Sociology Inquizitive

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What % of college seniors have had a hook up?


How many people die from malaria every year?


What % of Americans are sexually experiences before marriage?


Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about an experiment involving the effects of people changing neighborhoods.

A 1994 study compared people who were given vouchers for new apartments to people 1. who had applied but were not selected. The study found that although those who moved did not 2. do better in the labor market, they did 3. report being happier and also lost weight.

Nancy Chodorow

A child's learning of gender differences centers on the child's attachment to, or estrangement from, the child's mother.

Carol Gilligan

A child's learning of gender differences centers on the child's care for, or independence from, other people.

Sigmund Freud

A child's learning of gender differences centers on the child's possession or lack of a penis.

What is the definition of rationalization?

A concept used by Max Weber to refer to the process by which modes of precise calculation and organization, involving abstract rules and procedures, increasingly come to dominate the social world (ex: the developments of science and modern technology)

What is multiculturalism?

A condition where ethnic groups exist seperately and share equally in economic and political life

What does Manuel Castells mean by a "network enterprise"?

A corporation enmeshed in a network of close working relationships with other companies

What did Marx believe conflict was?

A dual conflict between those who owns means of production and those who dont

Emile Durkheim uses the word anomie to refer to a very specific condition. What is that condition?

A feeling of aimlessness or despair, due to the constant change typical of modern life

Sociology of the body

A field that focuses on how our health and illnesses are affected by social and cultural influences

Direct Democracy

A form of participatory democracy that allows citizens to vote directly on laws and policies Form of participatory democracy


A form of stereotyping about older people that associated aging with decline and results in exclusion and marginalization

What makes a formal organization different from an informal one?

A formal organization is designed to achieve its objectives

What makes a formal organization different from an informal one?

A formal organization is designed to achieve its objectives.

What is the definition of reflexivity?

A fourth element that's emphasized in the social sciences, particularly in qualitative research. It's important to acknowledge that the investigator is a crucial part of the world they study and cant necessarily divorce themselves from it.

mondernization theory

A functionalist approach that proposes that modernization & development will gradually improve the lives of people in developing nations


A geometric, rather than linear, rate of progression, producing a fast rise in the numbers of a population experiencing such growth

What is an age cohort?

A group of people born in the same period.


A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller. the domination by a single firm in a given industry


A market structure in which a few large firms dominate a market

What is a sanction?

A mode of reward or punishment that reinforces socially expected forms of behavior

Researchers found a "curvilinear" association between how much a black child's parents talked with their children about race and the child's performance in elementary school. What does this mean?

A moderate amount of conversation about race was associated with better performance than either very little conversation about race or a great deal of it.

Researchers found a "curvilinear" association between how much a child's parents talked with their children about race and the child's performance in elementary school. What does this mean?

A moderate amount of conversation about race was associated with better performance than either very little conversation about race or a great deal of it.

Which of the following is not an example of socialization? *A parent teaches a child not to burp at the dinner table. *Someone acts visibly uncomfortable when a coworker tells a sexist joke *A nurse explain to a patient how to take prescription medications correctly. *A child encourages her parents to open a Facebook account

A nurse explain to a patient how to take prescription medications correctly.

What is a social structure?

A pattern that comes out of behavior. Its always changing, but the concept and structure stays the same.

Define personality.

A person's relatively consistent pattern of values and beliefs.

Mandatory Retirement

A policy that forces workers to terminate employment based only on the criteria of age


A political apparatus ruling over a given territorial order, whose authority is backed by law and the ability to use force


A political system in which the governing bodies or leaders use force to maintain control ruled top bottom ex: Nazi Germany can be democratic or conservative

Welfare state

A political system that provide a wide range of welfare benefits for its citizens ex: Eastern Europe Example of Citizenship Rights

Selective Optimization with Compensation

A positive process of aging of accepting and compensating for functional limitations by being selective about activities which you focus on

What is the glass ceiling?

A promotion barrier that prevents a woman's upward mobility within an organization

What is negative reinforcement?

A punishment.

What is community policing?

A renewed emphasis on crime prevention rather than law enforcement to reintegrate policing within the community

What is positive reinforcement?

A reward.

What is distinctive about human beings, compared to other animals?

A sense of self.


A set of beliefs and symbols expressing identification with a national community characteristics of the state ex: flags


A set of ideas, also referred to as "scientific management," developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor, involving simple, coordinated operations in industry.

What is anomie?

A situation where social norms lose their hold over individual behavior.

Power Elite

A small network of individuals who hold concentrated power in modern society C Wright Mills The federal gov became powerful in the previous years argued against pluralist theorist saying that power was concentrated among the power elite government, corporations and military Elite people have very small circles, they attend Yale and other ivy league schools together, they meet each other there and they form strong relationships. They get into these schools because of their families elite legacies. This group forma common interests through their ties to one another, through their social ties to one another. They attend the same elite parties. The heads of corporations and government and military become interchangeable parts. SO people who were hire ranking corporate officials become high ranking government officials. same with the military, people who are high rnaking in the millitary become high ranking government officials. That allows people form these frilds to have a great deal of power to affect. and when they are in these high ranking positions. They asssist each other with their social mobility and their reproduction of wealth for each other.

Gini coefficient

A standard measure of a country's economic disparity where 0 represents perfect equality (everyone has the same income) and 1 represent maximum inequality -Zheng found that for every .1 increase → the average person's cumulative risk of death increased by 112% over the next 12 years -Found that there is an increased perception of declining health

Match each description to the appropriate behavior.

A store clerk responds to an angry customer by suggesting they "take this outside." Correct label: neither rationally self-interested nor altruistic A hiker wades into a rain-swollen river to rescue someone else's dog. Correct label: altruistic A homeowner chases away intruders by brandishing a double-barreled shotgun. Correct label: rationally self-interested

What is deviant subculture?

A subculture who's members hold values that differ substantially from those of the majority.

Participatory democracy

A system of democracy in which all members of a group or community participate collectively in making major decisions ex: town hall meetings, more on a local level

What's an example of stigmatizing shaming?

A teenager is ostracized from his peer group after expressing an unpopular opinion.

Activities of Daily Living

A term used in health care to refer daily self-care activities such as feeding, bathing, dressing and grooming

Give a scenario that represents successful social reproduction

At a utopian commune, the whole group, not organized into nuclear families, raise children

Which scenarios represent successful social reproduction?

At a utopian commune,the whole group, not organized into nuclear families, raises children.

What is a social control?

Attempts by society to regulate people's thoughts and behavior to limit deviance

Which locations still have hunting and gathering societies? *Australia *Antartica *India *mainland Southeast Asia

Australia & India

Social Rights

Rights of social and welfare provision held by all citizens in a national community ex: The right to claim unemployment benefits and sickness payments provided by the state Example of Citizenship Rights

What is internalization?

When behaviors are so burned into one's mind that the behaviors aren't questioned and are accepted as correct.

What is a formal Sanctions?

When norms are turned

What is social Forgiveness?

When society forgives a person for their crime

What is Secondary Deviance?

When they accept the label and see themselves as deviant also

What is the definition of intersectionality?

When two social groups overlap, is unique to when only one social group is there (ex. feminism intersected with black has a distinct form of what a white feminist wants.)

What is differential association?

Where criminal behavior is learned through association with others who regularly engage in crime

What factor, according to sociologist Barrie Throne, has a strong influence on whether a girl feels positively or negatively about her first period?

Whether the most popular girls in her peer group have already had their first period.

emphasized quantitative methods in sociology

William Ogburn

Which sociologist argued that signs of neighborhood disorder, such as broken windows, encouraged more serious crime, and thus because a theory known as "broken windows"

Wilson and Kelling

Which messages from their parents do black adolescents and college students find most helpful, according to research?

With hard work, you can achieve anything. Race doesn't matter

Which two messages from their parents do black adolescents and college students find most helpful, according to research.

With hard work, you can achieve anything. Race doesnt matter.

What is gender typing?

Women holding occupations of lower status and pay and men holding jobs of higher status and pay

What attracts women?

Women like men with ambition and economic stability- indications of ability to adequately provide for offspring

Choose a suitable method of data collection.

Work out a design.

Reflexivity means that you influence what?

You influence the setting that you're a part of. Researchers alters the presence they're researching.

According to some researchers, why is the nature of childhood as a distinct stage of life diminishing in modern societies?

Children are consuming the same entertainment as adults.

What did Jay Belsky and his colleagues find when they investigated the association between the use of day care and children's later performance in elementary school than those cared for by family?

Children who had been in day care had slightly more behavior problems in elementary school than those who cared for by family.

Which nations are considered emerging economies?

China Mexico

When in a fight between two acquaintances in a bar, one male and one female, the police arrest the man and give the woman a warning is an example of what?

Chivalry thesis

How does chronic illness effect people (symbolic Interactionism)

Chronically ill people often find that their symptoms fluctuate, so they may appear and feel healthy on some days yet may experience disabling symptoms on other days.

How to solve this problem? (to reach equality)

Citizens Equality Act: 1.) Citizens funded campaigns: changes the way campaigns are funded (Money comes from everyone not just the Elites, money comes from all of us ) 2.) Equal Representation: no gerrymandering (90 competitive seats in the U.S) 3.) Equal Freedom to vote Time burden keep people from voting (poll tax) Give the day off to vote.

What is the term that refers to the ways in which children leave to think about themselves and their environment?


Colonialism may involve either large-scale immigration and settlement by the colonizing population or only a small-scale influx of administrators who govern the native population for the benefit of the colonizing power. Historically, what has been the relation between the type of colonialism and the eventual industrialization of the colonized nation? *Colonization by a small cadre of administrators leads to greater industrialization. *Neither type tends to lead to industrialization. *Colonization by large-scale settlement leads to greater industrialization *Both types tend to lead to industrialization within a century or so

Colonization by large-scale settlement leads to greater industrialization

Historically, which of the following were common characteristics of hunting and gathering societies?

Common Characteristic(s) extreme poverty by modern standards highly developed religious rituals Not Common Characteristic(s) relatively high levels of social inequality stable membership within social groups

Why might community policing be an effective approach to reducing crime?

Community policing can help improve social order, lowering incentives for crime

Compared to bureaucratic organizations, - organizations have two advantages. First, they foster the flow of - by facilitating direct communication that does not have to go through channels. And second, they promote - by permitting innovation and spontaneity. Wordbank: Networked, information, formal, consistency, creativity, goods and services

Compared to bureaucratic organizations, NETWORKED organizations have two advantages. First, they foster the flow of INFORMATION by facilitating direct communication that does not have to go through channels. And second, they promote CREATIVITY by permitting innovation and spontaneity.

Which two American sociologists were part of the functionalist tradition?

Correct Answer(s) Robert K. Merton Talcott Parsons Incorrect Answer(s) George Herbert Mead Jean Baudrillard

Which items are among Harriet Martineau's methodological insights and are significant for sociologists today?

Correct Answer(s) Sociologists should seek to benefit society, not just to observe. An analysis of a society must include all its members. Incorrect Answer(s) An analysis of society should focus on the most influential institutions. Sociology should not try to model itself on the natural sciences.

Which items are among Harriet Martineau's methodological insights and are significant for sociologists today?

Correct Answer(s) Sociologists should seek to benefit society, not just to observe. An analysis of a society must include all its members. Incorrect Answer(s) Sociology should not try to model itself on the natural sciences. An analysis of society should focus on the most influential institutions.

Which two American sociologists were part of the functionalist tradition?

Correct Answer(s) Talcott Parsons Robert K. Merton Incorrect Answer(s) George Herbert Mead Jean Baudrillard

Which of the following are among the basic standards sociological research must meet in order to be considered scientific?

Correct Answer(s) The research must reach conclusions that go beyond what was observed. The findings must be reproducible by other researchers. Incorrect Answer(s) The investigation must be done from an unbiased perspective. Data collection should involve both an experimental and a control group.

When we view the world through the prism of the sociological imagination, in which ways are we affected?

Correct Answer(s) We see the social world from many perspectives. We gain in self-understanding. We are better able to assess the results of public policy initiatives. Incorrect Answer(s) We appreciate the importance of a neutral, impartial perspective about social issues.

To which disciplines, beside sociology, did Max Weber contribute in his writings?

Correct Answer(s) comparative religion economics Incorrect Answer(s) evolutionary biology literary criticism

To which disciplines, beside sociology, did Max Weber contribute in his writings?

Correct Answer(s) comparative religion economics Incorrect Answer(s) literary criticism evolutionary biology

What is the process of socialization about during childhood?

Correct Answer(s) developing an awareness of social norms and values achieving a distinct sense of self Incorrect Answer(s) learning how to communicate with other people learning how to look after one's self-interest in a social setting

Which two areas of study did Robert Park believe were proper subjects for sociology?

Correct Answer(s) immigration urban life Incorrect Answer(s) economic class struggle child raising

Suppose a sociologist wanted to study a global community of online gamers who all play the same multiplayer game. Which of the following activities could realistically be part of the research?

Correct Answer(s) online interviews analyzing player statistics, such as time played and level achieved becoming a player and observing interactions in real time Incorrect Answer(s) in-person interviews

Which obstacles would a field researcher engaged in participant observation encounter?

Correct Answer(s) physical danger feelings of isolation dishonest interview subjects Incorrect Answer(s) insufficiently rich data

Which items are among the forces that contribute to a globalization of culture?

Correct Answer(s) the emergence of a class of "global citizens" the proliferation of international organizations, such as the United Nations Incorrect Answer(s) national policies such as the "Great Firewall of China" the increasing economic clout of small-scale producers, such as microbreweries

After Robert Park's earlier experience in philosophy in Europe, which of the following did he later tell his students?

Correct Answer(s) to get the seat of their pants dirty doing real research to wear out their shoe leather gathering data Incorrect Answer(s) to be reflexive as they developed strong theories about how people lived to only use data that could be precisely quantified

Non-Standard Employment

Refers to forms of employment that lack job stability, entitlement to fringe benefi ts and pension security

Baby Boom

Refers to individuals born post-WW II when there was an increase in births, oldest baby boomers turned 65 in 2011

Long-Term Care

Refers to ongoing, indefi nite support for individuals who require assistance caring for themselves

Identify the term that describes social scientists' recognition of their own social position influencing the results of their research.


Type the term that describes the division of social life into different settings or zones, such as "work" and "home."


What's the definition of a retreatist?

Rejects both socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve the goals, abandoning the competitive outlook.

What's the definition of a rebel?

Rejects both socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve the goals, but works to substitute them with other goals and means.

What do Retreatists do?

Rejects the goals and how to achieve them

What do Ritualists do?

Rejects the goals but accepts how to achieve them

What is relative deprivation?

Relative deprivation refers to the recognition that one has less than one's peers. Scholars continue to find that inequality—or the size of the gap between the "haves" and "have nots"—often has a greater impact on people's well-being and health than objective measures of income or wealth.

Match each Chinese Internet resource to the correct Western equivalent: Facebook *Renren *Baidu *Sina Weibo



Researcher participating in research

Political Rights

Rights of political participation, such as the right to vote in local and national election, held by citizens of a national community Example of Citizenship Rights

extended family

a family unit composed of relatives in addition to parents and children who live in the same household.

nuclear family

a family unit composed of relatives in addition to parents and children who live in the same household.

Durkheim uses the word anomie to refer to a very specific condition. What is that condition?

a feeling of aimlessness or despair, due to the constant change typical of modern life

Sociology of sexuality

a field that explores that debates the importance of biological versus social and cultural influences on human sexual behavior

Which factor makes something not only a problem but also a puzzle?

a gap in our understanding

reference groups

a group that provides a standard for judging ones attitude or behaviours


a group with an identifiable membership that engages in concerted collected actions to achieve a common purpose

Émile Durkheim

a growing division of labor in which people play specialized roles

What is the main factor in deciding which university a Chinese student will attend?

a grueling two- or three-day examination

laissez faire

a hands off leadership, it is less effective when leadership leads subordinates to figure things out for themselves, and is most effective when members are highly educated, experienced, motivated, and trained

Max Weber

a highly efficient bureaucracy that stifles human freedom

What is the definition of a stigma?

a label that alters self-concept and social identity


a large group of individuals with a definite set of authority relations


a large secondary group with much more complex relationships and a division of labour


a legally recognized and/or socially approved arrangement between two or more individuals that carries certain rights and obligations and usually involves sexual activity.


a marriage between two partners, usually a woman and a man.


a measure of the number of children that it is biologically possible for a women to produce

rates of population growth or decline

a measurement of population change calculated by subtracting the yearly number of deaths per 1,000 from the number of births per 1,000


a term favored by Manuel Castells to describe large, intensely concentrated urban spaces that serve as connection points for the global economy

back region

a term from goffman that describes areas in which individuals are able to relax and behave informally

front region

a term from goffman that describes settings of social activity where people put on a performance for one another


a term used by Louis Wirth to denote distinctive characteristics of urban social life, such as its impersonality


a term used to denote the current geological epoch, in which many geologically significant conditions and processes are profoundly altered by human activities

internet trolls

anonymously disrupt online conversations such as message boards or comments


any form of paid employment in which an individual regularly works

Domestic violence

any intentional act or series of acts—whether physical, emotional, or sexual—by one or both partners in an intimate relationship that causes injury to either person.

What makes a social fact a social constraint?

any person who ignores the social fact will encounter difficulty

A 1994 study compared people who were given vouchers for new apartments to people who had___________. The study found that although those who moved ____________t, they did ____________ and also lost weight.

applied but were not selected, did not do better in the labor market, report being happier


are bodily languages stable across culture


are correct in pointing to the current strength of globalization as dissolving national barriers, changing the nature of state and power, and creating powerful transnational social classes


are correct when saying that the world has undergone globalization before, only to withdraw into periods when countries protected their markets and closed their boarders to trade


are facial expressions stable across culture

Why do social movements occur?

economic deprivation (relative deprivation) resource mobilization (ex: Collective action) Historicity Field of Action

informal economy

economic transactions carried on outside the sphere of orthodox paid employment


economy based on private ownership of wealth. Which is invested and reinvested in order to produce a profit

What is the definition of an innovator?

embraces socially acceptable goals but uses illegitimate means to fulfill them

In science, __________ investigation may be done through observation (for example, fieldwork), experiment, or a review of statistics compiled by others. The common thread is a search for the facts as they are, as opposed to what we would like them to be or what a theory predicts they ought to be.


Researchers have often found that popular students bully less popular students. Which statement describes researchers' current recommendation regarding popular students?

enlist popular students in anti-bullying efforts because they are influencers

Type the term that refers to people's practice of judging other cultures by the standards of their own culture.


Which pair of concepts consists of two direct opposites?

ethnocentrism and cultural relativism

Which pair of concepts consists of two direct opposites?

ethnocentrism, cultural relativism

"It is genital mutilation, a primitive practice. Those people need to join the modern world." Correct label: "Clitoridectomies done in the traditional manner run the risk of infection." Correct label: "It is okay in countries where it is established practice, but it is also okay to ban it elsewhere." Correct label:

ethnocentrism, neither relativism nor ethnocentrism, cultural relativism

Generalizability is limited; findings might only apply to the group or community studied.


A researcher lives full time with homeless persons for one month and takes notes based on observations and conversations. Correct label: Preparations for a space mission include having a simulated crew of five people live in a confined environment for three months. Correct label: A polling firm calls randomly chosen households and conducts scripted phone interviews with whomever answers. Correct label:

ethnography, experiments, surveys


evangelists who are highly anti modern in many of their beliefs and adhere to strict codes of morality and conduct

dramaturgical metaphor

everyday life is like a stage play; effective communication is giving a good performance; onstage/backstage; everyone has multiple roles; role conflict- incompatible roles you are suppose to play in the same communication environment

exchange mobility

exchange o positions on the socioeconomic scale such that talented people move up the economic hierarchy while the less talented move down

Responses of those studied may be affected by the laboratory setting.


Which of the three main sociological research methods is used least today?



face to face interaction between two or more people

facial action coding system

facial expressions are universal - people on remote communities can interpret them as well as babies

For a group of people with distinctive values and behaviors to be considered a subculture, it must reject most of the norms and values of the dominant culture.


If there is a correlation between two variables A and B, it may be because A causes B, or because B causes A, but it cannot be both.


In the United States, standardized testing was introduced into the university admissions process to limit the number of Jewish students entering Ivy League schools.


conflict theorists see...

families as sources of social inequality and conflict over values, goals, and access to resources and power.


family is a family structure in which authority is held by the eldest female (usually the mother).


family is a family structure in which authority is held by the eldest male (usually the father).


family is a family structure in which both partners share power and authority equally.

When Alice Goffman studied the role of home and work in the lives of young, black men prone to running afoul of the law, what did she find?

home and work provided police with the means to track down the young men

total institution

groups who exercise control over their members by making them subsume their individual identities in that of the group, complain g them to adhere to strict ethical codes or rules, and sometimes forcing them to withdraw from activity in the outside world

pariah groups

groups who suffer from negative status discrimination looked down on by most other members of society


having the knowledge and experience that is needed to deal with the difficulties and dangers of life in a big city


he believed that the structure of a bureaucracy largely determines how it operates; sociologists now find that the leadership has an effect on how a bureaucracy functions

What is the central message of postmodernism?

history follows no overarching plot or narrative

Lawrance vs. Texas (2003)

homosexual sex deemed constitutional in terms of the right to privacy

domestic partnerships

household partnerships in which an unmarried couple lives together in a committed, sexually intimate relationship and is granted some of the same rights and benefits as those accorded to married heterosexual couples.


household pet, treated fondly

network analysis

how your networks come together and work; from individual interactions to group interactions to organizational interactions to county interactions

feminization of poverty

increase in the proportion of the poor who are female

dependency culture

individuals who rely on state welfare provision rather than entering the labor market. outcome of the "paternalistic" welfare state that undermines individual ambition and people's capacity for self-help Murray

feminists emphasize...

inequality in families based on patriarchy rather than class.


infectious eye disease that can cause blindness - strongly related to a lack of face washing (Not everyone has access to clean water)

Although Weber was ________ by Karl Marx, he ________ some of Marx's doctrines. Weber agreed that __________ factors matter, but he rejected Marx's__________ conception of history.

influenced, rejected, economic, materialist


inspirational quality of leaders that makes them capable of capturing the imagination and devotion of mass of followers

Foster care

institutional settings or residences where adults other than a child's own parents or biological relatives serve as caregivers.

world economy

integrated through the market rather than a political center in which two or more regions are interdependent with respect to necessities & two or more polities complete for domination without the emergence of one single center forever


interactions amongst the group

emotion management

involves people obeying feeling roles and responding appropriately to the situation they find themselves in


involves working with matter at the atomic level creating new materials that have novel properties


is conformity greatest in high or low stress situations


is there audience segregation online

Why is structural functionalist theory heavily criticized?

it is very dated. Women are not only staying with their children. This occurred during the 40s, before 2nd wave feminism. Economic equality feminism. Relies heavily on a gender binary.

In Max Weber's view, what is the problem with bureaucracy?

it's a threat to democracy

the expansion of capitalism Correct label: the rationalization of social and economic life Correct label: the division of labor Correct label:

karl marx, max weber, Émile Durkheim

Economic Institutions

key importance of all social orders. what goes on in an economy usually influences other areas of social life.

Police roles are changing rapidly with the introduction of technology, making a police officer a new kind of ___________ ?

knowledge worker

What is Labeling Theory?

labels given to people affect not only how others respond to that person, but also the person's self image

a system of symbols used by people to communicate


In their writings, Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Lee Whorf suggested that our ______ shapes our thoughts: We tend to notice things _________. Thus, someone with a ___________ is more likely to notice whether snow is powdery, granular, or slushy. This person sees snow differently than someone for whom snow is a novelty.

language, thoughts, we have words for, large snow vocabulary


large bodies of people belonging to an established religious organization also used to refer to the place in which religious ceremonies are carried out

secondary groups

larger groups that are impersonal, usually don't require much emotional connection to other members of the group

What is the main difference between microsociology and macrosociology?

level of analysis

How many pregnancies would women have in the 18th century?

like 20 (many of which would lead to a miscarriage or stillbirth)

religious nationalism

linking of strongly held religious convictions with beliefs about a people's social and political destiny

Dual-earner marriages

marriages in which both spouses are in the labor force.

What is the new jim crow?

mass incarceration

measure of central tendency


measure of central tendency Correct label: measure of degree of dispersal Correct label: neither a measure of central tendency nor a measure of degree of dispersal Correct label:

mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient

means of production

means whereby the production of material goods is carried on in a society including not just technology but also the social relations between producers

clock time

measuring of time by clocks that is standardized across the globe to allow interactions across the world

secondary groups

members of this usually are there to fulfill a specific role typically different from yours

What is the best definition of race socialization?

messages about race that each generation passes on to the next

conversation analysis

methodology the examines all the facts of a conversation for meaning from small words such as uh as well as pauses in the conversation

structural mobility

mobility resulting from changes in the number and kinds of jobs available in a society


model was to serve good quality food, quickly and inexpensively to a large number of people by training employees for specialized skills


money and material possessions held by an individual or group


money received from paid wages and salaries or earned from investments

social mobility

movement of individuals or groups between different social positions

intergenerational mobility

movement up or down a social stratification hierarchy from one generation to another

intragenerational mobility

movement up or down a social stratification hierarchy within the course of a personal career

maximum advantages of technology while reducing cost & boosting profits

multinationals can take what?

There is no inherent difference between different races. *norm *value *neither norm nor value

neither norm nor value


no clear agreement of how this should be defined although its used throughout society refers to socioeconomic variations among groups of individuals that create variations in their material prosperity and power

cultural capital

noneconomic or cultural resources that parents pass down to their children, such as language or knowledge. resources contribute to the process of social reproduction

Race based job discrimination is legal is known as a... *norm *value *neither norm nor value


absolute poverty

not meeting the minimal requirements necessary to sustain a healthy existence

What is an All weathered liberal?

not prejudiced and does not discriminate

focused interaction

occurs when people attend to what other people say or do, interaction between people engaged in a common activity or a direct interaction

poverty line

official government measure to define those living in poverty in the US

the proliferation of factories in developing countries to save production costs for companies based in the U.S. & other wealthier countries

one of the major results of globalization is What?

Health literacy

one's capacity to obtain, process, and understand the basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions

According to Émile Durkheim, a society can only endure over time if its specialized institutions function as an integrated whole—a form of social cohesion that Durkheim called __________ solidarity.


Which phrase did Émile Durkheim use to describe industrial societies held together by functional interdependence of their members on one another?

organic solidarity

high-trust systems

organizational or work settings in which individuals are permitted a great deal of autonomy and control over the work task

low-trust systems

organizational or work settings in which people are allowed little responsibility for, or control over, the work task

formal organizations

organizations that have explicit rules, regulations, and procedures to achieve their objectives

Non-whites to Combat 18 are apart of a ? *in-group *out-group *reference group


Which item represents a difficulty in social science that is normally not encountered in natural science?

outcomes are affected by the presence of the observer


people who own companies, land, or stocks (shares) and use these to generate economic returns


people who sell their labor for wages Marx

social categories

people who share a common characteristic (gender, occupation) but don't necessarily interact with or identify with one another

working poor

people who work but whose earnings are not enough to lift them above the poverty line


period during which the political influence of established religions is successfully challenged

experience a kind of development the reproduces their subordinate Status

peripheral countries are structurally constrained to what?

contradictory class locations

positions in the class structure , particularly routine white-collar and lower managerial jobs, that share characteristics with the class positions both above and below them

relative poverty

poverty defined according to the living standards of the majority in any given society

culture of poverty

poverty is not a result of individual inadequacies but is instead the outcome of a larger social and cultural atmosphere into which successive generations of children are socialized refers to the values, beliefs, lifestyles, habits, and traditions that are common among people living under conditions of material deprivation Lewis

the millennium development goals targeted eight areas

poverty, education, gender equality, child morality, maternal health, disease, environment, & global partnership

second shift

refers to the domestic work that employed women perform at home after they complete their workday on the job.


refers to two people who live together, and think of themselves as a couple, without being legally married.

What causes health ineuqualities

reflect larger systems of social stratification, including race, gender, and social stratification

Type the term that describes social scientists' recognition of their own social position influencing the results of their research.


any vehicle of meaning and communication


life chances

signifies a persons opportunities for achieving economic prosperity Weber

social cohesion

social bonds; how well people relate to each other and get along on a day-to-day basis

working class

social class broadly composed of people working in blue-collar, or manual occupations

upper class

social class broadly composed of the more affluent members of society, especially those who have inherited wealth, own businesses, or hold large numbers of stocks (shares).

middle class

social class composed broadly of those working in white-collar and lower managerial occupations

lower class

social class comprised of those who work part-time or not at all and whose household income is typically lower than $20,000 a year

Structural conduciveness

social conditions promoting or inhibiting the formation of social movements


social honor or prestige a particular group is accorded by the rmembers of a society. normally display distinct forms of life- patterns of behavior that the members of groups follow


social life is played out by actors on a stage because how we act depends on roles at a given time

the underlying regularities in how people behave toward one another Correct label: an idea or practice that continues to exist because people take it for granted Correct label: an aspect of social life that shapes the actions of individuals Correct label:

social structure, social construction, social fact


social system based on everyone owning the means of production and sharing the wealth it produces


social system in which one's social status is held for life


socially defined expectations of an individual

Type the term that refers to the use of biological principles to explain the social activities of human beings and other animals.


What is the main difference between microsociology and macrosociology?

the level of analysis

What is the definition of socialization?

the lifelong process of learning the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to one's social position


the main purpose of this is creating a set of reference groups that will influence the consumers

What central thesis did Karl Marx have in mind when he talked about "the materialist conception of history"?

the main sources of social change are economic influences


the maintenance of political, social, economic, & cultural domination over a people by a foreign power for an extended period

life span

the maximum length of life that is biologically possible for a member of a give species


the means by which organizations regularize activities across time and space and a way of keeping surveillance


the movement of the population into towns and cities and away from the land

Difference between nation and state

the nation is the people the state is the political apparatus


the number of deaths in a population

infant mortality rate

the number of infants who die during the first year of life, per 1,00 live births

In a study of more than 1 million Facebook users in romantic relationships, which factor was a good predictor of whether the relationship would last?

the number of other facebook friends the couple have in common

life expectancy

the number of years the average person can expect to live

What is the definition of rationalization, according to Max Weber?

the organization of public life according to principles of efficiency

What is the definition of rationalization, according to Max Weber?

the organization of public life according to the principles of efficiency


the pattern of individuals marrying those who have similar characteristics, such as race/ethnicity, religious background, age, education, or social class.

personal space

the physical space individuals maintain between themselves and others

welfare capitalism

the practice by which large corporations protect their employees from the vicissitudes of the market


the practice of marrying outside one's own group.


the practice of marrying within one's own group.


the process by which conditions and problems of social life become defined and treated as medical conditions, and thur become the subject of medical study, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment.

social interaction

the process by which we act and react to those around us

Socialization of nature

the process by which we control phenomenon regarded as "natural", such as reproduction

urban renewal (redevelopment)

the process of renovating deteriorating neighborhoods by using public funds to renew old buildings and construct new ones, often through large-scale demolition of slum housing

unemployment rate

the proportion of the population 16 and older that is actively seeking work, but unable to find employment

According to functionalism, the idea that every social activity has a function is best understood by analogy to __________.

the purpose of an organ in the human body

Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence. According to functionalism, the idea that every social activity has a function is best understood by analogy to __________.

the purpose of an organ in the human body

dependency ratio

the ratio of people of dependent ages (children and the elderly) to people of economically active ages

religious economy

theoretical framework within the sociology of religion that argues that religions can be fruitfully understood as organizations in competition with one another for followers

control through automation

this aspect of fast food is workers are replaced by more efficient machines

stonewall riots

two day fight between police and gay people. It has led to marches

response cries

typically take place around other people and show that we are competent and aware we did something wrong


underestimate how much the world is changing; world finance markets, for example, are organized on a global level much more than ever before

a website advocating violence against police

undermining of an existing dominant culture

a process of capital accumulation at a global scale & necessarily involves the appropriation & transformation of peripheral surplus

unequal change leads to What?

Match each researcher to his or her correct method and work.

used quantitative techniques to investigate the causes of war Andreas Wimmer used case studies to investigate the causes of revolutionary social change Theda Skocpol used an experiment to investigate social aspects of power relationships Philip Zimbardo

All people should have their chance to advance by "pulling themselves up by their bootstraps" is known as.. *norm *value *neither norm nor value


surplus value

value of a worker's labor power left over when an employer has repaid the cost of hiring the worker

When someone is speaking to another and the more powerful person deliberately subverts the rules of conversation, it is called interactional _________.


asch task

wanted to find to what extent people go along with the group

Boss Tweed

was the head of tammany hall political party famous political corrupt party in New York subvert elections for poor, keep poor people from voting

surveillance society

we are constantly being monitored and watched

audience segregation

we cooperate and help other people save face, but we really mostly endeavour to preserve our own dignity and respect

it brings jobs & industry to areas & promotes rapid development through the diffusion of invention & innovations from industrialized nations

what does multinational brings & promotes?

time space

when and where events occur


when there is no clear definition of the front region and back region, such as online, there is a higher chance of confusion

What factor, according to sociologist Barrie Thorne, has a strong influence on whether a girl feels positively or negatively about her first period?

whether the most popular girls in her peer group have already had their first period


which type of social tie is more important to helping you find a job


who believes that multinational corporations can actually help the developing nations of the world?


who typically demands more space

What attracts men?

women with low hip to waist ratio because this signifies re productivity

choose a suitable method of data collection Correct label: identify a puzzle that the research could help to solve Correct label: form a hypothesis that will be tested through observation Correct label:

work out a design, define the research problem, make the research problem precise

portfolio workers

workers who possess a diversity of skills or qualifications and are therefore able to move easily from job to job

secular thinking

worldly thinking, particularly as seen in the rise of science, technology, and rational thought in general

Match each researcher to his or her correct work.

wrote about living with a group of boys on the run from the law Correct label: Alice Goffman emphasized quantitative methods in sociology Correct label: William Ogburn interviewed people about their romantic breakups Correct label: Diane Vaughan pioneered observational fieldwork in Chicago Correct label: Robert Park

The Division of Labor in Society Correct label: Capital Correct label: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Correct label: Positive Philosophy Correct label:

Émile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber,Auguste Comte

Define self-concept.

How a person thinks of himself/herself.

Define identity.

How one defines oneself.

What is Body language?

How people interact with each other

What are Gender Roles?

How society defines how men and women behave

Which sociologist applied labeling theory to the question of how deviance begins

Howard S. Becker

Which physiological fact explains why human children spend more time being cared for by their parents than the young of most other mammal species? *Human infants need time to play with family members to develop properly. *Human beings need extra time outside of the womb for their brains to develop *Human mothers' breast milk contains nutrients that are viral for children's development *Human children have poorly developed lungs; these take time to mature

Human beings need extra time outside of the womb for their brains to develop

Ideas developed to increase the power of a social group and to overcome resistance are called __________.


What is the glass elevator?

If you are a white man, and you get into an occupation that is more likely to be women dominated, you will be promoted way faster.

What is the American Dream?

If you work hard, keep your head down, do your work, you can be whatever you want in socity

being divided between nations that control wealth & nations from which resources are taken

Immanuel Wallerstein views the global economic system as what?

Identify the themes that are important in Émile Durkheim's thought.

Important the division of labor the social factors that lead to suicide Not Important the importance of individual freedom rejection of the ideas of Auguste Comte


day to day routines give us this and form what we do

Which statement demonstrates Charles Horton Cooley's theory of the looking-glass self?

"I shouted, and people listened to me. I see that I am a powerful person."

On a college campus, a dean approaches a group of freshmen and tells them their table cannot remain at the current location. What reply by one of the students would constitute interactional vandalism?

"If you're not going to support students like us, you shouldn't have taken the job as dean"

What is the "one drop" rule?

Someone is classified as black if they have some black ancestry

social promotion

-the concept of passing students to the next grade regardless of their meeting standards for that grade

Which quote comes from W. E. B. Du Bois?

"The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line."

Which quote comes from W. E. B. Du Bois?

"the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line"

Which statements are true about incarceration in the United states? * The US has the highest incarceration per capita rate in the world. *Many Italian Americans used crime as a vehicle for upward mobility in the first half of the twentieth century *The term "prison industrial complex" refers to the scope of incarceration and the many interest groups that benefit from incarceration. *The rate of incarceration is much higher among white men compared to other groups

* The US has the highest incarceration per capita rate in the world. *Many Italian Americans used crime as a vehicle for upward mobility in the first half of the twentieth century *The term "prison industrial complex" refers to the scope of incarceration and the many interest groups that benefit from incarceration.

Which challenges has China faced i its efforts to become a major player in the global market for consumer electronics and other tech sector products? *A culture that does not value unconventional thinking. *Inflexible college admission policies based solely on test results *Lack of government funding for innovative research *Poor quality, pre-university education *A culture that does not value hard work

*A culture that does not value unconventional thinking. *Inflexible college admission policies based solely on test results

According to Charles Horton Cooley's theory, which are primary groups? *A married couple *A tailoring shop that makes bespoke (fully custom) suits for men *A close-knit group of adult friends who have been together since middle school *A professional football team

*A married couple *A close-knit group of adult friends who have been together since middle school

Why, according to Max Weber, is the use of written language important for the function of a modern organization? *A modern organization needs to maintain written records *Subordinates need to be able to given written feedback to superiors *A modern organization needs written language to market itself to clients *A modern organization needs written rules that govern its operation

*A modern organization needs to maintain written records *A modern organization needs written rules that govern its operation

Why, according to Max Weber, is the use of written language important for the function of a modern organization? *A modern organization needs to maintain written records. *A modern organization needs written language to market itself to clients *A modern organization organization needs written rules that govern its operation *Subordinates needs to be able to given written feedback to superiors.

*A modern organization needs to maintain written records. *A modern organization organization needs written rules that govern its operation

Which of these social interactions are examples of focused? *A person leaving a company sits down with someone from HR for an exit interview *A surfer riding a wave steers to avoid hitting another surfer *A seated bus rider moves his feet so a rider who is carrying his luggage can pass through. *Someone repairing a machine gives instructions to an assistant

*A person leaving a company sits down with someone from HR for an exit interview *Someone repairing a machine gives instructions to an assistant

Which items represent cultural 'scripts" in America? *A restaurant dining room host smiles at an arriving part of diners, picks up some menus and leads the group to a table *Someone getting ready for bed habitually brushed his teeth, dons pajamas, and feeds the dog -always in the same order *Someone sneezes and someone else says bless you *A pedestrian jumps out of the way of a bicyclist driving recklessly

*A restaurant dining room host smiles at an arriving part of diners, picks up some menus and leads the group to a table *Someone sneezes and someone else says bless you

Which of these social interactions are examples are unfocused? *A person leaving a company sits down with someone from HR for an exit interview *A surfer riding a wave steers to avoid hitting another surfer *A seated bus rider moves his feet so a rider who is carrying his luggage can pass through. *Someone repairing a machine gives instructions to an assistant

*A surfer riding a wave steers to avoid hitting another surfer *A seated bus rider moves his feet so a rider who is carrying his luggage can pass through.

According to Charles Horton Cooley's theory, which are secondary groups? *A married couple *A tailoring shop that makes bespoke (fully custom) suits for men *A close-knit group of adult friends who have been together since middle school *A professional football team

*A tailoring shop that makes bespoke (fully custom) suits for men *A professional football team

Which behaviors would an evolutionary biologist like Edward O. Wilson most likely say are genetically programed? *A tendency in men toward sexual promiscuity *A mother's attachment to her children *A slender physique as part of the idea female body *An infant's "Rooting" to find the mother's breast nipple *A widespread pattern of men having more power than women.

*A tendency in men toward sexual promiscuity *A mother's attachment to her children *An infant's "Rooting" to find the mother's breast nipple *A widespread pattern of men having more power than women.

Which items represent a proper use, in a sociological context, of the word signifier? *A word is a signifier of meaning. *A lion in the street is a signifier that the circus has come into town. *A dream about water is a signifier of death *Adjusting ones hair is a signifier of romantic interest.

*Adjusting ones hair is a signifier of romantic interest. *A word is a signifier of meaning.

Which organizations fit the description of what Erving Goffman calls a "total institution"? *An ongoing cargo freighter *A private high school *A traditional nuclear family *A nursing home

*An ongoing cargo freighter *A nursing home

Which of the following are characteristics of traditional civilizations? *Art and science flourished in these societies. *They were expansionist empires. *At least part of the population was concentrated in cities *Their economy of food production was predominantly pastoral.

*Art and science flourished in these societies. *They were expansionist empires. *At least part of the population was concentrated in cities

Which of the following are explanations researchers have offered to explain dropping crime rates? *Better economic conditions *Lower levels of drug use *Legalization of some drugs *Lower police presence in many communities

*Better economic conditions *Lower levels of drug use

Which of the following are elements of the broken windows theory of deviance? *Deviance is a self-reinforcing spiral *Informal sanctions are not effective in controlling deviance. *Deviance is driven by neighborhood culture and not easily prevented *Deviance is a response to social context and local cues

*Deviance is a self-reinforcing spiral *Deviance is a response to social context and local cues

Based on the view of sociologist Elijah Anderson, which reasons qualify Philadelphia's mall The Gallery, as a "canopy"?

*Different types of people come to the mall *The mall atmosphere is orderly and relaxed

To which disciplines, beside sociology, did Max Weber contribute in his writings? *Comparative religion *Evolutionary Biology *Economics *Literary criticism

*Economics *Comparative religion

Of the listed items, which one has sociologist Frank Furstenberg identified as critical for a young person's transition into mature adulthood. *Finishing school *Getting married *Owning a home *Buying a first car *Having a child

*Finishing school *Getting married *Having a child

Identify the characteristics of an ideal (i.e., pure) bureaucracy, according to Max Weber *There is a strict hierarchy of authority *Officials are on duty on call at all hours *For officials, their work is their career *Officials have absolute power within their areas of responisbility

*For officials, their work is their career *There is a strict hierarchy of authority

Identify some of the defects in Sigmund Freud's theory of gender identity development. *Freud assumes that the father is the family's main disciplinarian. *The theory assumes, without basis, that the vagina is superior to the penis. *The development of gender identity begins later than Freud thought. *The theory too closely identifies gender identity with genital awareness.

*Freud assumes that the father is the family's main disciplinarian. *The theory too closely identifies gender identity with genital awareness.

Identify the factors that have been shown to contribute to obesity. *Having overweight friends *Having overweight neighbors *Lack of healthy food options in one's community *Biological factors

*Having overweight friends *Lack of healthy food options in one's community *Biological factors

In the context of Charles Horton Cooley's theory of groups, which of these attributes belong to primary groups? *Impersonal relationships *instrumental in purpose *High level of intimacy *Strong sense of unity and commitment *role-play by members

*High level of intimacy *Strong sense of unity and commitment

Historically, which of the following were common characteristics of hunting and gathering societies? *Highly developed religious rituals *stable memberships within groups *Relatively high levels of social inequality *Extreme poverty by modern standards

*Highly developed religious rituals *Extreme poverty by modern standards

Identify each personal characteristic as either more likely or less likely to be a factor in online social interactions, compared to face-to-face interactions *Hobbies *Political views *Disability status *Social position *Personal History

*Hobbies *Political views *Personal History

In the context of Charles Horton Cooley's theory of groups, which of these attributes belong to secondary groups? *Impersonal relationships *instrumental in purpose *High level of intimacy *Strong sense of unity and commitment *role-play by members

*Impersonal relationships *instrumental in purpose *role-play by members

What positive effects, according to research, come from playing video games, such as Nintendo?

*Improved vision *Improved attention and concentration *Increased artistic engagement and skill

What findings Did Vanda Lucia Zammuner report from a study of Dutch and Italian children's toy preferences?

*In Italy, girls chose to play with gender-neutral toys more often than boys did. *Italian children were more likely than Dutch children to prefer gender-specific toys

What is sterotyping?

-Thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories -Leads people to blame scapegoats for problems that are not their fault

According to social science research, which of the following are effects of social media, such as Facebook? *Among young adults, the use of Facebook leads to a slightly less sense of wellbeing in comparison to those who do not use facebook *Among Chinese youth, the use of Facebook leads to a lower sense of self esteem *Women typically get a small boost of self esteem from using facebook. *In the US, people who use Facebook have slightly more close friendships than people who don't

*In the US, people who use Facebook have slightly more close friendships than people who don't. *Among young adults, the use of Facebook leads to a slightly less sense of wellbeing in comparison to those who do not use facebook

What are the disadvantages of telecommuting for the average worker? *Increased stress for female workers *Lack of face-to-face contact with co-workers *Decreased job satisfaction *increased distractions due to home responsibilities

*Increased stress for female workers *Lack of face-to-face contact with co-workers *increased distractions due to home responsibilities

In Max Weber's view, what is the problem with bureaucracy? *It forces expert to take orders from politicians *It is unsustainable *It is inefficient *Is a threat to democracy

*Is a threat to democracy

Which major roles does Apple Corporation play in China's economy? *It sells a lot of products in China. *Its factories in China are a major source of jobs. *It has brought about major changes in China's workplace culture. *It competes with Chinese technology companies selling similar products.

*It sells a lot of products in China. *Its factories in China are a major source of jobs.

What are the defining characteristics of an organization? *Its members have come together for a common purpose *The rest of society is aware of its existence *It has a governing structure and rules of behavior. *There is a clear distinction between those who belong and those who do not

*Its members have come together for a common purpose *There is a clear distinction between those who belong and those who do not

The aspect of :"Promoting informal relationships for improved morale and communication would have modern organizational architecture as: *Locating related work stations in close physical proximity with one another *Using large, open spaces with many work stations for low-level workers *Locating the offices of senior management on the upper floors of a multistory building *Locating related work units in close physical proximity with one another

*Locating related work stations in close physical proximity with one another

The aspect of :"reminding everyone of the seniority relationships in the organization would have modern organizational architecture as: *Locating related work stations in close physical proximity with one another *Using large, open spaces with many work stations for low-level workers *Locating the offices of senior management on the upper floors of a multistory building *Locating related work units in close physical proximity with one another

*Locating the offices of senior management on the upper floors of a multistory building

Which behaviors would be part of a doctor's social role? *Maintaining patient confidentially *Seeing promptly at the scheduled appointment time *Making friendly conversation with parents *Making home visits t see patients who cannot travel

*Maintaining patient confidentially *Making friendly conversation with parents

Identify the ways in which nation-states differ from earlier state-like societies. *Nation states have national cultures *Nation states have well defined natural borders *Nation states cover a much larger geographic area *Nation states maintain standing armies

*Nation states have national cultures *Nation states have well defined natural borders

Identify each statement about cultural conformity as correct or incorrect. *All cultures demand a high degree of conformity from individual members *Conformity is obtained through the teaching of norms and through social control. *Cultural norms tend to be obeyed unquestioningly *Non-conformity can itself be a kind of conformity.

*Non-conformity can itself be a kind of conformity. *Conformity is obtained through the teaching of norms and through social control.

Identify the reasons that correctly explain why the study of brief, minor one-on-one social interactions is one of the most absorbing of all areas of social investigation. *Our daily routines are organized around such interactions *Large-scale social patterns are built up from small-scale ones. *Small-scale interactions are easier to gather data on that large scale ones. *Such interactions are part of how we shape our reality

*Our daily routines are organized around such interactions *Large-scale social patterns are built up from small-scale ones. *Such interactions are part of how we shape our reality

Which items represent the proof of the emergence of humanlike culture? *Brains larger than those of other primates *Planned hunting in groups *Toolmaking Walking upright for long distances *The deliberate use of fire

*Planned hunting in groups *Toolmaking *The deliberate use of fire

Which activities Michel Foucault would consider to be a form of surveillance? *Prison guards use cameras to watch over the inmate dining area *Two underwater welders keep an eye on each other as they work *After two bus drivers engage in an altercation, an entry is made in each driver's record. *Assembly line workers are expected to signal when they make think they made a mistake.

*Prison guards use cameras to watch over the inmate dining area *After two bus drivers engage in an altercation, an entry is made in each driver's record.

A 2006 study identified five themes in the messages that African Americans received from parents about what it means to be black. Which terms were among these themes? *Racial group pride *Color blindness *Loyalty to American *Readiness to answer racism with violence *Deference to and fear of whites

*Racial group pride *Color blindness *Deference to and fear of whites

June Statham studied parents' efforts to raise their children in non-sexist fashion. Identify the obstacles that the parents encountered while encouraging their children to play with gender neutral toys. *The children strongly preferred gender-typed toys. *Relatives would give the children gender-type toys *Gender-neutral toys tend to be more expensive than gender-typed ones. *Toy stores mostly sell gender-typed toys

*Relatives would give the children gender-type toys *Toy stores mostly sell gender-typed toys

How did cash crops effect the Native comunity

-Tobacco and sugar production was problematic -Where the food at dough

Identify each characteristic as being part of either one's social identity or self-identity *Politically moderate *Roman Catholic *Oil-rig worker *Fan of puzzles *Prone to depression *Recently divorced

*Roman Catholic *Oil-rig worker *Recently divorced

Which statements about Internet use in Saudi Arabia are true? *Saudi women are allowed to use the internet to discuss women's health issues. *The internet provides a forum for debates about the merits of traditional religious beliefs *Anti-government protesters use the internet to coordinate their activities. *Authorities use the internet to disseminate official propaganda

*Saudi women are allowed to use the internet to discuss women's health issues. *Authorities use the internet to disseminate official propaganda

Which two American sociologists were part of the functionalist tradition? *George Herbert Mead *Jean Baudrillard *Talcott Parsons *Robert K. Merton

*Talcott Parsons *Robert K. Merton

Which skills to young people typically acquire upon entering the workforce?

*The ability to get along with non-family members *The management of one's emotions *The ability to work independently

The Tata people of Togo compromise one of the few surviving traditional societies in the world. Identify each item as either typical or traditional societies, such as Tatas, or modern societies. *The elderly are accorded great respect. *The elderly have fewer responsibilities than the middle aged. *The elderly are materially less well off than the middle aged. *The elderly find rewards in an outward-looking view of life

*The elderly are accorded great respect. *The elderly find rewards in an outward-looking view of life

Quinn is on a high school volleyball team. If he wanted to assess his performance as a player, which of the following could serve as a reference group? *The lacrosse team at Quinn's school *Quinn's volleyball team *Quinn's first period chemistry class *Another school's volleyball team

*The lacrosse team at Quinn's school *Quinn's volleyball team *Another school's volleyball team

The person performing a task makes a mistake and exclaims, "Whoops!" . Which are reasonable references about this situation? *The mistake is probably minor and correctable *The task involves physical labor *The person performing the task is female *Another person is probably present

*The mistake is probably minor and correctable *Another person is probably present

Which of these relations classify as formal? *The relation between a clerk and the clerk's supervisor *The relation between a mid-level corporate manager and a friend in a different division *The relation between a company president and the chair of the board of directors *The relation between two presidents of rival companies

*The relation between a clerk and the clerk's supervisor *The relation between a company president and the chair of the board of directors

Which of these relations classify as informal? *The relation between a clerk and the clerk's supervisor *The relation between a mid-level corporate manager and a friend in a different division *The relation between a company president and the chair of the board of directors *The relation between two presidents of rival companies

*The relation between two presidents of rival companies *The relation between a mid-level corporate manager and a friend in a different division

Which aspects of a conversation between two people would an application of conversation analysis methodology include? *The use of filler words *The motivations of people talking *Differences in race, gender, and class *The duration of conversational pauses

*The use of filler words *The duration of conversational pauses

Why is it impossible that most college rejections are due to affirmative action? *Affirmative action is no longer used in college admissions. *There are far fewer affirmative action admissions than college rejections. *There are legal limits on the number of affirmative action admissions

*There are far fewer affirmative action admissions than college rejections.

What is the purposes of conversation analysis?

*To reveal the organizational principles of conversation *To reveal the role of conversation in the production and the reproduction of social order

Which are possible goals of impression management? *To spare the feeling of others *To improve one's position in the world *To openly show displeasure or annoyance when anyone is upset *To protect oneself from unwanted emotions

*To spare the feeling of others *To improve one's position in the world *To protect oneself from unwanted emotions

According to Simmel, which of the following statements are true about triads? *Triads tend to be more stable than dyads *In a triad, alliances are possible *Triads tend to develop a formal structure. *The relationships in triads tend to be less intense.

*Triads tend to be more stable than dyads *In a triad, alliances are possible *The relationships in triads tend to be less intense.

The aspect of :"facilities supervision and surveillance by management would have modern organizational architecture as: *Locating related work stations in close physical proximity with one another *Using large, open spaces with many work stations for low-level workers *Locating the offices of senior management on the upper floors of a multistory building *Locating related work units in close physical proximity with one another

*Using large, open spaces with many work stations for low-level workers

According to Elijah Anderson, which factors would classify Philadelphia's Rittenhouse Square Park as a "cosmopolitan canopy"? *Women looking after children *A man assisting an elderly woman *Uniformed security guargs *People walking their dogs

*Women looking after children *A man assisting an elderly woman *People walking their dogs

In which ways are late-modern organizations using information and communication technology to change their members' working conditions? *Workers are able to make more efficient use of their time *The workplace is becoming less centralized *Hierarchies are becoming flatter and more flexible *Workers' compensation packages are better than they would have been otherwise

*Workers are able to make more efficient use of their time *The workplace is becoming less centralized *Hierarchies are becoming flatter and more flexible

Which pair of concepts consists of two direct opposites? *norms and values *semiotics and signifiers *ethnocentrism and cultural relativism *culture and cultural universal

*ethnocentrism and cultural relativism

Which of these is an example of material culture? *smartphones *"do not feed the trolls" is a norm in online discussion form *paved roads ad associated signage *the use of slang and trendy phrases

*smartphones *paved roads ad associated signage

Which items are among the forces that contribute to a globalization of culture? *national policies such as the great firewall of China *the emergence of a class of "global class citizens" *the proliferation of international organizations, such as the United Nations *the increasing economic clout of small-scale producers such as microbreweries

*the emergence of a class of "global class citizens" *the proliferation of international organizations, such as the United Nations

Which of the following represent cultural universals? *the practice of gift giving *religious rituals *written language *the institution of marriage

*the institution of marriage *the practice of gift giving *religious rituals

Symbolic Interactionalist approach to Illness

*the way people react to sickness impacts how others view it

decisions to have children

- Ideal family size - Reproductive technologies - Child-free and infertility

two-parent households

- decline - shared parenting

what are the most important contributions of Alfred Kinsey's research on sexuality?

- first major investigation of sexuality - public expectation of sexual behavior was vastly different from the actual practices associated with it - showed that sexuality is a sliding scale

teenage childbearing

- high rates, but declining - consequences

single-parent households

- increase - consequences


- legal process - step families

three important findings about sexual behavior discovered since kinsey

- sexual activity was beginning at younger ages - teens sex was as varied and comprehensive as adults - not as powerful of an existing double standard - women became more sexually available

remaining single

- single by choice

Why are infectious diseases more common in developing nations than in the US today?

- tropical and subtropical conditions are conducive to growing diseases - colonialism brought so many foreign diseases and increased the population density to above hunting and gathering levels, meaning that the diseases thrived.

What is colorblind racism?

-"Racism without racists" -Harmful because you are not seeing the real social and racial problems that deal with people of color -"I don't see color"

What is race?

-A social construct category rooted in the belief that there are fundamental differences among humans -Differences is skin color -Has been an extremely important concept used by powerful social groups as part of strategies of domination

What is deviance?

-Acting differently from what society deems normal -Being deviant usually has negative sanctions -The recognized violation of cultural norms

What is Discrimination?

-Actual behavior that denies members of a particular group something -ACTIONS NOT THOUGHTS

How does the wealthy navigate the criminal justice system easier?

-Bail -Affording quality attorneys

Political treatment of homosexuality before and after the aparthaid

-Before: psychological disorder -After: black government legislated full equality.

equal eduation

-Brown v. Board decision declared state laws that had established separate schools for black and white students were unequal and unconstitutional

What is racism?

-Can refer to explicit beliefs in racial supremacy -Can also refer to stereotyping that keeps racial minorities in inferior positions

What are the three purposes for deviance according to structural functionalism?

-Clarifies moral boundaries -Brings society together -Encourages social change

What are the three different types of racism?

-Colorblind racism -Institutional Racism -Overt Racism

What is conflict theory?

-Conforming to capitalist ideals and principals is why people perform deviant actions -There is no universal standard for what deviance is -People in power have more influence with whats deviant and whats not

What is some critique of the Sick Role?

-Does not capture the lived experience of the illness -Some people look healthy on the outside -May need a doctor's diagnosis to be seen as diseased -The role is impacted by social, cultural, and economic influences -The two leading causes of death, heart disease and cancer can be seen to be caused by personal decisions

Women's immune system vs. Men's immune system

-Estrogen protects women against gear disease and the lack of testosterone gives them better immune systems. -X chromosomes carry more problems. Women have two, so a good one can cancel out the bad. Men only have one, so one bad one can **** them up

Work and Illness (Symbolic Interaction)

-Everyday work >Maintaining relationships with others -Biographical work >Incorporating illness into one's life making sense of it, developing ways of explaining it to others >>Can be a way to restore meaning and order in lives

What is Radical Feminism?

-Gender inequliaty is the result of male domination in all aspects of social and economic life -gender inequality is systematic -must overthrow the patriarchy

Some of Goffman's stigmatized afflictions

-HIV/AIDS -obesity -Schizophrenia

What is institutional Racism?

-Inequalities in life changes (education/jobs) -Nicer community you live in, nicer schools

What is Black Feminism?

-Intersectionality -For any given individual we can experience different forms of oppression

Why may there be higher indicated depression rates for women vs. men

-It is safer for them to come out and say their sad -The demands of being a single mother can lead to hella stress and depression -Standard instruments used to study depression has traditionally feminine traits seeming to indicate depression

What is Socialist Feminism?

-Karl Marx -Patriarchy is a tool of the bourgeoisie -economic structure must be changed -Equality will happen once capitalism is replaced with socialism

What are the functions of men and women in society?

-Men's roles: (Instrumental) Bread winner, gets the food -Women's roles: (Expressive) Caregivers, emotional nurturing. The need for children to have an emotional connection with their mothers.

What is pluralism?

-More seperation -Inequality coming from seperation

What is Liberal Feminism?

-No need to change the structure -Working within the established social structure for gender equality

What is Overt Racism?

-Openly racist, tweeting, talking, protesting about "white rights" -EX: DONALD TRUMP

What is Prejudice?

-Opinions or attitudes held by members of one group toward another -Often based on hearsay and resistant to change even in the face of direct evidence or new information -Operates mainly through stereotyping -THOUGHTS NOT ACTIONS

What contributes to the physical and mental health aspects of our body?

-Our genetic makeup -Consequences of our personal choices -Based upon whether or not we can afford resources such as a healthy diet, medicine, and health insurance

What is Control theory of deviance?

-People will always be deviant if they are able to -Target hardening and overpolicing

Some reasons for the obesity epidemic?

-Personal troubles are reflections of public issues, euch as Access to healthy foods -Social inequalities based on race, class, and geographic region can shape our bodies

What is Social Distance?

-Proxy for how much of others you see in and out of groups -Think about the groups we belong to, and the groups that we don't belong to we see as others -More conflict that exists an in-group and an out-group

What is the difference between race and ethnicity?

-Race is only skin deep, its the phenotype of your body -Ethnicity is the culture and where you grew up

What is white privilege?

-Refers to the unacknowledged and unearned assets that benefit whites in their everyday life. -It manifests itself in the most taken-for-granted conditions of everyday life -It is invisible to those who have it, but visible to those who don't

What is Post Modern Feminism?

-Rejecting fixed gender categories -No form of fixed gender -No ideal man or women

Normative expectations of the sick role?

-Sick people don't have as many responsibilities and they are excused for being rude or looking like a mess -A sick person needs to be validated by a doctor's note -Sick people are not held responsible for being sick. -If you are ill, you have certain rights and privileges. -When you get sick, you should try to get better.

Why may men have higher rates of heart disease and cancer?

-Smoke more -Drink more -More drug misuse -Less likely to have annual checkups - why do men think this shit makes them more manly?

What is Gender socialization?

-Starts with before birth with gender reveal parties -How a child is going to act, like a girl or boy -Binary approach

What are racial microaggressions?

-Stereotypes -Color blindness and microaggressions go hand in hand

What are the four theories of deviance and crime?

-Structural functionalist -Symbolic interactions -Control -Conflict

What is Scientific Racism?

-Survival of the fittest -Social Darwinist -Certain groups are superior to others based on how they look

Eliot Freidson sick role

-Temporary sickness has people getting extra care during the duration of the time their are sick -Unconditional legitimate sick roles may have different responses >Balding will not get you out of certain tasks while Parkinson's disease would Legitimate roles- people are blamed for their sickness >HIV/AIDS >>People who got a faulty blood transfusion may be forgiven

What is Scapegoat Theory?

-The unconscious attribution to others of one's own desires or characteristics -People blaming things on a minority group that is not due to them

What is an ethnicity?

-Type of social identity related to ancestry (Perceived or real) -Culture, language, the way you wear your hair -There is nothing innate about ethnicity, it is a social phenomenon that is produced and reproduced over time

Uganda's anti-gay bill

-Uganda got rid of the anti-gay bill that made being caught of sodomy punishable with a life sentence >Not too long ago the outspoken gay rights activist David Kato was beaten to death with a hammer

Proportion of white women who are obese vs. proportion of black women who are?

-White women=1/2 -Black women=2/3

Head Start program

-a federal program that provides academically focused preschool to students of low socioeconomic status


-a formalized sorting system that places students on "tracks" (advanced versus low achievers) that perpetuate inequalities -conflict theorist view

common core

-a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA) -learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade


-a social institution through which a society's children are taught basic academic knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms

grade inflation

-a term used to describe the observation that the correspondence between letter grades and the achievements they reflect has been changing (in a downward direction) over time. -what used to be considered C-level, or average, now often earns a student a B, or even an A

What are some health symptoms of anorexia?

-anemia -weakened immune system -smaller heart muscle

In the late 1800's school became more _____ and not just for ______

-became more universal and not just for the upper class

Functionalism and education

-believe that education equips people to perform different functional roles in society -contend that education manifest and latent functions


-classifying students based on academic merit or potential -functionalist view

latent functions associated with education

-courtship -introduces students to social networks -ability to work with others in small groups, a skill that is transferable to a workplace -political and social integration

cultural capital

-cultural knowledge that serves (metaphorically) as currency that helps us navigate a culture ex: members of the upper and middle classes have more cultural capital than do families of lower-class status.

informal education

-describes learning about cultural values, norms, and expected behaviors by participating in a society -occurs both through the formal education system and at home -earliest learning experiences generally happen via parents, relatives, and others in our community ex: learn how to dress for different occasions, how to perform regular life routines like shopping for and preparing food

formal education

-describes the learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum

teaching to the test

-describes when a curriculum focuses on equipping students to succeed on standardized tests, to the detriment of broader educational goals and concepts of learning


-emphasis on certificates or degrees to show that a person has a certain skill, has attained a certain level of education, or has met certain job qualifications. -certificates or degrees serve as a symbol of what a person has achieved, and allows the labeling of that individual -symbolic interactionist view

Brown vs Board

-ended segregation in schools and allowed for an attempt at equal education

School trends in the 1990s

-focus on critical thinking skills

School trend in the 2000s

-focus on testing -teaching to the test for funding after Bush passed no Child Left Behind -removed problem solving -test scores impacted funding schools received

School trends in the 1970s

-focused on applied education -using technology

What are the leading causes of death today? At what age do they usually strike?

-heart disease -cancer --> usually happens to people 65 and older

manifest functions associated with education

-helps in socialization -transmit the core values of the nation -prepares students to enter the workplace and the world at large -transmission of culture -social placement -social control

Tracking works well for _____ students and not well for ____

-high performing student and does not work well for low performing students


-involved bringing students to schools outside their neighborhoods (and therefore schools they would not normally have the opportunity to attend) to bring racial diversity into balance

Large school size vs small

-large schools have more courses and opportunities -small schools are more intimate and have more participation

Why do Hispanic people live just as long as do white people?

-maybe that's because they have more of a sense of community than do blacks. Or that those who immigrated from Mexico were in good condition to begin with -higher rates of social cohesion. - It may also be a methodological question: health measures focus on people who have successfully migrated to the United States and, therefore, have more robust health than those who remain in their countries of origin.

affirmative action

-minority students are given greater weighted priorities for admittance

Trends in colleges

-more people than ever are attending college -higher costs -more women at colleges than before

Kinsey's findings on sexual activty in the 1950s

-much more wild (Keep in mind that he was asking frats, sororities, prisoners, psychiatric patients and friends. This is more of a convenience sample)

Debates/problems with schools

-optimal way to include disabled or slow learners in standard classrooms -equal education

Why may black people have more hypertension?

-partly biological, also about them smoking more (even thought smoking rates have gone down, they are still higher for black people)

How is the stigma behind STDs impacting the route of finding a cure for it.

-people are not that inclined to find one -20% of Americans are too scared to see if they got anything -70% of Indians face discrimination by health care workers

universal access

-refers to people's equal ability to participate in an education system -access might be more difficult for certain groups based on class or gender

hidden curriculum

-refers to the type of nonacademic knowledge that students learn through informal learning and cultural transmission -reinforces the positions of those with higher cultural capital and serves to bestow status unequally.

cultural transmission

-refers to the way people come to learn the values, beliefs, and social norms of their culture. -informal and formal education include cultural transmission ex: a student will learn about cultural aspects of modern history in a U.S. History classroom

School trend in the 1980s

-return to basic education -concerned with how US students compared to other countries

What are some conditions (besides improved medicine) which improves overall health

-sanitation -improved nutrition -water purification -milk -[pasteurization] -control of sewage -improved hygiene

charter schools

-self-governing public schools that have signed agreements with state governments to improve students when poor performance is revealed on tests required by the No Child Left Behind Act. -a publicly funded independent school established by teachers, parents, or community groups under the terms of a charter with a local or national authority

Interactionism and education

-study the dynamics of the classroom, the interactions between students and teachers, and how those affect everyday life -labeling has a direct correlation to those who are in power and those who are labeled ex: low standardized test scores or poor performance in a particular class often lead to a student who is labeled as a low achiever

Important factors in school success

-teacher expectations -parental involvement -student engagement -psychological support -community connections -consistency (low mobility and not moving often) -summer school and extracurricular activities

What time period made education more accessible to the general population?

-the Industrial Revolution

social placement

-the use of education to improve one's social standing

How did the ancient Greek feel about gay sex?

-thought it was the idealist and highest form of love. -There was this like tutor pupil thing

Conflict theorist and education

-view education as a means of widening the gap in social inequality -do not believe that public schools reduce social inequality -believe that the educational system reinforces and perpetuates social inequalities that arise from differences in class, gender, race, and ethnicity -schools play the role of training working-class students to accept and retain their position as lower members of society

no child left behind

-which requires states to test students in designated grades -results of those tests determine eligibility to receive federal funding -schools that do not meet the standards set by the Act run the risk of having their funding cut.

In the late 1800's the US school system started focusing on

-work force training -social reform and control (delinquency issues) -socialization

The following items represent three of the seven steps in the research process. Match each step to the correct description.

.Form a hypothesis that will be tested through observation: -Make the research problem precise. Choose a suitable method of data collection: -Work out a design. Identify a puzzle that the research could help to solve:- Define the research problem.

What are three things associated with color blind racism?

1)many whites believe they are above racism and incapable of perpetuating discrimination 2)by attempting to act as if race does not exist, they perpetuate inequalities that can only be addressed by explicit attention to racial differences 3)many whites who do make subtle or even explicitly racial distinction have become adept at maintain an appearance of neutrality

Which items are examples of nationalism?

1, A country begins a war over territory that has only symbolic value. 2. An ethnic group raises a military to fight for independence.

What findings did Vanda Lucia Zammuner report from a study of Dutch and Italian children's toy preferences?

1, In both countries, girls chose to play with gender-neutral toys more often than boys did. 2. Italian children were more likely than Dutch children to prefer gender-specific toys.

Which of the following are examples of an experimental study?

1. A researcher compares the attitudes of two focus groups after each group watches a corporate training video. One video is narrated by a male voice, and the other, by a female voice. 2. A researcher deliberately drops a wallet in a public place and observes the reactions of passersby.

Place the terms in chronological order, based on George Herbert Mead's theory of the development of the social self A sense of society as its expectations as the "generalized other" A sense of the self as "I", a bundle of wants and desires A sense of the self as "me," the objection of others' perceptions

1. A sense of the self as "I", a bundle of wants and desires 2. A sense of the self as "me," the objection of others' perceptions 3. A sense of society as its expectations as the "generalized other"

Which of the following are examples of socialization?

1. A woman who is expecting her first child takes a parenting class. 2. A Peace Corps volunteer learns the basic rules of etiquette of her new country. 3. A child encourages her parents to open a Facebook account. 4. A parent teaches a child not to burp at the dinner table.

According to social science research, which of the following are effects of social media, such as Facebook?

1. Among young adults, use of Facebook leads to a slightly less sense of well being in comparison to those who reported increased direct contact with friends. 2.In the United States, people who use Facebook have slightly more close friendships than people who don't.

Amy is a U.S. citizen, mother, gardener, and medical doctor. Which actions are part of her social role as doctor?

1. Amy reads medical journals to stay up-to-date with information relevant to treatment of patients. 2. Amy attends a professional conference where she makes the case that doctors should add nutritional counseling to vaccination appointments.

Which of the following are characteristics of traditional civilizations?

1. At least part of the population was concentrated in cities. 2. They were expansionist empires. 3. Art and science flourished in these societies.

Which locations still have hunting and gathering societies?

1. Australia 2. India

In which ways does midlife today differ from midlife in premodern societies?

1. People live significantly longer. 2. Individuals have more control over their lives. 3. People undergo more major life transitions.

In 2013, more than 3,000 American parents wer asked which of 12 qualities they felt were most important to instill in their children. According to the survey, place the four chosen qualities in order of importance. Being responsible Creativity Religious faith Helping others

1. Being responsible 2. Helping others 3. Creativity 4. Religious faith

Identify the following statements about gender identity as associated with either Nancy Chodorow or Sigmund Freud's theory.

1. Boys' sense of self is based in a radical rejection of the feminine (the mother). 2. Women's identities are more connected to others because a girl shares gender with her mother.

Which of the following revolutions did Theda Skocpol examine for her landmark 1979 work, States and Social Revolutions?

1. China's 1949 Communist Revolution 2. Russia's 1917 Communist Revolution 3. The French Revolution of 1789

Which of the following measurement methods would yield results that could be generalized to the student population of a large university?

1. Comprehensive school records are used to randomly select a sample group of one hundred students, who will fill out a short questionnaire. 2. School records are used to select one hundred students from different categories (male and female, white and non-white, etc.) in numbers that mirror the overall student population. These students will fill out a short questionnaire.

What is the process of research?

1. Define the research problem 2. Review the literature 3 Make the problem precise 4. Work out a design 5. Carry out the research 6. Interpret the results 7. Report the findings 8. Reality intrudes

What are the 6 things that shape the process of socialization?

1. Family 2. Media 3. Peers 4. Religion 5. Sports 6. School

What are the 3 things that the development of the self rely on?

1. How we think we appear to others 2. How we think others judge us 3. How these two make us feel

What are the 3 parts of the psyche in the psychoanalytic theory?

1. Id 2. Ego 3. Superego

What are the 3 stages to childhood socialization?

1. Imitation 2. Play 3. Game

When research is carried out, difficulties may arise that could force the researcher to rethink his or her initial strategy. Which of the following are examples of such difficulties?

1. Interview subjects may be unexpectedly hard to contact. 2. A government agency may not cooperate as expected.

Place the countries in order from the highest to lowest percentage of the workforce that is accounted for by the nonprofit sector *Israel *Norway *Brazil *The Unites States *Thailand

1. Israel 2. The Unites States 3. Norway 4. Brazil 5. Thailand

What are the two reasons broken windows theory is a failure?

1. It cannot be attributed to lower crime rates 2. Mass incarceration, racial disparity, the new Jim Crow

What are the 4 consequences of socialization?

1. It establishes self-concept 2. It creates the ability to view things from another perspective 3. It creates the tendency for people to act in acceptable ways 4. It makes people reflections of their culture

Place the events for the origins of hip-hop music in chronological order: *Hip hop became popular in Great Britain. *Groups from Queen and Long Island brought the new style of music to a wider audience. *Jamaican DJs developed a tradition of chanting stories, accompanied by recorded music. *Gangsta rap became an established music culture in the US *In the Bronx, New York, DJ Kool Herc developed an early version of rapping

1. Jamaican DJs developed a tradition of chanting stories, accompanied by recorded music. 2. In the Bronx, New York, DJ Kool Herc developed an early version of rapping 3. Groups from Queens and Long Island brought the new style of music to a wider audience. 4. Gangsta rap became an established music culture in the US 5. Hip hop became popular in Great Britain.

Disagreeing with Freud, Nancy Chodorow takes the position that ----, not ---, is defined by loss, in the form of separation from -. This separation leads to later difficulty in maintaining close personal relationships, and to what has been called "male ---."

1. Masculinity 2. Feminism 3. The mother 4. Inexpressiveness

Sociologist Salganik, Dodds, and Watts conducted and experiment using a Web-based artificial music market. Place the stages of the experiment in order from first to last. * It was concluded that people's tastes are influenced by the tastes they see others *Participants in eight experimental groups rated songs and saw others' ratings. *Ratings for the same songs were found to differ significantly across groups. *More than 14,000 participants were recruited and divided into groups.

1. More than 14,000 participants were recruited and divided into groups. 2. Participants in eight experimental groups rated songs and saw others' ratings. 3. Ratings for the same songs were found to differ significantly across groups. 4. It was concluded that people's tastes are influenced by the tastes they see others

Which statements align with the main ideas of sociobiology?

1. Much of human social life can be explained by reproductive strategies. 2. Men are dominant in most societies because of genetics that make males strong and aggressive.

Identify the ways in which nation-states differ from earlier state-like societies.

1. Nation-states have national cultures. 2. Nation-states have well defined national borders.

In which ways does midlife today differ from midlife in premodern societies?

1. People live significantly longer. 2. People undergo more major life transitions. 3. Individuals have more control over their lives.

Determine whether each item is an example of a social construction.

1. People shake hands to signal friendly intentions. 2. Green paper rectangles can be used to buy things.

What are the 2 types of reinforcement?

1. Positive 2. Negative

What are the 3 levels of moral development?

1. Preconventional 2. Conventional 3. Postconventional

June Statham studied parents' efforts to raise their children in nonsexist fashion. Identify the obstacles that the parents encountered while encouraging their children to play with gender-neutral toys.

1. Relatives would give the children gender-typed toys. 2. Toy stores mostly sell gender-typed toys.

Which statements about Internet use in Saudi Arabia are true?

1. Saudi women are allowed to use the Internet to discuss women's health issues. 2. Authorities use the Internet to disseminate official propaganda.

What are the 4 stages of cognitive development?

1. Sensorimotor 2. Preoperational 3. Concrete Operational 4. Formal Operational

According to how Karl Marx explains the global spread of Western industry, place the events in chronological order.

1. Several producers sell products in the same market. 2. Competition motivates producers to manufacture their goods more cheaply and sell them more cheaply. 3. Producers seek new, cheaper sources of labor and materials, and new markets where their products will command higher prices. 4. When several producers have entered a new market, the cycle repeats.

Which of the following are among the conclusions Theda Skocpol reached through her well-known study of national revolutions?

1. State structures are as important as class structures for deciding whether a revolution succeeds. 2. State structures can be strengthened or weakened by international events.

Identify each item as typical of either traditional or modern societies.

1. The elderly find rewards in an outward-looking view of life. 2. The elderly are accorded great respect.

traditional societies

1. The elderly find rewards in an outward-looking view of life. 2. The elderly are accorded great respect.

Modern societies

1. The elderly have fewer responsibilities than the middle aged. 2. The elderly are materially less well off than the middle aged.

Which of the following are among the basic standards sociological research must meet in order to be considered scientific?

1. The findings must be reproducible by other researchers. 2. The research must reach conclusions that go beyond what was observed.

Identify the correct and incorrect statements about the depiction of male and female characters in children's stories, as documented by Lenore Weitzman and colleagues.

1. The gender imbalance was more lopsided for animal characters than human ones. 2. Male characters engaged in more adventurous activities.

Carol Gilligan sees a connection between girls' psychological development and women's moral outlook. Girls are taught to subordinate their own needs to---- Consequently, women's ethical views focus on care and other relational activities, and are more ----- than men's views, in which rule-following and ----- are the primary concerns.

1. The needs of others 2. flexible 3. individual freedom

According to June Statham's research, identify the statements about the experiences of families committed to nonsexist child rearing as either true or false.

1. There are more storybooks available with nontraditional female characters than nontraditional male characters. 2. Most children of nonsexist parents still possessed gender-typed toys given to them by relatives.

Identify the following as advantages of surveys

1. They can efficiently collect data on large numbers of individuals. 2. They have specialized agencies collect data and researchers who perform careful analysis.

Which statements about the positive effects of video games have been documented by researchers?

1. Video games can strengthen spatial abilities and cognitive development. 2. When parents and children play together, video game time constitutes quality family time.

Which questions would be asked by someone studying semiotics?

1. Why do high buildings represent prestige? 2. How do various cultures give meaning to the color pink?

Identify whether race is functioning as either a master status or self-identity in the following scenarios. Note that Will is a man whose mother is white and whose father is Afro-Caribbean.

1. Will is a skateboarder and science fiction buff, but people treat him first and foremost as a black man. 2. Regardless of how Will describes himself, people generally refer to him as "black."

In a social science context, which results would generally indicate a strong correlation between two variables?

1. a correlation coefficient of 0.8 2. a correlation coefficient of -0.8

Which challenges has China faced in its efforts to become a major player in the global market for consumer electronics and other tech sector products?

1. a culture that does not value unconventional thinking 2. inflexible college admission policies based solely on test results

Place the following in chronological order, based on George Herbert Mead's theory of the development of the social self.

1. a sense of the self as "I," a bundle of wants and desires 2. a sense of the self as "me," the object of others' perceptions 3. a sense of society and its expectations as the "generalized other"

Which behaviors would an evolutionary biologist like Edward O. Wilson most likely say are genetically programmed?

1. an infant's "rooting" to find the mother's breast nipple 2. a mother's attachment to her children 3. the widespread pattern of men having more power than women 4. a tendency in men toward sexual promiscuity

In 2014, more than 3,000 American parents were asked which of 12 qualities they felt were most important to instill in their children. According to the survey, place the four chosen qualities in order of importance.

1. being responsible 2. helping others 3. creativity 4. religious faith

Select the bolded terms that refer to agents of socialization best classified as mass media.

1. cartoons 2. articles 3. newspapers 4. magazines 5. videos 6. podcasts

A 2005 study identified five themes in the messages that African Americans received from their parents about what it means to be black. Which items were among those themes?

1. color blindness 2. deference to and fear of whites 3. racial group pride

Place the steps for conducting a survey in order from first to last.

1. create a preliminary draft of survey questions 2. conduct a pilot study 3. identify problems with the survey questions 4. revise and finalize the survey questions 5.collect data from the main survey sample

Place the steps of the research process in order from first to last.

1. define the research problem 2. review the literature 3. make the problem precise 4. work out a design 5. carry out the research 6. interpret the results 7. report the findings

Historically, which were common characteristics of hunting and gathering societies?

1. extreme poverty by modern standards 2. highly developed religious rituals

Which obstacles would a field researcher engaged in participant observation encounter?

1. feelings of isolation 2. dishonest interview subjects 3. physical danger

Identify which changes in social roles define the beginning of midlife, according to sociologists.

1. for women, when they enter menopause 2. for families, the "empty nest" stage (when children leave the family home)

Name at least two explanations for the gender gap in health

1. greater life expectancy and age bring poorer health 2. women make greater use of medical services, including preventative care, meaning that they get the proper medical attention to continue living since men are socialized to be "tough" about it

Which of the following has sociologist Frank Furstenberg identified as critical for a young person's transition into mature adulthood?

1. having a child 2. getting married 3. finishing school

Place the societies in chronological order, according to when they appeared

1. hunting and gathering societies 2. pastoral societies 3. traditional societies 4. industrialized societies

Place the societies in chronological order, according to when they appeared.

1. hunting and gathering societies 2. pastoral societies 3. traditional societies 4. industrialized societies

Relative to American culture today, which of the following could be considered a subculture?

1. hunting enthusiasts 2. skateboarders

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about Max Weber.

1. influenced 2. rejected 3. economic 4. materialist

Suppose a sociologist wanted to study a global community of online gamers who all play the same multiplayer game. Which of the following activities could realistically be part of the research?

1. online interviews 2. analyzing player statistics, such as time played and level achieved 3. becoming a player and observing interactions in real time

Ella has just learned to use words to represent objects and images, thus, she is in the ---- stage. Jaime makes noise with his stroller, and doesn't realize that he is separate from the stroller, thus, he is in the ---- stage. Shirley says, "Cold makes water freeze," mastering abstract, logical notions. Shirley is in the ----stage.

1. preoperational 2. sensorimotor 3. concrete operational

According to Jean Piget, place the stages that a developing child moves through in order from first to last. *Preoperational *formal operational *sensorimotor *concrete operational

1. sensorimotor 2. Preoperational 3. concrete operational 4. formal operational

According to Jean Piaget, place the stages of a developing child in chronological order.

1. sensorimotor 2. preoperational 3. concrete operational 4. formal operational

Which of the following are examples of material culture?

1. smartphones 2. paved roads and associated signage

Which skills do young people typically acquire upon entering the workforce?

1. the ability to work independently 2. the management of one's emotions 3. the ability to get along with non-family members

Identify the themes that are important in Émile Durkheim's thought.

1. the division of labor 2. the social factors that lead to suicide

Which items are among the forces that contribute to a globalization of culture?

1. the proliferation of international organizations, such as the United Nations 2. the emergence of a class of "global citizens"

After Robert Park's earlier experience in philosophy in Europe, which of the following did he later tell his students?

1. to wear out their shoe leather gathering data 2. to get the seat of their pants dirty doing real research

Which items represent proof of the emergence of humanlike culture?

1. toolmaking 2. the deliberate use of fire 3. planned hunting in groups

Which two areas of study did Robert Park believe were proper subjects for sociology?

1. urban life 2. immigration

ID at least two reasons why the gender gap in life expectancy may narrow in the future?

1. women's life expectancies may erode and thus become more similar to men's 2. as men and women's gender roles have converged over the past several years, women have taken on unhealthy "male-typed" behaviors such as smoking and alcohol use

4 things needed for collective action to contest or overthrow an existing social order

1.) Organization 2.) Mobilization 3.) Common Interest 4.) Opportunity

When we view the world through the prism of the sociological imagination, in which ways are we affected

1.We gain in self-understanding. 2.We see the social world from many perspectives. 3.We are better able to assess the results of public policy initiatives.

Which of the following are involved in the process of socialization during childhood?

1.achieving a distinct sense of self 2.developing an awareness of social norms and values

In their writings, Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Lee Whorf suggested that our shapes our : We tend to notice things we Thus, someone with a is more likely to notice whether snow is powdery, granular, or slushy. This person sees snow differently than someone for whom snow is a novelty.

1.language 2.thoughts: 3.have words for 4.large snow vocabulary

four functions of a family

1.sexual regulation 2.socialization 3.economic and psychological support 4.provision of social status

How many sexual orientations did Judith Lober find?


Alexis de Tocqueville, visiting the United States in ________, sought to understand how _________ worked. He observed that Americans were more likely than Europeans to engage in ____________.

1831, democracy, civic activities

Alexis de Tocqueville, visiting the United States in... sought to understand how...worked. He observed that Americans were more likely than Europeans to engage in... Wordbank: *Churches *Civic activity *Democracy *1775 *1831 *Representative Government

1831...democracy...civic activity

When did people feel freed from strict moral codes (sex) that governed earlier generations?

1920s, just after WWII- people felt freed from the strict moral codes that governed earlier generations

when did homosexuality get taken out of the DSM?


Out of twelve women in the US, how many have been raped? What percentage of those rapes are reported?

2/12. 36% of rapes have been reported

What % of Anorexia victims die

20% of Anorexia victims die

How many times more likely is a black woman to get HIV than a white woman?


How many countries allow gay marriage?

22 countries

What percentage of people living in poverty in the United States in 2010 were immigrants?


What percentage of people living in poverty in the United States in 2010 were immigrants? *46.2% *11.9% *25.8% *74.2%


What % of people are homosexual or bi?

3-8% due to stigma, a lot of people do not vote.

What is the average age of video and computer gamers today?

31 years old

The table shows the changing car ownership rates for five different nations over time. What is the percentage drop in cars per 1,000 people in the United States between 2001 and 2011? Type your answer as a positive number, rounded to the nearest whole percent.


How many women and men suffer from eating disorders

5 million women and 3 million men suffer from binge eating disorder

Approximately what percentage of violent crimes end in arrest?


How much more likely are LGBTQ people to commit suicide than white people?


What is the definition of functionalism?

A theoretical perspective based on the notion that social events can best be explained in terms of the functions they perform -that is, the contributions they make to the continuity of society

Political Economy of Aging

A theory that emphasizes the broad implications of political and economic forces that contribute to constructions of old aging and age

What is the social learning theory?

A theory that states that identity formation is a learned response from external social stimuli.

Liberal democracies

A type of representative democracy in which elected representatives hold power have free markets and adhere to a democratic form of government

In thirteen century painting, the infant Jesus is depicted with an adult face and an adult bodily proportions. What aspect of culture does this depiction reflect?

A view of children as miniature adults

What is the life course perspective?

A way to describe and analyze the connections between people, their life events, their roles, and the social and historical aspects of those things.

What percentage of people living in poverty in the United States in 2016 were immigrants?

About 25 percent

According to Garland, the reason the US is unique among liberal democratic countries in...the death penalty is not because of..., but because our system of government leaves decisions about capital punishment to.... WORDBANK: Voters, peremitting, elites, culture, state courths, opposing

According to Garland, the reason the US is unique among liberal democratic countries in PERMITTING the death penalty is not because of CULTURE, but because our system of government leaves decisions about capital punishment to STATE COURTS

According to Robert Merton, ...increased in modern society despite decreasing ... because of..., or the recognition that one has less than one's peers. WORDBANK: crime rates, anomie, affluence, relative deprivation, inequality, norms

According to Robert Merton, CRIME RATES increased in modern society despite decreasing AFFLUENCE because of RELATIVE DEPRIVATION, or the recognition that one has less than one's peers.

postmodernist perspectives

According to postmodern theories, we have experienced a significant decline in the influence of the family and other social institutions.

Collective Action

Action undertaken in a relatively spontaneous way by a large number of people assembled together Example of Resource Mobilization

At what age are people in the conventional level of moral development? How is the moral judgment developed?

Adolescence. Moral judgment is developed from cultural norms.

Example of an exchange is the child's speech egocentric?

Adult: I like hot dogs Child: I like fire trucks

At what age are people in the postconventional level of moral development? What are people able to consider? What does this show?

Adulthood. People are able to consider abstract ethical questions, which shows maturity in moral reasoning.

less developed are in the periphery

Advanced or develop countries are the core & what else?

Proportion of HIV victims who are black

African Americans are 14% of the United States population, but 47% of its victims

What is ageism?

Age prejudice and discrimination.

What is the name for a group of similarly ages young men or women whom in a small traditional society, together undergo initiation into adulthood and typically maintain close social connections thereafter



Ageism plays a role in elder abuse

What is the key difference between pastoral and agrarian societies?

Agrarian societies grow crops for food, while pastoral societies raise livestock.

source of meat Correct label: household pet, treated fondly Correct label: scavenger, useful as guard animal Correct label:

Akha (northern Thailand), American, Guatemalan Indian

Fill in Blank

Alexis de Tocqueville, visiting the United States in 1831, sought to understand how democracy worked. He observed that Americans were more likely than Europeans to engage in civic activities.

wrote about living with a group of boys on the run from the law

Alice Goffman


All people should have the chance to advance by "pulling themselves up by their bootstraps."

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about Max Weber.

Although Weber was influenced by Karl Marx, he rejected some of Marx's doctrines. Weber agreed that economic factors matter, but he rejected Marx's materialist conception of history.

"A hiker wades into a rain-swollen river to rescue someone else's dog." *Rationally self-interested *Neither Rationally self-interested nor altruistic *Altruistic


After reviewing data from the General Social Survey for the years 1985-2004, what conclusion about Americans' social ties did one team of researchers reach?

Americans have fewer closer friends than they did in the past

If social facts were taken away we could dive into what

An anomie

dependency theory

An approach that contends that industrialized nations continue to exploit developing countries for their own gain.

created environment

An environment made up of constructions established by human beings to serve their needs, derived from the use of man-made technology - including, for example, roads, railways, factories, offices, private homes, and other buildings

What is the Glass ceiling effect?

An invisible barrier limiting career advancement of women and minorities

What is the definition of anomie?

Anomie is the feeling of aimlessness or despair provoked by modern social life. It influences suicide.

Institutional Abuse

Any act or omission directed at a resident of a living facility that causes the person harm

What is the principle that Robert Michels calls "the iron law of oligarchy" for bureaucratic organizations?

Any large organization inevitable becomes an oligarchy

What is the principle that Robert Michels calls "the iron law of oligarchy" for bureaucratic organizations?

Any large organization inevitably becomes an oligarchy.

What makes a social fact a social constraint?

Any person who ignores the social fact will encounter difficulty.

How do Akha (northern Tailand) see dogs?

As a source of meat

Match each Chinese Internet resource to the correct Western equivalent: Google *Renren *Baidu *Sina Weibo


Why do studies reveal that gay men and lesbians experience a high incidence of violent crime and harassment?

Because of stigmatization and public displays of sexuality

What is the definition for the social construction of reality

Behavior thats easily observable and is the same between contexts. Many aspects of society are real based on what individuals believe them to be (ex: forms that make us fill in our race. So race is socially constructed)

What is Racism?

Beliefs, thoughts, and actions based on the ideas that one race is innately superior to another race

How cant social facts be explained

Biologically or psychology

Is robbery a crime, deviance or both?


What is white priviledge symbolized as?

C be seen as an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, assurances, tools, maps, guides, codebooks, passports, visas, clothes, compass, emergency gear, and blank checks

Why, according to some researchers, is the nature of childhood as distinct stage of life diminishing in modern societies?

Children are consuming the same entertainment as adults

At what age are people in the preconventional level of moral development? How are they thinking about right and wrong?

Childhood. Right and wrong are judged in terms of obedience and punishment based on their needs and feelings.

George Ritzer identifies "A medical office keeps track of the number of patients each doctor sees per day" as what *Control *Efficiency *Calculability *Uniformity


What is Karl Marx's most important work? *Capital *Positive philosophy *The Protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism *The division of labor in society


Which sociologist believed that a child's learning of gender differences centers on the child's care for, or independence from, other people *Carol Gilligan *Nancy Chodorow *Sigmund Freud

Carol Gilligan

Carol Gilligan sees a connection between girls' psychological development and women's moral outlook. Girls are taught to subordinate their own needs to ... Consequently, women's ethical views focus on care and other relational activities, and are more ... than men's views, in which rule -following and ... are the primary concerns. Wordbank: The demands of justice, the needs of others, flexible, rigid individual freedom

Carol Gilligan sees a connection between girls' psychological development and women's moral outlook. Girls are taught to subordinate their own needs to THE NEEDS OF OTHERS Consequently, women's ethical views focus on care and other relational activities, and are more FLEXIBLE than men's views, in which rule -following and INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM are the primary concerns.

What is the definition of interactional vandalism?

Cases like these in which a subordinate person breaks the tacit rules of everyday interaction that are of value to a more powerful person

Which challenges has China faced in its efforts to become a major player in the global market for consumer electronics and other tech sector products

Challenge(s) a culture that does not value unconventional thinking inflexible college admission policies based solely on test results Not Challenge(s) a culture that does not value hard work lack of government funding for innovative research poor-quality, pre-university education

Which of the following are characteristics of traditional civilizations?

Characteristic(s) Art and science flourished in these societies. They were expansionist empires. At least part of the population was concentrated in cities. Not Characteristic(s) Their economy of food production was predominantly pastoral.

Which of the following are among the conclusions Theda Skocpol reached through her well-known study of national revolutions?

Conclusion(s) State structures are as important as class structures for deciding whether a revolution succeeds. State structures can be strengthened or weakened by international events. Not Conclusion(s) The success of a revolution depends mainly on the strength of the social movement behind it. Revolutions can be predicted, based on events unfolding months prior.

Why do sociologists think it is important to understand why people tend to conform to group pressure?

Conformity can lead to destructive behavior

Why do sociologists think it is important to understand why people tend to conform to group pressure?

Conformity can lead to destructive behavior.

"People conform because it serves their self-interest" *Conformity is rational and prudent *People believe in the social order *People are socialized to conform.

Conformity is rational and prudent

What do Innovators do?

Conforms to goals, but rejects how to achieve them

What do Conformists do?

Conforms to norms and how to achieve them

What's the definition of a ritualist?

Conforms to socially acceptable means but has lost sight of the goals

George Ritzer identifies "an auto maintenance shop has a website where car owners make appointments without speaking to a human scheduler" as what? *Control *Efficiency *Calculability *Uniformity


A couple that frequently engages in drug related crimes discovers that the woman is pregnant. The young woman stops partying and using drugs to care for herself and her future child, while her male partner continues his previous activities is an example of what?

Control theory

What is the definition of control theory?

Control theory posits that crime results from an imbalance between impulses toward criminal activity and the social or physical control tat deters it. Control theory assumes that people act rationally and that, given the opportunity, everyone would engage in deviant acts.

Which expression comes closest to being a synonym for ethnomethodology?

Conversational norms

When research is carried out, difficulties may arise that could force the researcher to rethink his or her initial strategy. Which of the following are examples of such difficulties?

Correct Answer(s) A government agency may not cooperate as expected. Interview subjects may be unexpectedly hard to contact. Incorrect Answer(s) The research hypothesis may turn out to be mistaken. Computational analysis of the data may be prohibitively difficult.

Which items represent a proper use, in a sociological context, of the word signifier?

Correct Answer(s) Adjusting one's hair is a signifier of romantic interest. A word is a signifier of meaning. Incorrect Answer(s) A lion in the street is a signifier that the circus has come to town. A dream about water is a signifier for death.

Which locations still have hunting and gathering societies?

Correct Answer(s) Australia India Incorrect Answer(s) Antarctica mainland Southeast Asia

Which nations are considered emerging economies?

Correct Answer(s) China Mexico Incorrect Answer(s) Italy North Korea

Which three revolutions did Theda Skocpol examine for her landmark 1979 work, States and Social Revolutions?

Correct Answer(s) China's 1949 Communist Revolution The French Revolution of 1789 Russia's 1917 Communist Revolution Incorrect Answer(s)

Which of the following measurement methods would yield results that can be generalized to the student population of a large university?

Correct Answer(s) Comprehensive school records are used to randomly select a sample group of one hundred students, who will fill out a short questionnaire. School records are used to select one hundred students from different categories (male and female, white and non-white, etc.) in numbers that mirror the overall student population. These students will fill out a short questionnaire. Incorrect Answer(s) Five students are randomly selected for in-depth interviews, each lasting half an hour. Students passing by a campus booth are invited to fill out a questionnaire. Several hundred students do so.

Identify which reasons apply to why sociologists would take part in efforts to achieve social change and which do not.

Correct Answer(s) It only makes sense, in attacking a social problem, to involve someone with expertise. It would be odd if, having studied a social problem, a sociologist had no opinion on the solution. Incorrect Answer(s) Sociology aims to be rigorously scientific in its account of human group behavior. The study of what is best for society is a question only sociology can address.

Identify which reasons apply to why sociologists would take part in efforts to achieve social change and which do not.

Correct Answer(s) It would be odd if, having studied a social problem, a sociologist had no opinion on the solution. It only makes sense, in attacking a social problem, to involve someone with expertise. Incorrect Answer(s) The study of what is best for society is a question only sociology can address. Sociology aims to be rigorously scientific in its account of human group behavior.

Identify the ways in which nation-states differ from earlier state-like societies.

Correct Answer(s) Nation-states have well defined national borders. Nation-states have national cultures. Incorrect Answer(s) Nation-states cover a much larger geographic area. Nation-states maintain standing armies.

Identify each statement about cultural conformity as correct or incorrect.

Correct Statement(s) Non-conformity can itself become a kind of conformity. Conformity is obtained through the teaching of norms and through social control. Incorrect Statement(s) All cultures demand a high degree of conformity from individual members. Cultural norms tend to be obeyed unquestioningly.

Which items are among Harriet Martineau's methodological insights and are significant for sociologists today? *An analysis of a society must include all its members. *An analysis on society should focus on the most influential institutions. *Sociologists should seek to benefit society, not just observe. *Sociology should not try to model itself on the natural sciences.

Correct: *Sociologists should seek to benefit society, not just observe. *An analysis of a society must include all its members. Incorrect: *An analysis of a society must include all its members. *An analysis on society should focus on the most influential institutions.

When we view the world through the prism of the sociological imagination, in which ways are we affected? *We see the social world from many different perspectives *We you appreciate the importance of a neutral and impartial perspective about the issues. *We are better able to assess the results of public policy initiatives *We gain in self understanding.

Correct: *We see the social world from many different perspectives *We are better able to assess the results of public policy initiatives *We gain in self understanding. Incorrect: *We you appreciate the importance of a neutral and impartial perspective about the issues.

What is the process of socialization about during childhood? *Developing an awareness of social norms and values *Learning how to to look after one's self-interest in a social setting *Achieving a distinct sense of self *Learning how to communicate with other people

Correct: *Developing an awareness of social norms and values *Achieving a distinct sense of self Incorrect: *Learning how to communicate with other people *Learning how to to look after one's self-interest in a social setting

Identify which reasons apply to why sociologists would take part in efforts to achieve social change and which do not: *The study of what is best for society is a question only sociology can address. *It only makes sense, in attacking a social problem, to involve someone with expertise. *It would be odd if, having studied a problem, a sociologist had no opinion of the problem. *Sociology aims to be rigorously scientific in its account in human behavior.

Correct: *It only makes sense, in attacking a social problem, to involve someone with expertise. *It would be odd if, having studied a problem, a sociologist had no opinion of the problem. Incorrect: *The study of what is best for society is a question only sociology can address. *Sociology aims to be rigorously scientific in its account in human behavior.

Determine whether each item is or is not an example of a social construction. *Yellow skin is an indicator of liver disease. *Heavy foot traffic eventually damages grass. *People shake hands to signal friendly intentions. *Green paper rectangles can be used to buy things.

Correct: *People shake hands to signal friendly intentions. *Green paper rectangles can be used to buy things. Incorrect: *Yellow skin is an indicator of liver disease. *Heavy foot traffic eventually damages grass.


Corruption of the design of our representative democracy Macro-level systemic (structural) corruption of democratic process The idea that you can control the nomination of a candidate but you can make look like a democracy, where everyone votes for the candidate The Tweeds get to nominate and the rets get to select who wins

Is jaywalking a crime, deviance, or both?


What is a white-collar crime?

Criminal activities carried out by those in a white collar, or professional jobs

Which items represent cultural "scripts" in contemporary America?

Cultural Script(s) Someone sneezes and someone else says, "Bless you." A restaurant dining room host smiles at an arriving party of diners, picks up some menus, and leads the group to a table. Not Cultural Script(s) A pedestrian jumps out of the way of a bicyclist driving recklessly. Someone getting ready for bed habitually brushes his teeth, dons pajamas, and feeds the dog—always in the same order.

Which of the following represent cultural universals?

Cultural Universal(s) the institution of marriage religious rituals the practice of gift-giving Not Cultural Universal(s) written language

"It is okay in countries where it is established practice, but it is also okay to ban it elsewhere" an example of.. *Neither relativism nor ethnocentrism *Ethnocentrcism *Cultural relativism

Cultural relativism

Moral alchemy

Damned if you do, damned if you dont. It is in this sense that love can lead to what we will call moral alchemy: caring for others (and indeed the moral obligation to do so) allows propositions with little or no moral weight in themselves to become morally charged.

Identify a puzzle that the research could help to solve.

Define the research problem.

What is Primary Deviation?

Defining a deviant behavior Ex: Smashing a Window

What is relative deprivation?

Deprivation a person feels by comparing himself with a group

Relative Deprivation

Deprivation people feel by comparing themselves with a group Example of Economic Deprivation theory: holds that protests occur when there is a discrepancy between people's daily life and what they realistically believe they can achieve its not when people are at their worst that political revolution happens, it happens when there is a small opportunity

According to Molotoch, which of the following measures would make us safer from terrorist attacks than racial and physical profiling would? *Institute racial profiling, particularly in sensitive security areas such as airports. *Control the flow of individuals and groups in public spaces *Design security measures that align with decency norms *Increase the use of sophisticated screening technology *Use surveillance technology in a targeted manner to coordinate security efforts

Design security measures that align with decency norms

According to Molotch, which of the following measures would make us safer from terrorist attacks than racial and physical profiling would?

Design security measures that align with decency norms.

"A website for people interested in fine food and drink" *Global spread of one culture or kind of culture *Undermining of an existing dominant culture *Preservation of a local culture *Development of a non-geographic subculture

Development of a non-geographic subculture

interviewed people about their romantic breakups

Diane Vaughan

Which interactionist theory suggests that individuals become deviant when exposed to a higher level of deviant persons and influences, compared with conventional influences?

Differential association theory

Disagreeing with Freud, Nancy Chodorow takes the position that ..., not ... is defined by loss, in the form of separation from ... This separation leads to later difficulty in maintaining close personal relationships, and to what has been called male ... *masculinity, dominance, femininity, the mother, inexpressiveness, the father

Disagreeing with Freud, Nancy Chodorow takes the position that MASCULINITY, not FEMININITY is defined by loss, in the form of separation from THE MOTHER This separation leads to later difficulty in maintaining close personal relationships, and to what has been called male INEXPRESSIVENES

Who is tied to social facts


What, according to Simmel, are the key features of a dyad?

Dyads tend to be unstable. The relationship in a dyad tends to be intense

According to social science research, which of the following are effects of social media, such as Facebook?

Effect(s) In the United States, people who use Facebook have slightly more close friendships than people who don't. Among young adults, use of Facebook leads to a slightly less sense of well being in comparison to those who reported increased direct contact with friends. Not Effect(s) Among Chinese youth, the use of Facebook leads to lowered self-esteem. Women typically get a small boost in self-esteem from using Facebook.

George Ritzer identifies "a restaurant keeps the dining area heavily air conditioned so patrons do not feel cozy and inclined to linger" as what? *Control *Efficiency *Calculability *Uniformity



Elder abuse is understood as either a consequence of caregiver stress or dysfunctional familial dynamics



Whats the definition of a conformist?

Embraces socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve those goals.

The division of labor goes best with which sociologist? *Emile Durkheim *Karl Marx *Max Weber

Emile Durkheim

Which sociologist believed that "a growing division in labor in which people play specialized roles" *Emile Durkheim *Max Weber *Karl Marx

Emile Durkheim

Which sociologist offered a functionalist theory of the causes of suicide?

Emile Durkheim

"Plotting revenge against a disloyal friend" *toward emotions *toward self-interest *toward habit *toward higher values


What is the main challenge in programming computers to converse with human beings?

Equipping computers with the necessary shared understanding

"It is genital mutilation, a primitive practice. Those people need to joining the modern world" an example of... *Neither relativism nor ethnocentrism *Ethnocentrism *Cultural relativism


The term that refers to people's practice of judging other cultures by the standards of their own culture.


Which statement about networks is correct *Every network is a type of organization *Every social group represents a network *Every network represents a social group *Every social aggregate represents a network

Every social group represents a network

Which of the following are examples of an experimental study?

Example(s) A researcher deliberately drops a wallet in a public place and observes the reactions of passersby. A researcher compares the attitudes of two focus groups after each group watches a corporate training video. One video is narrated by a male voice, and the other, by a female voice. Not Example(s) A researcher sifts through data about divorce rates and gas prices, looking for a correlation. A researcher poses as a store clerk and documents several varieties of shoplifting behavior over a period of time.

Which items are examples of nationalism?

Example(s) of Nationalism An ethnic group raises a military to fight for independence. A country begins a war over territory that has only symbolic value. Not Example(s) of Nationalism One country invades another country to seize its natural resources. A nation with a weak central government is torn by civil strife.


Excessive body weight, indicated by a BMI over 30

According to George Herbert Mead's theory, all people are born as an "I," and only a few people advance to become a "me."


Because it relies on empirical investigation, sociology is, for the most part, the same as natural science.


For a group of people with distinctive values and behaviors to be considered a subculture, it must reject most of the norms and values of the dominant culture.


For a group of people with distinctive values and behaviors to be considered a subculture, it must reject most of the norms and values of the dominant culture. True or False?


If there is a correlation between two variables A and B, it may be because A causes B, or because B causes A, but it cannot be both.


In the United States, standardized testing was introduced into the university admissions process to limit the number of Jewish students entering Ivy League schools.


Like common facial expressions, many gestures and bodily postures have universal, cross-cultural meanings. True or False


True or false. Bureaucracy is firmly established as the final stage in the development of modern formal organizations


True or false: Studies have shown that for children in day care, the quality of the day care has a greater influence on later developmental outcomes than the quality of the parenting the children receive at home.


In the United States, standardized testing was introduced into the university admissions process to limit the number of Jewish students entering Ivy League schools. TRUE OR FALSE?


What's an example of reintegrative shaming?

Family and friends are asked to come to court to explain why their loved one has disappointed them, and to promise that they will help him restitution in the community.

A young woman suspected of prostitution is arrested and given a longer prison sentence than a young male prostitute arrested under similar circumstances is an example of what

Femininity norms

"A concern for the rights of transgender persons" *Feminism *Marxism *Postmodernism


Which of the following have the advantage of either a field experiment or laboratory experiment?

Field Experiment size of study groups naturalness of setting generalizability Laboratory Experiment ability to control variables

What is Symbolic Interaction?

Focuses on how gender is seen through clothes in life and the things that define gender

Classify each example of social control as formal or informal.

Formal A social worker explains to a child that the law requires kids to attend some form of school. A police officer directs traffic near the venue of a major sporting event. Informal An adult scowls and shakes her head at a child, not hers, playing roughly in a store aisle with toys pulled off the shelves. A paramedic shouts at a patient to slow down in the hospital parking lot.

Classify each example of social control as formal or informal: *A social worker explains to a child that the law requires kids to attend some form of school. *A paramedic shouts at a patient to slow down in the hospital parking lot. *An adult scowls and shakes her heat at a child. *A police officer directs traffic near the venue of a major sporting event.

Formal: *A police officer directs traffic near the venue of a major sporting event. *A social worker explains to a child that the law requires kids to attend some form of school. Informal *A paramedic shouts at a patient to slow down in the hospital parking lot. *An adult scowls and shakes her heat at a child.

Which interactional settings are examples of "front region" or "Back region" as Erving Goffman calls them? *A group of high school students stages a protest over the school's parking policy. *A professor professionally emails a reporter about illegal hiring practices at the college she works at *Two teachers chat over sack lunches in the department's break room *A blogger puts up a series of posts about a recent school shooting.

Front Region: *A group of high school students stages a protest over the school's parking policy. *A blogger puts up a series of posts about a recent school shooting. Back region: A professor professionally emails a reporter about illegal hiring practices at the college she works at *Two teachers chat over sack lunches in the department's break room

"Sonia changed her job because there was a greater demand for workers in the new job" *Functionalism *Rational Choice Theory *Symbolic interactionism


Durkheim is tied to what


Which theory argues that crime occurs when the aspirations of individuals or groups do not match available opportunities in society?


How does Tweedism affect our democracy?

Funding is its own nomination process in the U.S Money primary: The elites can knock out people who they dont see as being in line with the elite ideologies (many reason to get through populist candidate in the U.S because they can get over this barrier Party primary: general election Voters opinions about actual policies have little influence on whether there is actual policy change, its about elite interest in how those policies are actually passed

What is Social Conflict theory?

Gender is a structural system that gives power to some and not to others

Which behaviors would an evolutionary biologist like Edward O. Wilson most likely say are genetically programmed?

Genetically Programmed an infant's "rooting" to find the mother's breast nipple the widespread pattern of men having more power than women a tendency in men toward sexual promiscuity a mother's attachment to her children

Food deserts

Geographic areas in which residents do not have easy access to high quality affordable food. These regions are concentrated in rural areas and poor urban neighborhoods.

Which sociological theorist first placed great emphasis on the innate differences between dyads and triads? *Charles Hudson Cooley *Stanley Milgram *Soloman Asch *Georg Simmel

Georg Simmel

Who created the idea of I vs. Me.

George Herbert Mead

Adult Protection Legislation

Gives a specifi c provincial health or social service department the responsibility top respond to the abuse or neglect cases that are brought to its attention

"An open-access information site such as Wikipedia" *Global spread of one culture or kind of culture *Undermining of an existing dominant culture *Preservation of a local culture *Development of a non-geographic subculture

Global spread of one culture or kind of culture

civil inattention

Goffman's concept that individuals in the same physical setting glance at each other and quickly look away to indicate awareness of each other but not intrusiveness


Government's legitimate use of power characteristics of the state


Group of persons who were born at the same historical time and who experience particular social changes within a given culture in the same sequence and at the given time

What is Pluralism?

Groups are different but equal

"Getting the mail out of the mailbox" *toward emotions *toward self-interest *toward habit *toward higher values


Ethnomethodology is tied to who

Harold Garfinkel. The idea of interrupting social settings to try to disturb

division of labor and industrialism

Has become more complex than any other prior type of production. In the modern world, the division of labor is international in scope

power & enforce free trade as long as it is to their advantage

Hegemonic powers maintain a Stable balance of what?

class struggles & the diffusion of technical advantages

Hegemony is temporary due to What?

"Studying to become a member of the clergy" *toward emotions *toward self-interest *toward habit *toward higher values

Higher values


Historical understanding of a social movements The use of an understanding of history as a basis for trying to change history- that is producing informed processes of social change

What is the central message of postmodernism? *Technology does humanity more harm than good *History follows no overarching plot or narrative *Society should return to the simpler ways of an earlier era *The content of mass media is driven by economic forces

History follows no overarching plot or narrative

What is the central message of postmodernism?

History follows no overarching plot or narrative.

Identify the themes that are important in Émile Durkheim's thought.

Important the social factors that lead to suicide the division of labor Not Important the importance of individual freedom rejection of the ideas of Auguste Comte

Goffman dealt with what in sociology?

Impression management Individuals are fragile and vulnerable Roles Status and social position

What findings did Vanda Lucia Zammuner report from a study of Dutch and Italian children's toy preferences?

In both countries, girls chose to play with gender-neutral toys more often than boys did. Italian children were more likely than Dutch children to prefer gender-specific toys.

aid to foreign countries & multinational organizations than any other countries

In dollar terms the U.S. government delivers far more what?

In most societies, those hardest hit by poverty live in...areas. Also,...end to be more disadvantaged than...But while economic growth tends to raise the lower-income classes out of poverty, paradoxically it does not automatically improve people's... Wordbank: men, women, rural, health, sense of wellbeing

In most societies, those hardest hit by poverty live in RURAL areas. Also, WOMEN tend to be more disadvantaged than MEN. But while economic growth tends to raise the lower-income classes out of poverty, paradoxically it does not automatically improve people's SENSE OF WELLBEING.

In their writings, Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Lee Whorf suggested that our...shapes our...We tend to notice things we...Thus, more likely to notice whether snow is powdery, granular, or slushy. This person sees snow differently than someone for whom snow is a novelty. Wordbank: thoughts, have a stake in, language, well acquainted with snow, with a large snow vocabulary, have words for

In their writings, Edward Sapir and his student Benjamin Lee Whorf suggested that our LANGUAGE shapes our THOUGHTS. We tend to notice things we HAVE WORDS FOR. Thus, someone WITH A LARGE SNOW VOCABULARY is more likely to notice whether snow is powdery, granular, or slushy. This person sees snow differently than someone for whom snow is a novelty.

When we view the world through the prism of the sociological imagination, in which ways are we affected?

Incorrect: We appreciate the importance of a neutral, impartial perspective about all social issues. Correct: We are better able to assess the results of public policy initiatives. ; We see the social world from many perspectives. ; We gain in self-understanding.

What is someone who is cisgender?

Individuals who gender identity matches their biological sex.

The textbook discusses the increased use of surveillance technologies and asks whether these might somehow eliminate deviance. To sociologists this raises a more challenging question of how might privacy and deviance be related to each other. Which of the following might describe the relationship between privacy and deviance?

Infringement of privacy leads to less deviance

What is instrumental rationalization

Instrumental rationalization is the form of reasoning that emphasizes an end point or goal.

What were the two forms of rational behavior according to Weber?

Instrumental vs. Value rational

What is intersectionality?

Interplay between class, race, gender to multiple levels of discrimination

What does the looking glass self explain?

It explains how our views of ourselves come from how we view our relationships.

In Max Weber's view, what is the problem with bureaucracy?

It is a threat to democracy.

What is conflict theories opinion on deviance?

It is socially constructed, the government can label it whatever they want

In sociology, how is the concept of identity understood?

It relates to people's understanding of who they are and what is meaningful to them.

The expansion of capitalism goes best with which sociologist? *Emile Durkheim *Karl Marx *Max Weber

Karl Marx

Which sociologist believed that "A classless society in which everyone prospers"? *Emile Durkheim *Max Weber *Karl Marx

Karl Marx

Constitutional monarchs

Kings or queens who are largely figureheads Symbolic monarchs power lies within the government ex: Queen of England

What does the preoperational stage of cognitive development say about what people are learning?

Language and symbols are starting to be used, but the person still can't think abstractly.

Social Movements

Large groups of people who seek to accomplish, or block, a process of social change #METOO Example of Citizenship Rights social movements want to accomplish or stop revolutions

A small country elects a new president who publicly poses as a self-made maverick and promises to shake things up and make the rest of the world take notice. Behind the scenes, however, he is known both locally and internationally as a skilled and well-connected dealmaker. Using Robert K. Merton's categories, identify each function of the popular vote as either manifest or latent. *The election results advance the country's interests. *The election results distract people from pressing social problems. *The election results make voters feel good about their country *The election results ensure that the status quo will be maintained.

Latent: *The election results distract people from pressing social problems. *The election results make voters feel good about their country *The election results ensure that the status quo will be maintained. Manifest: *The election results advance the country's interests

Civil Rights

Legal rights held by all citizens in a given national community bill of rights Example of Citizenship Rights

What is the main difference between microsociology and macrosociology? *Level of analysis *time scale of most research *size of investigative team *size of population being studied

Level of analysis

Status anxiety

Levels of depression and the resulting increases in sickness have been the result of a tendency to compare oneself to others, not as the result of income inequality.

How many people have tries CAM?

Like 38% of people have tried this >Usually white and Native American women

What does the concrete operational stage of cognitive development say about what people are learning?

Logical principles about the world are being learned.

What are examples of deviant subcultures?

Mafia families, Hell's Angels, and groups that embrace unusual sexual fantasies.

Which major roles does Apple Corporation play in China's economy?

Major Role(s) Its factories in China are a major source of jobs. It sells a lot of products in China. Not Major Role(s) It has brought about major changes in China's workplace culture. It competes with Chinese technology companies selling similar products.

Form a hypothesis that will be tested through observation.

Make the research problem precise.

What do Rebels do?

Makes new goals and new ways to achieve them

Classify each behavior or characteristic as a norm associated with either a female or male gender role.

Male: strong, good with tools Female: good at cooking, good at cleaning, attractive

A small country elects a new president who publicly poses as a self-made maverick and promises to shake things up and make the rest of the world take notice. Behind the scenes, however, he is known both locally and internationally as a skilled and well-connected dealmaker. Using Robert K. Merton's categories, identify each function of the popular vote as either manifest or latent.

Manifest The election results advance the country's interests. Latent The election results distract people from pressing social problems. The election results ensure that the status quo will be maintained. The election results make voters feel good about their country.

What is the definition of manifest and latent functions?

Manifest functions are the recognized and intended consequences of any social pattern, while latent functions are those unrecognized and unintended consequences

Solomon Asch studied people's tendency to conform to group norms by staging gatherings where members of a group were asked to compare a line to three reference lines, as shown here. What did Asch find?

Many people are reluctant to be the sole dissenting voice in a group

According to sociological research, what was one unintended consequence of public policy initiatives that led to large public-housing blocks built in city centers following World War II?

Many people who moved to the large apartment blocks felt isolated and unhappy.

How was prohibition racially motivated?

Marijuana: Mexican Cocaine: African American Men Heroin: Chinese

Place the sociological theories in order from broadest to narrowest scope.

Marx's theory of class struggle the theory of relative deprivation a theory of the moral development of children a symbolic-interactionist theory of dating

Place the sociological theories in order from broadest to narrowest scope.

Marx's theory of class struggle, the theory of relative deprivation, the theory of moral development of children, a symbolic-interactionist theory of dating

"A concern with the effects of wealth inequality" *Feminism *Marxism *Postmodernism


a concern with the effects of wealth inequality Correct label: a focus on the evolving nature of media consumption Correct label: a concern for the rights of transgender persons Correct label: feminism

Marxism postmodernism feminism

Which of the following are examples of material culture?

Material Culture smartphones paved roads and associated signage Not Material Culture "do not feed the trolls" as a norm in online discussion forums the use of slang and trendy phrases

The rationalization of social an economic life goes best with which sociologist? *Emile Durkheim *Karl Marx *Max Weber

Max Weber

Which sociologist believed that "A highly efficient bureaucracy that stifles human freedom" ? *Emile Durkheim *Max Weber *Karl Marx

Max Weber

a highly efficient bureaucracy that stifles human freedom Correct label: a growing division of labor in which people play specialized roles Correct label: a classless society in which everyone prospers Correct label:

Max Weber, Émile Durkheim, Karl Marx

What is symbolic interactionism?

Meaning is constructed face to face with interaction


Members of a political community who have both rights and duties associated with that membership characteristics of the state citizenship ex: being able to travel with a U.S passport

What is an ethnic group?

Members of ethnic groups see themselves as culturally distinct from other groups in a society, and are seen by those other groups to be so in return

What is the Class elevator effect?

Men are on a faster track of career advancement over women

What is a schema?

Mental categories that our minds put things into.

What is the definition of race socialization?

Messages about race that each generation passes on to the next

Identify each question as a topic in either microsociology or macrosociology.

Micro: 1. How do two drivers decide who goes first at a four-way stop? 2. How does a family conversation escalate into a shouting match? Macro: 1. How does the officer-enlisted relationship differ between a country's army and its navy? 2. How do some immigrant groups assimilate faster than others?

Identify each question as a topic in either microsociology or in macrosociology.

Microsociology How do two drivers decide who goes first at a four-way stop? How does a family conversation escalate into a shouting match? Macrosociology How does the officer-enlisted relationship differ between a country's army and its navy? How do some immigrant groups assimilate faster than others?

Identify each question as a topic in either microsociology or in macrosociology.

Microsociology How do two drivers decide who goes first at a four-way stop? How does a family conversation escalate into a shouting match? Macrosociology How do some immigrant groups assimilate faster than others? How does the officer-enlisted relationship differ between a country's army and its navy?

Match each term to its definition.

Mikhail changed jobs because the new one paid more and had better benefits. Correct label: rational choice theory Miles changed jobs because the new job would look good on his resume. Correct label: symbolic interactionism Sonia changed jobs because there was a greater demand for workers in the new job. Correct label: functionalism

What did Weber believe our actions were turning to ?


What, in broad terms, is the definition of social deviance?

Modes of action that don't conform to the norms or values held by most values of the group or society

What does over-criminalized mean?

More likely to be related to criminal activities in the eyes of society

Why is a child's peer group and even more important socializing agent today than in times past?

More small children spend time in day care or in a preschool setting.

What does the game stage in childhood socialization say about the roles of children?

Multiple roles can be taken on.

Which organization did W. E. B. Du Bois help found?


Which sociologist believed that a child's learning of gender differences centers on the child's attachment to, or estrangement from, the child's mother.

Nancy Chodorow

"A store clerk responds to an angry customer by suggesting they take it outside." *Rationally self-interested *Neither Rationally self-interested nor altruistic *Altruistic

Neither Rationally self-interested nor altruistic

"Clitoridectomies done in the traditional manner run the risk of infection" an example of.. *Neither relativism nor ethnocentrism *Ethnocentrcism *Cultural relativism

Neither relativism nor ethnocentrism

Is race a biological reality?

No, it's a social and political constraint

Are norms just laws?

No. its a norm to go 10 over the speed limit.

What is a Fair weathered liberal?

Non-prejudiced person who discriminates -Judge

What is the name given to a rule shared among a group that either prescribes a behavior (e.g., shaking hands upon meeting someone) or forbids it (e.g., picking one's nose in public)?


What is corporate crime?

Offenses committed by large corporations in society.

What is a probable social result of the longer lifespans and better health of older adults in the United States due to medical advancements and demographic changes?

Older adults will maintain an outer focus on social life, rather than focusing on inner resources.

In Stanley Milgram's classic experiment about people's obedience to authority, what fraction of subjects were obedient to the point of administering shocks they had been told were lethal?

One half

Which statement best describes the character of the Internet in its earliest years? *From the very start, the Internet was a highly egalitarian environment *Only an elite few individuals with special skills and resources had access *Initially, the Internet had an unsavory reputation and was avoided by people in prestigious professions *At first, the Internet appealed only to the high economic middle class.

Only an elite few individuals with special skills and resources had access

According to Émile Durkheim, a society can only endure over time if its specialized institutions function as an integrated whole—a form of social cohesion that Durkheim called __________ solidarity.


Which phrase did Émile Durkheim use to describe industrial societies held together by functional interdependence of their members on one another?

Organic solidarity

Larry Lessing

Our democracy no longer represents the people Tweedism

Which item represents a difficulty in social science that is normally not encountered in natural science?

Outcomes are affected by the presence of the observer.


Particular types of states, characteristics of the modern world, in which governments have sovereign power within defined territorial areas, and populations are citizens who know themselves to be part of single nations comprised of nations and states

"People have been taught to feel uncomfortable when they fail to conform" *Conformity is rational and prudent *People believe in the social order *People are socialized to conform.

People are socialized to conform

What does the formal operational stage of cognitive development say about how people are thinking?

People are thinking abstractly, and can imagine alternative realities.

"The social order embodies or promotes values people sincerely hold" *Conformity is rational and prudent *People believe in the social order *People are socialized to conform.

People believe in the social order

What is the meaning of the Latin word societas, from which we get the word society?

People bound together by relationships

How does pop singer Taylor Swift think social media encourages people, especially young women, to feel bad about themselves?

People compare their own lives, which they know from the inside, to idealized versions of other people's lives.

Sociologists have offered different explanations for the continued existence of social order—that is, for people's conformity to social rules. Match each behavioral explanation to the corresponding definition.

People have been taught to feel uncomfortable when they fail to conform: -People are socialized to conform. The social order embodies or promotes values people sincerely hold: -People believe in the social order. People conform because it serves their self-interest: -Conformity is rational and prudent.

In which ways does mature adulthood differ from mature adulthood in premodern societies?

People live significantly longer. People undergo more major life transitions. Individuals have more control over their lives.

People who happen to be gathered in one place but have no common identity and do not interact are called a social __________ .

People who happen to be gathered in one place but have no common identity and do not interact are called a social AGGREGATE.


People with a common identity that ideally includes shared culture, language, and feelings of belonging doesn't include all three

Which overall conclusion can be drawn from experiements like the one Salganik, Dodds, and Watts conducted dusing a Web0based artifical music market

People's behavior is heavily influenced by random factors art work in their social groups

What is Segregation?

Physical seperation of races

"A homeowner chases away intruders by brandishing a double-barreled shotgun" *Rationally self-interested *Neither Rationally self-interested nor altruistic *Altruistic

Rationally self-interested

What is Auguste Comte's most important work? *Capital *Positive philosophy *The Protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism *The division of labor in society

Positive philosophy

"A focus on the evolving nature of media consumption" *Feminism *Marxism *Postmodernism


What is Mertons Typology?

Prejudice and discrimination chart

What is Authoritarian Personality Theory?

Prejudice is a personality trait in some people

What is an Active Bigot?

Prejudiced and openly discriminatory

What is a Timid Bigot?

Prejudiced but does not discriminate

The phrase "audience segregation" refers to what?

Presenting different images of oneself to different groups of people

"A fundraising website for a county histroical society" *Global spread of one culture or kind of culture *Undermining of an existing dominant culture *Preservation of a local culture *Development of a non-geographic subculture

Preservation of a local culture


Processes of political change involving the mobilizing of a mass social movement, which by the use of violence and non-violence, successfully overthrows an existing regime and forms a new government Example of Citizenship Rights

Which items represent proof of the emergence of humanlike culture?

Proof of Humanlike Culture toolmaking the deliberate use of fire planned hunting in groups Not Proof of Humanlike Culture brains larger than those of other primates walking upright for long distances

Activity Aging

Proposes that positive aging occurs when older adults stay active and maintain social connections

Identify each research method as either qualitative or quantitative.

Qualitative An observer takes notes on the nonverbal behavior of members of a focus group for car commercials. Each person at a gathering of academics is invited to talk about his or her political views. Quantitative Each person in a sample group is recorded as being either a U.S. citizen or a citizen of another country. The number of people in a large gathering is recorded.


Race-based job discrimination is illegal.

Which of the following describe a random sampling method?

Random Sampling A health insurer uses a computer-generated random list of plan members to conduct a quality-control review. A store gives every twentieth customer a gift card in exchange for filling out a customer satisfaction questionnaire. Not Random Sampling A focus group, made up of volunteers, is asked what they think of three videos promoting water conservation. A journalist approaches a table at a political event and asks everyone at the table their opinion of the host organization.

"Mikhail changed jobs because the new one paid more and had better benefits" *Functionalism *Rational Choice Theory *Symbolic interactionism

Rational Choice Theory

Weber noticed what kind of outcome happening more often?

Rational outcome. He was worried people were losing common values.

Which sociologist developed strain theory as a functionalist account of social deviance?

Robert Merton

pioneered observational fieldwork in Chicago

Robert Park

A doctor is expected to see a certain number of patients per day to address them courteously, and to treat them in a medically appropriate way is due to: *Role *Status Social position


What does the play stage in childhood socialization say about the roles of children?

Roles are taken from significant people.

What are laws?

Rules of behavior established by a political authority and backed by state power

What are norms?

Rules of conduct that specify appropriate behavior in a given range of social situations

Using Karl Marx's theory, identify each item as a characteristic of either the ruling class or the working class.

Ruling Class Collectively, they are "the rich." They own capital, that is, the means of production. Working Class Collectively, they are "the poor." Their income consists of wages earned from employment.

In labeling theory, what is the difference between primary deviance and secondary deviance?

Secondary deviance is an eventual effect of primary deviance, where deviance begins

Rational outcome is tied to what kind of interest?

Self interest. It's like saying I bought a car because I want to get to a place quicker.

"Cheating on one's income tax returns" *toward emotions *toward self-interest *toward habit *toward higher values


What is the definition of a semiotic?

Semiotic is the analysis of nonverbal meanings.

What is the name for the form of colonialism in which citizens of the colonial power take up residence in large numbers in the occupied nation?

Settler colonialism

Place the events in order from first to last according to how Karl Marx explains the global spread of Western industry.

Several producers sell products in the same market, competition motivates producers to manufacture their goods more cheaply and sell them more cheaply, producers seek new cheaper sources of labor and materials, and new markets where their products will command higher prices when producers enter a new market, the cycle repeats

Place the events in order from first to last according to how Karl Marx explains the global spread of Western industry.

Several producers sell products in the same market. Competition motivates producers to manufacture their goods more cheaply and sell them more cheaply. Producers seek new, cheaper sources of labor and materials, and new markets where their products will command higher prices. When several producers have entered a new market, the cycle repeats.

Identify each item as an aspect of either sex or gender.

Sex Some people can grow beards, while others cannot. Some people's voices deepen significantly during puberty, while others' voices do not. Gender Some people are referred to as "he," others as "she." Some people can wear skirts and dresses without standing out, while others cannot.

Identify each item as an aspect of either sex or gender

Sex Some people's voices deepen significantly during puberty, while others' voices do not. Some people can grow beards, while others cannot. Gender Some people are referred to as "he," others as "she." Some people can wear skirts and dresses without standing out, while others cannot.

Whats the difference between Sex and gender?

Sex: What someone is born as (male/female) Gender: What someone identifies as, what norm you fit into

What is the definition of ideologies?

Shared ideas or beliefs that serve to justify the interests of dominant groups.

Which sociologist believed that a child's learning of gender differences centers on the child's possession or lack of a penis

Sigmund Freud

What is a Minority?

Simply disadvantaged as compared to the dominant group and thus have some sense of group solidarity

Match each Chinese Internet resource to the correct Western equivalent: Twitter *Renren *Baidu *Sina Weibo

Sina Weibo

Determine whether each item is or is not an example of a social construction.

Social Construction(s) People shake hands to signal friendly intentions. Green paper rectangles can be used to buy things. Not Social Construction(s) Yellow skin is an indicator of liver disease. Heavy foot traffic eventually damages grass.

Determine whether each item is or is not an example of a social construction.

Social Constructs: Green paper rectangles can be used to buy things. ; People shake hands to signal friendly intentions. Not Social Constructs: Heavy foot traffic eventually damages grass. ; Yellow skin is an indicator of liver disease.

Everyone at Chicago O'Hare Airport at noon on a given day are apart of ? *Social category *Social group *Social aggregate

Social aggregate

All unemployed males in North Carolina are apart of ? *Social category *Social group *Social aggregate

Social category

What constrains or enables behavior?

Social facts

The members of a masonic Lodge in LA are apart of? *Social category *Social group *Social aggregate

Social group

A doctor's profession is known or clearly visible to others, and he or she is often addressed or referred to using the title "doctor" is due to: *Role *Status Social position

Social position

Goffman is associated with what?

Social rule ( a set of expectations someone has)

When a group of female friends spends their time together in one another's homes, while a groups of male females goes to bars and are sometimes goaded in fighting is an example of what?


What is hegemonic masculinity?

Socials norms dictating that men should be strong, self-reliant, and unemotional

The term that refers to the use of biological principles to explain the social activities of human beings and other animals.


Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about sociological theory.

Sociologist 1. Émile Durkheim described how a society can endure over time only if its specialized institutions function as an integrated whole. This form of social cohesion is called 2. organic solidarity.

What is Culture Theory?

Some prejudice can be found in everyone because we are the products of a prejudiced culture

What is someone who is transgender?

Someone who identifies as or expresses a gender identity that differs from their sex at birth

What is someone who is intersex?

Someone who is possessing both male and female genitals.

What is a trans-exclusionary radical feminist?

Someone with the belief of "If you are a trans woman, you cannot be a feminist"

What is a rite of passage?

Something that marks the transition from one role to another.

What is a socialization agent?

Something that passes on social expectations.

Match each theory to the appropriate scenario.

Sonia changed jobs because there was a greater demand for workers in the new job. -Functionalism Mikhail changed jobs because the new one paid more and had better benefits. -rational choice theory. Miles changed jobs because the new job would look good on his resume. -symbolic interactionism

What is the cycle of prejudice?

Stage 1: Maintain power, prejudice, and discrimination Stage 2: Social disadvantage Stage 3: Belief in minorities inferiority

failed states

States in which the central government has lost authority and resorts to deadly force to retain power ex: governments crumble and trying to hold on to political control through violence characteristics of the state

A doctor is generally treated with respect, and most parents are happy if their child aspires to become a doctor is due to: *Role *Status Social position


What is the difference between reintegrative shaming and stigmatizing shaming?

Stigmatizing shaming is which the criminal is treated as an outcast. Reintegrative shaming is when people central to the immediate community are brought into court to state their condemnation of the offender's behavior. But at the same time these people must accept responsibility for reintegrating the offender back into the community

Which police strategy did sociologist Victor Rios deem responsible for mass criminalization of disadvantaged young men, and was recently declared unconstitutional in New York?

Stop and frisk

In a social science context, which correlation results would generally indicate a strong degree of connection between two variables?

Strong Correlation(s) a correlation coefficient of 0.8 a correlation coefficient of -0.8 Not Strong Correlation(s) a correlation coefficient of 0 a correlation coefficient of -0.4 a correlation coefficient of 0.5

People who are deviant often form a what


Relative to American culture today, which of the following could be considered a subculture?

Subculture(s) skateboarders hunting enthusiasts Not Subculture(s) incompetent doctors litterbugs

studies have found patterns in mobility within industrialized nations

Substantial similarities exist in the way parents positions in the stratification system are transmitted to their children, mobility opportunities in other nations have been influenced by structural factors, and immigration countries to be a significant factor in shaping a society level of inter-generational mobility

"Miles change jobs because the new job looks good on his resume" *Functionalism *Rational Choice Theory *Symbolic interactionism

Symbolic Interactionaism

symbolic interactionist perspectives

Symbolic interactionists focus on what people think and say and do within relationships.

What is Genocide?

Systematic killing of a race


Systems of government in which unelected kings or queens rule ex: Saudi Arabia

Which American sociologists were part of the functionalist tradition

Talcott Parsons Robert K. Merton

Technology and Social Movements

Technology is going to make the world a better place ex: Arab Springs In Egypt political rising against government. Political revolution group created by guy on facebook. Facebook used for good and bad.


Teenagers probably use smartphones so much because they are rude and selfish.

cultural relativism

Teenagers say they use smartphones because it is their main tool for staying connected with friends.

Structural strain

Tensions or grievances that lead to conflicting interest between groups

Why does Harvey L. Molotch argue that racial or physical profiling makes Americans less safe?

Terrorists can more easily avoid detection by sending people who do not fit these criteria

Match each author to the title of one of his most important works.

The Divison of Labor in a Society Correct label: Émile Durkheim Capital Correct label: Karl Marx Positive Philosophy Correct label: Auguste Comte The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Correct label: Max Weber

What is Max Weber's most important work? *Capital *Positive philosophy *The Protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism *The division of labor in society

The Protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism

Total spent on congressional and presidential races

The U.S spends more on presidential campaigns than on Congressional campaigns both have risen over the years

World's Largest Military Budget

The U.S spends more than all the other top 14 countries combined 600 Billion


The ability of individuals or the members of a group to achieve aims or further the interests they hold characteristics of the state

Field of action

The arena within which social movements interact with established organizations, often producing a modification of the ideas and outlook of the members of both

What is the human capital theory?

The argument that individuals make investments in their own human capital to increase their productivity and earnings


The belief that politics should reflect the needs and interests of ordinary people rather than those of elite individuals or groups rule of the people ruled bottom up can be democratic or conservative

What is the definition of post modernism

The belief that society is no longer governed by history or progress

Biomedical model of health

The biomedical model of health advocates a scientific approach to the treatment of disease, which some argue overlooks the spiritual dimension of illness and treatment.

What, according to Sigmund Freud, is a normal four-year-old boy's attitude toward his father?

The boy subconsciously fears that the father plans to cut off the boy's penis.

What is Broken windows theory?

The broken windows theory says that an unchecked problem may lead to other problems*Graffiti* Illegal dumping* Blighted property* Drinking in public* Prostitution- If we nag people for smaller crimes, larger more violent crimes will not occur **THIS IS NOT AFFECTIVE***

What does psychologist Albert Bandura's study predict will happen to a child who watches cartoons that depict interpersonal violence, weapons, and warfare?

The child will imitate and act out the behaviors she has witnessed.

What is sex segregation?

The concentration of men and women in different occupations

How do micro- and macroanalysis intersect when male construction workers direct catcalls at female pedestrians passing a job site?

The conversation is a microlevel event, but the gender dynamic is a macrolevel phenomenon

What is ethnic cleansing?

The creation of ethnically homogenous territories through the mass expulsion of other ethnic populations

What is the diaspora?

The dispersal of an ethnic population from an orginal homeland into foreign areas, often in a force manner or under traumatic circumstances.

What do sociologists mean when they refer to the global north and the global south?

The distinction between industrialized nations and nations that are less industrialized

What is Emile Durkheim's most important work? *Capital *Positive philosophy *The Protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism *The division of labor in society

The division of labor in society

core & periphery

The division of labor refers to the forces & relations of production of the world economy as a whole & it leads to the existence of two interdependent regions

What is the id?

The drives and impulses in our unconscious mind.

What is the key functional difference between smartphone apps like Tinder and Hinge on the one hand, and "traditional" online dating sites like eHarmony and JDate on the other?

The ease and speed with which two subscribers can arrange a first meeting

What are roles?

The expected behavior that goes with a person's social status.

Legitimation crisis

The failure of a political order to be able to govern properly because it did not generate sufficient level of commitment and involvement on the part of its citizens Is democracy in trouble? May not be committed or involved in democracy ex: low voter turnout people who are not involved in democracy are waiting for democracy to crumble under their feet

Which agent of socialization is the most important in almost all cultures?

The family

What is the definition of manifest functions?

The functions of a type of social activity that aren't intended or recognized by the members of a social system in which they occur

What is the common theme of the many different strands of feminist theory?

The goal of explaining and eliminating gender inequalities

What is the common theme of the many different strands of feminist theory?

The goal of explaining and eliminating gender inequalities.

What is the main way in which the system of discipline and indoctrination at West Point relates to the later battefield performance graduates?

The graduates are driven by a desire not to let down their fellow soldiers

What is age stratification?

The hierarchical ranking of different age groups.

What is a melting pot?

The idea that ethnic differences can be combined to create new patterns of behavior drawing on diverse cultural sources

What is gender inequality?

The inequality between men and women in terms of wealth, income, and status

For which reasons do groups larger than triads tend to be more stable than dyads or triads?

The larger a group is, the less it is affected by the loss of a few members Large groups can more easily be socially self-sufficient

What is anticipatory socialization?

The learning of expectations associated with a role that will be taken on in the future.

What central thesis did Karl Marx have in mind when he talked about "the materialist conception of history"?

The main sources of social change are economic influences.

What central thesis did Karl Marx have in mind when he talked about "the materialist conception of history"?

The main sources of social changes are economic influences.

What is the generalized other?

The makeup of social roles and expectations in a person.

What is immigration?

The movement of individuals into an area

What is emigration?

The movement of individuals out of an area

How does the gender dynamic in an online dating environment compare with the dynamic in a more traditional environment?

The online environment is like the traditional one: men tend to initiate conversations more than women do.


The period characterized by the transition from mass industrial production, using Fordist methods, to more flexible forms of production favoring innovation and aimed at meeting market demands for customized products.

What, according to Sigmund Freud, is the most important aspect of gender identity for young children?

The possession or absence of a penis.


The power of individuals to have to act and make decisions

Which statement describes a small step that the Disney movie Frozen takes toward chipping away at gender stereotypes?

The princess finds a happy ending by connecting with her sister, Elsa, instead of through romance.

What is social control?

The process by which people are brought into conformity because of dominant social expectations.

Define socialization.

The process by which people learn the expectations of society.

What is resocialization?

The process by which social roles are altered or replaced.

What is cultural relativism?

The process of judging a society by its own standards

What is the definition of socialization?

The process of learning the norms, values, behavior, and social skills, appropriate to one's behavior.

Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence. According to functionalism, the idea that every social activity has a function is best understood by analogy to __________.

The purpose of an organ in the human body.

Dependency Ration

The ratio of retirees to the working-age population

What is the definition of relative deprivation?

The recognition that one has less than his or her peers, as an important element in deviant behavior.

What is crime?

The result of any action that contravenes the laws established by a political authority.

John Meyer and Brian Rowan argue that in organizations officially governed by formal rules, much of the work is usually done with minimal regard for the rules. What, then is the role of the rules?

The rules serve to legitimize the work being done

What is the superego?

The standards of society.

What is microsociology?

The study of social dynamics of pairs or small groups of people

Why is there typically more disagreement among professional sociologists than among professional scientists?

The subject matter is more difficult to quantify

What are some factors which contributed to decreased infant mortality and increased life spans?

The successful eradication of diseases such as smallpox and polio, combined with improvements in sanitation and nutrition, all have helped decrease infant mortality rates and increase life spans

What is critical constructionaism?

The synthesis of conflict theory and symbolic interactionism Ex: Prohibition was a way to control new people coming into the country who were threatening to take power from white people


The system of production pioneered by Henry Ford, in which the assembly line was introduced.

What is the apartheid?

The system of racial segregation established in South Africa

Cumulative Disadvantage

The tendency of ones social location to have an enduring and increasingly negative impact over the life course

Cumulative Advantage

The tendency of ones social location to have an enduring and increasingly positive impact over the life course


The top 100 donors donated to political campaigns as much as the bottom 4.75 M people in the U.S 400 families responsible for 1/2 the money in the election contribution 57,874 people donated the max ($5,200) .02 of america donate the nomination stage


The type of research method that involved the firsthand study of people using participant observation or interviewing


The undisputed political rule of a state over a given territorial area characteristics of the state all modern states claim specific territory and have laws that are backed by a military force

What is the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), developed by Paul Ekman and others, designed to record

The various actions of people's facial muscles

What is biological essentialism?

The view that differences between men and women are natural and inevitable consequences of the intrinsic biological natures of men and women

The word bureaucracy, from words meaning "-" and "-," refers to the governing of organizations and societies by a cadre of -. According to -, although bureaucracy often stifles creativity, it is necessary for the administration of -. Office, division, desire, rule, full-time professionals, elected policies, Jean- Claude de Gourmay, Honore de Balzac, Max Weber, large-scale social system, traditional societies

The word bureaucracy, from words meaning OFFICE and RULE refers to the governing of organizations and societies by a cadre of FULL-TIME PROFESSIONALS. According to MAX WEBER although bureaucracy often stifles creativity, it is necessary for the administration of LARGE SCALE SOCIAL SYSTEMS

What does the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development say about how people learn?

The world is only experienced through the senses.

sixth sense

Their actions as politicians can affect their job security in the future. If their donor taht donated 40,000 dollar fells like they are not being represented and i decide to represent the populist idealogy, say goodbye to the donation in the future

Pluralist Theories of Modern Democracy

Theories that emphasize the role of diverse and potentially competing interest groups, none of which dominates the political process Pluralist Theory multiple competing financial and corporate interest in America, multiple parties with competing interests, none dominate political process makes more sense in Europe and not the U.S.

Why is it impossible that most college rejections are due to affirmative action?

There are far fewer affirmative action admissions than college rejections

Why is it impossible that most college rejections are due to affirmative action?

There are far fewer affirmative action admissions than college rejections.

What is a potential impact of genetically engineering children, designer babies?

There can come a dawn of the biological underclass

What is France's national policy on wearing face-covering veils in public?

There is a ban on wearing veils in public.

What is an advantage in ethnography?

There is in depth information


There is no inherent difference between different races.

Disease-wize how was Africa effected by colonization

There was a new form of farming brought by the Europeans which brought with it tsetse flies that killed herds of cattle and harmed people directly as well

How did Goffman think people reacted to those with stigmatized afflictions?

These people are treated with suspicion, hostility, or discrimination >In India kids are barred from school and interacting with other kids

The Military Industry Complex: President Eisenhower

They are mutually beneficial economic relationships between the government, corporations and the military and happen through military spending. In his farewell speech he specifically talked about the dangers of what he called the military industrial complex. The corporation, government and military relationship Eisenhower wanted to give this speech 2 years before leaving Warning us of the increasing power of the Military industry complex Toy factories made weapons, clothing factoris made uniforms creates tanks, guns, Many of these contracts are things the military doesn't request and doesn't want, doesn't use often, thousands of tanks are made by corporations and are sent to the military and are not use. Are made every year through congressional budget cycles. They are mutually beneficial economic relationships between the government, corporations and the military.

What does the imitation stage in childhood socialization say about the behavior of children?

They copy behaviors.

What did Robert Park and William Ogburn do in the 1920s to usher in a new era in sociology that demanded more than mere theoretical speculation?

They grounded theory in data and facts.

Identify the following as advantages of experiments.

They have the ability to control variables. They are the best type of study for determining causality.

What is the disengagement theory?

They theory that as people age, they begin to take themselves out of society and have responsibilities gradually taken away from them.


groups of people that have interactions with each other all working towards a common goal

How much time per day, according to recent studies, does the average American adult spend on the Internet?

Three hours

How did Durkheim believe we could study socialism?

Through social facts

Type the term that refers to the means by which organizations regularize activities across time and space.


What is the central task of adolescence?

To establish a consistent identity.

What is the goal of a sanction?

To promote conformity to social norms and protect against nonconformity

According to Auguste Comte, what is the proper role of sociology?

To study human society scientifically

What is the definition of agency?

To think, act and make independent choices

What, according to C. Wright Mills, is the function of the sociological imagination?

To understand our personal experiences as part of a larger framework of events

What are two-spirited individuals?

Transgender/LGBT individuals are viewed as having a power because there is a gender balance within one person. -if you are just male or just female you are imbalanced.

A 2002 study determined that for applicants admitted to Ivy League schools, the difference in later earnings between those who got an Ivy League education and those who opted to attend less prestigious schools instead was very small.


A 2002 study determined that for applicants admitted to Ivy League schools, the difference in later earnings between those who got an Ivy League education and those who opted to attend less prestigious schools instead was very small. True or False?


A law is a kind of norm defined by the government as a rule or form of behavior that citizens must follow. True or False


Age-grades are found in small traditional cultures where people of similar ages undergo ceremonies or rites that mark the transition from one age-grade to another.


Recently, shaming has become a popular alternative to incarceration as a form of punishment. True or False


The Internet has in some ways counteracted the forces of cultural globalization.


The Internet has in some ways counteracted the forces of cultural globalization. True or false


The idea that death is for old people is a recent development.


True or false. There are good reasons to believe that the iron law of oligarchy is less iron that Robert Michels believes


Which statements about Internet use in Saudi Arabia are true?

True Authorities use the Internet to disseminate official propaganda. Saudi women are allowed to use the Internet to discuss women's health issues. False The Internet provides a forum for debates about the merits of traditional religious beliefs. Anti-government protesters use the Internet to coordinate their activities.

True of false, The idea that death is for old people is a recent development.


True or false? There are good reasons to believe that the iron law of oligarchy is less iron than Robert Michels believes.


According to June Statham's research, identify the statements about the experiences of families committed to nonsexist child rearing as either true or false.

True: 1. There are more storybooks available with nontraditional female characters than nontraditional male characters. 2. Most children of nonsexist parents still possessed gender-typed toys given to them by relatives. False: 1. Whenever possible, children refuse to play with gender-neutral toys. 2. The goal of parents was to make their children androgynous, neither boys nor girls.

What is Assimilation?

Two groups go into one group. One group adopts the cultural patterns of the more dominant group.

"A website advocating violence against police" *Global spread of one culture or kind of culture *Undermining of an existing dominant culture *Preservation of a local culture *Development of a non-geographic subculture

Undermining of an existing dominant culture

George Ritzer identifies "Two hotel chains in a corporate partnership advertise 'different names, same gender service' " as what? *Control *Efficiency *Calculability *Uniformity



Unpaid work carried on in the home, usually by women; domestic chores such as cooking, cleaning, and shopping. Also called domestic labor.

Traditional Developmental Psychology

Views aging as one of a series of life stages with associated tasks

Successful Aging

Views positive aging as the prevention of functional decline and engagement in meaningful activities

Place each person or event in the appropriate location on the timeline. For people, use the year of their deaths: Robert K. Merton, W.E.B. Dubois, Vietnam War, & Talcott Parsons. 1950, 1960....1965....1970, 1975...1980, 2000....2010

W.E.B Dubois, Vietnam War, Talcott Parsons, Robert K. Merton

by themselves nations do not constituted whole systems

Wallerstein's analysis is the understanding that what?

essential theory to know concerning globalization & the global economy

Wallerstein's world systems analysis theory is a what?

coping mechanism

Ways in which the desperately poor attempt to control their hunger

What do sociologists consider to be "the strength of weak ties"? *Weak ties reinforce strong ties *Weak ties provide access to valuable information *Weak ties eventually turn into strong ones. *People tend to have more weak ties than strong ones.

Weak ties provide access to valuable information

Democratic Elitism (Theory)

Weber A theory of the limits of democracy, which holds that in large-scale societies democratic participation is necessarily limited to the regular election of political leaders the scale of a society prevents the ability to represent a true participatory democracy

be urban, literate, & industrial

Wendell Bell notes that modern societies tend to what?

What is the ego?

What balances the id and superego.

Rational objectives

What is the group trying to achieve

Define self.

What we imagine we are.

Reflexivity tells us that our knowledge of something reflects what

What we know reflects how we respond to something. We are influenced by what we're exposed to.


a business practice that transfers portions of a company's production and service activities to lower-cost settings, often located overseas. the components of a final product often originate from many different countries and are then sent elsewhere to be put together and sold. Factories must compete with each other to obtain buisness


a central factor in the positioning of a region in the core or the periphery

global city

a city- such as London, New York, or Tokyo- that has become an organizaing center of the new global economy

Karl Marx

a classless society in which everyone prospers

social aggregates

a collection of people who happen to be in the same place at the same time; don't share an identity and don't socially interact regularly with one another

social groups

a collection of people who have a common identity and regularly interact with one another on the basis of shared expectations concerning behaviour

multinational corporation

a commercial organization that is headquartered in one country but does business throughout the world

collective consumption

a concept used by Manuel Castells to ref to processses of urban consumption- such as the buying and selling of property


a criticism of bureaucracy because it treats clients like standard cases and employees like a part of a machine


a criticism of bureaucracy that it is the rule of the few, power is concentrated into the hands of a few people at the top, and it hinders democracy

bureaucratic inertia

a criticism of bureaucracy that there are very rigid rules even when the needs of the clients have changed

bureaucratic ritualism

a criticism of bureaucracy when they become so preoccupied with rules and regulations it becomes difficult to accomplish the roles of the association

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

a diverse set of approaches and therapies for treating illness and promoting well-being and generally falls outside standard medical practices -Usually used with traditional medicine -Includes stuff like... >Massage >Deep breathing techniques >Reflexology >Herbal remedies


a doctrine about the population dynamics developed by Thomas Malthus, according to which population increase comes up against "naturak limits" represented by famine and war

Wallerstein's World Systems

a multicultural territorial division of labor in which the production & exchange of basic goods & raw materials is necessary for the everyday life of it's inhabitants

second demographic

a new demographic model that calls for fertility rates that may continue to fall because of shifts in family structure


a person who risks his money to begin a business, the owner/founder of a business firm

aging in place

a phenomenon in which many rural areas have disproportionately high numbers of older adults because young persons seek opportunities elsewhere and leave the older persons behind

cosmopolitan canopy

a place where people of all different kinds of backgrounds come together and get along in a shared space

total Institution

a place where there are no barriers between different spheres of life

most important structures of the current world system

a power hierarchy between core & periphery in which powerful & wealth core societies dominate & exploit weak & poor peripheral societies


a process in which older, deteriorated housing and other buildings are renovated as more affluent groups move into an area

What is distinctive about human beings, compared to other animals?

a sense of self

Obesogenic environment

a social environment that unwittingly contributes to weight gain ex)Fast food is cheap and very accessible ex) Large groceries with low cost healthy foods are rare in certain environments

A law is an indicator or a reflection of what

a social fact

What is the definition of social construction

a social mechanism, phenomenon, or category created and developed by society; a perception of an individual, group, or idea that is 'constructed' through cultural or social practice


a social position that a person holds

world system

a social system one that has boundaries, structures, member groups, rules of Legitimization, & coherence

knowledge economy

a society no longer based primarily on the production of material goods but instead on the production of knowledge. Its emergence has been linked to the development of a broad base of consumers who are technologically literate and have made new advances in the computing, entertainment, and telecommunications part of their lives


a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being rather than merely the absence of disease or infirmity

union density

a statistic that represents the number of union members as a percentage of the number of people who could potentially be union members

Which item is an example of comparative research as it is defined in Chapter 2?

a study comparing gender roles during the 1950s in the United States to gender roles in present-day Japan

Which item is an example of comparative research, as defined in this chapter?

a study comparing gender roles during the 1950s in the United States to gender roles in present-day Japan

class systems

a system of social hierarchy that allows individuals to move among classes four bases of class: ownership of wealth, occupation, income, and education

Bilateral descent

a system of tracing descent through both the mother's and father's sides of the family.

Patrilineal descent

a system of tracing descent through the father's side of the family.

Matrilineal descent

a system of tracing descent through the mother's side of the family.


a temporary stoppage of work by a group of employees in order to express a grievance or enforce a demand

Sick role

a term associated with the functionalist Talcott Parsons to describe the patterns of behaviors that a sick person adopts in order to minimize the disruptive impact of his illness on others


an irrational fear or disdain for homosexuals

What is the definition of a social fact?

a thing originating in the institutions or culture of a society that affects the behavior or attitudes of an individual member of that society

In this thirteenth-century painting, the infant Jesus is depicted with an adult face and adult bodily proportions. What aspect of culture does this depiction reflect?

a view of children as miniature adults

transnational corporations

account for two thirds of all world trade, are instrumental in diffusing new technologies around the globe, and are major actors in the international financial markets


acknowledged that there are some efforts in society to de-bureaucracies, but argued that businesses are adopting the model of a fast food restaurant

liberation theology

activist Catholic religious movement that combines Catholic beliefs with a passion for social justice for the poor


adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard

What is the key difference between pastoral and agrarian societies?

agarian societies grow crops for food, while pastoral societies raise livestock


agglomeration of towns or cities into an unbroken urban environment

social interaction

all large scale social institutions rely on this


all workers are subject to this, with the least powerful receiving the most

According to Annette Lareau's research, what do working-class parents do to promote the "accomplishment of natural growth"?

allow their children to enjoy long periods of unstructured free time

urban ecology

an approach to the study of urban life based on an analogy with the adjustment of plants and organisms to the physical environment. According to ecological theorists, the various neighborhoods and zones within cities are formed as a result of natural processes od adjustment on the part of populations of populations as they compete for resources

Match each term to its definition.

an aspect of social life that shapes the actions of individuals Correct label: social fact the underlying regularities in how people behave toward one another Correct label: social structure an idea or practice that continues to exist because people take it for granted Correct label: social construction

formal organization

an example of these are universities, hospitals, and religious bodies


an ideal of this is a hierarchy, written rules, officials work full-time and are salaried, separation between the tasks within the organization and their life outside, and no members of the organization owns the materials

risk society

an important aspect of this is that its hazards are not restricted spatially, temporally, or socially

unfocused interaction

an interaction between people who are present in the same setting but aren't necessarily interacting face to face

demographic transition

an interpretation of population change that holds that a stable ratio of births to deaths is achieved once a certain level of economic prosperity has been reached. According to this notion, in preindustrial societies, there is a rough balance between births and deaths because population increase is kept in check by disease, war, or lack of food. In modern societies, by contrast, population equilibrium is achieved because families are moved by economic incentives to limit the number of children they produce


are relationships in which people live together with commitment, form an economic unit and care for any young, and consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group.


are workers with the least or most amount of power likely to be visible in organizations


argue that the most powerful economic actors today are not bound by national boarders


argue that transnational economic actors and political institutions are challenging the dominance of national ones

world systems theorists

argue that while countries remain important actors on the global field, so too are transnational corporations - national governments will neither dissolve under the weight of the globalized economy not reassert themselves as the dominating political force but rather will seek to steer global capitalism to their own advantage

religious movement

associations of people who join together to seek to spread a new religion or to promote a new interpretation of an existing religion

they ave fed less than male children are denied education & are often hospitalized only when they are critically ill.

beginning at birth women face sex discrimination & result in what?

bystander apathy

behaviour that proves that people usually take cues from other people; demonstrates the power of groups over individual


belief in one God


belief in one or more supernatural deities


belief in two or more gods


believe globalization can be best understood by tension between international (among nation states) and transnational (borderless) social forces


believe that individual countries no longer control their economies because of the vast growth in world trade


believe that the current level of globalization is breaking down established boundaries between internal and external, international and domestic - in adjusting to this new order, societies, institutions, and individuals must navigate contexts where previous structures have been shaken up


benefits of this include creating a sense of society by agreeing on roles, strong social ties create social intimacy and ensure that primary group members share similar attitudes, beliefs, and opinions

new religious movements

broad range of religious and spiritual groups, cults, and sects that have emerged alongside mainstream religions range from spiritual and self-help groups within the New Age movement

transnational (multinational) corporations

business corporations located in two or more countries


businesses firms or companies that are owned by many investors who buy shares of stock


communication systems affect the character and pace of social change, for example: this allowed for effective record keeping, making possible the development of large scale organizations

institutional capitalism

capitalistic enterprise organized on the basis of institutional shareholding

family capitalism

capitalistic enterprise owned and administered by entrepreneurial families

managerial capitalism

capitalistic enterprises administered by managerial executives rather than by owners


class of individuals situated at the bottom of the class system, normally composed of people from ethnic minority backgrounds

What are some basic services that shanty towns lack?

clean water, sewage systems, and garbage disposal.

achieved in part because former colonies were unable to develop their own industry & technology

colonial domination had established patterns of economic exploitation that continued even nationhood was what?

Colonialism may involve either large-scale immigration and settlement by the colonizing population or only a small-scale influx of administrators who govern the native population for the benefit of the colonizing power. Historically, what has been the relation between the type of colonialism and the eventual industrialization of the colonized nation?

colonization by large-scale settlement leads to greater industrializations

people conform because it serves their self-interest

conformity is rational and prudent


continuing dependence of former colonies on foreign countries

breaching experiments

controlled social situations that intentionally break social rules, violating basic norms and patterns of behaviour used by Garfinkel

geographically & culturally different one focusing on labor intensive & the other on capital intensive production

core & periphery are what?

neither a measure of central tendency nor a measure of degree of dispersal

correlation coefficient

Wilkinson ideas on health and income relationship?

countries are not healthy because of how rich they are, but because how well the income is distributed

Place the steps for conducting a survey in order from first to last.

create a preliminary draft of survey questions, conduct a pilot study, identify problems with the survey questions, revise and finalize the survey questions, collect data from the main survey sample

interactional vandalism

deliberate breaking of the rules of conversation

overshadow micro-level movement from one occupation to another

developing nations, macro-levels social & economic changes often what?

a website for people interested in fine food and drink

development of a non-geographic subculture

sustainable development

development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

How much higher is black infant mortality than white?

double, yikes


five factors contribute to this in a society: the presence of hostile neighbours, the absence of trading partners for essential goods, climate change, environmental problems, and an inadequate response to environmental problems


focused on ethnomethodology and believed we learn a lot from nonverbal cues but a lot of social interactions done through speech


form of Protestantism characterized by a belief in spiritual rebirth "born-again"


form of social stratification in which some people are owned by others as their property

Kuznets Curve

formula showing that inequality increases during the early stages of capitalist development, then declines, and eventually stabilizes at a relatively low level


found that intimate and personal space is often invaded and we feel most uncomfortable when this happens


fragmentary religious groupings to which individual are loosely affiliated but that lack any permanent structure

How do functionalist theorists and symbolic interactionists differ in their perspectives on health and illness?

functionalists: believe that being sick disrupts normal flow of society, so people learn the sick role through socialization symbolic interactionalists: are not focused on identifying risk factors associated with the illness, rather address questions about the personal experience of an illness (how does the patient react and adjust to news about a serious illness? how does living with a chronic illness affect daily life and self identity?)

New Age Movement

general term to describe the diverse spectrum of beliefs and practices oriented on inner spirituality. ex. astrology and crystals

an open-access information site such as Wikipedia

global spread of one culture or kind of culture

an open-access information site such as Wikipedia Correct label: Correct label: Correct label: development of a non-geographic subculture a fundraising website for a county historical society Correct label:

global spread of one culture or kind of culture a website advocating violence against police, undermining of an existing dominant culture a website for people interested in fine food and drink, development of a non-geographic subculture a fundraising website for a county historical society, preservation of a local culture

What physiological fact explains why human children spend more time being cared for by their parents than the young of most other mammal species?

human beings need extra time outside of the womb for their brains to develop

Place the items in order from first to last, according to when each type of culture first appeared.

hunting and gathering societies, pastoral societies, traditional societies, industrialized societies

Ideas developed to increase the power of a social group and to overcome resistance are called __________.


Type the term that best completes the sentence. Ideas developed to increase the power of a social group and to overcome resistance are called __________.


Which sociological concept describes ideas or beliefs that serve to justify the interests of dominant groups?



in groups and out groups can foster this even while generating conflict

the movement out of poverty

in large developing countries the most socially significant mobility is what?

ecological approach

in the field of urban analysis, a perspective emphasizing the "natural" distribution of city neighborhoods into areas having contrasting characteristics

Combat 18 (a white spremacist skinhead) is apart of



pathological condition among the well-fed the world's poor eat dirt to add minerals to their diet


people and organizations and the actives they pursue are coordinate

People have been taught to feel uncomfortable when they fail to conform.

people are socialized to conform

Laudman's 1994 findings on sexual activty

people being more sexually conservative (Perhaps because of the fear of AIDS and STDs) -Lauman got a more diverse group of people, trying to keep the wording no judgmental so people would be comfortable. He had an representational of black people

The social order embodies or promotes values people sincerely hold.

people believe in the social order

What is the meaning of the Latin word societas, from which we get the word society?

people bound together by relationships

How does pop singer Taylor Swift think social media encourages people, especially young women, to feel bad about themselves?

people compare their own lives, which they know from the inside, to idealized versions of other people

compulsion of proximity

people need to interact with others in their presence; real conversations provide more information about people and their sincerity


people who have no place to sleep and wither stay in free shelters or sleep in public places not meant for habitation

impression management

preparing for the presentation of ones social role

a fundraising website for a county historical society

preservation of a local culture

group think

pressure to conform despite individual misgivings


process of decline in the influence of religion.


production processes monitored and controlled by machines with only minimal supervision from people

Some people think that a field of study must use __________methods rather than __________ ones to count as scientific. That is incorrect. What makes a discipline a science is a set of________ that can be deployed in ________, not a particular choice of _______.

quantitative, qualitative, values, research, methods

primary groups

quite small and are made up of people we engage with face to face, have an emotional bond with them, and a strong sense of commitment to

A homeowner chases away intruders by brandishing a double-barreled shotgun. Correct label: A hiker wades into a rain-swollen river to rescue someone else's dog. Correct label: A store clerk responds to an angry customer by suggesting they "take this outside." Correct label:

rationally self-interested, altruistic, neither rationally self-interested nor altruistic

Place the steps for reading a table in order from first to last.

read the title, read any explanatory notes, read the row and column headings, identify units, consider possible conclusions

What was probably the earliest regular use of written language?


What was probably the earliest regular use of written language? *Storytelling *recordkeeping *navigation *recording of legal codes


The vikings to Combat 18 are apart of? *in-group *out-group *reference group

reference group


refers to a social network of people based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption.

Patrilocal residence

refers to the custom of a married couple living in the same household (or community) as the husband's parents.

those between the dominant capitalist class & the proletariat

relations between the colonial nation & colonized people ave similar to what?

How do black people have lower rates of depression when they have harder lives?

religious groups with racial identity and community

world-rejecting movements

religious movements that are exclusive in nature, highly critical of the outside world, and demanding of their members


religious movements that break away from orthodoxy

world-accommodating movements

religious movements that emphasize the importance of inner religious life and spiritual purity over worldly concerns

world-affirming movements

religious movements that seek to enhance followers' ability to succeed int eh outside world by helping them unlock their human potential


religious sect that has lost its revivalist dynamism and become an institutionalized body commanding the adherence of significant numbers of people

personal taste

research on conformity and conformity behaviour, how dod group memberships and social networks shape our most personal relationships

personal networks

research shows that this contains people of similar races, class, and ethnicity


research that involves looking at how social networks influence our personal decisions

What are some qualities that men attribute to masculinity

risk, strength, and self-sufficiency

In most societies, those hardest hit by poverty live in _____ areas. Also, _________ tend to be more disadvantaged than ______. But while economic growth tends to raise the lower-income classes out of poverty, paradoxically it does not automatically improve people's _____________.

rural, women, men, sense of well-being


saw social life as a precarious balancing act but studied circumstances in which audience segregation was not possible

Guatemalan Indian

scavenger, useful as guard animal


see globalization as a dynamic and open process that is subject to influence and change - developing in a contradictory fashion, encompassing tendencies that frequently operate in opposition to one another


see globalization as a two way flow of information, images, and influences - global migration, media, and telecommunications are contributing to the diffusion of cultural influences and it is a decentred process characterized by links and cultural flows that work in a multidirectional way


see globalization too much in eoncomic terms and too much as a one way process

response cries

seemingly involuntary exclamations individuals make when for example they are taken by surprise, or drop something inadvertently, or want to express pleasure

buffer zone between core & periphery & has a mix of the kinds of activities & institutions that exist on them

semi-peripheral states acts as a what?

Type the term that refers to the analysis of nonverbal cultural meanings.


the term that refers to the analysis of nonverbal cultural meanings



sense that our own abilities as human beings are taken over by other entities. used by Karl Marx to refer to the projection of human powers onto gods & loss of workers' control over the nature and products of their labor

many companies are concluding that the low costs of overseas operations move that offset the expense of transmitting information around the world

service industries become a more important part of the international market place because why?


set of beliefs adhered to by the members of a community, incorporating symbols regarded with a sense of awe or wonder together with ritual practices do not universally involve a belief in supernatural entities

civil religion

set of religious beliefs through which a society interprets its own history in light of some conception of ultimate reality


sets of informal and formal social ties that link people to each other

What is the name for the form of colonialism in which citizens of the colonial power take up residence in large numbers in the occupied nation?

settler colonialism


sociological perspective that holds that our multiple group memberships affect our lives in ways that are distinct from single group memberships ex. experience of a black female may be distinct from that of a white female or black male


sometimes the physical setting of an organization is related to its system of authority, such as using this to put the person with power at the top of the office

Akha (northern Thailand)

source of meat

measure of degree of dispersal

standard deviation


states that every human possess a self that is sensitive and fragile to a given situation and that people are very aware of what other people think of them

crude birthrates

statistical measures representing the number of births within a given population per year, normally calculated in terms of the number of births per 1,000 members. Although the crude birthrate is a useful index, it is only a general measure because it does not specify numbers of births in relation to age distribution

crude death rates

statistical measures representing the number of deaths that occur annually in a given population per year, normally calculated as the ratio of deaths per 1,000 members. Crude death rates give a general indication of the mortality levels of a community or society, but they are limited in their usefulness because they do not take into account the age distribution

Place the events of Philip Zimbardo's prison experiment in chronological order.

students volunteered for the study, some students were assigned to play guards, others prisoners, tensions between "guards" and "prisoners" grew to unexpected levels, the experiment halted soon after

Max Weber divided all human behavior into four categories based on the object of its orientation. Identify the orientation of each of the four examples.

studying to become a member of the clergy Correct label: toward higher values cheating on one's income tax returns Correct label: toward self-interest plotting revenge against a disloyal friend Correct label: toward emotions getting the mail out of the mailbox Correct label: toward habit

direct surveillance

supervisors visually observing the workers by both walking around or watching cameras

antiretroviral drug

supposed to cure babies born with aids

There may be a very large sample size, but material gathered may be superficial.


one item used to stand for another, such as a flag


Miles changed jobs because the new job would look good on his resume. Correct label: Mikhail changed jobs because the new one paid more and had better benefits. Correct label: Sonia changed jobs because there was a greater demand for workers in the new job. Correct label:

symbolic interactionism, rational choice theory, functionalism

Procreative technology

technique for influencing the human reproductive process


that which belongs to the mundane, everyday world


that which inspires attitude of awe or reverence among believers in a given set of religious ideas


the "city of all cities" in ancient Greece; used in modern times to refer to very large conurbations

When did the most laid back attitudes about sex come about?

the 60s

Which organization did W. E. B. Du Bois help found?



the ability to think, act , and make choice independently


the activity by which people produce from the natural world and so ensure their survival. Not exclusively paid employment, in traditional cultures there was only a rudimentary monetary system, and few people worked for money. In modern societies there remain types of work that do not involve direct payment (housework)


the application of knowledge of the material world to production; the creation of material instruments (such as machines) used in human interaction with nature

inner city

the areas composing the central neighborhoods of a city, as distinct from the suburbs. In many modern settings in the developed world, inner-city areas are subject to dilapidation and decay, with the more affluent residents having moved to outlaying areas


the average number of live-born children produced by women of childbearing age in a particular society

What is the definition of altruism?

the belief that the well-being of others is equally, if not more, important than the well-being or survival of the self


the boy feels hungry but doesn't mention it to anyone

generalized other

the boy is aware that "sportsmanship" means he shouldn't throw a tantrum if his team loses

social self

the boy knows that his teammates want him to contribute to a win

geopolitical interests

the collapse of humans can not be attributed just to culture - it can also be because of old-fashioned what interests


the concurrent marriage of a person of one sex with two or more members of the opposite sex.


the concurrent marriage of one man with two or more women.


the concurrent marriage of one woman with two or more men.

global capitalism

the current transnational phase of capitalism, characterized by global markets, production, finances; a transnational capitalist class whose business concerns are global rather than national; transnational system of governance (such as the world trade organization) that promote global business interests

Matrilocal residence

the custom of a married couple living in the same household (or community) as the wife's parents.

neolocal residence

the custom of a married couple living in their own residence apart from both the husband's and the wife's parents.


the legal process of dissolving a marriage that allows former spouses to remarry if they so choose.


the development of suburbia; areas of housing outside inner cities

crucial to maintain the system as a whole because Strong states reinforce increase the differential flow 0 f surplus to the core zone

the differential strength of the Multiple States with in the system is what?

What do sociologists mean when they refer to the "global north" and the "global south"?

the distinction between industrialized nations and nations that are less industrialized

What do sociologists mean when they refer to the global north and the global south?

the distinction between industrialized nations and nations that are less industrialized


the division of social life into different settings or zones

What is patriarchy?

the dominance of men over women


the domination of weak peripheral regions by strong core states

What did Andreas Wimmer determine was the best sociological predictor of war within a geographic territory in the twentieth century?

the existence of nationalist organizations


the existence of one core state temporarily outstripping the rest

social stratification

the existence of structured inequalities between groups in society in terms of their access to material or symbolic rewards. most distinctive form is class divisions

economic interdependence

the fact that in the division of labor, individuals depend on others to produce many or most of the goods they need to sustain their lives

What is the major agent of primary socialization in almost all cultures?

the family

family of orientation

the family into which a person is born and in which early socialization usually takes place.

family of procreation

the family that a person forms by having or adopting children.


the far-reaching process through which periphery nations move from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristic of more developed societies


the focused on personal space

world system analysis

the global economy as an interdependent system of economically & politically unequal nation

large concentrations of impoverished people remain primarily in two types of areas

the global poor can be found either within very fragile areas or in relatively isolated areas

What is a common theme of the many different strands of feminist theory?

the goal of explaining and eliminating gender inequalities

What is the common theme of the many different strands of feminist theory?

the goal of explaining and eliminating gender inequalities


the great division among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be what

Which of the following represent cultural universals?

the institution of marriage religious rituals the practice of gift-giving

Social epidemiology

the science that studies the distribution and incidence of disease and illness within the population >Attempts to link physical and mental health with factors such as class, gender, race, geography, and age

environmental ecology

the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and their natural environment


the sense that our own abilities as human beings are taken over by other entities. originally used by Karl Marx to refer to the projection of human powers onto the gods. He used the term to refer to the loss of workers' control over the nature and products of their labor

Which phrase refers to culture shock?

the shock a person from one culture experiences when immersed in another one

social position

the social identity an individual has in a given group or society

international division of labor

the specialization in producing goods for the world market that divides regions into zones of industrial or agricultural production or high- or low-skilled labor

division of labor

the specialization of work tasks by means of which different occupations are combined within a production system. All societies have some form of this, especially between the tasks allocated to men and those preformed by women

What is the definition of affluence

the state of having a great deal of money; wealth.


the study of population


the study of the methods that ordinary people use to make sense of what they do an say

Why is there typically more disagreement among professional sociologists than among professional scientists?

the subject matter is more difficult to quantify


the system of production and exchange that provides for the material needs of individuals living in a given society. Modern economies differ from traditional economies because the majority of the population is no longer engaged in agriculture

unequal exchange

the systematic transfers of surplus from semi proletarian sectors in the periphery to the high technology industrialized core

iron law of oligarchy

the tendency of organizations to be ruled by a small amount of people making democratic issues hard

out groups

the them; those in which we feel antagonism and contempt

Which phrase best represents the meaning of the Latin root of the word society?

the ties that bind people together

doubling time

the time it takes for a particular level of population to double

a lifespan over which its characteristics change in some respects & remain stable in others life within it is largely self-contained & the dynamics of its development are largely internal

the world system has characteristics of what?

the conflicting forces which hold it together by tension & tear it apart as each group seeks eternally to re mold it to its advantages

the world system is made up of what?


the worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movement, & financial markets through trade & the exchange of ideas

What is France's national policy on wearing face-covering veils in public?

there is a ban on wearing veils in public


these are relations between people, positions, and units that are laid down by the rules of the official systems of authority; no guessing games


these are relations in which you just do the job, just not exactly how it was supposed to be done; sometimes workers will find a quicker or more efficient way to accomplish a task


these are the smallest groups and tend to be more stable because the group dissolves if one person leaves


these are ties found between people close to us


these are ties found between people who are acquaintances

primary groups

these demand the most time and commitment, your sense of self derives from this, and often develop out of secondary groups; they also enforce strict conformity standards

social groups

these engage in practices that promote a sense of belonging, sometimes it is promoted by scorning another group

primary groups

these install different social norms on us so much so that our health can even be impacted by them

cultural clashes

these occur between those who believe that truthful understanding derives from religious faith and those who find such understanding in science, critical thinking, and secular thought

background expectancies

these organize everyday social conversations and must be looked at in order to make sense of the social world


these people can internalize negative perceptions of themselves, however, it can also bring out groups together to overcome negative stereotypes


these people enjoy more freedom in how they act


these risks are seen through urbanization, industrial production and pollution, large scale agricultural projects, the construction of dams and hydroelectric plants, and nuclear power

What did Robert Park and William Ogburn do in the 1920s to usher in a new era in sociology that demanded more than mere theoretical speculation?

they grounded theory in data and facts

What is the definition of egocentricism?

thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered.


this alters peoples perceptions of the relationship among the past, future, and present- societies use this to keep a record of past events, through which the gain a sense of their own evolution; this enables countries to have constitution and laws and have a legal system based on the interpretation of these legal precedents; this also allows religious leaders to justify their beliefs by citing chapters and verses from various religious texts

critics of the sick role would argue?

this approach fails to understand how sickness is a lived experience, or that the concept does not apply in all cultures. These critics also point out that sick roles are less applicable in cases of chronic illness.

principle of calculability

this aspect of fast food is quantity over quality


this aspect of fast food is the settings and the products are predictable and standardized


this aspect of fast food is what is the latest way to get from point a to point b


this can also challenge or override laws that are seen as barrier to trade: this includes national laws or bilateral agreements designed to protect the environment, conserve scarce resources, safeguard public health, or guarantee labour standards and human rights

powerful in group

this can define others as lower status out groups

unfocused interaction

this can take place in a theatre, concert, or busy street; aware that people are there but not necessarily interacting face to face and communicate nonverbally through our posture, facial and physical gestures


this condones informal relations such as instead of asking this for help, you skip over the step

interactional vandalism online

this creates a space where less powerful people can make themselves more powerful


this fosters the creation of relationships often without social and emotional baggage that constrains our face to face interactions


this gender is socialized to respond to others and are more sensitive to nonverbal communication


this gender tends to learn to craft personal performance more carefully than the other gender and often defer to the other gender in everyday interactions


this gives opportunities to express opinions and feelings as well as connect with people

larger groups

this group has less intense interactions because there is more people and therefore the possibility of more smaller groups forming; it is more stable because it can survive if one or two people leave, it is more exclusive as well as can become an in group or an out group


this group is more stable and relieves the pressure of the group because if one person leaves, it is still a group; however, it is unusable because there is a possibility of two members forming their own side group which can lead to tension in the group


this group tends to be much more intense because two people rely on each other for all interaction

Canadian heritage

this has viewed many others as out groups and in turn have been able to subordinate outgrips both socially and politically

small talk

this involves a lot of familiarity or taken for granted aspects


this is a type of conformity

intimate distance

this is about a foot away from someone and is reserved for intimate relationships such as family and partners

work patterns

this is changing because working from home via information technology, job sharing, short term, consultation projects, flexitime and so forth are taking place - it affords new opportunities for some but for most it means greater uncertainty

nonverbal communication

this is communication between individuals based on facial expression or bodily gesture rather than on language

physical environment

this is effects globalization - the ease of communication across lands and the availability of sea routes are also important: societies cut off from other by mountain ranges, impossible jungles, or deserts often remain relatively unchanged over long periods of time

personal distance

this is from about 2-4 feet and is reserved for friendship and close acquaintances


this is happening because the weight of tradition and established values is lessening as local communities interact with a new global order


this is really important to our intergroup relationships


this is shaped on human interactions


this is someone who is capable of pursuing dynamic policies and generating a mass following or radically altering preexisting models of thought can overturn a previously established order


this leadership requires strict compliance and is more likely to be monitoring and delegating duties, it is most effective in a crisis, they may gain respect but typically will not win a popularity contest


this makes everything organized, quick and regulated


this requires constant revision of the technology of production, a process increasingly involving science


this shifts in gender entering the workforce have changed what dynamics - there has been adjustment in terms of domestic labour division, the role of men in child rearing, and the emergence of family friendly work policies to accommodate the needs of dual house earners

record keeping

this surveillance includes paperwork, computer files, job applications, employment examinations, background checks, and evaluations


this takes a lot of things, such as decisions, out of our hands and into the hands of officials or experts


this type of leadership tries to include all members of the group in the decision making process taking the best ideas and molding them to the needs of the organization


this was first seen in government but now has spread to every aspect of our daily lives


this works to liberalize trade regulations and reduce trade barriers - free trade across borders is viewed as a win-win proposition for countries both in the global north and south


this zone of personal space is 4-12 feet and is reserved for more formal settings such as an interview


this zone of personal space is anything beyond 12 feet and is reserved for people who are performing to an audience


this, based on race, ethnicity, or culture - rather than nation state - is reflected in growing persecution in many countries, and sometimes outright vile against those perceived as non native, such as immigrants or members of religious minorities

in group

those in which we identify and feel a sense of loyalty and respect

What, according to William Ogburn, is the goal of sociology?

to discover new knowledge

According to Auguste Comte, what is the proper role of sociology?

to study human society scientifically

What, according to C. Wright Mills, is the function of the sociological imagination?

to understand our personal experiences as part of a large framework of events

What is the function of the sociological imagination, according to C. Wright Mills?

to understand our personal experiences as part of a larger framework of events

also producing goods all over the world

today multinational giants are not merely buying & selling overseas they are what?


today, these are incalculable in origin and indeterminate in their consequences

studying to become a member of the clergy Correct label: plotting revenge against a disloyal friend Correct label: getting the mail out of the mailbox Correct label: cheating on one's income tax returns Correct label:

toward higher values, toward emotions, toward habit, toward self-interest


transfers of vast capital can destabilizes this and trigger international financial crises - it will have global effects

A 2002 study determined that for applicants admitted to Ivy League schools, the difference in later earnings between those who got an Ivy League education and those who opted to attend less prestigious schools instead was very small.


Empathy with one's study subjects makes it harder for a sociologist to be objective.


The Internet has in some ways counteracted the forces of cultural globalization.


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