southern intransigence (pgs. 546 - 553)

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gives citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the us are citizens of the us AND the states wherein they reside

14th ammend

has been used to protect corps as legal persons from unreasonable regulation by the states

14th ammend

14th: ratified & enacted when

1866 1868

votes needed to override veto

2/3rds of each chamber (house & senate)

what did congress agree in june 1868.. as long as..

8 southern states - all but virginia mississippi & texas - had met the more stringent consitions for readmission 15th amend ratified

bc of the mra each state constitution had to guarantee the right of..

african american males to vote

what did the radical republicans need to maintain their control of congress & the white house (2)

african american votes to disenfranchise former confeds to keep them from helping to elect democrats eager to restore old southern ruling class to power

command of the army act required that.. bc..

all orders from the commander in chief go through the general of the army (ulysses grant) trusted him more than aj

14th forbids who from doing what

any state to abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens to deprive ANY person of life liberty or property without due process of law or to deny any person the equal protection of the laws

vagrant punishments were basically..

aspects of slavery simply being restored in another guise

15th amend forbid the states to.. on the grounds of..

deny any person the vote race color or previous condition of servitude

results of 1866 congressional elections

devastating defeat for johnson republicans won more than a 2/3rds majority in each house

other 10 southern states were divided into.. & the commanding officer of each was authorized to..

five military districts

in 1865 how were the new state govs in the south remarkably like the confederate ones.. what happened to them?

former confed vp 4 confed generals 8 colonels 6 cabinet members congress denied their seats

quote from southerner: "the ex slave was not a ____; he was a ____"

free man free negro

only state in the nation that failed to ratify all three of the constitutional ammends related to ending slavery (13,14,15)


aj's image

ludicrous boor drunken imbecile

this act declared that no legal state govs or adequate protection for life & property now exists in the rebel states

military reconstruction act

three critical laws of congressional reconstruction

military reconstruction act command of the army act tenure of office act

military reconstruction act represented the nation's first effort in..

military-enforced nation building

14th prohibited aj from granting what to who

pardons former confed leaders

14th granted.. more specifically

priviledges & immunities due process & equal protection

the party of union and freedom


directed the army commanders to register all adult men who swore they were qualified

second reconstruction act

the tenure of office act required..

senate permission for the president to remove any federal officeholder whose appt the senate had confirmed

why wasnt aj impeached

senate was on evote short of 2/3rds for removal of office

due process clause means that ____, as well as ____ ______ is subject to what

state federal power bill of rights

the moderate republicans began to drift towards the radicals views bc they were faced with.. so in early 1866 the new congress set up a.. to..

such blatant evidence of southern intransigence joint committee on reconstruction gather evidence of southern efforts to thwart reconstruction

one state (?) was exempted from the application of the military reconstruction act bc..

tennessee it had already ratified the 14th ammend

rr who believed in harsh punishments for the South. Leader of the Radical Republicans & joint committee on reconstruction in Congress

thaddeus stevens

black codes were designed to restrict.. & demonstrated that they..

the freedom of african americans intended to preserve slavery as nearly as possible

on march 27th, 1868 what did congress remove?

the power of the supreme court to review cases arising under the mra

directed registrars to go beyond the loyalty oath & determine each persons eligibility to take it & authorized district army commanders to remove & replace officeholders of any existing "so called state" or division thereof

third reconstruction act

the military reconstruction act was hailed as the..

triumphant victory of radical reconstruction

most of the 11 articles focused on impeaching aj were on the charge that he had

unlawfully removed secretary of war stanton

unemplyed blacks were considered... & were often.. & if unable to comply..

vagrants arrested & punished with severe fines forced to labor in the fields of those who paid the courts for this source of cheap labor

aj first challenged cong in 1866 when he

vetoed a bill to extend the life of the freedman's bureau

aj himself provided the occasion for impeachment when he deliberately.. in order to..

violated the tenure of office act test its constitutionality

military reconstruction act set a precedent among former slave societies in providing.. almost immediately after..

voting rights to freed slaves emancipation

in 1866 aj's power began to.. bc..

wane rr's gained a majority in congress

the mra stipulated that new constitutions in each of the former confed states were to be framed by conventions elected by male citizens over 21 yrs old of..

whatever race color or previous condition

a response to the black codes & the neo-slavery system created by unrepentant southern state legislatures

civil rights act

declared that "all persons born in the us & not subject to any foreign power, excluding indians not taxed, were citizens entitled to full & equal benefit of all laws

civil rights act

in march 1866 cong passes

civil rights act

first two acts passed by rr cong & their process

civil rights act revised extension to fb aj vetoed but congress overrides

two days before the old congress expired it passed, over aj's vetoes, this to prevent white southerners from manipulating the reconstruction process

congressional reconstruction

thad argued that confed states should be viewed as.. but most republicans helf that they should... but by.. had..

conquered provinces continue to exist as entities acts of secession & war forfeited "all civil & political rights under the constitution"

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