Sociology Final

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44. Which form of technology could help usher in the future of production and consumption as outlined by author Matt Mason? A. the Internet B. 3-D printing C. wireless tech D. hula hoops

3-D printing

32. Which of the following is considered an extended family? A. a college sorority B. the Arapesh tribe of New Guinea C. Beverly, her husband Bob, and their two children, Barry and Bonnie D. a married couple, their children, and the husband's sister all living together in the same home

A married couple, their children, and the husband's sister all living together in the same home

26. Which of the following does the text define as a family? A. A set of people related by blood, marriage (or some other agreed-upon relationship), or adoption who share the responsibility for reproducing and caring for members of society. B. A married couple and their unmarried children living together. C. Two unrelated adults who have chosen to share each other's lives in a relationship of mutual caring. D. All of the above

All of the above

1. Polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry are all forms of serial monogamy.


16. Conflict theorists argue that educational systems serve a function by creating social stability through the transmissions of cultural values.


17. The correspondence principle refers to schools that perpetuate social-class integration within a community setting.


19. Talcott Parsons was an evolutionary theorist.


20. Talcott Parsons used the term "differentiation" to refer to social institutions that become more specialized in their purposes.


22. The term "vested interests" refers to those people or groups who will profit in the event of social change.


23. Luddites were factory owners that made huge profits in England during the industrial revolution.


3. Polygyny is a social system in which women may have several husbands and in which women are more powerful than men.


4. Polyandry, a system in which women may have several husbands, is an example-albeit a rare one-of a social order in which women are more powerful than men.


7. Incest taboos and related laws of the U.S. are relevant to endogamous mate selection.


27. A women and her husband, her children, her parents, her mother-in-law, her sister, a parakeet, two Irish setters, a cow, and five chickens live together on a farm in the Midwest. This is an example of a: A. city B. community C. family D. nuclear family


46. Which sociologist recognized the special importance of social movements when he defined them as "collective enterprises to establish a new order of life?" A. Herbert Blumer B. Karl Marx C. Talcott Parsons D. Anthony Oberschall

Herbert Blumer

50. Which of the following is a critique of those who support relative deprivation theory? A. People don't need to feel deprived to be moved to act. B. It doesn't explain why feelings of deprivation are transformed into movements. C. The theory doesn't show that deprivation always equals action. D. People don't need to feel deprived to be moved to act AND it doesn't explain why feelings of deprivation are transformed into movements.

People don't need to feel deprived to be moved to act AND it doesn't explain why feelings of deprivation are transformed into movements.

34. Which of the following is the best example of monogamy? A. Ted and Tonya have been married to each other for 3 weeks B. Tori, Tito, and Tabitha have been living with each other for 14 years. C. Troy and his sister Tracy live together in an apartment D. all of the above

Ted and Tonya have been married to each other for 3 weeks

10. Religion is a cultural universal because it plays a major role in people's lives, and religious practices are evident in every society.


11. Latent functions of religion include unintended actions that are considered covert or hidden.


12. A by-product of the Protestant ethic is the drive to accumulate savings that can be used for future investment.


13. Karl Marx described religion as an "opiate" that was particularly harmful to oppressed peoples.


14. An ecclesia does not exist in the U.S.


15. The Sikh faith in India resembles Buddhism in its emphasis on meditation and spiritual transcendence.


18. Social theorists sought an analogy to Darwin's biological model and originated evolutionary theory, which views society as moving in a definite direction.


2. There are at least five countries in Africa where 20% of the men are in polygamous marriages.


21. Karl Marx suggested human society will move toward the final stage of a classless society through a socialist revolution.


24. Genetic engineering has some positive benefits, such as gene therapy.


25. Genetically modified food is referred to as "Frankenfood" by critics of technologically engineered food products.


5. More than 95% of all men and women in the U.S. marry at least once during their lifetimes.


6. Two examples of endogamy are the incest taboo and former laws that prohibited the marriage of Black and Whites in some parts of the U.S.


8. Until the 1960s, some states in the U.S. outlawed marriages involving interracial couples.


9. According to sociologist Alice Rossi, our society lacks clear and helpful guidelines concerning successful parenthood.


43. Author Matt Mason uses the example of DIY culture and technology to predict: A. a strengthening of multinational corporations B. a destruction of international industries C. a decentralization of industry with vibrant local markets D. none of the above

a strengthening of multinational corporations

39. According to Emile Durkheim, religion is: A. a unified system of beliefs and practices related to profane things B. the feeling or perception of being in direct contact with the ultimate reality, such as a divine being C. a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to worldly things D. a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things

a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things

48. Which of the following would be an example of a "social movement?" A. activists who were opposed to the war in Iraq B. people who organized for or against abortion rights C the civil rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s D. all of the above

all of the above

35. General practices found in every culture, such as dancing, food preparation, interaction with family, and religion, are known as: A. cultural integration B. cultural values C. cultural universals D. cultural relativity

cultural universals

40. The concept of the sacred encompasses: A. the ordinary and commonplace elements of life B. the practices required or expected of members of a faith C. elements beyond everyday life that inspire awe, respect, or fear D. a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to profane things

elements beyond everyday life that inspire awe, respect, or fear

31. A married couple, their children, and other relatives-such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles-living together in the same household constitute a (an): A. nuclear family B. extended family C. matrilocal family D. patrilocal family

extended family

29. A married couple and their unmarried children living together constitutes a (an): A. nuclear family B. extended family C. matriloiocal family D. patrilocal family

nuclear family

30. A man and his wife and their children, along with five Chinese Shar-Peis, four Siamese cats, eight parakeets, two ducks, a goat, and a dozen tropical fish, live on a pretty piece of land in Woodstock, Vermont. They are an example of a (an): A. extended family B. nuclear family C. clan D. polygynous family

nuclear family

33. Monogamy refers to a form of marriage in which: A. one woman and one man are married only to each other B. a woman may have several husbands at the same time C. a man may have several wives at the same time D. two men or two women are married only to each other

one woman and one man are married only to each other

37. Secularization is the: A. process through which religion's influence on the other social instituions diminishes B. process through which religion's influence on other social institutions increases C. ordinary and commonplace element of life, as distinguished from the sacred D. element beyond everyday life that inspires awe, respect, and even fear

process through which religion's influence on the other social institutions diminishes

42. The ordinary and commonplace events of life are classified as: A. sacred B. profane C. cult-like D. ritualistic


49. Which term refers to the conscious feeling of a negative discrepancy between legitimate expectations and present actualities? A. relative deprivation B. relative mobilization C. resource deprivation D. resource mobilization

relative deprivation

38. The U.S. government maintains a policy of "separation of church and state." The relationship beween the church and the government in the U S. illustrates: A. creationism B. fundamental is C. secularization D. the Protestant ethic


45. Social change is defined as: A. a theory that holds that society is moving in a specific direction B. a view of society as tending toward instability C. significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and culture, including norms and values D. a view that society is moving in several different directions at the same time.

significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and culture, including norms and values

47. Which term is used by sociologists to refer to organized collective activities aimed at bringing about or resisting fundamental changes in existing society? A. social movements B. social groups C. power movements D. pressure groups

social movements

28. Tibetan women may have more than one husband simultaneously, which allows for: A. sons to share the limited amount of good land. B. greater diversity in child reproduction. C. enforcement of the social norm prohibiting infidelity among wives. D. All of the above

sons to share the limited amount of good land

41. Many cultures have shamans, or spiritual guides, who assist individuals on spiritual journeys to the "underworld" or some other non-early realm. These shamanic journeys would likely be considered part of: A. the sacred B. the profane C. creationism D. both the sacred and creationism

the sacred

36. Education refers to the process: A. whereby people learn the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture B. whereby people discard former behavior patterns and accept new ones as part of a transition in one's life C. whereby some people consciously and formally teach while others adopt the social role of learner D. whereby people learn the attitudes, values, and actions of a particular culture AND some people consciously and formally teach while others adopt the role of learner

whereby people learn the attitudes, values, and actions of a particular culture AND some people consciously and formally teach while others adopt the role of learner

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