Sociology Final Exam

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The U.S. Census considers those who live in the same household to be a family, regardless of whether they are related through blood or marriage. True False


Research shows that students who attend charter schools perform better on standardized tests than students who attend regular public schools. True False


In which industry are women more likely than men to hold a position? a) caretaking b) physical sciences c) computer technology d) engineering


Which style of parenting and discipline are working-class parents most likely to employ? a) intensive mothering b) give-and-take child-rearing c) authoritarian parenting d) concerted cultivation

authoritarian parenting

Corinne notices that girls tend to be given dolls while boys tend to be given model cars. She concludes that toys are used to socially construct gender identity. This demonstrates the conflict perspective. True False


During the Colonial Era, women were very chaste and premarital sex was taboo. True False


During the Colonial era, sexual activity typically only occurred among married couples. True False


Environmental racism occurs when sustainable products are not made available to minority communities. True False


Everybody has an equal ability to participate in social movements. True False


Fascism is considered to be a form of socialism. True False


Most U.S. households are currently headed by male breadwinners. True False


Most U.S. households are still headed by male breadwinners. True False


Of the different kinds of democracy, the United States could be best described as a direct democracy. True False


The stalled revolution refers to the fact that women's liberation took a backseat to racial issues for a time, but it has resurfaced. True False


There are more U.S. students studying abroad than there are foreign students studying in the United States. True False


When Hale gave birth, the doctor held the infant in the air and declared "it's a boy!" The doctor announced the infant's gender. True False


______ economies tend to be anti-liberal, anti-communist, and militaristic. a) Capitalist b) Socialist c) Democratic socialist d) Fascist


A collective is a group of people who work together toward achieving a shared goal. True False


Harley was born with male genitalia and identifies as a man. In other words, his gender identity corresponds with the sex assigned to him at birth, so he is cisgender. True False


Midlife adults who are raising children while caring for aging parents are part of the sandwich generation. True False


The most common solution used to assign an intersex child a sex is through surgery. True False


The pope is an example of traditional domination. True False


Today, 18- to 34-year-olds are less likely to be sexually active than they have been for three decades. True False


Weber described the state in terms of its use of physical force. True False


An election is held every 4 years in the United States. when the citizens get to vote for a president. The winner wields the power that is abdicated by the previous president. This is an example of ______ domination. a) rational-legal b) charismatic c) traditional


Moriah sees that the education system is important, because it socializes workers, creates informed members of democracy, and provides childcare for working parents. Moriah's observations demonstrate the tenets of which theoretical perspective? a) symbolic interactionism b) structural functionalism c) conflict theory


Proponents of ______ theory see the state as a neutral forum where the preference of different groups and citizens can be evaluated in order to provide the policies and services that will please the greatest number of citizens. a) domination b) pluralist c) elite d) distribution


Symbolic interactionists assume that ______. a) gender is biologically based b) gender is hard to modify once we have learned it c) socialization has no effect on gender d) we cannot create new genders for ourselves


When did the Supreme Court rule to allow same-sex couples to marry? a) 2010 b) 2015 c) 1995 d) 2005


Which perspective focuses on how people wear clothing and behave in ways that they feel are appropriate for their "chosen" gender? a) gender as social structure b) symbolic interactionism c) conflict or feminist d) structural functionalist


Mike is a high school student who is biologically female but has always felt it was a mistake and sees himself as a boy. His hair and clothing even make him look like a boy. This socially constructed identity is called ______. a) bisexual b) intersex c) cisgender d) transgender


Whether a child was considered free or a slave depended on the status of the child's ______. a) mother b) father c) siblings d) grandparents


A sociologist who focuses on how school experiences are created and reproduced by how peers speak and play with one another could best be described as a symbolic interactionist. True False


A sociologist who works to document social inequality in the environmental realm and promote more just environmental policies and laws is focusing on environmental justice. True False


Education must adapt to changes in the means of production in order to be effective. True False


Environmental problems are intertwined with social inequality. True False


Greenwashing is when products make claims about the ways they are environmentally friendly that are not literally true. True False


In 1989, students protested in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, against government corruption and restrictions on political participation, among other things. The government sent troops and tanks to the Square to stop the protests, killing and wounding thousands. This is an example of repression. True False


In general, the people who suffer most from climate change are not the ones who contribute the most to it. True False


Kori is a conflict theorist studying how sexuality, class, and gender inequality both impact and are impacted by the family institution. Kori's studies exemplify the concept of intersectionality. True False


Learning to obey authority figures is a form of secondary socialization. True False


Lower class Black and Hispanic students are overrepresented in vocational tracks. True False


News reporters on major networks are three times more likely to be male than female. True False


Prince Broderick will become King once his father dies, and nobody will question it because royalty has always been determined by lineage. This best demonstrates traditional domination. True False


Pro-immigration activists may say that not allowing immigrants into the country is not democratic, while anti-immigration activists might say that allowing immigrants in is not democratic. In this case, the term democratic is a master frame. True False


Research shows that most children experience no negative effects from a single divorce. True False


Shellee and her colleagues are members of a social movement that aims to promote a sustainable vegan diet. Through her work, Shellee has found a sense of empowerment and social bonding with her colleagues. This demonstrates the concept of collective solidarity. True False


Solving social problems requires collective action. True False


Surveys show that employers actively seek applicants who have studied abroad. True False


Symbolic interactionists believe that gender is chosen by individuals, but that choice is constrained by cultural norms. True False


After Marguerite inherited money from her wealthy aunt, she bought an expensive car and a mansion in her hometown where she threw lavish parties for old friends so she could show off her new circumstances. This display of her new social position is called ______. a) conspicuous consumption b) visual wealth c) status display d) wealth envy


Alison leads various volunteer efforts in her community. The legitimacy of Alison's position is drawn from her extraordinary personal qualities and ability to bring people together in efforts for social change. This best exemplifies ______. a) charismatic domination b) traditional domination c) rational-legal domination


An organization that is raising funds, recruiting support from constituents, and trying to gain access to media in order to spread its message is in which step of creating a social movement? a) mobilize resources b) identify an issue c) form a group d) organize actions


B.B. is the owner of a company that grows and packages produce. He has decided to put an ecolabel on the packaging in order to produce a positive image, even though the company doesn't necessarily adhere to sustainable practices. This is an example of ______. a) greenwashing b) attitude-behavior split c) green consumption d) conspicuous consumption


Blaire believes capitalism must be dismantled in the United States in order to correct the disparity between the elites and the working-class people. This would call for a(n) ______ social movement. a) revolutionary b) redemptive c) alternative d) reformative


Company A has a parental leave rule that allows both new fathers and new mothers to take paid time off for 8 weeks. This is a ______ that provides gender equality. a) social policy b) gender exception c) gender policy d) social interaction


During which stage of economic development did the use of an assembly line begin? a) Fordism b) post-Fordism c) deindustrialization d) postindustrialization


Education has been institutionalized. Which statement best reflects what this means? a) It is encoded in laws, policies, and common practices that organize schools and their support systems. b) It relies on the support of parents, children, and all members of the community in order to function. c) It has become a requirement that parents enroll their children in at least elementary school. d) It is an institution with flexible rules and all schools are able to operate individually.


Hilde believes competition between businesses is beneficial for everyone, as profit-motivated economic activity is healthy for the economy. Hilde supports which type of economic system? a) capitalism b) democratic socialism c) socialism d) communism


In the 1950s, structural functionalist Talcott Parsons viewed women and men as ______. a) having different biological natures and different roles in the family b) similar in their family roles c) different biologically but similar sociologically d) both expressive and instrumental


Janie and Jon met at a bar on campus and ended up going back to Janie's apartment for a sexual encounter. This is called ______. a) hooking up b) a temporary encounter c) instant attraction d) love at first sight


Seamus is leading a social movement that aims to get people to stop littering in the park. Through consulting an environmental expert and collecting data on why people litter, Seamus has determined the best way to reach his goal is to push for more trash cans and recycling bins to be located in the parks. Which step of creating a social movement does this demonstrate? a) create a strategy b) form a group c) identify an issue d) mobilize resources


State governments have taken the lead to ensure that students are provided with opportunities to receive high-tech training and education outside the traditional college setting. True False


Suppose manufacturers were banned from burning fossil fuels and people were required to only use electric cars. This would be an example of inverted quarantine. True False


Talitha believes in holistic medicine, practices meditation, and likes to use natural products instead of artificial products. This is simple, because it is easy to draw a clean boundary between "natural" and "artificial" products. True False


The Industrial Areas Foundation advocates for the homeless who often sleep in abandoned industrial areas. True False


The example of the "ozone hole" metaphor in the text is an example of the symbolic interactionist approach. True False


The gay rights movement began at the Stonewall Inn, a bar in New York City, with a sit-down protesting discrimination against gay and lesbian people. True False


The sociological approach to solving environmental problems would include recycling one-time-use plastics. True False

False (it would be to stop using them all together)

The "family economy" among preindustrial, European families in the colonial United States meant that ______. a) families created the goods they consumed b) families made enough money to support themselves c) families stimulated the economy by purchasing services d) families were grouped into coalitions based upon wealth and social status


Vaughan is fine with the government monitoring his activities, because he is willing to give up his individual right to privacy in exchange for protection. This best demonstrates which concept? a) social contract b) illegitimate power c) legitimate power d) state of nature


What was the Athenian style of democracy in the sixth century BCE? a) direct democracy b) plutocracy c) citizen democracy d) representative democracy


When we say that our socially constructed definitions of family are institutionalized, we mean ______. a) they are encoded in laws, policies, and widely accepted practices b) families need institutions to organize their lives c) families are an institution and will remain so d) they are supported by institutions such as schools and government


Which action most accurately demonstrates a reformative social movement? a) working to dismantle institutional racism around the country b) signing a petition to allow for students to use cell phones in between classes c) fundraising for various animal shelters in a large city d) speaking at events and asking people to stop drinking and driving


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which tactic(s) was/were used in the movement to achieve marriage equality? a) strategically suing states b) financial backing from the government c) direct action and protests d) public figures coming out

a, c and d

In Domhoff's theory, the economic elite and the corporate community join forces with ______ to promote policies that will promote their interests. a) the lobbying industry b) state political operatives c) the policy planning network d) local interest groups

the policy planning network

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. According to footprint analysis, which statement(s) about our ecological footprint is/are true? a) The Earth is in a state of unsustainable overshoot. b) Individual consumption makes up most of our overall resource use. c) We need 1.5 Earths to sustain our current consumption level. d) A major portion of our economic activities happens in the "background."

a, c, d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which discipline(s) was/were taught in preindustrial societies? a) the arts b) physics c) philosophy d) religion and sacred texts

a, c, d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. The strongest predictors of a child's educational success are the parents' ______. a) education b) attitude c) intelligence d) income

a, d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which area(s) regarding family would a conflict theorist most likely examine? a) how people think and feel about their relationships b) how family and marriage is an arena for acting out gender inequality c) the strain that certain families experience due to social inequalities d) the role families play in socializing children

b and c

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statements about the federal Family and Medical Leave Act are true? a) It provides up to 8 weeks of paid leave. b) It provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. c) It offers job protection. d) It applies only in companies with 100 employees or more.

b and c

Which statement best describes the concept of coverture? a) Adults were responsible for socializing children. B) Women joined the workforce while men were away at war. c) Wives' standing was subsumed into their husbands'. d) Men earned enough money to support an entire family


Which statement best describes the difference between sex and gender? a) Sex is socially constructed, while gender is assigned at birth. b) Sex and gender are socially constructed ideas and are fluid. c) Gender is socially constructed, while sex is determined by biology. d) Gender and sex are biologically determined and assigned at birth.


Which view states that collective behavior develops when established institutions no longer provide meaning that corresponds with the concerns of their constituents? a) conflict theory b) structural functionalism c) symbolic interactionist theory d) feminism


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. C. Wright Mills defines the power elite as encompassed by which of these groups? a) economic elite b) social elite c) military elite d) political elite

c and d

Which statement is true regarding the way middle-class families raise their children? a) They teach them to respect authority and not differ with authority figures. b) They are more likely to direct their children than reason and negotiate with them. c) They avoid structured activities in favor of more free time. d) They encourage them to negotiate for assistance and attention from their teachers.


Which term collectively describes all the side effects of economic activities? a) latent functions b) paradigm shifts c) manifest functions d) externalities


Which theory postulates that companies can conduct their business in ways that are not harmful to the environment without sacrificing profits? a) green consumption theory b) conflict theory c) Malthusian theory d) ecological modernization theory


On weekdays, Diana cooks dinner and Paul does the dishes, but on the weekends, Paul cooks and Diana cleans up. This demonstrates ______. a) social constructionism b) the norm of reciprocity c) intersectionality d) gendered expectations

the norm of reciprocity

In the United States, all funding for public schools comes from the federal government. True False


Some scholars believe we are living in the "Anthropocene" period, which is a new geological era characterized by the vast cultural diversity in our world. True False


Fifty percent of the brain's architecture develops by age 5. True False

False (90% does)

A sustainable social-economic system can function within the Earth's ecological constraint. True False


Although it may be difficult, it is still possible for a group with no resources to form a successful social movement. True False


Education is essential to a democratic society. True False


Using the social constructivist approach, you can understand that the term "ozone hole" isn't actually an area with zero ozone in the atmosphere, but rather that the ozone is just a lot thinner there. True False


When people participate in social movements, they are more likely to take part in other protests and to be politically active in the future. True False


Carlota is mobilizing a group to protest the unfair treatment of minority groups in her city. In a speech she proclaims, "We've got to stand up for the sake of freedom!" to inspire her followers. This best exemplifies ______. a) framing b) orientation c) resource mobilization d) beneficiary constituents


In some societies, the birth rate and the death rate cancel each other out, causing a stable population rate. This is called ______. a) the demographic transition b) the Malthusian catastrophe c) the birth-death split d) equalization theory


What was a consequence of industrialization? a) People migrated to industrial centers. b) It resulted in more liberal trade policies. c) There was a greater need for unskilled workers. d) Formal schooling in reading, writing, and math became less important.

a) People migrated to industrial centers.

Which era does the U.S. education system reflect today? a) industrial b) postindustrial c) preindustrial d) information


Chad just transferred from a school in Santa Barbara, California to one in Wyoming. The first week in school, Chad overheard some popular boys talking about the big rodeo coming up and comparing their boots and buckles. By Week 2, Chad was wearing a western shirt and cowboy boots to school and became part of the in-group. Which perspective would say that the conversation Chad witnessed had an impact on his self-definition? a) functionalism b) symbolic interactionism c) conflict

symbolic interactionism

Which theoretical perspective would explore how meaning for the word marriage is created and challenged by culture? a) conflict theory b) symbolic interactionism c) structural functionalism

symbolic interactionism

Divorce rates are currently at an all-time high. True False


A democracy is a modern rational-legal society. True False


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which discipline(s) was/were taught in preindustrial societies? a) philosophy b) the arts c) religion and sacred texts d) physics

a, b and c

In Country B, economic activity is driven by profit and competition. What kind of economic system is this? a) socialist b) democratic-socialist c) individualist d) capitalist


The perspective that provides us with the most inclusive and overall view of how gender operates in our lives is called ______. a) gender as social structure b) structural functionalism c) symbolic interactionism d) conflict theory

gender as a social structure

During which case was the ban on interracial marriages lifted? a) Turner v. Safley b) Obergefell v. Hodges c) Plessy v. Ferguson d) Loving v. Virginia

Loving v. Virginia

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which categories indicate sexuality? a) bisexual b) transgender c) lesbian d) intersex

a and c

A member of which of the following groups is most likely to receive at least an undergraduate degree by the age of 28? a) White men b) White women c) Black men d) Hispanic women


Etsuko is a civil engineer. She makes a salary of $69,570 in her job. Saburo started at the same time and does the same work, but he makes $80,900. This demonstrates ______. a) the gender wage gap b) the glass ceiling c) the wage dilemma d) employment stereotyping

the gender wage gap

People who identify with a gender other than the one assigned to them at birth are ______. a) asexual b) intersex c) cisgender d) transgender


Which kind of social movement has the lowest expectations in terms of individuals changing their beliefs? a) alternative b) reformative c) revolutionary d) redemptive


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. In which area(s) does research suggest that public investments in quality pre-K education would lead to decreases in spending? a) public infrastructure b) juvenile justice c) social welfare d) criminal justice

b, c, d

Socialism refers to an economic system under which the means of production are privately owned. True False


Which theoretical perspective focuses on how disparate conditions of schools in different communities impact student outcomes? a) structural functionalism b) conflict theory c) symbolic interactionism

Conflict Theory

Explaining the strain on families in poverty on less access to affordable housing is an example of the feminist perspective. True False


For many U.S. families during the industrial era, life was segmented into private and public spheres. Men specialized in the private sphere, while women specialized in the public sphere. True False


Gender socialization is a process that ends once children hit puberty. True False


In most states, it is now illegal for employers to fire employees simply for being gay, lesbian, or transgender. True False


Interdependent power means that social movements with different goals can both be effective, even though they want different things. True False


It is impossible for a civil society to emerge out of the state of nature. True False


Medicine is the one occupation in which there is no gender wage gap. True False


More children experience positive effects after a divorce than experience negative ones. True False


Most Americans grow up to have more earnings than their parents did, and they also move upward from their parents' socioeconomic status. True False


According to Max Weber, the state is the only entity in a given geographical area that uses physical violence. True False


After DOMA, same-sex couples gained the rights to visit each other in the hospital and inherit property after death. True False


An ecological modernization theorist would say that capitalism needs to be thrown out in order to address the ecological crisis. True False


Based on the results of a study on gender bias in STEM, we can conclude men tend to favor male applicants over female applicants, while women tend to favor applicants equally regardless of gender. True False


Compulsory education began to spread in the United States around 1860. True False


Everyone agrees that developing new technology, recycling, planting trees, and riding bikes can solve our environmental problems. True False


Jean did not attend a physical school, but she learned life lessons and values from her mother and learned how to farm from her father. During which economic era did Jean most likely learn? a) preindustrial b) industrial c) postindustrial


Which statement best explains why the unofficial barrier women and minorities face when trying to advance to upper levels of a corporation is referred to as a "glass ceiling?" a) The ceiling is invisible and not openly acknowledged in the working world. b) Women and minorities can easily shatter the ceiling if they put forth the effort. c) Just as glass is transparent, the unofficial barrier is transparent and known to all. d) When glass splinters, the jagged edges can be harmful to all who touch them.


Which statement is true regarding Americans' cohabitation patterns from 1970 to 2018? a) The number of cohabitating couples went up significantly. b) The proportion of Americans living with a spouse stayed about the same. c) Fewer adults today remain single. d) The percentage of Americans living alone went down slightly.


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statements about gender and hookup culture are true? a) Men tend to gain social status through hookups. b) Women tend to gain social status through hookups. c) Women who engage in casual sex are viewed more negatively than men. d) Men prefer hookups over dates.

a and c

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which situation(s) would be considered a use of legitimate power? a) Billy, a police officer in a city, pursues and arrests a threatening criminal. b) Kyle, a student in high school, throws eggs at an unkind teacher's car. c) Karen, a mother of three children, steals groceries to feed her children. d) Jaquan, a military officer, kidnaps and interrogates an enemy of the state.

a and d

The number of foreign students studying in the United States ______ from the 2016-2017 academic year to the following one. a) increased b) decreased c) stayed about the same

a) increased

Cho's parents have made no secret in the fact that they expect Cho to go to a top college. Her teachers recommended her for advanced placement courses to help with this goal. This demonstrates a process called ______. a) tracking b) forcing c) controlling d) guiding

a) tracking

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. A social movement includes ______. a) targeting people in authority b) a group of people working toward the same goal c) coordinated and sustained efforts d) financial commitment

a, b and c

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. For which reason(s) is institutionalization beneficial? a) Different organizations within an institution are comparable. b) It allows for smooth transitions when people are hired or depart from the organization. c) Individual personalities can shape an organization's operation. d) It provides stability for the institution.

a, b and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of these are reformative social movements? a) Black Lives Matter b) a marriage equality movement c) a paramilitary movement d) an anti-nuclear movement

a, b and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) resulted in ______. a) an increase in time spent in class preparing for standardized tests b) increased penalties for poor school performance c) a rule that mandated all children be able to read at grade level by the end of third grade d) a decrease in school choice options

a, b, c

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which situation(s) reflect the social construction of nature? a) Marcos is a politician pushing to establish more national parks to protect nature. b) Americans idealize the concept of wilderness because it is pure and untouched. c) Researchers developed tools to measure the melting of the polar ice caps. d) Bethlehem prefers using natural products rather than artificial products.

a, b, d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) is/are true about the Finnish education system? a) All teachers must hold at least a master's degree. b) The system emphasizes the process of tracking. c) Teachers tend to assign little homework. d) It is a non compulsory system.

a, c

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. From which sphere(s) of social life does Mills argue members of the power elite are drawn? a) military elite b) agricultural elite c) corporate elite d) political elite

a, c and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. In which jobs are men more likely than women to be employed? a) computer programming b) childcare c) electrician d) physics

a, c and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. What is/are characteristic(s) of a social movement? a) Social movements are collective. b) Social movements are comprised of powerholders. c) Social movements challenge authorities. d) Social movements are sustained.

a, c and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which is/are considered by Weber to be a type of legitimate state power? a) charismatic domination b) absolute domination c) traditional domination d) rational-legal domination

a, c and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) about family violence is/are true? a) The negative effects of violence and abuse accumulate over time. b) Child victims aren't resilient and are usually unable to recover. c) Intimate partner violence levels are high among men and women. d) Victims often experience multiple forms of abuse in multiple contexts.

a, c and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) about the education system would a conflict theorist most likely make? a) Curriculum reinforces dominant ideologies by presenting the perspective of those in power. b) The education system promotes social cohesion and stability in society. c) Peer interactions teach children the norms and values of youth culture. d) Children in wealthy schools are more successful than children in poor schools.

a, d

A person who views gender from a structural functionalist perspective is most likely to agree with which statement? a) Gender is socially constructed and is fluid. b) Men and women play different but complementary roles. c) Resources are allocated unequally between men and women. d) Gender is socialized through lessons we learn as children.


Abner and Charles are married and they are raising Abner's son together. Is this a family by the standards of the U.S. Census? a) No, because Charles didn't adopt Abner's son. b) Yes, because they live together and they are related by marriage or birth. c) No, because Charles isn't a biological parent to Abner's son. d) Yes, because they live together and are raising a child together.


Betty Friedan's book The Feminine Mystique was published during the second wave of the feminist movement and focused on ______. a) the difference in communication styles between men and women b) an end to gender discrimination in the workplace c) the revolution in human sexuality d) a women's right to vote


Carolina believes that the population is growing too fast for our food supply to sustain. This is known as the ______. a) demographic transition b) Malthusian catastrophe c) paradigm shift d) overshoot situation


Company M manufactures an insecticide product that is in high demand from farmers, but it contains chemicals that have been proven to be hazardous to humans who have a particular sensitivity to it. When a company decides to pursue profits over product safety, this is an example of a tendency encouraged by ______. a) the product treadmill b) capitalism c) global economics d) manufacturing transition


During which stage of economic development do companies that provide services tend to thrive while companies that mass produce goods struggle? a) Fordism b) deindustrialization c) industrialization d) post-Fordism


Greg was brought up by parents who believed we should do all we can to save the environment. His house has solar panels, a composting garden, and no cable TV. He hopes to one day live totally off the grid. His friend Manuel grew up in poverty, so now that he has a good job he doesn't worry about his electric consumption and is happy to pay for garbage pickup and cable TV. This shows how our concern for the environment is impacted by ______. a) historical context b) social experiences c) economic benefits d) scientific knowledge


Jasmine used to love swimming in her local lake, but since there have been reports of sewage spills she no longer swims there. This illustrates Andrew Szasz's term ______. a) environmental protection b) inverted quarantine c) green consumption d) voluntary separation


Larum proactively engages with and guides his daughter to prepare her for future success. He provides his daughter with experiences to learn and grow and gives her the opportunity to develop problem-solving skills. How would Larum's parenting style best be described? a) intensive mothering b) concerted cultivation c) authoritarian parenting d) give-and-take child-rearing


Maurice was born a boy, but since an early age he has identified as a girl in his preference for dress and traditionally female activities. Maurice's ______ is male. a) gender b) sex c) cisgender d) intersex


Men are much more likely to be newscasters than women. This sends the subliminal message that ______. a) women are valuable members of society b) men are knowledgeable leaders to whom we should listen c) men enjoy presenting information in an engaging way d) women are best at handling logistics and operating cameras


Research has indicated that if you want to predict children's chances for educational success, the strongest determinant is ______. a) what school they attend and their teachers b) their parents' education and income c) enrollment in a pre-K program d) how they interact with their peers


Which organized activity would best exemplify civil disobedience? a) writing letters to government representatives b) participating in a sit-in at a government office to protest war c) working behind the scenes to dismantle inequality d) voicing disapproval when people break social norms


Which situation best describes Arlie Hochschild's concept of the second shift? a) David takes his daughters to soccer practice every weekend. b) Aliyah returns from the office every evening and does housework and childcare duties. c) Franco works in a factory from the late afternoon until the early morning. d) Karla must care for her children and her aging parents at the same time.


Which statement best describes the concept of sustainable development? a) We should continue to do things the way they've always been done. b) Development should meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future. c) More properties should be built to house the increasing population on the Earth. d) It is important to develop technology that will meet the needs of present-day humans.


Zoe and Maple were so excited to find out the sex of their baby that they threw a ______ party and invited all their friends so they could find out together. a) gender sharing b) gender reveal c) gender outing d) sex outing


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which action(s) would best create social conditions that lead people to preserve the environment without thinking much about it? a) educating the masses on how to purchase ecologically friendly products b) building a more convenient and affordable form of public transportation c) passing legislation that rewards people for driving electric vehicles d) installing water fountains in more places to reduce plastic waste

b and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which issue(s) would be best addressed through community-based organizing? a) unjust legislation passed by the federal government b) lack of access to fresh produce in a small town c) lack of clean drinking water around the world d) unsafe conditions at a children's park

b and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) challenge(s) Malthusianism? a) The population continues to grow exponentially while food supply increases linearly. b) The problem lies in access to food rather than availability of food. c) Human beings will starve to death if population growth is kept unchecked. d) Technology has greatly improved the efficiency of agriculture.

b and d

What happens if education doesn't change to meet the needs of production? a) The society will slowly revert to a preindustrial mindset. b) It creates instability and harms the economy. c) The working class will rise up and challenge the owners of production. d) Production needs change to meet the workforce's education.

b) it creates instability and harms the economy

Emma Lee was raised by parents who were alcoholics and drug users and who also sold drugs to support their habits. She was a good student, however, and after years of setbacks she managed to graduate from nursing school and gain employment as a home health nurse. This story demonstrates how society is a(n) ______ that rewards hard work and effort. a) autocracy b) meritocracy c) theocracy d) democracy

b) meritocracy

Moriah sees that the education system is important, because it socializes workers, creates informed members of democracy, and provides childcare for working parents. Moriah's observations demonstrate the tenets of which theoretical perspective? a) symbolic interactionism b) structural functionalism c) conflict theory

b) structural functionalism

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) about climate justice is/are true? a) The people who contribute the most to climate change suffer the most from it. b) Developed countries take up a greater amount of atmospheric space than developing countries. c) Countries have made vastly different contributions to the problem of climate change. d) The impacts of climate change are distributed equally across the world.

b, c

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. For which reason(s) is institutionalization beneficial? a) Individual personalities can shape an organization's operation. b) Different organizations within an institution are comparable. c) It provides stability for the institution. d) It allows for smooth transitions when people are hired or depart from the organization.

b, c, d

In Hobbes' version of a civil society, the right to engage in violence was given to ______. a) all of the people when needed, but it would seldom be needed b) those who had a need to defend themselves against others. c) a sovereign who would use violence to protect people from each other d) a select few who would make the laws and enforce them


Most people in Claude's society have worked as farmers for their entire lives. Now, due to technological advances, people are starting to work in large factories to manufacture goods. This best demonstrates ______. a) post-Fordism b) Fordism c) industrialization d) deindustrialization


Nadine lives in a society whose leader is attempting to control all aspects of social, political, and economic life. She most likely lives in a(n) ______. a) oligarchy b) dictatorship c) totalitarian state d) democracy


Participatory action research (PAR) is particularly useful to use in low-income or disadvantaged communities because ______. a) it is the most efficient form of research available b) there is often a lack of resources to conduct the research professionally c) members may be more likely to talk to one another rather than an outsider d) a professional researcher can better monitor the quality of data collected


Suppose an organization called Water for the World is comprised of a group working cooperatively toward a shared goal: increase access to clean water globally. Which characteristic of a social movement does this most closely demonstrate? a) organized b) sustained c) collective


Suppose the members of a social movement work together in an effort to improve the quality of education in low-income communities. Which member would be considered a beneficiary constituent? a) Sufjan, who coordinates social media for the group and whose children are working adults b) Timothy, a working-class man who doesn't have children himself but wants to make a change c) Maria, a mother whose children attend an underfunded school in a rural area d) Susan, an upper-class woman who is passionate about leveling the playing field


The Flint, Michigan, water crisis was ultimately a case of ______. a) economic mishandling b) misunderstanding c) environmental injustice d) a man-made disaster


Which is a characteristic of Hobbes's state of nature? a) The concept of private property is defined by law. b) Societal needs are put before individual needs. c) Lives of people are often solitary, short, and violent. d) The people develop a social contract to maintain peace.


Which situation best exemplifies the concept of a sacrifice zone? a) A company maintains its production facilities in a high-income city. b) A community gives up on improving local schools. c) A global business moves dirty production processes to a developing country. d) The government pulls funding from nursing homes.


Which situation best exemplifies the process of tracking? a) Lamar's teachers collaborate to develop a system to reward students' good behavior. b) Charlotte's behavior is being monitored because she acts out during class. c) Kadijah's strong academic performance has landed her in advanced-level courses. d) Kevin's parents must sign a form each night to keep track of his schoolwork.


Which statement best describes communism? a) The means of production are collectively owned. b) Social stratification is upheld by the state. c) Private ownership of property is eliminated to create equality. d) Competition among businesses is encouraged.


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) about the paradigm shift theory is/are true? a) The new environmental paradigm reflects an anthropocentric relationship with the environment. b) People shift from the new environmental paradigm to the human exemptionalist paradigm. c) Environmental concerns arise as people adopt a more environmentally aware worldview. d) The new environmental paradigm views humans as subject to ecological limits.

c and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statements about how parents interact with their children differently based upon gender are true? a) Parents are more likely to use a conversational tone when speaking to their boys than their girls. b) Parents are more likely to issue instructions to daughters than they are to sons. c) Parents are more likely to welcome gender nonconformity from their girls than their boys. d) Parents interact with sons in more aggressive and physical styles of play than they do with daughters.

c and d

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statements about the LBGT community are accurate? a) The percentage of people identifying as LBGT in the United States has decreased in the past decade. b) About 2% of millennials identify as LGBT. c) Gender and sexual norms have become less rigid in the past few years. d) People in their 20s and 30s are much more likely to identify as LGBT than their parents and grandparents.

c and d

Why does the text refer to Finland as the global leader in quality education? a) Finland's schools all perform on the same level. b) Students have copious amounts of homework on a nightly basis. c) Finland's secondary students score high on standardized tests. d) Finland uses tracking to help students achieve their goals.

c) Finland's secondary students score high on standardized tests.

According to functionalists, the purpose of education is to ______. a) reproduce social stratification b) transmit values and behaviors through interactions c) teach a shared culture and socialize citizens d) create and justify inequality

c) teach a shared culture and socialize citizens

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. No Child Left Behind had which result(s)? a) It enacted a "mathematics first" approach. b) The choices in schools decreased for parents. c) The amount of standardized assessments increased. d) Penalties for low-scoring schools were raised.

c, d

Suppose an animal ethics organization popularized the term "ethically farmed" to describe meat and dairy products sourced from well-treated animals. If a corporation inaccurately labeled their products as "ethically farmed" in order to appeal to consumers, the social movement would be considered ______. a) co-opted b) marginalized c) repressed d) mobilized


Jennifer and Jeremy divorced, but they put the needs of their children ahead of their grievances and work together to raise them. This is called ______. a) cooperative child-rearing b) care-sharing c) coparenting d) prioritized childcare


Arlene has identified a cause that she supports and she has defined her case for it. Her next step should be to ______. a) mobilize resources b) build power c) create a strategy d) form a group


Lucille's great grandmother made all her own clothes in the mid-18th century, but her grandmother was able to purchase clothes made in a factory and ordered through a catalog. This was due to the process of ______. a) piece work b) the manufacturing economy c) mass automation d) industrialization


Most people in the preindustrial American colonies viewed religion under the Calvinist Protestant perspective, which emphasized ______. a) collective needs, community support, and family b) capitalism and free enterprise c) religious freedom and large families d) individualism, the importance of marriage, and male headship of families


Sharna sees the threat of climate change and believes that everybody should reduce their carbon footprint, but she drives a car that is not environmentally friendly because she can't afford a new car. This best exemplifies a(n) ______. a) constructivist analysis of the environment b) paradigm shift theory c) human exemptionalist paradigm d) attitude-behavior split


Smalltown has a unique feature that brings people to visit. In the town square, there is an enormous sculpture of a bowl of fruit. The town hasn't maintained the sculpture and it is crumbling, so it is planning to remove it. A group of Smalltown's business owners are protesting the removal, saying that it brings tourist dollars to their town. The group has staged sit-ins and meets regularly to plan strategies to save the sculpture. This is an example of ______. a) conscientious support b) conscience constituents c) marginalized action d) community-based organizing


Social change can come from the organized efforts of those who lack resources and are relatively poor, due to the ties that bind institutions and individuals together. This is known as ______. a) master framing b) co-optation c) the paradigm shift d) interdependent power


The concept of the divine right of kings best applies to which type of government? a) plutocracy b) oligarchy c) democracy d) monarchy


Which era does the U.S. education system reflect today? a) postindustrial b) preindustrial c) information d) industrial


Which situation best exemplifies the concept of conspicuous consumption? a) Lara purchases groceries to cook food for her family. b) Jolene fills her car with gas in order to drive to work. c) Trevor purchases a bouquet of flowers for his mother. d) Eugenio buys an expensive watch to impress others.


Education has been institutionalized. Which statement best reflects what this means? a) It has become a requirement that parents enroll their children in at least elementary school. b) It relies on the support of parents, children, and all members of the community in order to function. c) It is an institution with flexible rules and all schools are able to operate individually. d) It is encoded in laws, policies, and common practices that organize schools and their support systems.

d) It is encoded in laws, policies, and common practices that organize schools and their support systems.

In Country C, the state controls public utilities and provides taxpayer-supported welfare for citizens, which reduced inequality. What is this economic system? a) democratic socialist b) individualist c) socialist d) capitalist

democratic socialist

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which relative(s) would comprise a nuclear family? a) cousin b) husband c) grandfather d) daughter

husband and daugther

Which parenting style became popular during the early 1900s when parenthood shifted from a societal task to an individual one? a) authoritarian parenting b) intensive mothering c) give-and-take child-rearing d) concerted cultivation

intensive mothering

A newborn who has ambiguous genitalia and cannot be clearly identified as biologically male or female is referred to as ______. a) cisgender b) transgender c) asexual d) intersex


The mayor of Chicago has the authority to appoint the school superintendent. This is called ______. a) expert power b) legitimate power c) illegitimate power d) reward power

legitimate power

Karli and Simon take turns paying for dinner or drinks whenever they go on dates. This best exemplifies the ______. a) social exchange theory b) conflict theory c) norm of reciprocity d) intersectionality principle

norm of reciprocity

Jean did not attend a physical school, but she learned life lessons and values from her mother and learned how to farm from her father. During which economic era did Jean most likely learn? a) postindustrial b) industrial c) preindustrial


The proposed Green New Deal is primarily a plan to fight climate change, including shifting to 100% renewable energy and investing in infrastructure changes that would decarbonize most industries. It also calls for things like guaranteeing jobs with family-sustaining wages, providing everyone access to high-quality education, and overhauling transportation systems and agriculture to eliminate pollution. This is an example of a(n) ______ social movement. a) redemptive b) alternative c) revolutionary d) reformative


When a criminal is sentenced to death for committing a heinous crime, the state has the right to do this because of the ______ it has with its citizens to protect them in exchange for them giving up certain rights. a) state pact b) unspoken agreement c) social contract d) legal arrangement

social contract

Brenda believes nuclear families play the important role of socializing children and providing stability in society. This view best aligns with which theoretical perspective? a) structural functionalism b) social exchange c) conflict d) feminism

structural functionalism

Talia thinks society works best when men play the role of the breadwinner while women play the role of the caretaker. With which perspective on gender does Talia's view most closely align? a) gender as social structure b) symbolic interactionism c) conflict or feminist d) structural functionalist

structural functionalist

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