Speech Final

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Which of the following is not a characteristic of good bodily action?

It has no nonverbal connection to public speaking

In the Response Process, responses are the overt behaviors stemming from external signals, which are often referred to as feedback.


When did congress declare it illegal to urge the violent overthrow of the Federal Government.


_____ is an essential factor in lively, communicative speaking for both speaker and listener.


When the audience is hostile to your ideas, which of the following should you do?

All of the above (absolute candor, indirectness, courtesy)

Optimum pitch is the pitch at which the speaker's voice functions best; aim for 200Hz.


A speech writer usually goes back only three years for contemporary supporting material.


To identify unoriginal ideas to the audience, a script could be used to any of the following except:

"My thought is..."

The average person speaks _____ words per minute.


This is written as an infinitive phrase and begins with "To."

General Purpose

Which generation views every job as a contract?

Generation X

Which of the following approaches to Rhetorical Criticism falls under the Sociological Perspective?

Genetic Approach

A fun model for giving feedback on a presentation uses the "top bun" to praise the students, gives the student some meat or vegan for improvement, and finishes by praising the student with the "bottom bun." This model for feedback is known as the ______.

Hamburger Model

Which college set the first stage for rhetorical training in the early American colleges?


This approach o=to studying communication assumes the world is subjective, arbitrary, and uncertain.


Who coined the expression "bad hair day?"

Jane Pauley

A(n)_____ learner needs movement by being involved or watchingmovement and they appreciate bright colors.


Which is a function of the left brain?


_____ is sound production that takes place when the vocal folds in the larynx are vibrated by the breath stream.


Which student of Socrates often criticized the Sophists, sometimes comparing their teaching to something like "cookbook recipe" methodology?


This is the technique of building questions into your speech?

Priming the Pump

"He was as proud as a peacock" is an example of which type of Dramatic Support?


What are the characteristics of an older audience?

They are more critical, less open, and prefer a less energetic delivery

Feedback should be _____and _____, identifying one or two areas for improvement with suggestions.


For the conclusion you should aim for _____ percent of the speech


When writing your introduction you should aim for _____ percent of the speech.


Introductions and conclusions comprise about _____ percent of the total speech. They provide a first and final impressionof both the speaker and the speech.


Speakers can use how many different methods for delivering a speech?


When creating PowerPoint presentations, make sure slides have no more than _____ words per line; and no more than _____ lines per slide.


What is the optimal size for the number of members in a small group?

7-8 members

Which of the following is not a form of a tribute speech?

A speech of toasting

This type of listener is opinionated and guarded.


There are five steps in the process of persuasion as defined by Osborn and Osborn, which is not one of the five stages?


Which of the following should a speaker consider when selecting a topic for a sheech?

All of the above (audience, personal knowlege/interests,brainstorming, careful of toxic topics)

Which is not a variation of language?

All of the above ARE variations (accents, standard english, nonstandard)

"Hot is to cold as fire is to ice" would be an example of which type of Dramatic Support?


Which of the following cannot be employed to help use up the extra thought speed vs.speech speed to prevent someone from daydreaming?

Ask the question, "Why am I listening to this speech"

Which of the following is not a positive audience feedback method?

Asking questions to challenge the speaker

These are convictions about what is right or wrong, true or false?


This individual knew that language would unify the people when they could understand each other and advocate for English to be that language.

Benjamin Franklin

Having a place to live and food to eat would fall under what area of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

Biological and Physical Needs

This means the right choice of words?


Which of the following motions does not require a second?

Call for the orders of the day

These are speeches describing a cause-to-effect relationship between ideas.

Casual Pattern

This area can contain a lectern or no lectern and is usually the starting point for a presentation.

Center stage

This is the thesis of the speech?

Central idea

What is the third step in the introduction called?

Central idea

This order illistrates how a topic has developed over time.


Which of the following is not one of the uses and advantages of presentation aids?

Complicate the message

Which type of listener is motivated by the desire to understand and requires a suspension of jusgement.


Which is NOT one of the four types of speech apprehension?


Persuasive language used distinctive words. All of the following are appropriate except..

Don't be stuck in the mud

A(n)_____ audience requires speakers to present at least two sides of an issue and support it with evidence.


Of the five cultures that made up most of Ancient Africa, which was the one that we know of that had written language?


The oversimplification of an issue into a choice of two solutions. "Either children stop playing violent video games or we will have an epidemic of violence in the community," is an example of what type of fallacy?


The ______ is merely an abridgment written like a syllogism based on probability used with audiences so as not to offend their knowledge of known information.


Which is a proof that depends on the believability of the speaker?


_____ is used to refer to a speaker's credibility or believability in character.


These types of learners learn best by active listening and participating by touching and exploring during the presentation.

Experiential Learners

"Since my time is almost up... I don't have time to..." is a conclusion audiences love.


A maxim is a well-known short saying that reflects a culture's values.


A memorized outline has a weaker effect than a memorized mauscript speech.


A speech to problem-solve is defined as a speech where the audience must be presented with a problem and then presented with a clear solution.


An acceptance speech is an impromptu, often presented when given an award or a gift. Usually, it is done with prior notice to the receiver of theaward.


Audiences find new information easy to grasp.


Bias towards the speaker includes his/her appearance, culture, accent or dialect, point of view, experience, and attitude. This barrier can be overcome by being ego-centric.


Denotative meaning refers to the emotional response or personal thoughts connected to the meaning of a word.


Forgetting is a natural phenomenon, and it happens to only inexperienced speakers.


If we know and like the speaker, we are much more ready to accept his or her suggestions. If the speaker is not known, he or she must constantly be alert to the elimination of an unfavorable reputation.


If you forget something in the speech, always let the audience know you forgot by letting them in on the secret.


Language in a speech to inform should be clear, accurate, truthful, and unbiased. The speaker does not express their point of view covertly and is careful to write the speech so his or her own opinion is clearly visible.


Logos is involved with the right side of the brain.


MLA format uses "Refrences"


Molloy's Dress for Success books were very popular in the 1950s and 1960s but have no value in planning for professional dressing today.


Pitch reflects emotions, with low pitch reflecting fear or appeasement. High pitch can denote aggression.


Saying "you guys" is appropriate to say to a mixed gender audience.


Speakers are not being true to themselves by being flexible.


Speakers must make sure they follow copyright guidelines when delivering PowerPoint slides, when using pictures and videos, but not when using anything from web sites.


The Specific Purpose is the percise purpose of the communicated message.


The Way We Think is bases on the way human beings think and was written in 1901 by John Huey. He referred to it as reflective thinking.


The bigger the lie, the harder it is to believe.


The book lists two types of testimony :Personal Experience and Expert Opinion.


The goal of research is to gather supporting material so the information creates interest on the part of the audience. Supporting material does nothing to help a speaker capture and maintain an audience's attention.


The leaders in rhetoric in the ancient societies with writing were the Sumerians in Mesopotamia, around 300 B.C.


The less specific the Specific Purpose states exactly the desired response. The more organized and intelligent the preparation procedure.


There is no Actualization Step in the informative speech.


Vowels lend understandability to the speaking voice, whereas the constants give beauty and richness of quality.


When reading from a written manuscript, accountability is at its lowest.


When speaking to an audience who use peripheral route, some strategies are: rely on strong logical arguments, high levels of audience interest and motivation, valid substantive evidence and strong organization of content.


Which step of the introduction is given as a guide or road map to the audience to keep track of the major points of the speech?


The purpose of this speech is to gain favorable acceptance of the speaker from the audience?

Goodwill speech

When designing the media around the audience, which of the following is not something a speaker takes into consideration?

How much are they paying me to create media aids?

Scholars divide special occasion speeches into three basic categories. Which of the following is not one of the three basic categories?


This type of suggestion is difficult to detect.

Indirect Suggestion

Which of of the following is NOT included in the Actualization Step of the information speech?

Introduce a New Main Idea

Which of the following is not a suggestion for effective microphone usage?

Let jewelry hang naturally and click on metal if necessary

_____ is the process of hearing sensation, interpreting the sound, and giving it meaning.


Aristotle's term _____ reveals a person to becompetent if they read, observe, use critical thinking, and analyze.


Who wrote institution Oratoria, emphasizing "the good man speaking well" urging those who would become great Orators to not only study the arts but also to develop a moral and good character?

Marcus Fabius Quintillanus

This speaker set out to challenge the religious establishment when he posted his ninety-five theses on the door of the castle church in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517?

Martin Luther

"Her voice is music to his ears," is an example of which figure of speech?


" There would have been enough food if the kids hadn't been such pigs" is an example of which type of Dramatic Support?


Which of the following charts and graphs shows peaks and comparisons?

Mountain Graph

This type of graph shows extreme variations?

Mountain graph

Which of the following is not a key point to keep in focus while developing the strategic research plan?

Once developed, no updates are necessary

Which of the following is an abstract word?


This type of appeal has three dimensions concerning the speaker: character, ability, and empathy for the audience?

Personal Proof

What the map or blueprint of the plan for the speech, conceived from the general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea?

Preparation Outline

These are used to give details in chronological order?

Principles of Narration

_____ is the type of question used to elaborate on a response.


A community-sponsored program to end texting and driving would be a sample of which organizational speech pattern?

Problem Solution Pattern

_____ is the culprit separating the student from practice sessions


Which of the following is not a proposition in persuasive speaking?

Proposition of Coercion

Who were three of the Sophists who have contributed the most to Western rhetorical thought?

Protagoras, Gorgias, Isocrates

This is used to show things close in time or space.


Who defined persuasion as "a nonviolent means of ethically influencing and motivating others through messages."

Raymond S. Ross

What does the listener do in the fourth stage of the listening process?

Remember the message

Which of the following is not one of the three sets of needs leaders follow?


Rhetoric became a discipline of study in the 20th Century China due at least in part to the visit of which American president.

Richard Nixon

Which of these is not one of the specific areas a speaker analyzes the audience for?


These make the audience pay close attention, such as in, "This cannot be overemphasized."


What is the second silent speech an audience sees?


The Atkins Diet versus the South Beach Diet would be an example of which type of speech?

Speeches of Compare/Contrast

This is the stage of the Five Canons where the speaker develops their forms of support?

Stage III-Style

This is the stage of the Five Canons where blocking and cue notes are added?

Stage IV- Memory (Rehearsal Revision)

"More beautiful than a rose is love," is an example of which figure of speech?


These help organize, summarize, and present detailed information?


"Don't you think?" is an example of...

Tag questions

Citing sources properly is the _____ requirement of ethical speaking.


The human face can reflect how many number of expressions?


_____ help the speaker move gracefully between ideas.


"Aah" and "umh" are verbal symptoms of stage fright.


A rule for answering questions is to repeat or rephrase the question.


After developing a research plan, the next step would be to draft a rough outline for an extemporaneous speech.


An ethical consideration to take into account when creating and using electronic presentation aids is to make sure you do not digitally alter any materials.


An example of a thing a speaker could include in the closure of a speech would be to pose a rhetorical question.


As the reformation of the Christian Church began, its preaching had an influence on the European countries, causing a migration to the American colonies. Pilgrims from several backgrounds, seeking religious freedom, missionary activities, and economic gain were the first to tough on what is now American soil.


Brainstorming and mind mapping are considered topoi.


Connectives are words or phrases used to link ideas in a speech. They are used to connect ideas and to cohere or relate to each other.


During the Second Sophistic, free and open discussion and debate were often punished with prison or death until the Roman Empire fell in 410A.D. The sophistic climate put emphasis on style over content and fluorished until seriously challenged by Christians around 400A.D. with its most formidable opponent being St.Augustine.


For an extempore speech with notes, the speech is carefully researched and prepared, but the written preparation goes only as far as the outline.


For good vocal help, do not whisper.


If a speech is well-rehearsed, communication apprehension will not get blamed.


If an outline has more than three ranks, it is very detailed and usually prepared for a lenghty speech.


If time becomes an issue, the lower ranks can be eliminated, without destroying the major ideas of a presenataion.


If you are a professional voice user, use monitors and amplification when possible.


If you have a sudden loss of voice, rest your voice for 1-3 days; if no improvement, seek evaluation.


Improvement of articulation requires persistent practice until new muscle habits are formed and become stronger than the old habits.


Induction uses specific to general reasoning; weakness-missing information.


Modern experimental studies have supported Aristotle's observations that the speaker's credibility (ethos) is formulated from an audience's perception that the speaker is competent, trustworthy, and dynamic.


Monochromatic colors gives a slimmer, leaner look.


Movement is done on diagonals and curves from center center.


Noise is the interference from factors that do not allow the message to be delivered or may distort the message.


On the back of the research card, put all the pertinent information about where the evidence or forms of support can be found. Depending on the information, consult the MLA Style Book or the APA Style Book.


One of the Oaths of a Public Speaker is: That I will endeavor to be well-informed about my subject before I form an opinion and make me speech.


People who feel like they have been heard are more willing to hear others.


Protagoras' critics followed the line of reasoning of many defense attorneys today, believing that his debate students were taught to make a weak case appear stronger.


Rhetorical Criticism and Speech Criticism were at one time considered synonymous.


SRX is when a speaker tells the audience what he or she is going to tell them, gives them the message, and repeats it in some form, and the audience remembers better.


Signposts are simple words or statements like traffic signs on the street helping an audience keep track of where the speaker is in the number of main points.


Spatial Pattern speeches describe direction or location, such as east to west, right to left, and top to bottom.


Speaking impromptu, off the cuff with little or no time for preparation is not a difficult task.


Standard pronunciation depends on two things: 1.) The speech sounds chosen to say a word 2.) The syllable or syllables chosen to accent in a word


Taking ideas from brainstorming and setting them up to form sub ideas is called brain mapping.


The English Language uses eight parts of speech: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections.


The audience is given a small dose of persuasion to prepare them for greater exposure to stronger arguments is known as the inoculation principle.


The central idea can also be called a preposition.


The clever speaker can mold the audience with trigger words.


The five canons are the five major steps in the preparation and delivery of a speech as created by the classic writers on rhetoric, Aristotle to Quintillian.


The general purpose of the presentation states the purpose of the speech


The leaders should make sure differences of opinion are aired so the group does not use "groupthink" or follow the power leader's thoughts.


The momentary mood is the fleeting emotional response.


The satisfaction step should begin with criteria or conditions to be met.


The second type of plagiarism is when the speech writer presents the sequence of ideas, the arrangement of material,and the pattern of thought or structure of someone else as the writer's own.


The speaker uses internal citations to document the sources of quotes,forms of support, or evidence.


The speech though rate differential (120-150/500-600) may cause daydreaming


The speech to inform is a clear, objective, accurate, impartial, and interesting handling of a topic, concept, object, event, problem, person, or process.


The speech to persuade can inspire, convince, or call the audience to action.


The three major types of discussion are not mutually exclusive.


The use of index cards (4"x6" are referred) is one of the most popular forms of organizing evidence or forms of support because they are easily manipulated and can be sorted out to help support the issues, contentions,or arguments in a logical manner.


The visualization step could project the audience into the future.


Verbalized pauses such as "ah," "um" and "all right," fill up the airwaves, but do little to help the audience connect ideas.


When memorizing the extemporaneous speech use the whole method of memorization first.


When persuading an unresponsive audience, it is important to acknowledge the opposing points of view.


When speaking before a camera, stylize repetition, alliteration, and parallelism.


When using children as presentation aids, be aware they can steal the show.


Which of the following is NOT one of the simple rules for symbolization?

Use of superlative or conversational phrases

Allen H. Monroe suggested a three-step model for instruction, which of the following is NOT one of those steps?


Which of the following steps is added to Monroe's Motivated Sequence for a Speech to Persuade?

Visualization Step

Stephen Toulmin, a British philosopher and rhetorican, developed a model to explain every day arguments. The model wass composed of three major elements....

claim, support, warrant

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