sociology topic one. The roles of the Education system

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says education legitimises equality through ideology. 1) Education prepares children to the world of work by giving them skills and values they'll need. 2) Education justifies inequality. 3)Education passes on ruling class ideology that supports capitalism.

correspondence theory

school corresponds directly to the working world.

Cultural capital

Marxist term - Bordia(1997) -cultural assets that middle class children love

Davis and moore

(1945) say that every society sorts it's members into different positions. They think that there are rules for how education does this - called "principles of stratification. They believe that there has to be a system of unequal rewards (more money) or status to motivate people to train for top positions.

Bowler and gintis

(1976) say that there is a close link between of school and adult work. They say that theirs a correspondence between pupil experience of school and adult work: . Pupils are taught to accept hierarchy at schools. Work has hierarchy. . Pupils are motivated grades to do boring work. Workers are rewarded with pay to do boring work. . The school day is broken into small units. So is the work day. . At school subservience (following the rules is rewarded. Bowles and gintis say that the hidden curriculum' (thing's like being on time for lessons, doing homework) prepares people for work. They also say that meritocracy is a myth which is used to blame individuals for not succeeding.

Criticism of functionalism

1) Evidence of differential achievement in terms of class, gender and ethnicity suggests that education is not meritocratic 2) "Who you know" Is still more important than what you know in some parts of society. So the allocation function it's not working properly. 3) It can be argued that the education system does not prepare people adequately for work. For example the lack of engineering graduates indicates education is failing to produce what employers and the economy need. 4) Functionalist doesn't look at how education may serve the interests of particular groups in terms of ideology and values. It doesn't explain conflict.

Criticism of marxism

1) Marxism assumes people are passive victims. It exaggerated how much working class students are socialised into obedience. Willis showed how students actually resist authority. 2) People Most people are aware of the inequality in education. Most people don't believe that society is fair

Feminist say that education is patriarchal.

1) Some feminists argue that the hidden curriculum unofficially reinforces gender differences. 2) There are still gender differences in subject choice in schools. Gender stereotyping still exists. 3) Girls are outperforming boys at school - Boys still demand more attention from the teacher. 4) en seem to dominate the top positions in school (head teacher, deputy head) and even more so in Universities. LIbral femnists want equal acces to education for both sexs. Radical feminists believe men are a bad influence, and want female-centered education for girls. Marxist feminists want to consider gender inequalities combined with inequalities of class and ethnicity.

Neo marxist - Althusser

1) sees education as part of the ideological state apparatus in other words, it's a tool of capitalism which is used to pass on the belief that society is fat. Althuser thinks that education produces a docile workforce.

There are similarities and differences between Functionalist and Marcist.

1)Both functionalists and marxists look at the bigger picture - |Institutions and the whole structure of society. They tend to to ignore social interactions - with the exceptions of willis. Both say education has a huge impact on the individual and that there is a close link wi the economy and work. 2) The biggest difference is how thy see inequality. Marxists say education helps to maintain inequality and make people accept inequality. Functionalists say education passes on the values of meritocracy and lets people better themselves.


Functionalism says Education has three functions: 1. teaching skills needed in work and the economy 2. Education sifts and sorts people for the appropriate jobs. This is called allocation of function. 3. Education plays a part in secondary socialization

Radical like Illich want to get rid of schools completely.

Illich agrees with functionlist about the function of school - but he thinks the functions are good enough. So we give up school as a bad idea. 1) Education looks after kids during the day. 2) Education sorts people in jobs roles. 3) Education passes on dominant values. 4) Education helps people learn skill and knolage The problem for Illich is that school don't create equality or develop creativity.


Parsons describes school as a bridge between family and adult role in society. School passes on a universal value of achievement. Parsons says education selects children into appropriate roles because it's meritocratic (meaning that the best students rise to the top). He agrees with durkheim that education helps to make people agree about norms and values.

Exam questions

Q1) Identify two ways in which schooling in capitalist societies mirrors the working world Q2 Examine the the marxist view that the function of the education system is to pass on ideolagy and reproduce the existing class syetm

Practise questions on the role of education systems

Q1) name three functions that the education system performs according to functionalists Q2) Name two functionalist studies Q3) What is meant by meritocracy? Q4) What did Bowles and Gintis say pupils experience of education had a close correspondence with? Q5) Give two problems with the Marxist theory of education. Q6) What is the difference between Marxist theory and Functionalist approach to education?


Said education passes on norms and values in order to integrate individuals into society. Education helps to create social order based on cohesion and core values.

Willis (1977)

Wllis says that education does not turn out a obident workforce. Some kids form an anti school subculture and cope with school and then adult work by mucking about.


used the concept of cultural capital (language , skills, knowledge and attitudes to explain how the middel class get to the top positions.

Hiden curiculum

values and norms that are not part of the taught curriculum

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