Spaceflight Extra Lectures

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Critics of the SLS program have called it the

"Senate Launch System"

Armstrong argued that

"a return to the Moon would be a most productive path to expanding the human presence in the solar system."

In 1951, in Collier's, Wernher von Braun published his design for a wheeled space station. It would spin to provide

"artificial gravity".

President George W. Bush originally offered the proposal in 2004 as a way to ___________________________________ to "vastly reduce the costs of further space exploration." Inclusive to this would be the "harvesting and processing of lunar soil into rocket fuel or breathable air." According to Bush, experience gained could help "develop and test new approaches and technologies and systems" to begin a "sustainable course of long-term exploration."

"establish an extended human presence on the Moon"

It is the current official policy of the United States that NASA,

"execute a sustained and affordable human and robotic program of space exploration and develop, acquire, and use civil space systems to advance fundamental scientific knowledge of our Earth system, solar system, and universe".

As the 1990s progressed, NASA was faced with shrinking annual budgets due to congressional belt-tightening. In response Dan Goldin, NASA's ninth chief administrator, adopted a ______________________ approach that enabled NASA to cut costs while still delivering a wide variety of aerospace programs.

"faster, better, cheaper"

In December 2012 a satellite was successfully placed into orbit by the KCST. The reaction of western governments may be mildly described as


During a joint Senate-NASA presentation in September 2011, the development cost for the SLS program was projected at __________________ through 2017, with $10 billion for the SLS rocket, $6 billion for the Orion crew vehicle and $2 billion for upgrades to the launch pad and other KSC facilities.

$18 billion

When President Bush established his new space exploration policy to return humans to the moon, NASA estimated the policy would cost ________________ (in 2004 dollars) through 2025.

$230 billion

An unofficial NASA document estimated the cost of the SLS program through 2025 to total at least ____________ for four 70 metric ton launches (one unmanned in 2017 and three manned beginning in 2021), with the 130 metric ton version ready no earlier than 2030.

$41 billion

Space stations have been envisaged since at least 1869, when Everett Hale published in Atlantic Monthly magazine.

'The Brick Moon'

The goals of NASA's Constellation Program were

(a) to gain experience in operating away from Earth's environment, (b) to develop technologies needed for opening the space frontier, and (c) to conduct fundamental science.

Space Agencies that Aren't NASA

1. Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, France 2. Lithuanian Space Association 3. Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization, Bangladesh 4. Sri Lanka Space Agency 5. The Hungarian Space Office 6. Israel Space Agency 7. TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute, Turkey 8. United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs 9.National Remote Sensing Center, Mongolia 10. Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing, Greece 11. Belarus Space Agency 12. Canadian Space Agency 13. UK Space Agency 14. China National Space Administration 15. Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency 16. Brazilian Space Agency 17. Croatian Space Agency 18. European Space Agency 19. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 20. State Space Agency of Ukraine 21. National Space Agency, Kazakhstan 22. Korean Committee of Space Technology, North Korea

After reviewing the report, following congressional testimony, the Obama administration excluded Constellation from the ______ US federal budget.


The maiden launch from Kourou was on ___________, launching two Galileo IOV-1 & IOV-2 satellites

21 October 2011

How many missions to Skylab?

4, (SL-1-4)

As of May 2017, Arianespace had launched more than ____ satellites in ____ launches, over thirty-three years

550 254

The Salyut program consisted of of six scientific research stations and three military reconnaissance stations, the latter being launched as part of the highly secretive ________ program.


___________ would be the main transport vehicle for lunar-bound astronauts.


Developed by Alliant Techsystems, Rocketdyne, and Boeing, the ______________ consists of a single solid rocket booster derived from the Space Shuttle system, connected at its upper end by an interstage support assembly to a new liquid-fueled second stage powered by an uprated Apollo-era J-2X rocket engine.

Ares I

NASA planned to use two separate launch vehicles for the Constellation Program: the __________ for crew and the ________ for cargo. This would allow the two launch vehicles to be optimized for their respective missions.

Ares I Ares V

The __________ was tested on October 28, 2009 at launch pad 39B. It produced 13,100,000 N of thrust at liftoff.

Ares I-X

_____________ would have had a maximum payload capacity of about 188 metric tons (414,000 lb) to low-Earth orbit, compared to the Space Shuttle's capacity of 24.4 metric tons and the Saturn V's 118 metric tons. The Ares V would have been able to carry 71 metric tons to the Moon. The ___________ design incorporated six RS-68 engines with assistance from a pair of solid rocket boosters.

Ares V

The Orion spacecraft would be launched separately on Ares I and dock with the __________________ combination, which would then be configured for the journey to the Moon.

Ares V EDS/Altair

ESA's primary launcher. It has been in service since 1997. In November 2012 ESA agreed to build an upgraded variant called _________ ME (Mid-life Evolution) which would increase payload capacity to 11.5 metric tons to GTO and would feature a restartable second stage to allow more complex missions. _____________ ME was scheduled to fly in 2018], but the whole project was scrapped in favor of the next rocket, planned to replace ______________ in the 2020s.

Ariane 5

Vega's first stage is a direct modification of the ______________________________ developed by CNES, the French space agency. The maiden launch was on 2012 February 13.

Ariane 5 solid boosters

On 1980 March 26 the European Space Agency created ______________, the first commercial space transportation company.


European Space Agency launches are carried out by ________________, an industry (with eighteen shareholders as of 2018) which manufactures the ______________ launch vehicle

Arianespace Ariane 5

The _______________ panel advocated proceeding with the Ares V only, with subsequent modifications to transport astronauts when needed, rather than constructing both the Ares I (for crew transport) and the Ares V (for cargo).


Through shareholding in Starsem, ESA also offers commercial Soyuz launches from the __________________ in Kazakhstan.

Baikonur spaceport

In 2009, concerned by projected cost increases, President ________________________________ ordered a review of the Constellation project which indicated that both returning to the Moon and manned flights to Mars were out of NASA's current budget.

Barack Obama

NASA had planned to develop different Orion capsules tailored for specific missions. ____________ Orion would be used for International Space Station crew rotation and resupply, while the ___________ and _________________ variants would be used for deep-space exploration.

Block I Block II Block III

The space program of the People's Republic of China is directed by the _____________________________________. Its roots can be traced to the late 1950s, when China began a rudimentary ballistic missile program in response to perceived American (and, later, Soviet) threats. Plans include a permanent Chinese space station by 2020 and crewed expeditions to the Moon and Mars. The PRC is a member of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and a signatory to all U.N. treaties and conventions on space.

China National Space Administration (CSNA).

On 1984 October 30 President Ronald Reagan signed into law the _________________________________________. This enabled an American industry of private operators of expendable launch systems. Prior to the signing of this law, all commercial satellite launches in the United States were restricted by Federal regulation to NASA's Space Shuttle.

Commercial Space Launch Act

The first phase of private space operation was the launching of communications satellites built by private companies. The __________________________ of 1962 opened the way for commercial consortia to own and operating their own private satellites, although these were still launched on state-owned launch vehicles.

Communications Satellite Act

This act aimed to join together private communication companies in order that satellites might be more obtainable, and resulted in the formation of the _________________________ (COMSAT).

Communications Satellite Corporation

NASA's _________________ Program was formulated in response to goals laid out in the Vision for Space Exploration under NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe in the early 21st century.


Arianespace headquarters are in

Courcouronnes, France

Orion consisted of a ______________ (similar to the Apollo Command Module but capable of holding four to six crew members), a _________________ housing the primary propulsion systems and consumables; and a ________________________________ which would provide capability for the astronauts to escape from the launch vehicle should problems arise during launch.

Crew Module Service Module Launch Abort System

The European Astronaut Centre (___) that trains astronauts for future missions is situated in Cologne, Germany,


The ______ benefits because it gains a medium payload launch vehicle while saving on development costs. ________ benefits in that it gets access to the Kourou launch site. Launching there rather than Baikonur allows them to almost double the Soyuz payload (3.0 vs. 1.7 tonnes to GTO) because of Kourou's proximity to the equator.

ESA Russia

ESA's Mission Statement

ESA's purpose shall be to provide for, and to promote, for exclusively peaceful purposes, cooperation among European States in space research and technology and their space applications, with a view to their being used for scientific purposes and for operational space applications systems:

ESA Mission Control (____) is in Darmstadt, Germany


Earth Observation missions at _________ in Frascati, Italy


ESA science missions are based at ___________ in Noordwijk, Netherlands


The ____________________________ was the main propulsion system that would send the Orion/Altair configuration from low Earth orbit to the Moon; it was the second stage of the Ares V rocket.

Earth Departure Stage

the _____________________________ is located in Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain.

European Space Astronomy Centre

After O'Keefe's retirement in 2005, successor Michael Griffin ordered a complete review, termed the _______________________________, which reshaped how NASA would pursue the goals laid out in the Vision for Space Exploration.

Exploration Systems Architecture Study

ESA launches are conducted at the

Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana

In 2010 Obama proposed 2 things:

He proposed continuing development of the Orion capsule, using it as an escape capsule so that the ISS crew could be increased to seven. Resulting technology of development would form the basis for design of future deep space vehicles (cancellation of Orion would have cost a comparable amount). He also set the year 2015 as the year to choose the architecture for a heavy-lift vehicle and to start construction.

Through a number of international collaborations, including _________ and the ________________ Program, the station was made accessible to astronauts from North America, several western European nations, and Japan.

Intercosmos, Shuttle-Mir

The current NASA mission of note is InSight, short for ____________________________________. It is a Mars lander designed to give the Red Planet its first thorough checkup since it formed 4.5 billion years ago. It is the first robotic explorer designed to study Mars's crust, mantle, and core

Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport.

With the NASA Authorization Act of 2005 formalizing the findings of the Exploration Systems Architecture Study, work began on this revised Constellation Program to send astronauts first to the _____________________________, then to the ___________, and afterward to _______ and other destinations beyond.

International Space Station Moon Mars

The ______________________________ is an internationally developed research facility in low Earth orbit. Construction began in 1998 and continues to the present, with components scheduled for launch in 2018 and 2019. The station is expected to remain in operation until at least 2020.

International Space Station (ISS)

On April 19th 2018, the U.S. Senate confirmed __________________________ as the new NASA Administrator, more than seven months after President Donald Trump nominated him to the post.

James Bridenstine

The _________________________________ (KCST) is the agency of the government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) responsible for the country's space program. Very little information on it is publicly available. It is known to have been founded sometime in the 1980s, and most likely is connected to the Artillery Guidance Bureau of the Korean People's Army.

Korean Committee of Space Technology

Under the old regime the DPRK twice announced that it had launched satellites into orbit: ______________ on 1998 August 31 and then ____________________ on 2009 April 5.

Kwangmyŏngsŏng-1 Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2

On 1990 November 5, President George H. W. Bush signed into law the ___________________________________. This act, in a complete reversal of the earlier Space Shuttle monopoly, ordered NASA to purchase launch services for its primary payloads from commercial providers.

Launch Services Purchase Act

The _______________ rocket is produced by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, and satellites are produced by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. The latter are state-owned enterprises; however, it is the intent of the PRC government that they not actively be state managed and that they behave much as private companies would in the West.

Long March

NASA's ongoing investigations include in-depth surveys of _________ and __________ and studies of the _________ and _______.

Mars Jupiter Earth Sun

India's __________________________ (India's first interplanetary mission) reached the Red Planet on 2014 September 24. India's was the ______ space agency to reach Mars (after the Soviets, NASA, and the ESA), and is the first nation to reach Martian orbit on its first attempt!

Mars Orbiter Mission fourth

_____ ("Peace") was a Soviet and later Russian space station. Constructed between 1986 and 1996 and employing a modular design, was the first continually inhabited research outpost in space.


A joint project between five participating space agencies, the station's modules are controlled by mission control centers operated by

NASA, the European Space Agency, the Russian Federal Space Agency, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency.

________________, commander of Apollo 11 and the first man on the Moon, publically expressed strong support for the Constellation program, unlike his former Apollo colleague _____________, who expressed strong support for the Obama administration's plan.

Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin

Was Altair is reusable?

No, the ascent stage would be discarded after use.

The _________ spacecraft was the crew compartment for the Constellation program and Earth orbit missions. Lockheed Martin was selected to build _________ and Boeing was selected to build the primary heat shield.


Initially PRC's space program of the PRC was organized under the ________________________. In the 1990s, however, the defense industry was restructured to make it resemble Western defense procurement programs.

People's Liberation Army

The _________________________ is located in Arkhangelsk Oblast, about 800 km north of Moscow. It was originally developed as an ICBM launch site, but was also used for satellite launches. Due to its high latitude, for much of the site's history it played a role secondary to the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Plesetsk Cosmodrome

The _____________________________ (TsSKB-Progress) is a "Federal State Unitary Enterprise" under the jurisdiction of Roscosmos, the Russian Federal Space Agency responsible for space science and aerospace research.

Progress State Research and Production Space Centre

___________________ is a manufacturer of spacecraft and space station components. This private company is the prime contractor of the Russian manned spaceflight program.

RSC Energia

In 1992, an unmanned capsule (the ______________) containing gifts was launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in what was a private spaceflight called ______________________. The flight was conceived by the Russian Foundation for Social Inventions and TsSKB-Progress, a Russian rocket-building company, to increase trade between Russia and the United States and to promote the use of technology once reserved for military applications.

Resurs-500 Europe-America 500

Mars Society founder ________________ has suggested that a heavy lift vehicle be developed for $5 billion on fixed-price requests for proposal. ______________ also disagrees with those that say the U.S. does not need a heavy-lift vehicle.

Robert Zubrin

ESA probe designed to perform a detailed study of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Launched on 2004 March 2 on an Ariane 5 rocket, it reached the comet on 2014 August 6. The spacecraft consisted of two main elements: the _______ orbiter, which features twelve scientific instruments, and the __________ robotic lander, with nine additional instruments. The spacecraft performed two asteroid flybys while enroute to the comet, passing 2867 Šteins in September 2008 and 21 Lutetia in July 2010.

Rosetta Philae

Only one country has ever had an independent space force. The ________________________ was an independent organization that existed from 1992 to 1997 and from 2001 to 2011; it was reestablished in 2015 as a branch of the Russian Aerospace Forces, similar to the manner in which the Air Force Space Command is a part of the U.S. Air Force.

Russian Space Forces

was the first space station program undertaken by the Soviet Union, over a period of eleven years (1971-1982). Intended as a project to carry out long-term research into the problems of living in space and a variety of astronomical, biological and Earth-resources experiments, the program allowed space station technology to evolve from the engineering development stage to long-term research outposts in space.


The _____________________ spacecraft docked with the _________________. The Tiangong-1 prototype, launched on 2011 September 29, was the first component of the Tiangong program, which aims to place a larger, modular station into orbit by 2023.

Shenzhou-11 Tiangong-2

was the first American space station.


Russian medium payload launcher (~three metric tons to GTO) which was brought into ESA service in October 2011. The ESA entered into a €340 million joint venture with the Russian Federal Space Agency over use of the ______ launcher. Under this agreement, the Russian agency manufactures _______ rocket parts for ESA, which are then shipped to French Guiana for assembly.


NASA is moving forward with development of a heavy-lift launch vehicle. The _____________________________ vehicle will use a liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propulsion system, which will include shuttle engines for the core stage and the J-2X engine for the upper stage.

Space Launch System

The ESA's launch roster encompasses three major designs:

The Ariane 5 rocket Soyuz-2 Vega

was established in 1975, and currently has twenty member states: France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Austria, Poland, Finland, Portugal, Greece, Portugal, Luxemburg, the Czech Republic, and Canada (which in as associate member).

The European Space Agency

Why was the "faster, better, cheaper" philosophy widely criticized and re-evaluated?

The twin losses of Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander in 1999.

China's space program was recently in the news when its _____________________ space station executed an uncontrolled re-entry over the South Pacific on April 1st. _________________ was about 34 feet long and weighed more than nine tons, and consisted of two main components: an experimental module that housed visiting astronauts and a resource module which contained the solar energy and propulsion systems. Fragments of the station almost certainly survived re-entry, but none have been reported found.


On June 18th 2018, Donald Trump proposed the establishment of the _______________________ as the sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.

United States Space Force

ESA's small payload (~ 1.5 tonnes to 700 km orbit) launch vehicle. The leading ESA member state for the _______ program is Italy, contributing 65% of the cost. The _______ consists of three solid propulsion stages and a liquid-fueled upper module to place the cargo into the intended orbit.


The Constellation Program was developed through the Exploration Systems Architecture Study, which determined how NASA would pursue the goals outlined in the _______________________ and ________________________________.

Vision for Space Exploration NASA Authorization Act

China Launch location

Xichang Satellite Center

(楊利偉) is a major general, military pilot, and CNSA astronaut. On 2003 October 15-16 he completed fourteen orbits aboard his Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. Prior to his launch almost nothing was made public about the Chinese astronaut candidates; his selection for the Shenzhou 5 launch was leaked to the media one day before the launch.

Yang Liwei

The first Chinese manned flight program began in earnest several decades later, when a crash program of technological development culminated in ________________ successful 2003 orbital flight aboard . This made China only the third country to independently send humans into space.

Yang Liwei's Shenzhou 5

Skylab was _______________ after the end of the SL-4 mission in February 1974.


Like its predecessor Altair consisted of two parts: an _____________ which houses the four-person crew; and a ____________________ which has the landing legs, most of the crew's consumables, and scientific equipment.

ascent stage descent stage

The USA and South Korea predicted that the launches would in actuality be military ___________________, but later confirmed that they had followed orbital launch trajectories. However, both satellites appeared to have _________, in that no data were transmitted.

ballistic missile tests failed

The United States government has long been resistant to the use of PRC launch services by American industry due to concerns over alleged civilian technology transfer that could have dual-use __________ applications to other countries.


Unlike the Apollo Lunar Module Altair would touch down in the lunar _________ regions favored by NASA for future lunar base construction.


ESA's goals did not originally encompass human space flight; rather it considered itself to be primarily a _____________________ for _______________________

scientific research organization unmanned space exploration.

However, greater-than-expected _________________ heated the outer layers of the Earth's atmosphere and thereby increased drag on Skylab. By late 1977 NORAD accurately forecast a reentry in mid-1979.

solar activity

Chinese officials have articulated long-term ambitions to exploit Earth-Moon space for industrial development, specifically the construction of ____________________________ that would beam energy back to Earth.

space-based solar power satellites

The Orion Crew Module would be reusable for up to ______ flights.


Mir had the capacity to support a resident crew of _______ but could also support larger crews for short-term visits, the largest crew simultaneously aboard the station being six.


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