Special Education Chapter 3

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Sharing Resources

Those involved in collaboration must be willing to give others a "Slice" of their resource pie in order to reach a common goal

What two transitions should teachers know the best practices for?

Transition from early intervention to preschool and transition from school to adult life

The related services personnel may themselves conduct evaluations to be shared with IEP team members to determine whether a service is recommended, true or false


Advocacy and collaborative program involvement

family is directly involved in goal identification, analyses of strategies used -parents become advocates for their children

What is person centered planning?

Places the values and and desired outcomes of the student and his or her family at the center of the collaborative efforts.

Interpersonal Connection

Process in which two or more equal parties work toward a common goal.

Early intervention and preschool programs can eliminate the need for what?

Special education services by school age

One teach one assisting

The assisting co-teacher may move about the classroom to manage student behavior, observe students' work, and provide assistance to students as needed.

The shared responsibilities for service provision, costs, monitoring progress, and continued follow up eases what?

The burden that might be placed on any one agency and provides a safety net such that students are less likely to "fall through the cracks" at the transition from school to adult living.

Who is the most important member of the collaborative team?

The facilitator

IDEA stresses the importance of involving who in the education process?

The student and his or her family.


general and special education teachers collaborate as teams to make accommodations or modifications to assist students with or without disabilities -becoming more popular with the demand of least restricted environment


in each collaborative situation each person is equally valued as a contributor to the effort

How can siblings be affected in both positive and negative ways?

+ ..... learning advocacy and empathy skills -........ hearing negative comments about their sibling and seeing that their sibling gets more help

What are the four barriers to collaboration?

- conceptual barrier -pragmatic barrier -attitudinal barrier -professional barrier

Ongoing communication, information sharing, and basic program involvement

-family and professionals are engaged in a free flowing exchange of info and ideas

What are the four levels of parent and family participation

1. Awareness, attendance, and basic participation 2. Ongoing communication, information sharing, and basic program involvement 3. Advocacy and collaboration program involvement 4.collaboration and partnership participation

what are the six models of co-teaching

1. One teach one observe 2. One teach, one assisting 3. Station teaching 4. Parallel teaching 5. Alternative Teaching 6. Teaming

Paraprofessionals are best utilized when......

1. They are engaged in appropriate roles such a provider the teacher with instruction and encouraging peer interaction 2. Sufficiently and continually trained in their roles 3. Are not asked to engage in primary instructor roles and making curriculum decisions 4. are supervised at a ratio level that ensures appropriate feedback and training

Interagency agreement

A written agreement that agencies commit to that outlines their shared responsibilities for student learning and the participation of school, community, and family in achieving positive outcomes for students with disabilities

Awareness, attendance, and basic participation

Family members receive info and become familiar with the programs -they can receive and provide info on their students

What is an attitudinal barrier?

Anxiety over working collaboratively

Alternative Teaching

Co-teacher planning and instructing the students. -While one teacher works with a group on a specific skill, the other co-teacher works with the remainder of the class

What are the key concepts of collaboration?

Volunteering sharing resources sharing responsibility sharing decision making achieving common goals community building parity recognizing that roles can involve different levels of work -planning a formal process -collaborating spontaneously and informally

What is the conceptual barrier?

When the collaboration in some way conflicts with the existing school culture or the way things are done

Differing levels of work

each party is engaged in the achievement of the common goals but each is not necessarily equally involved in carrying out the work

Sharing decision making

each party must be involved in and be able to contribute to their decisions made in the process

Collaboration can lead to....

enriching and empowering relationships and roles, successful outcomes beyond what any individual could ever accomplish, and growth in professional and interpersonal skills and communication

Facilitators are expected to ...

maintain a positive atmosphere and cohesiveness within the team -they communicate within the schools, the system, and the larger community and can evaluate team efforts from a wider perspective than team members who are located in a single school.

One teach one observe

one teacher teaches and the other observes during instructional time

Paraprofessionals provide...

specific support in the classroom or to a specific student or students -they are properly trained to assist in the delivery of special education -they can be used excessively but they remain a vital part of the service delivery system

What is a professional barrier?

the disproportion in skill and experience in collaboration

What is the pragmatic barrier?

they are the most significant in collaboration and they include scheduling, large caseloads, and competing responsibilities

We want a seamless series of transition from year to year and teacher to teacher true or false


Station teaching

Co-teachers planning and instructing a portion of the lesson content in stations that the students move through. **Represents a significant leap in the collaborative process because the co-teachers must truly work together to be successful

Parallel Teaching

Each co-teacher plans and instructs students on the same materials. - it is best used for review of learning rather than initial instruction

Transition services are

are coordinated activities for a student within an outcome-oriented process, that promote transition from school to adult activities


*General education teacher and Co-teachers regularly change roles, each taking the lead or jointly sharing teaching responsibilities Take equal responsibilities for all aspects of the classroom

What practice activities should occur in prep. for the inclusion of a child with disabilities in a preschool program?

- assess past experiences, past training, and existing needs for learning for team members to be effective in their roles -involve participants in delivery of info. and teaching skills so team members are as a part of the team also delivering and receiving info. -evaluate the effectiveness of training and revise as necessary

What are the key components of collaboration

- two or more parties work together -parties collaborate as equal partners -participation is voluntary -responsibility is shared among the parties -parties work toward a common goal -process is influenced by factors -can be either a planned, formal process, or spontaneous, informal process -sources are shared among parties -leads to community building -uneven distribution of work

Administers must believe ........

-are students are capable of learning -all students must have a right to be educated with their peers in neighborhood schools -responsibility is shared for every child's learning -co-teaching is a strategy for organization and instruction that benefits students and teachers alike -a school improvement plan -recruiting, hiring, and retaining culturally responsive faculty and staff -developing and selecting curricula and resources geared toward diverse students.

What are variables that promote team effectiveness?

-clearly stated goals -team cohesion built on trust and respect -good team communication -Clearly defined roles and responsibilities -flexibility in team leadership responsibilities -flexibility in setting schedules and meeting agendas

Transition services include....

-employment -post secondary education -vocational training -continuing and adult education -adult services -independent living community participation

Student involvement can be enhanced by

-ensuring parents know their child in invited to attend and participate -providing students with background knowledge concerning the IEP and the process -focusing on student strengths and gifts and talents rather than only on skill or knowledge deficits

How can families assist the participation of their child?

-explain the IEP process -teach the child IEP terminology and the different roles participants play, and helping their child with the skills to participate

Collaboration and partnership participation

-family members learned knowledge and skill and possess the motivation to provide programming with school personnel -family members can assume greater advocacy roles that involve other parents and children and they can provide training to school personnel and other families in specific skills to teach other students

Some procedures that enable teams to collaborate more effectively for transition planning and programming.....

-identify who will be on the team -identify adult service agencies that will provide services and ensure their attendance -identify skills needed by the student and how they benefit the student -schedule meetings and follow up meetings -discuss with the family and student the options for education and training -identify on the transition plan the services provided by agencies prior to and after leaving school -Make arrangements for an exit from school meeting with all team members and follow up with the student and family in the next six months

What are some suggestions for involving language minority parents in school?

-provide parent advisors -make home visits -students show progress -interpreters -offer english classes for family

What are the three basic rules for effective communication between teachers and families?

-teachers should assume a relaxed and natural posture, leaning forward and remaining in a comfortable position which conveys a willingness to listen and a sense of well being -teachers should make eye contact and maintain varying eye contact at an appropriator level so the speaker doesn't feel uncomfortable -the teacher should make comments to family members that follow from what the family members have been saying, this shows that they are listening.

What are some suggestions for teachers working with culturally or lingustically diverse families

-use culturally responsive feedback and methods of communication( Have a social conversation first about the family values) -use cultural diversity in the curriculum and school activities as well as meetings with the family -ensure that there are policies in place to reduce the likelihood of prejudice

Sharing responsibility

-verifies that each party assumes a stake by working toward the goals of the process -means each party us willing to be held accountable for the effort good or bad

Conflict may arise from what?

Parents feeling anger that emerges form fear, hurt frustration, or a sense of injustice

What is the collaborative consultation model?

When general education and special education teachers, and other professionals, are perceived to be equal partners working together to plan and implement program for students.

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