Characteristics of bureaucracy
- Max Weber identified six key elements of the ideal bureaucratic organization: 1. Specialization 2. hierarchy of authority 3. rules and regulations 4. technical competence 5. impersonality 6. formal, written communications
Bureaucratic dysfunctions
-Alienation: refers to a disconnect between workers & work -IRON CAGE: Feeling of being trapped in a system of our own creation (Max Webber) *Employment monitoring phone center* The iron cage is the one set of rules and laws that we are all subjected and must adhere to.[15] Bureaucracy puts us in an iron cage, which limits individual human freedom and potential instead of a "technological utopia" that should set us free
McDonaldization of society
-Principles underlying fast food permeates the rest of society -MCD's as metaphor for bureaucracy 1. Clear division of labor 2. Hierarchy of authority
Max Weber's view of bureaucracy
-Viewed bureaucracy as a natural by-product of a larger process he called rationalization
-existing or occurring between the sexes
Crime typology
-how we categorize and classify crime based on research and statistics that we get an understanding of criminal behavior worthy of future understanding and prediction 1. violent crimes 2. theft crimes 3. public order crimes 4. organized crimes links between different types of crime and criminals
Status inconsistency
-is a situation where an individual's social positions have both positive and negative influences on his or her social status -Status inconsistency: ranking high on some ad low on others -are likely to claim higher status, but are handed the lower one
Differential association theory
Argues that individuals will become deviant when they have excess of deviant others over conventional others in their lives. (raised bad then chooses to be good-deviance against their norm) Ex. street gangs, mafia
Systems of stratification
Caste systems are closed social stratification systems in which people inherit their position aterm-25nd experience little mobility. Social class refers to the grouping of individuals in a stratified social hierarchy, usually based on wealth, education, and occupation.
Social bond/control theory
Developed by Travis Hirschi Argues crime is a result of weak social ties Elements 1. Attachment: to teachers, parents, relationships 2. Involvement: activities, jobs, volunteer organizations 3. commitment : investment, high GPA 4. Belief- commitment to religion
Relationship between deviance and crime
Deviance: refers to NORM violation (ex. Walking with umbrella in store) FOLKWAYS Crime: refers to LAW violation (ex. Shooting someone) MORES
Formal/informal social control
FORMAL:Formal social control is implemented by authorized agents including police officers, employers, military officers, and others. It is exercised by a society without stating any rules or laws. It is expressed through norms and customs.
Effects of gender inequality
Family -more stress on women Employment- 78% job segregation Violence
Labeling theory (1)
In sociology, labeling theory is the view of deviance according to which being labeled as a "deviant" leads a person to engage in deviant behavior. Originating in Howard Becker's work in the 1960s, labeling theory explains why people's behavior clashes with social norms.
Socioeconomic status (SES)
Is an object measure of social class based on Weath Education Occupation
False consciousness
Karl Marx's term to refer to workers identifying with the interests of capitalists
Marxist theory/capitalism
Marxists define capital as "a social, economic relation" between people (rather than between people and things). Normative Marxism advocates a revolutionary overthrow of capitalism that would lead to socialism, before eventually transforming into communism after class antagonisms and the state ceased to exist. ROOT OF ALL EVIL
Types of social mobility
Movement up or down the social class ladder 1. intra-generational mobility. Change in social status over a single lifetime. 2. vertical mobility. Movement of individuals or groups up or down from one socioeconomic level to another, often by changing jobs or through marriage. 3. meritocratic.government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability
Prejudice and discrimination
Prejudice refers to thoughts and attitudes a person holds toward a group of people, while discrimination refers to actual actions against such a group
White collar crime
Refers to financially motivated nonviolent crime committed by business and government professionals. Within criminology, it was first defined by sociologist Edwin Sutherland in 1939 as "a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation".
Minority group
Refers to group that lacks access to power and resources
Structural-Functionalist view of stratification
STRATIFICATION & INEQUALITY ARE NECESSARY Stratification: refers to a social ranking system Systems: Slavery-born into it Estate-texas land Caste-religion, india Class- we choose who we marry. Strongest indicator Class systems of stratification offer opportunity for social mobility
Natural systems approach
The natural systems approach argues that bureaucracies will behave irrationally if this ensures own survival
Subcultural theory
Unique views that crime is not as deviant but as conformity to a different set of norms
Disparity of wealth
Wealth Inequality. Wealth inequality can be described as the unequal distribution of assets within a population. The United States exhibits wider disparities of wealth between rich and poor than any other major developed nation.
Weber's vs. Marx's definition of social class
Weber: a large number of people who rank close to one another in power, property and prestige, POVERTY, POWER, PRESTIGE Marx: one of two groups, capitalists who own the means of production or workers who sell their labor, 2 CLASSES, CAPITALIST AND WORKERS
Merton's strain theory
argued that society may be set up in a way that encourages too much deviance. Merton believed there was a disjunction between socially approved means to success and legit cultural goals. CLASS NOTES: reject from negative life experiences. An excuse for crime bc of rough life experiences.
denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex
Gender role socialization
is the process of learning the social expectations and attitudes associated with one's sex. Sociologists explain through gender socialization why human males and females behave in different ways: they learn different social roles.
Global stratification
refers to the hierarchical arrangement of individuals and groups in societies around the world. Slavery. Slavery is a system in which people are bought and sold as property, forced to work, or held in captivity against their will. Caste Systems.
the action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
Capital punishment
the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime.
the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend.