Springer Science Lesson 8-7: What are seeds and fruits?
The undeveloped plant inside a seed is called an
The female reproductive cells are in the
Ovule (which is inside the ovary which is inside the pistil.)
A pollen grain that lands on a stigma grows a
Pollen Tube
What is the relationship between the ovary and a seed?
The ovary surrounds and protects the seed.
The top of a stigma is usually sticky. What might be an advantage of this stickiness?
The stickiness allows the pollen to get stuck and this can lead to fertilization.
What are the parts of a pistil
Three parts are stigma, style, & ovary. A pistil is made up of three parts. The top part is the stigma (STIG-muh). Below the stigma is a tube called the style. The style connects the stigma to the bottom of the pistil. The bottom of the pistil is called the ovary (OR-vuhr-ee). Inside the ovary is the ovule (OH-vyool). The ovule contains the female reproductive cells.
What is formed after fertilization?
a seed The joining of the two nuclei is called fertilization. After fertilization, the ovule develops into a seed. A new plant can grow from a seed.