Special Education Exam 2

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What does "SWBAT" stand for?

"Students will be able to . . ." This should be posted clearly for every lesson. This is also what makes a lesson objective meaningful. Specific, measurable, short-term, observable student behaviors

According to FAT City, what do LD kids have greater than non-disabled kids?

"processing loads"

What are examples of paraphrasing and retelling?

*RAP strategy (Read a paragraph, Ask what the main idea and details were, Put into own words) *Multipass *Chapter survey *TRAVEL (topic, read a paragraph, ask what are the main idea and three details/write it down, verify the main idea by circling it and linking its details, examine the next paragraph and ask/verify again, when finished with the passage, link all of the circles)

What are four ways to build rapport?

1. Maintain high expectations 2. Build personal relationships with students - NOT friendships 3. Set a good example 4. Be flexible

What are four "clunk" strategies?

1. Reread the sentence as though the clunk was a blank space and try to guess another word that might be appropriate in place of the clunk. There is a good chance that the clunk is a synonym. 2. Reread the sentence with the clunk and the sentences before or after the clunk to look for clues (i.e., other words or phrases that may partially indicate the meaning of a clunk). 3. Look for a prefix or suffix in the clunk that may help to define its meaning. 4. If possible, break the clunk into smaller, more familiar words that may indicate the clunk's meaning.

What are some key organizational strategies for managing classroom behavior?

1. arrange a schedule for everything you do during each class period 2. arrange the physical space to promote positive student-teacher interactions (be sure you have access to all parts of the room) 3. prepare routines and procedures (hand signals, beginning and ending class, turning in work, addressing the teacher, etc.)

What are three techniques to build effective general ed/special ed co-teaching situations?

1. build relationship 2. work on communication 3. build schedules/agree on SLAs with each other

What are the teacher's three roles in a cooperative learning exercise?

1. monitoring and providing task assistance 2. intervening to teach social skills 3. evaluating learning and processing interaction

What is is a process that uses data to identify patterns in a student's behavior and the function of the behavior?

A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)

What are four categories of reading comprehension strategies?

Activating background knowledge Paraphrasing & retelling Organizing and summarizing information LINCS vocab strategy

What is an ABC recording chart?

Antecedent Behavior Consequence Teacher Student

What model divides thinking skills into 6 levels which are arranged progressively from the lowest level, simple recall, to the highest, evaluating information?

Bloom's Taxonomy

What is a good paraphrasing strategy?

CANOE (complete statement, accurate, new info, one idea/paragraph, edit in your own words)

What are big goals?

Classroom-wide goals for the year as well as individual goals that students determine at the beginning of the class

Why is the effectiveness of co-teaching difficult to research?

Different definitions and interpretations of co-teaching Lack of fidelity of implementation Lack of standardized measures of effective teaching Lack of definition of what to measure Student achievement? Student/teacher satisfaction?

What are the benefits of a warm-up activity?

Eliminates idle time when students are entering the classroom Activates prior background knowledge Gives teacher time to deal with transition issues (homework collection, attendance, answering questions)

True or false: You shouldn't have to teach a whole lesson on classroom expectations.

False. Be prepared to do so. This is part of building rapport.

How do you establish effective classroom rules?

Identify misbehaviors that are likely to occur and develop rules to deal with those proactively State rules in positive terms Rules should be specific and refer to observable behaviors Teach rules using positive and negative examples Post rules in a prominent location

What are some examples of ways to activate background knowledge?

KWL charts (what do we Know / what do we Want to find out / what did we Learn) Semantic mapping Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)

What are the typical CSR roles?

Leader Clunk Expert Announcer Encourager Reporter Timekeeper

What are the 5 basics of every lesson plan?

Meaningful DAILY objective Warm-up/Do Now/Opening I Do, We Do, You Do/Modeling, guided practice, independent practice Assessment Closing/Wrap-Up (Another model is as follows . . .) Objective Opening/Warm-Up/Do Now Modeling Guided Practice/Independent Practice Closing/Wrap-Up/Assessment

How many classroom rules should you establish?

No more than six!

Is the objective the same as the standard?

No. An objective is daily - something they have to finish by the end of the day. It is, however, tied to the standard.

What are the 5 models for co-teaching?

One teacher - one support/assist Parallel teaching (to two heterogenous groups, not grouped by ability) Station teaching Alternative teaching (or class within a class) Team teaching

What does a CHAMPS chart do?

Outlines all of the expectations and procedures for the classroom in the areas of Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation, Signal

Successful teachers are strong _____________.


What are the benefits of cooperative learning?

Produces greater effort for students to learn Produces more positive relationships among students Leads to greater psychological health than working competitively or independently

What are some strategies for increasing desirable behaviors?

Reinforce appropriate behavior Types of reinforcers What are some types? Effective use of positive reinforcers What do you know about this? Use token economies to deliver reinforcers Use behavior contract Teach behavior by shaping Use modeling to improve student behavior Consider involving peers in behavioral programs Involve students in managing their own behavior Involve parents in behavior management programs

In what model is the teacher's instruction reviewed to ensure that it is of quality and research-based?

Response to Intervention

What are some types of reinforcers?

Social (pat on the shoulder, verbal praise, selection as student of the month) Activity Tangible Primary (food)

What are the steps to conducting an FBA?

Step 1: Define problem behaviors Step 2: Provide a rationale Step 3: Collect data Step 4: Generate hypothesis Step 5: Develop an intervention

What did Darling Hammond say about activating background knowledge?

That it is the strongest determinant of success

What are the rules for setting up behavior contracts?

The contract reward should be immediate. An initial contract should call for and reward small amounts of the desired behavior. The contract should call for and reward accomplishments rather than obedience. The performance should be awarded only after it has occurred. The contract must be fair and honest. The terms of the contract must be clear. The contract should be used systematically.

What is the guiding principle of the LINCS strategy?

The stronger the links between pieces of information, the easier you can remember them.

What are the three critical criteria of lesson assessments?

They should be aligned, rigorous, and scaffolded.

True or false? General education teachers often find it difficult to provide enough intensive instruction, even with supports, in an inclusive classroom.


How can we use Bloom's taxonomy?

Use the action verbs to come up with meaningful SWBAT objectives.

When should you conduct an FBA?

When a student's behavior impedes academic performance or academic performance of others. When a student's behavior presents a danger to him/herself or others. When a student's behavior is chronic. (Note: These are the same criteria as the ones you use to determine if a student has an EBD.)

Do you need to have a separate I Do/We Do/You Do for every objective?

Yes. The lesson should be broken into chunks with different modeling sessions for each objective.

What do throwaway sarcasm lines create?

a victim

What is an effective consequence that gives students time to "take a break"?

action reflection sheet (this avoids sending kids out of the classroom) NOTE: A lot of misbehavior is truly work avoidance!

What types of students would you expect to benefit from test adaptations?

all students

According to the FAT City video, what decreases performance?


What are the ABCDs of writing objectives?

audience, behavior, condition, degree

What is the term for assigning a high number of targeted students to one class?

cluster grouping

What sorts of activities can kids with disabilities only do one at a time?

cognitive activities

What are the benefits of activating background knowledge?

confidence context relevance very important for students with disabilities

What is the term that means the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other's learning?

cooperative learning

What is the term that means that variation among learners requires variation in instruction?

differentiated instruction

What sort of instruction do LD kids need, according to FAT City?

direct instruction

How could you determine what aspects of your tests need revision?

error analysis

What are examples of formal assessments?

essay, test, specific assignment (can also use an "exit ticket")

What is a way to organize and summarize information?

graphic organizers

What are the three key characteristics of the warm-up activity?

informative, fun, routine

What are the three major trends in special education?

integration into society, inclusion in schools, and early intervention

What terms would indicate that the objective is NOT measurable?

know, think, appreciate, learn, comprehend, remember, perceive, understand, be aware of, be familiar with, have knowledge of, grasp the significance

What is the legal term for the requirement that students be placed in settings chosen from a continuum of alternative placements?

least restrictive environment

What serves as a key bridge between students understanding new skills and concepts and being able to demonstrate independent mastery of them?


What is the term for the belief that people with disabilities should have experiences similar to those of people without disabilities?


What are examples of informal assessments?

open-ended questions, multiple-choice, journal entries

What are the components of CSR?

preview click and clunk get the gist wrap-up

What are two ways to correct misbehaviors?

proximity gentle verbal reprimand or nonverbal signal

What are some different types of graphic organizers?

semantic feature analysis Frayer model concept maps fishbone chain of events problem/solution spider map

What is is a visual strategy for vocabulary expansion and extension of knowledge by displaying in categories words related to one another?

semantic mapping

What is the term for the reinforcement of successive approximations or small, progressive steps toward the desired behavior?


If test scores improve, how could you know that your modified tests are more easily understandable (rather than just easier)?

still test the same amount of concepts; you only change the format, not the rigor

What does the FAT City video say that fairness means?

that everyone gets what they need (not that everyone gets the same)

How many members are typically in a cooperative learning group?

three (can vary the roles - reader, note-taker, reporter, for example)

What is it called when teachers use choices of activity on a single topic that vary in difficulty?

tiered assignments

In the video, what should we give LD kids the gift of?


What are four ways to adapt tests?

timing/scheduling setting presentation response (different format)

What is an alternative strategy to using positive reinforcers?

token economy

How many high school students struggle with reading content area textbooks?

up to 40%

What are the links in the LINCS chain?

word>reminding word>story>image>definition

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