Sociology Final

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Extent of Poverty

o 1 in 5 households struggles to meet needs o 38.1 million in America are impoverished (11.8%) o Official poverty line for a family of 4 in 2019 - $25,750 o Typical poor family only earns about $12,000 which is more than $13,000 below the line

How many people does elder abuse affect?

o 2 million

Who is the most likely to be without health insurance?

o 41 million adults (29%) are underinsured

What is the definition of health?

o A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

Social Classes - Lower Class

o About 20% of our nations' families

Relative vs. Absolute Poverty

o Absolute poverty - is a condition where household income is below a necessary level to maintain basic living standards (food, shelter, housing). o Relative poverty - A condition where household income is a certain percentage below median income.

What is the difference between an acute and a chronic disease/illness?

o Acute diseases (low income nations) o Diseases that have a sudden onset and are either curable or fatal o Chronic diseases (high income nations) o Long term, develop gradually, or are present from birth o Biological & Environmental factors

Gender and Social Stratification

o Around 60% of married women with children under the age of 6 work o Over 80% of women with children over 14 work

What are the 4 sources of cultural change?

o Change in response to changed conditions in society o Change through cultural diffusion o Change as the result of innovation o Change can be imposed by outside agencies

What is the difference between the evolutionary theory and equilibrium model of social change?

o Evolutionary theory: society is viewed as moving in a definite direction o Comte - human societies move forward in their thinking from mythology to scientific method o Equilibrium model: as changes occur in one part of society, adjustments must be made in other parts

Income and Wealth- how much women make AND 3 key reasons why they make less

o For every dollar a man earns, she will earn $.77 o The type of job o Society's view of the family o Discrimination

Social Classes - Lower Middles / Working Class

o Fringes of poverty, In and out of unemployment, Live paycheck to paycheck

Minority Majority - know in which states it exists

o Hawaii (which is the only state that has never had a white majority), New Mexico, California, Texas and Nevada

What 2 groups do we use pan-ethnic names for and what is the problem with this

o Hispanic & Asian American groups o Using one overarching term for a large group of very different subgroups

What are the five types of feminism, and how do they differ?

o Liberal (egalitarian) o Socialist (gender & class) o Marxist (capitalism) o Radical (power & privilege) o 3rd wave (multicultural)

What does social isolation mean for the elderly?

o Losing a sense of identity and social connections to others

Have a general idea of the median income and general knowledge of the richest/poorest 20% owning how much of each

o Median U.S. income in 2016 = $57,617 o Richest 20% receive almost 50% of America's total income o Poorest 20% receive only 4% of America's total income

Medicare vs. Medicaid

o Medicare is a federal program that provides health coverage if you are 65+ or under 65 and have a disability, no matter your income. o Medicaid is a state and federal program that provides health coverage if you have a very low income.

Define prejudice, minority, discrimination

o Minority o Does not refer to a group's numerical representation o Refers to a groups relative power and status in society o Prejudice - negative attitude that rejects the entire group are (The Thought) o Discrimination - behavior that deprives a group of certain rights or opportunities (The Action)

What is the difference between personal and public sociology?

o Personal sociology-process of recognizing the impact our individual position has on who we are and how we think and act o Public sociology- process of bringing insight gained through sociological observation and analysis into the public sphere

Know the difference between race and ethnicity

o Race - a categorization in which a large number of people sharing visible physical characteristics regard themselves or are regarded by others as a single group on that basis o Ethnic group - a group of people who share a common religion, nationality, culture, and/or language

What's the difference between sex and gender?

o Sex - a biological distinction between male & female o Gender - social and psychological behaviors associated with being male or female

What are gender roles?

o Social norms that dictate what is socially regarded as appropriate for female and male behavior

What is ageism and where do we see it playing out?

o The elderly are devalued, negatively stereotyped, and discriminated against o Media Bias - Advertising for young people. Little to no representation in movies and TV shows. Any representation is very stereotyped. o The workplace - those in their 60s and 70s who still want to work for financial reasons may feel that they're being pushed out of the company as a company wants to hire younger workers at lower salaries

How do men experience inequality?

o To be feminine is more negative - the "boy code" o Draft registration o Less likely to get child custody

How many people are over the age of 65 now? How many project by 2030?

o Today around 16% of US population is over 65 o Individuals over 65 surpass 20% by 2030

Social Classes - Upper Middles & Average Middles

o Upper Middles: Make at least 6 figures, Afford assets (perhaps a summer home), Higher tier, white collar jobs o Average Middles: 50,000 - 100, 000 total family income, Less prestigious white collar or blue-collar jobs

Social Classes - Upper-Upper vs. Lower Upper

o Upper-Upper: Those born into rich families o Lower Upper: The working rich (ex. Bill Gates)

Know the five principles supported by all feminists

o Working to Increase Equality o Expanding Human Choice o Eliminating Gender Stratification o Ending Sexual Violence o Promoting a Sexual Freedom

social stratification principles

o trait of society o caries over from generation to generation o universal but variable o involves inequality as well as benefits

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