Speak Up! Chapter 14 (Key Terms and Review Questions)
Presentation Software
A computer program that enables users to create, edit, and present information, usually in a slide show format.
A drawing that details an object or action, as well as arrangements and relations among its parts.
A type of chart that demonstrates the direction of information or ideas, or illustrates the steps in a process.
Bar Graph
A type of graph consisting of parallel bars of varying hieght or length that compares several pieces of information.
Line Graph
A type of graph that plots lines on a pair of axes to show relationships between two elements.
A visual representation of the relationship between different numbers, measurements, or quantities. common types of graphs include line graphs, bar graphs, and pie charts.
Presentation Aid
Anything beyond spoken words that a speaker uses to help the audience understand and remember his or her message; includes presentation materials that can be seen, heard, or touched.
What factors should you consider while developing your presentation aids?
Consider the forum. Consider your audience, demographics, and prior exposure. Make sure your aids support your points. Keep your aids simple and clear. Size, contrast, legibility, and volume. Rehearse with your presentation aids.
Pie Chart (Circle Graph)
Information arranged to resemble a sliced pie, which helps a speaker clarify how proportions and percentages relate to one another and add up to a whole.
What four things does a speaker need to keep in mind when delivering a speech with presentation aids?
Make sure everyone can see and hear your aids. Control audience interaction with your aids. Maintain eye contact. Remember the purpose of your aids.
What are three key reasons for using presentation aids in a speech?
Presentation aids can make your speech more interesting. presentation aids can simplify a complex topic. Presentation aids can help your audience remember your speech.
Prior Exposure
The extent to which an audience has already hear a speaker's message, which will affect the audience's interest or belief in what the speaker is saying.
The setting where a speaker delivers, and an audience listens, to a speech.
Describe at least seven types of presentation aids you might use in a speech.
The speaker. You can be a visual aid by demonstrating or acting out an aspect of your speech topic. Assistants. You can have another person assist you by demonstrating or acting out an aspect of your speech topic. Objects. Use objects that help demonstrate your topic or key points. Visual images. Visual aids can help give your audience a clearer image of what you're talking about and emphasize certain points. Such as Maps, Photographs, drawings, and diagrams. Graphs. Graphs are useful when presenting a great deal of statistical information. Such as line graphs, bar graphs, and pie charts. Test-based visuals. Presenting text graphically can help to highlight key ideas and important takeaways as well as help your audience organize and understand information. Audio and Video. These can be particularly useful when something cannot be easily described in words or presented in a still image.
According to the chapter, when is presentation software most useful?
When you want to incorporate all of your aids into a digital slideshow and Use it to unify a mixed media presentation.
Verbal Chart
Words arranged in a certain format, such as bullet points, to explain ideas, concepts, or general information.