Sociology Unit 9 Gender and Sexuality

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Boys are more likely than girls to graduate from high school and to earn a bachelor's or masters degree. a. True b. False


Sexism can only be enacted by men against women


US abortion rates have been increasing


Members of the upper-upper class are the most likely to appear on lists of the wealthiest people in magazines like Forbes. a. True b. False

False Members of the upper-upper class guard their privacy and refuse to appear on most public lists.

Feminist theories

Feminist theories emphasize women's subordination. Feminist theorists point to sexuality as the root of inequality.

Sociological Explanations of Gender and Sexuality

Functionalism views the division of gender roles as functional for society. Males play an instrumental role. Females play an expressive roles. Orderly sexuality is critical for reproduction of society.


a belief that heterosexuality is superior and natural

Gender identity

a perception of self as either male or female

Marriages with legal and social supports stabilize relationships. Government recognition of unions (marriage, civil union) must be extended to all to stabilize society.


Social norms channel and control sexuality and are sanctioned by social institutions.


Stable societies have clear roles and expectations for each gender.


The traditional home, with a male breadwinner and a female homemaker, mimics the division of labor in the professional world. As gendered workforce roles have blended, so have their domestic roles at home.



gender learned attitudes and behaviors that characterize women and men.

gender identity

gender identity a perception of oneself as either masculine or feminine.


the fear and hatred of homosexuality

Civil unions

(domestic partnerships, registered partnerships) are legal in some states.

Variations of transgender and homosexual rights vary

Homosexual and transgender rights vary widely throughout the world. Australian passports allow people to select "transgender" as their sex.

Approximately __________ of Americans identify themselves as homosexual. a. 11 percent b. .5 percent c. 6 percent d. 2 percent e. 25 percent

c. 6 percent

Which of these statements about recent changes in family life is false? a. Women are spending less time on childcare and housework than they have in the past. b. More women are having their first child in their 30s instead of in their 20s. c. Men and women today spend relatively equal number of hours on domestic tasks. d. Seventy percent of married women are in the paid workforce. e. Men are more likely than women to believe it is okay for a man to be a stay-at-home dad.

c. Men and women today spend relatively equal number of hours on domestic tasks.

Gender identity is typically developed a. during adolescence. b. after puberty. c. early in life. d. when one becomes sexually active. e. during young adulthood.

c. early in life

Most studies of sexuality are based on the assumption that heterosexuality is "normal" or "natural." This would be considered an example of __________. a. homonormativity b. a sexual script c. heterosexism d. homophobia e. a double-standard

c. heterosexism

_______ is the belief that heterosexuality is superior to and more natural than homsexuality or bisexuality a. heterobiology b. homosexism c. heterosexism d. bisexism

c. heterosexism

Broadly speaking, __________ is a designation that refers to biological characteristics and __________ refers to socialized characteristics. a. sex; sexuality b. gender; sex c. sex; gender d. sexual orientation; gender e. gender; sexual orientation

c. sex, gender

The sociological term for unequal access to wealth, power, status, prestige, and other valued resources on the basis of sex is __________. a. sexual stereotyping b. social stratification c. gender roles d. gender stratification e. sexism

d. gender stratification

Approximately __________ of U.S. women have an abortion by age 45. a. two percent b. half c. one-tenth d. one-third e. ten percent

d. one third

Which form of feminism views patriarchy as more critical than social class in giving men power over women's lives? a. ecofeminism b. liberal feminism c. multicultural feminism d. radical feminism e. conservative feminism

d. radical feminism

How many states in the U.S. have passed constitutional amendments that explicitly ban same-sex marriage? a. 24 b. 5 c. 18 d. 10 e. 29

e. 29 Constitutional amendments prohibiting same-sex marriage have been passed in 29 states.

Which of these countries has never had a female President or Vice-President? a. Germany b. Chile c. Philippines d. Argentina e. US

e. US

n regards to academic achievement, a. by high school, girls and boys are now performing the same in math and science. b. girls are more likely than boys to be diagnosed as having a developmental disability. c. girls are less likely than boys to earn a college degree. d. boys are more likely to graduate from high school than are girls. e. boys and girls perform very similarly in math and reading when they enter kindergarten.

e. boys and girls perform very similarly in math and reading when they enter kindergarten.

J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, rose from near poverty to substantial wealth. This is an example of __________. a. intergenerational mobility b. diagonal mobility c. horizontal mobility d. lateral mobility e. intragenerational mobility

e. intragenerational mobility

Gender stereotypes

expectations about how people will look, act, think, and feel based on their sex

gender stereotypes

expectations about how people will look, act, think, and feel based on their sex.

A person's gender identity is relatively fixed throughout that person's life. a. True b. False


Boys are more likely than girls to graduate from high school and to earn a bachelor's or masters degree. a. True b. False


Few jobs today are still segregated by sex. a. True b. False


Sexism is generally overt and blatant discrimination against women. a. True b. False


Sexual identity, sexual attraction and sexual behavior are same, or perfectly correlated with each other. a. True b. False


No Western industrialized nation has ever had a female President or head of state. a. True b. False

false Great Britain and Germany have had female Prime Ministers, as have India, Israel, Pakistan, Chile and other nations.

abortion has few physical dangers, but research links it to increased emotional problems such as depression and other mental illness. a. True b. False

false Studies consistently find that abortion does not increase the risk of physical or emotional injury among adolescents or women.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

federal law prohibiting firing, demoting, or penalizing an employee because of pregnancy

Dominant social institutions have historically refused women. This reduces women's career independence, and encourages marriage for economic support and a domestic role in the home.


In patriarchal societies, men enact mechanisms of sexual control, both formally and informally, in order to subjugate women


Same sex marriage challenges traditional gender and sexual norms, by legitimating relationships, which do not support patriarchal values.


Social structures founded on sexist principles place women in socially and economically vulnerable positions. Patriarchal societies devalue the skills and traits developed by women.



heterosexism belief that heterosexuality is superior to and more natural than homosexuality or bisexuality.

those who are sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.


the fear and hatred of homosexuality.


those who are sexually attracted to people of the same sex.


The pay gap

increases as the level of educational attainment increases.

Acceptance of gay rights

is growing.


learned attitudes and behaviors that characterize people of one sex or the other Based on social and cultural expectations

Same-sex marriage

legally recognized marriage between 2 people of the same sex Same-sex marriage is legal in 8 states and 10 countries.

Sexual identity

our awareness of ourselves as male or female and the ways that we express our sexual values, attitudes, feelings, and beliefs

gender stratification

people's unequal access to wealth, power, status, prestige, and other valued resources because of their sex.

The gender pay gap

refers to the income difference between males and females.

Conflict theory

sees gender inequality as built into the social structure. Capitalism explains complementary roles. Men's domination of women is the result of gender power differences.

an attitude or behavior that discriminates against one sex, usually females, based on the assumed superiority of the other sex.


any unwanted sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other conduct of a sexual nature that makes a person uncomfortable and interferes with her or his work.

sexual harassment

our awareness of ourselves as male or female and the ways that we express our sexual values, attitudes, feelings, and beliefs.

sexual identity

a preference for sexual partners of the same sex, of the opposite sex, of both sexes, or neither sex.

sexual orientation

specifies the formal or informal norms for acceptable or unacceptable sexual activity, which individuals are eligible sexual partners, and the boundaries of sexual behavior.

sexual script

A sexual script

specifies the formal or informal norms for legitimate or unacceptable sexual activity, who are eligible sexual partners, and boundaries of sexual behavior. Gender, race, and ethnicity shape sexual scripts.

Caring or nurturing traits often associated with women are used as insults among powerful groups. This is often seen in language (being "sissy").

symbolic interactionalist

Each gender's household roles are socially constructed from a very young age by rewarding gender conformity. For example, girls play house while boys play sports and war games.

symbolic interactionalist

Sexual norms are always changing, are socially constructed as a response to shifting social conditions.

symbolic interactionalist

The institution of marriage has undergone substantial changes over time, thus new marriage arrangements should be expected as societies change.

symbolic interactionalist


the biological characteristics with which we were born Chromosomes, anatomy, hormones

gender roles

the characteristics, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that society expects of females and males.


the expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus Abortion was outlawed in the 1800s and legalized again in 1973 with Roe v. Wade.


the expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus.


the graphic depiction of images that causes sexual arousal The pornography industry brings in more revenue than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple, and Netflix combined.

gender pay gap

the overall income difference between women and men in the workplace (also called the wage gap, pay gap, and gender wage gap).

Symbolic interaction theory

theory focuses on the everyday processes that produce and reinforce gender roles. Our view of reality, including gender, is a social construction. Inequality results from learning gender roles and learning sexuality.


those who are sexually attracted to members of both sexes.


those who lack any interest in or desire for sex.

those who are transsexuals, intersexuals, or transvestites.


Although abortion is legal, it is virtually impossible for women to get access to legal abortion in 10 states. a. True b. False


As the level of educational attainment increases, so does the gender pay gap. a. True b. False


Because sexuality and gender are socially constructed, attitudes and behaviors are open to change. a. True b. False


Cross-culturally, arranged marriage is most common. a. True b. False


In 2011, a majority of Americans believed that society should be accepting of homosexuality. a. True b. False


Men are more than twice as likely as equally-qualified women to consider themselves qualified to run for political office. a. True b. False


Sexual characteristics influence but do not necessarily determine a person's behavior. a. True b. False


Conflict theorists believe that capitalism increases gender inequality


Abortion rates

About 22% of pregnancies end in abortion. The abortion rate has decreased since 1980. It is most common among young, never-married women.

Homosexual, Bisexual Percentages in US

About 6% of Americans identify themselves as homosexual and almost 8% describe themselves as bisexual. 18% have had same-sex sexual contact.

Division on abortion

Americans are almost equally divided on the issue of abortion. Slightly more described themselves as pro-life. In spite of claims by the pro-life side, no research evidence supports the argument that abortions are physically or mentally dangerous.

Feminist and conflict perspectives on gender are similar in that they both emphasize a. that gender is less important than social class in terms of stratification. b. women's vulnerability to daily violence. c. that gender stratification is beneficial to men and capitalism. d. that men and women should be seen as equals. e. patriarchy as the cause of violence and conflict.

Both feminist and conflict theorists emphasize that gender inequality is beneficial to men and to capitalism. c. that gender stratification is beneficial to men and capitalism

In regards to academic achievement, a. boys are more likely to graduate from high school than are girls. b. girls are less likely than boys to earn a college degree. c. girls are more likely than boys to be diagnosed as having a developmental disability. d. boys and girls perform very similarly in math and reading when they enter kindergarten. e. by high school, girls and boys are now performing the same in math and science.

Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with a developmental disability and are less likely to graduate from high school and college; boys and girls enter kindergarten with similar abilities in math and reading. d. boys and girls perform very similarly in math and reading when they enter kindergarten.

__________ argues that gender roles and gender inequality is the consequence of capitalism. a. Symbolic interactionism b. Functionalism c. Conflict theory d. Feminist theory e. Labeling theory

Conflict theory argues that gender roles and gender inequality is the consequence of capitalism. c. conflict theory

US Women in elected offices 2011

Congress - 17% of 535 Senate - 17% of 100 House - 17% of 435 State elective offices Govenor - 12% of 50 State Legislature - 24% of 7382 Attorney General - 14% of 50 Secretary of State - 22% of 50 State Treasurer - 14% of 50 State Comptroller - 8% of 50 Mayor (100 largest cities) - 8% of 100

Identify the correct concept: sex, gender, gender identity, gender role, or gender stereotyping: Emma believes that it is the mother's responsibility to care for the children. Steven was born with a penis and testes. Three-year-old Valerie announces that she will be a cowboy when she grows up. John believes that all females are alike and not qualified to be president.

Emma: Gender roles Steven: Sex Valerie: Gender identity John: Gender stereotypes

A majority of Americans support same sex marriage


From the perspective of conflict theory, human capital provides the best explanation for the gender gap in earnings. a. True b. False

Functionalists explain the gender gap in terms of human capital. b. false

Men are experiencing greater work-family conflict than in the past.

Gender roles

By third grade, boys outperform girls in math and science while girls excel at reading. More females than males earn college degrees. Women earn only 24% of undergraduate STEM degrees (science, technology, engineering, and math)

Gender stratification

Gender Stratification

Gender stratification: people's unequal access to wealth, power, status, prestige, and other valued resources

Female owned firms

Globally, female owned firms account for 40% of all privately held businesses. Only 16% of U.S. corporate board members are women. Worldwide, 19% of seats in national legislatures are held by women.

Support for same sex marriage

Half of Americans support the right to same-sex marriage. Voters in 31 states have passed laws limiting marriage to a man and a woman.

Sexual violence in other countries

In many countries, women experience sexual violence and male dominance because of custom, laws, or minimal government protection.

As rank increases the number of female faculty members decreases

Professor - 28% women Associate Professor - 41% women Assistant Professor - 48% women Instructor - 55% women Of the almost 729,000 full-time faculty members in 2009, 43% were women

Gender pay gap by education

Less than HS: men 25,792, women 20,436 HS graduate: men 37,492, women 28,964 Associates degree: men, 43,576, women 34,112 Bachelor's degree: men, 60,788, women 48,048 Advanced degree: men 81,744, women 59,592

Liberal feminism, radical feminism, multicultural feminism

Liberal feminism maintains that gender equality can be achieved through equal civil rights and equal opportunities. Radical feminism contends that patriarchy is the reasons for women's oppression. Multicultural feminism maintains that gender, race, and social class intertwine to form a hierarchical stratification.

In general, men in our society have been socialized into __________ roles and women into __________ roles. a. functional; instrumental b. private; public c. expressive; instrumental d. instrumental; expressive e. formal; informal

Men in our society have typically been socialized into instrumental roles and women into expressive roles. d. instrumental, expressive

Of the 101 individuals who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, __________ have been women. a. 33 b. 5 c. 25 d. 15 e. 49

Only 15 of the 101 individuals who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize have been women. d. 15

Pornography controversy

Over 90% of Internet pornography viewers are men. Pornography remains a controversial subject.

Research indicates that __________ of male college students view online pornographic material daily or nearly every day. a. one in 20 b. half c. three-quarters d. one-fifth e. nine in ten

Research indicates that 20 percent of male college students, compared with 3 percent of female college students, view online pornography daily or nearly every day. a. one in 20

Countries with more women as legislators

Rwanda: 56% Sweden: 46% South Africa: 45% Cuba, Iceland: 43% Netherlands: 42% Finland, Norway: 40%

Gender and Sexuality Across Cultures

Saudi arabia is the only country that bans women from driving

Women spend more time than men on domestic chores.



Sexism: an attitude or behavior that discriminates against one sex, usually women, based on assumed superiority of the other sex

A major weakness of symbolic interactionist perspectives is that they do not explain a. the role of interaction in forming one's sexual identity. b. why globally women are considered more vulnerable to sexual exploitation and violence. c. how gender is socially constructed. d. cultural variations in gender roles. e. how attitudes toward sexuality may change over time.

Symbolic interactionist perspectives do not explain why throughout the world women are more vulnerable than men to sexual exploitation and violence. b. why globally women are considered more vulnerable to sexual exploitation and violence.

__________ are the least likely to examine how the social structure serves to create and maintain gender inequality. a. Symbolic interactionists b. Conflict theorists c. Postmodernists d. Functionalists e. Liberal feminists

Symbolic interactionists focus on the role of social interaction in creating gender differences; they are the least likely to emphasize how structure creates and maintains inequality. a. Symbolic interactionists

Gender quality gaps by country

The U.S. ranks 19th in gender equality. The biggest gaps are in the Middle East, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa.

The term for people born with ambiguous genitalia, neither clearly male nor clearly female, is __________. a. intersexual b. asexual c. transvestite d. transsexual

The term intersexual replaces the outmoded term hermaphrodite to refer to persons born with mixed or ambiguous genitalia. a. intersexual

Other explanations for the pay gap

The wage gap can be partially explained by differences in education and experience, but about 41% of the gap is the result of sex discrimination.


Transsexuals: born with one sex but choose to live their life as another sex Intersexuals: medical classification at birth is not clearly male or female Transvestites: cross-dress at times

No stratification system is completely closed or open. a. True b. False


Sexual harassment is the fastest growing type of employment discrimination


The U.S. has more income inequality than most industrialized countries and some developing countries. a. True b. False


Political gender differences

U.S. lags behind many other countries in women's political empowerment. 83% of the U.S. Congress are men.

Explanations for the pay gap

Women choose fields with lower earnings. Women get stuck under a glass ceiling. Mothers are more likely than fathers to make work adjustments for children.

Sexual orientation

a preference for sexual partners of the same sex, of the opposite sex, both sexes, or neither sex Homosexual Heterosexual Bisexual Asexual

Since 1979 the gender pay gap has a. decreased some. b. disappeared. c. reversed so that now men are earning less than women, on average. d. increased sharply. e. remained the same.

a. decreased some. Since 1979 the gender pay gap has decreased by 19 cents; on average, women earn 81 cents for every dollar earned by men.

The sociological term for the socially expected characteristics, attitudes, feelings and behaviors assigned to males and females is __________. a. gender role b. sex role c. sexual identity d. gender identity e. social role

a. gender role

The sociological term for unequal access to wealth, power, status, prestige, and other valued resources on the basis of sex is __________. a. gender stratification b. gender roles c. social stratification d. sexism e. sexual stereotyping

a. gender stratification

Generally, the gender pay gap increases as the level of educational attainment a. increases b. decreases c. neither of the above because it depends on how hard a person works d. neither a nor b because such data are not available

a. increases

Sexual harassment

any unwanted sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other conduct of a sexual nature Includes: Verbal behavior Nonverbal behavior Physical contact

Sean, age 16, lies to his friends about the frequency of his sexual activity and new sexual exploits every week. Sean is: a. being a normal male b. adhering to a sexual script c. falllng into a pathologic life course d. challenging gender norms

b. adhering to a sexual script

Gender identity is typically developed a. during young adulthood. b. early in life. c. after puberty. d. during adolescence. e. when one becomes sexually active.

b. early in life.

Which theoretic perspective regards gender roles as complementary? a. symbolic interactionist b. functionalist c. feminist d. conflict e. social exchange

b. functionalist

_____refers to learned attitudes and behaviors, whereas _________ refers to biological characteristics with which we were born a. sex; gender b. gender, sex c. sex, gender roles d. sexual identity; gender sterotypes

b. gender, sex

Which form of feminism focuses on equalizing rights and opportunities for women within social institutions? a. ecofeminism b. liberal feminism c. multicultural feminism d. radical feminism e. conservative feminism

b. liberal feminism

Broadly speaking, __________ is a designation that refers to biological characteristics and __________ refers to socialized characteristics. a. gender; sexual orientation b. sex; gender c. gender; sex d. sex; sexuality e. sexual orientation; gender

b. sex; gender

he term __________ refers to a person's awareness of themselves as male or female, as well as sexual attitudes, values, and beliefs. a. sex b. sexual identity c. gender d. gender expression e. gender identity

b. sexual identity Sexual identity refers to a person's awareness of themselves as male or female, as well as sexual attitudes, values, and beliefs.

Globally, the largest gaps in gender equality are found in __________. a. South America b. the Middle East c. Scandinavia d. the United States e. East Asia

b. the Middle East

How is the poverty line determined? a. the average American's annual budget divided by four b. the cost of a minimally nutritious diet multiplied by three c. costs of housing, transportation and food for a family of four d. the cost of living in the region divided by three e. costs of minimal shelter and food multiplied by four

b. the cost of a minimally nutritious diet multiplied by three

Gender roles

characteristics, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that society expects of females and males

As both men and women increasingly work outside the home, there is more frustration over women's "second shift" housework. As a result, men are doing more housework than they did in the past.


In a patriarchal society, men wield more power both inside and outside the home, which demotes women to subordinate statuses and tasks.


Sexual norms are a mechanism of control used to benefit those who fit the dominant heterosexual ideals.


The battle over same sex marriage is about who controls sexual norms. Denying same sex partners full marriage rights economically marginalizes people who do not follow mainstream sexual norms.


Isis King, born Daniel Walls, was the first transgender

contestant on America's Next Top Model

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