speech final

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The best way to define the problem for a small-group discussion is to phrase it as a question of


The use of repetition in speech usually results in parallelism


There is a great deal of research to show that if members of a small group work well together, they can almost always resolve the problem better than a single person can


As explained in your textbook, when delivering a commemorative speech, you should take special care to

B and C only: height in appreciation for the person being commemorated, use creative language to express feelings and sentiment

According to your textbook, an oral report of a small group's recommendations should contain

Both an introduction, a body, and a conclusion and the criteria used for evaluating solutions

Asking all the members of a problem-solving group to brainstorm lists of solutions and combining them into a master list that is discussed by the entire group is a good way to

Both produce more and higher quality lists than asking for oral suggestions and encourage equal participation so that no one dominates the process or holds back

As explained in your textbook, the leadership needs faced by all problem-solving small groups include

Both task needs and maintenance needs

according to your textbook, in a speech of acceptance a speaker should usually

Both think the people who are bestowing the award and express appreciation for the people who helped him or her gain the award

According to your textbook, when formulating a question for discussion, a problem-solving small group should phrase the question

Both to allow for a wide variety of answers and as a question of policy

According to your textbook, a speech that pays tribute to a person, a group, an institution, or an idea is called a

Commemorative speech

In a symposium, the participants

Deliver prepared speeches on different aspects of the topic

A commemorative speech honoring a person is essentially a biography of that person


A public speaker needs to use big words to impress the audience


A speech dominated by abstract words will almost always be clearer than one dominated by concrete words


As your textbook explains hidden agendas are necessary for effective group discussion


As your textbook explains, disagreements among members of a small group should be kept on a personal level so they won't interfere with the groups ability to complete its task


Speeches of presentation should average about 10 to 12 minutes in length


The main purpose of a speech of presentation is to provide a biography of the speaker being presented to the audience


The primary purpose of a special occasion speech is to convey information to an audience


The procedural needs of a small group revolve around interpersonal relations among the groups members


Using metaphor is an excellent way to a chance to rhythm of a speech


According to your textbook, which of the following is a task need of a problem-solving small group

Keeping the group from going off on a tangent

As your textbook explains, all problem-solving small groups phase 3 kinds of leadership needs: procedural needs, task needs ,and

Maintenance needs

As your textbook explains, by helping group members deal with interpersonal conflict a leader helps the group fulfill ______ needs

Maintenance needs

As explained in your textbook, one of the defining traits of a small group is that

Members of the group assemble for a specific purpose

According to your textbook, a commemorative speech

Pays tribute to a person, a group, institution, or an idea

According to your textbook, the most common decision making process used by problem-solving small groups is called the

Reflective-thinking method

Which of the following is a procedural need of a problem-solving small group

Reserving a room for the groups next meeting

In a sense, defining the problem for a problem-solving small group discussion is like choosing the _____ for a speech

Specific purpose

According to your textbook, a _____ is a public presentation in which several people present prepared speeches on different aspects of the same topic


A _______ consists of a moderator and several speakers, each of whom presents a prepared speech on a different aspect of the same topic. A _______ also consists of a moderator and several speakers, but rather than presenting formal prepared speeches, the speakers essentially carry on a conversation in front of the audience

Symposium, panel discussion

Brainstorming for potential solutions requires a small group wait until all potential solutions have been presented to begin evaluating them


Effective commemorative speeches depend above all on the speakers use of language


If the audience is not familiar with the award been given, a speech of presentation should briefly explain the meaning of the award


It is often possible to use words accurately without using them clearly


Most experts set the maximum number of members for a small group at seven or eight


One way to think of a word denotative meaning is as it's dictionary definition


The graduation address and toast at a wedding are both examples of speeches for special occasions


The more abstract word, the more ambiguous it will be


According to your textbook, the main purpose of a speech of presentation is to

a gift or an award to the recipient

Which of the following speeches that you might hear on a college campus would be an example of a commemorative speech

a governor's remarks at the graduation ceremony

According to your textbook, a dyad is

a group of two people

Which of the following is an example of a speech of presentation

a speech presenting a certificate of recognition to an outstanding worker

Which of the following is an example of a speech for a special occasion

a speech presenting an award to a retiring newspaper editor

According to your textbook, ___________ words refer to ideas or concepts rather than to tangible objects


When used effectively, repetition in a speech

all of the above: unifies a sequence of ideas, helps to build a strong cadence, reinforces an idea

Which of the following are mentioned in your textbook as guidelines for the use of inclusive language in public speaking

all of the answers are correct: avoid the generic he, avoid the use of me and referring to both men and women, use names that groups used to identify themselves

As explained in your textbook, which of the following is a characteristic of a small group

all of these answers are correct: all participants are potentially speakers and listeners, the group must be small enough to allow discussion by all its members, the group assembles for a particular purpose

" The flickering light of the fire revealed the fearful faces of the campers" is an example of


____ is the repetition of the initial consonant sound of close or adjoining words


According to your textbook, a speech in which an individual gives thanks for a gift or award is termed

an acceptance speech

When Gabriel Received the top engineering student award of the departments annual awards ceremony, he gave a speech thanking the department for according him this honor. According to your textbook, what kind of special occasion speech did Gabriel give

an acceptance speech

" ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country" is an example of


According to your textbook, the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, usually with a parallel structure is called


Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific


Using _______________ words is the key to creating effective verbal imagery.


The ideal in a small group discussion is to reach a _____ decision


According to your textbook, a small group that meets for only one session should almost always have a ______ leader


The person who assumes a leadership role in a small group because of his or her ability, personality, or talkativeness is termed a

emergent leader

As your textbook explains, connotative meaning gives words their ______ power


According to your textbook, language is important because it

gives meaning to events

According to your textbook, the major traits of a good acceptance speech are brevity, humility and


To use language vividly, your textbook recommends that speakers employ

imagery and rhythm

As explained in your textbook, a group member to whom other members defer because of her or his rank or expertise is called a

implied leader

According to your textbook, the fundamental purpose of a commemorative speech is to


The denotative meaning of a word is

its literal or dictionary meaning

A ______ is essentially a conversation in front of an audience

panel discussion

According to your textbook, "let every nation know that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty" is an example of


"When you see your street, see my street; when you see your house, see my house; when you see your children, see my children" is an example of


When giving a speech of presentation, you should usually

tell why the recipient is receiving her or his award.

Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a basic criterion for the effective use of language

use language appropriately

Each of the following is discussed in your textbook as a basic criterion for the effective use of language in public speaking except

use language technically

The connotative meaning of a word is

what the word suggests or implies

Which of the following words is the most general and abstract


Before presenting the colleges athlete of the year award, the athletic director made a point of praising the two athletes who were runners up in this year's competition. According to your textbook, was this choice appropriate for a speech of presentation

yes, it is often appropriate to praise the losers of a competition

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