Sociology Final

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________ diseases come on suddenly and are often contagious.


Researchers often conduct studies on American college students. What is one organization that conducts such research to determine health behaviors and develop support programs and services on a wide variety of health-related issues?

American College Health Association

How have Americans' attitudes changed, if they have it all, regarding whether marrying someone of a different race is good for society?

Americans are much more accepting of interracial marriage than they were in the past.

How does a person come to possess an achieved status?

An achieved status is earned

Why are doctors and parents so quick to seek a surgical "fix" for babies who are born intersex?

An ambiguously sexed person seems threatening and disturbing in Western society.

What has modern science determined about racial categories?

Biologically there is no such thing as a pure race

Which of the following is an example of how teachers treat boys and girls differently in a classroom setting?

Boys are more likely than girls to be punished for misbehaving.

In the past, bank tellers were overwhelmingly male, but today they are mostly female. What could explain this shift?

Changes in technology made the work easier and less important, which drove down the wages and prestige accorded to the job

What is one reason imprisonment was such a rare type of punishment before the nineteenth century?

Earlier societies did not have sufficient resources to operate prisons

What does a sociological perspective tell us about education in the United States?

Educational success often has as much to do with social stratification as it does with individual ability.

________ gather and analyze data on particular illnesses: how, where, and to whom they are spread; and how to stop their spread.


Why do social scientists who use interviews rarely speak with large numbers of people for a project?

Face-to-face interviewing is a very time-consuming process

Why does the family have such a powerful impact as an agent of socialization?

Family begins the socialization process before there are any other competing influences.

What evidence shows that the number of women who commit crimes is related to social structure?

Female arrest rates have increased as women have more presence in the labor market.

Why is it that in Central Europe and Central Asia, intravenous drug use is responsible for most HIV/AIDS cases, but in sub-Saharan Africa, HIV/AIDS is a general problem spread through the entire population?

HIV/AIDS is a different epidemic depending on where it is.

According to Jack Katz, what do muggers gain from their crimes aside from material objects?

He argues that they mug for a sense of satisfaction and excitement

________ occurs when the dominant culture succeeds in imposing its values and ideas on all of society.


Symbolic interactionism argues that people act toward things on the basis of their meaning. According to this perspective, how does meaning arise?

Meaning is negotiated through interaction with others

Today, who do average Americans have in mind when they think of their families?

a brother or sister

A person is MOST likely to be murdered by

a family member.

How do sociologists define ethnicity?

a group with a shared ancestry or shared cultural heritage

In the United States, the federal poverty line is calculated using food costs based on the cheapest possible diet that can still provide basic nutrition. What sort of measure of poverty is this?

a measure of absolute deprivation

A man has no sexual attraction of any kind and, though he is romantically interested in other people, he has never felt an interest in or desire for sex. How would this man MOST likely identify?


What is a political system called that denies ordinary people participation or representation in their government?


The term that refers to the legitimate use of power is called


When engaging in participant observation, researchers can study others as well as themselves. Research that focuses on one's own thoughts, feelings, and experiences is known as


When does gender role socialization begin?

before birth

Most young people face similar financial pressures while in their twenties, but considerably more men move back in with their parents than women. What is one reason for this?

Women lose more independence when they move back home than men do.

In 2008, the Obama family's search for a church to attend in Washington, D.C., was big news. A sociological analysis of the national curiosity about the president's church might argue that

being a Christian is an unofficial requirement for the presidency.

Which of the following is an example of something that would be part of a person's symbolic culture?

belonging to a political party

What is a researcher guilty of if he or she allows his or her own values and opinions to affect his or her analysis?


A woman is married to another woman. She is attracted to her wife but she is also attracted to men. In the past she has dated both women and men. How would this woman MOST likely identify?


What sorts of jobs are usually available to members of the lower-middle class?

blue collar or manual labor jobs

What is an example of a secondary sex characteristic?

body hair

Max Weber believed that modern industrialized societies were characterized by which of the following institutions?


Poverty can be defined in either relative or absolute terms. How is poverty defined according to relative deprivation?

by comparing the standard of living among the poor to the basic necessities of life

Sociologists use which of the following terms to describe a group with values and norms that oppose the dominant culture?


What is it called when members of a minority group learn the cultural practices of the dominant group?

cultural assimilation

Family friends who are referred to as "Aunt" or "Uncle" are examples of

fictive kin

Under the Welfare Reform Act of 1996, ________ years was the total amount of time in which families could receive assistance.


According to the Uniform Crime Report, murder is MOST likely committed by a

friend or relative

In their ethnography Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood before Marriage, Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas studied the realities of single motherhood for poor, urban women. Before beginning their research, they immersed themselves in the community. Edin moved her family to the city and they both volunteered in community programs. Immersing themselves in the community is an example of

gaining access

A trans woman, a person who does not identify as male or female, and a man who sometimes identifies as female are all

gender nonconforming

What do sociologists ask you to consider regarding health and illness?

how health and illness are shaped by social factors

The deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, or national group is called


What uses an inductive method that involves collecting data and then generating theory by looking for relationships among categories?

grounded theory

Which of the following factors makes someone MOST likely to drop out of high school?

having a non-English-speaking background

In the 1980s, many politicians argued that listening to heavy metal music led teenagers to die by suicide. Though you might find this belief silly, it is a(n)


What do sociologists call it when an African American individual is told he or she is not really "black enough"?

identity challenge

The ________ of white supremacy in the United States was a system of beliefs and attitudes that maintained the status quo of racism.


The fact that the top causes of death in the United States are due to chronic illness while people in the developing world are continually affected by the threat of acute illnesses indicates that

illness is impacted by social factors

Regardless of their various approaches to social phenomena, what are all sociologists trying to do?

illuminate the connection between the individual and society

Erving Goffman theorized social life as a kind of con game in which we work to control the impressions others have of us. What did Goffman call this process?

impression management

What is the goal of affirmative action?

increase diversity

Research shows that in the years when the diagnostic criteria of autism changed, the odds of a patient being diagnosed with autism


A married man in the United States with several mistresses is violating a ________, but he is violating a ________ if he is married to more than one woman at the same time.

mores; law

Several cases of children who grew up in extreme social isolation, such as the case of Genie in 1970, suggest that

most of our mental capacities, and perhaps even the ability to think, are learned through social interaction.

What kind of research are you doing if you observe a group in order to determine its norms, values, rules, and meanings?


What is it called when individuals live as if they were members of a different racial category than the one into which they were born?

racial passing

Critical race theory explores the relationship among race and what two other concepts?

racism and power

A young man is told by his friends that in bars he should drink beer while buying women shots in the hopes of getting the women very drunk and increasing his chance of having sex with them. He tells his friends that they are encouraging

rape culture.

The practice of refusing mortgages for houses in poor and minority neighborhoods is called


What do we call groups that are used as standards to evaluate ourselves—either positively, in terms of the qualities we aspire to achieve, or negatively, in terms of the qualities we wish to avoid?

reference groups

The consistency of a measurement tool, or the degree to which the same questions will produce similar answers, refers to


A society that separates church and state is a(n) ________ society.


After the Civil War, most southern states passed laws that barred African Americans and whites from sharing most kinds of public facilities. This is an example of


What does Jean Baudrillard call an image in the media that people can no longer distinguish from the reality that it is supposed to represent?


What system of stratification is commonly used in modern capitalist societies?

social class

Systems and structures that persist over time and help organize group life are called

social institutions

Which of the following phenomena is a reason why group efficiency declines as groups increase in size?

social loafing

Good health is

socially defined

Short sentences or phrases on a political subject, designed to be catchy and memorable but not necessarily to convey much information, are called


What feature of modern politics closely resembles short, limited Twitter posts?


Organizations formed expressly to raise and spend money in order to influence elected officials are called

special interest groups

In all probability, the sociology professor who is giving this test would be totally unable to grade a test given in the chemistry department. What aspect of bureaucracy does this illustrate?


The divorce rate has steadily increased over time and now more than a quarter of all marriages end within the first four years. What sort of factors would C. Wright Mills suggest investigating to explain this increase?


In the ________ approach to addiction, people who become addicted may be responding to strains in the social system and their own lives by escaping through drugs and alcohol.

structural functionalist

A man recently learned that he has a mental illness. Since his diagnosis, he has begun to act according to the illness and in ways that he thinks others expect someone with a mental illness to act. Which theory of health and illness best explains his situation?

symbolic interactionism

Which of the following theories focuses on how our behaviors are dependent on the ways we interpret, make sense of, and define ourselves, others, and social situations?

symbolic interactionism

The fact that school schedules are organized around Christmas is evidence

that the United States is not a totally secular society

What general predictions can sociologists make about a person's life prospects if all that is known is the person's social class?

the level of education he or she will receive

A reality television program called The Swan (2004-2005) aimed to give women extreme makeovers. This was done by radically changing their appearance in part through plastic surgery. Of what is this an example?

the medicalization of beauty

C. Wright Mills identifies the small and unified group of people who occupy the highest positions of the major economic, political, and military institutions and exercise tremendous influence in American social life as

the power elite

The majority of appointed U.S. Treasury secretaries have been either former partners or managers of Goldman Sachs, a global investment management firm. Sociologists would argue that this overlap between private business and the federal government is an example of

the power elite

Which of the following seems to make people, in general, more likely to define a group as a family?

the presence of children

Which of the following would sociologists consider the best definition of deviance?

violations of social norms

What criteria does a social class system use to stratify its members?

wealth, property, power, and prestige

Who is more likely to return home after a full day of paid labor and put in a "second shift" at home taking care of domestic work?


Which type of group is characterized by long-term, intimate, and face-to-face relationships?


What are the parts of the mind according to Sigmund Freud's theoretical perspective?

the id, the ego, and the superego

Which of the following statements is LEAST likely to come from a perpetrator of domestic violence?

"I have anger management problems."

When was the last antimiscegenation law struck down in the United States?


Since HIV/AIDS was first identified in the early 1980s, approximately ________ people have died from having contracted the virus.


The upper class makes up just 1 percent of the total U.S. population, but its total net worth is greater than that of ________ percent of the rest of the population.


How do sociologists distinguish a group from a crowd?

Individuals associated with a group feel a shared identity

What is the danger of too much group cohesion?

It can lead to groupthink, in which dissenting opinions are strongly discouraged

Laud Humphreys wrote his dissertation on anonymous homosexual encounters in the men's rooms of public parks. To gather data, he acted as a lookout for his subjects, but he also surreptitiously noted license-plate numbers as the men left so he could get their names and addresses. The next year, he picked about fifty of the men and, claiming to be performing a health survey, interviewed them in their homes. His descriptions of the interviews made it possible for many of the men (and their families) to recognize themselves when the dissertation was published. Why do many sociologists consider this research method to be unethical?

It failed to protect the biographical anonymity of his subjects.

Which of the following is a DISADVANTAGE of using ethnography as a method of social research?

It is difficult for another researcher to repeat or replicate any particular ethnography.

Which of the following is one of the basic principles of social stratification?

It is maintained through beliefs that are widely shared in a society.

What feature of the nuclear family, as opposed to the extended family, makes it uniquely qualified to serve the needs of an industrial economy?

It makes geographic mobility much easier.

One cost-of-living indicator shows that a salary of $40,000 in Santa Barbara, California, is equivalent to $14,000 in Wichita, Kansas. This is primarily because of the cost of housing, which is much less expensive in Wichita. What does this difference say about how the federal government calculates poverty?

It points to a flaw in the way the government calculates the poverty line as the standard is uniformly applied without regard to regional differences.

Why is it important to address that approximately 75 percent of patients die in settings like hospitals instead of at home?

It shows how death has been medicalized

Which of the following is the most serious critique of structural functionalism?

It tends to argue that any social feature that exists must serve a function

In "The Strength of Weak Ties," what are the implications of Mark Granovetter's findings?

People tend to form homogeneous social networks

Why do politics, education, and religion all appear in the same chapter of your text?

Political, religious, and educational concerns often overlap in everyday life

How do most sociologists differentiate between sex and gender?

Sex is biological; gender is social

Agnes was raised as a boy before coming out as a transgender woman. What is one of the ways that Agnes began to "do being female" after coming out?

She showed deference to her male boss.

Which of the following statements about the process of socialization is true?

Society shapes the individual and the individual shapes society.

Why are there disagreements among sociologists about how to define sociology?

Sociology encompasses a large intellectual territory.

How do most abusive relationships look at the beginning?

The abusive partner is charming, attentive, and thoughtful.

In 2009, South African track star Caster Semenya broke the world record in the 800-meter race. Subsequently, she was asked to prove to the world that she was a woman. The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) subjected her to a complex series of tests that included physical and medical examinations. The controversy over Semenya's gender raises which of the following issues?

The controversy surrounding Semenya is essentialist.

What is one of the principal reasons people turn to deviant behavior in the United States according to the structural strain theory of deviance as articulated by Robert Merton?

The goal of success is shared by a majority of people, but not everyone has equal means for achieving that goal.

Which of the following statements helps describe how Jack Katz's book Seductions of Crime explained deviance in a new way?

The social science literature contains only scattered evidence of what it means, feels, sounds, tastes, or looks like to commit a particular crime.

When studying deviance, sociologists often focus on the most obvious and extreme forms of deviant behavior. What are the consequences of this approach?

The values and norms of the powerful are left unexamined while the deviance of the poor is scrutinized.

Survey researchers often use Likert scales to construct the possible answers when they write closed-ended questions. How do Likert scales allow respondents to answer?

They allow respondents to answer along a continuum from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree."

How do rates of intimate partner violence differ across racial groups?

They are about equal across racial groups.

Why are respondents often more comfortable addressing sensitive subjects on surveys than in other research contexts?

They can answer in private and are usually assured of anonymity.

What is the main reason abusive partners resort to intimate partner violence?

They desire power over their victims

What is one common reason why victims of domestic abuse stay in abusive relationships?

They do not have the resources to get away

How have social networking websites affected social groups?

They help people make the most of both their primary and secondary groups.

Which of the following is an example of how the hidden curriculum can reinforce inequality?

Though curriculum may recognize and celebrate diversity, most professors and administrators are white and heterosexual.

Who proposed social control theory, which suggests that individuals who have stronger bonds are LESS likely to commit crime?

Travis Hirschi

Why might expressions given off seem like more trustworthy guides than expressions given when we try to understand how other people define a situation?

We tend to believe that it is harder to manipulate expressions given off.

What is an epidemic called when it spreads across national borders, across continents, or around the world?

a pandemic

What metaphor best describes cultures that have embraced multiculturalism and pluralism?

a salad bowl

To what type of group does an individual belong if the members are mostly anonymous to one another?

a secondary group

How do sociologists define race?

a social category based on real or perceived biological differences

Which of the following is an example of resocialization?

a woman relearning basic skills after a car accident

How do sociologists define positive deviance?

actions initially considered deviant, but later deemed appropriate

Sid feels horrible. He goes to his doctor, who tells Sid he has a bad cold and should feel better soon. How would Sid's illness be classified?


Ori went to eat at his favorite restaurant and got food poisoning. His illness was treated right away. This type of illness would be classified as


Jane Addams was an early advocate of applied sociology. This means that she did not just do research but that she also

addressed social problems through hands-on activity in the communities she researched.

What is it called when the incidence of a particular infectious disease is drastically larger than first estimated?

an epidemic

According to the symbolic interactionist George Herbert Mead, the generalized other is

an understanding of the rules that govern a network of different players in related roles.

Lili is conducting a sociological research study on the underground music scene. She has just finished collecting data for the study. What is the next step Lili should take in the scientific method?

analyze data

What sort of laws prohibited the mixing of racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, or sexual contact?


In his book Streetwise, Elijah Anderson argues that young African American men are more likely to be arrested because they

are perceived as more criminal than others.

Research has been conducted regarding why teens engage in smoking and other deviant behaviors. The most important factor in statistically predicting whether a teen will take up a particular deviant behavior is the presence or absence of peers who also engage in that behavior. This is probably because the other teens are acting

as agents of socialization.

According to a recent study, what percentage of the American population makes up the power elite?

considerably less than 1 percent

In eighteenth-century Great Britain, a series of Enclosure Acts were established by Parliament that broke up small farms, forced many small farmers to move to large cities in search of wage labor, and increased agricultural profits for landowners. Of what large-scale social system was this a part?


The 2000 Census was the first time that Americans were allowed to ________ when identifying their race.

check more than one box

The Pacific Gas and Electric Company poisoned the water in Hinkley, California. The poisoned water system had sickened many Hinkley, California, residents with ailments like liver damage and cancer. How would the illnesses of the Hinkley residents be classified?

chronic diseases

What did Karl Marx think the lower classes needed to develop in order to end their oppression?

class consciousness

Epidemiologists are currently studying the role of ________ in the spread of diseases globally.

climate change

Unmarried adults who are romantically involved and live together under the same roof are participating in


Critical race theory is associated with which of the major theoretical perspectives or schools of thought in sociology?

conflict theory

In his film Sicko, Michael Moore brings attention to the difference between the health insurance of the wealthy and that of the poor. What sociological theory treats health insurance as a resource to explain this difference?

conflict theory

Karen thinks that religion is used by powerful people and institutions to control the public. What perspective best describes Karen's views?

conflict theory

The ________ approach to addiction posits that people of lower socioeconomic status are more likely to be scrutinized as problem drinkers or drug addicts.

conflict theory

Because of their economic strength, Western companies are powerful enough to impose their products on markets worldwide. This phenomenon is known as

cultural imperialism.

When Patti Sue took a world tour, she had lunch at McDonald's in Tokyo, ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe in Hong Kong, purchased clothes at Macy's in London, and was entertained at a Disney show in Paris. This homogenization of cultures around the world is called

cultural leveling.

In 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law. Fox News and CNN presented vastly different viewpoints of the ACA, appealing to either conservative or liberal viewers, respectively. The media's handling of this law is an example of

culture wars

You are conducting research on violence in the media. In what part of the research process are you engaged if you are trying to decide whether "violence" includes words as well as actions?

defining the variables

Which of the following techniques is used to disenfranchise part of the American population today?

denying people who have been convicted of felonies the right to vote for the rest of their lives

Almost any ________ can have a stigmatizing effect, including a physical disability or a battle with addiction or mental illness.

departure from the norm

Since 1917, all Puerto Ricans have been considered U.S. citizens, but they are not represented in Congress and cannot cast ballots in presidential elections. In this sense they are


What is it called when a government bars an individual, either temporarily or permanently, from voting?


An employee who has a special relationship with his boss is promoted instead of a more deserving co-worker. This is an example of the

distinction between ideal culture and real culture

What is the central means by which modern society transmits knowledge, values, and expectations to its members?


What do sociologists call it when people's jobs require them to manage their feelings as part of their official duties?

emotion work

In the United States today, very few people marry outside of their own socioeconomic classes, suggesting that there is a high degree of


Malaria is a serious health concern in Cambodia. In some villages, especially those surrounded by forests, the rate of malaria infection is 40 percent. Due to your extensive professional experience with the study of social disease patterns, you have been asked to research the problem for the World Health Organization. You are MOST likely a(n)


What is the study of the social aspects of diseases?


The belief that the lived experiences of women and men differ as a result of biological differences is called


The tendency to use your own group's way of doing things as the yardstick for judging others is called


What do sociologists call the tendency to marry someone from a different background?


What is the strongest type of conformity that can occur as a result of social influence or peer pressure?


A study found a strong correlation between parental bonding and adolescent drug use. Children with stronger bonds to their parents were far less likely to try drugs or alcohol. However, the researchers, after examining their data more closely, discovered that parental bonding was really a predictor for teen religiosity. Consequently, high levels of religiosity prevent drug use rather than parental bonding. This means that religiosity was a(n)

intervening variable.

Harriet Martineau supported many ideas that were radical for her time including

labor unions and the abolition of slavery.

How does the textbook define the "hidden curriculum"?

lessons that students learn indirectly through the method in which the curriculum is presented and the way the school is organized

A closed-ended question is one that

limits the possible responses.

Researchers usually transcribe responses after they conduct a series of interviews. The transcription process is fairly time-consuming, but it is valuable, in part, because it allows researchers to

look for patterns in their data

As the process of ________ develops, we will be less likely to treat someone who has a mental health issue as having something he or she should just "deal with" alone. Instead, we will be more likely to think of the issue as having to do with a disease.


In the early 1900s, more than half of American women gave birth at home. Today, around 99 percent of all births take place in hospitals. This is an example of


Obesity is now often treated with surgery. Previously, weight loss was not usually considered a medical problem that could be addressed through surgery. This is evidence of

medicalization and the social construction of health and illness

Kea tries to take good care of herself. She works out regularly, gets plenty of rest, and eats well. Her approach to health is MOST closely aligned with

preventive medicine

A monetary fine, harsh words, and shaking one's fist are examples of

negative sanctions

Durkheim theorized that the rapidly changing conditions of modern life lead to anomie. What is anomie?

normlessness or a loss of connections to the social world

A heterosexual couple living in the same household and raising children is defined as a(n) ________ family.


What type of care are we practicing when we focus on making a person comfortable at the end of life?


HIV/AIDS is considered a(n)


An individual who works at a bookstore routinely takes home ballpoint pens and Post-it notes, uses the copy machine to make personal copies, and makes long-distance phone calls on the store's line. However, he would never consider stealing money from the cash register, even if he knew he could get away with it. What is this behavior called?


Societies that encourage racial and ethnic diversity have embraced the value of


Which of the following is an example of a special interest group?

police unions

Organizations designed to raise money to support the interests of a particular group are called

political action committees

Which of the following would be an example of social media?

politicians using Twitter to communicate with their constituents directly

In the early nineteenth century, Native Americans survived clashes with the U.S. Army, but were forcibly removed to reservations. This is an example of

population transfer

What is a sociologist's theoretical perspective if he or she argues we have seen the "dissolution of master narratives or metanarratives"?


Robert is walking down the street late at night when a man in a ski mask suddenly sticks a gun in his face and takes his wallet. Sociologists would say that Robert's mugger had ________ but not ________.

power; authority

According to George Herbert Mead, what are children learning when they begin to take the perspective of a generalized other in their games?

the attitudes and expectations of society as a whole

Unlike folkways, mores are closely related to

the core values of a group

Oscar Lewis was the first to suggest that the poor develop a way of life with fundamentally different values and goals because they are excluded from mainstream social life. Consequently, they are much less likely to join the middle class. This way of life is usually called

the culture of poverty

Sociologists have noted that the informal teaching practices and power relationships by which schools operate produce a disconnect between democratic values and what actually goes on in schools. About what concept are such arguments referring?

the hidden curriculum

In the early twentieth century, women who had children out of wedlock were considered to be feebleminded or to suffer from mental problems. They were also thought more likely to give birth to children who were also feebleminded. Today, this attitude seems ridiculous. This is an example of

the social construction of mental illness

Which part of the mind would Freud have described as being like a type of conscience that punishes misbehavior with feelings of guilt?

the superego

In the past, most voters formed political opinions by listening to speeches, meeting with representatives of political parties, or attending town hall meetings. How do voters today tend to learn about political issues?

through human interest stories in the media

What is the MOST extreme form of authoritarianism called?


According to Max Weber's typology of power, what type of authority does a king wield?

traditional authority

How does the U.S. Census Bureau define "family"?

two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption who share a household

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