speaking topic part 3

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team work

*group activities对孩子好吗 interact with other people,collaborate, increase tolerance of difference,improving communicating skills;work with others,a mirror,see the flaws,learn from others' merits; *什么人不喜欢team work introvert,unsociable,challenge,share proud and aloof,arrogant,show little respect for;team colleauges as a burden,stupid,waste time; *怎么选team leader imposing投票,imposing,intense,despite;work well; enjoy,moral compass;才能影响力权威; *你当过leader吗 prefer being led than leading others;stand from the perspective of the whole team,make each one to take one's duty,regulate contradiction,seek advice from,make all the decisions;honor,failure; focus on; *如果你是leader,组员不尊重你怎么办 take privately,reason; method; at least,force to obey,assign task


*how often: 网上能搜到不常看,周末陪爸妈; *为啥不喜欢看电视 i'm a perfect example, boring,a waste of time,commercials,affect the mood;profit-driven,attract more attention and audience;costume drama,fabricate the history;news,exaggerate the facts; would rather use computer,pick something valuable; *啥节目流行 TV drama,variety show,reality show; depends who you are,what your age and interest is. soap opera with romance but cliched line and predictable story;sports,NBA,MLB,Champions League;documentaries; *最喜欢的频道 review经典电影,documentary about astronomy or something about galaxies,planets; *最喜欢的节目 奇葩说,youngsters,over controversial topic that had arisen much public concern;环境婚姻爱情工作学习生命意义科技;exemplify their own stories which are dramatic,amusing,cruel,but are true to life;thought-provoking thoughts;creative,no limitation,stimulate us to think;deliver the multiply values,tolerance of difference; *小孩看节目有收获? numbers and symbol video's mixed with children's songs and nursery rhymes;For older kids there are nature channels, history channels and cultural channels among many other educational shows; avoid programs involved with nudity and sexual content and violence and bad words more choices, *电视改变我们的思维方式吗 learn a wide range of knowledge by;deliver message,statement,opinions,passive;one way interaction;tend to think less,accept more; lifestyle, *小孩应该被允许看很多电视吗? excessive TV watching,health,damage their eyesight,increase the possibility of obesity,sluggish; mental development,sexual,violent,early-maturing,aggressive,unruly;addicted inactive, *看电视看久了 health experts have long linked excessive TV-watching to obesity;inactive and tend to snack,potato chips,empty-calorie soft drinks; potential hazards include an increased risk of heart disease from higher cholesterol; upset sleep patterns,poor concentration and learning problems *电视上都有名吗 normal people,crazy games;Mind Quiz *名人应该做表率么 easily get influenced,metal and physical developing stage,shaped; crazy,imitate,idol;take drugs,wasting; *坏处 pirated DVDs are dirt-cheap just flick trough the channels,too many commercials during prime-time viewing,binge watching,barriers to strengthening families,TV dinner,couch potato *电视节目和过去不同吗 solemn,rigid,only a few channels;low in quantity,high in quality; take many forms,have interaction with audiences;attracted more;involve too many celebrities and exaggerate conflicting story,violent and sexual contents; *24小时的节目 most of;sports channel,news,TV serials; *分类 TV series/reality show/quiz show/variety show/talk show/game show/sitcoms/drama/documentary(discovery/national geographic)/cookery; *电视广播比较 electronic media,have much in common; 多样性pictures,diversity of programs is limited,news,chatting,music,novel;have more options; 边听,laundry,jogging;eyes can take a rest, cure tiredness 想象力radio gives you more room for imagination while TV shows you much more you can see;


*machines used for housework washing machine,laundry,wash the dishes;vacuum cleaner;sweeping Robert that can be controlled by the application in distance,it's like a loyal and diligent servant; *how they help 省时省力,工作休闲;lazy and indolent,sedentary life,lose the last opportunity to do some exercises;没机器不会做; *all the new house will be equipped by household machine? yes,it's the trend;the speed of 科技 won't slow down,more invention relating to household;divert their focus to how to live a easier and happier life;life pace tend to be faster,everything need to be more effective *machines used in workplace computers,printers,scans;electronic entrance guard; camera and video monitoring; *How have developments in technology affected employment human labour are being replaced by automatic electronic equipment,the devices are doing the work that used to be done by people,they are doing even better,people will getting tried but machines never make mistake as long as they are not broken工厂workers,redundant,lot jobs; *technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed people NO;工人是没工作但技术也创造了新工作in diversified forms;change from manual labour-oriented to technique-oriented;innovation and creativity做研究发展科技发明设备benefit our lives


*teachers use competitions as class activities--why (积极,自尊心荣誉感,想拔尖,驱使他们用功)more active;self-esteem,the sense of honor is essential for everyone,we all want to be excel and outstanding;drive students to work hard; *give prizes to children who do well at school--agree? (能激励但易过头,伤害自尊自信尤其是用功但毛的学生)it certainly can motivate students to devote more attention on studying;especially for those students who actually worked very hard yet didn't get the desired results;push them hard *more or less competitive,now & you were that age (就业市场竞争更激烈就业无好转;受教育人更多政府投了钱但高质教育资源有限)job market are more competitive,the employment shows few signs of pick-up;with more and more are being educated,government put more funds in education,high-quality educational resources are still very limited,so no wonder students in school are facing fiercer competition; *intensive training for young sportsman--优缺点 (能帮助短期提高水平:人弊大于利;超过负荷训练,有害心理生理,不再感兴趣甚至焦虑叛逆)the overwhelming training may have negative effect on their health both physically and mentally;rebellious; *competition leads to a better performance from sports stars? (个性心理素质;求胜驱使他们努力也给压力;有的发挥潜能有的紧张表现不如平时)personalities,psychology quality;longing for victory can drive people work hard but also give them some pressure; under these pressure,people with a good mentality fulfill their potential or create a new record,while people are stressed out tend to perform worse than normally; *is it possible to become too competitive in sport,in what way? (运动员收入差距大顶尖的明星的少职业生涯短,兴奋剂贿赂黑幕) too competitive that more and more drugs scandals are emerging,try to bribe the j udges,they are too eager to win; sport careers are normally short;there is a huge income gap between the top sport players and the other ordinary players,the other players are struggling to be the top ones,rare and often born with sport gift;


*tips improve your sleep habits,your body heals and repair itself; more vegetables,cut down red meat,caffeine,sugar and salt,supplement vitamin; never skip the breakfast; stress impacts your body in the same way terrible toxins do,avoid; watch less TV,play less video games;doing exercise. *疾病都能被预防么 some,by leading a health life style,maintaining a balanced diet,doing regular exercise;environment,clean water,fresh air,safe food; determined by genes,inherit the high risky in having some certain disease from;detect the Early warning signs by doing routine health examination,take some effective measures in time,prevent it from deteriorating; *今后更少疾病 Medical science is progressing rapidly,more significant breakthrough will be made in the future,with the advanced equipment and medicine,disease will be diagnosed earlier,some operation that were used to be out of imagination will become reality,cancer and aids can be cured, *怎么是好医生 career,devote,heal the wounded and rescue the dying; responsible,life in your hand *小孩小时候就要学如何健康生活 form a good habit from an early stage will benefit them in their following lives, learn what is balanced food like and get used to eat,adopting a regular sleep pattern,foster the interest in various sports and physical activities; *怎么获取健康信息 TV programs focus on deliver,fans,tips like,which food can help to decrease the blood pressure,how to relieve the neck pain,warning signs that you need to take serious of; health magazine,newspaper,online,articles, *健康信息的负面影响 have two sides,it's a positive trend that more and more; some people,oversensitive,panic,cause anxiety;cancer,illusion that he is sick;mental, pay too much time and energy on picking the food to eat,the environment to live in,pressure,trouble; *diet重要吗 maintaining good health, and can help you feel your best disease enter by the mouth,great impact on health;take in,nutrients,calories,fat,toxins,reflect on your bodies; junk/processed food *a balanced diet 比例,淀粉,蛋白质,奶制,水果蔬菜维他命纤维,脂肪盐糖别多各种营养 a wide variety of foods in the right proportions; starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, rice and pasta; plenty of fruit and vegetables some protein-rich foods such as beans, fish,eggs,meat; some milk and dairy foods or dairy alternatives; and not too much fat, salt or sugar; will give you all the nutrients you need. *中国人饮食 not healthy,hot food with much oil,stirred,fried,roasted;high in fat,calories,salt,sugar, no limited,fish,seafood,wild plants,all sorts of mushrooms,pork,beef,mutton,wild animals,dofu,bean; *不健康的食物 fast food fried food,barbecue,which high in calories,contains carcinogens,destroy vitamins and transform protein; caned food;frozen food,not fresh,bacterial; carbonated drinks produce calcium,full of sugar,low nutrition; *外面吃 regard eating and food as very important,documentary called a bite of china,various local cuisine,thousands of dishes,staple food,snakes,deserts in different cooking methods; a wide range of options;


*types 例会紧急会议研讨会同兴趣交流会同问题劝解会regular meeting that mostly sumerising the works of the previous period and work arrange in the next period;emergency meeting that issuing some ugent notice;Seminars that discussing over the research or investigation;meetings for people who sharing interest to inter-communicate,for people who have similar problems to exchange their experience and encourage each other; *no one likes to go to meetings 不能否定有官僚冗余无意义的会议,但有些很关键有效交流了观点传达了重要信息,深远意义bureaucratic,redundant,boring;essencial,provide the opportunities for people to exchange their oppinion and make a effective communication,convey some crucial and useful information; are of profound meaning; *important 交流,坐一起表达想法和建议讨论,从中获取灵感;公司或项目是个整体系统,每个人是一部分,通过会议整合资源; many inspiration are stemming from this; an integrated system,we are all only a part of it,inergrate the resources and work together through the meeting; *world leaders often have meeting together globalisation;internation trade,energy resources and environment issues involve all the countries and people in the world;terrorism;international compute dispute;famine,aid and assistant to the third world contries;healthcare disease;科技;

questionnaire or survey

*what kinds of organization 研究机构,餐馆,其他公司research institution have to make some social investigations before they come to the conclusion,otherwise their research would be unrealistic;Restaurant may need their customers to give their feedback,改进;so does companies that sell clothes,shoes,electronic equipment,furniture,it's the market,the consumers' thought that steer them to move; *are good ways? 有效,快速直接成本低;真实性,有人乱做有人价值观不愿告诉真相;it do works most of the time,it's a direct and quick way with a low cost;ensure the answers and data from these questionnaire or survey are 100% true;may not take it serious and answer it casually;or may be their thoughts don't fit for the general values,their behavior are deemed as immoral,they may tell a lie in this regard; *reasons for not wanting to give the answers conditions;忙,loath to spare their time;In some cases,strangers stop you in the street,不认识,release my private information,mind the it's confidentiality; *school feedback,good idea? how they feel,too hard to follow,redundant;adjust the courses and curriculum accordingly;feedback of teacher's performance,make a progress; *advantages can help school get to know their problems and improve in these affects in time,by doing so, between narrow;know their students better,make the specific learning plan for different student;in the end,educate them to be useful and responsible social members; *disadvantages immature emotionally,give negative feedback to a teacher just because they don't like it,unfair;criticize some strict rules or regulations mainly for they want more play time;their opinion are of less value;

national celebration

*what kinds of: rarely have the national celebration except every year's art joint show in the spring festival;held the ceremony of the nation's 60th birthday 7 years ago;In the 70th anniversary of the Anti-fascism war,we staged a large-scale military parade; *who like: old people,the forms of ..dull,无聊 *waste of money 必须花;can enhance the national cohesion,remind the younger generation about our history,more than 30 millions of Chinese citizens and soldiers were died in the second world war;by holding this parade,we show our military strength and technique to the whole world;


*中国人怎么看运动 sports and other physical activities are becoming entertainments more than merely a form of exercise or livelihood; life is less demanding,a park or playground is usually filled with people playing sport; *好处 强身burns calories,builds strength;塑形;神采奕奕,放松;精通某项运动自信;improves balance and coordination;confident and team spirit/cooperate;享受,乐趣;交流,认识新朋友; stimulates various brain chemicals,which may leave you feeling happier you feel toned-up, supple and relaxed;entertaining; prevent high blood pressure,your cholesterol will benefit,delivers oxygen and nutrients ti your tissues,your entire cardiovascular system work more efficiently; *什么流行 competitive ball games;ping pong,NBA has put a lot of promotions in china; appearance,,doing the gym work become the trend of fashion,in order to get a better shape;jogging and marathon; *过去 spent most of their time working so that they can support themselves,involve physical activities; *今后流行 没大变化,work long hours sitting at desk;seek thrill more due to the heavy work pressure,some sports that help manufacture adrenaline,extreme ski,parachuting,bungee jumping,cycle racing *公司提供器械 fitness,participate,interaction,increase cooperation,whose who are physically active tend to be more productive,in better moods;inspiration will hit them decrease the number of sick days that employees take off; *政府花更多钱提供设施吗? easily get access to,cannot afford the membership fees of gym; meet the financial needs of healthcare,education,transportation,industry first,自己负责,能找到其他方法;implement more physical awareness in schools,learn early in life that physical fitness重要; *老人什么运动 gather in parks and spares to exercise,several types of traditional exercises that are regarded as ways to take care of one's body,but also as a therapy instead of doing strenuous exercise,慢动作,广场舞太极 *拉近不同国家的距离 remove language barrier, share interest, *小孩最流行的活动 hide-and-seek;one child would act as the police and count to 100 to wait for other children to hide. At the same time, other children should find a place to hide themselves as quickly and safely as possible and try not to be found by the "police" 我的爱beanbag game;two people who throw,stand away in a distance,8M,person who being thrown need to run back and forth and try to dodge the beanbag;any part of your body was hit by, chasing each other,romping ;vibrant shuttlecocks and skipped rubber bands,elastic band;in,out,step on; *男孩或女孩喜欢在室内玩什么 play house,try clothes on;play Barbie doll,fury doll,based on the cartoon;toy; chess and cards;develop the intellect and mental growth; video games,online games attracted their most attention;only child,playmate; *室外游戏与室内游戏的不同 I firmly believe that playing outside is much healthier than playing inside because usually, outdoor activities include sports and exercise which could be really beneficial to children's physical health. Children could take in a lot of oxygen while doing sports and being happy could also contribute to their mental health. On the contrary, indoor games are, under most circumstances, sedentary and unhealthy. *过去与现在的游戏 From my point of view, due to the rapid development of internet and computer technology, a huge number of computer games and on-line games have emerged. People are addicted to these kinds of games so that they like to face the cold screen. In the past few decades, however, games like majiang and poker had the power to get people together and contribute to face-to-face communication. *小孩与成人:(智力发育&娱乐放松) *现在的生活方式鼓励游戏?(压力, lack of healthy and funny games. Games like poker may get people addicted to gambling and this may bring about a terrible result) *玩游戏的好处 放松娱乐make friends;mental gymnastic,require logical and creative thinking to win the game, group games:interactive,合作竞争;only kid,seize the opportunities to integrate in group; *电脑游戏的好处 电脑技术;complicated,instructions,reading,make a comprehensive analysis that take all the factors into consideration;excellent player are often very smart and intelligent person;


*中国人经常给礼物么 钱多,nasty process of;Only lovers,family members and really good friends give one another gifts when their birthday or anniversaries. *意义 a blessing;show that you care about;ritual;valued;tighten the bonding between; *送什么 春节(钱食物茶叶酒);look up the people who are recovering from the illness(flowers,fruits,soup or tonics cooked by yourself) bring some pricey presents;朋友(需要的) it can be pretty tricky trying to find the perfect gift,especially when you want to give them a surprise;you can only get clues by listening closely to their needs,and try to guess what they'd like based on their hobbies and interests. the thought counts even more;touching; *你怎么选 地点类型让开心给帮助 online,much more convenient and save a lot of energy,type in,click the search button;can be time-consuming,travel a long way and visit many shops for a perfect gift,likely to get stuck in the traffic;at a cheaper price since you can easily compare the same item between; *最好选useful gift吗 most of time,surprise,leave a deep impression on;put ourselves in the gift receivers' position,prefer,make difference,need;books,electronic; *给已经有很多东西的人怎么准备礼物 tricky,small space for you to pick, interesting and novel,odd or alternative in the thrift shops,attach some special meaning to the gifts,romantic; A piece of snowflake; we give money rather than gifts during festivals and weddings; there are't that many hard-and-fast rules but some tips that you better follow.under no circumstance give a clock as a gift because it symbolises the end of your life,or a black pot which means take the punish of other people's vices.at weddings,the amount of money you give should correspond to the closeness of your connection to the host family.


*中国有哪些社会问题 developing,in this period; although economy,living condition;living in poverty,income gap is extremely wide;没地住support their children to go to university,unemployment rate is still high; intense relationship between doctors and patients,the problem of corruption in government,enterprises,organisations;Lack of morality in the whole society; *怎样能缓解贫困 several measure can be taken to alleviate poverty,offer free or low rent accommodation,encourage the wealthy people or big companies to take the responsibly of repaying their debt to the society by donating; radical solutions lie in boosting economy,create more job opportunities and ensure them can receive a good education,career training; teach them how to fish rather than give fish to them, *有很多慈善机构吗 funded by,are aiming to help people with different obstacles,穷病;step in different field,offer finance assistant in scientific research,build hospital,schools,roads,free houses; it doesn't matter what final purposes these philanthropists have,to boost the sales of their products or to promote the brand,it's that they actually helped a great many of people that matters; *major crime and minor crime的区别 main differences between them lie in the level of injury and the range being damaged; 小misdemeanor such as petty theft,battery,littering,jaywalking,traffic offenses that do not involve any damage or injury,possession of very small amounts of illegal drugs with no intent to sell,fishing or hunting without a license,only have damage to any personal property,or have potential injury but didn't cause serious hurt;tend to carry lower penalties,are punishable by fines or simple imprisonments in law or let off by warnings.; 大Major crimes are against the a state or the constitution,murdering,kidnapping,rapping,espionage,corruption,devastating harm, impact on a large scale,mandatory life sentence,capital punishments, *罪犯都应该去监狱吗 how serious harm the criminal behavior cause,little injury, crime motive,ignorance of law,with malice,on impulsive,regret about;rehabilitation programs,profession training,lessons about moral code and law; *为什么有些人搬大城市去 资源(学校,医疗,娱乐);就业 *人口过多会引起什么问题 交通拥挤房价高教育资源稀缺,压力大精神问题;


*为啥有些运动粉passionate hot temper,over-ardent; some items are by nature make people feel excited that can boil their blood; like competitive sports such as football,baseball,basketball,fierce battling as well as perfect coordinate Extreme Sports speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, couldn't help to feeling a surge of adrenaline;original attraction *有暴力事件么 committed by those passionate fans.team they support lost the game,grow really furious,Manufacture riots,when the whole stadium is in chaotic condition,people may get injured; *运动员应具备哪些素质 With no doubt, great athletic skills come to the first, whether she or he possesses such a strong professionalism is critical to the criteria.I also regard honesty as a significant character, without which, even championship cannot be regarded as success; *运动员应做模范吗 some people argue that forcing athletes to be role models is too bitter for them,a great athlete does not necessarily make a great person.they have been totally focused on the development of their own physical skills,and their lives seem so lustrous on the surface; there's something paradox,as they are perceived as "winners",they become conceited and behave as if their athletic success will last forever,thus lacking a fully development understanding of right and wrong;involved in drugs scandal,arrogant and show little respect for; In increasingly complicated and disordered world,sports are still arenas in which we can regularly witness a certain kind of greatness.At least, athletes display a vital and indomitable spirit that can be described as courageous, thrilling, beautiful, even noble. our society has never expected athletes to be perfect, What matters most is the positive way they influence people's lives;If they clearly realize they are admired, surely they will pay more attention to the behaviors. It's a great feeling to think they are a small part of the reasons that a kid decide to act positively; *国家应该pay tributes to国家运动员吗 depend on their performances,practical,they are supported by the governmental finance; salute,win the honor for their homeland,to improve its international reputation,boost the domestic economy *国际赛事的好处 social develepoment;


*什么工作收入高 bankers,traders;make money from money; actors and singers in the entertaining industry engineers,doctors,lawyers which need to be devoted much time and energy also are well-paid *什么工作不流行 体力消耗工资低高风险 physically exhausting but low rewarding job(cleaners,farmers);materialistic;involve high risk,police,fireman; *什么工作值得高薪 帮人对社会有贡献(科学家老师医生,need to be educated for a long time and update their knowledge set all through their lives);体力physically exhausting and involves high risk(fireman,coal miner,construction workers) *大学生怎么做职业计划 who don't know兴趣找什么工作,pursuit the rewarding-to-cost ratio,devote less time and less energy,looking for the job doesn't require hard working but have quite good pay;兴趣擅长,ask for some career counsel or join the employment skills Training Program; *大学教育对找工作有帮助么 Knowledge Base;小组研究,researching skills and cooperating skills,interpersonal skills,解决问题;weaving a network of friends,help you,influence you stimulating; *喜欢谈工资么 the amount of the salaries you got to identify you,define you a successful man with high social status;label you as a loser,materialistic,opportunities to learn,the space to promote,health relationship and a happy life; *年轻人老跳槽 有野心更好工作施展才能,有的敢于挑战自己不断提升,有的高估自己不知道自己要什么settle down,great ambition,that allow them to exert their aptitude,show off their talents,higher platform with bigger space;Overestimate themselves; *在中国好找工作么 depends on your employment skills;in the fierce competitive job market,you have to exert your abilities to snare,waiting for,is huge,compared to the amount of good job;present,professionalism,hands-on经历,strong-suits that beat other people,tailor our CV to suit the job demand;demonstrate that you are competent to handle this job for those people who got neither good education background nor any merits on CV; *什么是好工作 a fair pay,不用多基本物质需求,avoid tough life can suit your long-term career plan;learn,not only help you to polish,also improve other skills,hone your characteristics happy,interest you,moderate pressure to ensure constant enthusiasm and passion for you,allow you to take a breath,sense of achievement *什么是好雇主 can successfully promote his company cultures and values to,use tactics and strategies to make,loyal and enthusiastic; to be more specific,this can be reached by setting righteous criteria of promotion,opening ears to,showing respect and value for their work; *怎么准备面试 外表presentable,professional 说话 lay solid fundamental for,well-rounded knowledge set,professionalism; *怎么找完美工作 没有一直找要失望,好且有价值的工作,新鲜感不断成长有进步空间成就感;找到兴趣的行业打好专业基础,员工工作状态 keep searching, worthwhile and rewarding,observe the employee's attitude towards working,vigor,spirits; *关于工作会问父母的意见么 借鉴经验;conflicts with the new colleges;assign some task that you think is way beyond your competence;they have been in that place before;就算没法解决,adjust your emotion; *找普通工作还是有挑战的工作 life is still,no surprise;没机会to dig your potential; colorful life,try more new things,rich;工作生活平衡,不牺牲; *国外工作 压力大,on the margins of the society;integrate into;families,adapt,since they don't know how to speak the local language,isolated;harsh for them to leave the familar environment and all the old friends, chinese food; *鼓励员工对改进公司有新想法? crucial,if the employees are merely following the order and dealing wit their work repetitively and mechanically,then they are doing some dead-end job they are far away from building the career,in this case,they will never feel the sense of achievement and their life may turn out to be boring and meaningless;on the other hand,from the standpoint of company and employer,motivate them to have new ideas about improving the company can bring vitality and creativity to this company,and ensure the sustainable and healthy development; *为什么都不喜欢新想法 are fear of change,normal and natural;it's easier to do the familiar things,you have this security and everything is fine now;However,new ideas means new challenge,take the risk to apply them,the outcome is unpredictable and not always to be good; *有新想法和实践他们哪项难 I may choose the later one;come up with a new idea is easy,but to..is another thing;pragmatic,mature,can possibly be fulfilled,before you actually taking further steps;make a elaborate plan to involve all the key points;build a supervision system to ensure the whole plan work;even if all these goes well,some unintended consequence are still likely to happy.there's always a gap between theory and reality; the gap between my hopes for myself and the reality of my life starts to diverge so painfully that I often end up weeping into the a pillow. we live in an age when our lives are regularly punctuated by career crises and by moments when what we thought we knew about our lives comes into contact with a threatening sort of reality.


*什么给人地位 fame,fortune can provide a comfortable and wealthy life,allows for more flexibility and a wider range of options in their lives; power,superior to others;issue the orders and dictate what you must do and what you cannot do;influence other people's lives *事情有改变么相比你父母年轻时候 value thoughts and abilities more;expertise in each filed, or people who achieved something that have a positive effects on the society,help many other people;respected and valued,higher social status; of great virtue,integrity,kindness,dedication,compassion;achievement in his filed,it doesn't matter which occupation he or she is,philanthropist; *年轻人失去好的模范 lost direction,无法分辨, the world will never lack role models,even in a world now is generally regarded as morally bankrupt,about possess a pair of eye to discover them,receive the encouraging information from surroundings; examples that paid the university tuition fee for strange student,times that people's dream came true due to their hard working; *你认为应该永远不见你的hero么 your worship for them is blind,no one is perfect,reality is cruel,a big chance,negative affects,they just don't deserve you to look up to;bubble burst; *有民族英雄是你视为偶像的么 马云,offer a platform for people who were unemployed but lack of human resource and financial basic to develop their own business;training the business skills,providing financial service, a link to the vast customers *人生最好的阶段 childhood,school time,careless,free as a bird; turn into leaf,sad,physical strength is going downhill and our health is getting poor,we are incapable to do many things that used can be done easily by younger us;still,wonderful memories and precious wisdom that collected by all the experiences; youth is the best stage,taste the flavor of young love which the most passionate and elusive emotion; just step into the society,take control of our own life,have enough time and space to try,to fall down;build our career brick by brick;most powerful,pursuit your dreams;you don't know where the life will lead you to,full of hope,dynamic,vigorous,everything is possible; *最困难的阶段 youth,one step wrong,life is changed;we will be faced with numerous choices in our life,but the choices you mad when you are young are the vital ones;you may not have the chance to correct or the influences they cause are impossible to erase;婚姻学科工作; take a risk,which path will lead you to a brighter future; work pressure,一毕业就失业,adapt, search your health,figure out what kind of life,self-locate; we're often told that we live in materialistic times,that we are all greedy people.I think we live in a society which has simply certain emotional rewards to the acquisition of material goods. It's not the material goods we want,it's the rewards we want.This is somebody who is incredibly vulnerable and in need of love.


*从错误中学习是最好的么 As Goethe says, "man errs so long as he strives; a best way and the only way to leave deep impression on you,failure is painful,from hands-on experiences,we got to know where we tripped and fell,how to correct;without these mistakes we made,we may never figure out,the process of finding and revising mistakes is also a process of changing our way of thinking. In many cases, we find that our mistakes are not in what we have done, but in the methods we have used,try to think in another way or try another way to carry out our plan; from mistakes, we learn to be more careful and observant;success consists of details,even the smallest mistakes being ignored by us may causes fatal consequences; *我们犯的错是怎么影响人生的 mistakes can destroy the whole plan that we are engaged in,small though it was; movie,Butterfly Effect;cannot even quantify how big an impact it will have on our lives,a small mistake; on the bright side,always know how to gain the lessons from mistake,seek out latent reasons;another way of thinking,plan;the mistakes will lead them proceeding step by step,reach success eventually ; *获取人生经验最好的方法是什么 to acquire,is sure to experience,to try,to make mistakes;illusion;you think you can make decisions by logical analyzing or drawing on others' experiences,truth is,life,society,machine,exceptions,can differ due to different occasion and situation;unique,strong suit,pursuit goals,no case is identical to another; *从书中电影中能学到人生经验么 from the good movies and books aiming to tell a real or inspiring story;Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of experiences, but all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books;we can talk with the wise,author is wiser than you,experiences and knowledge;life itself is a mentor;enlightenment; *经验还是潜力更重要 experiences can be gained;practice make perfect,hard to approach those people who got potential on this job,talented people are striving too; for a job hunter,you will have more competitive edge if you have more experiences than people who are in the same level of potential with you; *你希望你已经获得了什么经验 have been longing to travel abroad along,还没有机会;special,independently,local,strangers,


*作用 (带你去不可能到的地方,自由想象人物,纵观一生全局视角来想故事,加深身边生活理解,打开新世纪) learning tools,they take you to places you could never otherwise go,you are free to view the characters in the stories anyway you can conjure them up,overlook the character's whole life,think about the story from a overall perspective;deepen your understanding of life around you,opens up a whole new world foster imagination,writing skills,vocabulary growth, *方式 I get a lot more of the reading done online.people tend to read briefly and roughly because we cannot spare a block of time that without being disturbed for reading.What we call fragmented reading. *你爱读吗 a wonderful way to relieve stress,expand your horizon and knowledge,perspective;lead you to some magic world; one of my hobbies,the time I completely belong to myself,sinking in my soft sofa,or sitting there in the balcony that teemed with sunshine,enjoying a cup of coffee,wandering in the virtual world of books;love such moments,it's nothing like an extra workload; cafe,convivial atmosphere,soft music; *都读啥 a big fan of science fiction,especially ones that involved space or futuristic technology,space warps or time travel; into fancy fiction,lords of ring,song of ice and fire; historical fictions and critical essays about current affairs; *一般什么时候读 read some articles online during the commuting time,while having bureaucratic meetings; for an hour before sleep; *还读吗 there are many other attractions competing for our attention,TV,video games,internet;busy,working or daily chores always take priority over reading,reading isn't one of those things we have to do anymore.audio-visual entertainment seems more appealing; *每天读必要么 good habit,忙工作,其他诱惑,spare a large block of time to read,scattered time,so some accumulation,could be *最近读 shocked by the terrorist attack that happened in France last year,crushingly brutal and bloody deem it as an massacre,more dire consequences caused by absorption of refugees are still unknown;spark my curiosity of Islamic culture and the middle east;innocent citizens are living in a theater of war all year around; travelling in middle east,data back into hundreds of years ago,intermittent conflicts; *你是good storyteller? read fiction;fertile,niece and nephew being noisy around me,make up some horror stories to scare them,tell anecdotes that heard from my grandma; *小孩读啥 you cannot pigeonhole preferences simply based on age.Also some children read book aimed at mature and sophisticated adults while a lot of adults like to read trashy romance novels of dubious literary merit. story:fairy tales(happy ending),science fiction/fantasy fiction(describe a magic world,kindle the imagination);suspense novels/romance novels;kungfu novels;biographies;novels based on real history; *种类 motivational books(pretty much the same,I don't think you can simple replicate their success),biographies(some are false),literacy classics,fiction books(seamless plot),suspense novels,books on popular science,travel guides,best -sellers,classified ads newspaper(get us updated on daily events,comprehensive,a wide range of issues),worldly magazines( specialize in certain subject matters,knowledgeable),fairy tales,fables; flip through随便翻翻;a daily circulation of 销量;subscribe/unsubscribe to a magazine签名


*你喜欢吗 big fan;the history we learn in school,repeat the big historical events and have a brief instruction of historic figures;was excluded from the college entrance examination; historic books at home,explore a person's whole life and how he changed the history,learn the development and transformation of culture,society and people,anecdotes,unofficial history; attractive part;mysterious,get to know the truth,recorded and delivered by people;distant observer,involved in; *什么历史事件你觉得最有趣 a single person who played a decisive role in some historic event pushed the history developing towards a different direction;because of his or her intelligence and tactics; even more interesting,the whole chain of things are just a coincidence,butterfly effect;a littler behavior can have potential power that finally changed the; *重要吗 Studying the events of the past give us an understanding of how the world came to be, not only in your world but around the world including all cultures of people as well as nature. By learning about the causes and effects of events in history, people can learn better ways to deal with conflict among nations and individuals. Although human behavior is unpredictable at times, a better understanding through the study of history, can provide valuable insight for our future generations.Taking history as a mirror; *你爱看电视上历史节目吗,能真的学到 anecdotes,unofficial,drama,odd,exciting,get involved in; entertaining way,amplify the truth,fabricate;misunderstanding in historical events and figures,exaggerated stories,intrigue curiosity,flick through historical materials; *网络是好方式学历史 get access,biggest library,closely connected with another, search and locate; distinguish between reliable material and fabricated ones; *常谈论吗 discuss,why things developed this way other than that way,what qualities the person possessing caused his death; grandpa,happened; *家乡的historic places and figures since a thousand years ago,prosperous city;relics of ancient city;mosque that was built 100 years ago when a huge army of muslin relocated here; a famous battle of sanguo period,poets and politicians; 连串故事,因果,哲思 what action would lead to what consequence,lapse into thinking


*你喜欢照自己吗 photogenic,knew I was being pictured,unnatural gesture,make pretentious face; I look good in candid photo; 风景,occasion,people,strangers; *学校应该开摄影课么 doesn't have to be necessary,not some basic skills we have to command,big fan,enroll the courses online; very good for schools to open some photography class as optional courses that students can take them based on; since popular as the prevalent of smart phone,subject of low barriers to enter;amateur; *你们怎么整理照片 for me,sort it by time,create one folder for each destination;pick the photo I thought that have special meaning out,give name to each one,make a copy to a folder called favorites, upload them in my cloud account;look up *为什么有的人觉得老照片更珍贵 recall the old memories we cherish;place we have left for a long time and might have no chance to go there for a second time,some friend we haven't seen,flip through,had passed away;sad,lapse into reminiscing of; *传统相机和数码相机的区别 方便实惠more economical in the long-term; don't need to buy the film,you could potentially take hundreds or thousands of pictures, depending on the size of the memory card being used,You can view this picture on the preview screen of your camera,to see if you look good,take more pictures until you are satisfied with them; 质感洗照片 With a film camera, you must have a roll of film before you can take a picture,You take a photo and the camera allows light onto an exposure of film so that it creates an image,and then develop the films,it's like an art for some people; he clarity of the pictures on high-end film cameras seem better; *今后会上摄影课 adjust the iris aperture,shutter;contrast,color tone; *怎么照好照片 1多照Take your camera everywhere,when is in your possession, you will start to see the world differently;look for and find opportunities to take great photographs; the more you take, the better a photographer you will become; Furthermore,your friends and family, they will get used to you having your camera with you all the time,they will feel less awkward or intimidated when you get your camera out; this will lead to more natural-looking, less "posed" photographs. 2光Motivate yourself to get out and take photographs in natural light. Take several normal 'point and shoot' pictures to get a feel for the lighting at different times of the day and night. While many people find 'Golden Hour' (the last two hours of daylight) to be favorable light conditions to photograph in;Lighting is often dramatic and unusual to many people precisely because they never get to see it! 3障碍物Keep the lens clear of caps, thumbs, straps and other obstructions.any of these (often unnoticed) obstructions can ruin a photograph.people still make these mistakes when in a rush to take the image. 4白平衡Set your white balance.Unlike human eye which can automatically compensates for different kinds of lighting; A digital camera compensates for this by shifting the colors certain ways. like shift the colors towards blue to compensate for the redness of this lighting 5快门Set a slower ISO speed, if circumstances permit;A slower ISO speed (lower number) makes for less noisy photographs; however, it forces you to use slower shutter speeds as well, which restricts your ability to photograph moving subjects,but for still subjects in good light (or still subjects in low light, too, if you're using a tripod and remote release), use the slowest ISO speed that you have. 6构图Compose your shot thoughtfully. Frame the photo in your mind before framing it in the viewfinder. follow the rules like not to let any horizon or other lines "cut the picture in half or get rid of distracting backgrounds and clutter; 7角度Try an interesting angle.Instead of shooting the object straight on, try looking down to the object, or crouching and looking up. Pick an angle that shows maximum color and minimum shadow. To make objects appear longer or taller, a low angle can help. You may also want to make the object look smaller or make it look like you're hovering over; to get the effect you should put the camera above the object. An uncommon angle makes for a more interesting shot. 8焦距Poor focusing is one of the most common ways that photographs are ruined; Use the automatic focus of your camera, if you have it; usually, this is done by half-pressing the shutter button. 9 Balance in ISO, shutter speed, and aperture


*你怎么看leadership think of strength and power;not about forcing others to do things.even if it's possible,short-term,planting the fear and resentment which will do more harm in long-term; decent way is to influence people by your own character,intelligence and smart use of emotion;have the ability to stimulate,readily,enthusiastically;leading with outstanding professional skills which can always polish team members task,make right decisions;be respected,their work be valued; *领导是天生的么 some,they come into this world with a natural capacity to lead,and tend to get even better as they go along; 甭管多努力,are not going to be a very good leader;talent; the vast majority of us,the potential for leadership as long as they are capable of learning from their experiences,can be good even great leaders with effective practices; *领导者干啥才能保持受欢迎 道德never lose the morality compass,only make decisions that you can live with,do not make a decision you will later regret;there're plenty of people who make immoral decisions,but that doesn't mean you should ever stoop to the same level; 奖惩standardize the system of rewards and penalties,fair play attitude,mobilize, 业绩lead the whole team make some achievement which ensure us maintain enthusiasm and passion 改变,经济,生活水平,住房, *为啥当选政治家都不受欢迎 bias view,ultimate aim is profit;the game of cards;the policy they were advocating while campaign,what they later do;speakers,doers,现实与理论;fooled; *unelected heads of state是好主意吗 merely a pose;fixed,appointed by superiors; complicated when involved with politics,without complete information,we cannot make reasonable judgement nor right assessment,no meaning in this stage; *为啥还是好多政客腐败 Despite enormous efforts to eradicate the corruption,it always persists;fundamental cause lies in human nature of greedy;fluky psychology;bribe takers and embezzlers are still live out of the law;succumb to the temptation of fortune,hold this wishful thinking that he could escape from law punishment;

helping other people

*你爱帮人吗 take pleasures in helping other people;capable of completing the task; *小孩应该被鼓励帮人 活在社会不独立,;obstacles,help you out;caught in a tap,drag you up;how the society works;co-operate; praising .group work,team sport; *现在不这么爱帮忙了 independence and personalities are being highly stressed;life pace,heavy pressure;unconcerned; honesty and faith;more and more people are cheated by the one they helped, *What are some of the ways people can help others in the community?which is most important? (慈善机构志愿者,力所能及,独居老人做家务,环保义务宣传和捡垃圾回收,义务家教)one of the best ways to get involved and help in the community is to volunteer at a local charity or NGO,NPO;I don't think you have to do somthing big that have great impact,but just to do something within your power,down to earth,helpful;strengthens people's environmental protection consciousness by picking up and recycling rubbish in the street,tutoring the kids for free; It was a great way to stay active, have fun, make friends and help the community. *Why do you think some people like to help other people? (收到感谢感觉好,尤其改变了别人的生活,自豪感成就感)feel good about yourself when they show their thanks and gratitude. especially you did something worthwhile that change someone else's life,you centainlly will get a sense of pride and fulfilment from these; If more people were generous with their time and helped other people, the world would be a better place. *people help others in the community more now than they did in the past? (积极倡导,但诈骗多,不敢扶老太太)I am not sure,of course government,media and schools play a more active role in encouraging people to help each other in community.but the truth is more and more offenders commit some crime like swindel and kidnapping in the disguise of the weak who are asking for help;old people falling down in the road,dare not to offer help,it's very likely to be framed by the old man; you are the one who knocked him down; system in trouble,expression,democratic,freely *What types of services, such as libraries or health centers, are available to the people who live in your area? Do you think there are enough of them? , there are lots of libraries,sports centers, health centres that offer a wide range of free services. The libraries are free,the books,CDs and internet service are all accessed to the local citizens;increase the number of books in all spicies;So does...high-end,设备,import the frontier technique,more ,场地 *Which groups of people generally need most support in a community?why? vulnerable group;残疾老人people who are still in proverty;没地住 *Who do you think should pay for the services that are available to the people in a community? Should it be the government or individual people? In the UK, the government pays for all community services such as libraries, hospitals and schools. While I fundamentally agree that governments should offer these services for free to all its citizens, I also understand that in other countries, this issue can be very complicated. I think everyone needs to sit down together and vote on how to prioritise national budgets and tax levels.


*做决定有啥技巧 总结分析,自我认知 summerising and analysing skills,you need to gather and collect all the information to make a decision,Analyse the various factors involved in the problem and identify the key ones cogonitive skill,people should search his or her own heart,to learn what are the key priorities for themselves,time,money,life quality? *怎么提升做决定技巧 一搞清问题本质;灵活应用已知信息找出关键点;问朋友;各选项优缺点权重的表;权衡鱼熊掌,跟从内心 Clarify the nature of the problem,purpose,expected outcome;list out all the advantages and disadvanages of each option;seek advices from some wisdom people to see if there are something important missed.a DECISION MATRIX to help me to decide between alternatives;trade-off; *电脑改变人们做决定 更依赖别人的意见,网上搜相似案例问别人的意见 pose their question on quora,or google some similar example,draw on other people's experience,different,every case has its unqiue situation,desired results; *家长会让小孩做重要决定么 大部分不,不说对错,一些是认为小孩不成熟,误解自己,冲动,一些是很自私把自己的想法强加,强迫小孩扮演他们想要的角色 mistakenly understand what they want;inflict, *你觉得应该让家长替小孩做决定么 不巧当的决定和渣男恋爱辍学,明显错误的;有想法原因有道理虽不理解支持inappropriate decision(start a relationship with some awful guy or drop out of shcool simply because they think the course is tedious),obvious; own thoughts,speak out some resonable points why they are doing so and claim that they are aware of the possible consequence; *好的决定者哪些素质 了解自己,果断不武断,系统收集总结信息,分析逻辑思考能力,勇气冒险; well aware of themselves,aimming at; *一般都做啥决定 are facing the choices every day,at any time;大(住哪,uproot a new job,which one to marry,weather to have children);小(吃,电影,iphone,car); *谁给最牛逼的建议 seek advice from the people who they see as a mentor(老师家长tutor,leader,reliable friend); *给建议做决定的优缺点 误解不了解你和背景,no your side,your own good;a possibility that they misunderstand you or don't know the whole background down pat;are unable to give the sound advice all the time;依赖,做好准备坏结果,不能blame他们 neglect some important factors; *青年做啥决定 a bunch of;which university intend to go,专业interest,devote,enter the society, *你这年纪做决定有啥不同 considerate,pondered thoroughly;willful,reckless,regardless of the results,机会时间,get back to the right path; 理解自己,what are the things I truly demand and desire;what route is more suitable for me; *与五十年前相比做的决定有啥不同How are the kinds of decisions people make today different to life 50 years ago At least in china,tremendous changes have taken place in these 50 years; The economic system experienced a transition from its planned economy to a socialist market economy,不用决定找工作,country would assign a job for you that不能拒绝;随便买,No family is allowed to buy more than its quota of goods; * people who don't exercise their normative powers in hard choices are drifters;Drifters allow the world to write the story of their lives. They let mechanisms of reward and punishment -- pats on the head, fear, the easiness of an option — to determine what they do; Far from being sources of agony and dread, hard choices are precious opportunities for us;the reasons that govern our choices as correct or incorrect sometimes run out, and it is here, in the space of hard choices, that we have the power to create reasons for ourselves to become the distinctive people that we are. And that's why hard choices are not a curse but a godsend.


*像面试时声音重要么 not determining factor;influence the assessment they made of you to some extent; clear,articulate,power,confident,self-assured; beautiful,melodious,assume you are a charming lady or gentle man; voice,appearance,a part of the overall impression; *持不同观点会急吗 natural and normal that people hold different opinions,develop our views with limited information we gained,all could be wrong; different understanding and thinking style also will lead to different opinions, tolerance of differences try to interact with,learn his or her points *什么时候发表意见对你很重要 work in a team,have a voice in the work,collective effort,cooperate; friends,equal,discussion,exchange opinions; *谁的意见对我重要 mentor,older generation,expertise in this field; *你在乎别人对你的看法吗 there is no one don't care;but I don't let other people's opinion lead my own life,live for myself,anyone else,values,perspective, learn,reflect on myself,flaws,improve; *有关于你的谣言 make up it with malice to hurt my reputation and damage my interest;find out,present the evidence to replace rumors with the facts gossips,let it go;


*养宠物为啥 可爱furry,cuddly,laughter and joy;emotional sustenance;lonely,loyal companion; *拯救濒危动物 awareness of,natural habitat; stop eating wild life;buy,elephant's tusk,fur *支持做动物实验 biology,psychology experiments; only way,test the new medicine,side effects; scarify;cruel,reduce suffering; *为啥不吃肉 Vegetarian;religious belief;killing as evil behavior,crime; personal options,keep the diet; *有些物种消失影响 the ecological balance will be disrupted,cannot predict what Dire consequences would be caused;one thing is sure,it will ultimately influence and hurt our human being in terms of our production,scientific research,daily life; *哪些行为使物种灭绝 invaded their the natural habitat to build factories,buildings,cities,is reduced sharply due to people's over cutting,pollution and excessive trash;


*分类 modern/ancient/cultural/structural/performance art building/architecture/delicacy/photography/painting/movie/art entertainment/dull/robot based on real life,beyond, sublimated;abstract,to be spread; *你喜欢哪种 appreciate all kinds of art,music,painting,photography,building,etc; ceramic art,the ceramic art is gash neared in my hometown,is famous for the high-end and artistic porcelain manufacture;art of shaping,baking,painting on porcelain; cooking,passion;j *哪种流行 amateur photographer;painting,sculpture;architecture; *传统艺术 a myriad of traditional art forms,calligraphy,traditional chinese painting, traditional opera,ancient architecture,sculpturing on jade,wood,stone; traditional folk customs,paper cutting,embroidering; parks,hold a bucket of water,dip pen into,practice writing on the floor,handwriting reveals much about your personalities,reflect; *what makes a 好画 something you just cannot take your eyes off of,great painting either causes a viewer to think or to feel,can stir something up; level of skill matters,dominate factor, to qualify a painting as great it has to create a substantial amount of activity in the viewer's mind or heart;unique; *好处 the greatest form of human expression a field trip to a museum/gallery/art exhibit windows into the past get bored of everyday routine broaden minds and outlooks/creative/inventive/have original ideas/spark new interests /promote activity in the brain/develop problem-solving skills prepare your minds for invaluable experiences--art related or otherwise less materialistic, *过去现在 focus on traditional art; more developed and open,contemporary western art,music,movie,fashion design; individuality is being highly stressed,don't want to be held down by rules;young artists gathering in some art district,exchange ideas of air,expression ways of arts tend to be diversified,creative,avant-garde,some of the art on display would even be beyond the pale to older people; more *艺术在国家文化的重要性 art itself is a part of;unique,tradition,ethnic group,part of their life,inherited ancestors carrier of other cultures closer remove barrier *没有艺术的生活 dull,white and black


*哪个发明transformed你国家最多 smart phone,was invented and prevalent,revolutionized people's living and thinking as well as culture,business,finance,industry,everything; we use the apps in the smartphone to pay for the bills of electricity,water,gas,phone,and etc;seek advice and acquire information of restaurant,hotel,resort attraction;even the elderly people have the experience of e-shopping,the new form of media called we-media was created,financial product began to lend the platform of internet to; mobile net and mobile payment have pervaded in every aspect of our life; *想做个发明者 was a child,dreaming to be a great inventor,that can影响社会人更舒服活, make some creative change in my field,or offer some original thought that benefit a small group of people,regard that as great achievement; *什么发明能解决你们国家的一些问题 squeeze into big cities,no one want to be farmer whose job is a toil;overwhelmed while in recession;Robert who can do farm work automatically;industrialize the agriculture,release more human labor ,ease the sharp gap between Robert risk,physical,fireman *多长时间can profit from the idea breed the thought,put it into practice;improve the raw idea to adapt the realities by dozens of experiment;the whole pattern tend to be mature,it still need a long time to wait for it worked out;it doesn't necessarily have obvious effect,idea and reality *intellectual property laws太严了吗 illegal distribution of pirated videos,songs,books,software has always been a serious problem,not only the law should be formulated,the law enforcement should be strengthened; create more trouble for us to get access to,in long term,more and more great original works will emerge since their patents are being protected and will be paid the copyright royalty that allow their to produce more works; *所有的药应该be free to manufacture disapprove,put strict regulation on;any petty mistakes can cause to potential hazards,any small part being processed inappropriately or illegally will have dire consequences;no kidding;do damage to people's health,die for this;


*地方新闻 closely related to;建新博物馆新火车站symphonic music concert;身边的有趣大事the protagonist; *国际新闻 remote;won't have any influence on our lives in a short time;oil price;war in other regions;trading;hard understand without the knowledge of and the The global perspective; *报纸 some elderly people keep the habit of,while enjoying coffee or waiting for bus;in the train;mistakenly hold bias opinion towards,expand their business to internet,go bankrupt; *网络 can easily get access to,smart phone check,anytime anywhere;large portal websites,news app,micro-blog; traditional media will never be replaced;don't think so;at least,is likely to be substitute for internet media;the first and foremost rule of news:swift; lose the upper hand in this respect;specialize your own news page by sorting the news you are interested in; *什么都信吗 profit-driven media,in order to boost the sales,exaggerate the story,fabricate the truth;illogical, unreasonable,search it online,find different versions of the same story,compare between,figure; age of information explosion,a cautious and skeptical attitude,critical and independent thinking will make you closer to truth; *感兴趣吗 quirky and unusual events,The world is so big that nothing is to be surprised at,help to broaden my horizon and mind;either funny or ironic,even unbelievable; l'd like to know the dynamics of my field of interest,doings of some celebrities I like; *为毛要获取latest news catch up with the times,updating with the current affairs,information is paramount,get drifted by constantly changing; main topics of conversation, *怎么获取 various ways of gaining the news;new programs,radios,newspaper;online; *今后的获取来源 不确定,internet will still be the major news resource,smart phone in hand,swiftest,most convenient way; traditional medias are sure going to face the challenge,they will have less and less audiences,in spite of this,exist *你读什么板块 front-page,big events,dynamics,entertainment, *新闻影响生活吗 wars,military conflicts;scandals; closely connected to,education system transformation,loosen the birth control,taxation reform; *老年人与年轻人 political,economic social,sports,music,entertainment *分类 Common topics for news reports include war,politics,economy,business,as well as athletic contests,quirky or unusual events, and the doings of celebrities;


*多代住一起 different daily routine and lifestyle;noisy,crowd,individual are being compressed,meddle in your personal stuff,officious,comment on everything that they are disapproval with,beset a great many youngsters;tension,conflicts; *年轻人和老人沟通吗 a half century,tremendous change,lifestyle,values,hold very different views and attitudes towards many things,like consuming,work,marriage,entertaining; feel alienated with;relocate to other city,live alone,emotionally and economically independent;especially when it refers to something negative,how tough the life is,how we suffering from the work pressure or even any some health problems;otherwise they would be haunt by the worrying about us; *为啥小孩被溺爱 love,care;busy,chose to spoil the children by meeting their material needs,啥都买regardless of the price,satisfy their requires no matter how rude they are; *changed in the hundred years? alienate 疏离;1)旅行不住一起;2)分散在不同地方,老人没人照顾;3)忙工作,缺乏关心; become more widely dispersed and not close;end up living far from their families;a break down of communities;families are spread over a wider geographical area,elderly people tend to be forgotten and live on their own; *rely heavily on families or be independent 独立分开住就好吗;也许依赖是懦弱;但住一起无价,照顾孩子; I wonder if it's the best way;seen as a weakness by some;having families nearby is invaluable when you have children,who else can be called on to babysit at a moment's notice; *are friends as important to you as family 朋友来去家人始终在鲁莽也能被原谅;长时间朋友可变家人,想兄弟一样争吵; come and go;you can ever be rude to your family-not that's advisable-;you have know a friend for so long that they can become like a family members; *典型结构 3 of,implement the only-one-child policy;extra-child have to pay for a large amount of fines;lose job; rural;farmers; *父母亲的role 事业,家庭;严厉慈祥;grim face,affable,magnanimous *一个小孩好吗 have pros as well as cons;reduce the financial burden,release you from,energy,time to pursuit your own dream;raise up,educate; lonely without siblings,playmate,all by my self;learn to share;spoiled,arrogant,impolite;


*大部分人长途旅行乘坐 train,large population,income gap is extremely wide,live in poverty,way too expensive,who can afford plane ticket prefer travelling in train for its comfort; *最流行的交通工具 plane,the fast pace of modem life urge people make fast the first priority;no wonder first choice;precious time; *人们使用交通工具变化 high-speed train,plane,long trip private car ownership is growing rapidly,for short trip,cycle,walk *中国交通变化 infrastructure facilitates of transportation is being established and updated on a national scale,airport and subway system in middle cities,the high-speed rail which can run train at a speed of 400km/h,highway to the villages; *将来 weaving a transportation net to include all the under-developed cities and towns,only in this way can their economy be boosted,pro *比较火车和飞机 train:comfortable,safe,no turbulence,chatting with different people,keep myself occupied by looking up out of the window at the landscapes as they flashing by ;there are delay at times,slow, plane:fast,shows the status;dizzy,at the cost of fatigue,stress and general irritation; *开车太多的危害 vision is getting poor,especially long time driving at night,it will damage your eyesight gradually,unwittingly may be at first; leads to the pain in neck,shoulder and back,because lasting the stiff sitting posture for a long time will make blood circulation bad; instead of driving,cycling or walking; *人们未来开车更多? government and mass media have been propagating the public transportation and green commuting all these years;considering of serious congestion of traffic in many cities,doubt how much extra space there is for more new cars; cycling is really trendy;keep fit,show your vigour and vitality;environment-friendly;


*学习最难的是什么 persist on,stay on the surface,we reject to dig deeper into the knowledge;temptation;process is lonely and tough which忍不了;in the half way up to the mountain,give up,appreciate the amazing views from the peak; *对于大学生来说什么技巧practical professionalism,lay a solid foundation for later career success;tools you can arm yourself,earn a living; perform a presentation,launch a team program which will help you excel in tasks given by your boss; *你一直学习新技能吗 In today's world of constant innovation,If you don't want to be all behind in the competitive job market, you have to commit yourself to lifelong learning; enrich your life;滑雪潜水做饭baking; *死记硬背 基本功能imparting the knowledge of different subjects to students,光记有用?For example,as for math and physic, students should not only learn the formulas and theorems,but also learn how it works and try to develop analyzing abilities and logical-thinking skills;it's a totally different thing from memorizing; *鼓励人们又自己的观点 that's the ultimate aim of education;if students are merely reciting facts that they have learned,they will never figure out the solutions to improve the society or to optimize the current system,or they can never create new techniques or make a development in science; *老师怎么帮忙 it's a long term training;encourage them to think more about why and how,and also offer opportunities as more as possible for them to speak out their own thoughts,most importantly,never criticize them directly;or maybe conduct the group discussion over some certain topics,during the debate,you have to find more strong evidence to support your point,by doing so,they can improve their critical-thinking skills gradually,spark more initiative thinking; *怎么成为有用的社会成员 守法不伤害别人权力自由;有贡献让社会往好发展fundamental requirement is to be a law-forbidden citizen,violate other people's rights or hurt their freedom,if everyone obeys the rules, a safe, orderly, predictable, organized world;it's not about how much influence you had;develop positively; *教育优先顺序和过去不同 meet the labor force market,serve for the employment rather than the knowledge itself;choose their major depend on how much money they will earn if he dive into this filed; science,history,literature *学校里的语言教学 memorise the words,phrases,grammar by rotting,bad performance,no progress,feel demotivated,boring,lose interest teacher, *什么样的大学影响职业生涯吗 prestigious university,superior education resource,decent professors who will impart knowledge and lead you doing the hands-on scientific experiments or other programs which will benefit constantly in your later career life; throw yourself into elite circle,outstanding;influenced,encouraged more acknowledged by employees and big companies; *课堂上的改变 many changes have been taken place since I was a student;multimedia teaching was introduced to the classroom,giving the lectures via electrical equipment instead of blackboard and chalk,homework was done in ipad,computer;tele-communication make the online course available to; a negative trend is that teachers are offering less lectures in class,they deliberately leave the important lectures to paid tutorials, *钱影响教学质量 设备老师,研究项目 should be funded to ensure they can delicate their whole heart to,welfare of the whole society and human being; *老师的作用 they allow children to grow into educated and intelligent people,help us to explore the world,foster the moral values,the skills about learning,without teachers,we would all be ignorant brutes; you don't have to like them,as long as they are competent teachers that can teach well; *那个老师对你影响大 i can't say if one teacher inspired me greatly,but there are some teachers that left deep impression on me;like my maths teacher in high school,enthusiastic,poetic,hilarious,I credit he for sparking my interest on math,and introduce the skills of learning by oneself,since learning is life-time thing; had be voted best teacher of the year,three years in a row; some were strict indeed,some were more chilled out and let you get away with more; *最喜欢的老师 data structure,hansom and hilarious,charming,erudite,walking encyclopedia,step in; set an example,as well as career *好老师特质 has patience,listens to students,makes encouraging comments to the students who seem to struggle either with work or with emotions,down-to-earth with her students,understanding their problems before judging them as right or wrong,also need passion because it's a tiring and stressing job; hard,but rewarding; *不喜欢哪样老师 不负责任,job,meddle through,don't love discrimination for;hurt;long lasting; *你自己 不耐心,got a hot temper;furious, considerate,reckless *学新东西有人教 guide,save wrong trying ,wrong way,steer you to the right path,shortcut comprehend,grasp the gist, *好老师影响你对某些课程的态度 skilled,strategies,creative ways of teaching,interesting,attraction; vital impact;


*家长为小孩设目标 inflict;expecting;interest; *小孩什么时候开始 very young,not long-term or ambitious goal;lego tank;make good friends with;excel at the group discussion; *为什么 drive;lighthouse that steer them to proceed as well as brightened the road they are walking *upset,down;analyse the reason,capable,restrict,method;strategies,draw on, ,make effort, adjust my goals and plan *singer gift; 6)teamwork *喜欢 prefer alone


*必要么 (扩展眼界知识认知;更独立解决复杂问题计划组织交际) expand horizon,knowledge,culture,hands-on experience,better understanding of people,politics,economic,societies;;expand perception;different people,open-mind after seeing a great variety of lives and thoughts,inspiring; *喜欢吗 the feeling that you don't know what's there waiting for you to experience,the new thing,the unexpected thing always make me excited;and you can also run across different interesting people in the journey,strangely,there are some people you only met them once but will be memorized all through your life; *一般去哪 original ethnic villages that are hidden in the mountains where many ethnic minorities still live in;although they are not isolated from the outside society as before,but they still keep the traditional customs and lifestyles;好多少数民族;I was really attracted to their cultures and I want to learn more by living there and communicating with local people;cause their culture are declining year by year; *还想去哪 Middle east,Syria,Iraq,Israel,not practical,too dangerous;mysterious,always curious about their religion,wonder why it can be used by terrorists to cause so many tragedies;i want to go there in person,to talk with the local people,to learn their culture;hopefully the dream will come true someday; *喜欢long trip么 itinerary relish the chance to get away from my normal life and be thrown into a totally new situation,great feeling exploring somewhere new,don't know what you are going to find,who you are going to meet around next corner; felt wanderlust and a need to explore,going on long trips is the perfect way to fulfill my need for adventure; nice to get back to a familiar surroundings because you can appreciate them in a new light; *旅行前你干嘛 a rough tour plan,itinerary and time schedule,too elaborate that fix the all the destination at certain time; normally buy the plane ticket a month before online,to get most discount;book the hotel in advance;preparation; search online,trip-adviser apps,get to know dos and don'ts,check some recommendation of hotels,restaurant,attractions;have to experiences,special dishes,places; *旅行中注意什么 packing,you are not going to be able to pop back to your house to pick up something you forgot;well-developed area,shop,hospital,there're generally a lot of services available; poorer area or wilds,things can get hairy,crime,wild life,have your wits about you wherever you go *去过的地方想再去吗 Tibet;villages in guizhou;jiuzaigou,water; *自己旅行 (宁静反思;自由;与周围交流)love my own company and solitude time;some of the best travelling experiences I've had are when I was alone,think in peace and reflect on what I was doing and where I should heading; a feeling of total free,consider your companions' opinions,whatever,wherever,change the plan allows you more easily meet other people and interact with your surrounding;a part of group,tend to stick together and not get a true sense of what life is like for locals help you to hone the skills of solving problems independently; *和旅伴一起旅行 (安全,分享工作和感受) travelling with others can be a wise choice when safety is concerned ,if you get injured or attacked it's a lot better to; share the work of travelling,booking tickets,hotels and sorting out visas; share the work,feelings;feel happy when you recalled these fantastic experiences you have been through together;a sort of special connection between you and your friends;


*怎么measure成功 some people equate success to money,fame or social status;The term itself is a subjective thing, so what success means to you might be different from what it means to me or other people;no universal rule,hate that they attach the label of loser to anyone who is indigent or cannot get a promotion; *你怎么定义成功 Each of us will have our own criteria for success; only have one life,want different things from the only life,set our own goals,someone can achieve the goal they have always been dreaming for; who want to build a great career became a founder of a large company that take a majority of the whole market; the people whose dream was having a happy family and he or she made it,in a way; *过去现在获取成功的方式变了么 no,work really hard,devote a large amount of time and energy before;accumulate litter by litter,climb up step by step;never easy; information explosion,internet to get the platform,easy to get connection to;more resources and sound advice,shortcut if you are smart enough,quickly; *成功要哪些品质 willpower,perseverance,unremitting endeavor,wiser than you are striving too; intelligent,tactic,reasonable and smart plan,and strategy;skills:learn new things,adapt to new environment; cognition,sure of your dream,pursuit; *怎么奖励成功的人 give recognition,


*怎么交朋友 (小,玩伴同学;大,难,工作组织网上;混聊熟悉,交流秘密展现隐藏性格) playmate,classmate,spent much time with;getting older,much harder,had been working together as a team,met in the some organisations or activities during our leisure time,got to know online that share interests with you;by hanging out together and chatting for many times,familiar,exchange the secrets and present the hidden aspects of your personality that never shown in public occasion; *信网上朋友么 诈骗,睁大眼睛,有限信息判断; online fraud cases; what kind of person;make a reasonable assessment of his characteristics and personalities depending on the information I got;learning him by observing his words;perceptive;insights;information is limited,subjective and emotional;a chance get cheated; *喜欢和什么样的人做朋友 善良忠诚;浪漫-魅力幽默有思想开明,经历多故事;怪人; loyal and kindhearted,can also be romantic,with charisma,hilarious,thoughtful,open-minded,experienced a lot,interesting stories and profound thought to share; some people who are peculiar in public eyes,alternative,confined to the rules,principles as us,new perspective; *你想从好朋友拿得到什么 支持可靠(失约不回消息)陪伴欢乐有趣(互补),谏言(镜子) can't stand being stood up or having my texts and emails ignored;you can have good fun with,opposites attract,in friendship just as in romance; *必须经常和同学混么 工作忙,网上交流 不联系也关系好,never grow apart,share interests and values,thought collision; *变老后友谊会变 共同点少了,没话讲,见识不一样新朋友兴趣观点生活也不一样) I have less in common with some friends than I used to,especially old classmates and playmate in childhood,I wonder what we used to find to talk about; life zones;experienced;diverge in many things,drifted apart; fair-weather friend同甘不能共苦者/back-stabbers暗箭伤人者 *家长会教小孩怎么交朋友么 most of Chinese parents don't give lessens about how to,how to distinguish; learn this by their own,through the experiences; fooled,treated,hurt; 被影响,vices and misdemeanor;become坏人; *从友谊中学到的 理解,分歧冲突解决矛盾;站在别人角度让步; understand,divergences,conflicts,tackle;try to put yourself in other people's shoe,tolerate differences,make a concession,for good of your friendship; *和不喜欢的人 inevitable to work with;stay a distance;dealing with the matter; *和互补的人 attracted to each other,romance relationship;different way of thinking,interesting;inspiring;内向-外向 粗心-谨慎 方式:call them if it's urgent;instant messaging apps/social networking site;sharing some current affairs and interesting news,as well as our own opinions,have a wide range of topics to talk about,to discuss;friends are for exchange our thoughts;that's how we contact with each other in today's world *对不同朋友相处方式不同 boss,colleagues with no further communication->formal,courteous, concise;friends->causal,free,relaxing talk,sometimes I will crack some overdone jokes *好联系么 attitude,no excuses: 1 telecommunication,make a visit once in a while 2 ,the work take priority over your families and friends.if you value them enough,you will be able to spare your time for them,and try to figure out a way to balance your life and work. *过去和现在交朋友方式 交通和科技transformed our life style and communication style,1980s letters,phone was prevalent in households,and then was the internet and smartphone;even if you lost touch with a friend for many years,you are still likely to find him again via social networking sites


*想过去外太空旅行么 dream of exploring;what the earth like seeing from outer space,feel the stars,planets surrounded us;have a little walk on moon,experience the weightless feeling; 200,000 people apply to permanently live on Mars *什么人would watch planets to earn money? astronomer,doing the research of the movement and orbit of planets; the beginning of the universe,develop space technology for the welfare; *孩子看天的好处 spark their interests in astronomy,moon eclipse and sun eclipse,planets in our solar systems and some constellations in our milky way system; mysterious,curiosity;


*擅长于规划时间么 over-optimistic estimate of myself,make some unrealistic plans which is hard to accomplish; procrastinator,put off the thorny tasks that I was afraid of or reluctant to do, *明智的规划时间 elaborate plan,memo to remind you what you should complete at the current period,oblige yourself to follow the plan; muti-task,laundry while listening to english radio;sort out your files while watching TV;scattered time; *最忙的时候 早上,晚起,in a rush,prepare the breakfast,eating,wash one's face and rinse one's mouth,applying the make up,matching the clothes; the end of the year,write many articles and final reports,summarize whole year's work,meeting; *空闲干嘛 travel,reading,learn some other subject by myself;shopping,movie, *常带a wrist watch么 I don't think it's out-dated,a quick glimpse at your watch during meeting or hectic work is a lot better than pulling out your cell phone; don't like to wear anything on my wrist,I tend to scratch and damage them,watches,bracelets; ornament,more of a fashion statement,waterproof防水,lights up夜光; *时间重要么 most precious thing,the time we have wasted cannot be regained; despite being so valuable,is often neglected, by people,invisible,well aware of its importance,waste unconsciously *迟到过吗 get stuck in the traffic jam,normally I will be late for work,never late more than half an hour; *准时很重要吗 punctuality is a virtue,being late is rude; run on time,feel ashamed if late; punctuality is a virtue,being late is rude;getting to work or study on time is one of the basic rules; if you made an appointment with other people you should show respect for them, since when running late became the norm; *你觉得时间过得快还慢 strangely,time is never in your favor; having a good time and want to cherish the very moment,have it last forever,time is slipping by faster than you can blink; when you are waiting for something or doing some mundane task,it will move really slowly,tortured; *回到过去想改变什么吗 I would do nothing,regrets,wouldn't give me any advice,I am one of those people who believe that everything happens for a reason,I would never want to change anything about my life,Life lessons are important,especially the ones that brought me pain; *怎么看待时间 short,dwell on past,worried about future;live in the moment and have random spontaneous moments,it will seem like our life is fuller even if it goes by in a flash;


*改变都是好的么 the outcome is not necessary to be good,make no difference;make our life move backwards or negative on some certain aspect; changed by the world passively,subconsciously;dream turned to a cynic;disappoint,sly and snobbish person they despise when they were young *改变中难的是 courage to take a risk,results are unknown;get used to,sense of;security,why change;make up mind,take the first step;determination is half the battle; *你今年什么改变 留学 *你家乡十年来变化 enormous changes have taken place;positive,negative ones;transportation,high-speed train line has been opened,highway;big malls;infrastructure,stadium,parks, smog weather *政府应该花更多钱让城市变漂亮吗 finance funds is limited,first priority,commit to improve living condition and life quality;education,health service,infrastructure construction; offer low rent accommodation for,museum,libraries to allow; *小城市里大家都认识的坏处 have been perplexed with this situation,get to the age suitable for marriage,your relatives;coax you that it's better for a woman to give birth early;annoying,It's none of your business; acquaintances,privacy is being invaded at any time;care about without malice;


*最严重的 Smog now darkens the sky in cities the world over, and the air we all breathe is increasingly contaminated with particulate matter and carbon monoxide. These pollutants are hazardous to human and environmental health; industry,millions of factories are releasing toxic gas day and night;car-related pollution is the next biggest culprit; *防止空气污染 1交通find creative ways to be less dependent on cars; Since many cities are laid out in such a way that driving is almost a necessity, It may not be practical to give up your car entirely, but you can still take action by reducing your use of your car; For example, instead of driving,walking to the grocery store several kilometers away,choosing public transportation,Carpooling with your neighbors or signing up for a car share program; 2购物change your buying habits; buying items that are made and sold locally本地食物 and eliminating 方便食物convenience foods and creating dishes with raw ingredients is healthier and better for the environment;the practice of mass-producing, packaging, and shipping goods to make them readily available to consumers is directly responsible for industrial emissions that pollute the air; No matter what you're shopping for, try to choose items that have less packaging. 朔料袋For example, take your own cloth shopping bag to the store instead of choosing paper or plastic Shop If that's not an option, go for the items that come in recyclable packaging; Buy loose, fresh produce instead of canned or frozen produce.罐头冷冻 3回收Managing your household waste effectively;Reusing, recycling and composting can have a big effect on your garbage output, which means less trash going into the landfills - big sources of air pollution; *个人做啥保护环境 节约资源(关灯关电脑)减少废弃物(produce as less garbage as you can,不浪费食物不吃外带)做公共交通步行骑车 a variety of environmental problems now affect the whole world,it is apparent human being to be blame,every single person;need to be more conscious of surroundings and be responsible for our behavior; *政府 play the dominate role;make relevant laws to; tax;measures;funding equipment *从我做起 simple truth,one electric car doesn't amount to much in a fleet of 1.2 billion combustion engine vehicles,but out action ass up,that our choices might influence others and collectively,what an impact we can have;


*男女应该学the same skills? basic knowledge,elementary courses of, life skills such as cooking,driving,surviving in wild,regardless of gender; apart from that,learn things based on interests;nurse,knitting;civil-engineer,fireman;categorized as; *为什么男的倾向于更有critical thinking skills it is believed that,sensitive,considerable;rational,intelligent;where it come from,a higher proportion of man in scientists,politicians,doctors; buy it,gender discrimination couldn't be eliminated due to the physiological differences,women need to give birth,be the one to take care;create a stereotype family-oriented,career-oriented;take up a lot of our energy; *女的为什么喜欢逛街 pay more attention on our appearance,dress ourselves,the whole society put much emphasis on that;please other people,charming; a fun;enjoyment; *男女对车子的选择 focus on the function and performance of the car,powerful engine,tire,brake system,tires;cool,run fast,grip the road well put much emphasis on appearance,color,streamlined-shape,decorations;


*禁广告 isn't realistic,this is how they pay for most of their programming;insert,for a better price;my point,more creative and interesting,micro movie,music radio,wouldn't find it annoying; *喜欢广告? I will enjoy the ads only it's like sort of short movie that telling a interesting or fascinating story;大部分都无聊,脑白金tonic make me sick,the ads have been displayed on the screen十年,没换过slogan and cartoon figure;


*经常听吗 although I don't know how to sing,can't carry a tune,poor sense of rhythm; everyday,a life without music would be grey; *啥感觉 enjoyed,excited,meeting some old friends,use the Stereo earphone to immense myself in the music world;it feels like my soul could stretch and fill the whole room. I could understand and touch the free emotion of the singer. *什么场合 soft music before sleep;doing housework,washing clothes,mopping the floor; traveling in train,indulge myself in music while enjoying the 窗外风景 *听现场 living concert,yani,linken park,rock stars,Chinese country music ;singer; atmosphere,visual and audio effect,adaption based on originals,a sense of novelty; *流行还古典音乐 pop,popular,TV,radio and all kinds of shop in the street,playing the pop,get to access to classic music at an older age;first impressions are strongest; *帮助放松 beauty is in the eye of beholder/lift our spirits/calms the nerves and restores the soul/infuses our lives with joy got some scientific basis; researches show that even pigs will be happier when listening to melodious music,put on weight and have a shinny hair; *从哪得到音乐 a shame to say that I used to buy pirate CD when,download it online, noticed that more and more musicians had made their albums and songs unavailable online unless you pay for it, good trend,digital version is much cheaper than, *中国人什么时候合唱 At some happy and exciting occasions,was an outlet of people's emotions;celebrating a friend's promotion,reminiscing that happen to remind us a specific song,birthday party,happy birthday song before blowing out the candles some celebration events,such as Spring festival celebration ceremony and many other opening ceremonies often include group singing,it can lighten up the atmosphere to some extent;passion inside the music and become more cheerful and thrilling. *小时候听吗 music radio,music video on TV,got to know more and more songs and singers through these media,instead of buying CD,bought the pirated tapes; *小孩喜欢听什么 as far as I am concerned,pop music more;popular,are being exposure to the media which;on top of that,Without many knowledge about different kinds of music, young children may not have the ability to regard any specific type of music as their favorite. As a result, when they have yearning for music,they just choose the top several ones with simple melodies and understandable lyrics on the pop music chart; *什么歌手流行 Frankly speaking, I do not know many popular pop singers.I do fancy some songs of Taylor swift,Adele,adam lanbert,Maroon 5,owl city,They are all unique,own style,songs are healing, comforting and relaxing at times. electronic bands and rock bands known by less people; *听别的国家的歌吗 Back to many years ago,it'not that resisted beautiful music in foreign languages, just because they do not have the chance to listen to,do not understand the lyrics; along with the trend of globalization, people tend to hold an open mind on many kinds of things and choices. with the help of internet, *学过乐器吗 regrets of childhood;tried to learn piano,gift,cannot remember a tone,have a bad sense of rhythm,clumsy fingers; *去哪唱歌 Chinese young people and even middle aged adults always go singing in KTVs, while the elderly still tend to sing in the parks. Singing in KTVs has become a trend during the past few years. As a group activity, it is regarded simple, healthy, economical, fashionable, and most importantly helpful to socialize. Nonetheless, these benefits may seem unattractive to the elderly, as long as this activity costs money. Survived from the Great Chinese Famine, Chinese old people tend to save every penny besides necessary expenditure on food. Since no one bans singing in the park, old people pretty much enjoy singing there Is music an important subject in school? In fact, it depends on what other subjects you are comparing with. If you are referring to other social science subjects, such as ecology, philosophy, psychology and so on, I think music is treated more important. According to my personal experiences, music is always included in the school curriculum, while other listed subjects aren't. However, compared with some scientific subjects which are tested in the College Entrance Examination, music is the last primary choice. Why do some people say that music can help people relax? Rather than directly talking about why music relaxes people, I want to give a thought to why people feel stressful first. People often feel pressure at work, since they are worried about difficulty and urgency to accomplish their tasks, which may cause them fired by the big boss. However, when they are listening to music, they do not have any requirements or limits. They are freed immediately and completely, so that they become relaxed and happy. research has proved that playing musical instruments makes kids more intelligent/some catchy songs are pretty annoying touching/mushy/corny .Different people have different tastes in music。classical music tends to clam you down,while the pop music songs often excited,even wild.As for me ,pop music is preferred,although some people consider it doesn't have much depth,but i think it also can be inspiring sometimes.for instance,Bob Delay spoke of civil rights, nuclear fallout, and loneliness in his song which touched a nerve of disaffection,and Michael Jackson sang'we are the one to make a brighter day,let's just start giving',and so on.music makes us more imaginative and it molds our temperament as well into Rock Music,it is the rhythm and loudness that I'm so obsessed with. instrument: gain a better understanding of different types of music and different cultures;develop self-discipline because it's challenging and takes a lot of time and effort.

old people

*老人最睿智吗 1)过去的连接,传统文化保有者,提供年轻人认同感,学习文化遗产否则文化丢失;2)更艰难的经历更有趣的时代,听故事;3)人生经验 an immense amount;living link with past—of a family,a region,a country,keepers of local tradition,provide a sense of identity to younger generation;can learn about their cultural heritage from older people who may h ave a closer connection to traditional customs,without this constant learning from older generations,many aspects of culture would be lost; had harder lives and lived through more interesting periods in history,witnessed war and incredibly changes,childhood,anecdotes; are well placed to give good advice on any topics;how to get by life and make full the most of opportunities; *对老人态度 尊敬;让座提重物老人先吃;有智慧寻求建议; a deep-rooted sense of respect for age and experience;offer their seats,help them with heavy baggage,one always let the oldest person begin eating first; old people are held in high regard because people recognize that long lives give them wisdom and experience; *现在年轻人对老人态度 社会变化太快,传统价值观被忽视;去其他地方容易所以家庭分裂照顾不到老人,老人感觉与现代社会阻隔; the rapidly changing of social means that some traditional values get ignored;split up;be easy to neglect older relatives;old people in general can often feel cut-off from modern china because it is changing so quickly; *谁养老 家人反哺;没家人或不愿意管就住老人院,贵质量差别大 raised,brought up ,should repay by;are not willing to care for them,an old people's home where they can live in a community of other people of their age; the quality of care can vary dramatically *为老人做什么 物质需求和舒适(食住,帮洗衣做饭);爱和关心(变老很孤独) material needs and comfort,such as warm and safe house and good food;cannot do the same task that they could do when they were younger; offer love and affection,being old can be a lonely experience,knowing that your family loves you and cares for you can be a wonderful comfort; *老的好处 不工作有时间没压力,兴趣(太极棋牌跳舞,社交陪朋友家人);睿智渊博; one enjoyable aspect of old-age is generally not required to work;lots of free time without the pressure of a career or earning money enjoy socializing and spending time with;take up hobbies(tai chi/board games/dancing to music in the streets;groups of old ladies dancing to music in the streets as a form of exercise and for fun; *为啥活得长 饮食健康的提高;1)生活水平提高-健康食物和药;2)医疗技术提高-;过去致命的现在可治愈;3)基础设施和生活质量提高-卫生差引起的疾病教罕见; improvements in diet,health,technology; easier to get access to medicine,many illnesses that are used to be fatal can now be treated safely and cheaply,other diseases that arise from poor sanitary conditions as cholera are now extremely uncommon due to vast improvements in infrastructure and general quality of life *老年人上学 专门的,以前没机会上的;1)实践课程,新技能帮助其他人,2)社交,志趣相投又活跃享受老年生活的新朋友,丰富多彩; exclusively for old people to attend;get an education;enjoy learning new skills and use them to benefit other people;there are also many communities where older people can socialise and support each other;it's great that places like this exist,rich and colorful lives rather than being boring and lonely; *老人的活动 one of the most popular activities among,spare dances,gather in the spare after dinner,slow motion dance to the traditional music, board games,cards games,chess,majiang, energetic old people are fond of outdoor activities,like walking,hiking,traveling *为啥有的老人只记快乐事 natural choice;ups and downs,thick and thin,experiences translate to wisdom,treasure;in the last stage,no use to,will only lead to a heavy heart;,wise for them to live bright lives; some of them,they are already leading miserable lives,add any more bitter into; *比起过去,老年人现在更享受生活 life condition has been improved;don't need to struggling for a living;diverse option of entertainments;in this regard; on the other hand,life pace is faster,children are often tied up with work,spend less time,lonely;world is changing,hard to keep up with,isolated from the modern world;


*自己 喜欢:big fan,a brilliant way逃离放松;dig into,a form of art,inspiring,amusing,alternative; 多常:superb movies running;to my taste,actors that I adore; 爱哪种:tells a good story,genre, if the story develop logically but can always surprise you;character is so real that you feel being connected with him;message the movie is trying to convey,enthusiastic about feature,romantic movies; comedy,brings a bot of fun,thought-provoking; gangster,action with predictable story line is boring; 怎么选:trailer,have a rough understanding of the story,the feedback of the movie from some friends who have the similar taste with me; 最近一部:features a hard-boiled rascal 's life as he became old;old game rules in his previous circle,he used his own way when he tried to save his son who got into a big trouble,paid for the rules that he stick to with his life; *演员会影响电影观感吗 a inseparable part of,acting,their look,the expression on their face,the line and gesture,determined that if they can convince us to believe they are the characters, take us into the, *想电影成功要有名演员 a large box office attraction,influence;more continuously,success; *最喜欢的演员 talent actor as well as skilled director and producer,40;unique temperament,brilliant movies,different characters,hero,evil,rich,poor,feminine,lunatic; *喜欢看外国电影 价值观cultural background,values,which lead to different contents and themes; 特效better sound and visual effects,action,science fiction; 主题censorship,dampen filmmakers' enthusiasm,inhibit the creativity;diversified themes,special effect;industry more mature; *what makes a good movie 主题(剧本);表演(演员);意义(价值观); a good theme is the main factor that contributes to a good movie;screenplay is paramount;people focus on story;good acting can really enhance the movie by a large extent; to see their favorite movie stars;shouldn't be pointless;horror movie or comedy;convey some information or certain values,that's an essential part of a good movie; stir something up *哪种娱乐方式流行 fashionable;年轻人movies( Science Fiction,Horror,Animation and comedy are most popular genres);video and computer games;singing,dancing; 老年人taichi;slow motion dance;chess,card games;majiang; *在家看在电影院 enjoyable;on an enormous screen,with good acoustics;snacks like popcorn and chewy candy;better atmosphere and sound effects help you to get into the movie more,share the viewing experience with a large audience ; home: more choices,pirated DVDs are dirt-cheap;comfortable,latest movies are unavailable;can pause or go back a few scenes anytime; *好处 escape reality for a couple of hours;keep me on the edge of my seat *分类genre animated/suspense/gangster/romantic(corny)/horror/action movies great acting/play the lead主角/play opposite of her/a cameo role精彩的小角色/villains反派/reviewers评论家;a strong cast大卡司the plot is far-fetched剧情太扯/predictable story line可预测的剧情/a low-budget movie,but a smash低成本但成功的电影/box-office hit票房大卖的电影 beat the record set by ...; has an impressive list of credits in theater,film and television; It is scheduled to screen next January; soundtrack原声音乐


*让你笑 comedies,funny videos,stimulating programs like reality shows,talk show;chatting with hilarious people;even some commonplace but amusing stuff we come across in daily life; *让别人笑 I want to be a delight,a joy of my families and my friends,我也会高兴,毕竟生活不易,应brisk,optimistic *笑很重要 crucial;lead a fast-paced life which pose a heavy working pressure on us,we should learn how to relax and have fun,people tend to be anxious and depressed if they haven't laugh for a long time; *laugh&happy: 1)force yourself to forget all to worries, to go on a binge or spend all day with your friends,laughing,eating,chatting,it may be temporary,逼自己这样,需要放松但内心不快乐; 2)constant feeling,means that you are content with your life,peaceful,confident,家人朋友事业; *怎么能快乐 simple,read a good book,have a little journey,have a hearty meal,surprise yourself with impulsive decisions; complicated,search your soul,knowing what you want in your life and working hard on it,成就感,make your life meaningful;it's not fame and money,but healthy intimate relationship determine us are weather happy or not *提高幸福指数:never tame your curiosity;never focus on what's missing;never be too harsh on yourself;never let your bad thoughts grow;never fear to embrace changes;net underestimate 'me time';never value materials more than experiences;never feel lost in what you are doing;never compare yourself to others;never stop improving yourself,never forget to smile;never stop loving; *不高兴的事会影响你心情么:sure,to some extent;举例you spent a lot of time and energy on some certain work but still got criticize comments from your boss, that really make people frustrated and down;find ways to adjust your mood,it's unhealthy to let the negative mood lasts *幸福重要吗:successful,vigorous,positive,healthy;no one will like a stressful,gloomy person; *钱能买快乐:i'm not referring that you can definitely be happy only if you are rich,what i'm saying is that money can offer you more choice,more possibilities,it's actually very practical, 出国旅游读书做自己喜欢做的事,make a living is always the first priority for you.You even may be unable to buy basic healthcare when you get sick,int this case, happiness is elusive. *不快乐都不好么 更precious,cherish;you want all things going smoothly,that's impossible,a lesson to help us learn how to adjust our mood,to help us be mentally matured


*都干嘛 playful,games,football,basketball,baseball;video/online games;frolic in the playground,teasing,tracing; *什么时候结婚 eligible,other people told you so;met someone who love/understand you and share the interests and values;are prepared to enter the next stage of your life; no certain age for marriage as long as you are legal; *18岁以下不该做的 many behaviours are inappropriate for juveniles;shouldn't have sex,too young to distinguish,treated,how to protect,the accident that likely happen might do harm both to their mental health and physical health; can't work,illegal to hire minors,the law was set to ensure they get enough education instead of being forced to earn a living by some irresponsible parents; *庆祝成年礼 general celebration for beginning adulthood,the thing we do to,differs from different person; some go for a long trip alone to note the dawning of being independent; others may throw a big party as a way of,invite as many as friends to be witnesses of the ritual; *孩子更容易被逗乐么 simple,pure;gifts,hearty meal,amusement park,joke; adult:latent meaning,purpose;hide too many worries deep in our heart,cry in public,be regarded as weakness; *都喜欢童年么 depends on their personal condition,families provide;parents have a happy marriage life,they both love the kids very much,truly care,understand and respect them,happy,healthy and colorful childhood; were struggling a living and hold negative attitude towards life and let this bad emotion influenced;fight,alienated from each other; *你想念童年吗 my mom used to tell the fairy tales and stories before I went to sleep,a great storyteller and hypnotist,I was always attracted by her stories at first and then fell asleep with her soft voice; my dad often took me to the nearby villages when lotus were in bloom,hauntingly beautiful babie doll,play house;quarreled,soon made it up; *为什么有些成年人想念他的童年 full of joy and wonderful memory,carefree; it's nothing like now,we have heavy burden on our shoulder;competitive working market,catch up with the constantly changing world; relationship,hard to make a true friend;friendship *孩子几岁被认为成年 18 in law,take complete responsibility for;if they offend any crime,they will get no extenuation;reality,attending university with their parents' money,they often are financially independent after,unemployed; *怎么帮助孩子成熟 offer guides in their formative years,experience failure,feel pain,get to know the real world,wonderland,butterfly,clue;tackle the successive problems independently,embrace the challenge; *青少年应该为家庭工作么 not first task,focus on study,acquire more professional knowledge and employment skills,shouldn't be in rush to make a profit from what you learned,pay a solid fundamental,use these to arm yourself,wouldn't worry.locate a job at any time;


*重要吗 vital,Nobody is perfect,we all will do something to hurt another person at some point in our lives; to show your respect for the person who you hurt;it's not just about gaining the forgiveness,it's more to recognize your wrongdoing and reflect on yourself,correct the flaw,or make a commitment,never do that again; *什么情况说 did something that hurt other people's feeling,Intentionally or accidentally; immoral deeds or vice that harm other people's interest;inappropriate behavior *为啥讨厌说 stubborn,cannot see their own fault; strong self-esteem,realized,were reluctant to admit they were wrong, e.g,family members refuse to talk to each other for years after an argument,neither side wants to be the first to let go of their pride and "break down and apologize." see the apologizing as a sign of weakness; *什么情形立即道歉 should apologize immediately as long as you realize that what you have just done was wrong while the person you hurt is happen to be in front of you at the very moment;aware of your regret,make up a little bit for your fault; more suitable for small things,e.g,step on other people's foot by accident,split the coffee and stain other people's clothing,it would be a good way to avoid the conflict; *上一次难以接受的道歉 bad-mouthed me behind my back,make up some stuff that never happened to blacken my name;he said he mistakenly understand something,not on purpose,sorry;not sincere,these tiny two works just didn't come out from heart,put off,cheating is something that I would never forgive; *勇于说对不起 I think we've reached a day and age where showing emotional vulnerability can be viewed as a positive rather than a negative quality;As we move forward in this time of self-knowledge and self-discovery, it's vital to acquire the ability to recognize our own mistakes; Apologizing just for the sake of apologizing is meaningless. We cannot genuinely apologize if we can't admit to ourselves that we made a mistake; Placing the blame on someone else is easy. Making excuses and skirting the subject is easy. Assuming the full weight of blame on our own shoulders, however, is very hard; Learning to apologize is the first and most important step in the healing process. Not only does it show the recipient that you acknowledge their right to feel hurt, but it opens the way to forgiveness; sometimes the other person might not be ready to accept your apology,we need to allow time to heal the wounds.An apology cannot undo what has been done, but it can help ease the pain and tension of the aftermath. It gives hope for rebuilding, and puts value on the relationship rather than the individual's pride;


Do you think we should repair old buildings? How to attract more people to visit historical places? How to protect historical buildings? What's the most important historical building in your country? *传统服饰 5 thousands year,traditional Chinese garments differ from each dynasty,well-known in world is tang-style,popular in foreign politicians,Qipao from qing dynasty is favored by Hollywood stars; *这些传统将来会消失吗 Do you think it's important to maintain traditional festivals? What is the value of traditions? Which do young people prefer traditional ways of doing things or new things? Why? Should young people celebrate foreign festivals? How does technology change our life? Do you think teachers will be replaced by technology in the future? What kinds of technology impress you most? What other electronic machines do you have at home and why? Why do old people like to live in a traditional way? Do you think children can be benefited from high technology?

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