Sociology midterm(quizzes1-6)

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these following are an example of organic solidarity

A toll-booth employee collecting toll change A Ford Motors employee assembling taillights on an assembly line A fast-food employee putting burgers into their buns

Sandy is standing in line for Kanye West tickets. The line wraps around the block, spilling into the streets and crowding store windows. Sandy is part of a(n)


____ societies relied on permanent tools for survival, and expanded due to innovations such as crop rotation and fertilizer.


Which of the following is NOT one of Marx's four types of alienation?

Alienation from one's religion

Marx's 4 types of alienation

Alienation from others ? Alienation from one's self Alienation from the product of one's labor

A total institution can be defined as

An organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and in which total resocialization occurs.

Which of the following is NOT an example of new media?

Barnes and Noble

Some sociologists have pointed out that gender roles are often determined by how a society socializes young boys and girls. Which of the following is an example of socializing a child into a gender role?

Buying Sarah a toy kitchen to play with.

The Agricultural Revolution is often referred to as "dawn of civilization" because:

Cities and towns were established, and humans had more time for leisure activities.

Which of the following are a characteristic of a bureaucracy:

Clear division of labor Impersonality Explicit rule

As industrialization began to boom, Durkheim believed people were more susceptible to anomie because:

Collective norms are weakened. Society no longer has the support of the collective consciousness. Specialization of labor lead to alienation.

Jeremy wrote an essay criticizing the college admissions process, arguing that heavy competition and limited educational resources make admission difficult for the average student. Which perspective would Jeremy's argument fall under?

Conflict Theory

Caleb attended a private high school, which gave each student access to a personal laptop and iPhone. Ted attended a poorly funded public school, which had few computers and outdated technology. When Caleb gets to college, he's more prepared than Ted for coursework which includes computer and online material. This occurrence is an example of:

Digital divide

Elise travels across Thailand with her friends and, to her surprise, finds the country quite unlike the United States. "I hate the food," she tells her family at home. "I hate the language, I hate the weird customs and awful music. America is clearly the best place to be." This is an example of _______.


What is the first agent of socialization?


Cedric's uncle believes that racism and discrimination have made a positive impact on society - but only in the lives of those who are members of the dominant group. Which sociological perspective is Cedric's uncle coming from?


Weber's proposal of antipositivism influenced sociological researchers to ______ while examining different social worlds

Gain a subjective understanding of human cultural norms. This approach led to some research methods whose aim was not to generalize or predict (traditional in science), but to systematically gain an in-depth understanding of social worlds.

The concept "reference groups" can be defined as:

Groups to which an individual compares himself or herself.

Max Weber (1864-1920)

He is known best for his 1904 book, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. -Weber argued that the beliefs of many Protestants, especially Calvinists, led to the creation of capitalism -it was difficult, if not impossible, to use standard scientific methods to accurately predict the behavior of groups -antipositive

Which of the following is an example of cultural relativism?

Helena putting aside her vegetarianism to eat meals with the local tribe she is studying.

Please define C. Wright Mill's sociological imagination.

How individuals understand their own and others' pasts in relation to history and social structure.

Erik Erikson's theory explains:

How the actions of society help shape personalities throughout the eight basic stages of life.

Kendra is researching the effects of vitamin C on test-taking ability. Before the exam, Kendra gives group A orange juice, and group B water. Vitamin C is the ______.

Independent variable

John wants to study whether a larger number of laptops available to students at his school lead to higher grades. Choose the independent and dependent variable

Independent variable: Number of laptops; Dependent variable: Grades

Grace works in at an advertising agency. Grace's coworkers help her complete presentations, contact clients, and assist her with research. Her coworkers are serving a(n):

Instrumental function

An instrumental leader

Is goal-oriented and largely concerned with accomplishing set tasks.

Émile Durkheim's much lauded study of suicide is important to the field of sociology in many ways. One of the most influential impacts was

It defined the differences between sociology and psychology

Education is important to society because

It teaches children facts about the world in which they live. It teaches children how to interact with their peers and helps them to gain social graces. It teaches children how to react to authority and how to behave in group and one-on-one situations. All of the above

____ believed that societies grew and changed as a result of the struggles of different social classes over the means of production and greatly favored ____.

Karl Marx; Communism

Which of the following is NOT an example of self-fulfilling prophecy?

Kevin sprained his ankle a month before a marathon. Though his trainer advises him not to participate, Kevin runs the marathon and places third.

From the functionalist perspective, which of the following is a function of social media?

Life changing function Social norm function Entertainment function All of the above

Eleanor is researching the effect social media has on worldwide political awareness and revolution. Felix is examining the effect World of Warcraft has on the romantic relationships of middle-aged men in his metro area. Eleanor's analysis is _____, while Felix's analysis is _____.

Macro-level; micro-level

Which of the following is NOT an example of a formal norm within the United States?

Making eye contact while speaking

Today, the majority of mass-media outlets are owned by six corporations. This is a product of _________.

Media consolidation

What is a difference between a more and a folkway?

Mores may carry serious consequences if violated, The strongest mores are legally protected with laws or other formal norms; folkways do not, folkways direct appropriate behavior in the day-to-day practices and expressions of a culture. They indicate whether to shake hands or kiss

ex of self fulfilling prophecy

Morgan overhears a professor predicting the economic recession will prevent entry-level graduates from finding gainful employment. Morgan goes on interviews but doesn't bother preparing, convinced it's a waste of time. Morgan appears unprofessional and is not hired.

Which of the following is an example of an unethical sociological research practice

Observing study participants without their consent

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a bureaucracy:

Personality-based promotion

Asad's first grade class is diverse: there are two students from Korea, five students from South America, two students from the United States, three students from Kuwait, a student from Mexico, two students from England, and five students from western Europe. Asad's class is:


MTV's widely-watched TV series The Jersey Shore is an example of _____, while the obscure works of playwright Sam Shepard are an example of ______.

Popular culture; high culture

George Herbert Mead's specific path of development for individuals is as follows:

Preparatory stage, play stage, game stage, generalized other stage

Alona is examining the impact of the 2011 Penn State scandal on student morale and school spirit by distributing number-scaled surveys in her Introduction to Sociology class. Alona is employing a _____ research method.


Which of the following is an example of racial steering?

Real estate agents directing white clients to look for housing in certain neighborhoods, and non-white clients to others.

Which of the following is not a step in the scientific method

Receive corroboration from the field

Kevin conducted a study on whether the length of the line at a local Starbucks affected how well the customers enjoyed their coffee after receiving it. Malcolm conducted the study at his local Starbucks, and found the same results. Kevin's study had a high level of _____.


Sherry is in her mid-eighties and is moving to a nursing home. She is used to getting up at 5 o'clock each morning and making breakfast for herself. Her new roommate likes to sleep until 7 o'clock and breakfast is not served at the nursing home until 8 o'clock. What is Sherry most likely to experience through this transition?


Which of the following is an example of planned obsolescence?

Sarah's iPod breaks just as the newest iPod Nano is being introduced.

Kyle is collecting newspaper clippings from his grandfather about the American public's perception of World War II. This is an example of ______

Secondary data

Alexis wants to research the 1960's feminist movement. She reads articles from the time period, watches documentaries, and reads scholarly journals on the topic. What kind of research method is Alexis using?

Secondary data analysis

Which of the following does NOT constitute cyberbullying?

Sending threatening letters to someone's home

What is the difference between sex and gender?

Sex refers to physical or physiological differences between males and females, while gender is the extent to which one identifies as being either masculine or feminine.

Janet is visiting her childhood friend in the Hamptons. Janet wears ripped jeans and Chuck Taylors to an infamous "White" party. The majority of party-goers refuse to socialize with her. Janet is experiencing a form of ____.

Social control

Jenny is given a doll for 2nd birthday, while her brother, Tyrone, is given a fire truck. This is an example of gender:


Tasha believes that gender is about the division of labor in the family. In the pre-industrial era, men were the hunter-gatherers and bread-winners, and women were keepers of the home. After World War II, changes in the family structure allowed women to become breadwinners also, altering the roles of the family. From what sociological perspective do Tasha's thoughts come?

Structural Functionalism

Baby Marla is always well dressed. She has ribbons, bows, and frills all over her dresses and even in her hair. Her mother, who is worried that people might mistake Marla for a little boy, is determined to communicate to the world that she has a baby girl. Which sociological paradigm does this story fit?

Symbolic Interactionism

Which sociological perspective sees technology and media as a tool individuals use to express how much wealth they have?

Symbolic Interactionist

A judge and her gavel. A cop and his gun. A lawyer and her power suit. A ____ would be most concerned with the parts these objects play in impression management.

Symbolic interactionist

Max believes that most people's racial beliefs are based on images conveyed in popular media since many people never meet members of certain races for themselves. Max's perspective is:

Symbolic interactionist

Sociology is defined as the

Systematic study of society and social interaction

A class of third graders is told that the assistant principal will be visiting their class to confirm their teacher's reports of bad behavior. When the principal visits, the students behave perfectly. This is an example of ________.

The Hawthorne Effect

When Kevin backpacks across Europe after his high school graduation, he is surprised to find Burger Kings, H&Ms, and even Wal-Mart stores in the foreign cities. This is an example of:

The McDonaldization of Society

The term institutionalization can be defined as:

The act of implanting a convention or norm into society.

Biological determinism is:

The belief that men and women behave differently due to differences in their biology

Alienation is defined by the text as:

The condition in which the individual is isolated and divorced from his or her society, work, or sense of self.

Which of the following is an example of an informal sanction?

The football team throwing a slushy in Finn's face because he tried to join the Glee club.

Xenocentrism is:

The opposite of ethnocentrism

Katrina, age 5, and Sharon, age 4, love to play together while their mothers chat. Katrina has a toy iron and washing machine. She and Sharon spend hours "washing" and "ironing" her baby doll's clothes, just like they see their mothers do. Which of George Herbert Mead's stages of development are Katrina and Sharon exemplifying?

The play stage

The term technological diffusion is defined as:

The spread of technology across borders.

Karl Marx asserted that the means of societal change existed in the tension between:

The working class proletariat taking the means of production from the wealthy bourgeois.

The term media globalization can be defined as

The worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas

The debate about net neutrality consists of two main sides. Which of the following is one of those sides?

Those who provide Internet service should be treated as common carriers, legally prohibited from discriminating based on the customer or nature of the goods.

Justin enrolls in a local community college so he can one day become an engineer. Justin is about to become a member of a:

Utilitarian organization

The term doing gender can be defined as:

When people perform tasks based upon the gender assigned to them by society and, in turn, themselves.

When Alexander, who is white, drives his car over the speed limit, a police officer lets him off with a warning. When Christopher, who is Hispanic, drives his car at the same speed as Alexander on the same road, the officer gives him a ticket, even though his record is clean. This is an example of: Question options:

White privilege

laissez-faire leader

a hands-off leader who allows members of the group to make their own decisions

democratic leader

a leader who encourages group participation and consensus-building before moving into action

expressive leader

a leader who is concerned with process and with ensuring everyone's emotional well-being

authoritarian leader

a leader who issues orders and assigns tasks

When thinking about gender, Jeff sees men as the dominant social group and women the subordinate group. This exploitation of the subordinate group has created social problems, such as high rates of poverty among single mothers. Which sociological perspective best fit Jeff's views?

conflict theory

Angelica visits Thailand with her family. When she wears short-shorts and tank tops while visiting a series of temples during her first week, she is met with hostility from the locals. She feels she no longer knows how to behave or interact with those outside her family. Angelica is experiencing _____.

culture shock

According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, when do humans begin to think about the feelings of other people and begin to see the world through other people's eyes

in their teenage years(conventional stage)

Political science teacher Mr. Jones asks his students to study how social media can influence public opinion by "following" famous activists, academics, and politicians on Twitter. While reading and exchanging each other's Tweets, some classmates became close friends. The first is an example of the project's ____ function, the second is an example of the project's _____ function.

manifest; latent

utilitarian organizations

organizations that are joined to fill a specific material need

Mead's path of development(self)

preparatory stage(copy the actions), play stage(take on the role), game stage(several roles interacting), Finally, the idea of the generalized other, the common behavioral expectations of general society. imagine how he or she is viewed by one or many others=self

positivism or antipositivism, foundation for

quantitative or qualitative sociology

In which country is sex education required in public schools?


In 1973, the American Psychological Association (APA) declassified homosexuality as an abnormal or deviant disorder. Which sociological perspective would be most interested in the statement the (APA) made to society?

symbolic interactionist

True or false: A person's sex, as determined by his or her biology, does not always correspond with his or her gender.


Weber and Dilthey introduced the concept of


Which theorist claimed that people rise to their proper level in society based solely on personal merit

Émile Durkheim

a German word that means to understand in a deep way, from an insider's point of view(verstehen)

-They argued that the influence of culture on human behavior had to be taken into account.

Which theorist would be most interested in who controls the media, and the ways in which the dominant race and class minimizes the media presence of the lower classes and other races?

A conflict theorist

The term values can be defined as:

A culture's standard for discerning what's good and just in society.

In an effort to control a total institution, and to create a community of sameness, inmates are forced to strip down, be searched by police officers, and given identical uniforms before entering prison. This is an example of _______.

A degradation ceremony

Which of the following is NOT an example of organic solidarity?

A freelance artist creating a sculpture of Barack Obama

Reliability is defined by the text as:

A measure of a study's consistency that considers how likely results are to be replicated if a study is reproduced

The term value neutrality is defined by the text as

A practice of remaining impartial, without bias or judgment during the course of a study and in publishing results=weber

What is the difference between a primary group and a secondary group?

A primary group is small, consisting of emotional face-to-face relationships; a secondary group is larger and impersonal.

According to Durkheim, which of the following is NOT a social fact

A religious belief A law A custom All of the above are social facts

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