SPED245 Exam 2

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2 steps in stimulus discrimination training?

1. When the Sd is present, the behavior is reinforced. 2. When any other antecedent stimuli except Sd are present, the behavior is not reinforced. (S-Delta)

What is extinction?

A behavior that had been reinforced for a period of time is no longer reinforced so the behavior stops occurring.

Spontaneous recovery

A behavior that has stopped due to extinction occurs again even it has not occurred for some time.

Generalized conditioned reinforcers

A conditioned reinforcer that has been paired with a variety of other reinforcers. (money and praise)

Stimulus discrimination

A process in which a behavior is reinforced when the discriminative stimulus (Sd) is present and is extinguished when the S-delta is present. Resulting in the behavior more likely to occur only when the Sd is present.

What is generalization

A process in which the behavior occurs in the presence of antecedent stimuli that are similar in some way to the discriminative stimulus present when the behavior was reinforced. Or, the occurrence of a target behavior in a non-training situation after training.

What is a continuous reinforcement schedule?

A schedule of reinforcement in which each occurrence of a response is reinforced. Good to use when the student is learning the behavior for the first time.

A functional relationship is established if what?

A target behavior is changed when the independent variable is manipulated when all other variables are constant.

Types of single-subject designs

AB Design, ABAB Reversal Design, Multiple Baseline Design, Alternating Treatments Design, Changing Criterion Design, Changing Conditions Design

What is a stimulus class?

Antecedent stimuli that share similar features and have the same functional effect on a particular behavior.

What is ABC


What is the S-Delta

Any other stimulus present that is not the discriminative stimulus.

What is a confounding variable

Any unplanned behavior that may have affected the behavior

What is Variable Ratio Schedule?

Average of so many times

What is faulty stimulus control?

Behavior comes under control of an irrelevant antecedent stimulus.

What is response maintenance

Continued performance over time...reinforced every so often to keep the behavior up.

Each time Penny puts a quarter in the gumball machine, she receives a gumball.

Continuous reinforcement

Gina is reinforced every time she puts a fork in the appropriate spot in the silverware tray.

Continuous schedule of reinforcement

Schedules of Reinforcement

Continuous schedule of reinforcement (CRF), Fixed Ratio (FR), Variable Ratio (VR), Fixed Interval (FI), Variable Interval (VI), Response Duration Schedule

Purpose of single-subject design

Demonstrate experimental control, demonstrate intervention effect, and communicate important individual performance.

What is a Fixed Ratio Schedule

Every so many times the behavior gets reinforced.

Maxwell is reinforced after he works on his math worksheet for 5 minutes without stopping.

Fixed Response Duration

Betty's math teacher wants to increase the amount of times Bety participates in class discussions. She watched her in class and after every 8 minutes she reinforces the first time Betty participates appropriately.

Fixed interval

Jay gets a cookie when he asks for one but only after one hour has elapsed since the last time he got a cookie for asking.

Fixed interval

Jenny is reinforced the first time she participates in class discussion after a 10 minute time period has passed.

Fixed interval

Jim praises Bo for cooperative play and leaves the area. He comes back in 5 minutes later and provides praise the first time he catches Bo playing; this is repeated exactly the same way.

Fixed interval

Mary gets a break when she asks for one but only if 30 minutes has passed since she last asked for a break.

Fixed interval

If Jed's supervisor came by every 2o minutes and gave him a token the first time he correctly put an animal in the box, what schedule of reinforcement is this?

Fixed interval...FI20

A dime is placed in a jar for every 5 dishes Josh washes.

Fixed ratio

Bill is reinforced every 3rd time he raises his hand.

Fixed ratio

Charlie's mother gives him a quarter for every 5 times that he cleans his room.

Fixed ratio

Jed is a 29 year old adult with severe intellectual disabilities who works on an assembly packing line. His job is to put a stuffed animal in a box as that come by on a conveyor belt. Jed's supervisor delivers a token after every 15 animals that Jed correctly puts in a box.

Fixed ratio...FR15

When either the number or interval i=remains constant.

Fixed schedule

Billy ge4ts a skittle most of the time he uses the potty but not every time.

Intermittent Reinforcement

Reinforcement is delivered for the first response after a certain amount of time since the last reinforcement.

Interval schedule

What is variable interval?

Intervals are of different lengths but their average is consistent.

Keith's LD teacher was teaching him how to be polite to the teachers in his regular classrooms. Keith discovered that when he said "please' and "thank you" to his teachers, they were much nicer to him. Due to this, Keith continued to say "please" and "thank you" and his LD teacher did not have to reward him for being polite.

Introduce natural maintaining contingencies

Purpose of graphs

It shows the results that are recorded over several observation periods.

Continuous Reinforcement Schedule

Jeff was recently hired by a company that makes mattresses, and his job involves putting the label on the mattress. The first day on the job, the supervisor showed Jeff how to properly attach the label. The supervisor then watched Jeff do the job and praised him each time he correctly affixed a label on the mattress.

Unconditioned Reinforcers

Natural reinforcers

Frank hits other kids is they come close to him. His teacher takes away his favorite toy. He decreases the amount of time he hits kids.

Negative punishment

Dick cures at his teacher whenever she asks him to do his math problems. The teacher always takes his math worksheet away and sends him to time out when he curses at her. He continues ti curse at her when she tells him to do his math problems.

Negative reinforcement

Janey gets stung by a bee. When she put son medicine the stinging goes away. As a result she increases her use of the medicine.

Negative reinforcement

What is stimulus generalization

Occurs when responses that have been reinforced in the presence of a specific stimulus occur in the presence of a different but similar stimuli.

Brian is a 10 year old boy diagnosed with autism. In an effort ti meet an objective on his individualized education program that targets functional language and communication skills, Brian's teacher taught him to say "Hello, how are you?" as a greeting. Now, whenever Brian meets anyone, he invariably responds with, "Hello, how are you?" Brians parents are concerned that their son's language seems stilted and parrot like.


Jim loves to roller skate. One day while roller skating home some kids laugh at him. Jim never roller skates again.

Positive punishment

Althea interrupts her parents and they scold her each time she interrupts. Althea continues to interrupt her parents.

Positive reinforcement

Julie doesn't usually study for tests. She has a big exam in ABA and decides to spend time studying. She gets an A on the test. She studies more in the future.

Positive reinforcement

Mr. Aroune was teaching a group of intermediate age students with developmental disability to purchase food in fast food restaurants. He set up a mock counter, cash register, menu, and table so that his classroom looked similar to popular fast food restaurants.

Program Common Stimuli

Ms. Larosa has her students participate in sustained silent reading daily. Each day she write 2 general comprehension questions on the board. After SSR time is over, she draws a student's name out of a hat. If the selected student is able to answer the questions on the board, that student gets a token.

Program Indiscriminable Contingencies

Mr. Clark is a learning support teacher who teaches 5th grade English. He uses the same books that the general education 5th grade teachers use.

Program common stimuli


Progressive loss of effectiveness of a reinforcer.

Reinforcement is delivered contingent on a certain number of responses.

Ratio schedules

What is a ABAB Reversal Design?

Repeated measure of a behavior that requires at least 3 consecutive phases...initial baseline, intervention phase, return to baseline, etc.

Joyce is taught to obtain assistance from her supervisor on the assembly lines by calling out, "Ms. Johnson, I need some help." Although she was never taught to do so, Joyce is observed to use a hand-waving response signal for her supervisor's help when the production line is very busy.

Response Generalization

When the staff of the group home implemented an instructional program to teach the women how to select clothing that matched in style aj color, Bonnie learned to choose outfits that were very tasteful. Now, three months later, Bonnie's clothing is as loud and inappropriate as it was before training. What is the problem?

Response maintenance

Conditioned Reinforcers

Something that is learned to be reinforcing

Carry was taught to solve addition and subtraction problems presented to her in a vertical format. Now, when she is confronted with an addition or subtraction problem that is formatted horizontally, Carry does not know what to do.

Stimulus Generalization

Loraine had been taught to pull weeds from flowerbeds and mulched areas. Although she had never been instructed to do so, Loraine has begun removing dandelions and other large weeds from the lawns as she crosses on her way to flowerbeds.

Stimulus Generalization

What is an antecedent?

Stimulus that precede an operant response.

What is fixed interval ratio?

Student is reinforced the first time they perform the target response following the elapse of a specific number of minutes or seconds.

Dependent Variable

Target behavior

Positive Punishment

The addition of a stimulus that decreases a behavior

Positive Reinforcement

The addition of a stimulus that increases/maintains a behavior

What is overgeneralization?

The behavior has come under control of a stimulus class that is too broad.

What does an alternating treatments design allow?

The comparison of the effects of more than one intervention on a single dependent variable...when you want to know which treatment is most effective.

3 term contingency involved in stimulus discrimination training?

The consequence (reinforcer or punisher) is contingent on the occurrence of the behavior only in the presence of the specific antecedent stimulus (Sd)

What is response duration schedule?

The continuos amount of time of a target behavior is the determinant for the delivery of reinforcement.

Stimulus control

The outcome of stimulus discrimination training. A particular behavior is more likely to occur in the presence of a particular discriminative stimulus because the behavior has been reinforced only when the Sd was present. The Sd has stimulus control over the behavior.

Negative Punishment

The removal of a stimulus that decreases a behavior

Negative Reinforcement

The removal of a stimulus that increase/maintains a behavior

What does it mean when a functional relationship is demonstrated?

They're able to show that the behavior modification procedure has changed the target behavior.

Why is changing criterion design used?

To evaluate the effects of a treatment that is applied in a gradual or stepwise fashion to a single target behavior...usually when the goal is long ways away...ABC, ABAC, ABACAB

Ms. Bard was teaching her students to raise their hand in class when they had something to contribute. She had the student practice when the room was cold and hot, under different lighting conditions, and when the room was noisy and quiet.

Train Loosely

Jennifer learns to discriminate between hot and cold by operating the sink controls in the science lab. She has maintained 100% accuracy in this skill over several weeks. When she has to wash her hands in the restroom at a Burger Barn next week, it is anticipated that she will independently use the water controls.

Train and Hope

Mr. Bailey is teaching students ti write thank you notes. He teaches them in different classrooms, under different lighting conditions, with different colored pens and pencils and with different types of stationary.

Train loosely

Jackie is going to teach her students to set a table. She uses a round table, a square table, and a rectangle table on which to teach them.

Train sufficient examples

Stephen was learning how to make purchases. His teacher brought him to different stores and required him to make purchases with: cash, credit, debit, and a check.

Train sufficient examples

Types of training for generalization (Stokes and Baer)

Train&hope, Sequentially Modify, Introduce to natural maintaining contingencies/aim for natural contingencies, Train sufficient examples/teaching enough examples, Train loosely, Program indiscriminable contingencies, Program common stimuli

Independent Variable


Premack Principle

Type of positive reinforcement that involves the opportunity to engage in a high-probability behavior as a consequence for a low-probability behavior, to increase the low probability behavior.

What is Train and Hope?

Unplanned generalization hoping that generalize it.

Benny is reinforced when he raises his hand after an average of 20 minutes has passed.

Variable interval

Jim praises Bo for cooperative play and leaves the area. He comes back 5 minutes later and provides praise the first time he catches Bo playing; this is repeated, but Jim comes back in 4 min, then in 6 min...

Variable interval

Tom's supervisor at work wants to increase the number of widgets he puts in a box. He watches Tom put the widgets in the box and after an average of 10 minutes reinforces Tom for putting a widget in a box.

Variable interval

A dime is placed in a jar for about every 5 dishes Josh washes

Variable ratio

Freida gets a treat about every 20 times she asks for one.

Variable ratio

Jay gets a cookie about every 10 times he asks for one.

Variable ratio

Becky is reinforced for asking to go to the bathroom appropriately on a VR5 schedule. What does this mean?

Variable ratio--5 times is the average amount of times she asks.

When either the number of responses or the length of the interval is random, but centers around a particular value.

Variable schedule

Extinction burst

When a behavior that has been put on extinction increases briefly in frequency, duration, or intensity before is decreases or stops.

Simple Discrimination

When an individual differentiates something from other things.

What is an intermittent reinforcement schedule?

When each occurrence of the response in not reinforced.

What is response generalization

When one behavior will result in changes in other, similar behaviors

When might you use a multiple baseline design?

Whenever you want to collect on different behavior, subjects, or settings.

Parts of graph

X&Y axis, labels for axis, numbers on axis, data points, phase lines, phase labels

What is sequentially modify?

procedure that allows stimulus generalizations or transfer of training across settings.

Frank is reinforced the 3rd, 5th, 2nd, 6th, 8th, and 5th time he sews a button on a shirt.

variable ratio

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