sports injury in class exam 3

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a Q angle greater than ____ degrees can predispose the individual to patellar injuries. a. 11 b. 18 c. 15 d. 8


little league shoulder is found at the: a. epiphysis of the scapula b. epiphysis of the distal hummerus c. epiphysis of the proximal humerus d. diaphysis of the humerus

epiphysis of the proximal humerus

a contusion caused by direct compression to an unprotected iliac crest is referred to as a: a. hip pointer b. myositis ossificans c. iliac hematoma d. iliac tenosynovitis

hip pointer

Iliotibial band friction syndrome can be the result of: a. all of the above b. genu varum c. excessive foot pronation d. a large Q angle

all of the above

a shallow patellofemoral groove, genu valgum, increased Q angle, and excessive foot pronation are potential causes of patallofemoral pain associated with: a. patellar instability b. hypermobility of the patella c. all of the above d. anatomical malaignment

anatomical malalignment

difficultly breathing is termed: a. apnea b. pneumothorax c. dyspnea d. hypoxia


a mechanism of injury for an ac sprain is: a. a fall on an outstretched arm b. excessive external rotation of the shoulder c. repetitive overheard throwing motion d. blow from behind the shoulder

fall on an outstretched arm

a second degree hamstring strain is characterized by: a. a visible defect in the muscle b. immediate pain and weakness in knee flexion c. holding the knee in extension as a means for protecting the injured area d. immediate pain and weakness in knee extension

immediate pain and weakness in knee flexion

a common MOI to the PCL is: a. a cutting maneuver b. landing off balance c. direct blow to the posterior aspect of the knee d. hyperextension of the knee

hyperextension of the knee

all of the following are frequent complaints with a stress fracture to the pubis or femoral. neck except: a. pain on hip rotation b. aching pain in the anterior groin c. night pain d. pain with direct compression

pain with direct compression

a risk factor of developing myositis ossificans is: a. improper footwear b. muscle imbalance c. improper warm up d. premature return to play

premature return to play

an avulsion fracture at the anterior superior iliac spine may involve which muscle: a. rectus femoris b. vastus intermedius c. pectineus d. sartorius


pain over the anatomical snuffbox is a characteristic of a _________, a. scaphoid fracture b. lunate dislocation c. gamekeeper's thumb d. Bennett's fracture

scaphoid fracture

impingement syndrome involves damage to the a. acromion b. deltoid muscle c. subacromial bursa d. clavicle

subacromial bursa

a common mechanism of injury for a quadriceps strain is: a. explosive muscular contraction b. all of the above c. a quick change of direction d. a violent stretch

an explosive muscular contraction

a deformity caused by a rupture of the extensor tendon of the middle phalanx is called: a. mallet finger b. boutonniere deformity c. bowlers finger d. handelbar's palsy

boutonniere deformity

a wrist fracture where the radius and ulna are forced dorsally is called a: a. bowler's fracture b. colles' fracture c. smith's fracture d. de quervain's fracture

colles' fracture

a kick or blow to the posterolateral aspect of the knee can contuse which nerve? a. femoral b. common peroneal c. obturator d. tibial

common peroneal

an individual with carpal tunnel syndrome will likely experience: a. decreased pinch strength b. decreased grip strength c. decreased strength in wrist extension d. decreased grip and pinch strength

decreased grip and pinch strength

the most common cause of sudden death in athletes is associated with: a. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy b. cardiac tamponade c. heart murmurs d. Marfan's syndrome

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

a risk factor for developing a stress fracture of the femur is: a. improper technique b. poor posture c. improper footwear d. passive, forceful stretching

improper footwear

a condition that may occur after a contusion to the quadriceps muscle group, involving abnormal ossification of the bone disposition within the muscle tissue, is called: a. osteochondritis b. exostosis c. myochondritis exoctosis d. myositis ossificans

myositis ossificans

a basketball player has fallen on the tip of the elbow. There is immediate isolated swelling over the apex of the elbow. What condition should be suspected? a. olecranon bursitis b. ruptured biceps muscle c. ruptured triceps muscle d. distal humeral fracture

olecranon bursitis

after receiving a blow to the sternum, an individual has difficultly swallowing and breathing and the diminished pulse. what injury should be suspected? a. posterior displacement of the clavicle b. fracture of the sternum c. glenohumeral dislocation d. fractured clavicle

posterior displacement of the clavicle

a characteristic of a _________ is carrying the arm tightly against the chest and cross the front of the trunk in rigid adduction and internal rotation. a. posterior glenohumeral dislocation b. SC sprain c. anterior glonehumeral dislocation d. type IV AC sprain

posterior glenohumeral dislocation

a condition which is very prevalent in dancers, runners, and cheerleaders that can be the result of a chronic bursitis is: a. stress fracture of pubis b. legg-calve-perthes disease c. snapping hip syndrome d. slipped capital femoral epiphysis

snapping hip syndrome

a classic sign of osgood-schlatter's disease is: a. that the condition is typically seen in individuals over the age of 40 b. decreased range of motion c. the presence of pain at the inferior pole of the patella d. that the tibial tubercle appears enlarged and prominent

that the tibial tubercle appears enlarged and prominent

a stitch in the side occurs more frequently a. in anaerobic sport activities b. in less physically fit persons c. in soccer and basketball players d. during a compression force

In less physically for persons

a common symptom of a splenic rupture is: a. referred pain to the left shoulder b. referred lower back pain c. referred pain to the groin area d. radiating pain to the chest

referred pain in left shoulder

in a first time glenohumeral dislocation, the injured arm is usually held in which of the following positions? a. slightly abducted and externally rotated b. slightly extended in neutral position c. slightly extended and internally rotated d. slightly abducted and internally rotated

slightly abducted and externally rotated

a direct blow to the lateral aspect of the knee is a common mechanism of injury for the: a. ACL b. LCL c. MCL d. PCL


a classic sign associated with a biceps tendon rupture is: a. a "Popeye" appearance b. a pins and needles sensation that extends into the fingers c. point tenderness at the acromion process d. a painful arc

a "Popeye" appearance

appendicitis is a result of: a. a compression force b. a viral infection c. a bacterial infections d. a fungal infection

a bacterial infection

getting the "wind knocked out" is associated with: a. a contusion to the brachial plexus b. a contusion to the solar plexus c. a contusion to the sacral plexus d. a hemothorax

a contusion to the solar plexus

an anterior glenohumeral dislocation outwardly displays: a. a high riding clavicle b. normal shoulder contours c. a flattened deltoid d. a depressed sternum

a flattened deltoid

pain referred to the posterior lumbar region, sides of the buttocks, and anteriorly top the lower abdomen may indicate damage to the: a. kidney b. liver c. pancreas d. spleen


the bone most commonly dislocated during axial loading on an extended wrist is the: a. triquetrium b. lunate c. capitate d. scaphoid


a sharp pain or spasm in the chest wall on the lower right side that occurs during exertion is called a: a. pneumothorax b. liver contusion c. stitch in the side d. solar plexus stitch

stitch in the side

in a rotator cuff strain, pain increases when the arm moves actively between what degrees of abduction? a. 0-30 b. 120-180 c. 70-120 d. 40-70


a high-riding patella, a palpable defect over the tendon, and an inability to perform knee extension or perform a straight leg raise are S&S associated with: a. patellar subluxation b. sinding-larsen-johansson's disease c. patellar tendintis d. extensor tendon rupture

extensor tendon rupture

a function of the scapular muscles is: a. to facilitate movements of the upper extremity through appropriate of the glenohumeral joint b. to rotate the humerus c. to hold the head of the humerus against the gleniod fossa d. to abduct the humerus

to abduct the humerus

an accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity that may occur spontaneously or as a result of trauma is called: a. a hemothorax b. thoracothetisitis c. a pneumothorax d. pneumonia

a pneumothorax

a common mechanism of injury for a longitudinal tear of the meniscus is: a. a twisting motion when the foot is fixed and knee is flexed b. hyperextension c. a shearing forces from rotational motions d. deceleration combined with a cutting motion

a twisting motion when the foot is fixed and knee is flexed

a boxers fracture is a fracture of the: a. second metacarpal b. fourth metacarpal c. fifth metacarpal d. first phalanx

fifth metacarpal

a dislocation of the hip is characterized by: a. abduction and external rotation of the hip b. flexion and internal rotation of the hip c. extension and internal rotation of the hip d. flexion and external rotation of the hip

flexion and internal rotation of the hip

jersey finger occurs when: a. extensor digitorum profundus tendon is ruptured b. central slip of the extensor hood on the middle phalanx is ruptured c. flexor digitorum profundus tendon is ruptured d. flexor digitorum superficially is ruptured

flexor digitorum profundus tendon is ruptured

after a fall on an outstretched arm, an individual has restricted and painful pronation and supination. what injury should be suspected? a. proximal ulnar fracture b. humeral fracture c. lateral collateral ligament rupture d. fracture to the radial head

fracture to the radial head

the leading cause of pneumothorax and hemothorax is: a. fractured ribs b. lung contusions c. lacerated liver d. bronchial spasms

fractured ribs

a sign associated with a sprain of the LCL of the knee is: a. significant effusion b. significant joint instability c. pain on medial joint line d. hearing a "pop" accompanied by sharp lateral pain

hearing a "pop" accompanied by sharp lateral pain

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