Spring Accommodations

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What three monumental court cases did we talk about in class today that somehow paved the way for inclusive education before 1975?

1. Court Case: Mills V Board of Education of the District of Columbia (1972) 2. Court Case: Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens V. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1971) 3. Court Case: Brown VS Board of Education (1954)

Explain the three characteristics of collaboration that you need to adhere to as a teacher to ensure success in your practice? (Pgs.77-81)

1. Shared Problem Solving: Shared problem-solving consists of identifying, implementing, and evaluating a plan to solve a problem by making decisions together. This can be a complex process because it involves different perspectives on how to address and resolve issues. It works best when participants: access the current situation using specific criteria behavior, time, situational factors, achievement information, nonverbal signals, or verbal comments identify together the specific behavior that is of concern such as homework completion, reading comprehension, lateness of collaboration meetings, or following through on collaboration plans specify objectives for solving problems develop a plan of action tasks, persons responsible, and timelines evaluate the plan periodically 2. Shared Responsibility: This requires each member of the collaborative team to be equally responsible for ensuring tasks are accomplished during the process. This usually means dividing up the work in ways that promote parity among team members. During co-teaching, teachers assume shared responsibility for teaching and promoting positive behavior in the classroom. Teachers share grading assignments and planning instruction 3. Voluntary Involvement Individuals should volunteer to engage in collaboration rather than be assigned by their school district or administration. Co-Teaching should only be voluntary, not an assignment forced on those who do not want to participate. The collaboration will not occur naturally if someone is assigned their group. Ideally, collaboration should occur because individuals want to work together. Effective collaborators learn by developing important prerequisite skills which ensure effective collaborative partnerships

Bella's IEP team is ready to develop the statement of the individualized services and supports for her IEP. List and briefly describe the six elements that should be included in this statement.

1. What types of service and supports does Bella need? These services should be addressing all student's annual goals and include any combination of services needed. 2. What is the frequency? How often should these services and supports be provided? 3. Duration? How much time per week/day is needed for the services and supports? This would be based on Bella's needs not on the service availability. 4. Who is the person responsible for Bella's services and supports? This person needs to have the correct amount of training and should be able to collect and analyze data. 5. Where will Bella's services take place? The IEP team needs to decide if her services are taking place inside or outside the general education setting. There also needs to be effort to place and maintain her in the general education classroom. 6. When will Bella's services begin and end? The IEP team will need to plan an end and start date within one year from the current IEP meeting. Also, services must start right away.

What is an IEP? What purpose does it serve?

An IEP is an individualized education program. It is a written plan that is developed by school personnel and parents. The plan outlines the student's level of development, their specific annual learning goals, accommodations, modifications, and related services. Additionally, the plan has a method for monitoring students' progress toward achieving their specific goals. The principles of IDEA provide guarantees to students with disabilities and their families that must be adhered to. These serve a purpose in the IEP process and are: Complete, individualized evaluation FAPE (free appropriate public education) IEP (individualized education program) LRE (least restrictive environment) Parent Participation Procedural safeguards Giving informed written consent for their child to be evaluated, and for the ability for them to receive independent evaluation Access to child's educational records Dispute resolution through steps that can include state complaint, mediation, a resolution session, and/or a due process hearing Explanation of these rights in writing, and in their native language when possible

What are some of the collaboration considerations you need to make as a teacher of an English Language Learner in your class? (Pgs. 87-88)

As a teacher of ELL, some collaboration considerations we need to make are: 1. Clinical teaching cycle- teach skills or content, reteach as needed, use different strategies, conduct an informal assessment 2. Peer or expert consultation-teachers observing their peers and providing interventions to ELLs who need supplemental instruction 3. Teacher assistance team process- a collaborative, team approach that discusses the problem, identifies possible interventions, and assists the teacher as needed in implementing strategies 4. Alternative Programs/services for early interventions for struggling students- can provide services to students from diverse backgrounds.

What is positive behavior supports?

BS represents a child-centered, pro-active approach toward the assessment, prevention and remediation of challenging behavior. Is built on the principles of applied behavior analysis

In what ways (at least 2) can you, as a teacher, collaborate with families of students with disabilities in your classroom for their educational benefit? (pgs.93-97)

Collaborating with the families of students with disabilities in the classroom is a major goal. As teachers, it is important to recognize the effect families have on the students in the classroom. By using the critical prerequisite skills for effective collaboration, teachers are able to nurture successful partnerships with families to build a strong, positive relationship between families and schools. Collaborative efforts can be enhanced between home and school if teachers are aware of the family unit, resources families need to function, family interactions that may affect the children's health and school success, the economic, vocational, and educational needs of families, and the adult and child development cycles that influence how individuals cope with and respond to their environments (this is the family system approach). Building effective communication bridges that convey information about school activities can be developed through parent conferences and home-school communication. This is a critical component of building collaborative relationships. Some ways to involve the family and the community include developing an atmosphere of trust and respect, communicate on a regular ongoing basis, identify families' preferred means of communication and use it effectively, and hold meetings with families at times and places that are manageable for them. These benefits promote communication that contributes to the child's educational progress.

What are the four different ways that disabilities can be conceptualized?

Deficit perspective- idea that human behavior and characteristics shared by people are distributed along a continuum Cultural perspective-different cultures have different views about what a "disability" is Sociological-skills and traits socially constructed perspective People w disabilities as members of a minority group

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)? Explain at least three goals ofFBA

Functional Behavior Assessment is a systematic set of strategies that is used to determine theunderlying function or purpose of a behavior, so that an effective intervention plan can bedeveloped. Individuals engage in certain behaviors to get something they want (ex: teacherattention) or avoid something they don't want (ex: time out). The behavior has a function, goal, orpurpose and there are conditions in the environment that can cause behaviors to occur. The FBA isused to determine what the individual is doing and under what conditions they are doing it.The goals of FBA: Describe the problem behavior and the conditions that trigger and reinforce its occurrence Generate hypotheses or educated guesses of why the behavior is occurring. Identify goals for decreasing the problem behavior. Develop an intervention plan

This is not an example of a high-quality PLAAFP statement. Identify the elements that are missing or incomplete. For those that are incomplete, discuss information that should be included.

The elements that are missing from the PLAAFP include no information of the annual goals and the appropriate special education services and support required to meet those goals. Within the PLAAFP, there should be information that develops a challenging, ambitious, and measurable annual goal. This section should also include what special education, related services, accommodations, and program modifications are needed for the student. The second part that is missing in the PLAAFP is a description of the student's needs in an academic and/or functional skill area. This section of information could include the student's strengths, main areas of concern, parent concerns, the student's instructional preferences, and results from the evaluation.

Does this annual goal meet the SMART criteria? Explain your answer

No, it does not meet realistic -- the goal is not challenging enough

discuss four possible functions of problem behavior in a classroom

Four possible functions are:-Seeking attention from others: The student will behave in a way in which demands praise orcriticism from someone else.-Seeking sensory input from the action itself-Seeking something tangible-Avoid/ escape a person, task, item, or environment: The student will not cooperate or participate and will try to leave certain situations.The IEP team of the student should consider strategies to support and address these behaviors of the student. This is because this behavior can affect the student's learning and the learning of others around them.

Given our discussions in class about students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. What do you feel like you learned in general that you might implement in your practice to make sure that all your students are included and acquire appropriate education free of your biases?

It is extremely important to understand that for some students home and school cultures may be extremely different. Specifically, a child's home culture might not align with the culture of instruction in the school they are attending. As a teacher, it is extremely important to be culturally responsive and ensure that instruction makes connections with all students on the individual level. It is important that teachers make sure that their classroom/curriculum makes each individual feel welcomed, valued, and supported. One way to ensure this is through "mirrors and windows" where all students benefit through the instruction. Each student is able to see their own perspective while also getting the opportunity to learn multiple differing perspectives. This concept allows for each student to make connections with their own lives. For example, during literacy the teacher can select materials that allow for all students to see themselves in the story as well as their peers. Finally, special education placement decisions are tailored to each individual's needs, meaning there is no single answer possible for all students with disabilities

Given our discussions in class about students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. What do you feel like you learned in general that you might implement in your practice to make sure that all your students are included and acquire appropriate education free of your biases?

It is extremely important to understand that for some students home and school cultures may be extremely different. Specifically, a child's home culture might not align with the culture of instruction in the school they are attending. As a teacher, it is extremely important to be culturally responsive and ensure that instruction makes connections with all students on the individual level. It is important that teachers make sure that their classroom/curriculum makes each individual feel welcomed, valued, and supported. One way to ensure this is through "mirrors and windows" where all students benefit through the instruction. Each student is able to see their own perspective while also getting the opportunity to learn multiple differing perspectives. This concept allows for each student to make connections with their own lives. For example, during literacy the teacher can select materials that allow for all students to see themselves in the story as well as their peers. Finally, special education placement decisions are tailored to each individual's needs, meaning there is no single answer possible for all students with disabilities.

Explain the importance of monitoring a student's progress toward meeting his or her IEP goals and reporting that progress to parents.

It is important to monitor a student's progress toward meeting his or her IEP goals and reporting that progress to parents because this allows for the planning team and parents to recognize if the IEP is working for the student. Progress monitoring involves different systems in which track numerical data. The data is collected frequently and analyzed. The data is then observed to make decisions of instructional plans for the student. This is why progress monitoring is important, in order to know if the student is receiving the correct accommodations needed for them. If the IEP is not suiting the student's needs, the planning team will have to make adjustments and modifications that will better suit the student's needs. Monitoring student's progress also allows for the planning team and parents to become aware of any adjustments in instructional methods and services and supports in order to meet their annual goals. When it comes to keeping parents updated, the IEP team should relay frequent reports on their student's progress. This allows for parents to become aware of whether or not something on the IEP is working and any changes they have made to their child's IEP. It keeps them informed on their progress of their annual goals as mentioned above. IEP teams should provide all data to the parents in order to make sure of this. They must also make sure the parents are in full understanding of the data collected. Whether or not they are meeting their goals should be presented clearly to the student's parents. Parents are a part of children's IEP team as well and it is the law to include them.

Define the ADAPT framework?

Tools for instruction and assessment of struggling learners: Ask: What am I requiring the student to do? Determine: What are the prerequisite skills needed? Analyze: student's strengths and struggles? Propose: Implement adaptations (activity, content, delivery material) Test: To determine if adaptations helped ADAPT- is a tool for instruction and assessment of struggling learners that incorporates the use of evidence-based practices for the benefit of achieving maximum education outcomes and prevent referral to spec. education

Explain the difference between procedural requirements and substantive requirements for developing IEPs. How did the Endrew case clarify the substantive standard for IEPs?

Procedural requirements-Involve parents in the IEP process Conduct a thorough, individualized evaluation Adhere to required timelines Ensure attendance at IEP meetings by all necessary team members Include the necessary components and content in the IEP Implement the special education services as written in the IEP Substantive requirements Conduct a complete and individualized evaluation of student's needs Including all of a student's educational needs in the PLAAFP Write challenging, ambitious, and measurable annual IEP goals Provide special education services that address all of a student's educational needs Place students based on their individual needs Adhere to the continuum of alternative placements Monitoring students' progress

Identify two laws that impact students with disabilities. Describe these laws and discuss how they affect these individuals.

Section 504- a civil rights law that provides accessibility and protection from discrimination of individuals with disabilities in federally funded programs. This means public schools must provide accommodations to students whose disabilities or health conditions require some special attention in order to allow them to participate fully in school activities IDEA- a disability education law that carters to all students w a disability that affects education/academics performance between 3-21 requires IEP to be written to qualifying students

Distinguish between section 504 and IDEA

Section 504: Does not require an IEP but does require a 504 plan. Individual has a physical or mental impairment. The impairment substantially limits one or more major life activities for the individual.(walking, breathing, etc) All IDEA individuals are covered. Does not provide funding. Age: Lifetime No annual review is required. Optional and is based on school policy. IDEA: Requires an IEP. Individuals meet one or more definitions of IDEA disability categories. Disability affects the individual educational performance. Does not always cover all Section 504 individuals. Requires written consent. Requires the individual to be identified and then determined to be eligible for services, school districts must evaluate all individuals suspected of having a disability. Provides state funding. Age: Birth-21 (or high school diploma) Annual review

What are the seven stages that have to be fulfilled before a student is classified as qualified for special education services within the MTSS?

Seven steps involved in the process: 1. Prefreferral: identifying and implementing a plan for the student's problem 2. Referral (to professionals & it is different depending on the students' age):Learning more about the student's problem 3. Identification (include parents for input or medical data):testing and progress monitoring data are examined to be sure a disability exists 4. 5. Eligibility (data that u want to share w an IEP team) 6. Development of the IEP (teachers MUST know what is in the IEP) 7. Implementation of the IEP (if it is not working you must make changes) 8. Evaluation and Reviews

What are some of the benefits of using the Response To Intervention (RTI) framework in teaching students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds?

The Response To Intervention (RTI) intervenes with an intention to prevent referral to special education due to inadequate instruction and is a part of the multi-tiered systems of support. Some of its benefits when teaching students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds include: Emphasis on prevention of difficulties rather than on remediation Multiple assessment techniques Early and systematic implementation of interventions to ameliorate learning difficulties Use of evidence-based interventions Explicit instruction in phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension is essential to improve reading Use effective, validated strategies with CLD students Use culturally and linguistically relevant material o Other benefits include promoting student achievement and reduce the disproportionate representation of CLD students in special education. Data will be collected to make sure each CLD student's needs are met. RTI makes sure CLD students are not failing, it makes sure these students are supported in the classroom.

What are the three main schemes of grouping disability to meet students with disabilities' educational needs? Which scheme do you support and give a reason why?

The first major scheme uses disability types or special education categories, such as learning disabilities or intellectual disabilities. The second scheme is severity of the disability such as mild, moderate, severe and profound. The third scheme considers disabilities in terms of how often they occur. They referred to as high incidence and low incidence. All three schemes group students with dis based on meeting educational needs in the classroom. Although all groupings are important, we believe knowing the severity of the disability is very important when it comes to grouping students. When considering the severity of a disability educators consider how the condition of the student's disability influences the individual's performance. This scheme supports the needs of students at school, as well as in life. It is important to know the severity of a disability in order to provide the proper education and accommodations for that specific student. We must realize though that all disabilities are serious. All student's with any disability, no matter the level of severity, deserve to be treated with respect and be given the proper attention they need to succeed in the classroom and in life. However, some students may require more assistance and different accommodations based on their severity.

Is this annual goal sufficient to meet all of Bella's needs in reading?

This goal does not meet all of Bella's needs in reading, because it does not provide a goal for her to develop skills for comprehension, main ideas, and supporting details in content area texts. The goal is specified for Bella to reach a 4.2 reading level for a fluency of 100 wpm.

What are the three principles of UDL

Universal Design for Learning is a way of differentiating instruction for all students, including students with disabilities and English Language Learners. It is a framework that removes or minimizes barriers of learning for students, and it promotes accessibility to curriculum, different teaching strategies, accommodations, and supports. The goal of UDL is to provide a flexible environment for the students and to foster the learning of each of their individual differences. The three principles of UDL are: 1. Providing multiple means of representation: This means to teach information in a variety of ways or formats. These formats are meant to reduce sensory and cognitive barriers. Examples of this may be closed captions on a video for students with hearing impairments. 2. Providing multiple means of action and expression: This means that students can respond in a variety of ways. An example of this would be voice recognition software or scanning devices. 3. Providing multiple means of engagement: This means to actively include students in activities in which address their needs and interests. Teachers need to make various activities available for all students. An example of this would be allowing the students to use the computer.

Please give a very short reflection about what you have learned during the first sessions of this class that you feel may be helpful in your practice in the future.

What I have learned during the first sessions of class to help me in my future practice is that all students have many different needs. Teachers need to be teaching to tailor to students' needs. It is better for students with special needs to be included in the general education classroom as much as possible. This will help students meet social and behavioral needs.

Based on the PLAAFP statement, Bella's IEP team developed the following annual goal: When given a textbook passage at the 4.2 grade level, Bella will read the passage aloud at a rate of 100 wpm by the end of the school year.

Yes it does: This goal addresses the academic and functional skill of reading aloud. 2. This goal address the condition in which the environment the goal will be completed in: "at the 4.2 grade level." 3. There is a timeframe. This goal does have a specific time frame when it needs to be completed by: "by the end of the school year." 4. There is a criterion for acceptable performance: meaning there are details on how Bella will complete the goal. "At a rate of 100 wpm."

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