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both air temperature and medium

The speed of a sound wave depends on


True or False: The process of finding objects by emitting sounds and interpreting their reflections is called reverberations (echoes).


What unit is the intensity of sound measured in?


solids and liquids- atoms oscillate and ______ other atoms next to them that then oscillate, etc.

reflected, refracted, absorbed, diffracted

sound can be


temperature of the material- sound travels faster in ______ molecules than cold molecules


temperature of the material- sound travels faster in hot molecules than ______ molecules


A disturbance that travels through a medium as a longitudinal wave


the same thing can happen with objects like wine glasses or musical instruments. If the created frequency of a wave matches the natural frequency of the object, the the amplitude of the sound wave ____________


the shorter the wavelength, the ____________ the frequency

mechanical wave

A wave that requires a medium through which to travel


the sound would be __________ the plane, racing to catch up

The type of medium and the temperature of the medium

the speed of sound depends on what 2 things?

the phase of the material, temperature of the material, type of molecules

the speed of sound depends on what 3 things?


the type of molecules- ________ lighter atoms such as Helium move faster than heavier atoms such as oxygen and nitrogen


Because there are places in the gas with high pressure and places with low pressure (notice how the high and low pressure alternates), sound waves are often called ____________ waves


Bending of waves around an object (such as through a doorway)


are known for their reverberation and this is why you sound fabulous while singing in the shower

sound tiles

are often used on the walls and ceilings of concert halls to help the sound reflect and cause reverberation to minimize any dead spots


Sound is produced by -----


by swinging on a swing over and over again, you can get the swing to go really high. This is how ____________ or resonant frquency works


the type of molecules- lighter atoms such as Helium move faster than heavier atoms such as oxygen and nitrogen. This is why you have a _______ pitched voice when you inhale helium from a balloon


caused by destructive interference of reflected sound waves


the vibrations make _________ inside the cochlea, which vibrates nerves in the spiral


instruments (flutes, horns, clarinets, etc.) produce their sound by longitudinal waves


instruments (guitars, pianos, violins, etc.) produce their sound by transverse pulse

The shorter a wave, the higher the frequency. Higher frequency = higher pitch, so they are directly related. (If frequency increases, pitch increases)

what is the relationship between pitch and frequency?


when a moving object is making a sound (car horn, police sirens), the pressure waves in front of the object have a small wavelength and therefore a ________ frequency


reaches the listeners ear much later than 0.1 seconds

the second note vibrated slower

A note is played on a guitar. Next, a lower note is played on the guitar. Which of these statements describes the lower note?

Doppler effect is only apparent when the object generating the sound is approaching or leaving an object. The paramedic is traveling at the same rate as the ambulance making the sound, so they will not experience the Doppler effect. As a siren approaches an object, the apparent wavelengths become shorter causing higher frequency and higher pitch. As a siren moves away from an object, the apparent wavelength becomes longer because the ambulance is moving away from the object, causing a lower frequency and lower pitch.

A paramedic in an ambulance does not experience the Doppler effect of the siren. Why?


A reflected sound wave


A wave in which the vibration is in the same direction as that in which the wave is traveling; sound waves

a rise in pitch, then a drop in pitch

As a sound source approaches and then moves past a stationary observer, the observer will hear


As the fire truck approached Mary, the pitch of the siren got higher. Once the fire truck passed and moved away, the siren's pitch got lower. This change in pitch is because of a change in the sound wave's

a material that absorbs sound

Cletus wants to make ear protectors for people who work around loud jet engines at Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta. Which of the following materials should he experiment with for the best results?

either source or listener should be moving

For the Doppler effect to occur, ___.

high pressure

Gases- since atoms are spread out, the atoms collide. This causes ___________________ and other areas with low pressure

The amplitude of a sound increases 10 times for every 20 dB increase in sound; therefore, the 120 dB sound is louder.

How do the amplitudes of a 120-decibel sound and a 100-decibel sound compare?

vibrates the eardrum

How does a sound wave interact with a human ear?

A long tube or string creates a long wavelength which has lower frequency (long and slow wave) and lower pitch. An instrument with a short string or short pipe on an organ will generate a short wave = short wavelength, meaning a higher frequency and generates a high pitch.

How is the length of a string on a stringed instrument related to the length of a pipe on an organ? Use the words frequency and wavelength in your answer.


If reflection is heard no more than ).1 seconds after the original sound wave, then there is _________________ in the concert hall


If you want to change the pitch of a sound, you have to change the ___

longitudinal wave; Sound waves travel parallel and are compression or pressure waves made of areas of high pressure and low pressure.

Is sound a longitudinal or transverse wave?

Reverberation is the reflection of sound. Open spaces do not often have things to reverberate or reflect off of in a park, etc. This is more likely to produce an echo rather than reverberation.

It is extremely difficult to play, record and hear live music in a park or other open space. Explain why this is so. Use the word reverberation in your answer.


Material (matter) through which a wave travels


Moving at a speed greater than the speed of sound waves in the air

destructive interference

Noise cancelling headphones work by means of...


Reverberation (echoes) in concert halls is caused by ___ of sound.

both longitudinal and compressional

Sound waves are also known as ----- waves.


Sound waves are what kind of wave?


Sound waves move more quickly through _________________ matter


Sound waves travel the fastest through ---


The Doppler effect can cause an apparent change in...


The Tacoma Narrows Bridge, musical instruments, and crystal stemware are examples of -----


The number of wavelengths that pass a fixed point each second is known as ----


This is the unit used to measure the volume of a sound.


This is what you get when sound waves are reflected, or bounce back, off of a hard surface.

solids, liquids, and gasses

Through which media can mechanical waves travel?


True or False: Can sound travel through a vacuum (space).


True or False: Sound needs a medium.


True or False: Sound travels better through solids than through liquids


True or False: Sound waves are faster than light.


True or False: Sound will travel through water at 20⁰ C faster than 80⁰ C.

a sound wave with a frequency of 50 Hz

Which of the following would you hear as a low pitched sound?

The particles in liquids are closer together than particles in a gas; therefore, when a particle in a liquid vibrates, it does not have far to travel before bumping into the next particle and causing it to vibrate and bump into the next particle. Since there is more distance between particles in a gas, it takes longer for them to reach each other and carry the energy of the initial vibration.

Why does sound travel faster through water than through air?

solid molecules are packed tightly

Why is sound able to travel faster through a solid than a gas?

Yes, a full concert hall will have a different reverberation than an empty hall because an empty hall has nothing to absorb or diffuse sound waves off its smooth ceiling and walls, but a full concert hall has people to help absorb sound with their soft material clothing, hats, and coats. The absorption and diffusion of sound from the people and their clothing coats and hats will change the reverberation from an empty hall.

Would a full concert hall have different reverberation than an empty hall? Explain.

sound waves reflecting off smooth, flat surfaces throughout the house

You and your father inspect an empty house with the hopes of buying it. You walk through the rooms talking to one another, and you notice that your voices and footsteps are echoing in the big, empty house. What causes the echo?

Away from you. As the siren moves away, the apparent wavelengths grow longer, lower frequency and lower pitch as a result.

You hear an ambulance in your neighborhood that is traveling a few blocks from where you are. The pitch of the siren seems to be getting lower and lower. Is the ambulance traveling toward you or away from you? How do you know?

in front

__ ________ the shock wave, there is total silence


___ is when two frequencies match up and increase in amplitude. Example: Singers can make a glass break by matching its frequency.


__________ by hard surfaces


____________ by soft materials like carpet and curtains


_____________ as the sound passes through a small opening such as around a corner or a door opening to another room


_____________ as they pass from one material to another

shock wave

a supersonic jet "squishes" the sound waves so that a cone-shaped __________ _______ forms where the waves "pile up" ahead of the plane

standing wave

a wave that is confined to a particular space

standing wave

almost all musical instruments produce a ____________ ________ either on a string or in a tube


each part of the spiral is sensitive to a different _______________


enhances the quality of the sound


gases- since the atoms are more spread out in a gas, the atoms interact by ___________ with one another


highness or lowness of a sound


if you were on the ground watching a supersonic plane fly toward you, there would be ____________


in sound, frequency is the __________ (the highness or lowness)


not all standing waves are produced by longitudinal waves. Some sound is produced by ____________ waves


objects that move faster than sound


the amplitude of a sound increases ____ times for every 20-dB increase

relative differences

the decibel is a unit used to express ______________ ________________ in the loudness of sounde


the longer the wavelength, the _________ the frequency

decibels (dB)

the loudness of a sound is measured in

solids, liquids, gases

the phase of the material (solid, liquid or gas). Sound travels fastest through ________, then __________, then ______

constructive interference

the wave continues back and forth in the same area and the amplitude becomes larger due to ___________________ __________________


the wave doesn't even ___________ to be moving


the wavelength is __________ related to frequency of sound waves

Doppler effect

this change in wavelength (in sound waves it causes a change in pitch) from a moving object is known as

speed of sound

travels through solids fastest because the molecules are closer together

musical instruments

use wavelengths use the wavelength of a sound to create different frequencies

hammer - anvil, anvil - stirrup, stirrup - cochlea

what is the order of how sound enters our ear?


when the eardrum vibrates, three small bones transmit the vibrations to the ___________


when the object passes you, the wavelength increases and therefore has a _____ frequency (pitch)

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