SPA 525 Test 2

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5% of conjunctions in expressive speech for adolescents

Percent of conjunctions in adolescent language?

By adolescence, about 30% of total words used are verbs

Percentage of verbs in adolescent language?

Conjunctions are a closed class of words which serve to join words with words, phrases with phrases, and clauses with clauses.

What is the definition and role of conjunctions?

o A small, finite class of words that serve to connect nouns and pronouns to other nouns, pronouns, and verbs. o Role is to create a relationship between the antecedent and its object

What is the definition and role of prepositions?

Nouns are the words that represent persons, places, things, and abstractions. It is important for SLPs to know nouns in order to be able to teach them. Nouns are the majority of the words children first say, and throughout the second year of life, nouns represent around 60% of children's early vocabulary acquisition. Nouns are extremely important when looking at developmental patterns.

What is the definition of a noun and the importance for SLPs?

Proper nouns

Nearly always capitalized in writing, refer to specific entities

o 8 years + o Stage One (2-5 years) - rarely use pronouns to link utterances o Stage Two (5-8 years) refer to a main character in a story with a pronoun, but do not refer to subordinate characters with pronouns o Stage Three (8 years +) - use pronouns more liberally to refer to the full range of characters within a narrative context

What are the ages of pronoun development in narrative production?

o Children have early preference for adverbs that denote place o Modifiers comprise 10% of first 50 words o Earliest are deictic terms (rely on position of speaker to listener for use and interpretation) such as here and there

What are the characteristics of early adverb use in children

o Formed by combining a verb with a prepositions o Preposition is considered a verb particle (parts of the verb) o Must consider what the word is modifying o Verb particles often appear immediately after the verb and still retain their meaning

What are the characteristics of prepositional verbs?

Number, Gender, Case o Number Singular- noun denoting one entity Plural- noun denoting two or more entities Irregular nouns have a unique plural form o Gender Masculine, feminine, indefinite, and neuter o Case Nominative (subjective) nouns Objective nouns Possessive nouns Most nouns are not case sensitive; their form does not change as the function of case

What are the dimensions that represent noun forms?

o Provide information about time, place, accompaniment, destination/purpose, means, possession, and relation

What are the functions of prepositions?

How? In what way?

What are the questions adverbs answer (2 questions)?

-Verbs are words that signify an action or state of being; dynamic words that form the muscle of a language. -Verbs are those words that describe what nouns and pronouns do and what is done to nouns and pronouns. They are what allow us to request, command, prompt, and cue.

What is the definition and importance of verbs?

Common nouns

A general group or class of indefinite animal, condition, material, object, person, place, or quality

Conjunctive adverbs

Adverbs that serve as conjunctions when they connect 2 or more independent clauses; preceded by semicolon and followed by a comma

Be Verbs

Appears to be vulnerable to difficulty for children and adults with language disorders (but also may be related to dialect!)

Auxiliary Verbs (helping verbs)

Conjoined with main verbs to clarify action/state of being depicted by main

o Adverbs serve to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs in a sentence and provide information about manner, place, time, degree, number, and reason. o Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs while adjectives modify nouns or pronouns.

Definition of adverbs, and difference between adjectives and adverbs.

Meaning shifts with respect to the location of the speaker

Deictic pronouns

Grammatical pointers Identify a particular antecedent This, that, these, and those Deictic - meaning shifts with respect to the location of the speaker

Demonstrative Pronouns

o Demonstrative pronouns include this, that these, and those and are referred to as grammatical pointers. They identify a particular antecedent. o Demonstrative determiners include this, that these, and those. They are determiners when they modify a noun and cannot stand alone.

Demonstrative pronouns vs. demonstrative determiners

Can function as pronouns or adjectives Have general, unstated referents, whereas other pronouns have specific antecedents

Describe Indefinite Pronouns

Can be used as pronouns or adjectives Used to ask wh- questions

Describe Interrogative Pronouns

Replace nouns that represent persons or entities Nominative (subjective) Case - doing the action; used when pronoun is the subject Objective Case - receiving the action; used when noun is the object Possessive Case - signifies ownership • Determiners - possessive used to clarify information about a noun that immediately follows Form of pronoun changes as function of first, second, and third person • Third person pronouns can vary by gender Reflexive pronouns - used when a person or entity performs an action on self; compound personal pronouns

Describe Personal Pronouns

Subordinating conjunctions

Most frequently used conjunctions who serve to join ideas together in a sentence; used to connect an independent clause to a dependent clause

o In and on are acquired early, usually within Brown's Stage II (27-30 months) o In Brown's Stage III, fully formed prepositional phrases begin to be observed. o By 36 months, most children have a firm grasp of in, on, and under o Between 30-36 months, acquire off, toward, away from, and out of o Between 42-60 months children comprehend in front of, in back of, next to, around, beside, and down Children's accurate use of these locational and spatial prepositions as noun modifiers within sentences continues to emerge in the years that follow, as does children's increasing use of elaborated noun phrases.

Describe the preposition development in young children, and what is the mastery age?

o 18 months of age - early 2-word combos reflect moderate use of adjectives, which are attributes o 3-word combinations follow similar pattern, with their opposites being acquired a short time later (36-48 months) Noun + Adjective + Noun Adjective + Adjective + Noun Demonstrative + Adjective + Noun o 3 years of age, 4-word utterances produce more complex patterns of Preposition + Article/Determiner + Adjective + Noun o Through preschool years, children refine understanding of joining adjectives in a series and positioning of adjective within complex noun phrases

Describe the type of word combination development in early childhood language.

Noncount nouns

Entities that are not usually viewed as having individual elements; have no specific shape or boundary; modified by the word much

Count nouns

Entities that are viewed as individual elements or units; modified by the word many


Informal variations of modals have to, want to, and got to; early developing linguistic structure

Coordinating conjunctions

Information on both sides of conjunction have equal weight and importance

Abstract nouns

Intangible, nonphysical entities (unable to be discerned by 5 senses)

Modify nouns by focusing on how much, how many, whose, and so on Can include parts of speech that take on adjectival roles (causing us difficulty when analyzing!!) Also called determiners

Limiting adjectives

o Personal- replace nouns that represent persons or entities o Demonstrative- grammatical pointers that identify a particular antecedent o Indefinite- have general, unstated referents o Relative- refer to a noun or pronoun and embed or conjoin a portion of a sentence to the rest of the sentence via subordination o Interrogative- can be used as pronouns or adjectives; used to ask wh- questions

List and describe the pronoun types.


Provide information about certainty, intention, command, and emphasis; 11 core modals

2 roles: • Refer to a noun or pronoun • Embed or conjoin a portion of a sentence to the rest of the sentence via subordination Relative clause - component of a complex sentences that includes its own subject and predicate but can't stand alone Relative pronouns link relative clauses to the rest of a sentence Relative pronouns often are omitted and simply assumed, which can make identification elusive

Relative Pronouns

Concrete nouns

Tangible, physical entities (nearly all proper nouns are concrete)


The be verbs which are functionally equivalent to the copula that can serve as a main verb

Collective nouns

Those that can name a group acting as a unit and may be either singular or plural in meaning

o Descriptive adjectives - describe a quality of the noun/pronoun they modify o Limiting adjectives - modify nouns by focusing on how much, how many, whose, and so on o Simple Adjectives - adjectives used as single words o Compound adjectives Formed by combining two words into one word Formed by hyphenating two words Formed by using two closely related words together without combining or hyphenating them

What are the types of adjectives?

o Simple adverbs - single words, usually formed by adding the suffix -ly to the stem (may also be formed by adding -wise, -ward, -s (when they are used to tell "when" something happens) o Compound adverbs - compound words joined by combining 2 words or hyphenating 2 words; Adverb phrases - adverbs that commonly occur as groups of words o Positive Form - reference 1 entity Made by adding a suffix to adjectival form Same as adjectival counterpart (early, late) Adverb form is only form that occurs o Comparative Form - compare 2 entities, formed by adding more or less o Superlative Form - compare 3 or more entities; formed by adding most or least

What are the types of adverbs?

o Auxiliary Verbs (helping verbs) o Be, have, do o Modals o Catenatives o Be Verbs

What are the types of auxiliary verbs?

o Simple- one word (and, but, so) o Compound- 2 or more words combined to form 1 word (therefore, however) o Phrasal- occur as complete phrases (in other words, that is) o Coordinating conjunctions Conjunctive adverbs o Correlative conjunctions o Subordinating conjunctions

What are the types of conjunctions?

• Common adjectives - descriptive and general in meaning • Proper adjectives - limiting and refer to distinct entities • Possessive Adjectives- when common and proper nouns are used to signify possession; referred to as determiners • Demonstrative Adjectives- this, that, these, and those pronouns that are used as modifiers of nouns; also determiners • Cardinal Adjectives- counting numbers that modify a noun/pronoun by stating how many; determiners that are quantifiers • Ordinal Adjectives- numbers that denote the order of a noun/pronoun in a series; quantifier type of determiner

What are the types of limiting adjectives?

Common nouns, Proper nouns, Concrete nouns, Abstract nouns, Count nouns, Noncount nouns, Collective nouns

What are the types of nouns?

o Personal o Demonstrative o Indefinite o Relative o Interrogative

What are the types of pronoun classes?

o Verb Tense - Refers to the time of an action or state of being -Present Tense - occurring right now -Past Tense - occurred previously -Future Tense - will occur -Present progressive, past progressive, and future progressive tense - use the present participle (+ -ing) form of a verb -Present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tense - happened in the past, and generally suggest that the verb happened before some other action or state of being - formed using past participle (+ -ed) o Voice - refers to whether the subject is doing the action or receiving the action Active Voice - emphasis of a sentence is on the subject as the doer of an action Passive Voice - emphasis of the subject is as a recipient of the action

What are the types of verb tense and passive voice verbs?

o Infinitives - characterized by "to + verb" Can be used as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs Bare infinitive - the word to is omitted o Gerunds - use the form of the present participle (+ -ing) to take the place of a noun or pronoun in a sentence Can be preceded by the and followed by of o Participles - can occur in either the present of past tense Present participle - formed by adding -ing to the verb stem and is used to form the progressive tenses Past participle - formed by adding -ed and is used to form the perfect tenses

What are the types of verbals?

When the antecedent for the pronoun is not identified directly or indirectly and is, therefore, not shared information by the communication partners.

What causes sentence ambiguity when using pronouns?

o Most know the order of adjectives naturally o Limiting Adjective/Determiner + Opinion/Quality + Size + Shape + Condition/Age + Color + Pattern + Material + Origin + Noun Used as an Adjective o Usually only 2-3 adjectives are used at one time

What is the adjectival order?

Around 2 ½ years of age, when mean length of utterance (MLU) moves beyond 2.0, inflected verbs appear, usually + -ing

What is the age of development for inflected forms of verbs?

o Age 10 children master adverbs of likelihood o Comprehension of adverbs of magnitude gradually improve during adolescence

What is the age of mastery for adverbs of likelihood and magnitude?

Cohesion occurs where the interpretation of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another. For example, in the sentence, "Suzie was hungry, so she ordered some food," she is referring to Suzie, and the relationship is clear and is, therefore, complete. Children with Language Impairment use reference cohesion less frequently than children with typical language, and cohesive ties are incomplete which can result in discourse that is difficult to understand.

What is the definition and importance of cohesion?

Adverbs that serve as conjunctions when they connect 2 or more independent clauses.

What is the definition and purpose of conjunctive adverbs?

o Determiners clarify aspects of the noun and determine the grammatical reality of the noun to which it is attached. They modify nouns and cannot exist outside a noun phrase. o Several possessives are able to serve as both pronouns and determiners, dependent on their place within a sentence.

What is the definition of determiners and how do you identify them in a sentence?

o "a" is an indefinite article which is used in reference to a nonspecific entity. o "the" is a definite article which is used in reference to a specific entity.

What is the difference between "a" and "the"?

o Pronouns- Used to ask wh- questions; when they are used for the purpose of asking a question Whose is this? Which did you say you wanted? o Adjectives- Whose, which, and what serve adjectival roles when they modify nouns Whose pencil is this? Which hat did you say you wanted?

What is the difference between interrogative relative pronouns vs. interrogative adjectives?

o Transitive Verbs - require an object o Intransitive Verbs - may stand alone without an object o Some verbs are transitive and intransitive, depending on their use in a particular sentence

What is the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs?

Count nouns are viewed as individual elements and are modified by the word "many." Noncount nouns are not usually viewed as having individual elements and are modified by the word "much." They have no specific shape or boundary.

What is the difference in count vs. noncount nouns?

o Common nouns before proper nouns o Concrete nouns prior to abstract nouns o Acquire new nouns at the basic level rather than the superordinate or subordinate level

What is the order in which nouns are acquired?

o Therefore - However - Consequently - Rather - Nevertheless - Furthermore - Moreover - Conversely - Contrastively - Similarly o Mastery in comprehension of adverbial conjuncts was demonstrated by most young adults, but not mastery of production

What is the order of acquisition for adverbial conjuncts?

o Receptive understanding of prepositional terms precedes expressive ability. o Children understand locational prepositions better than prepositions representing spatial relations. o Use of prepositional phrases to enhance sentence complexity begins to emerge at age 3. o Comprehension of simple prepositions occurs prior to comprehension of more syntactically complex prepositions. o Accurate use of locational and spatial prepositions as noun modifiers within sentences continues to emerge in the years that follow, as well as increased use of elaborated noun phrases

What is the pattern of preposition development?

o Adjectives serve as descriptors of language o Modifiers of pronouns and nouns that are important for narrowing down the qualities and properties of the nouns and pronouns they modify

What is the role of adjectives in language?

The verb "be" has special importance to the work of the language interventionist: It appears especially vulnerable to difficulty for children and adults exhibiting language disorders. Therefore, we must focus specific attention on this verb.

What is the significance of the verb be to SLPs?

Prepositions comprise about 10% of total words spoken in preschool, which remains constant into adolescence.

What percent of prepositions are in language?

From 5-10 years, determiners comprise 6% of children's spoken words.

What percentage of children's language are determiners?

o At age 2, nouns represent approximately 60-65% of vocabulary o By age 4, nouns account for 20% of lexicon.

What percentage of vocabulary are nouns?

Children typically begin to use the articles the and a in Brown's Stage II. These two articles are included in Brown's definitive chronology of young children's acquisition of the 14 major grammatical morphemes.

What type of determiner is listed in Brown's Stages as a 14 major grammatical morpheme?

Around age 2 children begin to use and which is known as the discourse glue due to liberal use by children.

Which conjunction is discourse glue?

Because SLPs need to be able to identify determiners in order to explain them to clients. To be able to use determiners correctly, a person must know classifications and roles of determiners.

Why is understanding of determiners important for the SLP?

Correlative conjunctions

Words that go together in pairs (both/and, either/or)

Copulas and auxiliaries

_____ and _____ can occur in uncontracted and contracted forms.

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