Sociology Final

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When and why did homosexuality become a pathology, or a disease? a. the new science if biology developed statistical measures of the natural variation in male and female bodies, including the normal ranges of testosterone and estrogen. Bodies falling outside those statistical measurements were deemed "abnormal" b. when it became defined as a disease of genitalia, chromosomes, and hormones by the new science of sexology in the 1950s. c. in the 19th century, Frued argued that unsuccessful resolution of the Oedipal Complex in children could lead to homosexuality, among other afflictions. d. all of the above

C. in the 19th century, Frued argued that unsuccessful resolution of the Oedipal Complex in children could lead to homosexuality, among other afflictions.

What have been the consequences of precarious work since the 1970s, in Kalleberg's view? a. Downward mobility for the middle class, and dependence on public assistance for minimum-wage workers. b. The emergence of a parallel economy in which people are paid "under the table." c. The growth of immigration as employers prefer to hire illegal immigrants rather than pay high wages Americans demand. d. Lower rates of unemployment as workers circulate through the labor market.

a. Downward mobility for the middle class, and dependence on public assistance for minimum-wage workers.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between globalization and democracy? a. Economic inequality created by globalization has put the democratic process at risk in some countries, and threatens to do the same in others. b. Economic development and social exchange between developed and developing countries encourages the spread of democracy, as has been demonstrated since the 1950s. c. Economic freedoms brought about by neoliberal globalization are taking hold all over the Third World and promise to bring prosperity and freedom to all. d. All of the above.

a. Economic inequality created by globalization has put the democratic process at risk in some countries, and threatens to do the same in others.

Which of the following statements is a position against globalization? a. Globalization increases migration and immigrants settled developed countries like the U.S. and in many countries in Europe experience racist or nativist attacks against them. b. Industrialized countries share technologies with developing countries which helps the latter progress economically. c. Exchanges of goods, labor, and services encourage cultural exchanges between countries and enhances tolerance between people. d. U.S. consumers can buy cheap commodities manufactured in countries where the pay is low.

a. Globalization increases migration and immigrants settled developed countries like the U.S. and in many countries in Europe experience racist or nativist attacks against them.

According to Arne Kalleberg, more than 30 million full-time workers lost their jobs involuntarily between the early 1980s and 2004. The number is much higher when we include statistics since the Great Recession of 2007/2008. In some European countries, workers are retrained and offered new positions in other industries, but no such guaranteed employment is offered to Americans. In fact, job loss in the U.S. triggers many unpleasant effects. Which of the following does Kalleberg cite as a consequence of job loss in the U.S.? a. Loss of health insurance and loss of home to foreclosure, and increased rates of personal bankruptcy. b. Mental illness. c. Increased conflicts within families and higher divorce rates. d. All of the above.

a. Loss of health insurance and loss of home to foreclosure, and increased rates of personal bankruptcy.

Which of the following does Robert Putnam consider a reason that social capital is eroding in the U.S.? a. Lower wages and increasing working hours for most people in the middle and working classes mean they have less time for the formation of social capital. b. An emphasis on family values in recent years means most parents are spending more time with their families instead of engaging in building or enhancing their own social capital. c. Increasing competition in the workplace spills over into social life; instead of socializing with neighbors and friends, people instead consider them rivals. d. All of the above.

a. Lower wages and increasing working hours for most people in the middle and working classes mean they have less time for the formation of social capital.

Which of the following was part of Adam Smith's general argument for free markets and against mercantilism in the 18C? a. Self-interest and competition in free markets will lead to general economic prosperity for the entire nation. b. Wealth and profit are generated in the process of production using free wage labor. c. Workers must compete against their fellows in labor markets and so become more highly skilled and more reliable. d. The liberal notion of "sovereignty of the individual" applied to all people equally, as enshrined in the Declaration of Independence.

a. Self-interest and competition in free markets will lead to general economic prosperity for the entire nation.

On rampage school shootings, Kimmel's research revealed a pattern: Virtually every one of the shooters described their school days as a relentless gauntlet of bullying, gay-baiting epithets, physical assault, and harassment until they "snapped." How can Kimmel's concept of aggrieved entitlement contribute to an explanation of Columbine and other horrific school shootings? a. The boys felt humiliated and humiliation is emasculation. They were enacting codes of masculinity by avenging the wrongs done them; if they did not avenge their masculinity they would cease being men. b. Each shooter expressed a sense of entitlement that he believed justified his use of violence against others. c. All of the shooters were later found to suffer from mental disorders and should never have been allowed to attend purchase guns, ammo, and attend institutions where they could pose a danger to others. d. All of these boys spent an inordinate amount of time playing violent video games.

a. The boys felt humiliated and humiliation is emasculation. They were enacting codes of masculinity by avenging the wrongs done them; if they did not avenge their masculinity they would cease being men.

To understand capitalism and Adam Smith's advocacy for free markets, we have to understand what he was fighting against--mercantilism. Which of the following best describes mercantilism? a. Wealth was derived from trade, which was controlled by European monarchs through monopoly licensing, with all gains belonging to the royal treasury. b. Growth of international trade stimulated the growth of manufacturing and technological innovation. c. Profit is derived from the process of trade using wage labor. d. Mercantilist markets operated on the principle of supply and demand without government interference or regulation.

a. Wealth was derived from trade, which was controlled by European monarchs through monopoly licensing, with all gains belonging to the royal treasury.

Kimmel insists that there is a significant difference between "angry white men" and "angry white women," or "angry people of color," "angry members of LGBTQ communities," etc. What is this difference? a. Women, minorities, immigrants, LGBT activists tend to look up at what our society says all are entitled to - equality, fairness, an equal chance to make it. Angry white men feel entitled while looking down at the "hordes of others" who are taking what they think is rightfully theirs, aided by an illegitimate government. b. Women, minorities, immigrants, LGBT activists believe they can get what they want only if the government shrinks and stops spending so much money on social programs. Angry white men believe they can get what they want only if the government expands and creates social programs designed to help them, instead of all those "hordes of others." c. Women, minorities, immigrants, LGBT activists operate with a personal sense of self that is defined through victimization and injury. This form of politics mixes envy of those they believed have injured them with hatred. Angry white men operate with a personal sense of masculine heroism that takes the American Dream seriously. For this reason they believe everyone should work for their success. d. all of the above

a. Women, minorities, immigrants, LGBT activists tend to look up at what our society says all are entitled to - equality, fairness, an equal chance to make it. Angry white men feel entitled while looking down at the "hordes of others" who are taking what they think is rightfully theirs, aided by an illegitimate government.

Jordan Berdache's article Sex Police reports on how medical practitioners determine whether or not a male infant body is normal or pathological. What is the first measure of manhood in the doctor's office? a. a ruler b. DNA test c. psychological testing d. chromosome testing

a. a ruler

How are we defining deviance in this course? a. actions that transgress social norms b. deviance is anything that is considered abnormal by society c. specific abnormal physical features, head and body shapes and body types that indicate criminality d. Certain "personality types" associated with crime - abnormal, dysfunctional or inappropriate mental processes within the person that may have been caused by disease, improper conditioning or inappropriate learning.

a. actions that transgress social norms

Globalization has created __________________________ in which comparatively wealthy workers in the U. S. must compete with low-wage workers in poor/developing countries. a. an international division of labor b. male breadwinner and female homemaker gender roles c. a moral discourse on fatherhood d. a sense of hegemonic masculinity

a. an international division of labor

White supremacist organizations offer themselves as the antidote to white male disempowerment. Why is this problematic? a. it's problematic because people of color didn't cause white male disempowerment. b. White supremacists are dead on, right. It was gay people who control the banks and forced our mortgages underwater, and then foreclosed on all those homes. c. Yep, right on. It was those Feminazis who outsourced all our jobs to China and closed the factories and reduced our manufacturing sector to dust. d. It was all of the immigrants who came here, and with massive tax breaks from federal, state, and local governments, opened big-box stores like Walmart, K-Mart, and Target and forced tens of thousands small family-owned businesses to close.

a. it's problematic because people of color didn't cause white male disempowerment.

Howard S. Becker found that the level of deviance associated with smoking marijuana depended on who saw you do it. It's not the drug or the act of smoking that makes you deviant, but how others react to it. This sociological theory of deviance is called a. labeling theory b. rational choice theory c. social strain theory d. differential association

a. labeling theory

_______ has been traditionally considered biologically given as either male or female. a. sex b. gender c. sexuality d. all of the above

a. sex

Contingent work arrangements, also known as "precarious work", can be understood as a. temporary, part-time, employees, or workers hired as self-employed independent contractors or leased employees without job security or benefits. b. the ways economic, political and cultural activities of people in different countries influence each other and become interdependent. c. a new emphasis on market driven solutions, the privatization of public resources, and the removal of government protections -- the social safety net. d. standard employment relationships with long-term employees progressing up the job ladder within an internal labor market.

a. temporary, part-time, employees, or workers hired as self-employed independent contractors or leased employees without job security or benefits.

What is a maquila? a. they are foreign owned factories in Mexico that fabricate or assemble products that are then re-imported back to the country that owns the factory b. They are factories located in countries all over the world, including Brazil, Colombia, India, Indonesia, El Salvador, China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Kenya, Nigeria, Namibia... c. They are revolutionary leaders in the Mexican state of Chiapas who helped the peasants in that region fight against multinational corporations who were trying to take their land. d. all of the above

a. they are foreign owned factories in Mexico that fabricate or assemble products that are then re-imported back to the country that owns the factory

Father's Responsibility Movements are among the most successful Father's rights groups Kimmel found. What were they designed to accomplish? a. they served minority men who, because of poverty and racism, had found it difficult to be good fathers b. they served men who devoted their energy and time to work and earning good incomes because they believed that is what defined them as good fathers c. These are men who advocate that fathers become more involved in childcare and doing more around the house; they learn to negotiate a work-life balance. d. all of the above

a. they served minority men who, because of poverty and racism, had found it difficult to be good fathers

According to Fausto-Sterling, why is genital surgery performed on infants? a. to reshape a sexually ambiguous body so that it conforms to be a 2-sex system, the only criteria for success are cosmetic b. to give a child possess the proper male or female genitalia. they cannot grow up and develop into normal adults without them c. the psychological health of the individual is the most important criteria for such surgeries, according to FS d. all of the above

a. to reshape a sexually ambiguous body so that it conforms to be a 2-sex system, the only criteria for success are cosmetic

The labor theory of value holds that a. value and wealth come not from exchange, but from labor. b. every man's welfare is chiefly [a consequence of] his own doing, not the doing of others. c. market prices determine value. d. in market systems, those who work hard will be rewarded with wealth and prosperity, and those who do not will become impoverished.

a. value and wealth come not from exchange, but from labor.

What is Kimmel's explanation for why Columbine, and other horrific school shootings have been perpetrated by white (all but one) men? a. A psychological profile of the homes of these shooters revealed that these young men had been abused at home and had acted out against peers in ways they had grown to believe were socially appropriate. b. A social profile of the regions where the majority of school shootings occurred revealed that local cultural expectations required that "real men" retaliate with violence when provoked. c. The shooters were deeply aggrieved by a system they felt was cruel or demeaning--feelings common to many adolescents. d. All of the above.

b. A social profile of the regions where the majority of school shootings occurred revealed that local cultural expectations required that "real men" retaliate with violence when provoked.

How has the culture of corruption in government and on Wall Street affected most people in the U.S.? a. education in the U.S. is now fully funded for the first time in several decades because the super rich recognize that America must be ready to compete with generations of skilled workers from China, S. Korea, Singapore, etc. who are receiving the benefits of superior state-funded educations in those countries. b. Hundreds of trillions in capital wealth have been transferred from the U.S. (from industries, pension and investment funds, insurance funds) to an elite group of super-wealthy who invest these assets off-shore. c. The government has effectively broken up big banks with antitrust laws, a feat that has reinforced our trust and confidence in our elected representatives. We can sleep peacefully knowing they are looking out for us. d. All of the above.

b. Hundreds of trillions in capital wealth have been transferred from the U.S. (from industries, pension and investment funds, insurance funds) to an elite group of super-wealthy who invest these assets off-shore.

How are sociological theories of deviance different from psychological theories of deviance? a. psychological and biological theories of deviance focus primarily on street crime while sociological theories of deviance analyze white collar crime. b. Psychological and biological theories of deviance focus on the individual, while sociological theories of deviance focus on social forces that might cause individuals to become deviant. c. Sociological theories of deviance focus on the individual, while biological and psychological theories of deviance focus on social forces that might cause individuals to become deviant. d. Only sociology focuses on the relationship between the individual and society, showing how society can cause people to commit crimes.

b. Psychological and biological theories of deviance focus on the individual, while sociological theories of deviance focus on social forces that might cause individuals to become deviant.

Kalleberg points out that precarity for workers in the U.S. is not new. "Until the end of the Great Depression... most jobs were precarious and most wages were unstable. Pensions and health insurance were almost unheard of..." (3). What happened that eliminated precarity? a. Reaganomics that dismantled regulations and freed capital investment to create new jobs in the 1980s. b. Roosevelt's New Deal in the 1930s that instituted worker protections and social security for retirement. c. Johnson's War on Poverty legislation that upholded civil rights and created Medicare and Medicaid. d. All of the above.

b. Roosevelt's New Deal in the 1930s that instituted worker protections and social security for retirement.

What did factory workers in the 19C achieve by forming unions? a. They went on strike and brought industry to a standstill in Germany. b. The persuaded the British Parliament to pass a law limiting the work day to ten hours. c. They were massacred by the French army. d. They fought among themselves so much that their union achieved very little.

b. The persuaded the British Parliament to pass a law limiting the work day to ten hours.

According to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the Communist Manifesto, capitalism undergoes periodic crises due to falling rates of profit brought about by "the epidemic of overproduction." Who suffers the most from these recurring crises? a. The bourgeoisie who lose massive fortunes when their factories close. b. The proletariat who must work in order to eat; workers do not earn enough to save up in case they are laid off. c. The state that loses revenue from the taxes paid by industry. d. All of the above suffer equally.

b. The proletariat who must work in order to eat; workers do not earn enough to save up in case they are laid off.

How does Robert Putnam define social capital in his article, "Bowling Alone?" a. As a class-based form of cultural knowledge: the ability to acquire and accumulate cultural capital depends, in part, upon one's class origins. b. The social norms, social networks and organizations, and trust built from participating in those social networks that facilitate social cooperation for mutual benefit. c. All of the above. d. As a form of cultural knowledge including good taste and good social manners. An Ivy League education is about cultivating the manners, knowledge, and connections desirable among a global upper class.

b. The social norms, social networks and organizations, and trust built from participating in those social networks that facilitate social cooperation for mutual benefit.

Who, according to Kimmel's research, are America's angry dads? a. African American men who, because they were convicted of felonies for minor drug crimes, cannot find work and cannot support their families. b. They are white, straight, middle class, youngish, and divorced. c. They are mostly white men trapped in unhappy marriages. d. All of the above.

b. They are white, straight, middle class, youngish, and divorced.

How does capitalism create wealth? a. Wealth is created when a commodity is purchased at one price and then sold at a higher price. b. Wealth is created by a skilled laborer who, through work, transforms raw material (adds value) into an item of value, and when the wage paid the laborer is less than the value added, creating surplus value. c. When the workers own the means of production themselves, and are therefore able to distribute surplus value among themselves according to the skilled labor contributions of each. d. All of the above.

b. Wealth is created by a skilled laborer who, through work, transforms raw material (adds value) into an item of value, and when the wage paid the laborer is less than the value added, creating surplus value.

Sigmund Freud insisted that all children pass through a. four psychosexual developmental stages during which they are especially vulnerable to bad parenting b. a phallic stage in which they direct their first sexual impulse toward mother, and first hatred toward father c. a pathological stage known as the Oedipal and Electra Complex d. all of the above

b. a phallic stage in which they direct their first sexual impulse toward mother, and first hatred toward father

What is the neoliberal prescription for men who have lost factory jobs to cheaper laborers outside the country? a. Accept pay cuts and non-union jobs. b. Acquire new social capital. c. Move to China. d. Be more flexible about career choices.

b. acquire new social capital

Which of the following describes the ideology of American masculinity as articulated by Kimmel? a. american masculinity takes men like Rambo as a symbol of greatness and honor b. american masculinity requires men to be stoic and strong, good providers, protectors of women, family, community, and country c. historically in western societies, including the US, white men were the beneficiaries of advantages (being white, male) that gave a head start over all others d. all of the above

b. american masculinity requires men to be stoic and strong, good providers, protectors of women, family, community, and country

Fausto-Sterling points out that although transexuals won the right to surgical and legal sex changes, this victory came at a price. What was the price? a. it costs about $40,000 for a full sex change operation, assuming there are no complications, and not taking into account the psychological counseling that will also be needed b. at the cost of reinforcing a 2-gender system c. violence, transexuals, even more than homosexuals, are often viciously attacked and murdered by homophobic individuals who feel threatened by their existence d. all of the above

b. at the cost of reinforcing a 2-gender system

The best opera singers in Italy in the seventeenth century were a. eunuchs b. castrati c. hermaphrodites d. fa' afafine

b. castrati

Adam Smith insisted that by pursuing their own self-interest a. economic actors will enjoy the fruits of their own labor (consume what they produce) and in doing so, enhance the happiness of the nation. b. each economic actor contributes the greatest good for the greatest number of people. c. economic actors are compelled to compete against others in the labor market and so are alienated from their fellows. d. All of the above

b. each economic actor contributes the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

________ has been traditionally understood as social roles and behaviors culturally learned and considered appropriate to a given sex. a. sex b. gender c. sexuality d. all of the above

b. gender

What do all sociological theories of deviance we addressed in lecture (labeling theory, differential association theory, social strain theory, Marxist criminology, and social control theory) have in common? a. they all begin from the premise that no act is intrinsically deviant b. they all address street crime, not white-collar crime c. they all stress that deviants are made, not born d. all of the above

b. they all address street crime, not white-collar crime

What does William Julius Wilson mean by the "subculture of defeatism?" a. an ascribed status of persons who are prevented from opportunities open to others because of discrimination against them b. those who experience repeated failures in finding good jobs, keeping them, or being advanced to better paying jobs eventually give up hope c. the idea that people can be ranked in terms of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, occupation, religion, economic class... and how this affects people's life chances and experiences d. all of the above

b. those who experience repeated failures in finding good jobs, keeping them, or being advanced to better paying jobs eventually give up hope

Marx exposes the inadequacy of Smith's logic that no individual would enter into an exchange from which s/he would emerge worse off, by pointing out that a. in order to survive humans must transform nature into food, shelter, clothing and other life necessities. b. when the majority of the population are not property owners and have nothing to exchange but their labor power, they have no choice but to enter into exchanges from which they might emerge worse off. c. the product created by the laborer belongs to the capitalist since that labor was purchased by the capitalist. d. since they have only their labor power to exchange for a wage, workers not only lose control of the thing they produce, they lose control over the productive process itself.

b. when the majority of the population are not property owners and have nothing to exchange but their labor power, they have no choice but to enter into exchanges from which they might emerge worse off.

What did Marx mean by exploitation? a. Capitalist relations are organized in such a way that workers must compete with their fellows for scare jobs, and so become alienated from others like themselves. b. Capitalist relations are organized in such a way that workers lose control over the work process. c. Capitalist relations are organized in such a way that workers are not paid for the value they produce over the course of the working day; rather their wages are determined by labor markets. d. Capitalist relations are organized in such a way that workers are alienated from the products of their own labor.

c. Capitalist relations are organized in such a way that workers are not paid for the value they produce over the course of the working day; rather their wages are determined by labor markets.

In her article, "Should there be only two sexes?" what does Anne Fausto-Sterling mean by "gender variability?" a. She means by this that there are two natural sexes, male and female, within which a wide variation of gender roles are possible. b. She points out that there are househusbands and women fighter pilots. There are feminine lesbians, and gay men who may be either butch or buff. Male to female and female to male transsexuals render the sex/gender divide unintelligible. c. Gender variability means gender represents an expansion of what is meant by male and female until their overlap is so complete as to render the notion of gender difference irrelevant. d. all of the above

c. Gender variability means gender represents an expansion of what is meant by male and female until their overlap is so complete as to render the notion of gender difference irrelevant.

Which of the following is part of Marx's theory of alienation? a. The "free laborer" works under the control of the capitalist to whom he has willingly sold his labor, in exchange for a wage, for a finite period of time. b. From raw materials to finished commodity the value added by labor will be more than the wage the laborer is paid; the difference being surplus value which belongs to the capitalist. c. Inherent in Marx's theory of alienation is his understanding of human nature, and that in capitalist relations of production, humans can be alienated from themselves. d. All of the above

c. Inherent in Marx's theory of alienation is his understanding of human nature, and that in capitalist relations of production, humans can be alienated from themselves.

What does Kimmel mean by paranoid politics? a. Paranoia is dangerous because it causes people strike out at false enemies, to whom they may do harm even though those perceived "enemies" are innocent of any wrong doing. b. It is a psychological disorder that perceives evil enemies as the source of all of one's problems; not unlike witchhunts of old when people believed that witchcraft, usually performed by women, caused misfortune or illness. c. It is a psychological disposition that projects the source of one's problems onto others while upholding one's own purity and goodness. d. Kimmel is referring to right wingnuts who think Obama is the antichrist.

c. It is a psychological disposition that projects the source of one's problems onto others while upholding one's own purity and goodness.

Margaret Hilton suggests that we are heading for a "barbell" economy. What does she mean by this? a. Hilton is referring to new opportunities emerging in the fitness and health industry. b. A barbell economy is one in which workers end up see-sawing between positions within the same company for the sake of efficiency. c. It means the U.S. labor market is becoming increasingly polarized, with opportunities in high-waged, high-skilled professional jobs and in low-wage, low-skilled service jobs. d. All of the above

c. It means the U.S. labor market is becoming increasingly polarized, with opportunities in high-waged, high-skilled professional jobs and in low-wage, low-skilled service jobs.

More than 80% of the jobs lost in the recession were held by men, mostly in manufacturing, construction, and related industries. But unemployment is now back to pre-recession numbers. Why aren't things better? a. The people hired were women and minorities in positions that in the past were occupied by white men. b. Things will get better. The Tea Party, a significant contingent in the House of Representatives, have already written bills that will rollback equal pay for women, voting rights for minorities, equal rights in the workplace for LGBT individuals, and will build a giant mote with alligators to keep out the Mexicans. c. New jobs since the recovery tend to be contingent, part-time, and in the service industry, and all of these pay little. They do not provide benefits nor job security. d. The recovery numbers are fake. Everybody, from Fox News on down, knows that Obama lies in those reports.

c. New jobs since the recovery tend to be contingent, part-time, and in the service industry, and all of these pay little. They do not provide benefits nor job security.

Where does the term "to go postal" come from? a. From drinking games in high school like spin the bottle or post office. b. Generations of men staked their manhood on being good family providers and upstanding citizens. When they realized that it was taken from them, they went postal. c. Reagan fired a bunch of postal workers for, in his view, slacking off on the job and costing the taxpayers too much money. These guys retaliated by killing their supervisors and coworkers. d. All of the above.

c. Reagan fired a bunch of postal workers for, in his view, slacking off on the job and costing the taxpayers too much money. These guys retaliated by killing their supervisors and coworkers.

Which of the following factors have contributed to the increase in contingent or precarious work arrangements? a. Labor market standards that enabled workers to share in productivity gains were strengthened. b. Increases in rates of profit in the industrial and business sectors in the 1970s. c. The political shift toward neoliberal economic policies in the 1980s. d. All of the above.

c. The political shift toward neoliberal economic policies in the 1980s.

Who exactly are the angry white men described in Kimmel's first chapter, and what are they angry about? a. They are immigrants who came to this country seeking work and find there is none but they cannot go back to their native countries because of drug cartels and violence b. They are Wall Street bankers disappointed by the paltry profits they've managed to eke out over the past 30 years and furious at the government for not doing more to help them. c. They are white men who come from ruined farms, dying small rural towns, and foreclosed suburbs of de-industrializing cities across the nation.They are angry about race and class mobility. d. All of the above.

c. They are white men who come from ruined farms, dying small rural towns, and foreclosed suburbs of de-industrializing cities across the nation.They are angry about race and class mobility.

What is statistical discrimination, according to Wilson? a. Illegal hiring of illegal immigrants in place of American workers for lower wages that remain undiscovered because they appear only in statistical measurements, and remain invisible in everyday practices. b. The difference between value of a product produced by a worker and the value of labor extracted from labor in the production process. c. When employers make generalizations about inner-city black male workers and make decisions based on those assumptions without reviewing the actual qualifications of an individual applicant. d. In modern labor markets, people do all kinds of different jobs; the discriminating employer knows how to choose the right employee for each position.

c. When employers make generalizations about inner-city black male workers and make decisions based on those assumptions without reviewing the actual qualifications of an individual applicant.

White collar crime as a form of social deviance often goes unnoticed in our society. Why? a. media has always covered white-collar crime extensively, but the public was more interested in care chases and shootouts on crime shows than watching the evening news b. only recently have police departments and other law enforcement agencies begun developing prevention strategies to protect the public from white-collar crime c. White-collar criminal behavior is often concealed behind by legitimate and respectable business practices. Crime is carried out incrementally, over time. Bernie Madoff, for example, was operating his Ponzi scheme as early as 2000, but was not caught until 2009. d. Although most white-collar crime does not appear in official crime statistics, the public has become more aware of it recently because sociological theories of deviance and criminology have begun to address it.

c. White-collar criminal behavior is often concealed behind by legitimate and respectable business practices. Crime is carried out incrementally, over time. Bernie Madoff, for example, was operating his Ponzi scheme as early as 2000, but was not caught until 2009.

Why are relations of production social relations? a. because the 2 individuals knew each before the worker was hired b. because most capitalists engage future employees in extensive, face-to-face interviews, and the 2 get to know each other as condition of employment c. because productive relations could not exist without laws that protect private property or enforce labor protections; both are products of society d. all of the above

c. because productive relations could not exist without laws that protect private property or enforce labor protections; both are products of society

William Julius Wilson refers to "cool-pose culture" as a. a certain kind of social capital. b. the idea that black male pride has become increasingly defined in terms of the impregnation of women - proves they're a man, even though they are indifferent to the responsibilities of caring for children or a family. c. behavior that has become normative in urban lower-class neighborhoods, featuring gangsta rap, predatory sexuality, and irresponsible fathering. d. All of the above.

c. behavior that has become normative in urban lower-class neighborhoods, featuring gangsta rap, predatory sexuality, and irresponsible fathering.

The Andy Williams case illustrates how heavy is the burden of traditional masculinity. In addition to the usual name-calling characteristic of school bullying because he was shy and scrawny, Williams was physically beaten and set of fire by his classmates. After Williams killed two and wounded twelve in a school shooting rampage, administrators denied that he had been ever been bullied. Any effort to expose the toxic school environment in which he had suffered was met with a brick wall of denial. Kimmel suggests that mental imbalances do not necessarily originate within a person, but a. can be learned from violent video games and other forms of media. b. are generally inherited, passed on from parents, and are therefore not something schools are equipped to detect or protect others from. c. can be produced by circumstances in one's social environment, beyond the individual's control. d. "going mental" is chosen by victims of bullying as a way out. Some people choose to take actions that represent a "disgraceful act of cowardice," as President George W. Bush called it.

c. can be produced by circumstances in one's social environment, beyond the individual's control.

How did the emergence of modern medicine (including biology and psychology) between the 18th and 20th centuries influence what we rake to be true about sex? a. castrati b. fa' afafine c. hijras d. two spirits

c. hijras

Individuals who were born male but as adults describe themselves as "neither man nor women but members of a third gender", and have become political advocates for poor and lower castes in recent decades, especially for those affected by AIDS, call themselves a. castrati b. fa' afafine c. hijras d. two spirits

c. hijras

Caster Semenya won gold in the women's 800 metres at the 2009 World Championships with a time of 1:55.45 in the final but following her victory she was accused of taking males hormones. After medical examinations it was discovered that she is a(n) a. fa' afafine b. eunuch c. intersexual d. hijra

c. intersexual

Psychosexual neutrality means what? a. it means that the sexuality one adopts is wholly a matter of choice. humans are neutral with respect to sexuality b. it means we learn that we are male or female as children by observing our own body and the bodies of the opposite sex, and notice the differences c. it is the idea that children do not identify as male or female in the earliest months of life d. all of the above

c. it is the idea that children do not identify as male or female in the earliest months of life

How were males and female sexes perceived in antiquity and into the Renaissance or early modern period? a. four, because while males, females, and hermaphropdites were recognized as given by nature, people also recognized eunuchs as a gender that was created by humans b. 2; males and female, same as now c. it was believed that there was one sex; females were merely males turned inside out... or outside in, actually d. 3; males, females, and hermaphrodites were recognized

c. it was believed that there as one sex; females were merely males turned inside out... or outside in, actually

_______ has been traditionally understood in terms of desire, one's lifestyle and behaviors, and self identity a. sex b. gender c. sexuality d. all of the above

c. sexuality

What do most white men believe is the cause of their disempowerment? a. decline in union membership from 40% to 8-9% since the 1980s b. the fact that Obama is a secret Muslim, a socialist, a Nazi, and probably homosexual to boot c. ungrateful immigrants and welfare cheats who take resources that used to belong to the hardworking middle class d. all of the above

c. ungrateful immigrants and welfare cheats who take resources that used to belong to the hardworking middle class

Economic restructuring refers to a. macro-level changes that led employers to seek greater flexibility in their relations with workers. b. how women and older workers without pensions have been compelled to join the labor force to supplement family incomes, or ensure their own survival. c. activities that were previously done in the household, such as child care, cleaning, home healthcare, and cooking, became privatized because wives and mothers must work full time. d. All of the above.

d. All of the above.

How has neoliberal globalization endangered our democratic process in the U.S.? a. Vast differentials in wealth created by neoliberal globalization means that average citizens have little political leverage compared to the rich who contribute vast amounts of money to political candidates. b. Highly paid lobbyists persuade politicians to pass laws that benefit the industry they work for, even if these laws do not benefit the majority of Americans. c. Because of the pressures put on politicians by corporate interests, once they are in office it is impossible for them to represent their constituents—the thousands of average citizens in their districts who voted for them. d. All of the above.

d. All of the above.

The US more equal in terms of gender and race today, but more unequal in terms of class than any time since the Gilded Age; the growing chasm between rich and poor is the engine of this rage epitomized by the angry white man. Everything we know suggests that there is a class basis to the problem of disempowerment. Why then, do angry white men turn to the political right—to the racism, sexism, nativism, and odious hate represented by the Rush Limbaugh's of the world—for solutions? Why don't disempowered white men make common cause with minorities who have long suffered from the same, if not worse, economic hardships? Why don't white men turn to women who have been struggling for their rights in the workplace for decades? Or to gays who are often discriminated against in the workplace? Or to immigrants who do the backbreaking work Americans don't want but are still villified? a. Kimmel says it has to do with "aggrieved entitlement" or a traditional perception of masculinity that now has to coexist with feminism and civil rights. This is where the rightwing rage machine is most effective - Hannity, Limbaugh, Palin, Bachmann, Cruz, Paul, Beck—who fan the flames of confusion and worry about jobs/homes/marriages lost and no future prospects... into rage against affirmative action, equal pay for women, amnesty for immigrants, etc. b. Kimmel alludes to the longstanding problem of racism in our country, and that there is a racist discourse in place that can portray every problem as a problem of race—some who are inferior and others who are superior. This is where rightwing religions are most effective, including the Christian Identity Church and its claims that only Caucasians are the descendants of Adam. c. In America we have no class discourse. Instead we believe that each individual is responsible for his/her own success or failure. In the current economy, this ideology is tough on men, given the burdens of masculinity they must bear. If we talk of class inequality, someone on the right accuses us of conducting "class warfare" because, after all, class does not exist in America. So we have to resort to the usual scapegoats -- minorities, immigrants, women, gays... d. All of the above.

d. All of the above.

Why do we Americans believe that we live in a country without class difference? a. Because people believe in the American Dream, that anyone can be successful if they work hard. b. Because it is true. There is no class in America. c. Because we fought a revolution to get rid of the British class system based on birth. d. Because an ideology of equality serves the interests of those in power in our country.

d. Because an ideology of equality serves the interests of those in power in our country.

Why are many international mega-banks and financial institutions, such as HSBC and USB, both of which are guilty of violating international and national laws, considered "too big to jail" by law enforcement? a. These crimes were so well-hidden that only forensic accountants were able to uncover them, and this process requires much time and money. b. Because most of these financial institutions have their headquarters in foreign countries, and the United States has no jurisdiction beyond its own borders. c. Criminal activities perpetuated by these banks was often spread out over time and involved multiple people. d. Because the U.S. Justice Department claims that prosecuting individuals within these institutions who commit crimes would destabilize the entire banking system.

d. Because the U.S. Justice Department claims that prosecuting individuals within these institutions who commit crimes would destabilize the entire banking system.

What is the extent of precarious work in U.S.? a. Individual and family earnings have become more volatile and unstable, with greater fluctuations from year to year. b. Precarious work has contributed to greater economic inequality, insecurity, and instability. c. The economic security of the middle class continues to decline. d. Precarious work has spread to all sectors of the economy, including professional and managerial positions, and is expected to encompass 60% of the workforce.

d. Precarious work has spread to all sectors of the economy, including professional and managerial positions, and is expected to encompass 60% of the workforce.

How did the narrative shift in the 1980s from "poverty" to "government" as the problem to be solved, according to the video made by the #GlobalPOV project? a. Reagan revealed how Wal*Mart pays its employees so little that the government has to subsidize them with Food Stamps and other public assistance. b. Tax breaks on mortgages came under scrutiny and it was revealed that the upper and middle classes receive more "welfare" than the poor. c. Reagan pointed out that economic inequality is not an inevitable consequence of market economies, but a consequence of policy. d. Ronald Reagan invented the person of the "welfare queen" (a black single mother) who took advantage of government programs to help the poor.

d. Ronald Reagan invented the person of the "welfare queen" (a black single mother) who took advantage of government programs to help the poor.

Which of the following best defines economic class? a. Class is an extreme form of inequality in which some persons are considered the property of others. b. Class ranking can be determined by one's gender, sexuality, ethnicity, occupation, and religion. c. Occupation and lifestyle are determined by birth in class systems. d. The divisions between classes are not distinct, but fluid and subject to change--upward and downward mobility.

d. The divisions between classes are not distinct, but fluid and subject to change--upward and downward mobility.

What is hegemonic masculinity? a. The term refers to men who had lost jobs but nevertheless crossed traditional gender boundaries regularly without compromising their masculinity. b. When both men and women cite financial responsibility as the husband/father's main task, regardless of whether the wife wants to work outside the home or not. c. When low self-esteem due to unemployment caused some men to engage in gender antagonism, power struggles within the family, and drug and alcohol abuse, leading wives to express dissatisfaction with their marriages. d. The idea that there is a dominant conception of "what it means to be a man in American society, including a strong work ethic, responsibility, sobriety and thrift.

d. The idea that there is a dominant conception of "what it means to be a man in American society, including a strong work ethic, responsibility, sobriety and thrift.

Kimmel distinguishes between what he calls anger that is "real," and anger that is "true." He argues that white men's anger is real because it is experienced deeply and sincerely, but that it is not true. How is their anger not true? a. Instead of learning to play according to the new rules of the game—play it better and win, they want to eliminate the other players. They fall back on same old notions of manhood - physical strength, self-control, having more power than the other person. b. Traditional ideals of self-made masculinity mean white men aspire to the American Dream, which leaves them feeling cheated, unhappy, unfulfilled. c. They crave the dignity of the successful breadwinner, the family provider, the man who measures success by the look of respect in the eyes of his family and friends. d. Their anger is real because their prospects are declining, but their anger is not true because it is misdirected. Women, black people, immigrants, gays and lesbians are not causing their difficulties. Their anger is not based on an inaccurate analysis of their situation.

d. Their anger is real because their prospects are declining, but their anger is not true because it is misdirected. Women, black people, immigrants, gays and lesbians are not causing their difficulties. Their anger is not based on an inaccurate analysis of their situation.

According to Broughton and Walton, if the American Dream is a blueprint for success, requiring honest hard work, then deindustrialization uproots working class conceptions of responsibility and integrity - the things that enable and define the attainment of that dream. How do working class men respond to the fact that the American Dream has disappeared for them? a. They become angry at feminists who have taught women that they can be independent and autonomous. b. They become angry at immigrants who, they believe, work for less than minimum wage and have caused wages to fall. c. They become angry at lesbians and gays, who they believe, get special treatment from the government -- treatment they do not deserve. d. They find recourse in nostalgia for a past that valued them as the hard workers they still want to be.

d. They find recourse in nostalgia for a past that valued them as the hard workers they still want to be.

According to the Global POV Project video, which of the following is most dependent on welfare? a. Poor and unemployed families. b. Single mothers. c. Single mothers without a job. d. Wal*Mart.

d. Wal*Mart.

According to sociological theories of deviance, which of the following social factors might lead to behaviors considered deviant? a. high social position, wealth, and an elite family b. poverty and social marginalization due to lack of education or lack of opportunity c. unemployment d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Aggrieved entitlement has many reasons for being. Which of the following examples contributes to, or is part of the cultural construction of aggrieved entitlement? a. Glenn Beck in 2009 saying, "What happened to the country that loved the underdog and stood up for the little guy? What happened to the voice of the forgotten man? The forgotten man is you." b. "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!" was the slogan on former Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin's PAC website which had crosshairs (gun sights) on Rep. Gabby Giffords' district in Tucson, AZ, among other districts. Jared Lee Loughner shot Giffords and 18 others at a political rally. Six died, including a 9-year old child. c. Rush Limbaugh called Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke a slut because she testified before a hearing convened by Democrats to argue that the school's lack of contraception [insurance] coverage has a harmful impact on female students. Limbaugh claimed Fluke is asking the government to subsidize her sex life. "What does that make her?" he asks. "It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex." And on another day Limbaugh said, ostensibly speaking directly to Ms Fluke, "If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is: We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch." d. All of the above.

d. all of the above

Fausto-Sterling describes some of the consequences experienced by the intersexual adults who underwent early genital surgeries as infants. Which of the following are included in what she found? a. extensive physical scarring, loss of sensation, hypersensitivity, residual pain, and loss of the ability to orgasm b. psychological damage from lies told to them by medical practitioners and their parents c. a sense of humiliation, sadness, betrayal, sometimes leading to suicidal feelings d. all of the above

d. all of the above

What did the John/Joan Case teach us about gender difference? a. that Dr.Money was wrong; psychosexual neutrality does not exist b. that human bodies are too complex to provide clear-cut answers about sexual differences c. that sex is not a pure physical category involving genitals chromosomes and hormones; the brain too is involved in shaping our sexual desires d. all of the above

d. all of the above

What have been the consequences of neoliberal economic policies on public school and university budgets? How have these policies contributed to rampage school shootings? a. Declines in school funding, especially in red states, has forced many educational institutions to eliminate counseling programs. b. School officials constantly deny that bullying occurs on their campuses, partly because they lack the resources to address the problem, and partly because they are part of and celebrate jock culture, paramilitary chic, guns, and Evangelical religious intolerance. c. By bending the rules so that bullying behavior did not interfere with sports agendas, school officials created a climate favorable to a sanctimonious form of male superiority complete with physical intimidation. d. All of the above.

d. all of the above

What is "the moral discourse of fatherhood" described by Broughton and Walton? a. By fulfilling their work obligations, men were able to construct themselves as responsible, moral beings and good fathers b. Men described themselves using terms like hard work, dedication, and honesty, allowing them to maintain a sense of self-worth as husbands and fathers, independently of their relatively low status. c. Fatherhood was intertwined with breadwinning and the responsibility to provide materially for the family, even though wives too contributed necessary income to the family budgets. d. All of the above.

d. all of the above

What is mean by surgical reassignment in the article "Sex Police?" a. when an infant's genitalia had to be surgically changed to match medical criteria, sometimes resulting in complete sex reassignment b. when doctors determine that an infant's genitalia is ambiguous they may determine that surgery us required c. the idea that sexuality is neutral and can be molded to match the genitals, but the genitals must be right if the person is to have a normal life d. all of the above

d. all of the above

What is outrage media? And what effects does it have on American society, according to Kimmel? a. It includes talk shows run by people like Rush Limbaugh who manipulate what callers say, transforming everything into political rage for listeners, weaving political alienation and anger into the illusion of common political ground. b. Also known as hate-speech radio it is found on on the AM dial, in internet blogs, and cable TV news. It is designed to provoke anger, fear, moral righteousness, often by using misleading or wholly inaccurate information, ad hominem attacks, and partial truths. c. Outrage media tries to turn people's anguish and confusion about having lost their jobs and homes into rage at the "other," and rage at the government that they say, enables minorities to take over "their" country. d. all of the above

d. all of the above

What makes "work" central to social life in industrialized societies? a. People often form their self-identities around what they "do." Upon meeting someone, one of the first questions is, "what do you do?" Whether you an artist, a business executive, a janitor, a race car driver... your work situates you socially. b. Work links people in the workplace and outside it. In the old days, living in a community linked one to others. Today we don't know our neighbors, but we know people we work with, go to school with, share interests with. c. Work confers prestige, or not. White collar employment imparts higher social status, and usually higher salaries than blue collar work, although this is rapidly changing. d. All of the above

d. all of the above

What was the meaning of "sovereignty of the individual" in 18C liberal thought? a. The moral right of a person to be the exclusive owner/controller of his own life and body, and anything he produces with his own labor. b. It was considered a God-given right that could not be taken away by any government. c. It refers to a person's freedom and his right to own and protect his private property. d. All of the above.

d. all of the above

________ are considered male and female making them more complete and balanced than a person who is merely male or female. they are also viewed as messenger from the Spirits, the wise ones, the seers of things unseen, these people are able to see, feel, and understand things that other individuals cannot by people around them a. fa' afafine b. castrati c. hijras d. two spirits

d. two spirits

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