SpMgt. 367 Exam 2 Review

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An example of a factor that would likely increase spectator interest in a commercial sport event is:

A game in which the winning team receives a large cash prize.

the sociological explanation for the achievements of black male athletes

A sense of [biological] and [cultural] destiny, combined with [motivation] and [opportunities] to develop certain sport skills, leads some black men, especially those with certain [physical] characteristics, to be outstanding [athletes] in certain sports.

Which of the following situations involves a barrier that might limit someone based on their individual abilities?

A university building that is not wheelchair-accessible.

Globalization of commercial sports has occurred because

1.) those who control, sponsor and promote sports seek new ways to expand markets and maximize profits 2.) transnational corporations use sports as vehicles for introducing their products and services around the world. * this makes sports a form of global culture trade that is exported and imported in a manner similar to other products.

Barriers to equity include:

Budget cuts and privatization of sport programs Resistance to gov. regulations Few models of women in positions of power A cultural emphasis on "cosmetic fitness" for women Trivialization of women's sports Male-dominated/identified/centered sport organizations

The points of emphasis for sports w/ heroic orientations include:

Danger and excitement of movement Style/mastery of dramatic expression Commitment to victory and success of the team/sponsor willingness to go beyond limits

A state legislature debating how to measure "disability" in order to determine who qualifies for social assistance programs.

Classifying a person as disabled is based on political agreements and compromises about the types and degrees of impairments required to be defined as officially incapable.

How are most U.S. national governing bodies (NGBs) funded?

Corporate sponsorship

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies only to public facilities (government buildings, public schools, public restrooms, etc.). True/False

False; Any place of "public accommodation" must comply with ADA. This includes (but is not limited to) most hotels, restaurants, and recreational facilities.

A professional sport team owner asking a city government to finance stadium construction with public funds is very rare in American sport. True/False

False; For a variety of reasons (not always good ones), cities often view this transfer of public capital into private hands as a good investment.

The well-known story of Jackie Robinson demonstrates the ease with which racism in baseball was eliminated. True/False

False; In addition to the various obstacles Robinson encountered prior to even reaching the major leagues, the barriers he faced as a professional athlete did not vanish the moment he set foot on the field.

Corporate branding is relatively rare in commercial sport. True/False

False; The commercial sport industry relies heavily on branding as a mechanism for securing sponsorships.

Achieving real social inclusion is simply a matter of removing boundaries and barriers to access for traditionally excluded groups. True/False

False; Though it is tempting to believe that passing laws or mandating equal access through other measures is sufficient, genuine social inclusion involves changing attitudes and behaviors as well.

Terms like "Native American" and "Latino" are used to refer to uniform, mostly undifferentiated populations. True/False

False; Though these are recognized demographic categories, people who identify as members of these categories come from diverse national and cultural backgrounds.

Whether a sport is commercialized depends almost entirely on how entertaining it is to watch. True/False

False; While entertainment value is an important variable, sports most likely to be commercialized are those that are most popular among wealthy groups in a society.

Why are heroic orientations in sport generally more appealing to mass audiences?

Fans are not required to be particularly knowledgeable about the sport in order to be entertained by it.

Which of the following is an example of "indirect racism" as defined by Valeri (2010)?

Fans chanting in support of anti-immigration policies in their country

Americans with ethnic ties to this Asian country have used youth sport as a way to help new immigrants assimilate as well as to preserve cultural beliefs and traditions.


Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding homosexuality in sport?

Male heterosexuality is a well-established norm in sport, but this norm is shifting because of changes in organizational policies and social attitudes.

Commercial sports are most prevalent in ________ economies where material rewards are highly valued by athletes, team owners, event sponsors, and spectators.


For an impaired athlete, which of these is a potential barrier to sport participation?

Only one bus route services to the only facility that provides disability sport opportunities. Attending a school that does not have an easily accessible gymnasium.

A policy strategy associated with the medical model of disability is:

Requiring people with impairments to receive drug and/or psychiatric therapy.

__________ in professional sport meant that black players had to significantly outperform their white counterparts in order to have their contracts renewed or extended.

Retention Barriers; from the 1960s through the early 1990s

Which issue would likely to be covered in a collective bargaining agreement between a players' union and a professional sport league?

Rules regarding free agency Team salary caps and salary limits for first-year players Revenue sharing *CBAs deal mostly with the relationship between management and labor, especially the rights and obligations of each group.

Unlike black male bodies, which racial ideologies portray as "naturally" athletic, racialized black female bodies are often viewed as:

pathological (abnormal or unhealthy)

Medical model of disability's ultimate goal:

fix impairments; people with disabilities are passive recipients of treatment

The American Dream

is a hopeful vision of boundless opportunities for individuals to succeed economically and live a happy life based on consumption


is based on one's cultural heritage that people use to identify a particular population

Like some PEDs, many technologies originally designed to be assistive to athletes with impairments also have ________ effects.


Commercial sports are a luxury, and they prosper only when the ________ is high enough that people have time and resources to play and watch events that have no tangible products required for survival.

Standard of living

The media representations identified by Silva and Howe (2012) that portrayed athletes at the 2012 Paralympic Games in London as having overcome astonishing odds to compete in the event are collectively known as:

The "supercrip" narrative

Class ideology; (two beliefs)

The American Dream Belief that the U.S. is a Meritocracy

Why don't the Paralympic Games use Olympic symbols like the five interlocking rings, even though today the Paralympic Games are held immediately following the Olympics in the same city?

The IOC refuses to allow such use out of a desire to protect the organization's brand.

When a sport is converted into commercial entertainment, its success depends solely on spectator appeal. True/False



a work stoppage in which employees refuse to work until a labor dispute is resolved, and in the case of sports, players agree to sign a new CBA

The growing trend of young Samoan men from low-income families identifying American football as an opportunity to improve their socioeconomic status is similar to that of young ____ players from ____:

baseball; Dominican Republic

life chances

similar odds for achieving economic success and power in society


so that men and men's lives are the expected focus of attention; therefore, there are few women and women's sports represented in sport stories, legends, records, events, halls of fame, and media programming


so that the ability and performance qualifications are associated with manhood and men; therefore, being "qualified" in sports means possessing masculine characteristics


so that what men value is assumed to be valued by all "mankind," making sports a "man's world" that revolves around men and manhood; therefore, "women's sports" must be identified explicitly Example: "the Women's World Cup" or the "Women's Final Four"

Medical model of disability

special training programs, benefits agencies, group homes, segregated activities, community mental health teams

Which of these changes might the NBA enact in order to increase the commercial appeal of professional basketball?

Add more TV timeouts to increase advertising opportunities. Reduce the shot clock to 20 seconds to speed up the game. Move the three-point line in to increase scoring.

Even though this organization still requires athletes who compete in its competitions to be amateurs, its 1994 agreement with Walt Disney World Resort has resulted in significant increases in revenue, new headquarters, and unprecedented exposure via a major media platform (ESPN).

Amateur Athletic Union (AAU)

Feeling sorry for a woman who is "burdened" by her husband who is visually impaired.

An official disability classification system leads many people to assume that an unimpaired body is natural and normal, and that people classified as disabled are subnormal, below average, and less than whole as a human being.

Social model of disability

Lack of inclusion, social isolation, over protective family, general ignorance, stereotyping, poverty.

Social model of disability's ultimate goal:

Make changes in the world; people with disabilties are agents of changes The social model identified barriers as the problem and removing them as the goal

For an impaired athlete, which of these is NOT a potential barrier to sport participation?

Parents who are highly supportive and actively help the athlete seek out participation opportunities.

"Stacking" refers to:

Patterns of positional placements in sports like baseball and football that were (and are) influenced by racial beliefs.

Between 1971 and 2014, the number of girls playing varsity high school sports increased by more than 1,000 percent.

True; This dramatic increase is attributed in large part to the passage of Title IX.

According to Henry and Robison (2010), which of the following is a reason why women are underrepresented in coaching and sport administration positions?

Women are excluded from coaching or managing men's sports due to the mistaken belief that women can't meet expectations in men's sports. Women anticipate challenges in the workplace (such as sexual harassment or being viewed as a recipient of "special treatment") that discourage them from pursuing careers in sport.


a centralized group that coordinates the actions of a selected collection of people or businesses


a person with an impairment causing significant functional limitations


a physical, sensory, or intellectual condition that potentially limits a person's full participation in social and/ or physical environments

The reserve system-

a set of practices that enabled team owners to reserve the labor of athletes for themselves and control the movement of athletes from team to team


a single buyer of a product or service


athletes whose eligibility requires that they make no money for their athletic performances or in connection with their status as an athlete

Commercial sports require large amounts of ________ (money or credit) to build and maintain stadiums and arenas in which events can be played and watched.


Social Class

categories of people who share an economic position in society based on their income, wealth, education, occupation, and social connections

Social Mobility

changes in wealth, education, and occupation over a person's lifetime or from one generation to the next in families

Commerical sports flourish in cultures where lifestyles emphasize ________ and material status symbols.



refers to members of groups that are socially disadvantaged due to systematic discrimination and has a strong sense of social togetherness based on shared experiences of past and current discrimination

A lockout is a

work stoppage imposed by employers, which suspends all games and practices until the dispute is resolved and the CBA is revised to the owner's satisfaction

Tests that has been performed on Olympic female athletes in order to verify their sex:

* Breast and genital examinations * Chromosome tests * Hormone analyses

Men are more likely than women to be __________ in women's sport programs, which leads girls and women to question who is really valued in sports.

Coaches and Managers

black players were excluded from playing professional sport unless they had exceptional skills and exemplary personal characteristics; Black players faced __________

Entry Barriers; In the 1940s and 1950s

The idea of categorizing people by race first developed around which historical event?

European colonial expansion in the 17th century; As European explorers and colonists encountered populations with physical characteristics and social values different from their own, these settlers developed racial categories to easily classify and understand these populations.

It is considered acceptable to refer to someone with a disability as "handicapped".

False; Labeling someone as "handicapped" strongly implies inferiority by assuming that he/she is burdened by a lack of ability.

Eighty-five (85) percent of Major League Baseball players are Latino. True/False

False; Latino players comprise 85% of all non-U.S. players, but they make up only 25% of all players in MLB.

An increase in sport participation opportunities for women has led to a corresponding increase in women holding positions of power in sport.

False; Somewhat counterintuitively, as women's sport has grown over the past four decades, positions of power in women's sport (coaches, administrators, etc.) have increasingly been occupied by men.

Almost every high school and collegiate sport program that violates Title IX is investigated and punished.

False; The Office for Civil Rights lacks the budget and resources to investigate most Title IX complaints, so violations are often not addressed.

The two-sex classification system (in which people are classified as either "male" or "female") is highly accurate and supported by scientific evidence. True/False

False; The overwhelming scientific consensus is that the physical traits used to create distinct sex categories are continuous (i.e., there is a wide range of possibilities) rather than binary (i.e., there are only two possible outcomes).

It is widely acknowledged that bringing athletes of different ethnicities together on the same teams and in the same organizations will automatically lead to a change in dominant racial ideologies. True/False

False; This is a common misconception when it comes to race and sport. As with any sport-related social outcome, sport (by itself) is not a sufficient condition for achieving it--program design matters greatly.

Sport, especially men's sport, has historically been a site for challenging and expanding gender boundaries. True/False

False; Typically, sport participation has been a way for boys and men to signal their adherence to traditional masculine norms.

Of the top 100 money winners, 25% are from the United States.

Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA)

When males and females play together, males usually assume __________ even when they may not be the best leaders.

Leadership Roles

Which trend negatively impacts the sport participation of Latina athletes?

Like many ethnic minority groups, Latinas are more likely to live in poverty, which limits the amount of time and money they can spend on sport. Many parents of first-generation Latinas still subscribe to traditional gender ideologies that view sport for women as inappropriate. A lack of support systems for Latina athletes (particularly in intercollegiate sport) discourages Latina athletes from remaining involved in sport outside of their home communities.

Which is the only NCAA women's sport in which the percentage of female head coaches has not decreased since 1977?

Soccer; One reason why soccer is the exception to this general trend is that the percentage of women coaches in the sport has always been relatively low (~30%).

Commercial sports usually exist in societies that have large, densely populated cities with high concentrations of potential ________.


Assuming that when your friend talks about her kid playing basketball that she has a son.

Sport is male-centered

FIFA's naming its championships the World Cup and the Women's World Cup.

Sport is male-centered

Complimenting Brittney Griner (center for the Phoenix Mercury), one of the best players in the WNBA, by saying that she plays better than some NBA players.

Sport is male-dominated

Suggesting to a female employee in a sport organization that if she wants to get promoted she should be more aggressive and dominant.

Sport is male-dominated

Excessively demonstrating how odd it is to have a woman as an NBA coach or as an NFL referee.

Sport is male-identified

Spreading rumors that the new associate athletic director got promoted because she "slept her way to the top".

Sport is male-identified

Several recent studies (Ahmed, 2013; Braye, Dixon, & Gibbons, 2012; Purdue & Howe, 2012; Wilson & Khoob, 2013; Wolbring, 2012) suggest that the growth of disability sport has had which effect?

Sport participants were personally empowered.

Which important effect is somewhat unique to sport organized specifically for older people?

Sport participation helps athletes negotiate the process of getting older.

Compared with boys, girls are less likely to see themselves as having __________, so they are less likely to take advantage of sport participation opportunities.

Sport skills

Which of the following beliefs/trends is associated with a general lack of political concern for the interests of older people?

The belief that as people age they contribute less to society and ultimately become a burden. The tendency to believe that if older people become injured or sick, it is because they failed to take better care of themselves. Policymakers are reluctant to invest public funds in social services for older people because rising life expectancies may make these programs unsustainable.

Assuming that someone parked in a disabled parking space at a grocery store needs help navigating the aisles and purchasing their food.

The category "disabled" has meaning only when distinguished from the category "able-bodied," and this obscures recognition of the abilities of people with impairments and creates a label that is a barrier to participation in mainstream society.

Mariah Burton Nelson's 1994 book, The Stronger Women Get, the More Men Love Football, advanced the argument that:

The general improvement of women's social standing coupled with diminishing opportunities to assert traditional manhood has led to football being viewed as a "refuge" for creating and affirming masculinity.

In addition to new participation opportunities created through Title IX, what is another social phenomenon that has stimulated progress toward gender equity in sport?

The global women's rights movement The health and fitness movement Increased media coverage of women in sports

Statements regarding sport and social mobility:

The number and duration of professional sport career opportunities are extremely limited. Sport career opportunities for women and minorities (on and off the field) are growing but are still limited relative to those of white men. Sport is probably the best way for people from low-income backgrounds to experience upward social mobility.

Which of the following is a reason why the inclusion of impaired athletes is an important sport management issue today?

The ways in which sport is organized increasingly exclude less-skilled athletes and disproportionately devote resources to elite programs. Sport participation is an important way to signify membership in many cultures and communities. Many people believe that sport participation can help develop desirable character traits and improve health.

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of ____ , be excluded from ____ in, be denied the ____ of, or be subjected to ____ under any ____ program or activity receiving ____ financial assistance."

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972. [sex], [participation], [benefits], [discrimination], [educational], [federal]

Despite pervasive beliefs about "black athletic superiority" and in the innate physicality of non-white populations, all ethnic minorities have been underrepresented in sport, particularly prior to the 1950s. True/False


As of 2013, slightly more than one third of the world's population lives on less than $2 per day. True/False

True; Acknowledging the realities and prevalence of global poverty is crucial to understanding the role of sport in both contributing to and addressing the problem.

The four major participation categories at the Summer Paralympic Games are: amputees, people with cerebral palsy, people with spinal cord injuries, and people with visual impairments. True/False

True; Additionally, a few events feature an additional category for people with intellectual impairments.

Sport managers of school-based programs often see disability sport as disruptive to "normal" sport and thus do not normally devote resources to opportunities for athletes with disabilities.

True; As with many effects which are influenced by norms, this tendency to exclude athletes with disabilities is often not consciously malicious--it simply helps us understand how goals, objectives, and constraints are acted upon by managers within particular contexts.

Only about 55% of NCAA Division I and Division II athletes receive athletic-related financial support. True/False

True; Coupled with the fact that only a very small percentage (less than 10% in most sports) of high school athletes eventually compete at the NCAA level at all, the probability of a student using an athletic scholarship to pay for his/her college education is extremely low.

The Paralympic Games were first conceived as a way to help rehabilitate British soldiers who had suffered debilitating injuries in World War II. True/False

True; Dr. Ludwig Guttmann, a surgeon at a British veterans hospital, saw sport as a way to improve his patients' quality of life.

While Title IX and other factors have led to more equal sport participation opportunities for women, men's programs still tend to receive more funding and resources than women's programs.

True; For instance, many men's collegiate sport programs have more and better-paid coaches, newer facilities, and access to more support services.

Gender refers to what is considered masculine or feminine in a group or society. True/False

True; Gender is related to (but is not the same as) sex categories, which are used to classify people into groups based on physiological and psychological differences.

Those who cannot meet socially-constructed standards of "normal" physical or intellectual ability are often believed to have an impairment. If this perceived impairment is severe enough, that person may be labeled as disabled. True/False

True; It's important to keep in mind that the standards used to judge impairment and disability are socially constructed and thus largely arbitrary--whether someone is "disabled" is contingent upon where the line between "normal" and "impaired" falls.

Ableist ideology consists of interrelated ideas and beliefs that are widely used to identify people as physically or intellectually disabled, to justify treating them as inferior, and to organize social worlds and physical spaces without taking them into account.

True; Like beliefs about class, gender, and race, ableist ideology helps to rationalize persistent inequalities between groups of people.

Traditional beliefs about aging suggest that as people get older, they should reduce their physical activity levels to conserve energy and avoid injury. True/False

True; More recent research has contradicted this belief by showing how physical activity (when managed properly) can be highly beneficial for older populations.

Sports played primarily in private clubs (like golf, tennis, and swimming) are less likely to be racially inclusive. True/False

True; The high social and economic barriers to participating in these sports make populations negatively affected by poverty and institutionalized inequality (including ethnic minorities) are less likely to have access to these activities.

Racial ideologies are interrelated ideas and beliefs that are widely used to classify human beings in categories assumed to be biological and related to attributes such as intelligence, temperament, and physical abilities. True/False

True; The important words in this definition are "assumed to be". Scientific research (genetic research in particular) has consistently shown that the external traits used to classify people into racial categories are not linked to mental or physical abilities.

The percentage of female Olympic athletes competing at the Summer Olympic games increased at every event from 1948 to 2008.

True; Though this trend demonstrates clear progress toward gender equity, the percentage of female athletes actually decreased from 2008 to 2012, and female athletes still only comprise about 40% of all competitors.

Mary Jo Kane's (2011) research has emphasized which important point regarding the commercialization of women's sport?

Using sexualized images of female athletes to promote women's sport has little to no impact on creating or sustaining interest in the sport.

When ableist and traditional gender ideologies are deployed simultaneously, which of these might be an expected outcome?

Women with certain physical impairments might avoid sport participation for fear of appearing unfeminine. Men with certain physical impairments might avoid participation because they believe they will not be able to assert their masculinity.

For every salary dollar earned by a male athlete in the corresponding professional sport league, a female player in this league earns about one cent.

Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA)

Out of all players, only roughly 1% are Americans who make enough money to cover their expenses through playing the sport.

Women's Tennis Association (WTA):

Sports are so sex-segregated that many females see them as representing ideas and beliefs that sustain aspects of __________ that are questioned outside of sports.

orthodox gender ideology


refers to a population of people who are believed to be naturally or biologically distinct from other populations.

racial stereotypes-

refers to generalizations used to define and judge all individuals who are classified in a particular racial category.

Rooney Rule

requires NFL teams to interview minority candidates for open coaching positions.


tends to favor one age group- usually younger people- over others and justifies discrimination against particular age groups that are assumed to be incapable of full participation in mainstream activities

According to estimates by Huma and Staurowsky (2012), football and men's basketball players at FBS universities are collectively denied approximately how much in fair market earnings over a four-year period?

$6 Billion

Sport Related Opportunities:

1.) [The number of paid career opportunities in sports is limited, and the playing careers of professional athletes are short-term] 2.) [Opportunities for women are growing but remain limited on and off the field relative to men] 3.) [Opportunities for ethnic minorities are growing but remain limited on and off the field relative to the whites with European heritage]

About how long will most professional athletes need to work after their playing careers are over?

40 years: Though the term "retired" is used to refer to players whose athletic careers are over, the overwhelming majority of professional athletes do not play long enough and do not earn enough money to fully retire once they stop playing.

In how many of the six sport leagues presented in Table 11.1 (p. 379) does the average player make more than $1,000,000 per year?

4; The "Big 4" U.S. sports--football, basketball, baseball, and ice hockey--are called that for a reason: the average player in each of these leagues makes between 32 and 83 times as much as the median U.S. household.

According to an NCAA study (Table 9.4, p. 287), for every 10,000 senior high school football players, how many will ultimately be drafted by an NFL team?


Which of the following is an element of the International Olympic Committee's policy regarding the participation of transgender athletes?

Athletes must undergo sex reassignment surgery. Athletes must have at least two years of approved hormone therapies (either testosterone suppression for trans women or testosterone supplementation for trans men)

Who believed that women's participation at the Olympic games would be "impractical, uninteresting, unaesthetic, and incorrect"?

Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the Olympic movement; While a single quote is not a comprehensive explanation, Coubertin's position does suggest that many sports and events created during the late-19th and early-20th centuries (like baseball, basketball, and football) were not designed with women in mind.

Statements associated with abelist ideology?

Being able to run up and down a basketball court is better than using a wheelchair. Forcing organizations to accommodate a broad range of abilities is unfair. Some people are normal and others are disabled.

Today, due to a lack of diversity in sport organizations and the dynamics of class relations, black coaches and administrators face _________ to obtaining sport management positions.

Employment Barriers

Which sport organization has obtained tribal permission to use a Native American mascot and to use Native American imagery in its promotional materials?

Florida State University athletic department: Florida State (Seminoles) is the only major American university athletic program to use a Native American nickname and mascot after obtaining permission from the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Central Michigan (Chippewas) and Utah (Utes) also use Native American nicknames with tribal permission, but neither of these universities uses a Native American mascot.

This outcomes is linked to orthodox gender ideology


Which of the following comments might be made by an impaired athlete who is "anti-dis-sing"?

I play basketball three times a week with my friends and also love swimming.

In 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson. What was the significance of this ruling?

It legalized racial segregation in the United States.

The discourse that pervades competitive sports at nearly all levels is and always has been heavily __________ and is full of military terms and metaphors that appeal more to boys than girls.


Identify the three beliefs around which orthodox gender ideology is organized.

Men are naturally suited for positions of power and leadership due to their superior rationality and physical strength. Heterosexuality is the only normal and morally acceptable sexual orientation. Human beings are either female or male.

The idea of sport as an "ethnic performance" (Early, 1998) suggests that certain physical abilities (like jumping):

Must be understood within particular social, historical, and cultural contexts.

Most players make less than $12,000 across an entire season.

National Women's Soccer League (NWSL)

Progress towards gender equity has resulted from:

New opportunities Gov. legislation mandating equal rights The global women's rights movement The health and fitness movement increased media coverage of women in sports

BELIEF: Pro teams and facilities create jobs, which in turn stimulates the local economy.

REALITY: Most jobs created through facility and team operations are seasonal and low-paying, and many of the highest earners in a pro sport organization (the athletes) do not spend their income locally.

BELIEF: Stadium construction projects provide a boost to local economies as contractors spend money on labor and materials.

REALITY: Often, construction firms and sub-contractors are not local and do not work with local businesses, diminishing the impact of stadium construction on the local economy.

BELIEF: The presence of a professional team is attractive to businesses and may influence them to expand or relocate to the city (bringing jobs, tax revenue, etc.).

REALITY: The businesses attracted by the presence of a pro team are often national restaurant and entertainment franchises that 1) do not create quality jobs and 2) negatively impact existing local businesses.

BELIEF: The presence of a professional team can provide intangible benefits like a sense of community pride.

REALITY: These effects can be observed but are difficult to measure or value. Additionally, this sense of social cohesiveness is often contingent upon on-field success.

BELIEF: The presence of a professional team can be leveraged to promote tourism, which in turn helps with economic development.

REALITY: Using a sport team to attract out-of-town tourists is challenging, particularly because tourists may be discouraged by the congestion and traffic delays that often accompany sporting events. Locally, the money fans might spend on "game weekends" (tickets, meals, lodging) is money they will not spend in other ways.


Racism is (to some extent) informed by racial stereotypes, but is much more explicitly based on beliefs about racial hierarchies, in which certain racial categories are viewed as superior or inferior to others.

all of these are socially constructed categories:

The terms "race", "ethnicity", and "minority"

Commercial sports are organized and played for profit. True/False

True; Commercial sports tend to prioritize making money over other socialization effects produced by and through sport (character development, improving health, etc.).

The most powerful American professional sport leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL) are monopolies and monopsonies.

True; Each league is the only producer of professional sport entertainment for its particular sport, and each is also the only consumer of elite athletic labor for its sport.

The globalization of commercial sport has occurred because sport organizations wish to expand into new commercial markets and because transnational corporations view sport as an expedient medium through which to market their products. True/False

True; The globalization of sport has been influenced by broader processes of economic globalization which have lowered barriers to market entry in many countries. In general, globalization has in turn been influenced by the spread of neoliberal ideology.

A restaurant refusing to admit a service animal because "then it will have to allow everyone to bring their pets".

When people classified as disabled seek equity and full rights of citizenship, people with ableist attitudes see them as wanting "special privileges" and reject their requests.

Belief that the U.S. is a Meritocracy

a social world in which rewards go to people who deserve them due to their abilities qualifications and recognized achievements this belief helps people explain and justify economic inequalities It supports the assumption that success is rightfully earned and failure is caused by poor choices and a lack of ambition


being held back, weighed down, and marked as inferior due to perceived physical or intellectual impairments

Heroic orientations: emphasis on

danger and excitement of movement style/mastery of dramatic expression willingness to go beyond limits commitment to victory and success of the team sponsor

Direct Racism:

in which fans insult players for ethnic, racial, or religious reasons

Indirect Racism:

in which fans use chants or banners that promote a bigoted or discriminatory political agenda having no direct connection with the event or players

Racism on the field:

in which negative racial, ethnic, or religious comments are made by and to players, coaches, and referees


one and only provider of a particular product or service

Which issue would likely not be covered in a collective bargaining agreement between a players' union and a professional sport league?

restrictions on team nicknames

Social stratifications

structured forms of economic inequalities that are part of the organization of everyday social life

Class relations

the ways that social class is incorporated into the organization of our everyday lives

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