Sociology StudyGuide Ch 9-12

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Max Weber identified and explained three distinct types of authority

(charismatic, traditional, legal-rational).

Today, wealth is distributed inequitably at the top of the socioeconomic scale. Corporate profits have increased more than 141 percent, and CEO pay has risen by more than

298 percent

African American women make on average 64 cents for every dollar a Caucasian male makes. Latina women make

56 cents for every dollar a Caucasian male makes.

The Agricultural Revolution led to development of the first economies that were based on trading goods. Eventually, the mechanization of the manufacturing process led to the

Industrial Revolution and gave rise to two major competing economic systems, capitalism and socialism.


Single god

Oligarchy is

a form of government in which power is held by a small, elite group

Polarization means that

a gap has developed in the job market, with most employment opportunities at the lowest and highest levels and few jobs for those with midlevel skills and education.


a practice where jobs are contracted to an outside source, often in another country

One of the most misunderstood concepts of Islam is that of jihad, which many people interpret as a holy war, but actually has two definitions -

a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam and the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin.

Socialism is

an economic system in which there is government ownership (often referred to as "state run") of goods and their production, with an impetus to share work and wealth equally among the members of a society.

Cultural attitudes in Japan prior to about 1986 supported the idea that the elderly deserve assistance, but major social shifts have created an increased demand for community and government care, and the increase in women working outside the home has made it more difficult to provide in-home care to aging parents, which leads to

an increase in the need for government-supported institutions

Max Weber studied power and authority, differentiating between power and formulating a system for classifying types of


Monarch is a government in which a single person rules until he or she dies or abdicates the throne; typically pass down through

birth right

Taoist beliefs emphasize the virtues of

compassion and moderation

Despite the cost of college today, it is more necessary than ever before to

complete a college degree

Evidence suggests that legal protection of voting rights does not

directly translate into equal voting power.

It was not until the establishment of Title IX of the Education Amendments in 1972 that

discriminating on the basis of sex in U.S. education programs became illegal.

Some people suggest secularization is a root cause of many social problems, such as

divorce, drug use, and educational downturn.

Power affects more than personal relationships; it shapes larger dynamics like social groups, professional organizations, and .


The individual who has fallen ill is not only physically sick, but now

must adhere to the specifically patterned social role of being sick with rights and obligations

Religion is an institution that helps maintain

patterns of social inequality that keep poor people poor and disempowered

Social Conflict theorists suggest that issues with the healthcare system, as with most other social problems, are

rooted in capitalist society.

Demedicalization normalizes behavior that was once understood as


Liberation theologians discuss theology from the point of view of

the poor and the oppressed and interpret the scriptures as a call to action against poverty and injustice

The controversy surrounding death with dignity laws or physician-assisted suicide is hotly debated. Oregon, the first to institute a Death with Dignity Act in 1997, required

the presence of two physicians for a legal assisted suicide

Besides formal offices, authority can arise from

tradition and personal qualities.

Religion has 3 major functions (Durkheim)

Establishing social cohesion•Promoting social control•Providing meaning and purpose

The Industrial Revolution and its accompanying social changes made education more accessible to the general population.

Many families in the emerging middle class found new opportunities for formal schooling.


Medicalization of deviance is the process that changes "bad" behavior into "sick" behavior


Napoleon, Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ghandi

Structural functional theorists suggest that manifest (or primary) functions, are

The intended and visible functions of education. and latent (or secondary) functions, which are the hidden and unintended functions.

Academic lessons become the focus of education as a child moves through the school system. However, education is

about much more than the simple learning of facts.

Credentialism is the emphasis on certificates or degrees that symbolize what a person has

achieved, and allows the labeling of that individual

Direct purchase insurance is coverage that

an individual buys directly from a private company.

Continuity theory on aging suggests that an enduring attempt to maintain social equilibrium and stability by making future decisions on the basis of already developed social roles contributes to a

certain consistent span of life for the elderly, barring a major illness such as Alzheimer's

A government's power is not necessarily limited to control of its own citizens. A dominant nation, for instance, will often use its

clout to influence or support other governments or to seize control of other nation states.

he United States Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States, and it has the final say on decisions about the

constitutionality of laws that citizens challenge.

Political debate about immigration is often fueled by

conversations about low-wage-earning workers, there are actually as many highly skilled, and high-earning, workers involved as well

n the United States, median income has not increased, and in fact it has receded in many cases. The size, income, and wealth of the middle class have been

declining since the 1970s, effects that were perhaps hastened by the recession.

Health differs around the world and some theorists categorize three categories of countries based on

degree of development.

Structural Functional theorists view government and politics as a way to enforce norms and regulate society's problems. They seek consensus and order in society and believe that

dysfunction creates social problems that lead to social change.

Employment-based insurance is health plan coverage that is provided in whole or in part by an employer or union; it can cover just the

employee, or the employee and his or her family

Functionalists view government and politics as a way to

enforce norms and regulate conflict; all aspects of society serve a purpose.

As capitalism began to dominate the economies of many countries during the Industrial Revolution, the rapid growth of businesses and their tremendous profitability gave some owners the resources they needed to create

enormous corporations that could monopolize an entire industry.

Cultural attitudes shape the way our society views old age and dying, but these attitudes shift and

evolve over time.

The economy the social institution through which a society's resources are

exchanged and managed to allow individuals to meet their needs and wants

Structural Functionalist theory suggest that religious rituals bring order, comfort, and organization through shared

familiar representations and patterns of behavior.

A democracy ensures certain basic rights for their citizens. Citizens are

free to organize political parties and hold elections. Leaders, once elected, must abide by the terms of the given nation's constitution and are limited in the powers they can exercise, as well as in the length of the duration of their terms.

According to Structural Functional theorists, in this model of health, doctors serve as

gatekeepers, deciding who is healthy and who is sick, a relationship in which the doctor has all the power.

Structural unemployment is when there is a societal level of disjuncture between people seeking jobs and the available jobs. This mismatch can be:

geographic (they are hiring in California, but most unemployed live in Alabama)•\ technological (skilled workers are replaced by machines, as in the auto industry

It is important to note that ethnic minorities, including African Americans, Mexican Americans and Native Americans,

have higher rates of diseases and causes of mortality than whites

Socialists claim that a capitalistic economy leads to

inequality, with unfair distribution of wealth and individuals who use their power at the expense of society.

The rapid increase in computer use in all aspects of daily life is a main reason for the transition to an

information economy. Fewer people are needed to work in factories because computerized robots now handle many of the tasks. This is referred to as the Post-industrial revolution.

Globalization has led to the development of global commodity chain, where internationally integrated economic links connect workers and corporations for the purpose of

manufacture and marketing.

Many contend that our society and even our healthcare institutions discriminate against certain diseases—like

mental disorders, AIDS, venereal diseases, and skin disorders. This is known as the stigmatization of illness.•

The quaternary sector produces ideas; these include the research that leads to

new technologies, the management of information, and a society's highest levels of education and the arts

The 1960s saw other important reforms in U.S. voting. Shortly before the Voting Rights Act was passed, the 1964 U.S. Supreme Court case Reynolds v. Sims changed the nature of elections. This landmark decision reaffirmed the notion of one person, one vote. This concept holds that all

people's votes should be counted equally. Before this decision, unequal distributions of population enabled small groups of people in sparsely populated rural areas to have as much voting power as the denser populations of urban areas. After Reynolds v. Sims, districts were redrawn so that they would include equal numbers of voters.•

Conflict theorists believe that the public education system reinforces and

perpetuates social inequalities.

The social construction of health: emphasizes the socio-cultural aspects of

physical, objectively definable phenomena

The government has four main purposes:

planning and directing society•meeting social needs•maintaining law and order•managing international relations


plays a major role in the process of socialization

Age Stratification theory falls under the social conflict theory on aging suggesting that because age serves as a basis of social control, different age groups will have varying access to social resources such as

political and economic power.

n the United States, many people view caring for the elderly as a burden. Even when there is a family member able and willing to provide for an elderly family member, 60 percent of family caregivers are employed outside the home and are unable to

provide the needed support

Brown v. Board of Education was a court case decided by the US Supreme Court in 1954 unanimously strikes down segregation in

public schools, sparking the Civil Rights movement.

Social conflict suggest wars often result from

religious disputes. To understand a culture, sociologists must study its religion.

n underdeveloped countries, as economies develop, more and more people are employed in the

secondary sector

Some religious scholars consider Confucianism more of a social system than a religion because it focuses on

sharing wisdom about moral practices but doesn't involve any type of specific worship.

Conrad and Barker show how medical knowledge is

socially constructed, and can both reflect and reproduce inequalities in gender, class, race, and ethnicity

Unfortunately, in June 2013 the Supreme Court repealed several important aspects of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, ruling that

southern states no longer need the stricter scrutiny that was once required to prohibit racial discrimination in voting practices in the South.

In 2015, the United States continued its recovery from the Great Recession," arguably the worst economic downturn since the stock

stock market collapse in 1929 and the Great Depression that ensued.

Karl Marx believed that the only way for the underprivileged to eventually gain some measure of equality would be to continue to

struggle against one another.

In the United States, society tends to glorify youth and associate it with beauty and sexuality. In comedies, the elderly are often associated with grumpiness or hostility. Rarely do

the roles of older people convey the fullness of life experienced by seniors.

An example of institutionalized sexism is

the way that women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with certain kinds of mental disorders.

While women are getting more and better jobs and their wages are rising more quickly than men's wages are, U.S. Census statistics show that

they are still earning only 77 percent of what men are for the same positions

According to Social Conflict, struggles in the present era are driven by the desire to gain or protect power and wealth, whether in the form of land and resources or in the form of liberty and autonomy. Internally, groups within the U.S. struggle within the system, by

trying to achieve the outcomes they prefer.•

Although real poverty exists in the United States, we tend to have what is called relative poverty, defined as being

unable to live the lifestyle of the average person in your country.•

Some of the drawbacks of globalization are that countries can be

weakened or polluted.

Growing up poor can cut off access to the opportunities and services people need to move out of poverty and into stable employment. As we saw, more education was often a key to stability, and those raised in poverty are the ones least able to find

well-paying work, perpetuating a cycle.

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