SPCE 680 final

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In a study of adults with nonverbal intelligence of 50 or above, adult outcomes were rated as 'Very Good' in only _____ percent of cases.


When did Hans Asperger's work become well known in English speaking countries?


Epilepsy occurs in approximately _________ percent of individuals with an ASD.

20 to 35%

Regression ASD is a type of onset where development is normal until the second half of the ________ year of life or into the __________ year.

2nd; 3rd

At what age is a diagnosis of ASD found to be very stable?

3 years

How many individuals that have ASD enter into life partnerships?


In 2012, the authoritative Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US estimated the prevalence of ASD to be 1 in every _____ members of the population?


By the mid-1970's, which theories about ASD were disproved?

ASD is a form of psychosis, ASD is a form of neurosis

Which of the following scales does not use children with suspected or verified psychological disorders as a comparison group?


Select 2 individuals who first identified autism

Asperger and Kanner

In reflection on the school as a system, Ringeisen et al. adopted a three-level model of how schools operate. What are the three levels?

Individual, organization, and state/national

Which of the following is not identified as a problem in using self-report to identify comorbid disorders in children with ASD?

Individuals with ASD tend to attribute their emotional states to other people and not internalize them

When should comorbidity be considered?

NOT When there are marked changes in functioning from baseline

Indicate which of the following treatments has proven effective by evidenced-based research.

None of the above have been shown to be effective treatments.

According to the text, a recent paper using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 found which of the following

Profiles that were consistent with ASD phenotype indicating that participants were able to describe their difficulties accurately

An individual with autism would most likely perform fairly well at which of the following:

Reciting many types of animals in a given amount of time.

During a counseling session with 14 year old male with ASD (Scott), a psychologist asks him to describe how he felt when his dog was hurt earlier in the week. Scott was unable to describe his feelings.

Scott likely has a condition called alexithymia.

Which of the following is true in regards to the prevalence of depression?

The rate of depression is higher in high-functioning individuals with ASD than in the general population

What does the phrase "Age of Onset" suggest?

This person at some point in time does not have autism but at a later time they do have autism.

Which of the following would likely be difficult for someone with apraxia to do?

intentionally brush their hair

Which of the following provides criteria that can be used by clinicians when making a diagnosis of autism?

international classification of diseases (ICD)

Well conducted, evidenced-based research is most likely to be found _____________ .

peer reviewed journals

What theory was disproved by 1970?

poor early mother-child relationships is the cause of ASD

The term dissociable is used when referring to the ability to _ communication and language


The most effective treatment programs, for 12 months of age and earlier, is non-physical intervention program that is delivered intensely.


There are very few semantic memory studies in individuals with lower-functioning autism.


There is no single critical cause or no single common pathway that explains the cause of autism.


Those individuals against autism intervention modalities are known as "Aspies," and argue that those diagnosed with ASD are simply different-- furthermore advocate for neurodiversity.


At what age do autistic behaviors get detected the most?

12 to 30 months

According to the DSM-5, marked deficits in verbal and nonverbal social communication skills requiring substantive support would be considered a severity level of _________.


According to the DSM-5, preoccupations, fixated rituals and/or repetitive behaviors markedly interfering with functioning in all areas and requiring very substantive support would be considered a severity level of _________.


Three major studies have shown that death rates are ____ times higher in young or middle aged adults with ASD than in the general public.


Which of the following is the age range appropriate for using Psychoeducational Profile, Third Edition (PEP-3)?

3 months to 7 years

What is the male to female ratio of individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder?


Hofvander et al. (2009) found that anxiety was a co-morbid condition in approximately ________ percent of the high-functioning adults with ASD with their sample.


Which of the following is the age range appropriate for using Psychoeducational Profile, Third Edition (PEP-3)?

6 months to 7 years

Two large studies found that over what percent of individuals with ASD were above diagnostic threshold for another emotional or behavioral disorder?


Which are changes from DSM 4 to DSM 5 diagnostic criteria?

A new diagnostic category was introduced, delayed and impaired language is listed as a possible specifier, unlike DSM 4, DSM 5 abandoned PDD-subtypes concept

For an initial test of a scale, a standardization sample should be used. Which of the following best describes why this is done?

A standardization sample allows for a representative sample to be used to determine standard scores and to identify abnormal issues

Which of the following is true in regards to anxiety in individuals with ASD?

Anxiety seems to increase with age in ASD

Which of the following is considered the "gold standard" of parent report measures for diagnosis beginning at a developmental age of two?

Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised

Which of the following assessments is considered the "gold standard" of direct observation measures for diagnosis in the second year of life?

Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule

According to the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, which of the following were considered subtypes of autism?

Autistic disorder, asperger disorder, pdd-nos

When comparing developmental test scores administered at or after 2 years of age to measured skills of those with ASD, there tends to be significant variability over time. Which of the following is false in relation to children with ASD after the age of two?

Behavioral symptoms become more intense throughout childhood, but then drop off in adulthood

Generally, what would be the next goal to the PECS, once the learner has progressed beyond the use of single pictures?

Demonstrating the ability to say, "I want."

Infantile autism was formally recognized in 1980 by which diagnostic nominclature?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Identify the classification system used by psychiatrists and psychologists to diagnose autism.

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

Which of the following is not one of the recommended ways to assess comorbidities in ASD?

Evaluation of standard scores in comparison to cut scores on assessment tools

Once in elementary school what is the focus of the assessment?

Functional evaluation of the child's skills

Which of the following is not one of the symptoms used to differentiate tic disorder from ASD stereotypical behavior?

Individuals with tic disorder have motor and vocal tics whereas individuals with ASD have just one of the two

What was the major problem with the concept of autism subtypes?

It proved difficult in practice to make unambiguous distinctions between them

Indicate the first academic journal to focus on autism

Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia

LEAP is an acronym for

Learning Experiences: Alternative Program for Preschoolers and Parents.

When was ASD first recognized?

Mid 1900's

In the study conducted to assess diagnostic assessment practices in schools the authors reported which was most utilized?

Most schools used more than one assessment tool

When two measures are being compared, it is important for both to have high reliability coefficients because...

NOT "always ensure 2 measures are correct

Triadic interactions involve _______ people attending to the same thing.


Which of these statements about language impairment is correct?

NOT A and b; page 58

Which of the following are single common pathway explanations of autism?

NOT Faulty conditioning, impaired theory of mind, and psychological disorder of the mind; page 93

Which of the following uneven motor skills are not commonly found in individuals with ASD?

NOT Gait and posture abnormalities;page 170

Which of the following statements is an individual with autism not likely to make?

NOT I work of the 5th floor with people that gets surgeries.; page 172

Standardized assessments should be used to evaluate impairment and range of possible diagnosable disorders whenever possible. However, which of the following norming issues arise?

NOT It is hard to know whether a child is scoring in the clinical range on an instrument because he or she has ASD or because he or she is experiencing difficulties that the tool measures

The text referred to multiple studies that evaluated teachers' effectiveness in learning and implementing functional analysis. What was the result?

NOT Teachers were able to acquire the skills necessary to implement functional analysis, but not develop the plan

Which of the following is true in relation to diagnostic assessment of ASD in the first year of life?

NOT There are assessment tools available for diagnosis of an ASD within the first year of life, however they are for reliable.

Which of the following is true in regards to anxiety in individuals with ASD?

NOT all of above

Which of the following statements best describes the brain structure?

NOT all of the above; page 120

Examples of savant abilities have been documented in all of the following areas:

NOT all of the above; page 296

Methods of assessing brain chemistry include all of the following, with the exception of:

NOT animal models; page 131

What best explains problems in neurotypical brain development?

NOT both and and b; page 124

A child with ASD that struggles to identify what or whom he is talking about and has difficulties recounting events is said to have __________ .

NOT cognitive impairment

There are four casual links that must be established when identifying a realistic agenda for the explanation of autism. The four casual links are:

NOT complications, simplifications, neurobiology, psychological; page 91

At what developmental stage can some children start cooperating with requests to perform tasks with standardized test materials?

NOT elementary school

A father describes his 8 year old as having slow hand movements and difficulties reacting quickly when trying to catch a ball. His son likely has _______ deficits.

NOT gross motor

Genetic risk factors are best described as:

NOT grouping of chromosomes, genes, DNA; page 103

The following are examples of borderline evidence-based non-physical treatments except:

NOT hanen more than words program; 228

According to the text, what is one problem with conducting functional analysis in a controlled environment?

NOT interventions

Which of the following statements would an individual with high-functioning autism be more likely to say?

NOT let me explain; page 159

Which of the following is not a behavior exhibited in the second year of life that is associated with a later diagnosis of ASD?

NOT limited following point or gaze

The DSM-5 'Determiners' are of critical importance in the understanding of how subsets of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder differ from each other. Which of these statements, about Specifiers, is most accurate?

NOT most commonly occurring specifiers are langauge disabilities and learning impairment - page 54.

Which of the statements regarding intelligence is the most accurate?

NOT none of the above - page 55

There are several differences between language impairment when comparing individuals with high-functioning autism and those individuals with lower-functioning autism. Of the statements below, what is the most accurate?

NOT only b and c; page 60

The difference in gender between the individuals with high-functioning to low-functioning autism are ________ .

NOT overestimated - page 74

Who generally fills out the symptom checklists on the assessments listed in the text?

NOT parents and teachers

Setting cutoff scores on a screening test involves weighting the importance of _____________ (generating a low rate of false negatives) and _______________ (generating a low rate of false positives).

NOT reliability, sensitivity

According to the text, an important aspect of implementing effective educational practices for children with ASD is involving which individual?

NOT school psychologist

The text states that the short-term priority is to understand the causes of the diagnostic behavioral characteristics. These include all of the following except...

NOT sensory perceptual anomalies; page 92

Out of the following statements regarding cognitive abilities and individuals with ASD, which is blatantly incorrect?

NOT specifically in cognitive abilites; page 57

Which of these statements is most correct regarding theories of causes of autism?

NOT study of genetic causes of autism was vast; page 140

A mother observes her child pretending to wash dishes in the toy sink. Her child's behaviors is an example of __________ play

NOT symbolic play

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

NOT used to access/describe same abilities and knowledge; page 55

Schools are under a high degree of scrutiny because they are held accountable to all of the following except?

National Association of School Psychologists

Which of the following anxiety disorders is the most difficult to differentiate from ASD?


What was not a focus of chapter 2?

Outlining reasons why there was a change in the name of the disorder and why other major changes to the description and definition of Asperger's Disorder were made

Identify the autism subtype the DSM-5 abandoned.


Which of the following treatments does not belong under borderline evidenced-based non-physical treatments?


Creek's 9 points is a list of criteria for what?


In early years, what mental disorder was often diagnosed instead of ASD?


What statement about behavior problems and autism is the most accurate?

Sleep disorders are common in people in autism--particularly in lower-functioning autism--and can be difficulty for the individual to cope with and are taxing on the parents; challenging behaviors is a broad definition that include tantrums, antisocial behavior, and refusal of reasonable requests.

Knowing the definitions of communication, language and speech is essential when understanding language impairment. Which of these definitions is the most accurate?

Speech involves motor activity, known as articulation, that has parts that are involved with the language system while others are not; however, acoustic patterning of speech are known as prosody.

Which assessment is considered the "gold standard" in evaluating psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescents?

The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children - Present and Lifetime Version

Which of the following assessments has a version specifically designed for use with children on the autism spectrum?

The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children - Present and Lifetime Version

The following are co-morbid conditions associated with repetitive behaviors.

Tourette's syndrome, Lesch-Nyan syndrome, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders.

Sporadic ASD, Twin Studies, and Rising incidence of ASD are all evidence for the environment risk factors of ASD.


Brief, naturalistic, and accessible functional analysis procedures encourage what?

a and c

Studies stress the importance of capitalizing on ................ in order to aid in the interpretation of functional analysis data?

a and c

Communication difficulties are often not noticed until

a child starts school

What can be said about reliability when making decisions about special educational placement?

a higher reliability would be best in this situation

What distinguishes the ADOS-2 from most other scales used to assess ASD?

a measure that involves direct observation of the person being assessed, it provides 5 separate modules geared for the subject's particular developmental and expressive language level

Neurosis is

a term in the past used to characterize those with ASD, a personality or mental disturbance not resulting from any known biological cause

If a person is part of the aloof group, which would be one of their behaviors?

act as though others don't exist

Direction of looking studies have found that ______ individuals with ASD lack implicit 'theory of mind' (ToM).


When telling parents for the first time that their child has an ASD you should?

all of above

Accomplishing the goal of introducing and successfully using new methods requires which of the following?

all of the above

At two years of age children with pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified can be distinguished from children with Autism by which of the following?

all of the above

How does descriptive assessment assist in the process of functional analysis?

all of the above

If you are assessing a child with ASD you need to understand which of the following elements?

all of the above

In those with ASD, which of the following skills tend to not develop to the same extent as IQ and language skills?

all of the above

Picture Exchange Communication System is best described as

all of the above

Pivotal Response Training (PRT)

all of the above

To whom is the gap between empirically based knowledge and broadly disseminated implementation costly?

all of the above

What can be definitively said about 'risk factors' related to autism?

all of the above

What is the goal of functional analysis?

all of the above

Which of the following designs have been used to study the efficacy of treatments used with individuals with ASD?

all of the above

Which of the following is a complication in assessment of comorbidities in ASD?

all of the above

Which of the following is the down-side to using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule?

all of the above

Why is it difficult to determine if a person with ASD also has bipolar disorder?

all of the above

The following statements about root causes are true except:

all of the above are correct

The assessment of ASD in the schools requires school psychologists to do what?

all of the abvoe

To examiners unfamiliar with ASD there are many superficial similarities between ASD and psychosis. Which of the following can be used for differential diagnosis?

all of the abvoe

A common stereotypic view of individuals with an ASD is that they are _____________ .

all similar in their presentation of symptoms

Which of the following methods have been used to assess the brain chemistry of individuals with ASD?

animal models, blood/urine samples, post-mortem studies, lumbar puncture

Historically, restricted and repetitive behaviors were explained as stemming from _____________ .

anxiety because of unpredictable environments

Nerve fibers that carry information from one neuron to another.


What makes the Children's Depression Inventory less challenging for children to answer in comparison to other self-report instruments?

b and c

According to the text, the responsibility of information transfer between research and the schools resides with whom?

both a and b

Single factor theories of ASD are undermined by other emerging evidence. The emerging evidence is related to what is called ____________ .

broader autism phenotype

What is a significant factor contributing to suicide among children with ASD?


Which of the following is not a pragmatic impairment?

changing the subject

Terms previously used when referencing ASD include all except which:

cognitive disorder

Which of the following would be an example of functional pretend play/pretence?

combing a doll's hair with a toy comb

Comorbid mental health problems (e.g., ADHD, depression, anxiety, etc.) are __________ among individuals with ASD.


It is ___________ for individuals with ASD to display hypersensitivity to taste, smell, and touch.


The causes of autism related behaviors are _______________ .

complex, cumulative, interactive

What kind of leisure activities are individuals with ASD most likely to enjoy?

computer based games

Which of the following are research methods used when studying the brain structures in people with ASD?

computerized tomography, animal models

What makes evidenced-based treatments standout compared to other less established treatments _________________ .

consistently effective

According to Miller, rote learning is characterized by three things. Which of the following is not characteristic of rote learning?

constant repetition of information

Many intelligence tests include a variety of constructs. Which construct of intelligence is based on acquired knowledge?

crystallized intelligence

Explaining autism is important for the following reasons except:

curing ASD

Which of the following is not a symptom of depression when comorbid with ASD?

decrease in social bx

Neurological studies have found that grey matter in the cerebellums of individuals with ASD are ___________ relative to their neurotypical peers.


Diagnostic criteria for ASD are now supplemented by


Within the DSM-5, the diagnostic criteria is now supplemented by ______________.


An individual with ASD who struggles with cleaning his room is likely struggling with ______________ .

determining where, when, and how to start cleaning

Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps to take in developing a scale to assess ASD?

develop clear definitions of behaviors, create a pool of items, run a pilot study

The Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R) assesses all of the following EXCEPT?

developmental history

The primary reason autism subtypes were eliminated within the DSM-5 was due to _________________ .

difficulties making a diagnosis because of the ambiguous distinctions between various subtypes

The phrase "developmental trajectory" used in our text refers to ways in which an individual develops and changes ____________ .

during their lifetime

Which of the following treatments does not belong under evidenced-based non-physical treatments with high efficacy?

early bird treatment program

When socio-emotional-communicative behaviors are absent or odd within the first 18 months of life, the autism is referred to as _____________ .

early onset

According to our text, assessments at which age are often actually "reassessments"?

elementary school

A child with ASD who is tickled by his mother and laughs but does not associate the pleasure of being tickled to his mother can be explained by which of the following theories?

emotion blindness theory

What is translated literally as 'the study of epidemics', and refers to the frequency of occurrence and the distribution of diseases or disorders in particular populations?


As part of the initial diagnostic assessment you should provide recommendations which include of the following except?

explain the different theories of intervention to the parents in detail

Which of the following prenatal factors affecting fetal development via the mother are known or suspected environmental risk factors?

exposure to certain pesticides, obesity, exposure to traffic related air pollutants, diabetes

Abnormalities in vasopressin and oxytocin are often studied together, with vasopressin showing a stronger case of involvement than that of maternal hormone oxytocin.


All innate capabilities that have a role in establishing and maintaining reciprocal bonds between babies and caregivers are congenital.


As stated in our text, with the High Functioning Language-Normal Group, it is common to find a moderate impairment of word/phrase meaning but an idiosyncratic usage of words or phrases.


Autism has a single critical cause affecting aspects of behavior that is identified and manifested at a specific stage of development.


Due to extensive research there is a growing consensus on the contributions of neurochemical abnormalities in individuals with ASD.


High rates of concordance in monozytic twins compared to discordance of dizygotic twins provide irrefutable evidence that genetic factors have no effect on development of ASD.


Infants with incipient autism are just as likely to look at the mouth of someone as their typically developed peers.


Melatonin has not been found to be effective in the treatment of sleep problems in children with ASD.


Neurotrophins are essential for the brain growth, maintenance, vision, hearing, and sexual arousal.


Research has consistently and definitively shown that behaviors that fall under the DSM-5 restricted, repetitive behaviors are similar and uniform.


Research has determined that autism is a simple condition that requires complex treatments.


Restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRBs) are often similarly displayed among individuals with ASD, which is why the DSM-5 is able to include RRBs as part of the diagnostic criteria.


Scientists, researchers, educators, and autism experts can agree that there is only one 100 percent cure for autism


Sporadic ASD can be explained in over 70% of individuals with ASD.


There has been strong support for the 'extreme male brain' theory in recent years and more research is starting to be conducted.


There is clear proven research that indicates that early intensive treatment can reverse and successfully compensate for brain growth and development.


When studying autism causes, innate and congenital are interchangeable terms.


Which of the following are considered single common pathways based on the neuropsychological level?

faulty conditioning, severe language disorder, defective sequencing ability, impaired theory of mind

Prior to recognizing a distinct condition, the least able of these children with ASD were most likely described as


When a child with ASD displays impaired abilities but retains a few unexpected skills related to the impaired abilities this is called _____

fine cuts

Which disorders below are considered single gene disorders?

fragile x syndrome, tuberous sclerosis complex, phenylketounuria

The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria now allows older individuals to be classified with ASD; however, the signs of autism must have been present _______________ .

from quite early in childhood

Research has shown that the possible risk factors for developing ASD fall into which of the following groups?

genetic and environmental

What term is used to describe particular traits of an individual (e.g., height, hair color)?


Which of the following physical treatments have been known to be ineffective?

gluten diet

One of Creek's 9 points diagnostic list for schizophrenia?

gross and sustained impairment of emotional relationships

Self-injurious behaviors are an important form of RSM. Which of the following is not one of the self-injurious behaviors listed in the chapter?

hair pulling

To date, studies exploring cortisol levels among individuals with ASD ___________ .

have been inconclusive

Of the five senses, which of the following pairs of senses do individuals with ASD most often display deficits in?

hearing and vision

Why is it important to know the reliability of a test?

helps you determine amount of accuracy in a score, helps you calculate the amount of error in score

When two measures are being compared, it is important that both have high reliability coefficients because....

high reliabilities help ensure that differences are not due to chance

An adolescent with moderate ASD becomes very agitated during a parade because of the noise he is experiencing ________.


Reduced muscle tone is often referred to as _____________ .


The Camberwell study showed children on the autistic scale had three impairments. Which of the following was not one of the impairments found in the study among children with autism?

impairment of behaviors

The original research on functional analysis procedures was conducted __________________ .

in highly controlled treatment settings

Which of the following behaviors in infants is not strongly associated with a later diagnosis of ASD?

increased responding time

Which has used as evidence for the weak central coherence theory?

inferior ability, detail focused and fragmented drawings, superior recognition of inverted faces

What happens to the behavior of individuals that have had ASD for years?

it gets more normal for them

What is one of the most reliable early indications that a toddler has autism?

lack of protodeclarative pointing

Single factor theories are undermined by evidence of the following:

lesser variant austism, relatives show autism related behavior in isolation of other signs, broader autism phenotype

Screening for ASD or other developmental concerns in groups of children for whom developmental concerns have already been raised is considered a _______________.

level 2 screening

It has been hypothesized that impaired timing results in abnormalities in which of the following areas?

linguistic, social, motor

This method of research into the genetic bases of autism compares genetic samples from two or more affected relatives in the same family to see whether there are genetic anomalies.

linkage studies

Research has shown that sleep disturbance is common among individuals with ASD, especially among ___________ functioning individuals with ASD.


Neologisms are _________ words.

made up

Which of the following groups of perinatal risk factors do not include factors related specifically to the health of the mother?

maternal age, c-section, premature delivery, low birth weight

According to our text, an adolescent with ASD who displays excellent rote memory _____________ .

may have an impairment in other key memory systems, resulting in the need to depend highly on his rote memory skills.

What distinguishes the ADOS-2 from most other scales used to assess ASD?

measure that involves direct observation of person being assessed, provides 5 separate modules geared for subject's particular developmental and expressive language level

Families in what socio-economic status were commonly thought to have more cases of autism occurrences?

middle to high

Research has linked impaired pragmatics with impairments in __________________.

mindreading and emotion processing

Research studying the semantic memory of low functioning individuals with ASD has found _____________ .

more research is needed to confirm or disconfirm semantic memory impairments as it relates to learning disabilities among individuals with ASD.

This term refers to the minimal meaningful components of language


According to Hans Asperger, children with autistic psycohpathy may present with

motor clumsiness, limited/inappropriate nonverbal communication, all absorbing narrow interests often to the exclusion of other activities

Which term refers to body movements?

motor skills

Research has shown that individuals with ASD are ___________________ .

much more likely to have a sibling with ASD compared to their typically developed peers.

Kanner's early descriptions of autism included _________________ .

muteness and superior rote memory skills

Promixal data refers to the _________ data collected.

nearest; most immediate

What statement best describes compensation within the brain?

neural plasticity ensures capacities for brain growth, compensations are achieved through role of intact brain systems, for compensation to take place brain systems must be subserved by compromised brain systems

For individuals that have ASD, why are online chat rooms and social media easier for those individuals to communicate?

nonverbal communication signals are less important

Wechsler scales are used to assess learning abilities with individuals with ASD. What conclusions can be drawn from the studies conducted on the Wechsler scales and the patterns that emerge (specific to individuals with ASD).

notable uneven pattern in individuals with ASD, discrepancies aside, individuals with lower functioning autism generally have higher nonverbal iq than verbal iq, although considerable individual variations occur, individuals with higher-functioning autism are more evenly balanced with verbal IQ compared to their nonverbal IQ

Which of the following is not a neurodevelopmental condition that co-occurs with ASD?

oppositional defiance disorder

What has a substantial impact on how one goes about introducing change, including new assessment methods, to a school system?

organizational climate

Which of the following is not a data collection tool used when conducting an analogue functional analysis?

parent interview

Which of the following is not a data collection tool used when conducting an analogue functional analysis? Correct!

parent interview

The Autism Spectrum Rating Scale, (ASRS) is usually filled out by which of the following?

parents, teachers, clinicians

The author of the text discusses several concerns related to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. Which of the concerns below were discussed by the author?

possible adverse effects on early diagnosis, concern about possible under diagnosis

Which answer refers to the total number of cases of a disease or a disorder in a specified population at a particular point in time?


The acoustic patterning of speech in terms of pitch, loudness, tempo and rhythm refers to which term?


Early on, psychiatrists thought the symptoms of autism were more reflective of which of the following conditions:

psychosis, neurosis

Children with autism, when given the 'Russel Window Task' will:

quickly point to the box with the treat, make the wrong response over and over

Most of the early theories exploring the causes of ASD have now been _______________ .


After a scale has been tested and retested, it is important to look at the reliability of each section and subsections. In the development of the ADOS, when an item was deemed to have lower than acceptable reliability, what was the next step for those items?

remove items or edit items

After a scale has been tested and retested, it is important to look at the reliability of each section and subsections. In the development of a scale, when items are deemed to have lower than acceptable reliability, what steps are taken with those items to help ensure greater reliability?

remove the items, edit the items

Self-stimulatory stereotypic movements include all behaviors listed except for:

repetitive utterances

This central nervous system runs from the brain stem to the cerebral cortex and regulates arousal.

reticular activating system

Identify the two disorders that are more characterized in the DSM-IV as degenerative disorders than autism disorders.

rett syndrome and childhood disintegrative disorder

A 6 year old with ASD can learn and play highly sophisticated musical works after hearing them only one time. Her special talent is commonly referred to as _________ .

savant ability

According to our text, if a test has a reliability of .80 what kind of decision should it be used for?


This memory system stores factual information and word meanings.


Asperger's early descriptions of autism included which of the following:

severe impairment of social interaction, narrow interests, good vocab, motor clumsiness

Of the below criterion which is not used when judging explanatory power?

simplifying criterion

Identify the sources of complexity discussed in the text in relation to the search for the causes of autism.

single causal pathway, multi directional and causal links, many to one, one to many

Which of the following would be the most common among individuals with autism?

social anxiety disorder

DSM 5 created new diagnostic category which was

social communication disorder

__________________________________ is characterized by "persistent difficulties in the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication sufficiently severe as to interfere with social relationships, academic achievement, and occupational performance".

social communication disorder

Which of the following is not an innate capability?

social imitation

With the updated DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, two core impairments have been emphasized in making a diagnosis, what are they?

social interaction, communication

Within the text, SLI refers to _____________ .

specific language impairment

What is the most common anxiety disorder in ASD?

specific phobia

After age two diagnosis of ASD made by experienced professional using clinical judgment and standardized diagnostic tools are generally ______________ and skills on developmental tests tend to be _______________.

stable; variable

Given medical advances, it is now possible to identify whether a fetus has the potential to later develop an ASD.

statement is false

Proven environmental risk factors include all of the following except:

the mothers body during pregnancy, toxic chemicals, the mother's perinatal interventions

An 23 year-old female with diagnosis of Asperger's argues against the movement of prevention and finding a cure. What movement is she aligned with at this time?

the neurodiversity movement

What is not one of the Wing's four types of ASD-related social behavior?

the quiet group

What is the single cause of autism?

there is no single cause of ASD

A mother of a 3 year-old with ASD notices persistent toe-walking, the toe walking could stem from which of the following?

tight heel cords due to being congenitally short, neurological issues, habit

A developmental syndrome of know genetic origin co-occurs with ASD approximately 10-15 percent of the time.


According to our text, a decline in dyadic interaction over the first year or so of life is most readily explained in terms of the 'impaired experience of social reward' theory.


Anxiety vulnerabilities and sleep disturbances are what led to studies in cortisol levels of those individuals with autism.


Cytogenetics is used when studying chromosomal abnormalities, with one technique being animal models.


Difficulties with the neuropsychological systems of mentalising and episodic memory can result with in an impaired sense of self among individuals with ASD.


Dopamine is known as the "feel good" neurochemical of the brain.


Due to small sample sizes used with most research focused on studying brain structures, it has been difficult to generalize results to the larger population of individuals with ASD. Correct!


Episodic memory and relational memory are two terms that are interchangeable.


Experts generally agree that there is currently no 100 percent successful cure for autism.


Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter that operates through the brain which is essential in maintaining balance of neural activity with any abnormality causing upset of balance.


It is important for behavior therapists, psychologists, and parents to maintain a critical attitude when considering the merits of emerging theories.


It is important to maintain the perspective that the brains of individuals with ASD are operating effectively, even if their brains may be structurally different.


Learning disabilities and language impairments are considered two of the most common and jointly debilitating specifiers. Correct!


Many risk factors for ASD have also been identified as risk factors other mental health conditions.


Memory retrieval impairment, deviating sense of self, problem in assembling and spontaneous initiation of activities are all contributors to impaired creativity and imagination.


Mindreading impairment is closely associated with impaired communication.


One argument against prevention and cure is it might eliminate individuals with ASD who are making significant contributions to society.


One of the defining characteristics of the lower-functioning language impairment group (LF-LI) is moderate to severe impairment of word/phrase meaning.


Perinatal risk factors for ASD are sometimes discussed under the heading of 'obstetric complications'.


Referent refers to the entity or thing in the world that a word stands for


Repetitive behaviors have also been found to occur with other comorbid conditions, conditions diagnosed along with ASD.


Research conducted by Schuh and Eigsti (2012) found the component of working memory known as the phonological loop functions less efficiently among individuals with ASD compared to typically developed individuals. Correct!


Savant abilities are abilities that are outstanding in comparison of the general population and occur in individuals with low or modest intellectual ability.


Socio-cultural deprivation is one of the four likely causes of learning disability in lower-functioning individuals with ASD.


The dramatic increase in the incidence of ASD over the last couple of decades could possibly explained by environmental factors of recent origin


The identification of etiological causes of autism is important in developing specific treatments and in developing prevention programs.


The modularist and constructivist approaches are two approaches that are consistently used to explain the development of mindreading abilities in people. Correct!


With definitive certainty the causes of autism are complex, cumulative, interactive, and individualistic.


What ages are not recommended for Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2) to be used to diagnosis ASD?

under 2

What ages are not recommended for Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2) to be used to diagnosis ASD?

under 2 years

It is increasingly suggested that ASD is ________ in more able girls and women.

under diagnosed

What is the risk of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder committing crimes?

very low

What is the prognosis of 58% of individuals with ASD?

very poor to poor

According to our text, during middle and high school, which question(s) is an assessment focused on answering?

what does he/she need now in the way of instruction or supports, what services/supports will be needed in the future, what services is he/she eligible for

Research focused on studying the brain structures of individuals with ASD is beginning to make progress due to ______________ .

working co-operativley, sharing methodologies, starting to pool data

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