SOCL 222 Final Exam

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Which view of childhood is most likely to encourage parents to spank their children as an appropriate and necessary form of discipline? A. Little Devlis B. Environmentalist C. Romantic D. Humanist

A. Little Devlis

All of the following substances are considered teratogens except: A. cocaine B. alcohol C. folic acid D. tobacco

C. folic acid

Which of the following statements is true? A. Adoptees develop significantly better than children who are reared by biological parents who are ambivalent about caring for them or who do not want them. B. International adoptions cost far less than domestic adoptions. C. A significant number of birth mothers change their minds about giving up the baby after they have initiated the adoption process. D. The majority of adult adoptees who search for their birth parents do so because they have poor relationships with their adoptive parents.

A. Adoptees develop significantly better than children who are reared by biological parents who are ambivalent about caring for them or who do not want them.

Industrialization changed the nature of children's work from the type of work they performed in an agricultural setting in all of the following ways except: A. Children's work was often irregular and combined with recreation. B. Industrial work requires more of children's time--up to 10 hours per day, 6 days a week. C. Children no longer worked under the supervision of adults who were supposed to care for their well-being. D. Children's introduction to work occurred abruptly rather than gradually.

A. Children's work was often irregular and combined with recreation.

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding children and marriages in the early 20th century? A. Despite Age of Consent laws, child marriages were very common in the early 20th century. B. Judges typically ruled in favor of the couple, rather than the parents, when parents contested an under-age marriage. C. Age of Consent laws in part reflected concerns that children were not ready for marriage and therefore would be more likely to divorce. D. Age of Consent laws reflected concerns that since divorce was legal by the end of the 19th century, that child marriage would allow older men to marry young girls just to have sex with them and then divorce them.

A. Despite Age of Consent laws, child marriages were very common in the early 20th century.

Which of the following research techniques is designed to study non-verbal infants? A. Habituation-Dishabituation experiments B. Recall accuracy experiments C. Complexity experiments D. Choice experiments

A. Habituation-Dishabituation experiments

Which of the following is not a characteristic of "lint heads?" A. Lint heads typically were black or immigrant children. B. Lint heads is a term most associated with workers in a Southern industry. C. Lint heads is a term used to describe only white children. D. Lint heads worked in textile factories

A. Lint heads typically were black or immigrant children.

Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Most elderly adults receive regular financial assistance from their adult children. B. Daughters are more likely than sons to provide services to elderly parents. C. Sons are equally likely as daughters to provide financial assistance to elderly parents. D. Most elderly parents do not reside in institutional care.

A. Most elderly adults receive regular financial assistance from their adult children.

Which of the following statements about the inter-generational effects on parenting is NOT true? A. Parents inevitably inflict the difficulties of their own childhoods onto their children. B. Parents who were abused as children are more likely than those who were not abused to be abusive parents themselves. C. Parents generally agree with their own parents about family values and expectations. D. Adults who are secure in their relationship with their own parents are more likely to rear infants who develop secure attachments to them.

A. Parents inevitably inflict the difficulties of their own childhoods onto their children.

Which of the following statements is true? A. The National Extension Parenting Education Model is not a parenting program, but a set of guidelines for offering effective parenting education programs. B. Federal law requires all parent and family educators to be licensed. C. Parenting educators are assumed to be the expert in all parenting education programs. D. To be a parenting educator, one must have a graduate degree specifically in parenting education.

A. The National Extension Parenting Education Model is not a parenting program, but a set of guidelines for offering effective parenting education programs.

Amato's research suggests that it is beneficial for children if parents in high conflict relationships divorce. A. True B. False

A. True

The majority of divorces are initiated by the wife. A. True B. False

A. True

The "sandwich generation" refers to: A. adult children, usually female, between the ages of 40 and 60 who are coping with the demands of children in their own and those of elderly parents. B. parents, usually mothers, who are trying to meet the demands of a job or career and those of their children. C. parents whose demands of spouse and children conflict. D. teenagers who have grandparents residing in their home.

A. adult children, usually female, between the ages of 40 and 60 who are coping with the demands of children in their own and those of elderly parents.

In the strange situation text, a child who does not make much contact with the parent when she is in the room, shows little distress when the parent leaves the room, and ignores the parent when she returns is said to have ____________ attachment. A. anxious avoidant B. disorganized C. secure D. anxious resistant

A. anxious avoidant

All of the following procedures are considered an Assistive Reproductive Technology EXCEPT: A. artificial insemination B. gamete intrafallopian transfer C. embryo transfer D. in-vitro fertilization

A. artificial insemination

"Much synaptogenesis is epigenetic." This statement means that much synaptic growth is generated _________________________. A. by environmental stimulation B. prenatally C. by genetic programming D. automatically

A. by environmental stimulation

Effective parenting programs A. focus on practical strategies that are easy for parents to learn B. focus on parental control C. focus primarily on the children's behavior D. focus on the use of physical punishment

A. focus on practical strategies that are easy for parents to learn

According to Jane Phinney, __________________ describes children who accept others' views of their racial/ethnic group without questioning. A. identity foreclosure B. identity diffusion C. moratorium D. achieved identity

A. identity foreclosure

The effects of exosystems on the child are: A. indirect B. nonexistent C. direct D. compromising

A. indirect

Parental satisfaction with the co-residence of their adult children A. is highly related to the degree of parent/child conflict and the level of social interaction between parent and adult child. B. is increased when adult children are unemployed. C. is increased when grandchildren are present with a single parent and grandparents. D. increases with higher levels of education and income of parents.

A. is highly related to the degree of parent/child conflict and the level of social interaction between parent and adult child

According to Ahrons, most people think of the _______________ as when the divorce process began. A. physical separation B. decision C. announcement D. aftermath

A. physical separation

SMART Program outcomes must be all of the following EXCEPT: A. reliable B. measurable C. attainable D. specific

A. reliable

How many mail-order Chinese wives did Sandra Tsing Loh's father have? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

B. 2

Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Today in wrongful death cases, juries base the value of the child's life on their emotional value to the parents and family, rather than their economic value. B. After child labor laws were passed children's economic value increased dramatically. C. The American people generally were very upset when juries placed extremely low value (as low as one cent) on children's lives in wrongful death cases. D. Pecuniary laws in the 19th century required juries to calculate the economic value of a child's life in a wrongful death lawsuit.

B. After child labor laws were passed children's economic value increased dramatically.

The trauma of divorce can be reduced for children if parents do all of the following except: A. Give children permission to talk about their feelings about the divorce. B. Announce the decision to divorce and then immediately separate. C. Refrain from engaging in open conflict in front of the children. D. Maintain children's routines as much as possible.

B. Announce the decision to divorce and then immediately separate.

Which of the following is NOT one of the objectives of a needs assessment evaluation study? A. Assess community support for a program. B. Assess participants' satisfaction with a program. C. Assess resources available and resources necessary to operate a program. D. Determine wither similar programs are available in the community.

B. Assess participants' satisfaction with a program.

In my research, I found that working class parents use more physical punishment than middle class parents. Who am I? A. Alwin B. Brofenbrenner C. Kohn D. Lareau

B. Brofenbrenner

Which of the following statements is true? A. Discipline interferes with the development of internal controls, whereas punishment promotes the development of internal controls. B. Discipline is used to teach and guide, whereas punishment is used used to inhibit unacceptable behavior. C. Discipline is used for controlling and retribution, whereas punishment creates dialogue and communication with the adult acting as teacher. D. Discipline focuses on what children are not allowed to do, whereas punishment teaches children what they are allowed to and should do.

B. Discipline is used to teach and guide, whereas punishment is used used to inhibit unacceptable behavior.

Grandparents who serve as surrogate parents for their grandchildren are generally healthier and wealthier than grandparents whose grandchildren are in parental care. A. True B. False

B. False

In step couple relationships, the parent with the biological child is said to be the "stuck outsider." A. True B. False

B. False

The "chronic homeless" make up the largest number of the homeless population in the United States. A. True B. False

B. False

The term "stepfamily" is only used to describe families that have formed due to divorce and remarriage. A. True B. False

B. False

When parents and children co-reside, it is most often because the parent is in failing health and needs care and assistance from the adult child. A. True B. False

B. False

All of the following statements about relational forgiveness are true EXCEPT: A. People may attach conditions to forgiveness. B. Forgiveness is a process in which the forgiver condones, excuses, or forgets what happened. C. Forgiveness is a process for the individual who was hurt, not for the offender. D. People may use nonverbal displays such as a smile or a hug to communicate forgiveness.

B. Forgiveness is a process in which the forgiver condones, excuses, or forgets what happened.

According to the Parenting Pyramid, the most important aspect of effective discipline is: A. the parent-child relationship B. correction C. teaching D. our personal way of being

D. our personal way of being

I use many words in interacting with my children. In our family, we encourage our children to express themselves verbally, discuss meanings of words, and challenge our children to build a deep vocabulary. From this information, you can conclude all of the following statements are true EXCEPT: A. My children are developing cultural capital. B. I believe in the philosophy of the accomplishment of natural growth. C. My children are prone to back-talking to me. D. I believe in the philosophy of concerted cultivation.

B. I believe in the philosophy of the accomplishment of natural growth.

______________________ design has a treatment and control group, but participants are NOT randomly assigned to groups. Pre- and post-tests of outcomes on both groups are conducted. A. True experimental B. Quasi-experimental C. Pre-experimental D. Field-experimental

B. Quasi-experimental

Which of the following is NOT an advisable way to create harmonious stepfamily relationships: A. Stepparents should be prepared to tolerate some backtalk from stepchildren. B. Stepparents should establish their role as disciplinarian right away. C. Maintain some one-to-one time just between the parent and child. D. Protect children from conflict between adults.

B. Stepparents should establish their role as disciplinarian right away.

Children who experience chronic, non responsive emotional from their parents, even though they may be well dress and well fed, are likely to develop ____________, according to attachment theorists. A. anxious resistant (a.k.a. "insecure resistant) attachment B. anxious avoidant (a.k.a. "insecure avoidant) attachment C. disorganized attachment D. a secure attachment

B. anxious avoidant (a.k.a. "insecure avoidant) attachment

According to descriptions of grandparenting styles, the "surrogate" or "involved" style is demonstrated by A. authoritarian, parent-centered behavior. B. assuming actual caretaking responsibilities. C. a focus on mutual satisfaction through leisure activities. D. following proper and prescribed roles for grandparents

B. assuming actual caretaking responsibilities.

Your brother, who just divorced after 5 years of marriage, comes to you and says he is frustrated that many of the friends he had when he was married are now "her friends" and won't socialize with him. Your brother is describing what Bohannan would call the _______________ divorce stage. A. psychic B. community C. legal D. emotional

B. community

Peek-a-boo is a favorite game of infants. Their surprise when caregivers remove their hands from their faces illustrates that they: A. are egocentric B. do not yet have a sense of object permanence C. are slow learners D. have mastered centrate thinking

B. do not yet have a sense of object permanence

Piaget's "mountain task" was used to measure children's A. separation anxiety B. egocentrism C. IQ D. centrate thinking

B. egocentrism

According to Mead, during the ___________ stage children learn to see from multiple points of view simultaneously, can view themselves from the perspective of the generalized other, and internalize many of society's norms. A. play B. game C. formal operations D. preparatory

B. game

After graduating Summa Cum Laude from Longwood University, you are hired by Toys R Us in their marketing department. Your boss tells you that a new toy has come out for infants that the inventor claims captures infants' attention and has designs and colors that infants prefer to other infant toys on the market. As a part of their "truth in advertising" goals, you are asked to design an experiment to test whether the new product actually contains colors and designs preferred by non-verbal infants. Which research strategy would be the best one to use to test infants' preferences? A. Accuracy experiment B. visual fixation experiment C. Choice experiment D. Complexity experiment

B. visual fixation experiment

According to Baumrind, which of the following parenting styles is most likely to produce happy, productive, well-adjusted children? A. Permissive B. Authoritarian C. Authoritative D. Uninvolved

C. Authoritative

Using both quantitative and qualitative techniques to study a research question is called _______________________. A. quasi-experimental research B. constructivist research C. triangulation D. secondary data analysis

C. triangulation

Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Researchers have an obligation to protect subjects from harm. B. Research on children requires voluntary informed consent of a parent or guardian. C. Children, being minors, cannot be studied directly. D. Children's identities must be kept confidential in reporting results of a study

C. Children, being minors, cannot be studied directly.

All of the following parenting strategies help children develop racial/ethnic pride EXCEPT: A. Teaching children about the difficulties and obstacles that exist for their racial group. B. Maintaining ethnic traditions at home. C. Discouraging children from discussing their concerns about discrimination. D. Weaving messages giving children feelings of importance and self-worth into daily interactions.

C. Discouraging children from discussing their concerns about discrimination.

Which of the following is the best approach for dealing with the issues of adult children living at home? A. Parents should develop the rules since it is their home. B. As an adult, the child should be able to do what s/he wishes. C. Expectations and rules should be based on financial situation, employment status, and other circumstances of both parents and children. D. Parents and adult children should seek a counselor's advice about negotiating household living rules.

C. Expectations and rules should be based on financial situation, employment status, and other circumstances of both parents and children.

Which of the following is not a part of the preoperational period of development? A. Centrate thinking B. Symbolic Play C. Logical thinking D. Egocentric thinking

C. Logical thinking

I am known not only for my Cognitive Development Theory, but also the clinical method that I used to study children. Who am I? A. Skinner B. Cooley C. Piaget D. Mead

C. Piaget

You want to study the influence of SES (socioeconomic status) on children's health and hypothesize that children from low income families will have poorer health (operationally defined as low birth weight, high infant mortality, and greater exposure to lead poisoning) than children from high income families. What is the independent variable in your study? A. Children B. Lead poisoning C. SES D. Children's Health


All of the following are outcomes of spanking that have been documented in the literature EXCEPT: A. Spanking increases children's anxiety and fear. B. Spanking hinders the development of empathy and compassion for others. C. Spanking teaches children desired behaviors and helps them understand why what they did was unacceptable. D. Spanking heightens children's aggression and teaches children that violence is an acceptable way to handle conflict.

C. Spanking teaches children desired behaviors and helps them understand why what they did was unacceptable.

In the United States ____________________ children are least likely to have strong ethnic identity awareness. A. Hispanic B. Asian C. White D. Black

C. White

Jillian dumped her plate of spinach on the floor. Jillian's father gave her the necessary supplies and told Jillian to clean up her mess. Jillian's father was using A. a hostile response B. authoritarian discipline C. a logical consequence D. a natural consequence

C. a logical consequence

Hunter refused to eat his supper. When everyone else had finished eating, Hunter's mother put away the food and he went to bed hungry. Hunter's mother was using: A. punishment B. a logical consequence C. a natural consequence D. authoritarian discipline

C. a natural consequence

Research demonstrates that children from lower SES (socioeconomic status) have higher infant mortality rates than children from higher SES. The relationship between SES and Infant Mortality Rates is: A. causal B. a positive correlation C. a negative correlation D. insignificant

C. a negative correlation

Parents who want to decrease children's aggression should: A. behave aggressively towards children to show them how it feels. B. adopt a permissive parenting style. C. avoid harsh punishments. D. show children they disapprove of them as people because of their behavior.

C. avoid harsh punishments.

Due to a legislative impasse, most federal agencies were shut down as of October 1, 2013. Many federal employees were furloughed, affecting many children both directly (loss of family income) and indirectly (loss of services on which they depend). The governmental bodies (the House of Representatives and the Senate) responsible for this federal agency shut down are considered part of the _________________ in Brofenbrenner's ecological model. A. mesosystem B. microsystem C. exosystem D. macrosystem

C. exosystem

Juan's parents are divorced. Juan lives with his mother most of the time, but visits his father for 2 weeks every summer. When Juan was recently sick, both of his parents were involved in making decisions about his medical care. What type of custody arrangement do Juan's parents have? A. joint legal and physical custody B. joint physical custody C. joint legal custody D. birdnesting

C. joint legal custody

According to Turner and Welch, the most significant issue in households with adult children seems to be: A. use of leisure time. B. eating habits. C. lack of privacy. D. cleanliness of room.

C. lack of privacy.

Melvin Kohn contends that: A. working class parents are more likely to physically punish their children than middle class parents. B. middle and working class parents do not differ in parenting styles whatsoever. C. middle and working class parents differ in what they punish for, but not how they punish. D. Brofenbrenner's original conclusions were essentially correct, but lacked statistical validity.

C. middle and working class parents differ in what they punish for, but not how they punish.

Research suggests differences between mothering and fathering: A. have virtually disappeared now that fathers are more involved in childrearing B. show that fathers are more involved with their children when they are younger, when their wives are unemployed, and when they have at least one daughter C. show that mothers and fathers play differently with their children D. show that the father-infant relationship is more centrally concerned with attachment needs than affiliative needs

C. show that mothers and fathers play differently with their children

Filial piety, a complex system that involves a series of obligations of child to parent, is central to intergenerational ______________ families. A. Native American B. African-American C. Latino American D. Asian

D. Asian

Which of the following research strategies allows formal hypothesis testing? A. Focus group interviews B. Case studies C. Observational research D. Experiments

D. Experiments

Which of the following programs is designed for teenage mothers? A. Strengthening Families B. National Extension Parent Education Model C. Partners for Fragile Families D. Growing Together

D. Growing Together

Which of the following statements demonstrates effective communication in discipline? A. Why do you always leave your room in such a mess? B. This room is a mess. C. Would you please, please clean your room? D. I get frustrated when I'm trying to keep the house clean and you don't do your share

D. I get frustrated when I'm trying to keep the house clean and you don't do your share

In my research, I found that working class and middle class parents do not differ in HOW they discipline children, but in the REASONS WHY they discipline children. Who am I? A. Alwin B. Brofenbrenner C. Lareau D. Kohn

D. Kohn

___________________ are the cells from which all brain activity originates; essentially we are born with all of them that we ever will have. A. Dendrites B. Axons C. Synapses D. Neurons

D. Neurons

All of the following statements are true according to Shonkoff except: A. Tolerable stress can result from serious significant life events, such as death of a loved one, divorce, or natural disaster. B. Toxic stress results from any significant life events in which children lack the protection and support of a stable, loving adult. C. Normative stress that is experienced in the context of stable and supportive relationships is an essential part of children's healthy development. D. Parents should do their best to protect their children from all types of stressful events.

D. Parents should do their best to protect their children from all types of stressful events.

I was the first person to give the history of childhood serious scholarly attention. I analyzed childhood from the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century by examining art and other indirect cultural indicators and concluded that over time the social conception of childhood changed. Who am I? A. Jean Piaget B. Erik Erikson C. Anthony Synnott D. Phillipe Ariés

D. Phillipe Ariés

I have raised my children using a parenting philosophy of concerted cultivation. I _____________. A. give my children as much unsupervised free play time as possible. B. am a working class parent C. try to make sure that my children are not over scheduled into activities D. actively stimulate and foster my children's talents and opinions

D. actively stimulate and foster my children's talents and opinions

When couples with children dissolve their relationship--whether they are married or only cohabiting--the nuclear family reorganizes into a ____________. A. reconstituted family B. broken family C. stepfamily D. binuclear family

D. binuclear family

Which of the following factors contributes to the increasing tendency of adult children to live at home? A. Parental overindulgence of children B. low unemployment C. greater availability of financial aid D. children marrying later

D. children marrying later

Research has found that the quality of the mother's own mothering: A. is not related to her desire to be a mother or her satisfaction with mothering B. does not affect her sensitivity as a mother C. has no relationship to the degree of interaction she has with her infant. D. is an important factor affecting the quality of her mothering

D. is an important factor affecting the quality of her mothering

In Broffenbrenner's ecological (sometimes called bioecological) model of human development, agents of socialization the child interacts with directly, such as family, peers, media, and schools, are considered a part of the A. mesosystem B. exosystem C. macrosystem D. microsystem

D. microsystem

Erik Erickson differs from other theorists in specifying A. the importance of peers in children's lives. B. conflicts that occur as children develop. C. the critical role of the father. D. stages of adult development.

D. stages of adult development.

An infant whose needs for nourishment and physical contact are met will develop what Erikson calls a sense of A. industry B. autonomy C. initiative D. trust

D. trust

Baby shows began in the 1850s at agricultural fairs, where women displayed their babies to be judged for their appearance alongside livestock and crops. True False


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