitioned to female by taking hormones and undergoing surgery. Zoe doesn't identify as male or female but as a "third sex." Zoe is an example of someone who might be described as ______________.


Anne's parents choose John as a suitable spouse for her because his family's resources would help them maintain their property (Companionship family or patriarchal family?)

patriarchal family

Charlie makes all significant decisions in his family and expects his wife to care for the children and home (Companionship family or patriarchal family?)

patriarchal family

Juan is viewed as the leader of his family and the respect his family has for him holds the family together through difficult times (Companionship family or patriarchal family?)

patriarchal family

Natasha and jordan feel a sense of duty to fulfill the expectations of their parents (Companionship family or patriarchal family?)

patriarchal family

Sunniva and Karl live with their children, sunniva's parents, and her younger sister (Companionship family or patriarchal family?)

patriarchal family

__________ in northern industrial cities meant poverty was ________ in communities with a majority of Black residents when good-paying blue-collar jobs were eliminated by corporations.

residential segregation; concentrated

What is gender socialization? Give examples to show how parents, siblings, peers, schools, and other institutions influence gender identity. Which ones do you think have the most influence? Why?

rising children in a gender-neutral style

Functionalist theories argue that since social inequality exists in all societies, it

serves an essential purpose

A backlash among conservatives has demanded that transgender people be required to use bathrooms that match their________________, not those that match their ____________

sexes assigned at birth; gender identities

Elizabeth graduated from Princeton, as did her father. Her sister and brother graduated from Yale like their mother. After graduating, Elizabeth used her __________ to land several interviews and ultimately her dream job.

social capital

Consider the types of relationships you have with people of different racial and ethnic groups (neighbors, work colleagues, close friends, a spouse or partner). Sociologists use these relationships (and peoples' attitudes toward them) to measure ______.

social distance

Jennifer's father was a lower-level manager of a department store. Jennifer was able to go to college and get her master's degree in business administration, and now she is a district manager overseeing all department stores that operate on the West Coast. This is an example of

social mobility

Which pair of terms refers to social gender?

woman and man

Today's cities are changing to meet increases in the number of ____ and ____ living in urban environments

young single women; older adults


Marriage between a man and a woman

class identity

The awareness of, and sense of belonging to, a specific social class.

Longitudinal survey

A research method in which the same people are interviewed repeatedly over a period of time


A condition in which a person's chromosomal composition doesn't correspond with his or her sexual anatomy at birth, or the anatomy is not clearly male or female


A group of people believed to share common descent, based on perceived innate physical similarities


A group of people with a common cultural identification, based on a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, or traditional practices


A personal outlook that puts family obligations first, before individual well-being

minority group

A racial or ethnic group that occupies a subordinate status in society

Institutional arena

A social space in which relations between people in common positions are governed by accepted rules of interaction


A term to describe individuals whose gender identity does not match their assigned sex

Companionship family

An ideal type of family characterized by the mutual affection, equality, and comradeship of its members

The expansion of the prison system impacted Black families in what way?

Black grandparents were more likely to live with their grandchildren.

Pallavi's parents are professionals, as are their siblings and most of their friends. They are able to draw on their social networks to help Pallavi achieve her goals. This is an example of

Bourdieu's social capital


Children had closer relationships with their parents and were subject to less parental authority

Ernesto is a Cuban American living near Miami in South Florida. Which of the following statements about Ernesto is correct?

Ernesto's ethnicity is Cuban


Groups of related people, bound by connections that are biological, legal, or emotional


Individuals choose their own type of family and their role within it in order to find personal fulfillment

What happened to the poverty rate in the 2000s?

It increased dramatically

Figure 3.9 provides a bar chart that illustrates the average number of family members living together by racial-ethnic group. Which choice reflects the correct order from the largest average number of family members to the smallest?

Latino, Asian, American Indian, Black, White


Marriage and reproduction outside one's distinct group


Marriage and reproduction within a distinct group


Marriage between members of different racial or ethnic groups


Marriage between two people of the same sex


Neither exclusively masculine nor exclusively feminine

Consensus- structural functionalism

Nuclear family with a breadwinner man and homemaker woman and their children in which their complementary roles result in harmony


One's biological category, male or female, based on anatomy and physiology

gender expression

One's pattern of outward behavior in relation to common standards of a gender category


People in a similar social situation and of similar status with whom an individual interacts

Time use studies

Surveys that collect data on how people spend their time during a sample period, such as a single day or week

What is a primary reason the proportion of people age 65 or older living in poverty is smaller today compared with the 1960s?

The Social Security program distributs more money to retired people than in the 1960s.

Social capital

The access to resources one has by virtue of relationships and connections within a social network


The acquisition of a new culture and language

Since the 1970s, what has happened to the education earnings gap?

The gap between the earnings of college and high school graduates has increased


The gradual reduction of ethnic distinction between immigrants and the mainstream society

Figure 3.2 provides a bar chart of the proportion of the U.S. population who identify with particular racial and ethnic groups. Which list shows the correct order from the largest to the smallest proportion?

White, Hispanic, Black, Asian, American Indian

______ are gradually declining as a proportion of the U.S. population, while ___________ are becoming a larger proportion.

whites; latinos

James and Natasha identify as African American. Reflecting a dominant pattern for African Americans, they have children together and are not married. Sociologists might explain their family structure as reflecting ______.

a response to social and economic challenges

A group of people who share common interests and similar levels of education and income can be referred to as

a social class

What is familism and how does it play a role in Latino family life?

a social pattern in which the family assumes a position of ascendance over individual interests.

According to your textbook, the issue of undocumented immigration is less a matter of border security and increasingly a question of how to treat the immigrants and their families because ______.

about two-thirds of undocumented immigrants have been in the country 10 years or more

Of families in the following groups, which is most likely to be poor?

american indians

What is the relationship between industrial change and Black family structure in the past 40 years?

as manufacturing opportunities declined, marriage rates declined

Research finds that religious Americans are more likely than nonreligious people to ____.

believe breadwinner-homemaker families are best

Even though __________ doesn't support the classification of people into races, deeply felt divisions between groups of people remain important _________.

biology; socially

In 1918, the magazine, Ladies' Home Journal provided some advice on how parents should dress their girl and boy children. What colors do you think they suggested?

blue for girls; pink for boys

Colonial America

children played economic roles and the ideal of carefree childhood did not exist

Emerging modern childhood

children were viewed as "blank slates" for parents and society to shape

When individuals internalize elements of a social structure and make those elements part of their personalities, they have experienced the results of ____.


The fact that the U.S. government has changed the census categories for race every decade is a good example of how race and ethnicity are ______.

socially constructed

The fact that American Indians, Latinos, and African Americans are about three times more likely to be poor than Whites is evidence of

the concentration of poverty by race-ethnicity

When Irish immigrants arrived in the United States in large numbers in the mid-nineteenth century, they faced discrimination and poverty. By 1960, John F. Kennedy, an Irish American, was elected president. This is an example of assimilation, the process by which ______.

the distinction between immigrants and mainstream society is gradually reduced

If a society does not educate girls in the same way it educates boys, we would not expect to see many women leaders. This is an example of _____, not ____.

the influence of social practice on sex difference; men's innate leadership

Which of the following best explains the decline in marriage among African Americans in the last several decades?

the lack of suitable marriage partners available for women

Which of these factors does the textbook cite as a reason family sizes became smaller over the course of the nineteenth century?

the logic of child rearing changed to require more resources

A conflict theorist would say social inequality stems from

the process by which the labor of some produces wealth that is controlled by others.

The poor have had a difficult time moving out of poverty because

the value of the federal minimum wage has declined significantly over the last 40 years

A reporter is writing an article about social mobility in the United States. As a sociologist, you advise her that

there is little substantial upward social mobility

The expression "doing gender" refers to ____.

turning sex categories into gender identities through personal interactions


A family system in which each person has only one spouse. nuclear family: A married couple living with their own (usually biological) children and no extended family members


A family system in which one person has more than one spouse, usually one man and multiple women

Legal family

A group of individuals related by birth, marriage, or adoption


A group of people that lives and eats separately from other groups


A group of people who experience an event together at the same point in time


A legal doctrine that lasted until the late nineteenth century, under which wives were incorporated into their husbands' citizenship

Nuclear family

A married couple living with their own (usually biological) children and no extended family members


A periodic count of people in a population and their characteristics, usually performed as an official government function

Consensus perspective

A perspective that projects an image of society as the collective expression of shared norms and values

Sample survey

A research method in which identical questions are asked of many different people and their answers gathered into one large data file

Symbolic Interactionism

A theory concerned with the ability of humans to see themselves through the eyes of others and to enact social roles based on others' expectations

Modernity theory

A theory of the historical emergence of the individual as an actor in society and how individuality changed personal and institutional relations

Feminist theory

A theory that seeks to understand and ultimately reduce inequality between men and women

Companionate marriage

A view of marriage as a companionship, a friendship, and a romance, rather than as a practical platform for cooperation and survival

Extended families

Family households in which relatives beyond parents and their children live together

Feminist theory

Family life differs dramatically for women and men and these experiences are also shaped by race, ethnicity, and social class

Symbolic Interactionism

Family members enact their particular roles (parent, child, sibling, spouse) based on others expectations of them

During the 1960s and after, __________ increased the independence of middle class and more educated women, while __________ increased the independence of poor women.

Market forces; state forces

Exchange theory

Rational individual enter into family relationships that satisfy needs or necessities they cannot satisfy on their own

longitudinal survey

Researchers interview or survey the same 1,000 families every five years over a forty year period

Family wage

The amount necessary for a male earner to provide subsistence for his wife and children without their having to work for pay

Separate Spheres

The cultural doctrine under which women were to work at home, to make it a sanctuary from the industrial world in which their husbands worked for pay

Stem families

The household formed by one grown child remaining in the family home with his or her parents


The institutional arena where labor for pay, economic exchange, and wealth accumulation take place

Family arena

The institutional arena where people practice intimacy, childbearing and socialization, and caring work


The institutional arena where, through political means, behavior is legally regulated, violence is controlled, and resources are redistributed


The mate selection process in which couples begin a relationship with supervised contact in public, then proceed to additional dates in the woman's home and then to marriage if the parents approve


The mate selection process in which young adults spend time with a variety of partners before making a long-term commitment

Baby boom

The period of high birth rates in the United States between 1946 and 1964

We often think of the family as a private entity. We decide who belongs to our family and we make the rules by which our family operates. This is true to some degree, but other social institutions play important roles in determining what our families look like and how they operate. The state (government) and the market are two social arenas that impact decisions we make about family life. What are some examples of how these two arenas shape our life?

The state affects families directly through regulation, such as granting marriage licenses and facilitating divorces, and by redistributing resources according to family relationships. The state also regulates the behavior of economic organizations and collects taxes and fees from them. As for market, when parents decide whether to work for pay or stay home with their kids, they have to consider the jobs they can get and the costs of day care and other services. These decisions then affect family relationships such as how to divide labor, how many children to have, whether to pursue advanced education


The study of ancestry and family history

Demographic perspective

The study of how family behavior and household structures contribute to larger population processes

Life course perspective

The study of the family trajectories of individuals and groups as they progress through their lives, in social and historical context


The system of men's control over property and fathers' authority over all family members


The tendency to impose previously held views on the collection and interpretation of facts

Exchange theory

The theory that individuals or groups with different resources, strengths, and weaknesses enter into mutual relationships to maximize their own gains

Conflict perspective

The view that opposition and conflict define a given society and are necessary for social evolution

Since the 19th century, what has happened with children?

They lost economic value and gained emotional value

conflict perspective

Wives care for home and family, allowing men to work for pay. Men, in turn, have the power in the family as a result of their economic support

Using _____ helps ensure that research results are not skewed by who is included or excluded in a survey or interview

a random sample

The Current population survey, which requires interviews with representatives from thousands of households every month, is an example of

a sample survey

According to the text, what had a significant impact on the emergence of the dating system in the early to mid-twentieth century?


Census categories have ____, so we can argue ____

changed; ideas about what constitutes a family have evolved

In colonial America, Christian doctrine supported the legal concept of coverture, and wives ____

did not have a legal existence, but were incorporated into their husbands' citizenship

Archeological findings in central Europe indicate which of the following about families?

diverse family arrangements, not only the nuclear family, were recognized by the villagers

According to the interactionist approach, gender differences within families exist primarily because of

everyday behavior that reinforces gender distinctions

According to Anthony Giddens and Modernity theory, as described in your textbook..

everyone is expected to make individual choices in their family relationships

Alisha and Greg both work full time outside the home. As a woman, Alisha earns less than Greg and is responsible for a greater share of the housework and childcare in order to "make up" the difference. _____ might argue this arrangement is rational and mutually beneficial.

exchange theorists

Which theory sees people as individuals entering into mutual relationships in order to maximize their own gains?

exchange theory

Which household types have decreased since the beginning of the 20th century?

extended households, married couples

The demographic perspective in family studies focus most on

family and household structures

According to modernity theory, which is a characteristic of the "late modern" (or "second modernity") period?

family ties are created by individuals deliberately and by choice

When the birth rate spiked dramatically during what we now call the baby boom (1946-1964), the percentage of women in the paid labor force


Industrialization and the ideology of separate spheres ______ economic inequality between husbands and wives and _____ advantage grew

increased; wives'

What contributed to the decline of courtship in the process of mate selection?

increasing freedom for young adults

When they were instituted in the early twentieth century, programs like Social Security and Aid to Dependent Children promoted marriage by ____

making women who never married or who divorced ineligible

In the American legal tradition, the definition of "family" is based on

marriage and biology

Growing family diversity has come from which type of household becoming less common?

married couples

According to conflict theories, who benefits from family structures where women stay home and men work for pay?

men and employers

Under the ideology of separate spheres, what were separated?

men at work and women at home

From 1638 to the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1807, the marriages of enslaved Africans were not legally recognized and children were the property of the slave owner. In this context,

most slaves married and most children lived with both parents

For the purposes of the contemporary census, a family

must occupy the same household

According to your textbook, the consensus perspective takes which view?

order is the core of social life

In-depth interviews

researchers conduct long interviews with open-ended questions with 40 couples

Sample survey

researchers develop a survey and ask the same questions to 40,000 randomly selected people


researchers observed 15 families in their homes over a period of one year

time use studies

researchers survey family members on how many hours per week they spend doing carious tasks or ask them to keep a diary of what they do every 30 minutes over an entire day over a period of a week

In the 1950s and the economy was growing and the age at first marriage was lower than it had been in the first half on the century

single women

The granting of marriage licenses is an example of which institutional arenas interacting?

state and family

What are the two dominant institutional arenas that "the family" interacts with?

state and market

When children are neglected or abused by their parents the institutional arena of the ____ intervenes in the institutional arena of the ____

state; family

In Europe prior to the formation of the US, what was the principal role of marriage?

system of property and labor cooperation

Using __________, researchers might try to explain attitudes toward same-sex marriage and adoption held by people born in different decades by examining the historical events that occurred at various points in their lives

the life course perspective

What is the trend in names given to baby girls?

there is more diversity, witht he most common names becoming less prevalent

The family wage refers to the _____

wage necessary for a male earner to provide for his wife and children

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