SSGI Yellow belt test up 2 quiz 7

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2 Correct4 Incorrect When the Five Ss have been introduced and when they have been successfully used for an extended period of time, this suggests which of the following has succeeded?


5 Correct13 Incorrect Accuracy in the measurement process refers only to the closeness of two or more measurements to each other.


A Fishbone Diagram is used to identify the Critical to Quality, characteristics of a product or service.

False there is no limit

At most, the range for two processes can be compared using a Multi-Vari Chart.


Chunks were tested on which of the following dimensions?

False The are used even when the risks are low

Control Charts are only used when the risk of defects and errors is high.


A Kanban Board can be used to balance demands for work with available capacity.


A completed order waits for an average of thirty-five minutes before it is packed and shipped. This can be classified as which of the following wastes.


A control chart would be appropriate to monitor damage bikes.


A control plan focuses on the management of the entire quality control process.


A control plan must assure that the quality control system can be executed as designed.


A control plan will include the identification of the inputs and outputs associated with the process that is being managed.

True It includes all those who receive some result from the process. For example a physician would be one of the customers of an imaging order.

A customer of a process is not limited to the end customer who purchases the product or service. It involves all of those entitites who receive some result from the process.


A process can be described mathematically as

True Yes it will meet its expectations, but just barely

A process capability of 1 suggests that the capability of a process can meet its expectations.


A questionnaire used to measure customer satisfaction would be considered a measurement tool.


A well designed control plan will not need to be adjusted in the future.

False Output variability is inevitable in all processes

A well designed process should not produce output that varies around a process target. All output should be positioned exactly at the target.

False The letter D

Delays in a Value Stream map are designated by shapes that outline the letter O


Designing a process that has little or no variation in output can be very costly.

False Only normal distributions

All distributions are bell shaped


Amazon customer ratings for those who purchased a headset are nearly equally distributed from 1 to 5 stars. This would suggest a relatively high value for the standard deviation of customer recommendations.

False It determines the most important controllable inputs.

An X-Y analysis is used to determine the most important process outputs.


An individual sample mean from a normally distributed population will be equal to the population mean.


Eliminating as many of the seven wastes as possible will help contribute to a leaner process.


Employees would be considered suppliers of services.

False Control is essential in all processes.

Establishing control systems is only necessary for new processes. It is not worth the effort to establish costly control systems for older processes


Excessive movement of raw materials between a warehouse and production facilities is associated with which of the following Seven Wastes?

False Most process must be monitored for both. The process must deliver an output whose average or mean is acceptable and who variation form one output unit to the next is reliable and contained within limits.

Few processes need to be monitored for both mean and variation.

False It is set at the target plus 3 times the standard error of the mean

For large samples, in the range of 30 or more, it is customary to set the UCL at the target plus 3 standard deviations.


Higher quality is always preferred, but the question is, who will pay for this higher cost. Will it be the organization, its suppliers or customers?


If 100 units were processed through a manufacturing process but only 90 were completed, the First Time Yield would be 90 percent.


If a process can easily meet its objectives, process capability is high.


If the standard deviation for one dataset is 10 while the standard deviation in a second dataset, whose mean is the same is 20, it would be reasonable to conclude that variation in the first data set is greater.


If the standard deviation for the amount that airline passengers paid for a coach ticket from Washington to Los Angeles is small, this means that nearly all passengers in coach paid close to the same fare.


Improving patient flow by redesigning the layout of facilities in an emergency department is an example of reducing which of the following seven wastes?

False Most observation fall in the center and around the mean of the distribution

In a normal distribution, most data observations would fall in the tails of the distribution.

False The outputs are ranked in order of importance. Often the scale is 1 to 10

In an X-Y matrix, the inputs are ranked according to importance on a scale from 1 to 100.

False The number of non value added steps are minimized

In an efficient process, it is important to minimize the number of value added steps.


In general, most organizations set their quality targets at ___________ Sigma


In most organizations, delays or non value added activities represent less than 25 percent of total processing time

False Higher quality, in most situations, costs more. Consider the Ben and Jerry's case. Their high quality ice cream costs more to produce and sells for more in the supermarket.

In most situations higher quality output is associated with lower operational costs to the organization.

False quality control covered ram materials through all dimensions of the finished product

In the Ben and Jerry's case, quality control was limited to testing inclusions in their finished product. No other dimensions of the product were tested.

False It will be normal since the distribution of sample means will always be normal regardless of the shape of the population distribution as long as the sample size is greater than 30.

It is a fact that Income is not normally distributed throughout the population; some earn very high incomes. If repeated samples of 50 individuals is taken, the means of these samples computed and then displayed on a graph, the distribution of these sample means will not be normal.


It is not necessary to document a control plan since the plan will very likely change in the future.


It is not possible for the shape of the distribution of sample means to be wider than the shape of the population distribution.


It is very difficult if not impossible to design a process such that there is no variation in output.

continuous improvement

Kaizen is a Japanese word suggesting _______________ .

False Consistency from one pint to the next was an important dimension of the quality control program

Lean Six Sigma focuses on quality and consistency. This case was an exception since there was no need to test for consistency of output.

False It focuses on the minimization of waste and delays.

Lean focuses on quality and consistency


Maintaining too much inventory can be costly.

True A single process has a single mean

No more than one horizontal bar is possible on a vertical line in the Multi-Vari Chart.

processing time

Once the process was redesigned, Control charts were used to monitor __________ .


Once the system was redesigned it was possible to schedule same day appointments for uncomplicated situations .

False Process maps depict every step in a process unlike SIPOC charts that focus on Suppliers, Inputs, Process, outputs and Customers. So process maps link together all the parameters or entities in the SIPOC diagram.

SIPOC diagrams and Process maps are basically the same.


SIPOC diagrams are commonly used at the beginning of a project to obtain an overview of the process.


The "special properties" only apply to a distribution that can be classified as a normal distribution.

Repeatability and Reproducibility

The 'R&R' in Gage R&R represents ______________ .


The 80-20 rule states that only 20 percent of the problems can be addressed by focusing on 80 percent of the issues

False Automotive Industry

The Five Ss originally focused on the airline industry.


The Japanese word for standardize is _________________ .


The LCL and UCL for a control chart are 25 and 35. The target for this chart is _______ .

False it is an informal analysis that does not rely on any statistical calculations

The Multi-Vari Chart is based on a formal statistical analysis.


The Multi-Vari Chart would not be used to display the range in customer satisfaction associated with service processes such as a customer help line


The OfO case illustrates how a process diagram can be useful in redesigning a process that includes inefficiencies.


The UCL can never be lower than the LCL.


The Upper Control Limit is set at the target plus three times the standard error of the mean.


The Voice of the Customer is the same as the Voice of the Business.


The average output of a process is also called the process mean.


The average time a driver must wait in line at a registry office to renew a driver's license is 30 minutes. This is also referred to as the process mean.

False Variation in a circumstance like this cannot be avoided

The average time for a dealer to complete an oil change is 20 minutes. Since this is such a routine process, no variation around the average would be expected.

False Since the variation is large, some will wait much longer and others much shorter, but the average will still be 30

The average waiting time to renew a driver's license is thirty minutes, but the variation from this mean is large. This means that a small number of people will wait longer or shorter than the 30 minutes.

patient scheduling

The biggest issue identified during the first day of a two day meeting was _____________________ .


The capability of a process is 1.5. This suggest that the process will produce output that is more than capable of meeting its expectations.


The center line of a control chart is set at the average output of a process that is known to be stable and in-control.

False It is called the target

The center line of the control chart is called the process balance point.

High variability in patient process time at the mri unit

The challenge for Children's hospital was ____________________ .


The company now uses an automated quality control system.

False It can be traced back to Toyota

The concept of Lean can be traced back to Motorola.

False It focuses on errors made by humans

The concept of Poka-Yoke focuses on preventing errors that can be traced back to malfunctioning machines.

False it can be applied to the delivery of products and services

The concept of process capability can not be applied to services.


The first stage in DMAIC is ____________ .

Standardized False They must become part of standard operating procedures or they will not last.

it is not necessary to standardize the Five Ss to assure that these steps and procedures will be used in the future.

Less than 1 percent

The percent of outcomes that would be expected to occur above and below six standard deviations from the mean would be ______________.

5 percent

The percent of outcomes that would be expected to occur above and below two standard deviations from the mean would be ______________.

False The person most responsible is called the Process Owner

The person most responsible for the process is called a stakeholder.

False They are similar. The process maps may show more detail and use symbols representing such functions as decisions that must be made during processing.

There is no overlap between a Value Stream and Process map. They are very different.

established standard times for completing an MRI session

To create a more reliable schedule the team ___________________________ .

False they can take a sample

To estimate the damage caused by customers, OfO would have to undertake a complete survey of every one of their bikes in a city.

False Four sections (Quartered)

To monitor the "lots of big chunks" standard, pints of ice cream are taken from the production line and cut into 16 sections.


Two samples from the same process and of the same size are taken. It would be expected that both sample means would be the same if the process is stable and in-control.

False It would be exactly one

Using the metaphor of a car fitting in a garage, if the car fits perfectly with no room to spare, the capability of the process would be less than one.


Value Added is defined from the customer's point-of view.


Value Stream and Process maps are alternative approaches for documenting a process.

False they can represent both physical and information flow

Value Stream maps can represent the flow of information only.


Value added is defined from the customer's point-of-view.


Which of the following DMAIC stages requires access to data?


Which of the following Five Ss involves a clean workplace?


Which of the following assures that the objectives of the organization are achieved when undertaking a Lean Six Sigma project?

Project Charter

Which of the following is a formal document that serves as a contract between management and the project team.


Which of the following is not a stage in DMAIC?

Outgoing inventory

Which of the following is not classified as inventory?


Which of the following is not one of the Five Ss?


Which of the following is not one of the five components of a SIPOC diagram?

Assure a orderly and logical flow of all steps associated with the project.

Which of the following is the main reason why we rely on DMAIC?

It could be costly to achieve this level of quality

Which of the following is true about establishing a Six Sigma standard for a process.

Abuse of bikes

Which of the following represents a growing problem for OfO?


Which of the following represents concrete estimates associated with project goals.


Which of the following stages in DMAIC is very likely to use spreadsheets?


While the system improved patient flow it did not result in any cost savings.




If the mean of a normal distribution is 20 and its standard deviation is 3, what percent of the data observations would be expected to fall between plus and minus 2 standard deviations of the mean?


One strategy to prevent human error from occurring on a specific step is to eliminate that step.


The vertical axis in a control chart represents a measurement of process output such as number of defects or customer satisfaction score.


The weight of adult males can be described as a normal distribution with few observations at the extremes and most clustered at the center.

False The weighted impact is determined by multiplying the level of importance associated with an output variable times the extent of the relationship between inputs and outputs.

The weighted impact in a X-Y Matrix is determined by multiplying the input score by the output score.


There is little difference between Lean and Six Sigma.


Products and Services are delivered through processes.

False This would mean 3.4 dissatisfied customers per million meals served. This would a very costly goal to achieve.

Restaurants should set a Six Sigma standard for customer satisfaction.

False It would be measured along the vertical access

The number of rejects in a sample would be measured by the horizontal axis in a control chart.


The objective of Six Sigma is to deliver near-perfect products and services.

Mistake proofing

Poka-Yoke is a Japanese term whose translation is _______________ .

False It would not be feasible to sample the entire population of more than 150 million voters.

Question 5/10 2 Correct2 Incorrect In political polling, the entire population, not a subset of the population, is sampled. The reason for this is that sampling introduces to large of a risk in reaching the wrong estimate.


Question 9/10 4 Correct4 Incorrect There is a small chance for a sample to fall outside the LCL and UCL and yet the process to still be in-control.


Regardless of the shape of the population distribution, the distribution of sample means for sample sizes of 30 or more will be normally distributed.


Sigma is a statistical term that measures ______________ .


Since the standard deviation measures variation, this statistic could be used to better understand the extent to which customer service varies from one customer to the next.


Six Sigma is a hard and fast rule for achieving quality.


Sometimes, data required in the Measure stage must be obtained by administering questionnaires.


Standardization means that everyone involved in a particular process follows the same guidelines and steps.


The problem with the range as a measure of variation is that it does not take into consideration every data item in the dataset.


The symptom and real source of a problem are often not the same.

False It specifies what action should be taken, who should act, and where to find help should a problem occur.

A response plan will specify how a replacement control system should be designed.

False only the mean of the 35 items is entered into the chart. this represents the sample mean

A sample of 35 items is taken from an operational process. These items are measured. All 35 measurements would then be entered into the control chart.


If samples of size "n" are repeatedly taken from a population and sample means are plotted on a graph, this distribution of sample means would be shaped like a normal distribution.


If the benefits associated with Lean Six Sigma project are 300 and the costs are 150 which of the following represents the benefit-cost ratio?

11 and 29

If the mean of a normal distribution is 20 and its standard deviation is 3, between which values would 99.7 percent of the data observations be expected to fall?


Lean is primarily limited to manufacturing processes.


Lean primarily focuses on improving process efficiency.


There are always more stakeholders than there are process owners.


A secondary benefit from the new scheduling system was that the staff was under less pressure.


The variation of output from three machines needs to be compared. A Multi-Vari Chart would be appropriate.


2 Correct5 Incorrect A report would not be considered an output.

Nver Used

3 Incorrect Three groups into which items can be sorted do not include which of the following?

False 95 percent would fall within this range

85 percent of the data in a normal distribution would fall between plus or minus two standard deviations from the mean.


A Business Case written for a Lean Six Sigma project includes details for each step in the project.

False It would produce significantly more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities

A Four Sigma process would be expected to produce fewer than 3.4 defects per million opportunities.


A Kanban Board monitors work flow through an operational process.

False A Multi Vari chart is used to analyze variation while X-Y matrix is used to identify those input variables that have the most impact on achieving output goals.

A Multi-Vari Chart and an X-Y Matrix are used for the same purpose


A Pareto Chart is used to display the magnitude of the problems faced in a process. Each problem area is identified on the chart and the height of the vertical bar represents the magnitude of the problem.


A Poka-Yoke strategy to prevent human error from occurring is to make the wrong action more difficult to choose.


A Response Plan specifies what steps need to be taken if a quality control problem occurs.

False It is primarily used in the define stage

A SIPOC Diagram is likely to be used in the Control stage of DMAIC.


A SIPOC diagram adds clarity when analyzing a process to determine if there are changes that could possibly lead to a more efficient operation


A SIPOC diagram is used to ensure that costs do not exceed revenues.


A Six Sigma process will deliver no more than ________ defectives per million opportunities or outcomes.


A Six Sigma standard, at a minimum, would be appropriate for establishing controls in a nuclear power station

False They are different

A response plan is just another term for a control plan.


Arranging a workplace that promotes efficient use of equipment is an example of _____________ .

between four to five days

Before the system was redesigned it was not uncommon to wait ___________________ before an uncomplicated MRI could be scheduled


Business cases are submitted to management after the Charter has been submitted and approved.


By designing a creative bike sharing system OfO has only succeeded in reducing their cost but has not succeeded in adding customer value.

False Remember that the standard deviation takes into consideration every item in the dataset, so it would be reasonable to conclude that every data item must be entered into Excel before it can compute the standard deviation.

Computing a value for standard deviation using Excel, it would make sense that only the lowest and highest data items need be entered into the spreadsheet

Process maps

Cross Functional maps are usually associated with ________________ .

True Sample means will vary around 85 even when the process is in control

Customer satisfaction at a gym is measured by sampling customers every month. Satisfaction is measured on a scale of 1 to 100 where 100 represents 'very satisfied'. Management has set a target of 85. For the process to be stable it is not necessary for every sample mean to be exactly 85.

False The sample sizes must be greater than 30 for the sample distribution to be normal

Even when the population distribution is uniform or flat, the distribution of sample means will be normal when the sample sizes are greater than 10.

Over Processing

Extra effort to produce a quality result could be criticized as _____________ .

False When too little inventory is held, lost sales or stockouts occur and this results in lost revenue

Maintaining too little inventory is never a problem since it requires a lower inventory investment by the firm.


Process maps are likely to show more detail than a Value Stream map.

False You can manage the length of a service call, for example, by hiring qualified technicians and providing them with training.

Process mean output levels cannot be managed.

True SIPOC diagrams include little process details

Process problems are more likely to be seen in a Process map than in a SIPOC chart.

False Both tools and human factors can contribute to measurement errors.

The tools we use to measure are not a source of measurement error.

10 100/1000 = 0.10 or 10 percent

The total number of defects in a sample is 100 and the total number of units sampled is 1000. The DPU is ______ percent

LCL (Lower Control Limit)

The line below the target is called the _________________


The lowest value in a dataset is 10 and the highest is 30. The range is _____ .

False It is displayed as a short horizontal bar on the vertical line

The mean of a process can not be displayed on a Multi-Vari Chart.


The mean of process changes from one day to the next. This suggests that the process is not stable.


The measurement process can be affected by the human errors made while measuring.


The target in a control chart represents the average process output when it is stable and in control.

All of the above is the answer Central Limit theorem special properties of the standard deviation standard deviation

The development of a control chart relies on which of the following concepts.

True The reason for this is that very few samples would include only extreme values from one side of the distribution.

The distribution of sample means will be narrower than the population variation from which these samples are taken


The entries under the five headings of a SIPOC diagram represent _______________ .

False It is followed by beginners and experienced professionals alike.

The five stages in DMAIC are usually not followed by experienced practitioners. They have their own approach, based on experience, to managing a Lean Six Sigma project.

False left to right

The flow of work in a Value Stream map is from right to left.


The higher is the Weighted Impact for each input variable, the greater is the influence of that variable in delivering quality output.


The horizontal axis in a control chart represents time.


The horizontal bar on the Multi-Vari chart represents the mean of the process.

False The length carries no meaning

The length of the arrows in a Value Stream map imply the length of the delay.


The length of the vertical line in a Multi-Vari analysis represents the range of variation in a process.


The letter P in SIPOC refers to ________


The likelihood that a data value is above the mean of a normal distribution is ___________ percent

Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)

The likelihood that a process will complete all of the required steps without any failures or rejects is called _______________ .

False You also need the standard deviation to complete the description of the normal distribution.

The normal distribution can be described by its mean alone.


The number of defective units produced by a machine beyond plus and minus six standard deviations from the mean would be fewer than ______ per million outcomes or opportunities .


The process capability of all service processes is one, while the process capability of all processes that deliver products will always be between 0.5 and 1.5.

False There is no such relationship. they are independent

The process mean and process variation are statistically related. If the process mean is large, the variation will also be large.

Display process variation

The purpose of Multi-Vari analysis is to ________________ .


The range and standard deviation are used to measure variation in a dataset.


The ranking of inputs and the ranking of the 'extent of the relationship' is a subjective process based on intuition and experience.

False They apply to almost all process regardless of whether they deliver manufactured goods or services.

The seven wastes primarily apply to manufacturing processes.

False It would be narrower since the standard deviation is smaller

The shape of a normal distribution whose mean is 50 and whose standard deviation is 10 would be wider than a normal distribution whose mean is also 50 but whose standard deviation is 12


The smaller is the standard deviation, the greater is the variation in a dataset.


The standard deviation is the preferred measure of variation because it does take into consideration every data item in the dataset.


The standard error of the mean is used in setting the LCL and UCL because the control chart is used to record sample means not individual outcomes

increasing backlogs

Variation in MRI processing time led to ___________ .


Variation in MRI processing times was affected by the need to retake images.


Variation in process outcomes is common. Restaurants, for example, cannot provide the exact same quality for every meal served to its customers.


When a Gage R&R study is undertaken to verify the measurement process, and when a single individual is asked to take several measurements of output, the purpose of this test is to confirm the consistency of the tools used in measuring.


When a Gage R&R study is used to verify the measurement process, and when several individuals are asked to perform the same test, the purpose of this study is to analyze human consistency across individuals in the measurement process.

False It is Repeatability

When a Gage R&R test involves just a single person this is referred to as a test of Reproducibility.


When a Gage R&R test involves several individuals performing the same test this is referred to as a test of Reproducibility

False Samples vary and as a result, even in the best of situations, sample results will vary around the target

When a process is in control all samples taken from the sample would fall exactly on the target.


When a sample falls outside the LCL or UCL, the conclusion is that the process is in-control.


When a sample result falls below the LCL, the process would be considered out-of-control.


When a sample result falls between the UCL and LCL the process would be considered in control.

False Resistance to change is always a threat when changes are made

When a thorough job of process design or redesign has been followed, it will be unlikely to encounter any resistance from those who will be responsible for implementing and following the changes.


When comparing two proposed projects, the one with the lower benefit-cost ratio would be favored over the one with the higher ratio.


When customers must wait on the phone to speak to a person with more authority, this is an example of which of the Seven Wastes?

False This is too close for comfort given the natural variability of processes

When designing a new process, the objective would be to design it in such a way that process capability is exactly one.

False If it is less than 1 then the process will not meet its objectives

When designing a process, every effort should be made to keep the process capability less than 1.


When filling out a form and when customers are asked for the country in which they reside, many forms will include a drop down menu with the appropriate countries listed down one column. The customer then clicks on a country. The reason this is used is to prevent customers from misspelling a country name. This is an example of Poka-Yoke.


When measurements are closely clustered around a value this is referred to as ________________ .


When samples of size "n" are taken from a normally distributed population, we would expect that sample means will vary.


When setting an appropriate quality control level, a balance has to be established between quality and ____________ .

Set in Order

When specific locations are identified where items will be stored, which of the Five Ss does this suggest?


When the Cost of Poor Quality is zero, the product or service has achieved near perfection.

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